Take On Mars - Dram
Hello everyone!

Today we released another update to the Main branch. This fixes many bugs, freezes, and general un-pleasantries.
Aside from fixes it also features the newly implemented Materials Refinery, which you can use to break apart MarsRock, Water, Carbon Dioxide, and so on. It also allows recombining of materials.
In addition to the Refinery, 3D GUIs have been implemented with multiplayer support, so the Huge Monitor that can be placed on walls is now properly synchronized.
Not to mention oxygen zones within the Manned Mobile Laboratory, so now inside you can take your suit off. The MML also features several new monitors, which allow viewing of CCTV cameras around the vehicle, and also allow use of the newly added crane system, which utilizes an electromagnet to grab objects.

So here are the highlights in a nutshell:
- 3D GUI system for controlling monitors and such, fully synchronized over multiplayer
- New crane system on the Manned Mobile Laboratory used for lifting heavy objects
- Oxygen zones within the Manned Mobile Laboratory, which depressurize when doors are opened
- Many fixes to various crashes and freezes
- Many more minor improvements

I'd also like to use this opportunity to thank you all for your support, it has been a great year for Take On Mars, and we look forward to seeing you all again next year. To that end I would also like to let you know that the development team will be away on holidays from tomorrow until the 5th of January, 2015.

From the dev team, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!

Martin Melicharek (Dram)
Project Lead

Change Log:
19th December 2014: - Added level of details without GUI to each monitor for better performance - Updated all scenarios with the new Manned Mobile Lab (with crane) - Finished Materials Refinery GUI - Implemented a chemical reaction system in the Materials Refinery 17th December 2014: - Added 3D GUI screen to the Materials Refinery - Fixed issue with NULL pointers to widget when client was connecting 16th December 2014: - Added 3D GUI controls to the Mobile Lab crane 15th December 2014: - Fixed stack overflow crash when assembling/disassembling huge buildings - Fixed crash that occured when starting a multiplayer game, returning to menu, and starting one again - Fixed incorrect info display of scenarios in the multiplayer Create Game menu 12th December 2014: - Added particle effects such as kicked up dust/rocks to footsteps - Added 30sec delay before playing 'active' idle animations on the player 11th December 2014: - Added atmospheric zones to the Manned Mobile Lab - Added dynamic atmospheric zones - Disabled experimental 'zoom-in' to 3D GUIs 10th December 2014: - Added experimental 'zoom-in' to 3D GUIs if holding focus/rotate object - Added 4 CCTV cameras viewable from the driver's seat of the Manned Mobile Lab - Added proper animations to seats in Manned Mobile Lab - Added Picture-in-Picture views for rear, undercarriage, interior, and airlock in the Manned Mobile Lab 5th December 2014: - Added 3D GUI monitors to the Manned Mobile Laboratory, which control the airlock and rear door - Fixed broken packet issue in vehicles, possibly causing crashes in MP 3rd December 2014: - Fixed issue where exiting Gravon from fullscreen had hidden menus - Fixed animations not playing on Atmospheric Processor and Drilling Rig - Added MP synchronization of the Huge Monitor - Added saving/loading of values of the Huge Monitor 1st December 2014: - Fixed crash/freeze caused by a texture handling issue 30th November 2014: - Added synchronization of the cursor for 3D GUIs over the net
Take On Mars - Dram
Hello everyone!

Today we released another update to the Main branch. This fixes many bugs, freezes, and general un-pleasantries.
Aside from fixes it also features the newly implemented Materials Refinery, which you can use to break apart MarsRock, Water, Carbon Dioxide, and so on. It also allows recombining of materials.
In addition to the Refinery, 3D GUIs have been implemented with multiplayer support, so the Huge Monitor that can be placed on walls is now properly synchronized.
Not to mention oxygen zones within the Manned Mobile Laboratory, so now inside you can take your suit off. The MML also features several new monitors, which allow viewing of CCTV cameras around the vehicle, and also allow use of the newly added crane system, which utilizes an electromagnet to grab objects.

So here are the highlights in a nutshell:
- 3D GUI system for controlling monitors and such, fully synchronized over multiplayer
- New crane system on the Manned Mobile Laboratory used for lifting heavy objects
- Oxygen zones within the Manned Mobile Laboratory, which depressurize when doors are opened
- Many fixes to various crashes and freezes
- Many more minor improvements

I'd also like to use this opportunity to thank you all for your support, it has been a great year for Take On Mars, and we look forward to seeing you all again next year. To that end I would also like to let you know that the development team will be away on holidays from tomorrow until the 5th of January, 2015.

From the dev team, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!

Martin Melicharek (Dram)
Project Lead

Change Log:
19th December 2014: - Added level of details without GUI to each monitor for better performance - Updated all scenarios with the new Manned Mobile Lab (with crane) - Finished Materials Refinery GUI - Implemented a chemical reaction system in the Materials Refinery 17th December 2014: - Added 3D GUI screen to the Materials Refinery - Fixed issue with NULL pointers to widget when client was connecting 16th December 2014: - Added 3D GUI controls to the Mobile Lab crane 15th December 2014: - Fixed stack overflow crash when assembling/disassembling huge buildings - Fixed crash that occured when starting a multiplayer game, returning to menu, and starting one again - Fixed incorrect info display of scenarios in the multiplayer Create Game menu 12th December 2014: - Added particle effects such as kicked up dust/rocks to footsteps - Added 30sec delay before playing 'active' idle animations on the player 11th December 2014: - Added atmospheric zones to the Manned Mobile Lab - Added dynamic atmospheric zones - Disabled experimental 'zoom-in' to 3D GUIs 10th December 2014: - Added experimental 'zoom-in' to 3D GUIs if holding focus/rotate object - Added 4 CCTV cameras viewable from the driver's seat of the Manned Mobile Lab - Added proper animations to seats in Manned Mobile Lab - Added Picture-in-Picture views for rear, undercarriage, interior, and airlock in the Manned Mobile Lab 5th December 2014: - Added 3D GUI monitors to the Manned Mobile Laboratory, which control the airlock and rear door - Fixed broken packet issue in vehicles, possibly causing crashes in MP 3rd December 2014: - Fixed issue where exiting Gravon from fullscreen had hidden menus - Fixed animations not playing on Atmospheric Processor and Drilling Rig - Added MP synchronization of the Huge Monitor - Added saving/loading of values of the Huge Monitor 1st December 2014: - Fixed crash/freeze caused by a texture handling issue 30th November 2014: - Added synchronization of the cursor for 3D GUIs over the net
Take On Mars - Nelios
As one of the most exciting years for our studio comes to a close, we’ve deployed a special dev blog in which various members of the Arma 3, Take On Mars, and DayZ development teams recap the past year, take a brief look at the near future, and thank everyone for their incredible support!
Take On Mars - Nelios
As one of the most exciting years for our studio comes to a close, we’ve deployed a special dev blog in which various members of the Arma 3, Take On Mars, and DayZ development teams recap the past year, take a brief look at the near future, and thank everyone for their incredible support!
Take On Mars - Dram
Hello everyone!

We have been very busy since Tuesday's Multiplayer/Survival update, specifically addressing issues and bugs people encountered while playing. In light of this, and after careful evaluation and consideration, we have decided to release another update to all branches (except for Legacy).

A major change is compatibility between builds, that is, someone on the Dev build can play with someone on the Main build, as long as their data match, for example.

However the fixes do not extend only to the Manned section, and the Robotic section has received some love as well.

For those interested in what has changed, here is a list:

28th November 2014: - Fixed crash caused when removing a Huge Monitor building block from the wall - Fixed crash caused by pressing Standby on Huge Monitor building block when it was viewing a player - Fixed crash caused by pressing Standby on monitor in the Science Buggy when viewing rear view cam - Fixed minor camera clipping issue on Huge Monitor when viewing players - Fixed issue where 3D printer could be placed in the air incorrectly - Improved printed placing heights of Forklift, Scout Buggy, and Science Buggy 27th November 2014: - Optimized atmospheric zone creation, now occurs only for changed groups - Reduced micro-freezes occurring from adding/removing panels and 3D printing with huge structures - Fixed stack overflow occurring for huge structures - Changed default rotate object key to 'R' and 'Mouse 4' - Changed default rotate object (alt axis) key to 'Left Alt' and 'Right Alt' - Changed default slow time key to 'Numpad Enter' - Added titles next to each tab in the options menu - Fixed issue in multiplayer where the Drilling Rig and Atmospheric Processor did not animate - Fixed Moon location having Mars rock and atmospheric resources - Fixed E3 Gale Crater scenario where the Large Rover smashed into the ground - Fixed landing rovers/landers not using descent cams properly - Fixed cameras not switching to ground cameras on landing in rovers and landers - Raised re-entry height/velocity in all Mars locations - Improved Large Rover wheel sounds
Take On Mars - Dram
Hello everyone!

We have been very busy since Tuesday's Multiplayer/Survival update, specifically addressing issues and bugs people encountered while playing. In light of this, and after careful evaluation and consideration, we have decided to release another update to all branches (except for Legacy).

A major change is compatibility between builds, that is, someone on the Dev build can play with someone on the Main build, as long as their data match, for example.

However the fixes do not extend only to the Manned section, and the Robotic section has received some love as well.

For those interested in what has changed, here is a list:

28th November 2014: - Fixed crash caused when removing a Huge Monitor building block from the wall - Fixed crash caused by pressing Standby on Huge Monitor building block when it was viewing a player - Fixed crash caused by pressing Standby on monitor in the Science Buggy when viewing rear view cam - Fixed minor camera clipping issue on Huge Monitor when viewing players - Fixed issue where 3D printer could be placed in the air incorrectly - Improved printed placing heights of Forklift, Scout Buggy, and Science Buggy 27th November 2014: - Optimized atmospheric zone creation, now occurs only for changed groups - Reduced micro-freezes occurring from adding/removing panels and 3D printing with huge structures - Fixed stack overflow occurring for huge structures - Changed default rotate object key to 'R' and 'Mouse 4' - Changed default rotate object (alt axis) key to 'Left Alt' and 'Right Alt' - Changed default slow time key to 'Numpad Enter' - Added titles next to each tab in the options menu - Fixed issue in multiplayer where the Drilling Rig and Atmospheric Processor did not animate - Fixed Moon location having Mars rock and atmospheric resources - Fixed E3 Gale Crater scenario where the Large Rover smashed into the ground - Fixed landing rovers/landers not using descent cams properly - Fixed cameras not switching to ground cameras on landing in rovers and landers - Raised re-entry height/velocity in all Mars locations - Improved Large Rover wheel sounds
Take On Mars - Nelios
Today we've deployed a major title update for Take On Mars - our Early Access space exploration game. Highlights of the update include the addition of multiplayer, which enables players to establish the first human colony on Mars in co-op, plus the update implements the first survival gameplay elements.

In multiplayer, people have to work together to build a self-sustaining habitat on the Red Planet. One of the key challenges there will simply be surviving the harsh conditions on Mars. With various vehicles and high tech equipment at their disposal, players will have to manage their resources, construct (pressurized) buildings, grow food, recycle waste, and conduct various scientific experiments. Multiplayer progress is recorded via a unique ‘viral’ multiplayer save system, which means that whenever someone saved the game, the save file is shared with all the players who are connected to the multiplayer session.

Furthermore, the new update also packs a variety of brand new vehicles and equipment, including a drilling rig, atmospheric processor, material refinery, different types of Astronaut suits, a thruster-powered VTOL aircraft, a fork lift, and many new building parts. Last but certainly not least, a new location has been added: the Apollo 17 landing site on our own Moon.

The complete list of highlights from the Take On Mars ‘Survival/Multiplayer’ update:
  • Multiplayer
  • 'Viral' Multiplayer save system (sends save to all connected)
  • Pressurized buildings
  • Drilling Rig, Atmospheric Processor, Materials Refinery
  • 3 Astronaut suits (light, medium heavy)
  • Inventory system (can take off suit, equip tools, eat food, and more)
  • New vehicles (4-seat VTOL thruster-powered aircraft, Fork lift)
  • The Moon location (Apollo 17 landing site)
  • Many new building parts
  • Survival elements (oxygen, food, water, vitamins, and more)
  • Player sounds (grunts, breathing, death, and more)
To enlist as a Rover Operation and/or astronaut, you can pick up the Early Access version of Take On Mars now on Steam and https://store.bistudio.com/take-on-mars. For more information, please visit http://www.takeonmars.com and remember to follow Take On Mars on Facebook and Twitter.
Take On Mars - Nelios
Today we've deployed a major title update for Take On Mars - our Early Access space exploration game. Highlights of the update include the addition of multiplayer, which enables players to establish the first human colony on Mars in co-op, plus the update implements the first survival gameplay elements.

In multiplayer, people have to work together to build a self-sustaining habitat on the Red Planet. One of the key challenges there will simply be surviving the harsh conditions on Mars. With various vehicles and high tech equipment at their disposal, players will have to manage their resources, construct (pressurized) buildings, grow food, recycle waste, and conduct various scientific experiments. Multiplayer progress is recorded via a unique ‘viral’ multiplayer save system, which means that whenever someone saved the game, the save file is shared with all the players who are connected to the multiplayer session.

Furthermore, the new update also packs a variety of brand new vehicles and equipment, including a drilling rig, atmospheric processor, material refinery, different types of Astronaut suits, a thruster-powered VTOL aircraft, a fork lift, and many new building parts. Last but certainly not least, a new location has been added: the Apollo 17 landing site on our own Moon.

The complete list of highlights from the Take On Mars ‘Survival/Multiplayer’ update:
  • Multiplayer
  • 'Viral' Multiplayer save system (sends save to all connected)
  • Pressurized buildings
  • Drilling Rig, Atmospheric Processor, Materials Refinery
  • 3 Astronaut suits (light, medium heavy)
  • Inventory system (can take off suit, equip tools, eat food, and more)
  • New vehicles (4-seat VTOL thruster-powered aircraft, Fork lift)
  • The Moon location (Apollo 17 landing site)
  • Many new building parts
  • Survival elements (oxygen, food, water, vitamins, and more)
  • Player sounds (grunts, breathing, death, and more)
To enlist as a Rover Operation and/or astronaut, you can pick up the Early Access version of Take On Mars now on Steam and https://store.bistudio.com/take-on-mars. For more information, please visit http://www.takeonmars.com and remember to follow Take On Mars on Facebook and Twitter.
Take On Mars - Dram
Hello everyone!

I know it has been some time since we updated the main branch, and there is a good reason for it: Multiplayer.

Yes, that's right, in case you have not been following things on the forums or the development build, Take On Mars now features multiplayer. At the moment this includes a cooperative mode where players can build bases and vehicles together.

As I am sure many questions will come up surrounding this, I'll try to answer a few straight away:

Q) What is currently possible in multiplayer?
A: Everything that is possible in single player with the Mars Astronaut. That includes the following:
* Building habitats from individual pieces
* Printing building pieces and vehicles via the 3D Printer
* Mining materials from the location, however the materials themselves are not used yet
* Driving vehicles, including with friends
* Full physics simulation over the net
* Having fun!

Q) Who can start a server?
A: Anyone can start a server, simply select Multiplayer in the main menu and select Create Game. There, choose a scenario and begin! In case you are wondering who will be able to see your server, the answer is anyone!

Q) I built an awesome base with a friend, but don't want to lose it, can we save the game somehow?
A: Yes, the multiplayer implementation features a unique saving system. Connected players may vote for a save or the server may initiate a save directly. The server saves the game to his hard drive and sends the save file to all connected players. This means that any one of those players may then re-host that save in their own server.

Q) Are our characters and their last known positions stored in the save?
A: Yes, each player that joins has his character stored exactly where he left it. This can be on a hill, in a base, or falling off a cliff. In all situations, the character is stored with his health and everything intact. We will be adding an inventory soon, so the storage of your items will also be guaranteed.

Q) When can we load a saved game?
A: When you start to host a server you can select to start the server from stored save games on your hard disk. Information about the save is displayed when you select it. Once you start the server anew or from a save, you can load the game at any time via player vote or directly by the server. The interruption in play is very short.

Q) Will future builds render my save incompatible?
A: No, the save files have been written to save in a format which ensures compatibility between builds. They are in fact stored almost identically to a scenario file.

Q) Take On Mars has very detailed physics simulation... Is that present in multiplayer?
A: Yes, everything in multiplayer and single player is fully physically simulated, which includes vehicles, characters and so on. Yes, this does mean vehicles can be smashed in multiplayer :)

Q) Did you say save similar to a scenario? Does that mean we could adjust a save into a scenario?
A: Yes, a save is similar to a scenario, so with some minor editing a scenario may be derived from the save. We intend to add an option to Export Save To Scenario soon.

Q) It crashed... What do I do with the crash info?
A: If you started in Developer mode (the yellow Play Game button in the loader), then it could help us track down the bug. When you see the crash window appear, press Ctrl + C and then paste it into a new thread or post on the forums, along with as detailed as possible set of steps as to how the crash occurred. We do not expect you to test the game for us of course, but will appreciate feedback and bug reports :)

Q) What can I expect in the next update?
A: Survival elements, including oxygen simulation, using mined resources to fill habitats with air, a flatbed-truck-like vehicle for transporting larger cargoes, and an inventory for objects such as soil samples, food and water, etc.

Q) When can we expect another update?
A: I am heading on a 3 week vacation as of the 30th of August and will return on the 18th of September, so expect full-speed development to continue then, with an update following within two weeks.

Q) Just tried the multiplayer, love it! How can I help?
A: Thank you! We always appreciate when our games are enjoyed :) You can help us by giving us feedback, posting screenshots, sharing videos and spreading the word if you like it!

Q) I recall the expected release date being at the end of August... Is this still true?
A: In short, no. We have pushed the final release date back to allow for proper and full implementation of the multiplayer features as well as the entire Expedition One addition, both in terms of single player (Space Program) and multiplayer (survival elements, base management, additional game modes, etc). This is good news as you get highly refined content, and more of it!

Q) What has changed in the game? Any chance of a change log?
A: There is a change log directly accessible through the main menu, top right corner as Change Log. Alternatively, check here: mars.takeonthegame.com/changelog/mainbranch

Q) I'm enjoying the game, but want to finish my in-progress Space Program. Can I go back to a previous build?
A: Yes, we have added a build titled 'Legacy', which is the previous Main Branch build. Switch to this if you want to continue using the older build for now. To switch to the build, select Take On Mars in your steam library, right-click, select Properties. Switch to the BETAS tab, and select 'Legacy' in the list, ignoring password input.

Q) Sounds great... Screenshots or it didn't happen!!!
A: Of course, screenshots are mandatory :) There have been plenty released over the past few weeks as we have been testing the builds. Here are some highlights:

Collaborative building with the 3D Printer:

Base interior, under construction:

Physics... Forklift lifting Scout Buggy:

After over 5 hours of printing and building, and composed of over 800 individual pieces, a bridge coming together on Mars, across Victoria Crater:

A player standing on the edge of the bridge:

We really hope you enjoy the newest update! Please keep in mind this is an Early Access game, and bugs are to be expected. We are sorting them as fast as we can, and apologize for frustration some bugs may cause!

Kind and sincere regards,
Martin Melicharek
(Project Lead)
Take On Mars - Dram
Hello everyone!

I know it has been some time since we updated the main branch, and there is a good reason for it: Multiplayer.

Yes, that's right, in case you have not been following things on the forums or the development build, Take On Mars now features multiplayer. At the moment this includes a cooperative mode where players can build bases and vehicles together.

As I am sure many questions will come up surrounding this, I'll try to answer a few straight away:

Q) What is currently possible in multiplayer?
A: Everything that is possible in single player with the Mars Astronaut. That includes the following:
* Building habitats from individual pieces
* Printing building pieces and vehicles via the 3D Printer
* Mining materials from the location, however the materials themselves are not used yet
* Driving vehicles, including with friends
* Full physics simulation over the net
* Having fun!

Q) Who can start a server?
A: Anyone can start a server, simply select Multiplayer in the main menu and select Create Game. There, choose a scenario and begin! In case you are wondering who will be able to see your server, the answer is anyone!

Q) I built an awesome base with a friend, but don't want to lose it, can we save the game somehow?
A: Yes, the multiplayer implementation features a unique saving system. Connected players may vote for a save or the server may initiate a save directly. The server saves the game to his hard drive and sends the save file to all connected players. This means that any one of those players may then re-host that save in their own server.

Q) Are our characters and their last known positions stored in the save?
A: Yes, each player that joins has his character stored exactly where he left it. This can be on a hill, in a base, or falling off a cliff. In all situations, the character is stored with his health and everything intact. We will be adding an inventory soon, so the storage of your items will also be guaranteed.

Q) When can we load a saved game?
A: When you start to host a server you can select to start the server from stored save games on your hard disk. Information about the save is displayed when you select it. Once you start the server anew or from a save, you can load the game at any time via player vote or directly by the server. The interruption in play is very short.

Q) Will future builds render my save incompatible?
A: No, the save files have been written to save in a format which ensures compatibility between builds. They are in fact stored almost identically to a scenario file.

Q) Take On Mars has very detailed physics simulation... Is that present in multiplayer?
A: Yes, everything in multiplayer and single player is fully physically simulated, which includes vehicles, characters and so on. Yes, this does mean vehicles can be smashed in multiplayer :)

Q) Did you say save similar to a scenario? Does that mean we could adjust a save into a scenario?
A: Yes, a save is similar to a scenario, so with some minor editing a scenario may be derived from the save. We intend to add an option to Export Save To Scenario soon.

Q) It crashed... What do I do with the crash info?
A: If you started in Developer mode (the yellow Play Game button in the loader), then it could help us track down the bug. When you see the crash window appear, press Ctrl + C and then paste it into a new thread or post on the forums, along with as detailed as possible set of steps as to how the crash occurred. We do not expect you to test the game for us of course, but will appreciate feedback and bug reports :)

Q) What can I expect in the next update?
A: Survival elements, including oxygen simulation, using mined resources to fill habitats with air, a flatbed-truck-like vehicle for transporting larger cargoes, and an inventory for objects such as soil samples, food and water, etc.

Q) When can we expect another update?
A: I am heading on a 3 week vacation as of the 30th of August and will return on the 18th of September, so expect full-speed development to continue then, with an update following within two weeks.

Q) Just tried the multiplayer, love it! How can I help?
A: Thank you! We always appreciate when our games are enjoyed :) You can help us by giving us feedback, posting screenshots, sharing videos and spreading the word if you like it!

Q) I recall the expected release date being at the end of August... Is this still true?
A: In short, no. We have pushed the final release date back to allow for proper and full implementation of the multiplayer features as well as the entire Expedition One addition, both in terms of single player (Space Program) and multiplayer (survival elements, base management, additional game modes, etc). This is good news as you get highly refined content, and more of it!

Q) What has changed in the game? Any chance of a change log?
A: There is a change log directly accessible through the main menu, top right corner as Change Log. Alternatively, check here: mars.takeonthegame.com/changelog/mainbranch

Q) I'm enjoying the game, but want to finish my in-progress Space Program. Can I go back to a previous build?
A: Yes, we have added a build titled 'Legacy', which is the previous Main Branch build. Switch to this if you want to continue using the older build for now. To switch to the build, select Take On Mars in your steam library, right-click, select Properties. Switch to the BETAS tab, and select 'Legacy' in the list, ignoring password input.

Q) Sounds great... Screenshots or it didn't happen!!!
A: Of course, screenshots are mandatory :) There have been plenty released over the past few weeks as we have been testing the builds. Here are some highlights:

Collaborative building with the 3D Printer:

Base interior, under construction:

Physics... Forklift lifting Scout Buggy:

After over 5 hours of printing and building, and composed of over 800 individual pieces, a bridge coming together on Mars, across Victoria Crater:

A player standing on the edge of the bridge:

We really hope you enjoy the newest update! Please keep in mind this is an Early Access game, and bugs are to be expected. We are sorting them as fast as we can, and apologize for frustration some bugs may cause!

Kind and sincere regards,
Martin Melicharek
(Project Lead)

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