TFM: The First Men - Gathering Tree
Offsprings of the first men, once again, welcome back to another update! ːthetreeoflifeː

We're excited to celebrate the Endless Replayability Fest with a new update and a special 20% discount on Steam for newcomers to TFM’s Early Access journey. ːreexcitedː

As we pave the way for our next Major Update, we're thrilled to offer a sneak peek at the ongoing changes. Please note, the majority of the game’s content currently appears outdated, and in-development art assets may be visible throughout the user interface. ːnewquestː

It's been a transformative journey with weekly updates for over two years. Our commitment to transparency about our plans and daily tasks has been a cornerstone of our development process. However, this openness has also brought its challenges. We've learned that our community's feedback can sometimes diverge significantly from our initial expectations. Moving forward, we aim to better align our development with your feedback, embracing "listen, adapt, and execute" approach deeper, ensuring that every feature resonates with your expectations. ːFistpumpː

Here's a brief rundown of what’s ahead: We'll first finalize the newly implemented features by integrating their corresponding content into the game. Following this, we will introduce our restructured building categories—Craft, Collect, and Class—which are designed to streamline gameplay and enhance strategic decision-making. This update will also include a new system of Identifiers, where Tier and Color coding will clearly indicate the necessary stats for equipping and utilizing items. ːkrlvlupː


version 0.7.28

◆ [Feature] Characters can now gain experience to their character stats to equip better items and use better consumables.
◆ [Content] Transmutation now uses Divine Favor instead of Magic Dust.
◆ [Balance] Threat modifier calculation is now multiplicative.
◆ [UI/UX] Summon Party button added to map object detail panel.
◆ [UI/UX] Modified the behavior and logic of the summon party button based on the player's faction and party status. The claim button is also updated based on the faction's claim status and the player's party combat state.
◆ [UI/UX] Party characters can now be summoned to the claimed constructions after completing their side objectives.
◆ [UI/UX] The game starts with side objectives revealed in the starting region if there are any.
◆ [UI/UX] Skill icons now display skill cooldowns to provide more accurate and detailed information.
◆ [UI/UX] New notification: Claim ready for a side objective.
◆ [UI/UX] Complete overhaul for the notifications and alerts, including their information, colors, tooltips, and icons.
◆ [UI/UX] Overhauled character movements and related indicators.
◆ [UI/UX] Track button added to map object detail panel.
◆ [UI/UX] Removed the list of constructions for the map view, now the top-left part of the map displays a map legend to help which icons represent what.
◆ [UI/UX] Refactored character stat tooltips to show stat experience.
◆ [UI/UX] Updated the map descriptions including recommendations to ease the selection for first-time players.
◆ [UI/UX] Complete overhaul for the keyboard shortcuts, removing unused bindings and cleaning the related structure.
◆ [Fix] Elder characters cannot be assigned to constructions anymore. Assigned characters retire from their assignments once they gain the elder trait.
◆ [Fix] Fixed an issue that occurs when a character dies but their father had died before they were born.
◆ [Fix] Fixed summon party button being visible on non-main constructions.
◆ [Fix] Fixed an issue where the codex panel is opened via the question mark icon on top right.
◆ [Fix] Fixed an issue where path reward tooltips pile up on each other when selecting multiple trait level rewards one after another.
◆ [Fix] FactionConstructionDoesNotExist prerequisite now checks for rewarded map objects as well.
◆ [Fix] Adjusted the logic to check if a construction is built or unlocked based on the faction id; for the player's faction, it checks if the construction is built or unlocked, and for other factions, it checks if the entity has the construction.
◆ [Fix] Prevented the elder characters from breeding.
◆ [Fix] Fixed tracked main construction name persisting on screen after restarting the game.

version 0.7.29

◆ [Feature] New Tutorial feature accessible using the F12 key, which displays key buttons for game features and controls on a single screen.
◆ [Feature] New Tips feature accessible using the F11 key, providing guidance on gameplay flow, concepts, and how to play.
◆ [Balance] Randomization of newborn genders is not completely random anymore; opposite gender will be forced to be born if consecutive babies of the same gender appear.
◆ [Balance] Dropped items from settlers now go straight to the stockpile.
◆ [Balance] A new trait introduced to control which enemies drop their equipment upon death.
◆ [UI/UX] Overhauled almost every aspect of the game editor with the goal of clearing unused objects, updating fields based on recent changes, and fixing inconsistencies.
◆ [UI/UX] Implemented CharacterAssignedToConstruction objective.
◆ [UI/UX] Implemented CharacterAddedToParty objective.
◆ [UI/UX] Implemented PartyRaised objective.
◆ [UI/UX] Implemented FactionCharacterLootsDoodadDefinition objective.
◆ [UI/UX] Implemented SkillAddedToSkillBar objective.
◆ [UI/UX] Implemented CharacterBound, CharacterBred, CharacterInspired objectives.
◆ [UI/UX] Implemented TrackFaction objective.
◆ [UI/UX] Overhauled main menu and game settings.
◆ [UI/UX] Build and Character panel buttons now display icons.
◆ [UI/UX] Elder, Adult, Child, and Total settlement character counts are now displayed below the Characters panel button.
◆ [UI/UX] Empty, Full, and Total settlement building counts are now displayed below the Build panel button.
◆ [UI/UX] If all Base buildings have been constructed, clicking the Build button will directly open the Reward tab instead of the Base tab.
◆ [UI/UX] Autosave interval option implemented.
◆ [Fix] Prevented track button from showing up on doodad detail panels.
◆ [Fix] Fixed top bar buttons still having focus after clicking and moving the mouse elsewhere.
◆ [Fix] Fixed summon party button being visible on Gathering Tree's detail panel.
◆ [Fix] Fixed track button tooltip remaining on screen after clicking track button.
◆ [Fix] Fixed character detail panel buff, debuff, and need indicators being placed far left of the panel.
◆ [Fix] Improvements and fixes for the TAB keyboard shortcut, now correctly switches between characters.
◆ [Fix] Fixed trait level up reward randomization on reroll.
◆ [Fix] Fixed tooltips for transmutation items.
◆ [Fix] Fixed rewarded map objects count calculation for the production panel.
◆ [Fix] Fixed Memoria's starting characters' dialogue.
◆ [Fix] Fixed an issue where dismantled map objects undergo another requirement check when built again.
◆ [Fix] Fixed doodad progress durations.
◆ [Fix] Fixed updating empty and occupied construction count when a character's assignment is changed.
◆ [Fix] Fixed rewarded constructions being marked as locked when construction placement is canceled and production panel reopens.
◆ [Fix] Fixed effect area instances not being found issue on map unloaded.
◆ [Fix] Clearing character's outfit slots when character dies.
◆ [Fix] Fixed invaders icon not being visible after game is loaded.

We've updated the roadmap to reflect these changes. Post-update, we'll focus on gathering your feedback for further balance adjustments, content enhancements, and final polish in preparation for the full release. ːkrheroesː

Enjoy the Endless Replayability Festival on Steam, and here’s to many more hours of adventure and fun!

Have a fantastic week, and we'll see you in the next update! ːSmallRedHeartː
TFM: The First Men - Gathering Tree
Offsprings of the first men, once again, welcome back to another update! ːthetreeoflifeː

As we usher in the Lunar New Year, we extend our warmest wishes for a year brimming with thrilling gaming experiences, epic adventures, and fortuitous dice rolls in the auspicious Year of the Dragon! ːkrstarː

Below you'll find our latest changelog, now live on the Steam Public Test branch. We eagerly invite you to partake in the playtest, offering a crucial opportunity to refine and enhance this version before its official release. The forthcoming update promises to be significant, and your input is more vital than ever. ːreexcitedː


◆ [Feature] Introduction of the New History System, enabling tracking of events and combat actions within the settlement, accessible via the 'H' hotkey.
◆ [Feature] Invaders are now fully functional, with a new system for enemy attacks on settlements, including alert notifications and pre-arrival visibility on the map.
◆ [Feature] Completing side objectives allows the claiming of main constructions, providing map visibility, fast travel options, and Divine Perks for ongoing settlement enhancements.
◆ [Content] Implemented PathToItemWithTag action node, creating activities for characters to haul and collect items around the home region.
◆ [Content] Added new content to Memoria's Dominion Camp, expanding the game's lore and environment.
◆ [Content] Introduced 6 new items for Guardsmith, expanding the crafting options.
◆ [Content] 31 new consumables for Alchemists, offering a variety of gameplay enhancements.
◆ [Content] Implemented several new side objectives in Memoria's home region, enriching the gameplay experience.
◆ [Content] Added lootable fish schools to Memoria's regions, introducing a new resource-gathering dynamic.
◆ [Content] Launched the Adventurer's Rod, a new adventuring gear for fishing activities.
◆ [Content] 10 new fish recipes for Cooks, diversifying culinary options in the game.
◆ [Content] Overall loot overhaul across all maps, enhancing the diversity and reward of exploration.
◆ [Content] Introduced Spellrunes consumables for adventurers, unlocking various magic school spells as skills.
◆ [Content] Several updates and additions to the Guardtower, improving its functionality and strategic value.
◆ [Content] New path reward for Adventurers: Guard Dog, adding a dynamic defense element to the home region.
◆ [Content] New doodad reward: Patrol Spot, allowing characters at guard towers to patrol and secure the settlement.
◆ [Content] Added missing descriptions to items and traits, enhancing clarity and understanding of game elements.
◆ [Content] Added Saprolings that spawn toxic creep upon death, introducing new environmental hazards.
◆ [Content] Updated the Polearm tag for Oil of Sharpness' effect, aligning it with gameplay mechanics.
◆ [Content] Added 10 new rewards for Alchemists, expanding their crafting repertoire.
◆ [Content] Horse Mount redefined as a blessing, automating mounting and dismounting under specific conditions.
◆ [Content] Added tags to Spider Husband's Cave and Carnip's Shop, reflecting their activities more accurately.
◆ [Content] Implemented regional terrain changes in Memoria.
◆ [Content] Added party enemies and grazing spots to several of Memoria's factions, enriching faction dynamics.
◆ [Content] Some enemies in Memoria now call party members for assistance in combat, increasing the challenge.
◆ [Balance] Path reward max stack count set to 1 for costless paths, streamlining reward mechanics.
◆ [Balance] Restricted construction assignment to only child and adult characters, barring infants for realism.
◆ [Balance] Characters now cast their first action for free at combat start, reducing initial action time.
◆ [Balance] Adjusted in-game time cycle for a 60 Moon cycle per Sun, modifying the temporal gameplay dynamic.
◆ [Balance] Moderately decreased breeding costs, making character expansion more accessible.
◆ [Balance] Hunters now collect animal product items in the home region post-skinning, enhancing resource gathering.
◆ [Balance] Decreased base action time in combat for a less chaotic environment, aiming for strategic gameplay.
◆ [Balance] Adjusted the Dark Dream consumable's Stamina replenishment and rarity.
◆ [Balance] Removed base stat modifiers from traits, focusing on experience-based stat improvements.
◆ [Balance] Balanced Transmutation Pathbox pricing, ensuring fairness in resource exchange.
◆ [Balance] Increased Dust limit for Transmuters, expanding their crafting capabilities.
◆ [Balance] Fisher bait rewards now scale based on current stock, aligning with resource availability.
◆ [Balance] Set a maximum level and XP cap for Jewelcrafters, standardizing profession progression.
◆ [Balance] Reduced maximum Endurance for Fradrim, balancing the reward from the Dominion Camp claim.
◆ [Balance] Integrated Combat Role constructions into Adventurer path boxes, adding new Training Dummy construction.
◆ [UI/UX] Now displaying all side objectives within a region when a character enters for the first time, enhancing exploration and discovery.
◆ [UI/UX] Complete overhaul of the map view for better tracking of side objectives, offering a more engaging sense of progression and adventure.
◆ [UI/UX] Simplification of tooltips for character stats, reflecting recent changes.
◆ [UI/UX] Characters can now be assigned to occupied constructions, increasing flexibility in settlement management.
◆ [UI/UX] Bond/breed notifications are now shown when a pregnant character gives birth and becomes available for another child.
◆ [UI/UX] Fixed party view candidate skill selection flow for improved gameplay.
◆ [UI/UX] Map Maker enhancements in preparation for its release, including multi-line text support and improved input field functionality.
◆ [UI/UX] Tooltips added for claim requirements and rewards in Map Maker, enhancing clarity for map creators.
◆ [UI/UX] Stockpile panel updated to add tracked items post-save file loading, ensuring consistency in item tracking.
◆ [UI/UX] Enhanced the new history panel to allow character selection by clicking their names, improving user interaction.
◆ [UI/UX] Improved party leader mechanics for solo movement in drafted parties during loot or haul actions.
◆ [UI/UX] Enabled party characters to pass through each other and enhanced obstacle avoidance for smoother party movement.
◆ [UI/UX] Party leader engagement with an enemy now results in the entire party engaging, coordinating combat actions.
◆ [UI/UX] Ranged skill mechanics updated so characters approach enemies only within skill range, optimizing combat strategy.
◆ [UI/UX] Added 'In Combat' message as a tooltip for current assignments during combat for clearer status indication.
◆ [UI/UX] Character path indicators are hidden by default but can be enabled in the Game Settings menu for player preference.
◆ [UI/UX] Party characters can move solo to clicked positions when the LEFT-CTRL is pressed, offering more control in movement.
◆ [Fix] Resolved an issue with non-party combat characters incorrectly selecting skills via shortcuts.
◆ [Fix] Addressed combat engagement issues related to enemy interactions and frenzied critter behavior.
◆ [Fix] Corrected character history inaccuracies, particularly when characters are unassigned from constructions.
◆ [Fix] Fixed CharacterLootsMapObject history item issues, ensuring accurate map object identification.
◆ [Fix] Resolved invader position update issues on the map for accurate enemy tracking.
◆ [Fix] Fixed issues related to inspire cost updates and character trait selection processes.
◆ [Fix] Fixed PossessItem claim requirement issues and construction detail view inconsistencies for non-player factions.
◆ [Fix] Addressed an issue with Yardrem's Pond not being utilized for bathing.
◆ [Fix] Corrected the duration of the Final Stand buff.
◆ [Internal] Removed experimental maps and modifications in anticipation of the major update, streamlining game content.
Your unwavering support and insightful feedback are the cornerstones of TFM's ongoing evolution. We're immensely grateful for your dedication. ːSmallRedHeartː

Wishing you a splendid weekend, and we look forward to unveiling our next exciting update. Stay tuned! ːgearthumbsupː
TFM: The First Men - Gathering Tree
Offsprings of the first men, once again, welcome back to another exciting update! ːthetreeoflifeː

First and foremost, we extend our warmest wishes to you for 2024. May this year be filled with joy, fun, and countless hours of immersive gaming experiences! ːSmallRedHeartː

  • Renamed "Knife" to "Trip Knife" and added new adventuring gear: Adventurer's Pick, Hatchet, and Shovel for enhanced wilderness interaction in Memoria.
  • Enabled looting of various natural resources in Memoria using specific adventuring gear. Cacti now yield Cactus Apples.
  • Introduced Torch consumables, craftable by Blacksmiths, which boost adventurers' vision and can fear beasts.
  • Several adjustments to Memoria's loot and enemy configurations, including new items with exploit costs and sword cleave auto-attack skills.


  • Restricted construction assignments to child and adult characters only.


  • Updated user interfaces, including minimum width adjustments for path rewards and improved indicators for skill candidates in party slots.
  • Updated item descriptions and icons in preparation for the major update. New effects for old items and animation enhancements for loot interactions.


  • Addressed various issues including stockpile item destruction errors, trait level-up reward calculations, and character interaction glitches.
  • Rectified issues with bathing characters, character death handling, and UI navigation in specific panels.
  • Fixed Torch's layering and updated animations for loots to enhance visual experience.

As we embark on this new year, we reflect on our journey since the start of Early Access. It's been an incredible path, with over a thousand updates driven by our dedication to making TFM a remarkable experience. Your support and feedback have been invaluable in this process, guiding us to refine and evolve the game every single day throughout 2023. ːkrheroesː

Today, TFM stands transformed - a whole new game rich with added content and enhanced gameplay. We're excited for you to dive into this refreshed and amazing experience! ːreexcitedː

Looking ahead to 2024, we're adjusting our approach to updates. While #FeatureFriday has been a staple, we're shifting to more regular updates, bringing improvements and new content without a fixed schedule. This flexible approach will allow us to focus more on quality and innovation in each update. ːkrlvlupː

And there's more! We're on the cusp of our next major update, and we invite you to join our public test. This is your chance to be a part of TFM's development, helping us identify bugs and polish gameplay to its finest. ːreimpressedː

We can't wait to share this new chapter of TFM with you. Your enthusiasm and participation make this journey truly special. ːFistpumpː

Have a fantastic weekend, and we'll see you in the next update! ːgearthumbsupː
TFM: The First Men - Gathering Tree
Offsprings of the first men, once again, welcome back to another update! ːthetreeoflifeː

We've continued working on making TFM ready for the next major update release on Steam! ːreexcitedː

Total number of additions implemented this week: 29 ːhappyhfː
Changes made in response to community input and assistance are 59% and marked with ːhappyheartː
(These changes are only live at the Steam Public Test Beta Branch)

ːhappyheartː [Content] Introduced Playground doodad, enhancing infant development with a beneficial buff.
ːhappyheartː [Content] New Bard profession added, providing inspiration and melody choices to nearby settlers.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Bard's Platform construction is now available for Scribes and Masons.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Woodcutter's Hut reintroduced as a path reward.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Cloak of Flames, the first equippable aura item, introduced for combat use.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Memoria's portal transformed into a claimable construction with activation objectives.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Added Woodland Berries to Memoria's Driftvale Forest.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Enabled lootable desert cactuses in Memoria using "Knife" adventuring gear.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Introduced Adventuring Gear tag.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Environmental auras added to rain and fog doodads.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Updated Bard profession and its construction with descriptions and tags.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Added Radiant Magic tag to Suncut and Heated Strike skills.
ːhappyheartː [Balance] Adjusted costs for Edgesmith's previously free craftables.
ːhappyheartː [Balance] Increased XP level-up thresholds for Edgesmith, Guardsmith, Careforger, Tailor, Blacksmith.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Revamped Dryad Headdress item effects.
ːhappyheartː [Balance] Transmutation constant overhaul with an 8x exchange rate and reduced costs by 200%.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Overhauled tooltips to reflect recent changes and additions.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Enhanced notifications with informative tooltips.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Fixed Bard's Inspiration buff persistence issue.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Implemented skill cooldown checks for hotkey-selected slot skills.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Restricted changing slot skills during cooldown periods.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Resolved Sunwater interaction loot issues in Memoria.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Fixed 25 Woodcutter activities causing character freezes.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Addressed numerous issues with character activity decisions.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Comprehensive overhaul of internal folder structure, removing obsolete files.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Resolved visibility and faction-related issues.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Fixed map editor problems, including saving issues with newly created factions.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Corrected the CharacterLevelsUpSpecificTrait trigger functionality.
ːhappyhfː [Internal] Added control tags to internal definitions.

We've also updated our public playtest build! This is your opportunity to be a part of TFM's development process. Your feedback is invaluable, and we're excited to see how these new updates enhance your gameplay experience. Join the playtest, explore the new features, and help us continue shaping the future of TFM. ːkrlvlupː

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. Together, we're making TFM an unforgettable adventure! ːkrheroesː

We wish you amazing holidays and a very happy New Year! ːSmallRedHeartː
TFM: The First Men - Gathering Tree
Offsprings of the first men, once again, welcome back to another update! ːthetreeoflifeː

Our team has been hard at work refining the gameplay experience, and we're eager for you to try out these new changes in our updated public playtest build. This week’s updates focus on enriching the in-game dynamics, from party management to new combat mechanics. We've listened to your feedback and are dedicated to continuously improving TFM, ensuring every play session is enjoyable and engaging. ːkrlvlupː

Total number of additions implemented this week: 29 ːhappyhfː
Changes made in response to community input and assistance are 52% and marked with ːhappyheartː
(These changes are only live at the Steam Public Test Beta Branch)

ːhappyheartː [Feature] Party block in the main UI now shows skills for all party characters and displays endurance levels once again.
ːhappyheartː [Feature] Implementation of character-based auras influencing nearby allies.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Added a new need: Hygiene, and related doodads for bathing.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Added Divine Favor rewards to Ergenekon's factions.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Renamed and updated the rarity of the Pumpkinfield Scones consumable.
ːhappyheartː [Content] New control mechanisms for thorn-cleansing and critter behaviors.
ːhappyheartː [Content] New motherhood mechanics and related traits.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Added random building resources in doodads for looting.
ːhappyheartː [Balance] Characters can now reach a maximum skill level.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Adjustments to Ergenekon NPCs and Meadowbloom doodads.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Changed Bane debuff category from Magical to Curse.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Adjustments to Hauler dogs' endurance regeneration.
ːhappyheartː [Balance] Settlers can now clear grassland thorns regardless of profession.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Overhaul of non-auto skill costs and cooldowns.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Updated shortcuts for party characters and their skills - use F1, F2, and F3 for characters and 1, 2, and 3 for skills.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Discovering a new faction now triggers a notification.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Adjusted UI to prevent showing undiscovered main construction tooltips on the map.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Added cost check for revealing trait level-up rewards.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Scroll speed improvements for various UI panels.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Updated Poison Cloud skill icons.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] New outfit visuals for Cook Hats and Chef's Knives.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Updated eating decision trees and food item outfits.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Resolved various bugs with notifications and character skills.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Addressed an issue with game load affecting tracked items.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Corrected DestroyStockpileItem effect output to utilize stack count.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Fixed Eliminate Faction claim requirement check method.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Skill prerequisite checks added for NPC skill selection.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Improved bond and breed notifications.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Addressed issues with faction-discovered notifications and character spawn effects.

Remember, every contribution counts in making TFM the best it can be. So jump into the playtest, explore the new changes, and let us know what you think! Your enthusiasm and support are what drive us forward. Let's continue this incredible journey together. ːkrheroesː

Have a wonderful weekend, and see you all in the next update! ːgearthumbsupː
TFM: The First Men - Gathering Tree
Offsprings of the first men, once again, welcome back to another #FeatureFriday! ːthetreeoflifeː

Another week, another set of thrilling updates in TFM! We've updated the public playtest build, and eagerly inviting all of you to join in. Your participation is crucial in shaping the future of TFM and helping us refine these new features. ːkrheroesː

This week, we've been busy enhancing various aspects of the game, from introducing new items and artifacts to overhauling existing features for a more immersive gameplay experience.

Total number of additions implemented this week: 27 ːhappyhfː
Changes made in response to community input and assistance are 52% and marked with ːhappyheartː
(These changes are only live at the Steam Public Test Beta Branch)

ːhappyheartː [Content] Introduced 7 new Blacksmith items, including Chef's knives and rolling pins.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Overhauled "Kheldum's Wrath" artifact into "Nightbane, The Devourer", a tier 3 legendary artifact with unique curses and empowerment abilities.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Added new upgrade path options for Blacksmith tools with upgradable items in the Stockpile.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Added "Beastslayer", a new two-handed axe specializing in damage against beasts.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Added 10 New blessings with unique genetic and productivity traits.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Added 3 new genetic traits: Survivor, Stout, Swift.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Added 11 new uncommon food items with diverse and unique effects.
ːhappyheartː [Content] New consumable added: Pouch of Tomato Seeds, providing instant Tomato Field rewards for Vegetable Farmers.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Updated inheritable traits to show parental origin.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Dynamic road rewards introduced.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Tier, rarity & damage power overhaul implemented for 19 weapons.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Overhauled Edgesmith weapons and armor with adjusted cost, damage power, and effects.
ːhappyheartː [Balance] Made Lindaris wave balance changes.
ːhappyheartː [Balance] Implemented rarity balances for random world drops.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Implemented new bond panel user interface enhancements.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Added new icons for traits and skills.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Bond and Breed actions now trigger notifications when available.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Several new map object icons for traits and skills.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Added detailed descriptions for Slayer, Preserver, and Protector feats.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Enhanced the user interface for the discovered main buildings, bond panel, and characters panel.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Improved visibility for map object destruction notifications, specific to player faction's map objects.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Adjusted skill cooldown storage to prevent duplication upon game load.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Resolved multiple bugs, including triggers at the end of activities, incorrect characters count on death, and loading issues with discovered main buildings labels.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Addressed issues in claim requirements and activity parameters.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Corrected the display of offspring count in the characters panel.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Fixed assign button visibility for non-player faction constructions.
ːhappyhfː [Internal] Conducted a comprehensive clean-up of the Path Database, removing over a thousand unused definitions.
Join the playtest, dive into the new updates, and let us know your thoughts! Your insights are invaluable in our journey to continually improve TFM. ːkrlvlupː

Have a wonderful weekend, and see you all next Friday! ːgearthumbsupː
TFM: The First Men - Gathering Tree
Offsprings of the first men, once again, welcome back to another #FeatureFriday! ːthetreeoflifeː

This week, we've focused on refining gameplay mechanics, optimizing user interfaces, and introducing new elements to enrich your TFM experience. We've implemented significant updates in combat mechanics, resource management, and overall gameplay immersion. ːkrlvlupː

You'll notice improved visuals and functionalities in the equipment and consumable panels, offering a more intuitive understanding of your character's capabilities and possessions. Also, keeping track of resources and managing your settlement just got easier with our updated UI features. Now you can effortlessly monitor your stockpile and plan your strategies accordingly. ːreexcitedː

Total number of additions implemented this week: 29 ːhappyhfː
Changes made in response to community input and assistance are 59% and marked with ːhappyheartː
(These changes are only live at the Steam Public Test Beta Branch)

ːhappyheartː [Content] Introduced 17 new feats for all weapon tags, enhancing combat dynamics.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Overhauled Lindaris' portal defender presets.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Added 2 new constructions for Adventurers: Wooden and Stone Guardtowers.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Introduced new items: The Butcher & Umbral Axe.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Added new Adventurer feats including Final Stand, Second Wind, and more.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Added descriptions to Preserver feats and updated stat threshold unlock method.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Provided descriptions for Slayer and Adventurer feats.
ːhappyheartː [Balance] Increased casting speed of all cleaving auto-attack skills.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Fixed overlapping issue with construction assignment labels.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Implemented game-saved notification for quick saves.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Refactored inspire button activation and improved its tooltip.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Equipment and Consumable panels updated to show equipped items and current professions for all characters.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Ensured the assign button no longer appears on faction main constructions.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Added tooltips to character panel construction portraits.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Added profession, bond & breed, and offspring icons to the faction character panel.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Included trait names in breed panel inheritable trait items.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Made reroll and inspire buttons un-interactable when requirements are not met.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Modified breed panel to consider only settlers in the faction.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Grouped bind and breed buttons in the Characters panel.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Main UI now shows the character and building counts of the settlement.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Characters panel now shows combat rating instead of damage power, block chance, and movement speed.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Breed panel updated to display character ages.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Corrected issue with duplicated main building labels upon game load.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Fixed auto-save interval issues and tracking resource UI errors when resources drop to zero.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Corrected faction settler count calculations.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Addressed faction tracking items deserialization issue.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Fixed game-breaking issues related to character births during saving.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Resolved characters spawning inside others and Lindaris' deer birth error.
ːhappyhfː [Internal] Refactored CharacterCacheModel for entity-to-faction relations.
We've updated the public playtest build, and we invite all our community members to participate. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping TFM into a game that resonates with its players. By joining the playtest, you can help us fine-tune these new updates and ensure the best possible experience for everyone. ːkrheroesː

Your ongoing support and feedback have been the driving force behind our continuous improvements. As TFM evolves, we remain committed to delivering a game that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being part of this incredible journey. ːSmallRedHeartː

Have a wonderful weekend, and see you all next Friday! ːgearthumbsupː
TFM: The First Men - Gathering Tree
It’s another exhilarating #FeatureFriday, and we’re thrilled to bring you the latest developments from the world of TFM. Our team has been tirelessly working on enhancing every aspect of the game, and we're excited to share these updates with you. ːkrheroesː

Moreover, we have updated the public playtest build, and we warmly invite you to join this crucial phase of development. Your participation and feedback are invaluable in shaping TFM into the best experience possible! ːSmallRedHeartː

Here's a sneak peek into what we've been up to:

Total number of additions implemented this week: 32 ːhappyhfː
Changes made in response to community input and assistance are 69% and marked with ːhappyheartː
(These changes are only live at the Steam Public Test Beta Branch)

ːhappyhfː [Content] Updated Arachnia, Ergenekon, and Lindaris maps with recent changes.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Defeated enemies now reward party characters with experience and Divine Favor.
ːhappyheartː [Content] 20 new genetic traits added.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Overhauled "pouch" item skills.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Added tags to all relevant professions.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] DamagePower refactor for skill effect outputs.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] SkillSetValue calculation updated for non-player faction characters.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] CombatRatingThreshold prerequisite refactored into CombatRatingRange.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Implemented CombatStartingRating value for characters, included in save/load flow.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] OwnerKillsSomeoneWithSkill, CombatEnemyDies, and CombatAllyDies trait triggers added.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] CombatStartingRatingRange and CombatRatingRange prerequisites implemented.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Implemented TriggeringCharacterCombatRatingRange and TriggeringCharacterCombatStartingRatingRange prerequisites.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Settlement count indicator added to doodad and construction path rewards.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Implemented path codex panel connection with trait level-up rewards.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Trackable items in the resource stockpile are now visible on the main screen.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Party characters' names are highlighted in yellow in the World.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Detailed tooltips are always visible option added; builder mode always shows details.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Fixed skill slot alignment on the character detail panel.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Adjusted UI and added missing UI.json entries for new prerequisites and trait triggers.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Activity category added to map object activity tooltips.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Fixed overlapping of claimed and owned main constructions on map chart view.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Improved asset shadows and quality.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Doodad detail panels no longer show the assign button.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Prevented same skill placement in multiple skill slots.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Many fixes related to tooltips.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Fixed path codex prerequisites and costs display issue.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Fixed incorrect settlement instance counts for path rewards.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Fixed father character issue on spawn character effect output for non-player characters.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Skill selection controls for new skill slots fixed.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Resolved issue with KillCharacterGroup faction claim requirement type check.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Fixed inspire cost sometimes displaying float numbers.
ːhappyheartː [Fix] Gatherer's Hut's missing prerequisite fixed.
We are committed to delivering a game that resonates with your expectations and goes beyond. As we move forward, your continued support and feedback are what drive us to keep improving and innovating.

Join us in this exciting phase, share your experiences, and help shape the future of TFM. Together, we can make TFM not just a game, but a world that lives and breathes with your adventures. ːkrlvlupː

Thank you for being an integral part of our community. Your enthusiasm and involvement make all the difference. ːkrstarː

Stay tuned for more updates, and let's continue this incredible journey together. ːFistpumpː

Have a fantastic weekend, and see you all next Friday! ːgearthumbsupː
TFM: The First Men - Gathering Tree
Offsprings of the first men, once again, welcome back to another #FeatureFriday! ːthetreeoflifeː

We know you've been eagerly awaiting the playtest build, and though it's not in its final form, your enthusiasm to experience and improve TFM has inspired us to release an early version for playtesting.

Yes, you heard it right – the Public Test branch on Steam's Beta Properties is now ready for everyone who wants to dive in! ːreexcitedː

This is your chance to be an integral part of TFM's development process. While the build isn't as polished as we hoped, it's a unique opportunity for you to explore the new changes, provide your invaluable feedback, and help us fine-tune the game for the upcoming major update. ːFistpumpː

Total number of additions implemented this week: 21 ːhappyhfː
Changes made in response to community input and assistance are 52% and marked with ːhappyheartː
(These changes are only live at the Steam Public Test Beta Branch)

ːhappyhfː [Feature] Introduced skill slots for characters, enabling player-selected skills for combat use.
ːhappyhfː [Content] New aura doodad: Bonfire.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Added new armor rewards for Guardsmiths.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Enhanced image quality for Broga and Orc houses.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Improved Stonehenge assets for better visuals.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Refined sleeping effects for better visual presentation.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Updated giant spider sprites for a more realistic look.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Added Seeds as a cost component for Duck.
ːhappyheartː [Content] Introduced 35 new path reward items for Edgesmith.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Overhauled Block Chance calculation for all armor pieces.
ːhappyheartː [Balance] Adjusted Adventurers' training XP gain, now faster at level 0.
ːhappyheartː [Balance] Nerfed Coop activity and efficiency.
ːhappyhfː [Balance] Creeping Oak has been redefined as a unique disease.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Combat rating formula updated, now factoring in Survivability and Skillset values from stats, traits, and skills.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Giant trees now feature gradient transparency for improved background visibility.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Gathering Root updated with a new animator and active particle effects.
ːhappyhfː [UI/UX] Fixed Path Codex issues and updated it with recent additions.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Enhanced visibility overhaul for all constructions and base character vision.
ːhappyhfː [Fix] Corrected various problems affecting project file locations.
ːhappyhfː [Internal] Conducted a significant PathDB Clean-up, removing over 1000 unused definitions.
ːhappyhfː [Internal] Preparation for public playtest build with fixes and removal of outdated elements.
Your feedback, whether it's through the Steam Community Hub or TFM's Discord Community, has been incredibly insightful and constructive. It's crucial for us to incorporate your thoughts and suggestions to enhance TFM's gameplay experience. ːkrlvlupː

So, what are you waiting for? Jump into the Playtest Build, explore the new features, and let us know what you think. Every piece of feedback counts in making TFM better, more engaging, and more enjoyable for everyone. ːkrstarː

We're all ears and can't wait to hear your thoughts on the new changes and improvements. Your participation in this playtest phase is not just valuable – it's essential. Together, let's make TFM a game that we all love even more! ːSmallRedHeartː

As always, have a wonderful weekend, and a huge THANK YOU for being such an amazing community. We're excited to see where this journey takes us, together! ːgearthumbsupː
TFM: The First Men - Gathering Tree
As the leaves turn golden and the air grows crisp, we're offering a special 20% discount on TFM to mark this enchanting season! But that's not all – we have an even more exciting opportunity to share with our fantastic community. ːreexcitedː

TFM: The First Men is more than just a game for us; it's a journey we've embarked on together. With every update, every piece of feedback, and every moment of gameplay, you've helped shape TFM into an experience that truly embodies the 'Labor of Love' spirit. ːkrheroesː

We're beyond thankful for every member of our community who has joined us in this adventure. Let's seize this moment to honor the world of TFM: The First Men and its journey as a true Labor of Love. ːFistpumpː

Thank you for your continued support, enthusiasm, and for being the heart of TFM! ːSmallRedHeartː

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