Stationeers - Timberfox
Starting Gear Selection

Continuing off the work of the last few patches that have updated the basic survival and starting aspects of Stationeers, we've created a new flow to world creation, where you get to select and see what starting conditions your new world will have. We see this as a distinctly different choice over the general difficulty, that largely influences the first dozen hours of your gameplay.

This new screen not only lets you choose, but also shows the gear in a straight forward and not overwhelming manner. Hovering over the lander crates will show you all nested information as a tool tip, but for more complex containers, you can expand them to better investigate their contents.

Mod-ability and steam workshop support was a focus from the start. Any workshop starting conditions subscribed to will automatically appear in the selection window. This applies to any difficulty mods too. The intent of this is for these 'simple' mods to be more safe and straightforward for people to enable, disable, and use, when compared against more complex mods which can often require much more fiddling.

We've also finally got the player starting gear and respawns moved into this system, which has allowed us to have the player enter their world in a more physical way. The standard starts now place the player inside a falling landing capsule, which comes with its own emergency supplies per player. This allows multiplayer servers to scale better with more players, as they by default, bring some of their own water and food.

You can read more about some of our previous game start changes here:

Brutal Starts

While we want to leave a lot of the different playstyle choices up to players and modders, we felt that a really minimalist "brutal start" play style made sense for us to offer to all players. Brutal Starting conditions embrace all the problem solving that Stationeers's gameplay creates. They represent you crash landing on a planet, with next to no gear. These starts give virtually no guidance, nor extra building components, and players pick the priority of every little aspect of getting their first base up and running.

Composite Window Shutters

The previous window shutter acted more like a door than a window, was impractical to easily add to a base, and had perpendicular data connections that made any form of automation a very ugly.

The new window shutter places like a wall, so it can be built on top of existing windows. Instead of having to wire each window shutter, a new window shutter controller panel can be placed and wired, to act as a single point of control for an array of shutters. The controller logic will jump between adjacent shutter, and set them to the same state of the controller whenever open/closed is changed.

Patch Artwork
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Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.5025.22811
  • Tweaked lander capsule triggers for popping off the door.
  • Updated several IExitable prefabs to ensure their camera points were correctly set. Chairs will no longer update every physics tick.
  • Fixed players spawning in slots could sometimes have an incorrectly offset camera. Have moved logic which handles camera position out of every IExitable and instead put it in Entity.
  • Tentative fix for dropped dynamic things flying off in random directions.
  • Fixed laptop blueprint was incorrectly rotated.
  • Fixed Issue with liquid evaporation where a liquid could rise above its maximum liquid temperature but would not evaporate. Now liquids that are heated above their maximum liquid temperature will boil off quickly.
  • Changed PortableAC. Now requires coolant to be supplied via a liquid canister. In cooling mode the AC will move heat from the world to the coolant canister, Efficiency will decrease if the canister is hotter than the operating environment. In heating mode the AC will move heat from the coolant Canister to the world. If the coolant freezes or their is no coolant, the AC will use its built in electric heater instead. If the coolant canister pressure rises above 4Mpa the excess gas will be moved into the AC's internal atmosphere. Opening the AC using the lever will dump the internal waste gas into the world. If the Ac is connected to a portables connector the waste gas will mix into the connected pipe network.
  • Fixed a bug where the IC code editor window would still receive certain keyboard inputs when helper window search fields had focus
  • Updated help key to allow opening stationpedia while editing IC code
  • Fixed MoveToWorld setting local players root transform rotation. For the local player this should be zero and the rotation will be set on another child transform driven by the camera.
  • Fixed ProcessUpdateTransform method was calling move to world for the local player. This should only be affecting other players as the local player will handle this themself.
  • Fixed look direction can be incorrect when your character exits slots.
  • Fixed clients not correctly exiting slots when other players pull them out.
  • Disallowed the use of the words "backup", "saves" and "autosave" in save file names. Using these words in saves can cause various issues when loading the save file list. Previous saves will be unaffected.
  • Fixed furnace import bin being active while the furnace isn't fully built
  • Updated the behaviour of Rocket AutoLand - toggling it off will now shut off all engines and reset the throttle to max
  • Updated Rocket IC housing to use less power - it now uses 5w instead of 50
  • Updated the behaviour of AutoShutoff in the Rocket UI to leave any IC housing powered on
  • Fixed objects having the wrong rotation when being precision placed
  • Made lander capsules always be sent to clients at the top of the NewToSend list as they must exist before players so players can be inserted into them.
  • Added handling of saving and loading of delayed spawn actions such as popping off the lander capsule door.
  • Added first pass on lander capsule which players will spawn in the first time they join a world. After spawning in, the door will auto pop off but can also be manually popped off if needed.
  • Added Start Condition Wrapper Data class for selected start conditions on new game. Valid Start conditions for the world are defined on worldsettings.xml.
  • Added Brutal Start condition. A single crate with the bare minimum needed for survival.
  • Added 1st pass of start condition selection screen.
  • Added WIP Start condition UI for showing contents of start condition.
  • Updated start screen crate contents tooltips to show reduced contents depth
  • Added Passive vent can be upgraded to insulated passive vent with Adhesive Insulation.
  • Fixed KeyBinds being able to change the FOV of the camera in the menu
  • Added internal storage slots for lander capsule
  • Tweaked slots on lander capsule
  • Added WindTurbine to Europa Brutal Start conditions.
  • Disabled raycast target on several components of ui prefabs which were causing spam of ui hover sounds
  • Fixed WorldManager Changes not applied in scene.
  • Removed Window Shutter from Stationpedia.
  • Added Composite WindowShutterController and Composite Window Shutter to Kit (CompositeWindowShutter) and removed the old window shutter.
  • Renamed Kit (Window Shutter) to Kit (Composite Window Shutter).
  • Added Composite Window Shutter Controller. This is a wall like piece that has logic and power connections. It is able to control the open/close function of all connected window shutter pieces.
  • Added Composite Window Shutter. These are a networked set of Windows with shutters. The shutter can be open and closed manually and a group of connected windows can have their shutters closed via a Window Shutter Controller.
  • Recreated the world info prefab
  • Made start conditions list items a little smaller
  • Added a water bottle box and cereal bar box to the slots in the lander capsule.
  • Changed Max Temperature of Portable AC to 50degreesC from 30degreesC.
  • Changed Kit (Window Shutter) recipe to 2 Steel 1 Solder.
  • Added optional WorldInject Element to StartConditionData. This Allows Modders to specify which Worlds they want their start condition to be available on. i.e <WorldInject Operator="Any"> <World Id="Mars"/> <World Id="Moon"/> </WorldInject>
  • Changed Replaced SolarPower Packsge with Gas Power Package in Mimas Brutal Start.
  • Added Portables and Crate Slot type.
  • Fixed Crates and Canisters could span in the wrong slots on Lander.
  • Changed All SpawnDatas are now located in StartConditionData.
  • Fixed GasTanks on Lander not showing on startCondition Menu panel.S
  • Added Radial spawn rule option for spawnDatas. Allows important start items to spawn in a more controlled manner.
  • Fixed A new batch of atmospherics Workers were being created on each world load. Potential cause of Atmos thread lag after multiple save/loads.
  • Added scroll box to start conditions info box
  • Added movement or jumping to get you out of a seat
  • Added light to inside of lander capsule
  • Changed Prevented un-assignment of External Vent on AirLock when Internal vent is assigned. The order of the airlocks assigned devices determines the assignment on deserializing and the first vent in the list is assigned as the external vent. Reassigning the external vent when an internal vent is assigned puts the list in a non-deterministic order when cause the vents to get swapped on reload.
  • Changed Applied Change from rev22741 to standard Airlocks also.
  • Changed lander capsule door back to draggable thing and made it deconstructable with the angle grinder
  • First pass of entry vfx
  • Added an entry animation to the lander capsule
  • Fixed Terrain Generation Lag when loading into a save. In some cases this could cause the game simulation thread to lag out for a number of seconds. This terrain generation work has now been moved earlier into the terrain loading sequence which will result in slightly longer load times.
  • Fixed Large objects travelling fast in the space level would overwhelm the terrain generation system and cause the simulation thread to lag out permanently.
  • Updated serialization for lander capsules
  • Removed delayed open interaction from the lander capsules spawn conditions as it will now be done in the ControlledDescent method
  • Made sure lander door pops off after its controlled descent and also when the world is loaded mid descent
  • Commented out code for missing EntryEffects class - to be added back in once this goes in.
  • Fixed missing entry effects script
  • Fixed No StartCondition available for Asteroids world. If a world setting has no start conditions listed then the default setting will be added.
  • Added new graphics for starting condition buttons
  • Changed WindowShutterController open variable cannot be written to when device is unpowered.
  • Fixed Player could interact with disabled panel on window shutter controller when device was turned off.
  • Changed WindowShutterController now ignores multiple Open interactable calls of the same value.
  • Added distinct button background images to the starting condition selection screen
  • Made lander capsule descent target height closer to the ground
  • Added wip thruster effects to lander capsule
  • Changed Lander will no longer drift away if bumped when in zero gravity worlds (asteroids world).
  • Fixed fall-back spaceMap was missing names for all its locations.
  • Fixed lander effects not being disabled correctly when loading a game
  • Made lander capsule terminate its descent if it hits something to stop it going through structures
  • Fixed first Simulation Tick after loading into the game having a larger DeltaTime and affecting the LightStress of plants
  • Changed Plant Life tick now runs after the atmospherics calculation on the gameTick. The first life tick of a plant would not see the correct lit state as the lit state had yet to be calculated.
  • Fixed Compilation error from rev22766.
  • Updated the Game Name text field to now be on the final screen
  • Updated new game menu texts
  • Fixed plant serialization not including PlantStatusTypes
  • Fixed canister slot visible in insulated canister storage.
  • Fixed Unpack button for insulated cannister package not available.
  • Added StartCondition for Asteroids World. Includes Ingots Crate, Rocket Crate, Liquid Oxygen tank and Liquid Volatiles Tank.
  • Fixed lander capsule position being way too high on load if saving while still descending.
  • Changed lander capsule to use Mode to track its state instead of an IsDescending bool.
  • Fixed Asteroid belt start had an over-pressurised LiquidVolatiles Tank.
  • Changed Vulcan and Venus Brutal Start to include a tank of oxygen and a 12L canister of water.
  • Locked lander capsule when it is descending to stop players jumping out or opening the door too early
  • Added Ambience and door release sounds to lander capsule.
  • Fixed decent unitask not being cancelled correctly when terminating the descent.
  • Fixed door open events being fired multiple times when landing.
  • Fixed lander door getting stuck when loading a game.
  • Updated lander thruster material to make the transparency behaviour more consistent
  • Fixed can't deconstruct lander capsule. Moved lander proximity trigger to 'ignore raycast' layer. Will now no longer block deconstruction.
  • Fixed Camera shake on Lander Capsule was incorrectly implemented, it was shaking the capsule, I have changed it to use the existing camera-shake effect on the camera controller.
  • Fixed lander capsule door could be stuck closed on load.
  • Fixed a Clients could get stuck in lander capsule on load.
  • Added LanderCapsule now spawns with a breathable internal atmosphere.
  • Added Vent depress effect to capsule on landing.
  • Polish pass on Lander capsule event timings.
  • Added Audio to Lander Capsule Landing sequence.
  • Changed First Game save now runs after the player exits the LanderCapsule.
  • Changed Increased force of lander capsule door ejection.
  • Changed increased range of lander capsule thruster audio.
  • Changed Decoupled LanderCapsuleFX from Landing simulation loop (that only ran on server).
  • Fixed Camera Shake not working on clients.
  • Fixed Thruster FX not turning off on LanderCapsule on clients.
  • Fixed compile error caused by Accidental commit in rev22789
  • Fixed Slot Rotations for lander capsule storage slots.
  • Added WaterBottleBag and CerealBarBag. These spawn in the starting lander and contain starting food and water for each player.
  • Fixed players not being moved to lander capsules correctly on dedicated server. Removed wait for inventorymanager when executing move player as it is no longer needed and will wait forever on dedicated server.
  • Fixed bug where loading a saved game with plants would cause the plants to accumulate excessive amounts of light stress
  • Fixed WorldManager SourcePrefabs not updated in scene.
  • Changed Impact sound of capsule door.
  • Fixed Door Collider of lander capsule interactable on clients after landing.
  • Updated start screen list to expand container contents when clicked
  • Added data references to default spawn and respawn conditions for starting conditions that were implicitly using the default settings. Going forwards StartConditions will need to explicitly define their player spawn and respawn kits.
  • Fixed start conditions list tooltips flickering and sometimes not showing up correctly
  • Removed MiningSupplies package from Asteroids Survival Crate.
  • Added 2x Oxygen tank and 1x Nitrogen tank to Asteroids StartCondition.
  • Tweaked lander capsule slot positions slightly as bags were clipping with their holders
  • Optimised Concurrency behaviour when registering a new sound that subscribes to a StopFarthest type concurrency.
  • Added Open/Close Sounds to Window shutters.
  • Fixed Incorrect thumbnail for lander capsule.
  • Updated start conditions screen to make landers and player capsules distinct elements
Stationeers - Timberfox
This hotfix includes Several fixes for starting gear, items exiting boxes correctly, plant and recipe configurations, and more.

Changlog v0.2.4945.22690
  • Fixed The final item removed from a disposable packaging object would not have its interactions enabled due to the script mono-behaviour being disabled.
  • Fixed bug with the plant life requirements for SeedBag_Cocoa and SeedBag_SugarCane not matching the life requirements of ItemSugarCane and ItemCocoaTree
  • Fixed cooking requirements for cooked rice and cooked soybeans so that the recipe requirements match for both the automated oven and the microwave
  • Fixed a bug where portable atmospherics would produce infinite free nitrogen when deconstructed
  • Fixed water bottle pack had the incorrect blueprint
  • Changed hydroponics supplies crates on vulcan and venus were to mkII crates
  • Removed s on water bottle box (art asset)
  • Removed s on water bottle box
  • Fixed wrong material for build states of security printer and tool manufactory
  • Fixed bdse and other related ic commands using the incorrect instruction format from rmap
  • Fixed Explosions do not mine terrain on dedicated server.
Stationeers - Timberfox
New crate equipment

The team has spent the last two weeks playing the first few hours of the game over and over. To new players who had their hands held in the tutorials, the reality of Stationeer's scope really sets in when you finally spawn alone on a world with no instructions, and a full lander waiting in front of you.

The crates serve as a means of encouraging the player to focus on one task. Throughout the years of development, as we added new content, or found an issue players needed more help on, we used up all the free slots in the crates, and sometimes put items in the 'wrong' crate just because it could fit.

We've made sure to split out the crates into more tidy packages to inspire you to use all of them to build different solutions to the problems in your base. To aid in still keeping the options and content straightforward, we've added some single use cardboard boxes which contain multiple items for a task. For example, the portable gas fueled generator is now in a box in the electrical crate, along with a small fuel canister, and a power connector.

We also want to note that there are lots of different types of people that play Stationeers, and lots of different ways to play it. We see starting gear as a separate choice from difficulty and we dont want to force everyone to have exactly the same experience. These starting changes are just the beginning of how we see the the system evolving, and we look forward to allowing players to soon choose between brutal bare bones starts, and comfy 10 player station building starts. And of course, this new system has been authored and exposed so modders, and players, can jump in and make the changes they want.

Vulcan and Mimas Changes

Vulcan is a fun world that offers unique problems, and presents equally unique solutions. However, we felt the first 30 minutes getting established were more daunting and stressful than just living on the planet. To encourage more people to try it, we've added some extra supplies that allow for basic problem solving without having to print as much in the first hour. The changes are especially noticeable in multiplayer, where players often had to wait around and not risk consuming resources for the first two days.

Additionally, to make longer term gameplay feel more unique on vulcan we've made coal much more rare and removed the starting solid fuel generator. Players will have to rely on the plentiful sunlight, or the atmosphere as a source of power.

Mimas, being a small moon of Saturn, ended up playing almost exactly like the moon, with the exception of reduced solar power, and an often comically low gravity. We have now removed water ice, and reduced the coal amount. This means a lot of the starting gameplay can revolve around players collecting volatiles, and oxygen to create, not just water, but also fuel mixes for gas generators, or sterling engines. Some other crate changes here also provide the players with unusual challenges, such as having to live off of dark craving mushrooms, or nitrogen absorbing soybeans.

Mining changes
Explosives have been in Stationeers for a long time, but never really fit well, with the exception of funny creative mode videos. We've made mining charges easier to use. They deploy and activate with a right click, just like using flares. The charge will throw and activate automatically, and the arming lever is only needed to be used if you want to deactivate the charge. They also now stack to 3, and the printing cost is cheaper, so its easier to throw a few in your pack when you go mining. Remote explosives have been renamed to demolition charges, and the remote detonator has also been brought up to a higher standard of polish.

Balance Pass on food
While playing the start of the game over and over, we noticed that some of the canned food was just too good compared to the work that went into them. We did a general pass on all the nutrition values of the game, and tried to make them all have values that reflect the nuances of the difficulty of growing all the plants in the game. We figured you would appreciate us trying to make food better balanced now, rather then waiting for a complete cooking overhaul. Comments, and opinions on these changes are very welcome in our discord, and on steam.

Patch Artwork

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v.2.4966.22676
  • Fixed stationpedia search not working as you type when the game is paused
  • Added Insulated Canister Package Asset for storage of gases at a stable temperature
  • Changed Temperature range of switchgrass to 0-60degreesC from 0-50degreesC.
  • Changed Vulcan to have a much lower spawn rate of coal. (similar to Nickel)
  • Added 1st pass on new Vulcan start conditions. We have added a number of additional crates. Some of these crates will spawn on a 2nd lander. Each crate has a clear construction purpose, i.e the power crate exclusively contains the necessary elements for setting up a basic power system.
  • Survival Supplies: 2x boxes of 6 Cereal bars, 3 bottles of water, 1 beacon with battery cell included.
  • Portables Supplies: Portable AC, Power generator and filtration. 2x Battery Cell, Fuel Canister, Liquid Nitrogen Canister, 2x Portables Connector, Power Connector, Pollutants filter.
  • Hydroponics Supplies: Contains Grow-light, Fertilised Eggs, Potato Seeds, Wheat Seeds, Soybean Seeds, 5x Kit (Hydroponic Tray), 20x LiquidPipes, Liquid Pipe utility, Water Canister, Kit (Water Bottle Filler).
  • Airlock Supplies: contains the items for building your first airlock (including a passive vent).
  • Electrical Supplies: Solid Fuel Generator, 100x cable coil, 2x APC, 1x basic solar panel, 2x Large Battery cell, 1x small battery charger.
  • Construction Supplies: contains extra frames, walls and iron sheets.
  • Balance pass on Food Nutrition.
  • Changed Increased max harvest yield of wheat to 5 from 3. Increased Max harvest of rice to 5 from 3.
  • Changed Recipes: CookedRice Recipe to 1 from 3 rice. CookedSoybean to 1 from 5 soybean. Mushroom Soup recipe to 5 from 8 cookedMushroom. Pumpkin Soup to 2 from 5 cooked pumpkin.
  • Tomato Soup reduced to 125 from 290. Corn Soup reduced to 150 from 190. Pumpkin Soup reduced to 160 from 190. Mushroom soup reduced to 120 from 200.
  • CookedCorn Increased to 30 from 20. Cooked Pumpkin Increased to 80 from 30. CookedMushroom Increased to 40 from 0. CerealBar Increased to 45 from 30.
  • Changed Swapped tomato soup with cereal bar in uniform pocket.
  • Increased the Time that ActiveVents and APCs take to be destroyed by fire.
  • Refactored asynchronous explosions terrain mining code to be re-entrant and to correctly support multiple simultaneous explosions happening
  • Added ability for explosive items to have sympathetic detonations on destruction
  • Added Cereal Bar Box. Behaves the same as the Cardboard Box
  • Changed starting survival supplies crate to use the cereal bar box rather than the standard cardboard box for the cereal bars
  • Added Lock Interaction to Remote Detonator. Upon linking to a new charge the detonator will automatically lock, detonation can only be triggered once you unlock the tool using the Inventory unlock button.
  • Changed Demolition Charges are now stackable to 3x. Holding RMB will drop 1 charge, If you have a switched on and powered Remote Detonator in your other hand the Charge will also be linked.
  • Changed Reduced MiningCharge damage, such that a player can survive 1 direct hit (It will still knock them out for a few seconds due to stun damage).
  • Added Recipe for Demolition Charge to T2 Tool Manufactory 1 Solder, 1 Electrum, 3 Silicon.
  • Added Recipe for Mining Charge to Tool Manufactory. 1 Gold, 1 Iron, 3 Silicon.
  • Increased Remote explosive print time from 5 seconds to 90 seconds, power usage while printing to 100w, and increased silicon from 5 to 7, and solder from 1 to 2.
  • Increased Mining charge print time from 5 seconds to 60 seconds, power usage while printing to 100w, and increased silicon usage from 3 to 5.
  • Added Power supplies Mimas crate for Mimas start. Contains basic power supplies and supplies to set up a stirling engine.
  • Changed All Canisters that spawn with gas/liquid in the starting crates now spawn inside an Insulated Canister Package. The Insulated Canister Package will prevent the gas/liquid from heating up or cooling down when the crate is open.
  • Added new Packaging items: ResidentialSuppliesPackage, WaterBottlePackage, PortablesPackage, MiningSuppliesPackage. These have been added the starting crates on the lander. Items may be unpacked using LMB to do the unpack action while package is on the ground or using RMB when Item is in hand or using the unpack button when item is in hand. Unpacked items will go into the active hand or if it is occupied into the world.
  • Removed the hard coding of mars' LOD terrain colour.
  • Changed the LOD terrain colour to better match the terrain colour of the planet.
  • Fixed craters having LOD terrain clipping through them and looking shallower than they were.
  • Fixed some trader selling/buying icons not showing as the name check was case sensitive. Have made it ignore case.
  • Fixed regenerated cocoa powder blueprint as it was incorrectly set to the flour bag blueprint
  • Tweaked laptop slot offset position so that it looks more centered when slotted. This offset is separate from hand position offsets so should not affect position when carried.
  • Fixed search task not being cleaned up when clearing the search field
  • Fixed wrong orientation for all sensor chips (art asset)
  • Added UI font files (art asset)
  • Added UI icons for turbine jetpack (art asset)
  • Replaced sensor processing chip models with new versions to fix inconsistent rotation in slots. Also regenerated blueprints and tweaked collider size.
  • Updated UI status icons to display jetpack battery state when a battery-powered jetpack is in use
  • Fixed trade item cocoa seed pack having the wrong name
  • Changed CardboardBox to be renamable.
  • Fixed null constructible entry in Kit (WaterBottleFiller).
  • Added Volatiles filter and Pollutants filter to Misc Supplies Vulcan starting crate.
  • Changed Number of upright wind turbines from 2 to 3 in Electrical Supplies Vulcan starting crate.
  • Added Water Bottle Filler kit to Hydroponics Supplies Vulcan crate.
  • Added Tracking Beacon to Survival Supplies Vulcan starting Crate.
  • Added Revised default starting conditions. Some unnecessary items have been removed from crates. Each crate is now labelled and stocked for a specific purpose.
  • Changed Portable Generator power output to 900W. Increased Fuel use and reduced fuel efficiency. This change will only apply to new Portable Generators.
  • Changed Split Default starting crates across 2 landers and added Mining Supplies Crate.
  • Added model and texture for cereal bar box. (art asset)
  • Added insulated package for canister. (art asset)
  • Added emergency supplies box (art asset)
  • Added Residential supplies crate to default lander and Vulcan lander.
  • Added Liquid Tank to Default lander. Added Flags to survival supplies.
  • Updated the dynamic aircon model. Added canister slot on the left side, and added handle in the front and back. (art asset)
  • Changed explosive mining to be able to drop smaller stacks
  • Changed explosion mining code to be able to mine more per frame
  • Changed Slightly increased the price canned goods from food trader.
  • Fixed logic sorter mode All and None filtering items by default if all instructions on the stack get skipped. DoFilter() will now evaluate to false by default if all instructions are skipped.
  • Added 'rmap' ic instruction. This will take a reagent hash and a device and store the prefab hash that the device expects to receive. For example, on manufacturing devices, reagent hash for Iron will store the prefab hash for ItemIronIngot. This can be used in conjunction with the new device stacks to more easily automate manufacturing.
  • Fixed screen not fading from black if you pause the game as soon as a world loads. Changed fade in and out behaviour to use unscaledDeltaTime.
  • Removed duplicate plant analyser cartridge from the survival supplies starting crate
  • Moved the slot offset position slightly for pneumatic mining drill and power connector so they look more centered when they are in slots
  • Added glass cover on the remote detonator. (art asset)
  • Added default fbx import settings to the project. This is the same as the previous settings but will no longer import materials. This should only apply to newly added fbx files.
  • Changed some of the newly added food models to use the new fbx import settings to strip out materials
  • Removed parent transform on laptop that was being used to offset its rotation as this is no longer needed due to the drop fixes
  • Tweaked laptop hand position and rotation.
  • Fixed things drop upside down or rotated incorrectly.
  • Updated Localization for Cereal Bar Box
  • Renamed CerealBarBox to ItemCerealBarBox
  • Moved cereal bar box model to its correct folder
  • Updated laptop slot offset position so that it appears centered when it is in a slot
  • Added Item Emergency Supplies Box with same functionality as Cardboard Box
  • Fixed scale problem for insulated canister package. (art asset)
  • Updated passive vent kit name in stationpedia
  • Fixed incorrect tooltip text when pipes are damaged by liquid
  • Fixed composite door blueprint mesh was incorrectly generated
  • Updated fabricator build states UVs to match to color swatches.
  • Updated wrong materials on fabricators.
  • Fixed nre which stops players respawning if their spawn point structure is destroyed
  • Made arrows on the crate mount bigger to see more better
  • Removed incorrectly instantiated array of empty thumbnails on crate mount
  • Fixed missing tooltip info for unfastening crates when the crate is attached to the lander
  • Fixed Null Reference Exception from AnimComponent when object was destroyed mid animation.
  • Cleaned up Sympathetic Detonation Code and moved some magic numbers in Explosion.cs into constants.
  • Removed Animators on MiningCharge, DemolitionCharge and Remote Detonator and replaced with anim-Components.
  • Changed Detonate action on Remote Detonator is now triggered with LMB.
  • Renamed Remote explosive to Demolition Charge.
  • Fixed Already spawned ores will not be destroyed by mining charges (this could happen during explosion chains)
  • Fixed MiningCharges could not be disarmed.
  • Changed Mining Charge Interaction Behaviour. Charges now stack to 3x. Hold RMB to drop and arm a charge. Armed Charges can be disarmed by picking up or flicking the arm switch. When Two or more charges are merged into a stack all will be disarmed.
  • Updated Medium Rocket Battery to require 2 kits
  • Fixed tablet not working when its on the ground or in a tablet dock. For performance reasons, only the closest three tablets will be updated and after a certain distance tablets wont update. The tablet in your hand will always update.
  • Made atmos tablet always show world atmosphere when its not in your own hand
  • Replaced Solar panel kit with upright wind turbine in Europa Power crate.
  • Halved Ore Vein Density and increased Ore Vein size by 50% on Mimas.
  • Greatly reduced spawn rates of coal on Mimas.
  • Removed Water Ice from spawning on Mimas.
  • Fixed ToolTip not being given when trying to eat cooked StackableFood through a helmet
  • Fixed the network analyser and plant analyser tablets showing info for what the player was pointing at when the tablet was on the ground.
  • Fixed Europa WorldCondition spawning DefaultLander1 instead of EuropaLander1.
  • Changed the number of sheets required to construct a station battery to 2 instead of 4
  • Changed station battery construction requirements to use steel sheets instead of iron sheets
  • Refactored the Filtration Machines gas input logic into a static method on Atmosphere Helper.
  • Added Processed Moles value to the tooltips of all machines on the atmospherics kit.
  • Changed H2Combustor throughput to be like the Filtration machine. It has a slow base through-put rate which can be increased by maximising the pressure delta between input and output pipes.
  • Fixed invisible lever on the Pipe bender.
  • Added Hydroponics Supplies Mimas Crate. Swapped Potato seeds for Mushroom seeds, Added Kit Atmospherics and 3x Liquid Pipe radiator.
  • Added Battery kit to Mimas Electrical supplies crate.
  • Added Stirling Engine Supplies crate to Mimas Start. Includes the minimum pieces to set up a simple stirling engine setup.
  • Balance change on default start conditions: reduced iron frames to 45 from 60, reduced ablecoil to 50 from 100.
  • Changed Mimas World setting to use MimasLander2.
  • Changed Gas Canisters in Reusable Fire extinguisher and Pneumatic mining drill are now insulated from interacting with world atmosphere and solar heating.
  • Fixed Stirling Engine OnOff button was not following standard behaviour.
  • Added Power generation to Stirling Engine Tooltip.
  • missing asset change from rev.22626.
  • Updated Rocket Scanner to require Steel Sheets to build instead of Iron Sheets
  • Added paintable stripes on the insulated canister package. (art asset)
  • Fixed a bug where the incomplete build state tooltip wasn't displaying for rocket datalinks
  • Fixed double tap 'F' functionality stops working in some instances when inventory windows are not loaded in correctly
  • Added check to tooltip panel which will ensure the tooltip will be hidden when its respective ui element is hidden
  • Fixed tooltips on manufacturing device search list sometimes not showing up or showing the incorrect text.
  • Removed SetUpToolTipWithInfo method as it was the same as SetUpToolTip which was confusing. Have changed all usages of SetUpToolTipWithInfo to SetUpToolTip.
  • Fixed tooltip panel flickering when changing between different sized tooltips. Have added call to force layout rebuild after tooltip is initialized.
  • Updated ItemInsulatedCanisterPackage to have coloured stripes along the top and bottom of the model
  • Updated thumbnails for insulated canister package
  • Added missing meta file for materials folder
  • Added new CapsuleSmall Lander model with colliders
  • Fixed the Drinking Fountain Tooltip not displaying
  • Fixed capsule's mesh overlapping problem between net and interior wall. (art asset)
  • Fixed capsule's mesh overlapping problem between net and interior wall.
  • Added "Interaction" action for tradables and spawns. Allows an interaction to be performanced as part of the start conditions or trading spawn. Can include a child "delay" which includes a timespan.
  • Replaced player seat to a crate slot on the lander(art asset)
  • Fixed Short shadow distance on portables.
  • Changed Default start conditions back to one lander. some items have been aggregated into cardboard boxes to allow for this.
  • Removed Seat from Lander and replaced with spare crate slot.
  • Fixed the GasGenerator crashing client to desktop when spawned in multiplayer
  • Removed deprecated data from startconditions.xml
  • Changed power output of Portable Generator to 600W.
  • Fixed a bug where portable atmospherics devices were not releasing their internal atmospheres to the surrounding world when deconstructed.
  • Fixed a bug where a loaded flare gun occupying a world slot was firing when it was picked up.
  • Added toggle switches below the Rocket UI auto-land and auto-shutoff buttons, to make their usage as buttons more obvious
  • Added dynamic device box, furniture box and mining box. (art asset)
  • Changed paintable boxes to non paintable boxes. (art asset)
  • Updated the rocket motherboard's Open UI button to be more prominent
  • Fixed FlareGun sounds and effects play when picked up or inserted into a slot.
  • Added water bottle box (art asset)
  • Changed rigidbody interpolation on players to 'none' when they take control of the player inside an IExitable
  • Repurposed the old NewPlayer event in start conditions to now spawn items in world rather than in the players inventory.
  • Changed spawn events in start conditions from NewPlayer and RespawnPlayer to NewPlayerKit and RespawnPlayerKit respectively. These can be used to spawn items in the current players inventory.
  • Added MovePlayer action - to be used with the new start conditions - which can be used to move the current player to the provided slot on a thing
  • Added new lander capsule and associated textures and other assets.
  • Changed moved packaging boxes data into their own spawnDatas in startconditions.xml so they can be referenced by multiple crates.
  • Fixed taking control of player in a seat and then exiting would not reset interpolation. Have made taking control in only the lander capsule affect interpolation (rather than any IExitable). Each IExitable will need to be handled individually before we can update this.
  • Changed spawn action execute method to take a player parameter. MovePlayerAction will now use this instead of the player from the inventory manager.
  • Set lander capsule and lander capsule door to not spawnable
  • Updated Capsule Small with separate window and handle.
  • Fixed Robots respawn without a battery.
  • Fixed Ship Repair package could not be sold to trader due to badly authored gas trade condition on welding torch item.
Stationeers - Timberfox
More Stuff, Faster

In the near future we'll revisit kitchens and cooking, but currently we are working on several other aspects of the larger survival updates including new suits, jetpacks, and starting equipment. Instead of hoarding all of the new content for one massive cooking update, we’ve decided to add some of it into the current system, so players can grow some new plants, and craft some new foods in the meantime.

New Plants: Sugarcane and Cocoa

Cocoa plants like a warm environment, and while a dedicated room isn't necessary, the ideal growth temperatures of some normal plants may conflict, leading to some plants growing slower depending on your grow room temperature. Cocoa plants harvest into cocoa pods, which can be used in the reagent processor to create cocoa powder.

Sugarcane plants grows much like wheat and harvests into sugarcane, which can be used in the reagent processor to create sugar.

But what could you make with sugar and cocoa…?


We’ve added a selection of sweet treats for your chubby little stationeer fingers to grab. Chocolate bars, regular cake, chocolate cake, and chocolate cereal bars count as high quality food, which additionally raise your mood if you are feeling down. We’ve also increased the trader’s egg and milk supply, so that you can bake some joy into your life at the cost of some credits, without raising chickens, or making soy milk. Some traders might also pay a high price for some of your delicious treats.

Printer Stack Instructions

Following on from our introduction of stack instructions for the Logic Sorter last week, IC can now ‘easily’ write their own print stack onto the printers. This includes internal count tracking of each print request, so keeping track of how many of something has printed is much easier. There are also several modifier instructions that will tell the printer to modify the next instruction, to do things such as to wait until this print is complete before continuing. We are trying to keep each instruction as simple and straightforward as possible, so that players can intuitively know what their code will do.

Another notable feature of the printer instructions is an exposed stack pointer. The Logic Sorter reads through and evaluates all of its memory to check for valid conditions each tick but Printers may hit an instruction that blocks them from continuing their internal processing, such as WaitUntilNextValid. This is notable in the instruction JumpIfNextInvalid, where instead of continuing on, or waiting upon finding a print job that cant complete, a stack address can be provided to jump to another section of prints that might be desired instead. So the stack pointer is exposed to the player here so they can write flow control into their print requests, with reduced overhead on the IC10 code.

The last interesting mechanic used in the printer instructions is MissingRecipeReagent. Notably, it is only valid from 54 to 62, and it is actually used as an instruction from the printer to the player, sending data back out. The printer can be stopped at a ExecutePrintRecipe if it was preceded by a WaitUntilNextValid, and it is missing resources to execute the print job. In this case, the printer will use those addresses to output the missing reagents via the payload of the MissingRecipeReagent.

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v.2.4966.22543
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on the scrollbar in the sorter motherboard's filter dropdown would close the dropdown, rendering it unusable.
  • Update scroll speed of the sorter motherboard's filter dropdowns to be 10x faster
  • Fixed AreaPowerControl, PoweredVent, ActiveVent and WallLight were not checking base.CanConstruct method. This meant they could be placed adjacent to other devices such that their power connections where connected.
  • Extended width of IC editor from 64 to 90 characters
  • Added first pass of Read/Write Stack addressable memory for all Fabrication Devices such as the autolathe. These enhancements allow device memory stack to have reserved memory locations in the stack. In the fabricators the Stack Pointer index is the last value in the stack. The remainder of the stack is split as used for the player to store requested transactions (such as make this prefabhash a number of times, or export everything in the device), and the other part the device will write missing reagents. This transaction is the reagent hash (not the prefab hash - the reagent hash i.e. Iron would be HASH("Iron")), and the total quantity needed as a ceil integer (so 0.5 would become 1). These details are shown in the stationpedia, and if the instructions are only expected in certain stack addresses you will be told. Currently there is no safety checking with specific memory addresses currently.
  • Added instructions to manufactuing devices, such as the Autolathe and other printers. The Printers now have their own internal stack that is used for different functions. The end of the stack is used as the "stack pointer", which is the "memory" for the device of where it is up to, when processing. The first bunch of addresses are used for "transactions". you can load payloads into this memory to have the printer do things for you. The second chunk of memory it will record things it is missing. If instructions are only to be used in certain addresses, the stationpedia will tell you so. Added FabricatorInstruction.DeviceSetLock, FabricatorInstruction.JumpToAddress, FabricatorInstruction.WaitUntilNextValid, FabricatorInstruction.JumpIfNextInvalid, FabricatorInstruction.ExecuteRecipe, FabricatorInstruction.EjectReagents/
  • Added CLRD. This is a variant of the CLR IC instruction, which will clear the stack memory of any device with writable memory. This variant allows directly referencing a device via ID rather than pin.
  • Fixed Clients can't interact with slot screw of SlotReader on Dedicated Server.
  • Fixed Resetting values on circuitBoards & Motherboards with screwdriver did not work reliably for all clients on dedicated server.
  • Fully Disabled Deprecated Research system as it was causing some saves (that had research disabled) to fail to load.
  • Fixed Credit cards spawning with zero credits in a new game. IQuantity was not implemented on the CreditCard so the QuantityAction was not applying.
  • Fixed hygiene and mood tooltips showing for robots.
  • Fixed stacker not splitting items correctly which could result in space ice having zero gas or de-gassed ore having its gasses duplicated. Stacker will now use the same logic as splitting from your hands which should handle all these cases rather than its own custom logic.
  • Fixed when starting a new game when your species was set to robot or zrillian in on a previous stable branch (i.e. you had old saved character data in your local PlayerCosmetics.xml) upon loading that game a second time your character would pass out. This was due to the old player cosmetics data not initialising correctly and causing the creation of a bugged character spawn.
  • Changed PumpkinPie provides 50% Mood Recovery.
  • Added ChocolateCake (50 Sugar, 50 flour, 5 milk, 1 Egg, 2 Cocoa Powder). High Nutrition, 100% Mood Recovery.
  • Added Cake (50 Sugar, 50 flour, 5 milk, 1 Egg). High Nutrition, 50% Mood Recovery.
  • Added ChocolateBar (10 Sugar, 2 Cocoa powder). Modest Nutrition, 100% Mood Recovery.
  • Added Chocolate CerealBar (50 flour, 1 Cocoa powder). Same nutrition value as CerealBar but also provides 50% Mood Recovery.
  • Balance pass on Growth times and life requirements for Cocoa Tree and Sugarcane. Cocoa is perennial grows at a similar rate to the pumpkin. Cocoa ideal growth temperature is 30-40degreesC. Sugarcane is annual and grows at a similar rate to wheat.
  • Added battery slot trigger (art asset)
  • Added advanced turbine jetpack for hardsuit. (art asset)
  • Reinstated throwing fixes from r22413 and r22419 that were removed for hotfix preparation.
  • Changed Flagged ResearchCapsules and ResearchMachine as not spawn-able.
  • Removed Calls to Research initialisation methods.
  • Removed PanelResearch and ResearchManger from scene.
  • Removed Saving of Research state.
  • Fixed robots mood being reduced on taking damage
  • Removed Research fields from PanelToolTip.
  • Removed References to PanelResearch in InventoryManager & GameManager.
  • Removed Research events.
  • Changed PanelTooTip is now initialised by GameManager instead of ResearchManager.
  • Fixed new emergency suit being green by removing the unused materials
  • Updated h2 combustor models and thumbnails to have output port on the correct side (the front rather than the left).
  • Changed Furnace to using animComponents instead of unity animator. This should resolve occasional issues where the imported ore would not be processed due to an animator event not firing.
  • Added enforcement of 4096 B limit for IC files
  • Added back slots, back interactables and their collider to other new suits
  • Fixed emergency suit collider size
  • Changed Advanced Furnace to use AnimComponents.
  • Fixed 'cant enter slot' tooltips getting stuck based on the last thing you hovered your mouse on. Also fixed a few cases where tooltips would be incorrect when dragging from a world slot as the 'last hovered' thing could become the parent item rather than the dragged item dependent on mouse placement.
  • Added crosshair, matter state labels, and freezing temperature to phase change diagram
  • Added PrinterInstruction.EjectReagent. This allows you to specify the reagent you want to eject. All reagents of that type will be ejected. The stack will not advance until this is complete.
  • Fixed PrinterInstruction was not correctly applied by ProgrammableChip
  • Moved slots away from having hard coded indexes. The indexes are now serialized when the suit slots are created.
  • Added ability to have a suit that does not have a waste tank slot at all. When this is the case the suit will dump filtered gas directly into the world atmosphere.
  • Refactored TradeDataHelper.HandleBuyItem to more cleanly handle edge-cases around transaction of quantities of stackables and ingots. This allowed for removal of edge-case code for trading in QuantityAction which was interfering with new spawn-condition logic.
  • Changed tightened grid bounds of wind turbine.
  • Fixed a bug where the last segment on the phase change diagram wasn't drawing directly up as it should have
  • Fixed Clients can't interact with Mode screw on Speaker on Dedicated Server.
  • Fixed Atmospherics devices with IC slots could not read the gas ratio values of the new gasses/liquids.
  • Fixed On/Off animation position of valve on shower.
  • Fixed On/Off animation position of valve on powered shower.
  • Fixed batch logic instructions that use the name would not consider default names, only custom names. Now the default name generates a hash and is used in the comparison.
  • Added LogicType.NameHash. This returns the 32bit hash of the objects name.
  • Changed IC source code was being stored as char rather than bytes, despite being parsed at ASCII. This change has no functional impact for player scripts, as the text was already being parsed. This means that 1 character will only take 1 byte. Network synchronization has been moved to sync the bytes, rather than the characters. This substantially reduces the network impact of synchronizing IC script changes in multiplayer.
  • Added Turbine Jetpack
  • Updated Animation Component to take in a time value rather than a speed value. This was required so that a single component could move several objects synchronously.
  • Fixed dynamic crate open/close animation speed was too fast and was not matching up with its audio.
  • Fixed days passed text not initializing correctly when starting a new game.
  • Added Prototype scripts and prefabs for networked window shutters.
  • Moved where the 'you have survived for x days' message is published. Will now appear after the InventoryManager is initialized to guarantee the player and their days lived have been loaded.
  • Fixed days lived not being correctly synced for clients. This could result in clients' days lived value resetting to 0 every time they join a game.
  • Updated seed bag texture for watermelon, blueberry and strawberry. (Art asset)
  • Added new seed bag models for watermelon, blueberry and strawberry (art asset)
  • Added new models and textures for blueberry tree, strawberry tree, and watermelon plant (art asset)
  • Changed scale for cooked corn and tomato
  • Updated advanced tablet tooltip to show both cartridge slots rather than just the first one.
  • Changed scale for cooked corn and tomato (Art asset)
  • Committed automatic prefab changes for rocket manufactory (animSpeed was renamed to time).
  • Tweaked cooked corn and cooked tomato meshes and updated blueprints and thumbnails for both.
  • Fixed Reseting Programming Motherboard with screwdriver causes it to retain reference to an old circuit holder
  • Fixed LandingPad pieces do not consume grinder battery when deconstructed.
  • Fixed Traders could buy items from vendingMachine import and export slots. 1st Item bought from the trader would spawn in VendingMachine export slot.
  • Fixed Vending machine would export incorrect item after buying from the trader.
  • Added new food models and a texture. (Art asset)
  • Changed color and mesh of growth stages for sugarcane tree. (Art asset)
  • Added new sugar and cocoa models and textures
  • Updated the locking behaviour on the electric jetpack's battery slot. It now also prevents swapping from the player's inventory, and is colored red when locked.
  • Added roatry animation to the electric jetpack's turbines
  • Removed deprecated auto-generation code for reagents.cs from WorldManager.
  • Added Sugar and Cocoa Reagents.
  • Added cocoa and sugar seed bag and plant prefabs plus their related blueprints, thumbnails and materials
  • Removed some unused models
  • Moved some consumables prefabs to their appropriate folder
  • Updated english xml for sugar and cocoa assets.
  • Fixed incorrectly set up toxic gas types for cocoa and sugar cane
  • Added CocoaPowder Item.
  • Added cocoa and sugar cane plants and seeds to the world manager
  • Committed auto prefab changes (IsLocked field was added)
  • Moved cocoa powder material out of resources folder
  • Added MoodBonus to INutrition to allow certain foods like chocolate to boost your mood when eaten
  • Fixed cocoa and sugar plant prefabs having the incorrect grip type
  • Fixed cocoa and sugar reagent contents were incorrectly set to corn
  • Added Sugar, Eggs, Flour and Cocoa Selling items to consumables trader.
  • Added Sugar and Cocoa selling items to Food Trader and cocoa pod and sugarcane buys to food trader.
  • Added Sugar and Cocoa recipes to reagentgrinder.xml
  • Added Sugar Item.
  • Added models and texture for chocolate bar and cake (art asset)
  • Added chocolate cereal bar (art asset)
  • Fixed incorrect quantity tooltip in trader UI on microwave ingredient reagent quantities.
  • Fixed autolathe's ExecuteRecipe could override the stack pointer at address 63 if enough reagents were missing from a recipe.
  • Fixed autolathe's ExecuteRecipe was reusing the first valid address (index 54) to put its missing reagents, overriding the previous value if more than one reagent was missing. It will now correctly fill up addresses 54 to 62.
  • Fixed stationpedia descriptions for autolathe instructions DeviceSetLock and JumpToAddress were reporting the incorrect 'valid address space'
  • Updated size of cake, uncooked cake and chocolate cake. (art asset)
  • Fixed missing reagent instructions for the autolathe were not being converted correctly in some cases to a double. Have changed it to use LongToDouble rather than auto casting.
  • Increased size of cakes
  • Added Exposed Mood Bonus of food to stationpedia. Some High quality foods will restore mood when eaten. Eating raw foods will lower mood.
  • Added Buy and sell orders for new foods to traders.
  • Fixed PackByteInt32 was shifting the incorrect number of bytes making it impossible to read hashes from the autolathe's missing reagent instruction.
  • Fixed SourceCode Fragment byte count being sent as a byte when it had a max size of 512. (this meant the code longer than 128bytes would not send correctly)
  • Fixed Code input window not counting line break characters when counting the code size. (this meant that some characters could get stripped if the total length INCLUDING line break characters exceeded the size limit.
  • Fixed possible nre when opening the menu before the initial world save has completed
Stationeers - Not Simon
This hotfix includes fixes for a few issues related to data changes in the starting conditions.
Changlog v0.2.4945.22425
  • Fixed a bug where null reference exceptions would sometimes be thrown when a dynamic gas canister was destroyed
  • Fixed a bug where splitting seed bags obtained from traders for the first time would throw an exception
  • Fixed a bug where pipes mounted on walls were not damaged by freezing or phase change
  • Changed CanEnter to return a result struct rather than just a bool. This allows us to show tooltips explaining why certain things can't enter slots e.g. a light suit may not accept a heavy jetpack.
  • Fixed double tap F being able to move backpacks to the backpack slot while one of the new suits was being worn. This should not be possible as the new suits have their own dedicated back slot and block the use of the default backpack slot.
  • Removed unused variable in tooltip.cs
  • Fixed Newly spawned Robots would start with a SmallBatteryCell instead of a LargeBatteryCell.
  • Fixed issue where old saves would load their saved satellite dishes with best contact filter initialized to 0 instead of -1.
  • Fixed Robots and Zrillians Loading in with partial human characteristics. (Zrillians would load in with human lungs Robots would not initialise their slots correctly and would immediately die)
  • Fixed a bug where deconstructing insulated inline gas tanks would return their non-insulated kits
  • Fixed mkII dynamic gas canister incorrectly configured colliders
  • Fixed a few tooltip issues. When dragging, the 'left click to pick up' tooltips will now be hidden. When the mouse is over the ui, in world tooltips should now be hidden.
  • Fixed a few ingots having the incorrect blueprint
  • Fixed concurrency was not working on equip sounds.
  • Fixed incorrect insert behaviour for ResolutionRule "StopLowPriorityThenNew" & "StopLowPriorityThenNew".
  • Optimised Concurrency code by removing some un-necessary sorting calls.
  • Changed Audio concurrency system to run on the main thread, it was using uni-task worker threads for some work which was causing race conditions.
  • Fixed Errors being thrown by audioManager caused by audio concurrency system.
  • Removed deprecated discord lobby creation
  • Fixed Research Manager breaking loading of some games.
  • Fixed Vulcan nights in peak summer did not drop to night temperature.
Stationeers - Not Simon
Stack Instructions and Logic Sorter

There exists a data storage paradigm in Stationeers known as the "stack". On IC10 chips it exists as an addressable memory space to store data. On the new Logic Sorter, and moving forward on other 'complex' devices, we'll be adding machine instructions that can pass advanced information and configurations to machines. Unlike the static logic types most devices use, and players are largely accustomed to, these instructions are dynamically configured and written to.

What these instructions are very similar to CPU instructions and how to write them can be found on the Stationpedia of a given device. The logic sorter for example can use combine SorterInstruction.FilterPrefabhashEquals, and a prefab hash shifted 8 bits, to write a single instruction to whitelist an item on the sorter. Instructions can pass arbitrary information to the sorter though. SorterInstruction.LimitNextExecutionByCount, can be used to modify the evaluation of a the next instruction, and will actually modify its own count payload, as it passes items through, allowing a player to read that instruction from the stack, and figure out what the sorter is doing even if it has a ton of custom instructions.

This approach to advanced device operation lets us as developers keep the operations of machines as very simplistic, and straight forward. As an example, instead of circuit boards containing tons of custom code that only we developers can see and modify, players could see an airlock circuit board having clear instructions on its stack, turning on and off vents, and conducting evaluation operations on sensors.

We've added new insulated inline tanks for both gasses and liquids, and changed the pipe insulation upgrade process slightly. Last update we added the ability to upgrade pipes to insulated pipes using a wrench and some insulated pipes. Based on feedback from the community, combined with us adding these new inline insulated tanks, we've changed the upgrade process to use a new adhesive insulation item that you print separately.

Ore Tablet
Previously the ore tablet required the use of the Ground Penetrating Radar, and was very annoying to use. The GPR has been removed and the tablet now functions by itself. Just throw it in a tablet and you're good to go.

Future Content
If you've been following the beta patch notes, you'll be aware that we've been working on suits as well as more starting condition changes. None of these changes are active in the game yet so we've separated the changes in the bellow change logs.

Here's a quick outline of the upcoming changes.

Starting Conditions
This update includes some changes to the starting conditions data and paves the way for making much more dynamic starting conditions. When starting a new game you'll be provided with the familiar starting gear, however when another player joins, they will bring with them a smaller set of gear to reduce the stresses that each new player adds to a game. When respawning it will remain largely unchanged. All of these are defined in XML for easy modding.

A range of new suits are still in heavy development so we can't give too many details, but you should expect a range of suits that are suited for different situations rather than there being the "bad suit" and the "good suit". In the same vein we'll be reworking jetpacks with a set of jetpacks that are useful in different situations.

More Stack Instructions
The sorter was a obvious example of a complex machine that needed a better programmatic way of configuring. Manufacturing, and Trading both have multiple complex machines that we are looking at as examples of both simplifying the machines operations, and creating the opportunities for players to control core systems in their base without being overly complex(to stationeers standards). We also will be adding specific large memory servers, so players can store large and complex data structures of their own.

Patch Artwork
[expand type=details]

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.4936.22393
  • Refactored the Starting and Respawn Condition definitions. This is a non-critical breaking change, which will affect mods. The old data structure was limited and had a lot problems. The new one uses the same classes and approach as the tradables system. The chosen spawn structures are defined primarily in the worldsetting, and if it is blank the game will use default ones. See the discord beta announcements for documentation about how to format xml for this.
  • Fixed medium shelf not being deconstructable when built against a frame
  • Fixed large tank throwing errors when using autorotate
  • Removed inaccurate stationpedia descriptions for canisters
  • Fixed cancel keybind closing the window even if the filter field was populated. A keypress will now clear the filter field before closing the window.
  • Fixed close all button not showing correctly when getting out of a sleeper
  • Fixed undocked inventory windows staying visible when you fall asleep in a sleeper
  • Fixed Eggs laid by chickens could not be used in microwave or automated oven.
  • Changed space maps to clamp traders towards the upper sky, until devices are possibly changed to be placed in any rotation on space maps.
  • Fixed a bug where Stationpedia could be opened while rebinding keys
  • Fixed a bug where using 'save as' would not give the new save a unique id. This would cause inventory window positions to mimic the parent save which can be confusing.
  • Fixed a bug where inventory window positions would not be saved in the playercookie in some instances.
  • Fixed a bug where closing Stationpedia while the ingame pause menu is open would unpause the game
  • Exposed Math outputs of Convection and radiation calculations.
  • Added SuitBase class.
  • Changed Pipe Analyser Operating sound to be quieter and less high pitched.
  • Added first pass on new suit prefabs.
  • Added new prefabs for Insulated In-Line Tanks and Insulated Pipe Utilities (WIP waiting on new art assets)
  • Fixed helmet overlay settings not being respected on load
  • Added first pass of runtime game profiler tool
  • Fixed a number of issues with the audio concurrency system that were preventing it from working as designed and in some cases not working at all.
  • Fixed the runtime game profiler tool so it now displays the memory usage
  • Added concurrency setting for pipeAnalysers.
  • Fixed looping sounds that were disabled due to concurrency would not play at later point when they should.
  • Refactored how tradable data is stored. This does impact slightly how references are handled with trading, so requires careful testing to ensure there are no problems.
  • Added the ability to upgrade an inline tank to it's insulated variant
  • Added new meshes for Insulated InLine tanks and their associated kits
  • Added recipe for Insulated Pipe Utility to PipeBender
  • Fixed bug where inventory windows were not being cleared correctly when exiting game or respawning.
  • Fixed white indicator box around open inventory items not showing up
  • Added further null checking to suit LeakEffects to stop an NRE that can occur in specific scenarios.
  • Fixed the ordering of the display mode materials for the station batteries
  • Adjusted Vulcan sun position to atmospheric temperature map to prevent winter on vulcan from diverging from desired gameplay temperatures. Instead of 650C summer days and 250C Winter days, summers days now max out around 750C, and Winter days bottom out around 500C. Temperatures rise faster in the mornings and fall in evenings, but there still is changing thermal flux throughout the entire day. Night time temperatures remain the same.
  • Added error in console when attempting to load a spawn with an invalid ID
  • Removed bad id test case from last commit
  • Updated pipes and inline tanks to require Adhesive Insulation to upgrade to their insulated variants
  • Added Adhesive Insulation item
  • Fixed issue where liquid canister and water bottle would spawn without any contents in the lander
  • Removed duplicate constructable from table kit
  • Fixed a bug where Battery-powered Wall Lights would remain powered after their power cable was cut.
  • Fixed tables not being able to be rotated by the player
  • Fixed config cartridge value text overlapping when logic values are long
  • Fixed text overflowing off the edge of the config cartridge
  • Fixed possible nre when chickens food target is null when loading a game
  • Fixed pickaxe playing sounds and particles when you are mining with another mining tool while holding it in your unselected hand.
  • Fixed plants getting stuck as not visible when built outside of occlusion range.
  • Fixed clothing slot hotkey hint area having the incorrect width when empty.
  • Added Thing tooltip now updates each frame.
  • Fixed a bug where pipes placed in walls or on the side of frames were invulnerable
  • Fixed some tooltips showing up as empty.
  • Added first pass of Logic Sorter that will be powered by a "Stack" that can be set using GET and PUT from IC. This "stack" contains a struct of doubles, with the first byte being the "instruction". So logic sorters will be given a series of instructions. They will go through the stack and process it's stack. This means that, going forward, devices like the sorter will act like CPUs and have their own instructions that IC can be used to manipulate. Currently just debugging. This will allow you to fill the "stack" for the sorter will increasingly complex and powerful instructions, such as "filter 8 ItemSteelSheets", where the stacker would filter off 8 steel sheets and then stop.
  • Fixed the Reagent Processor recipes not properly linking their requirements in Stationpedia
  • Fixed a bug where destroyed landing pad pieces would lose their material, becoming bright pink.
  • Fixed a bug where evaluating atmospherics pressure damage would occasionally throw collection modified exceptions
  • Moved some materials into their correct folder
  • Removed the GPR
  • Changed ore scanner tablet cartridges to work without the GPR and did a small refactor to get rid of coroutines and unused code.
  • Added second pass to Logic Sorter. Now it contains five basic instructions that process the stack on the logic sorter. Currently the logic sorter stack is volatile between saves (not serialized) but it will be in future update. Each value of the stack, the first 8bits are the OPCODE and the next 32bits are the integer used. This is show by machine generated section on the stationpedia that shows the format required for each instruction. This is a very powerful system that can form the future of very advanced systems within all devices in the game.
  • Fixed issue where players that split a stackable item into the world while looking downwards would take damage
  • Added more information about internal stack to the Stationpedia. Now the access mode (READ | WRITE) and memory size (Bytes) will be shown as well as the any device instructions that will be assessed on the stack.
  • Added third pass on LogicSorter. Now the mode affects how the LogicSorter processes the stack. By default, it is set to ALL so all instructions on the stack will need to evaluate to true before something is moved to the Export 2 slot. This means you could load an instruction for FilterPrefabHashEquals to filter for ItemCoalOre and FilterQuantityEquals 10, this would then only move a Coal Ore that had a stack size of 10 to the Export2 Slot.
  • Fixed AdvancedSuit class (hardsuit) was not bound to IMemory interfaces despite implementing the required signature. This meant that the advanced suits were not considered for some of the more complex IC instructions such as GET/GETD and PUT/PUTD.
  • Added FilterQuantityCompare to LogicSorter which the struct has the OpCode, ComparisonOperator, and Quantity. The ComparisonOperator uses the compare constant (equals is 0, greater is 1, etc...).
  • Cleanup of LogicStack helper statics to make it much easier for other devices to implement and process their internal stack.
  • Fixed cant use constants in DEFINE instruction on IC. Now you can do 'DEFINE operator Equals' and it will use the inbuilt 'Equals' constant. Previously it would throw an error, as DEFINE was very strict about requiring a literal double. Now it will parse a double for an actual number or a constant.
  • Changed stationpedia formatting of Logic Stack Instructions to make the struct clearer.
  • Added Serialization to LogicStack. This is generically checked at the Thing level, meaning it will automatically be serialized/deserialzed for any item or device or anything that implements a logic stack. When your game saves, the state will be saved, and then loaded next time.
  • Fixed issue of players getting damaged by splitting stacks while looking downwards
  • Added FilterSlotTypeCompare instruction to LogicSorter. This allows you to assess contents and filter based on the SlotType of the thing.
  • Added LimitNextExecutionByCount instruction to LogicSorter. This includes a USHORT (16) in its payload, and it will ensure the next executable instruction will only return true the number of specified times. Each time it returns true, it will update its count decremented by one.
  • Added CLR instruction. This instruction will clear the Stack memory for the provided device. This will work for any device that has a writable internal memory, such as the Logic Sorter, Circuit Housing. It will not work for devices that have read only memory.
  • Added IO indicator to CircuitHousing. It will flash green when stack is read and yellow when stack is written to.
  • Added Internal Memory to the RocketCelestialTracker that will have an internal memory of Horizontal and Vertical coordinates for celestial objects, providing faster access to all data if needed.
  • SatelliteDish now uses logic type idle to return 0 if its still rotating, and 1 if its not.
  • BestContactFilter is serialized on save.
  • Changed the SignalID logic on the dish to return -1 instead of 0 when not finding a contact.
  • BestContactFilter must be cleared back to -1 for the dish to auto select signals again.
  • Added new logic type, BestContactFilter, to SatelliteDish that allows logically located trader IDs to be selected as the best signal, instead of forcing the closest contact to automatically be selected. This will allow player scripts to more easily search for a single target that has been previously identified.
  • Fixed ItemBiomass Blueprint being the wrong size when using precision placement
  • Changed the PortableComposter buttons to the prefab buttons
  • Fixed the PortableComposter button colliders being the wrong size
  • Tweaked small hangar door close animation as it was starting at the incorrect position.

Future Content
  • Added ic code from advanced suit to the new SuitBase
  • Added ability for new suits to pass brute damage through to entity as stun damage
  • Created ISuit interface in preparation for adding new suit functionality and make Suit and SuitBase implement it.
  • First pass on extracting internal air conditioner into an interface for new suit logic
  • Temporarily disabled thermal interaction of helmets until new suits are balanced.
  • Added placeholder convection values for new suits.
  • Added Suit Heat/Cold Convection behaviour for new suit prefabs.
  • Removed internal conditioner monobehaviour on new suits and replaced with static suit helper functions.
  • Second pass on pulling out suit atmospherics functionality into statics.
  • Added MovementSpeed Modifier to new suits. (spaceSuit = 125%, HardSuit and InsulatedSuit 80%, others are unchanged)
  • Added Movement speed modifier to stationpedia suit info panel.
  • Added new suit thermal values to stationpedia.
  • Added new Suit info panel to stationpedia for showing values relevant to the new WIP suits.
  • Moved default evaluate suit atmospherics code from normal suit into the SuitBase class.
  • Added first pass of liquid cooling for new suits. All suits can take non-cryogenic liquids, some advanced suits can take cryogenic, and some can be upgraded using an AC upgrade to take cryogenics. A status warning is provided if the current liquid tank is not suitable, or if it's missing. (these changes are not currently accessible and are for internal testing.)
  • Added Placeholder durability and Hygiene values to new suits.
  • Changed Increased volume of new suits to 100L from 10L
  • Reduced power of base suit AC from 2000J to 350J
  • Added Enlarged coolant range for AdvancedACSuit.
  • Changed suits now have an operating range for coolants.These values have been added to stationpedia. if the suit coolant is out of range the suit AC will be much less efficient and do less cooling for more power consumption.
  • Fixed null ref when new suits have no coolant tank.
  • First pass on adding new HARM suit.
  • Added a 'back' slot to one of the new suits for testing purposes.
  • First pass on adding 'back' slot to new suits. The back slot will be mirrored by a new slot display which will show up in the main inventory panel when a new suit is equipped.
  • Update new suit's back slot to have the correct name.
  • Made jetpacks and backpacks on new suits be visible on player.
  • Fixed jetpacks in new suits not being picked up by the movement controller.
  • When equipping one of the new suits, anything in the backpack slot will be ejected in-front of the player.
  • Stopped the 'hold slot key' function from moving backpacks and jetpacks into the back slot if you are wearing one of the new suits.

Stationeers - Not Simon
This hotfix contains a number of changes and fixes including a fix for errors thrown for systems set to Turkish language as well as some other languages, as well as a multiplayer issue causing client positions to get out of sync.

Changlog v0.2.4902.22241
  • Fixed Airlocks that go into an error state when the cable connecting any device is removed (including the console data cable) will now return to a functional state if the cable connection is restored.
  • Fixed Removing the cable directly connecting an airlock console puts the console into an unrecoverable broken error state on clients.
  • Fixed formatexception in German localization
  • Fixed long prefab names not being copied to clipboard when clicking on them in stationpedia
  • Removed CanEnter override in backpack which was incorrectly surrounded by UNITY_EDITOR tags
  • Fixed an audio pool exception when destroying a burst pipe
  • Tweaked pipe bender export slot collider position so you should no longer be able to put things into it.
  • Fixed slots behind sliding panel on atmospheric devices were interactable when the panel was closed.
  • Fixed an issue where client positions could get out of sync on server. This issue became increasingly apparent when the local host character had died and decayed into skeleton.
  • Fixed errors with GameStrings when system language is set to Turkish. This should also fix a few other specific cases for other languages.
Stationeers - Not Simon
This hotfix includes a range of fixes and changes. The most important being a fix for lungs spawning when a chick is born.

Changlog v0.2.4899.22229
  • Fixed Clients on Dedicated Server were not receiving other clients AimIk position due to an early return for batchMode in Human.LateUpdate.
  • Fixed normal map problem for chicken
  • Fixed pipe igniter not being able to be activated via logic
  • Fixed t-ray scanner sometimes showing burst pipe meshes everywhere once a single pipe had burst.
  • Fixed advanced furnace kit blueprint showing as the basic furnace kit
  • Fixed an issue where a client would delete a dual registered structure when joining a server. Multiple structures registered to the same position is very rare but can happen due to server lag or packet loss. This could cause a potential byte array reading error. Dual registered structures will now only get cleaned up when server loads the game.
  • Fixed a bug where the cancel keybind wasn't closing the fabricator scroll list popup
  • Fixed NullReference Exception in DoAtmosphereMixJobs(). Potential fix for reported game crash.
  • Added new slot type bitflag and added tools for copying the data from the old enum value to the new flag fields. This is a first iteration of changing from an enum to a bit flag for slot types so is not yet used.
  • Tentative fix for console search button not working. Also potential fix for circuitboards getting into a bad state and appearing blank when inserted into a console.
  • Fixed Issue where Airlock and Advanced Airlock buttons would be greyed out on clients when a cable was removed from the cableNetwork connected to the Airlock console.
  • Fixed chick lungs appearing at origin - added missing lung slot to chick.
Stationeers - Not Simon
This hotfix addresses several issues with multiplayer caused by bad data being sent. This issue could cause a wide range of issues including stopping things in the game from updating their position or state.

Changlog v0.2.4891.22206
  • Fixed MK2 Crowbar and emergency crowbar sounds could get stuck on.
  • Fixed Duplicate entries in PipeAnalyser tooltip for Capacity and Liquid Volume.
  • Fixed Proximity Sensor tooltip shows incorrect unit.
  • Changed Save button on leave game pop-up to Save-and-Exit.
  • Fixed Leave Game Pop-up would soft lock the game if you clicked the save button.
  • Fixed OGRE horizontal miner disasappears due to overly aggressive culling distance.
  • Fixed a bug where the control binding panel was not usable while trying to rebind controls during gameplay. The panel now correctly display over the settings menu instead of under.
  • Added a simple yolk splat effect when eggs break
  • Fixed Byte Array read error which was causing FertilizedEggs to create de-syncs.
  • Fixed labeler not grabbing existing text from a sign when editing.
  • Fixed Clients on Dedicated Server were not receiving other clients AimIk position due to an early return for batchMode in Human.LateUpdate.
  • Fixed normal map problem for chicken
Stationeers - Not Simon
Much of our focus has been on heavy and deep architectural changes to the game. While we prepare our next big additions, this update serves some much needed quality of life and fixes.

Last Update Reception

We have been blown away with the reception to the last update, which gives us confidence that we should continue to focus on rounding out the "why" and "what" of Stationeers play sessions. A key foundation for our future updates is to build heavily on this. We plan to take existing work we have done and bind them together, as well as further work to redo lower quality areas of the game like terrain.

We set our highest concurrent players in Stationeers since the multiplayer refactor well over a year ago, as well as having much higher sales than normal. This is massively encouraging to the team so thank you all for the warm reception!

Pipe Upgrades
You can now upgrade pipes and liquid pipes to their insulated counterparts without having to rip them up and place new pipes. You can do this by using an insulated pipe kit on an existing insulated pipe while holding a wrench in your other hand. Only upgrades can be done in this way, an insulated pipe cannot return to a non-insulated pipe.

Pipe Igniter
Just like the regular igniter this pipe attachment allows you to create a spark and ignite the atmosphere inside a pipe network either manually or via logic.

Since the network refactor, and even before that, Chickens have suffered from a lot of issues making them hard to keep under control. We've fixed a load of bugs and tweaked a lot of small things that should make them a more manageable resource.

We've changed how much a chicken needs to eat as a base line and have also added a requirement for more food to lay an egg.

Previously, when a chicken laid an egg there was a 25% chance that it would be a fertilized egg, This meant that early on in your chicken farm it could be slow to get the desired amount of chickens, and later it might mean that you ended up with too many chickens.

Now every egg is fertilized but for an egg to hatch it requires a more specific environment. Previously, a fertilized egg would hatch if it was kept above 15C, which has been changed to a range between 35C and 40C. Furthermore, an egg will become unviable if it is exposed to temperatures below 10C.

Chicken Management
Considering the above changes you should now be able to control chicken breading and egg production with a combination of room temperature and available food. We will probably continue to tweak these values so feel free to provide some feedback once you've given it a go.

Avionics Data
While developing the new Rocket Update, we focused on making sure all of the new mechanics in space were automatable. However, some of the data exposed to the rocket UI on the rocket motherboard didn't get fully exposed to the logic system, making it hard for players to tap into the systems we did expose. Because of the amount of requests from the community, we've made more data available through the avionics to allow for more automation.

You can now access survey progression, discover progression, chart progression, and many values associated with asteroid composition, of your set destination.

This work also included behind-the-scenes work to increase the limit on logic values the game can use. But with that out of the way, we can support thousands of more logic types, so keep the requests for more data.

Patch Artwork
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[expand type=details][/expand]

Your support makes these updates possible

Change Log v0.2.4889.22194
  • Fixed FireExtinguisher throws errors when used outside on the moon.
  • Fixed Composters were outputting waste gasses at the incorrect temperature.
  • Added Pipes and Liquid pipes can now be upgraded their insulated variant. Use a kit (insulated pipe) on a pipe to upgrade it. A wrench in the off-hand is required.
  • Fixed Celestial tracker breaks game when place in rocket.
  • Updated manufacturing machines prefabs with new upgrade data.
  • Fixed flashlight not updating the lights state to match the mode for clients until it was put in or removed from a slot
  • Fixed issue where stationpedia phase change graph was using single precision floats when double precision required math was needed, causing some listed pressures to be off by several Kpa from actual.
  • Fixed Chickens not having Lungs
  • Fixed chickens taking reduced damage due to always having the offline and sleeping reductions applied to it.
  • Reduced chicken egg lay rate to be between 1 - 2 times per day averaging to 1.5 eggs per day
  • Added chicken using up nutrition when laying an egg. Chickens will now seek food if they do not have enough nutrition.
  • Added tooltips for chickens that tell you when they are hungry, very hungry, old and very old.(not exact values but just something to indicate their state)
  • Added a lifespan to animals and set it to four months for chickens(will probably need balancing)
  • Fixed bad normals on chicken. Removed normal texture until it can be replaced with a new one
  • Added an upper temperature for hatching a fertilized egg and set the range to 35 - 40 degrees c. Previously anything above 15 c was enough.
  • Updated egg and fertilized egg Stationpedia pages
  • Fixed fertilized eggs ignoring temperature range
  • Fixed an issue where emptied pipes would not run react or combust code, leaving them with stale data from previous fires.
  • Fixed chickens not laying eggs.
  • Changed all eggs to be fertilized eggs. Fertilized eggs will only stay viable if they remain above 10 C. If they drop below this temperature they will become unviable and turn white. The colour of the eggs has been changed from brown to a more real brown egg colour.
  • Added first pass on pipe igniter which can be used to spark its connected pipe atmosphere.
  • Added chicken lungs, and set their volume to 1/6th that of human lungs.
  • Changed chickens to only naturally eat to a certain level of fullness. They will only try and eat more when they are ready to lay an egg so that you can control egg production through feed.
  • Fixed flashlight's light material not being emissive when turned on.
  • Fixed flashlight beams being invisible when loading a game even when the flashlight is turned on
  • Fixed chickens not eating when they need to lay an egg
  • Added pipe igniter recipe to pipe bender
  • Updated Stationpedia descriptions for pipes
  • Fixed mars not correctly starting at the morning of day 0 by adding accelerated time offsets to worldsettings.xml
  • Fixed new eggs not having the correct reagent mix
  • Added new thumbnail for egg
  • Small Optimisation for Thing.Find function for when an invalid Id is parsed in.
  • Cleaned up some string creation for logic-types and replace with EnumCollection function calls.
  • Some general clean-up of logic code. Switching out for useage of static read/write methods for logic-types and referenceIds.
  • Changed Underlying Type of LogicType Enum from Byte to uShort. Corrected Network read/write types and type casts as required.
  • Added the ability for eggshells to be recycled; they will now produce a reagent mix containing 1 biomass
  • Fixed eggs not breaking into shells when colliding with force; they will now break into two eggshells when hitting a structure with sufficient force.
  • Fixed fertilized eggs being unbreakable
  • Fixed chicks having human Lungs
  • Made eggs in slots not become unviable. (temporary fix until we have a container that keeps eggs safe)
  • Changed chicks to take one day to mature (up from 2/3 of a day)
  • Changed tier 3, far trader, to always have fertilized chicken eggs, decreased the price from 1000 to 250, and increased available quantity to 2.
  • Added nutrition gained by chickens linked to actual nutritional value of the consumed food
  • fixed imbalance in chickens nutrition usage
  • Fixed Npcs as being treated as an offline player in terms of breathing, nutrition, etc
  • Fixed missing mode panel in Stationpedia for Avionics
  • Fixed logic dial Stationpedia page unnecicerally displaying it's modes panel
  • Fixed Some items could not have the gas-ratios read via logic for the new gases.
  • Added Avionics can be read with the reagent reader or the "LR" IC command to report on the reagent composition of sites where SpaceOres are mined.
  • Added GasRatio, TotalMoles and Temperature variables to avionics. Available for sites where ices are mined.
  • Added Site Deposit Logic Variables to Avionics: Density, Size, Richness.
  • Added Rocket Mining Logic Variables to Avionics: Quantity - amount mined per operation, TotalQuantity - the total amount of ore spawned at the target site, MinedQuantity - the total amount that has been mined at the target site.
  • Added Rocket Scanning Logic Variables to Avionics: Survey, Chart and Discover. These report the normalised Scan value at the target.
  • Added Rocket Navigation Logic Variables to Avionics: NavPoints - number of available NavPoints for target. ChartedNavPoints - number of ChartedNavPoints for target. Sites - Number of Sites at target. CurrentCode - The spaceMap address of the rocket's current location.
  • Exposed a number of new readable logic Variables to the Rocket avionics to help enable more rocket automation. These variables point to the Rockets Target Destination but will fall back to reading from the current destination if the rockets target has not been set.


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