Dec 22, 2020
Tabletop Simulator - aubrey

The Winter Sale is here for all the last minute shoppers!

Bring your family closer this holiday season through the gift of playing games together even while being apart. Head over to the Sale Now!

Check out Tabletop Simulator's Ultimate Gift Guide for Board Game Lovers for any other last minute gifts too!
Nov 25, 2020
Tabletop Simulator - aubrey

Autumn Sale!

Start your holiday shopping early with the Steam Autumn Sale. Get Tabletop Simulator for half off and all DLCs at discounted rates. Take advantage of Black Friday prices from November 25th, 9:55 am PT through December 1st, 10:05 am PT.

Head Over to the Autumn Sale Now!
Tabletop Simulator - aubrey

We are celebrating the launch of our Instagram @tabletop_simulator by holding the first of many contests to showcase the community’s work!

Share your cleverest Tabletop Simulator memes and goofiest gifs using all three hashtags: #tabletopsimulatorcontest, #tabletopsimulator, and #boardgames ending Monday 8/17/20. Make sure to follow us to see the announcement of the winners and different upcoming contests!

First prize - $500, Second prize - $300, Third prize - $200

Gifs and memes can be posted on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook using the hashtags.

Tabletop Simulator - CHRY
Hey everyone, hope you're all doing great this summer!

The Steam sale is live and we've got some big discounts for you to enjoy. Tabletop Simulator is 50% off and our entire DLC library is on sale with discounts up to 80%! - Check out our DLC deals here!

Check out our official Discord over at
Have a great summer and enjoy lots of tabletop games!
Tabletop Simulator - CHRY
We've got a new DLC game available for you today - Dawn of the Zeds!

The postcards in every local drug store read, "Welcome to Fabulous Farmingdale!", an ad campaign that was the brainchild of Mayor Hernandez (who coincidentally employed his wife's public relations firm to market their community). But right now, things are far from fabulous in Farmingdale and, for once, everyone isn't blaming the Mayor. Some kind of virus or poison is turning ordinary people into vicious, zombie-like killers. It is not clear how the disease spreads (though it seems that physical contact is certainly one way), but it is obvious what the illness does to its victims.

These undead, nicknamed "Zeds" from the local newscasts as the acronym for "Zombie Epidemic Disease," are now converging on your corner of the world around Farmingdale. As best you can tell, you have been left to your own devices to stop them while the National Guard organizes a relief column, but that could take days, perhaps weeks, for them to fight their way to you and until then, what can you do?

With little choice between survival and a gruesome (un)death, you realize that you must coordinate the defense of the town of Farmingdale and its surrounding villages. You must lead the good citizens and emerging heroes of these communities to halt the Zeds' advances by (re)killing them, attempt to coordinate the discovery of a cure to this vile scourge, and preserve as much of the area and as many of its inhabitants as possible. There's no time to lose...

Check out Dawn of the Zeds here:
Tabletop Simulator - CHRY
Hey everyone, hope you're all doing good!
We got a great patch you guys today with a ton of great features, improvements, and fixes.

You can now make your games friends or invite only, no longer requiring a password.
We have a ton of great new features to the line tool making it awesome for all your wargaming needs.
There are a lot of great physics improvements to make everything feel a lot more stable.
Workshop tags have been revamped and have many more options making it easier to find your games.
Custom Card shapes have been added hex, circle, and square.
Spawning overhaul where you can see a ghost preview where the object will appear.
And much more all covered below!

  • The game will now show a ghost object where your object will drop when snapping to grid or snap points.
  • You may still drag components out of the component window, but if you click one instead you will enter Spawn mode. Click the left mouse to place a copy of that object. Hit right mouse or escape to end.
  • New context menu for objects: Clone. Puts you in Spawn mode for that object.
  • When holding an object, hitting escape will return it to where you picked it up.
  • Snap points are now editable for promoted players.
  • New feature where when you press a number key while holding a bunch of objects it will arrange it in a grid based on the number of rows specified with the number key.
  • Settings added for various new features present in the patch.
  • Misc setting added to make containers (decks, bags, etc.) respond to the first number typed on them.

  • Added new server types public, friends, and invite.
  • Public servers are just how you are used to anyone can join, but you can have an optional password.
  • Friends server means only friends can join, no password required.
  • Invite server means only people you choose to invite can join the game, no password required.
  • Server browser loading should be faster because there will be less public servers that need to fetched with the new friends and invite servers.
  • Server browser will now always get your friends servers instantly first.
  • Server browser is now available while you are in a game, in the escape menu.
  • Server browser now shows the total number of people in-game.
  • Fixed connecting to a new game while you are already in one.

Line Tool
  • Moved measurement options from Misc menu to the Line Tool button.
  • Added Grid units alongside Inches and Metric, Will measure according to the size of the grid.
  • Added 2D/3D modes. In 2D all measurements are flattened to the horizontal plane. In 3D height is included.
  • Added ruler mode: Auto or Free. In Auto mode the ruler will take advantage of objects you hover over, snapping to them where appropriate. You can hold down ctrl to override this behaviour.
  • Objects now have a Measure Movement toggle, which if enabled will mean whenever that object is picked up (and you are in Auto mode) a measurement will be started.
  • When in Auto mode, if you start measuring while holding an object (by holding tab), it will measure from the pickup location.
  • You may hold down shift while measuring to view the orthogonal axes (2D mode) or the flat distance + height (3D mode). Holding ctrl at the same time will show the other.
  • Fixed being stuck in Line Tool after using it while holding an object.

Line Tool: Options

Line Tool: Object Snapping

Line Tool: Orthogonal Components

Line Tool: Flat Distance + Height

Pure Mode
  • Added Pure Mode, a simpler view of the table, tunable in the Theme Editor. Supports all built-in tables.

Pure Mode: Light Theme

Pure Mode: Dark Theme

Hand Zones
  • On-screen Hand View now shrinks when you are not hovering over it.
  • Optimized Hand Zones with lots of objects in them.
  • Hands Zones are much snappier with their movement.
  • Fixed issue where object you were holding would go below objects in your Hand Zone.
  • Fixed sub components of cards/dominoes/pachisi (drawings, decals, attached objects, etc.) not hiding in hands.

Spectator View
  • Picture-in-Picture window now allows you to interact with the game through it.
  • For example, you could set it to look at a dice, and whenever you want you can hover over the dice and hit R to roll.

  • Greatly improved the reliability of physics collisions especially for thin objects.
  • Consolidated physics settings under a new menu called Physics.
  • Gravity slider goes twice as high now for stronger gravity.
  • Cards collider thickness is now the actual size instead of being much thicker.
  • Cards will no longer stack if their scale differ by 15%.
  • Made it so you have to be more precise when placing objects into a bag / infinite bag to reduce accidents especially on large objects.
  • Revamped teleporting when objects fall off the table to now place it floating at the edge of the table where it flew off to reduce disruption.

  • Revamped the workshop tags with a bunch more and now available in the new Options -> Info menu.
  • These tags are now embedded in the save file and will be in the future searchable and filterable in-game just like the Workshop.
  • New tags categories: Type, Game Category, Complexity, Number of Players, Play Time, and Assets.

  • Add an all search to the games menu.
  • Objects menu revamp completed by merging all Object Menus into the same menu that is searchable.
  • Search for Games and Objects menu has been improved.
  • Physics options have now been moved into Options -> Physics.
  • When you have a folder open on the UI popup menus will have it default selected for you.
  • Added hover icons for buttons and input fields for 3d Xml UI matching 3d NGUI.
  • Added tooltips to Tablet UI buttons.
  • Renamed vector paint to just draw.
  • Can now hold down rotate snap point buttons for continuous rotation.
  • Fixed Saved Objects that are wider than taller now save their thumbnails correctly.
  • Fixed decks making shuffling sounds in the components menu.
  • Fixed PDF popout window working at any UI scale.
  • Fixed hand opening up like you can grab on a 3d UI element overlapping an object.
  • Fixed scaling alt zoom on UI objects.
  • Fixed performance issue when alt zooming objects on the UI.
  • Fixed when having the Components -> Boards open causing snap in the middle of the table.

New Searchable Objects Menu

Custom Objects
  • Added Custom Card/Deck shape types: Rectangle (Rounded), Rectangle, Hex (Rounded), Hex, Circle.
  • Added Stand Up toggle to Custom Token, that stands the token up like a meeple.
  • Optimized Custom Token to load instantly for images with no transparency.
  • When updating an Custom Object, if there exists any objects with matching custom object properties, a popup will appear and ask if you also want to update them.

  • Updated Color and Vector types:
  • object.measure_movement - access the Measure Movement object toggle.
  • Vector held_position_offset - position offset from pointer, lift height and object bounds still modify distance from surface.
  • Vector held_rotation_offset - rotation offset from pointer. This in combination with held_spin_index and held_flip_index determine rotation.
  • int held_spin_index - 0-23 value, 15 degrees Y axis. Upside down is 12, right side up is 0. Changes when a player rotates.
  • int held_flip_index - 0-23 value, 15 degrees Z or X axis depending on the object. Face down is 12, face up is 0. Changes when a player hits flip or alt + rotate.
  • Vector pick_up_position - The position the object was picked up at.
  • Vector pick_up_rotation - The rotation the object was picked up at.
  • bool held_reduce_force - When the Object collides with something while moving this is automatically enabled and reduces the movement force.
  • Added Object.getData() and spawnObjectData({ data = Object.GetData()}), which is the same thing as getJson() and spawnObjectJson() except that is working with tables and you don't have to convert in Lua which should be more performant.
  • Added type to getCustomObject() from cards.
  • Fixed filterObjectEnter and filterObjectEnterContainer not working while game is loading.

System Console
  • Added action_cut, action_deal, action_draw, action_flip, action_group, action_lock, action_randomize, action_rotate, action_search, action_split, action_state_next, action_state_prev commands, which will trigger that action on the currently selected object.
  • For example, you could do bind f action_search, and then would open the search window.
  • Fixed edit command messing up {` `} characters.

  • Fixed Fog of War sync on load.
  • Fixed objects not revealing when being dragged out from underneath Fog of War.
  • Fixed Cloud Manager not loading for people that had a corrupted cloud after uploading a save.
  • Fixed Search and expand working with non decks that aren't loaded already on the table.
  • Fixed black spectator hidden zone bug.
  • Fixed SSAO not being enabled correctly for cameras besides main.
  • Fixed bug with PDFs breaking in search / expand and dummy mode.
  • Fixed networking issues with the attach tool.
  • Fixed AssetBundle not hiding correctly that don't have a mesh filter.
  • Fixed AssetBundles that are attached not having colliders.
  • Fixed Fog of War cut paste issue.
  • Fix FoW issue where the fog was not lifting for clients
  • Fix FoW issue where the faraway objects were incorrectly not revealed
  • Fixed color picker display of low-alpha colors.
  • Fixed Attached Objects not getting converted when doing upload all on the cloud manager.
  • Fixed up issues with stacking custom tiles as chips.
  • Fixed rotation of cards in hands on the poker table.
  • Fixed touchscript exceptions being thrown.
  • Fixed timer sound not playing the digital clock.
  • Fixed putting objects into the search windows for decks or bags not deleting the object for clients.
  • Fixed visual objects now working decals in Search, UI, Attach, etc.
Apr 23, 2020
Tabletop Simulator - CHRY
We've got a new DLC game available - Dungeon Drop including all the current expansions and deluxe version components. Check it the game here:
Tabletop Simulator - Knil
Hey everyone, hope you are all doing ok in these crazy times! We have another great update for you guys today that adds a brand new tool called Attach which lets you stick objects together. We also have a much needed performance optimization on the server browser due to all the new players joining us! Welcome everyone new hope you all our enjoying the game! We have a ton more below in the full patch notes.

Attach Tool

  • The new tool is used for combining objects into a single object.
  • This attach is in a parent child relationship where one object is the owner of the other.
  • Want to add modular pieces to your figures? This is the perfect tool.
  • You might be thinking this sounds like the old joint tool but this lets you merge objects and even put them in and out of bags.
  • This is also much more performant compared to the old joint tool because it's just one object with multiple visuals combined.

Combine Tools

  • Includes the Attach, Fixed Joint (old joint tool), Hinge Joint, and Springs Joint tools.
  • Exposes the Hinge Joint and Spring Joint tools without being hidden in a menu.
  • Hinge joints are just like a door, but they can even have motors!
  • Springs joints are just like sound objects are connect with a spring.
  • All joint properties can be configured in the right click contextual menu -> Joints.

Server Browser

  • Improved Server Browser performance.
  • Server Browser window is now resizable.
  • Server Browser search text is now persistent.
  • Server Browser search now looks in country codes if you use square brackets, i.e. [GB]
  • Fixed some search bugs in Server Browser (also, see below).


Search inputs are now more powerful (applies to Server Browser and in-game Search dialog).

  • Ignores case and inflections: A and รƒยก will both be found by a.
  • Will filter to entries which match all space-separated words in search.
  • Use comma to add another set of words.
  • Start a word with - to negate it, removing any entries which it matches.
  • Negation only applies to the set of words it is grouped with.
  • A set of words which are all negated will apply to every set of words.

Example: gloom -fantasy, scythe, -casual will find any servers with "gloom" (but not "fantasy") or "scythe", so long as they do not contain "casual".

Spectator View

  • Fixed alt-zoomed objects not displaying on spectator view.
  • Fixed objects in hidden zones showing when view restricted.
  • Spectator Zoom may appear at cursor or at a fixed position.
  • Spectator Zoom may be restricted.
  • See System Console section for details.


  • Changed Wall Mode to Tilt Mode, and added Tilt Angle setting.


  • Special thanks to modzero for helping us track down a security vulnerability that we hotfixed.
  • Added Drag Selectable toggle to components: when disabled the object will not be included in a drag selection (unless SHIFT held).
  • Alt-zoomed books (i.e. PDFs) may now be page-turned with the mouse wheel.
  • Split Zoom Toggle key binding into Zoom Toggle and Pan actions.
  • Alt-Zoom may now be fixed in place on the screen instead of following pointer (see System Console section below)
  • Made collapsed context menus more obvious.
  • Added entry in Misc settings to set size of collapsed menus.
  • Objects which can go in hand will be drawable by hitting 1 on them, like cards etc. Can be disabled in Misc settings.
  • Fixed context menus being stuck.
  • Fixed turn indicator not displaying.
  • Fixed scaling on custom figurine colliders.
  • Fixed BBCode showing up in steam/discord rich presence.
  • Fixed some UI theming issues.



  • Fixed a bunch of bad interactions between 2D XML UI, 3D XML UI, the normal UI, and invisible objects. Everything should now behave as you would expect.

Object values

Allows objects to behave similarly to poker chips: when set, the object will display its value when hovered over, and if multiple objects which share a flag are selected the total value will be displayed.

  • object.value - integer value of object.
  • object.value_flags - flags for object values.

Book objects (e.g. PDFs)

  • book.page_offset - Offset virtual book numbers are from numbers rendered on pages.
  • book.getPage(offsetPageNumbering = false) - Get current page. If offsetPageNumber is true then factor in the page_offset.
  • setPage(page, offsetPageNumbering = false) - Set current page.
  • setHighlight(x1, y1, x2, y2) - Set highlight box on current page.
  • clearHighlight() - Clear highlight.

Browser objects (e.g. Tablet)

  • browser.url - URL which currently wants to display.
  • browser.pixel_width - The pixel width the browser is virtually rendering to.

Attach Tool

  • To go along with the new Attach tool there is new Object functions available to create these bindings in script.
  • object.addAttachment(Object) - The Object supplied as param is destroyed and becomes a dummy Object child.
  • object.removeAttachment(index) - Use getAttachments() to find out the index property.
  • object.destroyAttachment(index) - Use getAttachments() to find out the index property.
  • object.removeAttachments() - Detaches the children of this Object.
  • object.destroyAttachments() - Destroys the children objects without detaching them.
  • object.getAttachments() - Returns a table in the same format as getObjects() for containers.

Grid Global Class

  • Grid options menu is now available to scripting as Grid.show_lines = true
  • int type
  • bool show_lines
  • Color color
  • float opacity
  • bool thick_lines
  • float offsetX
  • float offsetY
  • float sizeX
  • float sizeY


  • object.drag_selectable - Drag Selectable toggle of object.
  • object.getSelectingPlayers() - Returns table of players currently selecting the object.
  • object.addToPlayerSelection(player_color) - Add object to player's selection.
  • object.removeFromPlayerSelection(player_color) - Remove object from player's selection.
  • player.clearSelectedObjects() - Clears a player's current selection.


  • Fixed log not outputing to external API.

System Console

  • cam_load, cam_load_zero, cam_save, cam_save_zero - Load and save camera positions.
  • dev_autoconfirm_browser_url_change - Disables browser page load confirmation. Use with caution!
  • hand_component_hotkey_draw - Controls whether objects which can go in hands will respond to the draw 1 hotkey.
  • load & save - Load and save games.
  • spectator_restrict_zoom - Restrict view of spectator zoom if object should be hidden to spectators.
  • spectator_show_zoom - Display alt-zoom in spectator window.
  • spectator_zoom_follows_pointer - Alt-zoom aopears at pointer position in spectator window.
  • spectator_zoom_position - Position on spectator window alt-zoom appears if above is turned off.
  • ui_context_menus_collapsed_height - Height of collapsed context menus.
  • ui_games_window - Visibiliy of Games window.
  • ui_server_browser_search - search text in Server Browser.
  • ui_server_browser_window - Visibility of Server Browser window.
  • zoom_position - Position on screen to display alt-zoom if above is disabled.
  • zoom_follows_pointer - Alt-zoom follows mouse pointer.
  • vr_tilt_mode, vr_tilt_angle - VR Tilt Mode toggle, and angle setting.
Feb 23, 2020
Tabletop Simulator - CHRY
We're happy to announce the release of our latest DLC game - Wingspan, created by Elizabeth Hargrave & Stonemaier Games. This release includes the European Expansion and our usual digital flair to enhance the digital play experience. Grab a copy from our Steam store page here -

Tabletop Simulator - CHRY
Tabletop Simulator and DLC is on sale for up to 50% off during the Winter Sale!

Check out our discounts here:

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