Staxel - PlukIt
This changelog is for Staxel CE containing mostly small bugfixes and adjustments.

Normal Staxel has not received an update.

  • Fix issue with breaking trees by damaging the ground below the tree
  • Fix issue with night transition crashing caused by some Signs/Region markers
  • Fix issue with sprinting being active more often than it should be.
Staxel - DeamonHunter
This changelog is for Staxel CE containing mostly small bugfixes and adjustments.

Normal Staxel has not received an update.

  • Adjustments to clouds.
  • Selfie mode hides UI.
  • Selfie mode is exited when going into map mode.
  • Allowed Selfie mode to get closer to the head before the head disappears.
  • Fixed first person no longer having smoothing.
  • Fixed world options menu having the wrong title.
  • Made the Red button in the rebind menus brighter.
  • Adjusted how the brightness slider works.
  • Fixed an issue where a player can be rejected from joining multiplayer if a world they created was started by someone else.
  • Fixed star jelly spawning on sitting logs and some other things.
  • Fixed some cases where you can get stuck with a quest item from going back to an island.
  • Fix a crash when grabbing an item and the resulting teleport fails.
  • Some updated translations
  • If Jamie's final quest is in a bad state due to an earlier bug. Then you can talk to his Rival to get it fixed.
  • Increased the padding on the inventory swap buttons.
  • Fixed there being graphical issues before an Error Screen is shown.
  • Fix some cases where saving doesn't update properly.
  • Cow hitbox was adjusted so that it can fit into 2 tile spaces.
  • Fix some other misc thirdperson/selfie mode issues.
  • Fixed some furniture missing a category.
  • Fixed some cases where rare mushrooms and star jelly can spawn on furniture.
Staxel - DeamonHunter
Staxel (1.5.63)
  • Fixed an issue where roofs would rotate randomly every frame in certain cases
  • Fixed an issue where a painting could be gifted to Vorlen and break a questline in 1.5 content.
  • Pillows and Blankets are now available from the Grocery store.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong version of the game could get started when joining someone.

Staxel CE (s2.222)
  • Added 3rd person. Activate using Right Stick on Controllers or F2 on keyboard.
  • Added controller and keyboard rebinding support.
  • Added a brightness slider to the options.
  • Creative mode for a world can now be changed after selecting it in the World Select screen.
  • Farm Animals generally no longer want to move over fencing tiles. (Less escaping from Barns, and even allows the one tile high fences to stop animals.)
  • Reduced peak memory usage during saving and loading.
  • Villagers will avoid fences more.
  • Fixed an issue not allowing Mac OSX 10.14 builds to run the game.
  • Limit for multiplayer was changed from 4 players to 8 players. (For Windows, Mac and Linux.)
  • Running animations jitter a little less.
  • The border indicator now goes down to the bottom instead of the sea level.
  • Fix saw benches disappearing if they were left crafting when changing islands.
  • When using a controller to click on a pagination arrow, it will now change sides when you reach the end.
  • Fixed some cases where you could get the tile version of a bug rather than the item version
  • Fixed an issue where a painting could be gifted to Vorlen and break a questline in 1.5 content.
  • Fixed certain plants crashing upon placement.
  • Made sure the majority of quest tiles and items cannot be asked for as a fetch quest item (no more Rowan’s Mug requests).
  • Pillows and Blankets are now available from the Grocery store.
  • Fixed a case where the window could capture a cursor but not allow rotating the camera. (If the cursor was outside the windows bounds first)
  • Fixed an issue where buttons could be mispositioned when first shown. (Particularly in the player list)
  • Fixed a case where the UI would not render correctly in Camera Mode when teleporting between islands.
  • Fixed a case where the player’s head wouldn’t appear correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed the full text of the landing screen not showing for the French language.
  • No longer starts with a console, unless you make a “showconsole.txt” file alongside the exe (or by using the “/console=true” command line argument).
  • Fixed text in the “Connect by IP” password box not being hidden correctly.
  • Fixed a line for Riah not showing the right translation.
  • Changed the fireworks sounds for goals.
  • Fixed an oversight in ray collision code which would produce the wrong collision point for a tile.
  • Fixed Goals not having a proper control hint for clearing.
Staxel - DeamonHunter

Staxel CE is now out for Windows, Mac and Linux!
Hello again, Staxelites! Yep, you heard right, a new version of the game is now out for all of you to enjoy! This version of the game was made to be lighter, faster, and more portable than the current version of the game.

How to get to this version:
  • On Windows: Download the newest free update, click play, and select the launch option labelled “Staxel CE”.
  • On Mac and Linux: Download the game and click play!
Staxel CE Features:
  • System requirements for CE are much lower than the original! This version uses less than 4gb of RAM, and can maintain higher framerates on much weaker systems.
  • A revamped control scheme for Controllers.
  • Multiplayer is snappier and more reliable. No need to have a fast connection either!
  • Faster loading times.
  • A complete overhaul of the UI.
  • Save files are 100x smaller (~2-4 mb per world compared to 100mb+ before.)
  • And loads of other minor changes.
There is one thing to note however:
The world size is no longer infinite. But limited to 512 x 128 x 512.
We are confident that this change doesn’t impact the general gameplay of Staxel but the good news is that the original version isn’t gonna go away.

Now some of you may be wondering ‘…doesn’t this sound familiar? What happened to that console version we’ve talked about?’
The Switch version of Staxel is the same version as Staxel CE. It features everything mentioned above. Including some features of its own:
  • Touchscreen support for Menus
  • While Docked: gameplay will be 1080p and 60fps.
  • While in Handheld: it will be 720p and 30fps.
Note: This version does not support crossplay with Windows, Mac, or Linux.

We’ve put a lot of time and effort into this port so we hope that you enjoy it!
Staxel - DeamonHunter
Hey Staxellites,

This is mainly a routine, containing some changes that were made while we were working on Staxel CE.

  • Added error support for when a Staxel PC game tries to join a Staxel CE game.
  • Added support to the Staxel Launcher to redirect requests for joining a Staxel CE game to the right executable.
  • Fixed an issue where fishing would never complete if the fish was pulling back as you completed the minigame.
  • Fixed a couple bounding areas on the Galaxy Island Maps not teleporting you if you go too far.
  • Fixed some stone tiles dropping nothing when broken.
Staxel - PlukIt

Update 1.5 “Hideaway Hollow”

Hello Staxelites! Staxel reporter here bringing you exciting news on our latest update officially dubbed Hideaway Hollow. There are a bunch of new things to do in this update so please continue reading for more information.

This update was produced in collaboration with Stitch Heads Entertainment. The team at Stitch Heads brought to life the islands, characters and critters you'll see in this update.

We've had a blast working with everyone involved, you can follow them on Twitter @StitchHeads

Explore the new island and catch new critters.
This new update whisks you away to a faraway island complete with new bugs and fish to catch. You’ll get to explore the seemingly abandoned surroundings and uncover its hidden secrets.

Dive into the portals and discover the mysterious cave, complete with its own hidden treasures and unique charm. Don’t get lost and make sure you follow the right path or you’ll find yourself running around in circles!

Quests and Riddles!
After entering the caves you’ll come across a quirky villager. Make sure you listen carefully to his riddles and pay attention to your surroundings to find your way out and get Maximilian’s top hat back.

New villager to befriend and new mystery merchant.
Once you make it back to the village you’ll be able to invite your new friend to your town! He just needs some more friends to stop causing a ruckus. And yes, you can have him as a roommate too!

A new mystery merchant will be available from the airship dock as well. They will be selling familiar items and blocks you may have seen on the new island; Just be sure to place down that Airship anchor and the new merchant will appear soon after returning from the island.

New furniture, blocks and more.
The update also brings you over 70 new pieces of furniture and decorations to collect, these include new fences, lights and seating; giving you more options to decorate your farmhouse and its surroundings!

In addition to the new furniture and decorations, there are also over 50 new blocks. These include new building materials and vegetation! Ever wanted purple and pink galaxy grass on your farm? Want to add glowing water? We have you covered with this new update.

But wait, there's more! You can find even more things to collect, including new crafting and cooking recipes and even more bobbleheads!

Pets and farm animals!
You heard right folks, our amazing content update team has added 6 new pets including foxes and hedgehogs and much more; each with a different colour variation and their own unique pet house! Feeling like dressing up as a pirate? You can now complete the look with a parrot companion, BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES!!

Not only have we added new pets we have added 3 new farm animals too! Each new farm animal will also give you a new item to farm. Expand your farm life with these cute new critters.

Accessing the new update
In order to access the new update you will need to ensure that you have completed all of Leif’s friendship quests and are friends with Cecile.

In addition to this content update, we have also created five new Steam achievements based on this new update, so get out there and explore!!

We hope you enjoy this new and exciting update, you can join the community by following us on Twitter @StaxelGame and join our Discord!

Oct 2, 2020
Staxel - PlukIt

Greetings Staxelites, Staxel Reporter coming in hot with some update news!

Our wonderful development team has been working hard ensuring the game is fun for everyone, as such we have updated the starting tutorial, This tutorial update will be included in the “Hideaway Hollow” content update, which we’re excited to announce is coming out on October 20th 2020! Please keep reading for more information.

Starting out on the farm
The new tutorial will land you on your farm instead of the town hall and is split between 9 quests over 9 days that will teach you mechanics and content at a relaxed pace; with the initial tutorial getting you setup much quicker on day 1.

In addition to all of these changes this new tutorial is now playable by all players instead of just the main player! So all players can now enjoy the tutorial.

Picking up quests
We’ve integrated the new tutorial to play out over the first few in-game days so you can continue playing through the days as normal, these quests are also triggered by villagers sending you mail so you can start the quest straight away!

To accompany these new tutorial quests, we’ve added guides that popup at key points to explain gameplay mechanics with easy to understand images and instructions.

Stay tuned for another blog post containing more information about the “Hideaway Hollow” update, coming soon ♪

Staxel - bartwe
Console Porting, Totems and A New Land to Explore!

Hello! It's been a while since we last shared an update, so we thought we'd give you a peek at what we've been working on.

Console Port
As you probably know, we've been hard at work porting Staxel to console, this involves a complete engine rewrite of the game from the ground up - no light task for a game over 5 years in the making! We're making great progress though, and we’re looking forward to showing you more in terms of engine gameplay in the coming weeks.

Totem UI Case Study
One thing we've been looking at very closely while porting is making sure our UI works well for consoles. This means making sure everything works fluidly with a controller, but also ensuring readability across a large range of screen setups. An example being the Switch Handheld and docked modes. Since we're re-examining the UI in this way, we figured it's a good time to examine how useful certain UIs actually are too!

Enter: the Totem UI. Totems in Staxel are special tiles that define an area in which a building should be built, this includes villager post boxes (which define their houses), the festival grounds arch, and the wooden sign in front of the town hall - to name a few. Totems play an important role in Staxel, and they're pretty core to the gameplay, as you'll be building various houses and amenities throughout your time on the island; so we thought they could use some TLC.

On PC, this is how the totem UI currently looks:

Now, while this does the job of telling you what you need to construct a minimum viable Town Hall, it doesn’t exactly go the extra mile to make that experience clearer for the player. So let's see how we can change that!

One of the biggest issues with this interface is the lack of distinction between what is a category, what is a tile, and what is something else entirely. It’s simply a list with no context. So the most important factor in redesigning this UI is information - giving the player more information about the totem, the tiers, and the tier requirements. We also have to consider the other factor mentioned earlier - designing the UI for consoles as opposed to PCs. With that in mind, this is what we came up with:

We hope you like these changes but please note; they are not final and any screenshots shown here are a work in progress and are subject to change.

The first thing you’ll notice is the overall design, we’ve tried to keep the UI more consistent in this version, in terms of color, size and spacing. The main functional change is the tooltip on the right side, which shows you a preview of the currently selected tier requirement. This takes the guesswork (which can be expensive with Aliza’s prices!) out of finding the correct piece of furniture to use. Not all requirements are a specific tile though, some are a category (or even a distance from town!), so we designed some icons to let the player know the totem is looking for something different.

These icons are an important change as they take away the worry that you’re not finding the correct piece of furniture. In addition to these changes, we’ve been making the UI a bit easier to navigate, preferring pagination to scroll bars, and improving the readability.
The console port is progressing every day, and we’re doing our best to ensure the experience, much like the UI, is tailored to consoles.

A New Land to Explore
The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed this sneaky screenshot we posted without context to our Twitter a while ago:

We’re happy to announce that we have a brand new content update coming to Staxel PC! This update will bring a variety of new content, a new quest line, and a new location to explore. We’ll have more information in the coming weeks, so stay tuned! For now, here’s another sneak peek at what’s to come!

Nexel - Demo
If you’re wondering how we got started porting Staxel to consoles, look no further!

Nexel is a demo for a new game we developed in a new custom voxel engine, capable of running on consoles as well as other desktop platforms. We eventually cancelled further development on it, instead putting our effort into developing Staxel for consoles using the Nexel engine.

You can find more information at the bottom of our blogpost at

Staxel - PlukIt
This is a minor update to fix a rare but critical issue.
  • Fixed a case where a world would infinitely load due to world file not ending properly
  • Fixed some internal
  • Fixed some of Eris' lines not having a dialogue tag.
  • Fixed Seed maker giving goldenberries for strawberries.
  • Fixed Seed maker always giving 3 strawberries.
  • Fixed Construction Hat removing caith tails.
  • Fixed issue with an issue with connecting to a heavily modded server.

Staxel - PlukIt
Staxel 1.4.41 (191124a)

This is a minor update that fixes up some more minor issues with the game. Specifically some issues that was found when modding the game.

  • Added a Screen Door to the game.
  • Added a set of Boots that are avaliable at character select.
  • Feedback form is now removed from closing the game.
  • Manure is now a starter recipe.
  • Items with No Dock in their name will no longer be avalaible for Fetch Quests to pick.
  • Added a category “noFetch” which will stop any item tagged with it from being in a fetch quest.
  • Fixed a bug stopping players for searching for pets in the catalogue. (Even if they were unlocked.)
  • Added a sprint button in the options menu. Unbound by default.
  • Fixed launching the singleplayer world in staxelnet, if you open the world options menu.
  • Fixed Emote Item’s model not showing in inventory.
  • Cecile will give another gift for Leif, if somehow the first goes missing.
  • Max will now send his letter about Cecile the day after you give Cecile the stuff to make Leif’s gift.
  • Removed Emilia from being a host of the Fey Festival. This caused unintended side effects, especially when her house is being built.
  • Aliza will now allow you to buy counters from her if Leif’s shop is completely broken.
  • Aliza will now allow you to buy counters and doors from her, if her shop is completely broken.
  • Cardboard boxes, bins and awnings are now avaliable in Aliza’s shop. (Specifically items that are used to make Leif’s shop tier 2.)
  • Kitchen Counter (No Dock) is now only 1 block tall.
  • Fixed .layered files not working for accessories.
  • Fixed having to create .layeredlayeredasset files when setting a .layered file as a custom rendering model for tiles.
  • Fixed recipes with sponges never working.
  • Fixed sponges containing themselves when they are empty.
  • Fixed a case where box tool could place a “bad tile” which could cause crashes.

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