Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
Today has been an awesome day! We found out we were chosen as a daily deal and Tabletop Simulator was offered to you all for 40% off! This discount price will end on December 23rd at 10am PST, so get it while you can!

Because of all your support, we made it to the #1 spot in Early Access games and the #4 spot out of all the top sellers! We never thought we'd see that, so thank you very much!

And finally to top this day off, our all time peak users at one time shot up to 1, 644! Two days ago, we were so happy to reach our peak of 614, but you guys more than doubled it!

Thank you again everyone! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. See you next year!
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
Today has been an awesome day! We found out we were chosen as a daily deal and Tabletop Simulator was offered to you all for 40% off! This discount price will end on December 23rd at 10am PST, so get it while you can!

Because of all your support, we made it to the #1 spot in Early Access games and the #4 spot out of all the top sellers! We never thought we'd see that, so thank you very much!

And finally to top this day off, our all time peak users at one time shot up to 1, 644! Two days ago, we were so happy to reach our peak of 614, but you guys more than doubled it!

Thank you again everyone! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. See you next year!
Tabletop Simulator - Knil

Happy holidays everyone! This will be our final update to Tabletop Simulator for 2014, so we hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with your family and loved ones, and we’ll see you all in 2015!

Until then, Tabletop Simulator is on sale for 33% off during the Steam Holiday Sale through January 2nd at 10am PST and we’ve got a brand spanking new “serious” trailer up on the store page and on YouTube.

Pointer Pencil and Eraser:
  • New pencil and eraser models when being in those pointer modes.
  • Pencil model helps with drawing due to its static and accurate point.
  • Helps to remind you that you aren't in hand mode and cannot grab objects.
  • Fixed some alignments/accuracy issues when drawing in the air not on the table.

Rewinding and Fast-forward Hotkeys:
  • You can now rewind time by using 'CTRL' + 'Z'.
  • Fast-forward can be done by using 'CTRL' + 'SHIFT' + 'Z'.
  • As always you can still control this by using the arrows on the top right.
  • Added a chat message to let you know when you are rewinding/fast-forwarding.

General Improvements:
  • Improved voice chat to reduce the annoying voice stuttering that occurred.
  • Custom Model now supports multiple separate objects/meshes; you no longer must merge your meshes.
  • Option to hide player pointers in the hidden areas has been added to the right click menu.
  • Improved and fixed graphics quality settings to be more in line with their names.
  • Steam Cloud now also syncs saved Chest objects.
  • Other people’s pointers will no longer clip through your ALT zoom on cards.
  • Load complete messages will only appear for custom content taking at least a half a second to load to avoid chat spam.
  • Animated RPG figurines will now save what state they were in when saving and loading (dead or mode).

Custom Card Fixes:
  • Fixed many issues with conflicting deck ids on merged decks loading from the chest.
  • Fixed loading the same deck multiple times from the chest causing strange stuff to happen.
  • Fixed some issues loading multiple old saves in row with custom cards.

  • Fixed stack loading bug where the chips would end up being blocks instead of chips.
  • Fixed some RPG figurine errors on affecting clients.
  • Fixed some card bugs in the Cardbots decks.
  • Fixed black go bowls giving white pieces.
  • Fixed some settings not properly resetting on the settings menu.
  • Fixed pointer bug where it would improperly display the player's pointer as white when first spawned.

Stay up to date on our development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko

Happy holidays everyone! This will be our final update to Tabletop Simulator for 2014, so we hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with your family and loved ones, and we’ll see you all in 2015!

Until then, Tabletop Simulator is on sale for 33% off during the Steam Holiday Sale through January 2nd at 10am PST and we’ve got a brand spanking new “serious” trailer up on the store page and on YouTube.

Pointer Pencil and Eraser:
  • New pencil and eraser models when being in those pointer modes.
  • Pencil model helps with drawing due to its static and accurate point.
  • Helps to remind you that you aren't in hand mode and cannot grab objects.
  • Fixed some alignments/accuracy issues when drawing in the air not on the table.

Rewinding and Fast-forward Hotkeys:
  • You can now rewind time by using 'CTRL' + 'Z'.
  • Fast-forward can be done by using 'CTRL' + 'SHIFT' + 'Z'.
  • As always you can still control this by using the arrows on the top right.
  • Added a chat message to let you know when you are rewinding/fast-forwarding.

General Improvements:
  • Improved voice chat to reduce the annoying voice stuttering that occurred.
  • Custom Model now supports multiple separate objects/meshes; you no longer must merge your meshes.
  • Option to hide player pointers in the hidden areas has been added to the right click menu.
  • Improved and fixed graphics quality settings to be more in line with their names.
  • Steam Cloud now also syncs saved Chest objects.
  • Other people’s pointers will no longer clip through your ALT zoom on cards.
  • Load complete messages will only appear for custom content taking at least a half a second to load to avoid chat spam.
  • Animated RPG figurines will now save what state they were in when saving and loading (dead or mode).

Custom Card Fixes:
  • Fixed many issues with conflicting deck ids on merged decks loading from the chest.
  • Fixed loading the same deck multiple times from the chest causing strange stuff to happen.
  • Fixed some issues loading multiple old saves in row with custom cards.

  • Fixed stack loading bug where the chips would end up being blocks instead of chips.
  • Fixed some RPG figurine errors on affecting clients.
  • Fixed some card bugs in the Cardbots decks.
  • Fixed black go bowls giving white pieces.
  • Fixed some settings not properly resetting on the settings menu.
  • Fixed pointer bug where it would improperly display the player's pointer as white when first spawned.

Stay up to date on our development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Tabletop Simulator - Knil
Stacking custom objects was a much requested feature and now we have it! Stack your custom objects just like the poker chips do! Promoted players can now spawn saved objects, and you can also now subscribe to the workshop and have it download without restarting the game! And of course there are a lot of other great improvements as well.

We were also chosen as one of the top 100 games for Indie of the Year at IndieDB, so please vote for us to make the top 10!

If you missed it, our latest tutorial series video is now live. This one is all about the RPG Kit. Check it out!

Custom Stack Objects:
  • Choosing type 'Chip' from the custom model importer will allow your custom objects to stack just like the poker chips do.
  • Create your own stacking currency or something new altogether.
  • Custom colliders will not work with the new stacking type.
  • Checkers can now also be stacked to make your Kings even more noticeable.
  • Improved the spawn position when removing an object from a stack.

Saved Object Improvements:
  • Promoted players can now spawn objects from their saved chest.
  • Anyone on a server can now save objects to their chest for future use.

NAT Punchthrough Improvements:
  • NAT punchthrough is how the game establishes connection behind peoples’ routers without having to port forward.
  • You can now toggle between automatic, enable, or disable NAT punchthrough when hosting a server.
  • Most people should be fine with automatic, but if you are having trouble hosting try /testconnection in game, port forwarding 11155, and change NAT settings.
  • Automatic works by checking and seeing if you have a public address, if you do not then NAT is enabled.

Block Players Improvements:
  • Blocked players are now saved to the BlockList.json in 'Documents/My Games/Tabletop Simulator'.
  • Blocked players will no longer reset when you reset your settings.
  • Human readable list thanks to the json format.

Workshop Improvements:
  • You no longer must restart the game after subscribing to a mod on the Workshop, it will download while it's running.
  • Workshop Game list will automatically repopulate with new subscribed mods if open when subscribing.
  • Added an Open Workshop button in the Workshop Game List that opens the Workshop in the overlay.

General Improvements:
  • Overall object physics improvements when adding and removing objects (stacks, bags, decks, etc).
  • Grid snapping will work at low lift height, but not when lowering an object with 'T'.
  • Number key actions like rotate dice or RPG kit animations now work with the numpad as well as the normal number keys.
  • Optimized bag saving to reduce autosave stutter with many bags.
  • Boards from the chest can be drag and dropped spawning at that location like other objects.
  • Added error check to custom model mesh generation.
  • Slightly improved the stop card search animation.

  • Fixed issue shaking an object would cause it to rotate incorrectly for clients.
  • Fixed the achievement "Speed Machine".
  • Fixed gravity getting stuck on zero gravity.
  • Fixed Steam Cloud to work with the new Json save format.
  • Fixed the smooshed description field when right clicking on a deck.
  • Fixed boards being spawned from the chest menu not showing up for other players.
  • Fixed sideways property being lost when resetting a deck.
  • Fixed search stack being visible on transparent tables.
  • Fixed collision issues with camera.
  • Fixed some stack objects properties that weren't being transferred properly.
  • Fixed mesh download bar cleanup.
  • Fixed removing chips from a scaled stack causing it to fall over.

Stay up to date on our development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
Stacking custom objects was a much requested feature and now we have it! Stack your custom objects just like the poker chips do! Promoted players can now spawn saved objects, and you can also now subscribe to the workshop and have it download without restarting the game! And of course there are a lot of other great improvements as well.

We were also chosen as one of the top 100 games for Indie of the Year at IndieDB, so please vote for us to make the top 10!

If you missed it, our latest tutorial series video is now live. This one is all about the RPG Kit. Check it out!

Custom Stack Objects:
  • Choosing type 'Chip' from the custom model importer will allow your custom objects to stack just like the poker chips do.
  • Create your own stacking currency or something new altogether.
  • Custom colliders will not work with the new stacking type.
  • Checkers can now also be stacked to make your Kings even more noticeable.
  • Improved the spawn position when removing an object from a stack.

Saved Object Improvements:
  • Promoted players can now spawn objects from their saved chest.
  • Anyone on a server can now save objects to their chest for future use.

NAT Punchthrough Improvements:
  • NAT punchthrough is how the game establishes connection behind peoples’ routers without having to port forward.
  • You can now toggle between automatic, enable, or disable NAT punchthrough when hosting a server.
  • Most people should be fine with automatic, but if you are having trouble hosting try /testconnection in game, port forwarding 11155, and change NAT settings.
  • Automatic works by checking and seeing if you have a public address, if you do not then NAT is enabled.

Block Players Improvements:
  • Blocked players are now saved to the BlockList.json in 'Documents/My Games/Tabletop Simulator'.
  • Blocked players will no longer reset when you reset your settings.
  • Human readable list thanks to the json format.

Workshop Improvements:
  • You no longer must restart the game after subscribing to a mod on the Workshop, it will download while it's running.
  • Workshop Game list will automatically repopulate with new subscribed mods if open when subscribing.
  • Added an Open Workshop button in the Workshop Game List that opens the Workshop in the overlay.

General Improvements:
  • Overall object physics improvements when adding and removing objects (stacks, bags, decks, etc).
  • Grid snapping will work at low lift height, but not when lowering an object with 'T'.
  • Number key actions like rotate dice or RPG kit animations now work with the numpad as well as the normal number keys.
  • Optimized bag saving to reduce autosave stutter with many bags.
  • Boards from the chest can be drag and dropped spawning at that location like other objects.
  • Added error check to custom model mesh generation.
  • Slightly improved the stop card search animation.

  • Fixed issue shaking an object would cause it to rotate incorrectly for clients.
  • Fixed the achievement "Speed Machine".
  • Fixed gravity getting stuck on zero gravity.
  • Fixed Steam Cloud to work with the new Json save format.
  • Fixed the smooshed description field when right clicking on a deck.
  • Fixed boards being spawned from the chest menu not showing up for other players.
  • Fixed sideways property being lost when resetting a deck.
  • Fixed search stack being visible on transparent tables.
  • Fixed collision issues with camera.
  • Fixed some stack objects properties that weren't being transferred properly.
  • Fixed mesh download bar cleanup.
  • Fixed removing chips from a scaled stack causing it to fall over.

Stay up to date on our development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
This is amazing! With such short notice we made the top 100 at the IndieDB's Indie of the Year for 2014 and it's all thanks to you! But it's not over yet. Let's aim for the top 10! Please vote for us here and spread the word to all your family and friends!

Thanks again everyone for making 2014 super awesome!

You can read about the full details on the IndieDB site

Berserk Games
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
This is amazing! With such short notice we made the top 100 at the IndieDB's Indie of the Year for 2014 and it's all thanks to you! But it's not over yet. Let's aim for the top 10! Please vote for us here and spread the word to all your family and friends!

Thanks again everyone for making 2014 super awesome!

You can read about the full details on the IndieDB site

Berserk Games
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
If you haven't yet, please vote for Tabletop Simulator at IndieDB for their 5th annual Indie of the Year award! We'd love to be able to get into the top 100, so please spread the word.

Just click on this link, scroll down a little bit and click that big red button and you'll be good to go!

Thanks for all your support!

Stay up to date on our development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Tabletop Simulator - Kimiko
If you haven't yet, please vote for Tabletop Simulator at IndieDB for their 5th annual Indie of the Year award! We'd love to be able to get into the top 100, so please spread the word.

Just click on this link, scroll down a little bit and click that big red button and you'll be good to go!

Thanks for all your support!

Stay up to date on our development by following us on Twitter and Facebook!

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