Community Announcements - boydybeef7
Today we have a new update filled with new features, tweaks, and bug fixes. We paid special attention to the Linux build so Linux users can expect to see some significant performance improvements ːsteamhappyː. See below for the contents of today's update:

  • A third person spectator mode has been added. When connecting to a server, you will be asked whether you'd like to spectate or play. In spectate mode, you will initially start in the free roam camera mode we used to have. By pressing the left or right mouse button, you will toggle to a 3rd person camera allowing to rotate around the target player. Pressing the left or right mouse buttons will cycle through the next or previous player. To return back to free roam mode, press the Space bar. Note that server admins now have an additional option to limit spectator players to only see players of their team (for Demolition, Extermination and Freeze Tag game modes).
  • Hacker item, the Energy Pad, has been added. Once placed on the ground, step on it and you'll instantly regain Energy.
  • An objectives panel has been added, explaining the particular game mode set on the server. It updates in real-time and also offers stats (example: frozen teammates/enemies on Freeze Tag) depending on the game mode. This panel may be disabled by unchecking the Show Objectives Panel checkbox under the Graphics tab in the Settings panel.
  • An infinite weapon scrolling option has been added under the Mouse tab in the Settings panel. When enabled, scrolling down with your mouse will cycle through all weapons from top to bottom and start over from the top.
  • A zoom toggle option has been added under the Mouse tab in the Settings panel. You no longer have to hold the right mouse key to remain zoomed if you have this option enabled.
  • Horizontal and vertical sensitivity multipliers have been added under the Mouse tab in the Settings panel. (If you set an identical parameter on both axis you will have a mouse movement similar to CS for example).
  • Two alpha hour countdowns have been added to the welcome screen. No matter what time zone you live in, you’ll now know how many minutes are left before an alpha hour playtest begins.
  • Weapon inspect animations have been added for the Coxi, Ammo Box, and Explosives Box items. Most items now have an animation. Various animations have also been improved.

  • The official Teamspeak server has been changed. Please begin using the new server (
  • The Knife melee weapon is now available to all classes.
  • The XEMP item is now available to all classes.
  • Damage from Guardian primary weapon, Folgore MK5, has been further reduced.
  • Damage from Hacker primary weapon, G-Pop, has been further reduced.
  • Shadow primary weapon, Stomonov, now has tracer rounds when shot.
  • Weapon inspect animations for the NADA Turret and Medi-Gel Station items have been optimized.
  • All particle effects have been optimized; drops in framerate should be substantially reduced.
  • Greatly optimized performance on the Linux build.
  • Various performance and stability improvements for the Mac build.

  • Fixed an issue where Linux and Mac users were unable to connect to certain larger maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused servers to kick certain or all players.
  • Fixed an issue that caused servers to crash in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue where capture the flag was not working properly on Relay.
  • Fixed an issue where healing and repairing was not working properly in Free for All.
  • Fixed an issue where Ammo Boxes and Explosives Boxes could not be picked up in Free for All.
  • Fixed an issue where NADA Turret would not display an HP bar when in Free for All.
  • Fixed a physics issue with the HMX grenade.
  • Fixed an issue where Coxis would be hidden if placed under jump pads.
  • Fixed an issue where Energy could wrongfully be used when crouching.
  • Fixed an issue where NADA Turrets, Medi-Gel Stations, Ammo Boxes, and Explosives Boxes would mistakenly remain on the map when changing classes.
  • Fixed an issue where an icon would not appear when placing an Explosives Box on the ground.
  • Fixed an issue where the energy bar of certain weapons would mistakenly appear in new weapon loadouts.
  • Fixed a display issue when selecting the NADA Turret, Medi-Gel Station when holding the enemy's beam in Capture the Flag.
  • Fixed an issue where players would get stuck when trying to join a server after clicking the refresh button.
  • Fixed various in-game text.
Nov 20, 2015
Community Announcements - boydybeef7

We have a small preview of what's to come with the next Storm United update, which is scheduled to be released later next week. Apart from the new content, we also have a slew of tweaks and bug fixes coming your way. The new content list currently includes:
  • New Hacker item, the Energy Pad. Once placed on the ground, step on it and you’ll instantly regain Energy.
  • New spectator mode, allowing you to spectate the participating players on the map.
  • Knife melee weapon and XEMP item will be available to all classes.
  • A new infinite weapon scrolling option – allowing you to infinitely scroll through your weapons.
  • A new zoom toggle option – you no longer have to hold the right mouse key to remain zoomed.
Once we have a set release date, we'll make sure to keep you updated here and throughout social media. Thanks!
Community Announcements - boydybeef7
We have a quick hotfix for you this week that will be available for download by today. Once available, restart Steam and the download will begin. See below for the highlights of this week's update:

  • Added inspection animations for melee weapons and items. Activate by pressing the "F" key.
  • Added an Enable/Disable map voting option in the Server Settings panel.
  • Added various missing weapon sound effects.

  • Fixed a connection issue where players would be randomly kicked from a server.
  • Fixed an issue where players could bypass a match set by an admin through map voting.
  • Fixed a sound issue with Angel primary weapon, the Medi-Beam Gun.
  • Fixed an issue where players could shoot through a particular window from the outside in Relay.
  • Fixed an issue where the loadout panel would not close once the second half of a match started.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck between a bunker and a set of rocks in U-Turn.
  • Fixed an issue where certain game settings (Gamma Correction, Grain Effect, Ambient Occlusion) were not being applied when set in the main menu.
  • The ticking bomb, bunker explosion, and Medi-Beam Gun reload, and various other sounds are now playing at the proper volume set in your sound settings.
  • Fixed an issue where certain 32 bit users could not open the game.

  • Jumping now consumes 25 Energy instead of 10.
  • Icons of demolished bunkers during Extermination are now hidden.

10/25 UPDATE: An additional download is now available that will fix the connection issues a number of players were experiencing with the latest build.
Community Announcements - boydybeef7
This week we have a hotfix to address a number of issues that came with the latest update that was released this past weekend. This update is now live - simply restart Steam and the download will begin. See below to see the contents of this week's update:

  • Anti aliasing quality options have been added under the Graphics tab in the Settings panel. Enabling it will resolve the blurry image issue a number of players have been experiencing. Options include: FXAA Low, FXAA High, TAA Low, TAA Medium, TAA High, TAA Epic
  • A new windowed fullscreen mode has been added, intended for Linux users running multiple monitors.
  • A weapon inspection feature has been added. Activate by pressing the "F" key.
  • A debug executable has been added, which can be found in your Storm United Steam folder. For those who are having any issues, run it and a log file will be recorded. This will help us in resolving any current or future issues.
  • Fixed an issue with the fringe effect when loosing HP. The effect was not resetting back to zero when respawning.
  • Gamma Correction under the Graphics tab in the Settings panel is now working as intended.
  • Bunker icons from the Extermination game mode were appearing in all game modes for certain maps. These icons will now only appear in the Extermination game mode.
  • Icons in certain objective game modes were not very visible. The visibility of these icons have now been improved.
  • Fixed an issue where frozen icons during Freeze Tag were appearing black. They are now white as they should be.
  • You no longer have to click following the PixelBeam intro to enter the game.
  • The chamber reload for Shadow primary weapon, Kraftig, is now playing at the proper volume set in your sound settings.
  • Fixed a Mac OS X-specific issue where weapons were being held incorrectly if holding a weapon with a scope or holographic sight. 
  • Damage from Guardian primary weapon, Folgore MK5, has been reduced.
  • Damage from Hacker primary weapon, G-Pop, has been reduced.
  • Health from bunkers in the new Extermination game mode has been doubled.
  • Sprinting speed has been reduced from 1.55x to 1.4x.
  • The official Storm United Teamspeak has been added to the welcome screen.
Community Announcements - boydybeef7

We are very excited to announce that the new Storm United update is now available for download! Check out the update highlights below:

1. Angel Class
  • 3 new primary weapons: Medi-Beam Gun, PGT, and Fazer
  • 2 new items: Medi-Gel Station and X-Gel
  • 1 new melee weapon: Defibrillator

2. Hacker Class
  • 4 new primary weapons: Penaton S, Grenade Launcher, Steyr Falcon, and Energy Gun
  • 4 new items: Explosives Box, Ammo Box, NADA Turret, and XEMP
  • 1 new melee weapon: Repair Gun

3. Map Voting – Once a round ends, players will be able to vote on which map and game mode they would like to play next. The map with the most votes, wins.

4. Badges – Double kill, triple kill! Earn certain achievements in-game and new badges will appear, making those kills even sweeter.

5. Linux and Mac OS X Release – Big update for Linux and Mac OS X users as everyone is now back on the same version! Players will now be able to play with each other, regardless of their OS.

6. New Maps, including Everwhite – A large, snowy map with a great layout, especially for CTF matches. This map and two others (Relay and Lab-0) are featured in this update.

7. Additional Sound Effects – Inflicting and receiving damage now have their own particular sound effects. Announcer voice has also been updated.

Note: Linux users may encounter an error when connecting to the servers. You will be able to successfully connect, however it will take a couple of tries. We'll be taking a closer look at this issue with our Linux build in the next couple of days.

Angel and Hacker weapon details can be found on our wiki. With this release now out, we look forward to hosting regular matches to bring all the Storm United players together to try out the new content. Thoughts, opinions, and suggestions are always welcomed so we look forward to hear what you guys think! Match and any further update details will be posted here on Steam and throughout social media. Thanks and see you all in-game!
Community Announcements - boydybeef7
This week we have weapon and item details for the new Hacker class. Similar to the Angel weapon and item post, we have categorized them into three groups: primary weapons, items, and melee.

Primary Weapons – 4 available: Penaton S, Grenade Launcher, Steyr Falcon, and Energy Gun

1. Penaton S – With no ammo requirement, the Penaton S is equipped with both an Energy and Overheat bar and is far from your typical weapon. Every shot fired from the Penaton S consumes Energy; however, if Energy is full the Penaton S can shoot up to 20 times. Once fired, Energy will be slowly regained. With every shot, the gun heats up adding to the Overheat bar. Overheating the Penaton S will disable the gun for 10 seconds. This weapon is only available to the Hacker class.
  • Ammo (Loaded / Carried): 10 / ∞

2. Grenade Launcher – Explosive damage for short range attacks. The Grenade Launcher only holds up to 5 grenades at a time, so players must be mindful when pulling the trigger. This weapon is only available to the Hacker class.
  • Ammo (Loaded / Carried): 5 / 25

3. Steyr Falcon – An automatic assault rifle with the largest magazine size of all Hacker primary weapons. A no fuss no muss kind of gun, the Steyr Falcon pairs up well with any of the available secondary weapons. This weapon is only available to the Hacker class.
  • Ammo (Loaded / Carried): 40 / 120

4. Energy Gun – Unlike other weapons, the Energy Gun is unique in that you are able to charge it. The longer you charge the Energy Gun, the more damage it deals. Click and hold the right mouse button to charge the Energy Gun. Players may walk or run while the gun is charging. Once you are ready to attack, let go of the mouse button. Once fully charged, players must fire the gun within 2 seconds or risk losing 15 HP and the gun's Energy. This weapon is only available to the Hacker class.
  • Ammo (Loaded / Carried): 35 / 105

Items – 6 available: HMX, Coxi, Explosives Box, Ammo Box, NADA Turret, and XEMP. Players have two item slots, so choose wisely based on your battle and team needs.

1. HMX – Used for ranged attacks, this is your typical grenade. Chuck one of these suckers at your enemies to blast them from a distance. This item is available to all classes.
  • Ammo: 2
  • Damage Amount: Dependent on range

2. Coxi – Available only to the Shadow and Hacker classes, the Coxi is an anti-personnel mine. Enemies that step on a Coxi can lose 100 HP, however these mines can be destroyed by a grenade or by shooting at it from a distance. Coxis can be moved by pressing and holding “E” while looking at and standing next to one. A maximum of 3 Coxis may be placed at any given time.
  • Ammo: 3
  • Damage Amount: 100 HP

3. Explosives Box – An ammunition box containing HMX, Coxi, X-Gel, and XEMP. These boxes may be placed on the ground, allowing your teammates to refill their explosives. This item is only available to the Hacker class.
  • Ammo: 2

4. Ammo Box – A primary and secondary weapon ammunition box. Like the Explosives Box, these boxes may be thrown on the ground for teammates to pick up. This item is only available to the Hacker class.
  • Ammo: 4

5. NADA Turret – This is the Hacker's automatic turret. Once placed, the NADA Turret will aim and fire at nearby enemies. It may also be found on the mini-map for easy access. The NADA Turret can be moved by pressing and holding “E” while looking at and standing next to it. If damaged, it may be repaired by a Hacker by using the Repair Gun. This item is only available to the Hacker class.
  • Ammo: 1
  • Damage Amount: 6 - 9 HP per hit

6. XEMP – Available only to the Hacker class, the XEMP is an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) grenade. Once detonated the XEMP will instantly disable any Angel Medi-Gel Stations or Hacker NADA Turrets within range for a short period of time; however, it will not deal any HP damage to these structures or players nearby.
  • Ammo: 2

Melee – 1 available: the Repair Gun

1. Repair Gun – This tool can repair the Hacker's NADA Turret and the Angel's Medi-Gel Station. To repair these structures, click the left mouse key while looking at and standing next to it. Once developed and implemented, the Repair Gun will also be able to repair vehicles. It may also be used as a quick melee attack.
  • Ammo: ∞
  • Damage Amount: 50+ HP
Community Announcements - boydybeef7
This week we’ve got a detailed post looking at the healing weapons and items for the new Angel class. We have categorized them into three groups: Primary weapons, items, and melee.

Primary Weapons - 2 available: the Medi-Beam Gun and the PGT.

1. Medi-Beam Gun - Used for close range heals. When activated, it links a medi gel beam onto a targeted teammate, healing them over a period of time. As long as the primary fire button is held down, there is sufficient ammo, and the target stays within range, the Medi-Beam Gun will stay locked on. This weapon is only available to the Angel class.
  • Ammo (Loaded / Carried): 80 / 240
  • Healing Amount: 2 - 6 HP per tick
 2. PGT - Used for ranged heals. The PGT fires beams that heal teammates, however you'll need to aim and anticipate the movement of your teammate to successfully heal them. Equipped with a scope, the PGT has no range restrictions, allowing you to heal from ultra long range. This weapon is only available to the Angel class.
  • Ammo (Loaded / Carried): 30 / 90
  • Firing Mode: Semi-automatic
  • Healing Amount: 30 HP per shot landed

Items - 3 available: HMX, the Medi-Gel Station, and the X-Gel. You have two item slots so choose accordingly based on your battle needs.

1. HMX - Used for ranged attacks, this is your typical grenade. Chuck one of these suckers at your enemies to blast them from a distance. This item is available to all classes.
  • Ammo: 2
  • Damage Amount: Dependent on range
 2. Medi-Gel Station - This is the Angel's healing tower. Once placed, anyone standing next to it will be healed over a short period of time. It may also be found on the mini-map for easy access. The Medi-Gel Station can be moved by pressing and holding "E" while looking at and standing next to it. If damaged, the Medi-Gel Station may be repaired by a Hacker by using the Repair Gun. This item is only available to the Angel class.
  • Ammo: 1
  • Healing Amount: 1-3 HP per tick if within proximity
 3. X-Gel - This is a healing grenade, used for ranged heals. Heal your teammates in one big blast by throwing them one of these babies. This item is only available to the Angel class.
  • Ammo: 2
  • Healing Amount: 50 HP (per player) if within proximity

Melee - 1 available: the Defibrillator

1. Defibrillator - Used for short range melee attacks, with two possible attacks. Click the left mouse button for a quick melee attack. Click and hold the right mouse button to charge the Defibrillator. The longer you charge the Defibrillator, the stronger the discharge. Once you are ready to attack, let go of the mouse button.
  • Ammo: ∞
  • Damage Amount (Quick): 50 HP
  • Damage Amount (Charged): Dependent on charge
Note: Angels will also have their selection of secondary weapons and pistols, however they are no different than what is offered for the remaining three classes. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the incoming Hacker class details!
Community Announcements - boydybeef7
The development of the newest class, Hacker, is going swimingly and is equipped with unique tools and weapons that will change the overall pace and gameplay. The automatic turret has already been featured in a previous article over on our website, however the Energy Pad and Repair Tool have yet to be discussed.

Exclusive to the Hacker class, the Energy Pad is sure to change the pace of your matches, literally! Simply step on this bad boy and you will regain Energy instantly. In the current Steam build, you can essentially sprint forever, however this will be changing with the upcoming update. If you are out of breathe, don’t forget, you’ve got this baby in your back pocket.

The Hacker’s Repair Tool is an absolute game changer as it is directly related with all the newly developed content. We’re talking about the automatic turrets, the Angel’s healing towers, and vehicles. Players on the opposing team can damage and destroy these, however it is the Hacker’s responsibility to repair and maintain them. The Repair Tool does just that :)

The upcoming update is going well and we hope to bring you good news regarding it next week! We are continuing to work hard on getting a bug-free version of the latest build so keep your fingers crossed. Any updates of the upcoming patch will be posted here on Steam.
Aug 19, 2015
Community Announcements - boydybeef7
We have been quiet for a couple months now, but are excited to announce that our next big update is just around the corner. This update is scheduled to release the all-new Angel and Hacker classes. Up until this point, Storm United has only included two classes so this is a huge update. Some major update details listed below.

I. New Classes

The Angel class is the healer in Storm United. Equiped with a variety of healing weapons and tools, she has the ability to heal her teammates when they are in need. One of the most important being the Medi-Gel Station. Place one of these bad boys on the ground and it will slowly heal your teammates within its proximity. Though the Hacker class is still in development, the class will have the special ability of building an automatic turret to take down his enemies. More class details will be announced as we get closer to the official release date.

II. Badges

Reach certain achievements in battle and you'll receive a unique badge to show off to your teammates. Some of the current badges include: Double Kill, Triple Kill, Revenge, and Knife Kill. There are plenty more to look forward to.

III. Map Voting + More!

Tired of the old map rotation? With this update, you'll now be able to influence and vote for which map you'd like to be played next. That's not all - with this update, we are scheduled to get everyone OS back on the same version! Much more coming soon.
To end on a HUGE note, we would like to share with each of you some gameplay of our latest Storm United build. Thanks and stay tuned for more details!
Aug 15, 2015
Community Announcements - boydybeef7
We have been working around the clock the past couple months on the latest update and are hoping to have it released within the next couple weeks. Exact dates and detailed release notes will be included at a later time, however the update is a big one. It it planned to include new classes, a bundle of new weapons, and quite a few tweaks, features and bug fixes. With this update, we also plan to get all OS back on the same version. We do apologize for the update delay. Thanks and more details soon.

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