22. Dez. 2022
Stationeers - Not Simon
  • Dishes now release contacts from interrogation if the wattage requirement is no longer met, this addresses a missmatch of information between the contact UI and the interrogation popup.
  • Fixed possible issue where contact manager could potentially crash.
  • Added ability to read and write power setting for small and medium satellite.
  • Fixed mismatched types for power setting when updating clients.
Stationeers - Not Simon
Trading Contact System
When revisiting the trader contact mechanic, we really wanted to create an engaging system that would encourage engineering, automation and problem solving. In addition to finding traders, we’ll leverage this in the future to find destinations for your rockets, answer distress signals, and invite visitors to your station. The process of contacting contacts has been split into a few concepts.

Instead of dozens of contacts constantly spread around the sky, we’re moving to a more logic driven approach of having rules dictate when traders are available. As we transition from our older trader system, into the new one, we are providing the old traders as three separate tiers of contacts. These current contacts have increasing difficulties to contact and hang around for about 20 minutes before they leave and another one takes their place, so you’ll have to find the harder contacts if you want to check out many traders.

Detecting and Resolving
Contacts must be resolved by the dish before it can determine how accurately it is pointed at the contact. The time to resolve is determined by the dish's power output multiplied by the dish alignment, over the contact’s expected resolve wattage. If the contact is resolving too slowly, it likely indicates you are not close to the target at all, and you should try a very different angle since effective power levels scale exponentially with accuracy. Alternately, the contact might have a very high expected wattage, and your current dish just isnt big enough to resolve it in a reasonable time. The resolving process only uses 10% of the actual power your dish is set to.

Once you have resolved the contacts position, you’ll be able to press the interrogate button. Similar to resolving, you’ll need to land enough wattage on the contact, but fortunately the interrogation dialog will inform you of the current calculations. Unfortunately, Interrogation does have a hard minimum, and if the dish is not pointed well enough, or the power is too low, you won't be able to start the process. Interrogation also has a time requirement, with harder contacts taking significantly longer, so you’ll want to use high wattages to ensure you finish before the trader moves on. Once interrogation is complete, you can land the trader just as before.

Once we receive feedback we’ll review our plans for contacts in motion, contacts with more strict visibility requirements, resolving contacts while rotating dishes, and manual control of all dish operations.

Satellite Dishes

As part of the new trader contact system you will need to make use of the existing and new satellite dishes. There are two new dishes, small and large, making the existing one the medium dish. They all work in a similar way but each size of dish uses much more power than the previous one, this extra power is needed to effectively contact traders.

The new Small Satellite Dish looks and behaves similar to the existing Medium Dish but is smaller. The Large Satellite Dish is an extremely large fixed dish structure. Visually, instead of the dish rotating and tilting the sensor is on a gantry. Functionally it still works in the same way as the other dishes.

The time to rotate these dishes increases as you go up in size. The small dish is very fast while the large dish will take several minutes to rotate 180 degrees.
Your support makes this possible

Your support makes this possible

Over the last year, we’ve completely refactored the net code making multiplayer more stable, we’re continuing to improve the connectivity, and we’ve improved some big systems to allow us to bring you better content and new game loops. All this while transitioning to a weekly update cycle.

All the community support, feedback, and involvement have made this possible. So thank you!

If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a huge difference to the project. We've been working hard for the last five years, and feel confident the game has substantially improved over this time. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.

Additionally, you can support us by purchasing DLC that we've made to allow those who enjoy the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to use in-game.




Change Log v0.2.3759.18228
  • RocketNet is now enabled
  • RocketNet reads the LocalIpAddress from settings file and tries to host with that, if this fails it will fall back to it's original method where RakNet picks the host device
  • Fixed spelling of Hangar
  • Fixed bug where bodies pulled out of slots don't go to the correct exit position and can sometimes clip into the slots parent object
  • Fixed ragdolls curling up into a ball after you pull them out of a slot
  • Added New concept of "resolving" contacts through the Satellite Dish and Comms Motherboard, where the dish must be pointed at a contact for an amount of time, before full information is provided.
  • Added When contacts "resolve", the comms motherboard shows the degrees off the dish is from the contact.
  • Added To communicate with the traders, satellite dishes must now "interrogate" contacts with energy from the dish for a fixed amount of time.
  • Added "Interrogation"/contact time scales linearly with dish power usage, and poor dish alignment negatively exponentially scales power.
  • Changed Dishes to all have full sky FOVs, with scaling effectiveness when contacts are not centered, resulting in being able to generally know whats in the sky after "resolving" contacts.
  • Added Contacts can now have different energy minimums, and sustainment periods required for "interrogation" to begin.
  • Added Contacts can have an energy minimum to show/start "resolving".
  • Reduced active contacts from 17 to 3.
  • Several changes to comms/trader UI to support new contacting system.
  • Added Large Hangar door a 3x1 modular Door.
  • Added Buildstates and destroyed states to medium hangar Door.
  • Fixed Spelling error with medium hangar door.
  • Fixed A Pipe Atmosphere could have its gas deleted if pipes were removed from the network in quick succession. This could generally happen if using the authoring tool to delete pipes or in large bases when multiple players were working on the same pipe network.
  • Fixed Suit storage could fill Emergency suits which would cause them to explode.
  • Fixed bug around dismount direction on ladders being straight up. Has been returned to original behaviour of dismounting forwards
  • Added Power Dial to Current SatelliteDish.
  • Fixed Ignition values on Medium Hangar door.
  • Refactored SatelliteDish animation system to prepare for new dish variants.
  • Added Trader Contact tier system Close, Medium, Far. More distant traders will require higher power or more precise pointing to resolve and contact. Existing contacts in the save will default to medium.
  • Changed default trader lifetime to 20minutes.
  • Changed For new trader generations, one of each contact will appear at each distance tier.
  • Changed SatelliteDish now consumes power based on its power dial setting when actively contacting or resolving.
  • Removed Paint and microwares traders from new trader generation rolls.
  • Fixed Error thrown by trading motherboard when number of contacts exceeded the expected max contacts.
  • Removed some unused code for motherships
  • Changed made vertical and horizontal properties on satellite dish virtual.
  • Fixed Sometimes source prefabs could be removed from the scene when loading larger saves. These are now regenerated in a final validation step on load.
  • Fixed Error when Centrifuge exports ores.
  • Updated SatelliteDish Prefab to include power knob.
  • Changed screencontacts button to not be active untill contact is resolved.
  • Added more state handling to represent the current contact interrogation state presented in the commsterminal popup.
  • Added small satellite dish
  • Fixed several cases where interrogation would attempt to operate on a null contact
  • General renaming of the contact process to interrogating
  • Fixed trading terminal dialog allowing stale information to be used to try and contact the trader
  • Fixed Root cause issue that caused Centrifuge to throw errors when exporting ores.
  • Fixed Sometimes when mining game would throw errors and get stuck in mining animation.
  • Fixed Game doesn't load due to ironOre source prefab getting destroyed on load.
  • Refactor satellite dish contacts to not use dictionaries
  • Added contacts reset their interrogation timer if they don't have a interrogating dish.
  • Fixed another dish from stomping an in progress interrogation of a contact by a separate dish.
  • Fixed contacts not being able to be interrogated without a landing pad
  • Updated medium and small satellite dish kits
  • Fixed issue where newly created satellite dishes would already have resolved all targets
  • Added Large SatelliteDish. A massive fixed dish with a movable sensor that has a very high max wattage at the expense of very slow movement speed.
  • Added Locks around all usages of DishScannedContacts as this collection is accessed from multiple threads.
  • Added contacts reset their interrogation timer if they don't have a interrogating dish.
  • Fixed another dish from stomping an in progress interrogation of a contact by a separate dish.
  • Moved several trader UI related math operations onto their respective objects
  • Fixed incorrect contact time estimations, and changed some text fields to better represent interrogation process state.
  • Added if a contacts interrogating dish looses power or is turned off, interrogation will halt, and reset.
  • Fixed StationContacts not serializing contacted status and contact wattage variables.
  • Station Contact UI change first pass
  • Updated Comms Motherboard UI
  • added missing files from previous commit
  • added older message based checks preventing trader from being called for various pad/vending machine/power reasons
  • reduced all SatelliteDish rotate speeds
  • fixed issue where resolve timers would process despite dish moving.
  • Added time remaining counter to trader contact item
  • Fixed Landing button being active while contact has not been made
  • reverted unwanted scene changes
  • Fixed build error caused by editor code
  • Fixed missing tier icons
  • Fixed small satellite returning the medium satellite kit on deconstruct
  • Added and update recipes for satellite dishes
  • Updated starting conditions for Vulcan and Venus to include requirements for trading
  • Added the current dish name to the contact pop up
  • Removed "trader requesting to land" prior to being able to call the trader to land
  • Fixed "Satellite Dish" name to "Medium Satellite Dish"
  • Made rotation tolerance smaller for satellite dish to remedy the dish not moving when framerate is very high
  • Added new Satellite Icons
  • Fixed resolving not correctly using the wattage if changed after dish rotation finished.
  • Fixed resolving progressbar having unexpected behavior when changing some resolve parameters.
  • Fixed GetWattageOnContact using maxWattage instead of wattage.
  • Changed InitResolve timers to use unified helper functions for calculations.
  • Changed all current contacts in game to have a minimum watts to resolve value of 0.
  • Added Additional helper functions for common resolve time components.
  • Changed random resolve offset to be generated when the resolving starts.
  • Fixed errors in Dish Stationpedia entries
  • Fixed issue where new contacts would be interpreted as already resolved
  • Added the trading section to the Stationpedia
  • Fixed comms motherboard from using dishes that were inoperable.
  • Reduced power usage of dishes to 1/10th of set power while resolving, so only while interrogating is power fully used. idle dishes still use base draw.
  • Disabled dishes will now loose their contact resolve data.
  • reduced satellitedish idle power draw, as the main power usage occurs with use
  • Added missing structures to trading page
  • Fixed wrong icon for trading page
  • Fixed screen contacts not properly clearing when no dishes are valid on the Motherboards.
  • Changed dish SignalStrength logic type to return -1 when the best contact is currently still resolving.
  • increased general dish strength when within 5 degrees
  • missing file from previous commit
  • Added build states to medium satellite dish
  • Tweaked medium satellite wattage plus added animations back
  • Fixed some contact item UI elements being left on when the parent object is disabled
  • decreased water usage by 25% since food, water, and stress mechanic changes are still a few weeks away.
  • decreased active Nitrolyzer power usage from 20k, to 6k.
  • Added computer and comms motherboard to trading stationpedia page
  • Updated Trading Stationpedia entry
  • changed comms motherboard to use text instead of bar when Interrogating
  • Fixed medium satellite dish's dish collider rotating incorrectly and being unaligned with the visual mesh
  • Fixing problem with port being closed when a client leaves preventing other players from joining
  • RocketNet now disconnects before clients send their disconnect message to host

14. Dez. 2022
Stationeers - Not Simon
Today we're doing a quick patch that brings a new low level multiplayer implementation. This change should mean that the network performance is better and connectivity should improve in some situations.
The larger issues around connecting to servers is an ongoing task that is actively being worked on.

Due to time constraints, we omitted the 3x1 hangar door from the previous update but we're taking this opportunity to add it.

Dismounting ladders had a bug caused by the changes to the movement controller and this has also been fixed.

Stationeers - Not Simon
The second trader update brings us a step closer to a more interesting, fun, and involved trading game loop. You can read about all the plans for trading in the previous blog post here.

Gas Trading

Leveraging the new modular landing pad we’ve made some big changes to how you buy gas from traders. With the new Gas Storage and Gas Connector modules you can now buy large quantities of gas from traders with ease. Traders will provide a range of gas mixes which you can buy a certain quantity of which will be loaded into your landing pad gas storage to then be unloaded into your base's gas storage. In a coming update you will be able to sell gas mixes through the same mechanism.

Hangar Doors

These doors have been created in anticipation of the upcoming new trader types that require a pressurized breathable environment. In some harsher environments these doors can also be used to create safe conditions for trading gas. We will be adding new variants and sizes in upcoming updates.

Jitter Fix

There has been a long standing issue with the character movement which resulted in some players experiencing motion sickness caused by a form of camera jitter. This issue has plagued the project for years and we have put in considerable effort over that time to try and solve the problem. We’ve finally found a set of solutions which resolve the worst of the issue. If you’ve experienced this issue then we highly recommend that you give it another go and see if it’s made a difference for you. This is not a silver bullet for all players experiencing motion sickness but should be a big QoL improvement for many players.

Your support makes this possible

Over the last year, we’ve completely refactored the net code making multiplayer more stable, we’re continuing to improve the connectivity, and we’ve improved some big systems to allow us to bring you better content and new game loops. All this while transitioning to a weekly update cycle.

All the community support, feedback, and involvement have made this possible. So thank you!

If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a huge difference to the project. We've been working hard for the last five years, and feel confident the game has substantially improved over this time. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.

Additionally, you can support us by purchasing DLC that we've made to allow those who enjoy the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to use in-game.




Change Log v0.2.3740.18150
  • Updated missing character icon when dragging bodies
  • Fixed Medium Hanger Door not being able to be opened with the crowbar
  • Removed Search button from Stationpedia as it has the same function as home button. Pressing home will return to main search screen.
  • Fixed switchgrass appearing smaller in some slots
  • Fixed transparency issue with switchgrass and hay material
  • Reduced Volume of LandingPad Center.
  • Reduced Max Speed of LadingPad Gas Output.
  • Added Quantity modifier key (C by default) effects add and remove buttons on trading panel.
  • Changed "++" and "--" buttons on trading panel now add/remove 100 items (or 1000 with quantity modifier).
  • Fixed Trader selling Zero quantities of gas.
  • Fixed cold gasses sold by trader have Temperature text colored correctly.
  • Changed LandingPads to have the same pressure strength as pipes: 60 MPa
  • Fixed bug where plants were not stacking/splitting correctly
  • Refactored switchgrass and hay to remove IGatherable
  • Allowed hay to be processed in advanced and portable composter
  • Fixed can't trade with trader.
  • Fixed Can trade with landed trader when pad is in error state or unpowered.
  • Updated LandingPad Gas Storage model and added buildStates and destroyed state.
  • Added LandingPad Gas Storage will now take damage when over 6000kpa and eventually break.
  • Added LandingPad Gas Storage tanks play stressed sound when over maximum pressure.
  • Fixed Trading can only commence if landing pad is fully operational.
  • Jitter fixes - fixed bug where players were not aligned correctly in seats/slots. Fixed a few issues around when ragdoll and collisions are set when moving in and out of slots. Made camera not snap to forward when you press alt
  • Added LandingPad Liquid Output. Pumps liquid purchased from a trader into a liquid pipe network.
  • Added Traders will now only complete gas trades if there is enough gas storage capacity in the landing pad. The max pressure of the landingPad is 6000 KPa.
  • Added Sounds and animation to LandingPadGasOutput.
  • Added Landing Pad Gas Output for pumping gas out of the landing pad that has been purchased from a trader. Constructed with (Kit) Landing Pad.
  • Fixed shuttles being able to depart when obstructed
  • Fixed Gas Connector piece not blocking large grid.
  • Fixed Polish pass on how gasses are displayed in trading panel
  • Added Landing Pad Gas Storage. This landing pad piece allows the landing pad to store gas purchased from the trader. Constructed with (Kit) Landing pad.
  • Changed Gas Traders now sell gas by the Mole. When purchased this gas will be pumped into the landing pad. (The player will need to add gas storage pieces to receive the gas).
  • Added Gas traders will sell modest amounts of pure gas at 20DegreesC.
  • Added Gas traders will now sell larger amounts of impure gas mixes at less than ideal Temperatures for lower prices.
  • Refactored pipe network to inherit from StructureNetwork base class.
  • Added AtmosphericsNetwork class as common parent for pipeNetwork and LandingPad network.
  • Changed Plants trading value is no longer effected by grow time.
  • Filled out InheritTraits to crops
  • Added MediumHanger door. A 2x1 modular door for building openings up to 4 blocks wide.
  • Renamed Airlock gate to small hanger door.
  • Renamed (kit) Airlock Gate to (kit) hanger door.
  • Jitter fixes - fixed terrain manipulator cursor not moving
  • Adjusted Hay and Switchgrass grow/decay variables
  • Add support for multiblock doors.
  • Jitter fixes - regressions on ladders, seats, cryo and sleepers. Fixed jittery bodies for clients.
  • made SwitchGrass Perennial
  • Added new "Crop" concept to game. An item that can be harvested from a plant but can not be replanted in a Plant Slot.
  • Added Hay to project.
  • Fixed Deep miner cannot be turned on/off with logic.
  • Removed mode variable from deepMiner as it wasn't being used.
  • Fixed DeepMiner continues to animate when in error state.
  • Tentative push of jitter fixes plus some fixes around dragging objects
  • Added SwitchGrass seeds and plant prefabs to project
  • Added gamestring to language xml editor method
  • Fixed Mushrooms stop growing after a while.
  • Fixed Mushrooms will now take damage after being lit for 120 seconds.
  • Fixed Plant light and darkness calculations not handling zero values correctly.
  • Fixed Plant healing and damage calculations not handling zero values correctly.
  • Fixed missing discord meta file
  • Fixed The list of all landingPad networks not begin cleared between loading new saves resulting in an error thrown on load when trying to register duplicate entries.

1. Dez. 2022
Stationeers - Not Simon
New Landing Pads

This new modular landing pad system is replacing the existing landing pad structure. To set up a new landing pad you will need to build a Landing Pad Center surrounded by the landing pad pieces. It needs to be at least 3x3 with a Data and Power module. There isn't currently any new functionality with the new system but you can read more about why we’ve done this and what is to come.

Hydroponics Player Feedback

We received a lot of feedback about the recent hydroponics changes, and one point that kept coming up was potatoes being too easy. While we wanted to keep an easy crop available for new players, the potatoes balance skipped out on too many mechanics. So we've doubled the time you'll need to keep them alive, and made them desire rest like the rest of the plants. We still have cooking/eating/drinking changes coming that will bring meaning, and usefulness to growing a diverse range of plants. We'll make cooking approachable enough that there is no excuse to not engage at a minimal level, but still deep enough that it’s easy to convince players to want to go one step slightly further into the system. Player feedback is the key to us making Stationeers great.

Trading Update Preview

Our current trading is a good foundation, but parts of it should be expanded to make it a mechanic that the player upgrades multiple times. Traders should be another tool the player can leverage to help them solve problems. By integrating trading with more devices, and rooms, players will constantly want to expand and upgrade their trading system.

Pressurized Landing Hangars
Pressurized Landing Hangars will be a major goal for players. Simple traders will still be callable with a minimal setup. Gas tankers will need a larger pad and expanded gas storage. Flight based ships will need a runway. Ships with living crew may also expect a pressurized environment before conducting business. With the need for pressurized hangars, we'll also be adding multi-block hangar doors that work vertically and horizontally. The new modular landing pad structures will let players build the landing pad to their desired size, and upgrade it with the features they need. Ultimately the hangar will be a new room addition to most stations, with enough mechanics and variants.

New Communications Game Loop
We will also be revisiting how traders are tracked down and contacted. The sky will become significantly more lonely, as traders pass by less frequently. New tiers of satellite dishes with variable power ranges will separate out the searching and contacting of signals, with some contacts requiring prolonged power expenditure to communicate with. The hardest contacts may even be in motion, and require tracking, or immense power expenditure to contact quickly. The harder contacts will bring a wealth of new experiences, bulk mining ships, gas tankers, freighters, medical shuttles, explorers and even visitor transports.

Redefined, Bespoke Traders
Finally, we'll also be reviewing what trading is in Stationeers. Rethinking what traders are, what they provide the players, and what the player can provide to them. We'll move away from such a procedural system, and instead have more stable content that players can develop better expectations of. Traders will also change based on what world the player is on, making them more likely to positively enhance the experience of living on an extreme world. Lastly, we're looking at adding new extra rare items that aren't normally obtainable, to act as a longer term goal for players to obtain.

Your support makes this possible
The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can see the tremendous impact that it has had. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord make a big difference.

If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game has substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those who like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.




Change Log v0.2.3719.18087
  • Fixed stationepdia inputfield trying to auto select when stationpedia is not visible
  • Fixed LandingPad network reference not being set on clients for pad pieces.
  • Fixed several places where Motherboards were not using the ITraderDestination interface.
  • Renamed LandingPad.cs to LandingPadDeprecated.cs
  • Fixed part of syncing landing pad on comms motherboard not working correctly
  • Fixed Client message to call trader didn't work for new landing pad.
  • Fixed Station contacts not handling there own network serialization for trading pad references.
  • Fixed LandingPad Center-Piece not syncing parent motherboard and current trading contact to clients.
  • Fixed Trader Landing Animation doesn't play on clients.
  • Fixed landing pad straight and center piece destroyed states spawn in incorrect position.
  • Fixed Error when trying to complete trade on old landing pad.
  • Fixed new landing pad pieces being able to be built inside of frames
  • Fixed Trader shuttle offset on Deprecated LandingPad.
  • Fixed Can't call trader to deprecated LandingPad.
  • Fixed LandingPad buildStates and destroyed states using incorrect material.
  • Fixed LandingPad will now be disabled if the center-Piece or power-piece are not in their final build states.
  • Fixed Flashing anim on landing pad not re-starting after on error state is resolved.
  • Fixed Error In LandingPad Lights Anim.
  • Added BuildStates and destroyed states to landing pad pieces.
  • Fixed some mesh issues with landing pad pieces.
  • Added Landing pad flashing Animation.
  • Added Landing pad lights can now be painted.
  • Added Landing pad centre piece and power piece will flash error if Landing pad is misconfigured.
  • Added Trader can only land on a landing pad where all tiles are completely built.
  • Added Descriptions of landing pad pieces to English.xml.
  • Updated (Kit) landing pad recipe cost.
  • Decreased Potato growth time by 2x, to be two days, and gave it a small darkness desire, to increase the skill floor of the easiest to grow crop.
  • Improved Stationpedia UX. Search field selects automatically when on home screen.
  • Fixed stationpedia animation while game is paused
  • Fixed game still being paused when IC/Stationpedia panels are closed
  • Fixed Smart rotate on landing pad pieces.
  • Fixed Errors in Trader shuttle landing and take off animations.
  • Disabled main panel on IC panel in editor
  • Fixed Shuttle thrusters stay on after landing.
  • Improved Shuttle landing pad clear sky detection.
  • Fixed If Pad is obstructed trader console returns correct message.
  • Added pause button to Stationpedia
  • Added pause button to IC input panel
  • Added play button and icon.
  • Added pause button
  • removed unused animation files
  • Fixed headlamp not showing in suit storage slot
  • Cleaned up landing pad animations
  • Fixed StructureNetwork.DeserializeOnJoin reading count as Int16 instead of UInt16.
  • Fixed Type error in StructureNetwork.DeserializeOnJoin breaking join message processing.
  • Seperated shuttle craft animation files for more flexibility
  • Changes positional animation data to DoTween for more a programmatic and dynamic approach paths
  • Fixed missing plant analyser cartridge thumbnail
  • Fixed missing plant analyser cartridge electronics printer recipe
  • Removed an early exit optimisation for room generation that could erroneously stop a specific configuration of walls from registering as a room
  • Added more accurate error messages for trading terminal for when a trader cannot land because of an incorrectly configured landing pad.
  • Stopped inventory windows opening and closing when entering numbers in the console window
  • updated Nitrous Oxide's stationpedia entry to have a more accurate description.
  • Made the difficulty selection default to normal instead of easy
  • Fixed shuttle landing orientation.
  • Fixed shuttle kept getting spawned when closing trading panel UI
  • Added offset to trader on center piece
  • Fixed nitrous oxide stationpedia description pointing to the nitrogen description
  • Fixed NREs for trader/shuttle on landing pad center piece
  • Moved trade shuttle/pilot pool into base scene using singletons and prefab references
  • Fixed Error when contacting trader with no (or an invalid) Landing pad connected to the computer. It will now return the correct error message in the pop-up window.
  • Added prototype pieces for new modular trading pad system. Landing pads will now be constructed of large-grid sized blocks to enable creation of landing pads of various sizes and designs. This will support future work for new types and sizes of trader shuttle and integration of goods storage (including gases) into the landingPad.
  • Added LandingPad Center piece. LandingPads must contain ONE center piece, this is the target location for the trader to land. landing pads with multiple center pieces will be considered invalid.
  • Added LandingPad DataConnection Piece. This is how the modular landing pad receives power and connects to data networks.
  • Added abstract Structure Network class. This contains all the basic functionality required for creating a new structure network. Additionally will support bringing pipe-cable-chute networks under a common parent.
  • Deprecated Old trader landing pad.
  • Changed Increased stack-size of (kit) LandingPad from 1 to 10.
  • Fixed bad material on pipe label
  • Tweaked pipe label scaling so the text looks less stretched in some cases
  • Fixed bug where pipe labels were hidden on insulated liquid pipes
  • Fixed bug where inventory selection indicator would scroll with mousewheel while you are placing some objects. Now mousewheel scroll will not move selection while placing. The next/previous keys (square brackets by default) will still move selection while placing.
  • Moved TraderPilot and TraderShuttle into their own prefabs
  • Added new prefab for Trader Pilot and Shuttle pooling to better support different trader/pilot types
  • Fixed bug where decreasing emergency eva suit temperature via hotkey would toggle suit AC
  • Reverting rocketnet to use IPv4 address instead of public/external
  • Changed the Base scene's reflection intensity to 0 to fix shiny terrain
  • Fixed bug where decreasing eva suit temperature via hotkey would toggle suit AC
  • Added some clarification to a confusing tutorial step
28. Nov. 2022
Stationeers - Not Simon
This hot-fix fixes the missing plant analyzer cartridge recipe for the electronics printer and the missing plant analyzer cartridge thumbnail.
Stationeers - Not Simon
This week is all about gene manipulation. We’ve added the Genetics Stabilizer, Genetics Splicer, a new plant PDA cartridge, increased the impact of lighting conditions, as well as fixing a number of both new and historic bugs.

Genetics Stabilizer

There is now a stability value associated with each gene. Genes with a high stability value will mutate less when passed to the next generation. The Genetics Stabilizer has two modes which allow for the manipulation of these values. The first mode, stabilize, allows you to increase the stability of all the genes at the same time. The second mode, destabilize, decreases the stability of all genes, however it allows you to target a specific gene to be destabilized to a greater degree.

With proper usage of this appliance you should be able to target one or more genes to mutate at a high rate while freezing the state of all other genes.

Genetics Splicer

Another way to modify a plant's genes is to use the Genetics Splicer. The splicer is a simple Appliance that allows you to take a single gene from one source plant and overwrite a gene on another target plant. This is a destructive process and will result in the source plant being destroyed in the process.

Plant Analyzer PDA
The Plant Analyzer gives you more information beyond the tooltips about the current status of plants and removes some of the mystery of what goes into the growth speed of plants.

Lighting Conditions
Previously lighting was overly simplified and the light received by a plant would be limited to a single light source. Now plants can receive light from multiple sources at the same time, such as a grow light and the sun. A plant receiving more light than needed will help it achieve it’s required amount of light faster.

To bring the effect of lighting in line with the other environmental variables plants will now perish if they spend excessive amounts of time in either light or dark. Previously this would make them stop growing but would not have any permanent effect on the plant.

Multiplayer Changes in Special Test Branch
When we refactored the old multiplayer system and removed the requirement for Steam API for the game, so that the game could outlive steam (and our studio) if need be, as well as make everyone able to play the games with their friends (even if pirated) - it made our connection system very "brittle". We have come up with an entirely new connection system forked from RakNet, we call "RocketNet". This should be much more robust for establishing connections and substantially reduces memory overhead and increased server/host performance.
You can test this out in a special hidden branch of the game, unlocked with the following. Please note that there is no enabled version of the dedicated server, and this may not be as stable as stationeers main branch.
User: rocketnettest
Password: theremaybebugs
Steam Peer-to-Peer being implemented
As noted above, we had to remove some steam functionality as we redeveloped the core of the multiplayer. We realize how important this is to many people with more complex routing situations. We are working on Steam P2P again, and will have a working test version for you as soon as well.

Your support makes this possible
The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can see the tremendous impact that it has had. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord make a big difference.

If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game has substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those who like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.




Change Log
  • Updated stationpedia description for plant splicer
  • Updated plant splicer description on stationpedia
  • Added stationpedia description for plant splicer
  • Added paintable material to Plant Analyzer and Stabilizer
  • Fixed missing percentage on stabilizer tooltip
  • Tweaked plant stabilizer arrow position
  • Updated plant stabilizer model
  • Tweaked plant stabilizer and splicer tooltips
  • Fixed activate button on stabilizer staying enabled when processing
  • Fixed power button flashing error state incorrectly on plant analyser and stabilizer
  • Fixed progress percent not syncing on client for plant stabilizer
  • Fixed Some Graphics settings not being applied until the user opened the settings panel.
  • Fixed Some shadow settings to be defaulted on starting the game or when selecting a new GraphicsQuality Setting.
  • Plant Analyser Cartridge first pass
  • Added the ability to sample loose (non slotted) plants with the plant sampler
  • Removed allocating call from clear fertilizer tooltip
  • Fixed emissive materials on Stabilizer
  • Added Stabilizer recipe
  • Fixed bug where appliances attached to benches would not have their powered state set correctly when adding and removing power cables to the network
  • Cleaned up some unused code in device
  • Fixed syncing problems with plant stabiliser
  • Fixed powering issues with Stabiliser
  • Changed processing times. Stabilise: 1 minute, Destabilise: 2 minutes
  • Fixed slot scaling in Stailiser slot
  • Fixed tooltips to be more consistent with previous appliances and devices
  • Made plants in splicer scale to the slot size
  • Fixed issue with bench on/off switch not having an effect on connected appliances' power state. This will only take effect on newly added appliances for now
  • Tweaked power usage for some appliances. Lamps 1W, Packaging machine 5W, Paint mixer 5W, Plant analyser 10W, Plant splicer 100W, Plant stabiliser 100W
  • Fixed some emissive materials on plant analyser
  • Removed error log spamming from Astroid.cs
  • Fixed NRE from unset human in cursormanager
  • Changed stability to float, but sbyte for networking.
  • Slowed down splicer animation
  • Changed plant mutations to roll genetic variations at the extremes of possibilities when plant stability nears -1.
  • Increased the genetic mutation amount that passes onto children after plants are subjected to negative parameters by 60%.
  • Added plant genetic splicer. Can be used to copy a chosen gene from one plant to another. After copying the source plant will be destroyed.
  • Fixed Entities positioned incorrectly in seats (regression from rev. 17908).
  • Fixed Player not positioned correctly in rover and camera not locked correctly to rover position (regression from rev. 17908).
  • Changed Disabled inworld interaction when sitting in rover as it was causing the collider targeting to flicker in and out. Rover buttons can still be used while seated by using mouse control (Alt Key).
  • Fixed Compass not reporting correct heading when seated in rover (regression from rev. 17908).
  • Fixed cancel token for processing stabilizer
  • Added first pass implementation of Plant Genetic Stabilizer
  • Fixed Tracker cartridge arrow not pointing in correct direction. (regression rev. 17908)
  • Changed Reduced power consumption of portable beacon. It will now last 5 in-game days on a small battery.
  • Fixed Other players in multiplayer looking towards local players IK target instead of their own IK target.
  • Added LightTolerance and DarknessTolerance genes to stationpedia and genetics panel.
  • Improved Plant Light and Darkness needs to be calculated in a real-time way rather than on a 1-day tick.
  • Added Light Tolerance and Darkness Tolerance genes. Plants left in permanent light or darkness will eventually die.
  • Fixed Compass not showing correct heading.
  • Fixed Thrown items would sometimes collide with suit.
  • Reverted mushroom recipes until the issues around them can be resolved
  • Fixed Targeting ray-cast for 1st person interactions is incorrectly offset.
  • Removed An instance where character physics interpolation could be disabled.
  • Fixed Creative spawn not putting item in-front of player. (regression rev17908)
  • Fixed Physics interpolation on players sometimes getting disabled on load.
  • Fixed harvey throwing errors when planting
  • Fixed harvey being able to harvest non mature plants
  • Fixed plant seeds sometimes not coming back for perennials
  • Fixed harvest quantity for fruit being very low after the first harvest for perennials
  • Fixed Items held in hands stuttering/ghosting when rotating view.
  • Improved responsiveness of mouse input. Removed smoothing functions from camera input and IK targeting.
  • Fixed Stuttering movement on first person helmet.
  • Removed Hands and helmet lagging player movement in first person. 1st person helmet and items in hands are now locked to player camera.
  • Fixed Items in hands stuttering movement when circle-strafing.
  • Changed Character Prefab, y-rotation Transform is now on a separate layer so as not to interfere with rigid-body interpolation.
  • Moved Some character and camera movement code into the correct parts of the update loop (in most cases this was moving animation logic from fixed-update to late update).
  • Fixed missing quantity modifier key from certain tooltips
  • Revert MixInWorld changes
  • Added 'direction' option to the atmos debug command
  • Adjusted atmosphere mixing so that new empty atmospheres mix more slowly for the first few ticks. This should alleviate issues with mining on high pressure worlds throwing players around
  • Fixed not being able to save if Save Path in settings is set to a bad path. It will now fall back to the default path and default the Settings Path.

Stationeers - Not Simon
Continuing to expand on last week's update, we've added some new features to how plants process light and made some quality of life changes to the plant tooltips. We've also focused on general big fixing.

Plant Light Changes

Sunlight and grow lights now both scale the amount of time the plant has received light for, based on their solar intensity. Sunny planets like Vulcan receive a 150% multiplier to time spent in light, while distant, cold planets like Mimas only receive 18% of the time spent in light. Plants grown solely from the sun on distant planets may become extremely stressed, and struggle to mature. Grow lights have been reduced to 80% intensity.

Fortunately, grow lights now cumulatively add light to plants in combination with the sun. Hydroponic setups with both exterior windows, and artificial lighting will often have an edge in meeting a plant's light requirements. Additionally, we've added the ability for plants to get an extra growth bonus for extra time spent in the light. Some of the longer growing plants, corn and pumpkins, have had their required darkness lowered, so you can give them extra time in the sunshine.

Keep in mind that plants still need a rest period out of light, and wont get growth bonuses when stressed from lack of rest. You may want to automate the process with solar sensors, timers, or just an old fashioned light switch.

The several plant entries have had descriptions updated in the Stationpedia, to point out the nuances of several plants, and give players an idea of what growing the crop may entail.

Plant Names

Plants can now be given custom names using the labeler. Additionally, when you use the labeler to give your planter a custom name that name will be passed on to the plants as well. This will help with organizing your farm and save getting your plants mixed up.


We've done a lot of work on getting more localization coverage. Work is continuing here but the changes have not yet been exposed. In the coming months we will be putting more effort in to this area, so watch this space.

Saving Bug Fixes

There was a number of nasty bugs around saving that was causing corrupted saves and resulted in some weird behaviour after loading them again. The Discord integration was sometimes causing games to fail to load, this is now being handled correctly so you can continue to load without Discord integration.

Some people were experiencing empty tanks, or rather missing thing atmospheres, after loading a game. We've implemented a temporary fix for this and are hunting down a permanent solution. If you are still experiencing this then please do report it.

Your support makes this possible

The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can see the tremendous impact that it has had. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord make a big difference.
If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game has substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those who like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.




Change Log v0.2.3678.17897
  • Updated plant tooltips to be more compact and only convey verbose information when something is wrong
  • Improved stationpedia layout for plants that interact with multiple gasses.
  • Fixed trader throwing error when no comms motherboard is inserted into computer
  • Added Plants now can get extra sunlight per day, giving them a growth bonus, only if their required darkness time is met.
  • Added Plants now normalize their lit time to the strength of the light source. Growing plants on planets with low solar intensity will require more light time.
  • Added Plants can now cumulatively have the sun, and a single grow light applying light to them.
  • Changed The basic grow light to only provide light at 80% Intensity.
  • Reduced Corn and Pumpkin's minimum darkness, to allow them to gain larger growth bonuses from extra light.
  • Updated individual plants stationpedia entries to highlight design intent/differences.
  • Fixed stacker tool tip showing quantity twice
  • Added in some missing text in stationpedia and tutorials
  • Fixed Centrifuge sometimes throws error when exporting processed dirty ores.
  • Added more detailed exceptions within Asteroid.SetMineableRenderers() to try track down a bug
  • Fixed 5-way cable junctions reduced to 3 from 4 cables to be the same as 6-way junctions.
  • Fixed GameStrings key issue
  • Fixed Error when reading collectableGoods on modular rocket before it has been launched (will now return false).
  • Removed hard coded failure strings from tooltips into GameStrings
  • Fixed split stacks only going to the left hand. Split stacks will now go to any free hand or merge with a stackable in hand of the same type. If none is found the split stack will be dropped on the ground.
  • Moved success tooltip messages into append message method
  • Moved more tooltip strings into GameStrings for localisation
  • Made sorter filter scroll bar slightly wider
  • Fixed 'stormend' command not working correctly. Replaced 'stormbegin' and 'stormend' commands with 'storm start' and 'storm stop'. Stop command will now correctly stop the current storm.
  • Fixed Spelling error in Plant tooltip.
  • Fixed Instance where a save with a lower than expected number of serialized trader contacts would fail to load.
  • Fixed game string key double up
  • Added missing mushroom recipes
  • Removed obsolete class HelpTextDevice migrated to GameStrings
  • Moved more hard coded strings to GameStrings for tooltips
  • Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException thrown by Comms-motherboard when save contains erroneous trader contact data. Data will now be parsed correctly and erroneous data discarded.
  • Fixed NREs when clients plant plants
  • Fixed delete plants being called on client
  • Fixed labelling plants on clients bringing up labeller window on server.
  • Added Plant Genetic Analyser will now show the name of the plant that the sample came from.
  • Added Plants and seeds can now be given custom names with the labeller. When labelling a stack of plants all items in the stack will receive that name.
  • Added All planters can now be named with the labeller. Plants in the planters can be renamed by targeting the plants slot with the labeller.
  • Added Plants will retain custom names when planted and pass on custom names to harvested child plants and seeds.
  • Added Plants in a planter with a custom name will have the planters custom name appended to their custom name i.e PotatoGeneStock02_PlanterA
  • Added Stacked Plants will retain their custom names in the same way as they retain their genetics data.
  • Removed IsCustomName bool. It is more robust and performant to use !string.isNullOrEmpoty() instead.
  • Converted ConsoleWindow GameStrings to Localistaion2.GameString
  • Removed Thing overloads in GameString.AsString() to use the string casting at the high level to avoid excessive overloading or boxing
  • Fixed audio related NRE that sometimes occurs during loading save
  • Added cancel button to the 'this save is old' warning popup
  • Disallowed saving when game state is 'loading' and in a few cases were the directory may not have been established yet
  • Added partial fix for tanks being empty when starting a new game. Now, the game will be saved after several game ticks (instead of immediately) to let atmospherics settle
  • Potential fix for locking issue for cable networks while client is in join process. STAT-2875.
  • Re-ordered chutes in chute kit. New order is: straight, corner, window, junction, flipflop, valve, overflow, inlet, outlet
  • Rounded values on the plant genetics panel to make it easier to read
  • Fixed NRE RocketTankModules when loading game causing load failure. Fixes STAT-2862.
  • Fixed Chute digital Flip Flop Splitter Left is missing from building variants
  • Fixed issue with IC dropdown being covered by text area. Turned off raycast target on text area.
  • Removed deprecated incidents menu
  • Fixed formatting and changed text on the Laptop's Stationpedia page
  • Added further messages to plant tooltip to let players know when the plant is not yet mature or not yet seeding
  • Fixed game strings variable indexing causing issues with localisation in tool tips for plants
  • Removing mothership references in stackable
  • Fixed plants replenishing their fruit on loading save. Will now load with the correct number of fruit.
  • Fixed Colliders disabled on window shutter glass.
  • Changed multiple hardcoded strings for tooltips to GameStrings for localisation. Still many more to go.
  • Fixed Sun is not visible through window shutter when open.
  • Fixed Discord error that could cause save games to fail to load. Error is now handled correctly and game will continue to load without discord integration.
  • Fixed Seed bags get deleted when exported from silo.
  • Fixed Stacked cooked foods don't become decayed when put into silo.
  • Fixed Soups and cereal bars can now be stored in silos (they previously turned into decayed foods)
  • Fixed plant sampler battery slot trigger not allowing you to insert battery with single click
  • Fixed plant sampler display text staying visible when battery is removed
  • Fixed Recursive power networks will now blow fuses instead of a cable if a fuse is present on the cable network.
  • Fixed Potential fix for comms-motherboard throwing error when printed.
2. Nov. 2022
Stationeers - Not Simon
In The Farming Update we've made some big changes to how plants grow, adding new challenges and rewards. These changes include slowing down the growth time, a new genetics game loop, more nuanced environmental impacts on the plants, and the introduction of perennial plants. We wanted to achieve a feeling of involvement with farming and a sense of reward for being attentive and providing the right conditions for your plants.

This update has taken longer than normal but has laid the foundations for the next few updates that will build upon these game loops and you can expect to see more content around hydroponics and food.

Increased Growth Time

Base growth times have been increased for all plants, some significantly. While potatoes remain an easy single day staple food, others, such as the Tomato and Pumpkin plants have a base growth time of 12 days.

Base growth time will now be affected by a number of factors including the environmental conditions and the plant's genetics (more on that below).

Perennial/Annual Plants
Along with long growth times, the tomato and pumpkin plants have been changed to be perennials. This means that once fully grown the fruit can be harvested and the plant will start producing more fruit without having to go through the entire growth cycle again.

Genetics and Growing Conditions

Plants now have a range of genes that affect the growth of the plant. Each plant will pass on its genes to fruit and seeds with a small mutation. A plant's genes can be affected over its lifetime depending on the conditions it was grown in. For example if a plant is deprived of water for a significant portion of its growth cycle then it will be more likely that following generations will require less water to grow.

While putting a plant under stress to manipulate the genes might result in the next generation of plants being more hardy, the plant will take longer to grow and its yield will be lower. Conversely, ensuring that the plant is within the ideal ranges defined by its genes, will make the plant grow the fastest it can and produce the highest yields.

We’ve added a section to all plant Stationpedia pages where you can find each plant's base growth parameters. There’s also a new Genetics Stationpedia section which includes a description of each gene.

Plant Sampler and Plant Analyzer

These two new objects will help you to choose which plants you cultivate and you can strive to create perfect plants that will thrive and grow quickly.

The Plant Sampler is used to take a sample of a growing plant. The Sampler is then plugged into the Analyzer and after a short time you will be able to see a full breakdown of the genetics of the plant. You can then cultivate the seeds from the best plants to use in the next generation.

Your support makes this possible

The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can see the tremendous impact that it has had. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord make a big difference.
If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game has substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those who like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.




Change Log v0.2.3667.17838

  • Changed `nodiscord` arg to be single dash to be consistent with rest of args. Double dash will still work. `-nodiscord` or `--nodiscord`
  • Fixed input/output tooltips not showing when pipe is connected.
  • Fixed editor using namespace not wrapped in #ifdef
  • Removed Discord SDK to test if crashing issues stop for some players
  • Added ability to read cryo tube temperature and pressure from logic
  • Fixed `-difficulty` command so it can be used at launch time for dedicated servers.
  • Ice will no longer melt when moving between chutes and certain devices (furnace, silo, sorter, stacker, unloader, vending machine)
  • Converted Tomato and Pumpkin plants to be perennial
  • Changed Seeding stage to be after Mature (harvesting) stage for Tomato and Pumpkin plants
  • Added a small amount of RNG to plant growth time to add variance and make growing a larger number of crops feel more organic.
  • Fixed compile error caused by bad merge
  • Refactored plant status system to support plant rebalance.
  • Added Plant helper classes to support life balance changes.
  • Removed fertiliser effect on food growth temporarily.
  • Reverted fertiliser change(rev 17702)
  • Added back DiscordSDK
  • * Fixed discord crash. Caused by null pointer after a discord internal error. Have improved our Dispose method and added an extra init check in lobby creation
  • Fixed NRE stopping tutorials to load
  • Fixed a couple NREs from smelting tutorial
  • Improved exception handling at GameManager.Start()
  • Fixed characters staying standing up when they RagdollPart
  • Added play names to skeletons and skulls
  • Added missing discord sdk meta file
  • Increased threshold at which atmosphere fires will completely combust all contents to help prevent overly persistent fires.
  • Reverted thing fire threshold changes
  • Added groundwork for plant genetics. These changes will have no noticeable effects (yet)
  • Fixed macOS compile errors for DiscordSDK
  • fixing compile errors on OSX in ModData.cs
  • adding alias of Posix dlls for Steamworks so that they can be packaged correctly on OSX
  • Removing old IMGUI implementation
  • Adding new IMGUI implementation
  • Making tweaks required for new ImGui implementation to work in Stationeers
  • added cached game-tick delta time.
  • added serialization for plant genes.
  • Changed plants can survive for longer in adverse states without taking damage.
  • Added plants in adverse states will have a quality reduction an produce seeds of lower quality.
  • Added plants pass genetic properties onto child seeds and fruits with some variation.
  • Added plant record class. Plants track the amount of time spent in adverse conditions.
  • Added PlantSampler tool. Doesn't do anything yet.
  • Removed debris from older imgui package
  • Fixed Xml serialization of genes and aggregate states to use XML Enum.
  • Fixed some errors when planting and harvesting.
  • Added WIP Genetic variance system for seeds based on stress events of parent plant.
  • Fixed save game list from not populating if one save had a missing terrain binary.
  • Allowed saves to be loaded with a missing terrain binary.
  • Changed Added SeedQuality to GeneCollection.
  • Changed tidied up InheritTraits function to remove some duplicate calls across the various different planter classes.
  • Added turning on Plant Sampler
  • Added plant sample add/remove behaviour
  • Added preservation of gene information in stackables.
  • Fixed an error in plant growth RNG causing the upper limit to be very large.
  • Tied the plant growth RNG to the reference ID of the plant so that it is deterministic(affectively serializing it)
  • Fixed out of range exception being caused when stacking plants from older saves
  • Added AppliancePlantGeneticAnalyzer. Can add/remove PlantSamplerTool to the slot and turn on appliance. Just cosmetic no gameplay changes.
  • Added Genes now effect the health and growth of plants.
  • Added new genes for Resistances and tolerances of atmospheric states.
  • Fixed Stacked gene collections not updating correctly when calling OnUseItem and when harvesting when same type was already in hand.
  • Initial balance pass on Genetic mutation. Mutation chance for genes follows binormal distribution over a 20% range for change.
  • Fixed OnUseItem message not updating stacked gene collections.
  • Moved StackedGeneCollections to Stackable.cs. List is only initialised on Plant and remains a null on the base class.
  • Added Plant Sampler Tool save data persistence.
  • Added error handling for Plant Gene Analyzer Appliance.
  • Added missing so.meta file from DiscordSDK
  • Added `IMGUI_FEATURE_CUSTOM_ASSERT` `IMGUI_FEATURE_FREETYPE` defines to project settings. (kept auto generating)
  • Fixed IndexOfRangeException in Stackable
  • Added localisation keys for ItemPlantSampler and AppliancePlantGeneticAnalyzer
  • Added AppliancePlantGeneticAnalyzer to electronics printer recipes
  • Added ItemPlantSampler to tools printer recipes
  • Fixed plant sampler not working on all plant slots
  • Fixed battery slot location on plant sampler
  • Added Slot.ScaleMultiplier to scale size of things in slots. Only applies when realWorldScale is false.
  • Fixed Collider Mesh renderers showing when moving plantGeneticAnalyser and Plant sampler between slots.
  • Tidy up of plantGeneticAnalyser and PlantSampler prefabs.
  • Fixed Analyser anim not stopping when unpowered or error.
  • Added WIP plant growth values
  • Fixed hydroponic trays not being able to be sampled using plant sampler
  • Added damage to plants now takes into account the plants genetics.
  • Fixed issue where you could not type into the F3 console as the window was not receiving focus correctly
  • Fixed issue with tablets scrolling very fast making it impossible to read the middle sections of longer scrollable content
  • Renamed some Plant Genetics variables and classes.
  • Fixed Plant Genetic Temperature Modifiers.
  • Moved some functions to PlantLifeRequirements.cs
  • Removed ability to clear plant without modifier key press. Preventing accident clearing of plant from slot when harvesting.
  • Added holding C key as modifier to clear plant from slot. (Shown in tooltip)
  • General clean up of plant slot tooltips.
  • Added game strings to some areas of plant tooltips for localisation.
  • Refactored how plant life requirements get their values from the plant's genes
  • Removed unused method in gene collection
  • Added plant genetics display window for viewing gene data when interacting with the plant analyser
  • Added meta file
  • Fixed null ref on creating temperature curve for plant
  • Fixed genetic info popup not scrolling properly
  • Fixed null ref when pointing sampler at empty plant tray
  • Fixed genetic info display looking weird for zero width ranges
  • Changed Moved all plant balance data onto PlantLifeRequirements.
  • Added Plants now have an ideal Pressure Range for growth 50-100Kpa. Outside of this range growth will slow.
  • Added Plants will take pressure damage when pressure is outside of the range 25-200Kpa.
  • Changed plants require at least 5% of their growing atmosphere to be their breathing gas for them to grow at full speed. Growth will slow at lower ratios. i.e a potato will now grow optimally in a 50Kpa atmosphere of which 5% is CO2.
  • Added UndesiredGasResistance Gene.
  • Changed implemented a number of Genes into plant growth and plant damage mechanics.
  • Changed Renamed some plant variables and general cleanUp of plant class.
  • Added search button to plant analyser
  • Removed Error state flashing on OnOff button
  • Removed turning off appliance after analyse animation
  • Fixed being able to clear plant without hold C
  • Changed Default Genetics adjustment range to 25%.
  • removed Old hard-coded mushroom growing behaviour this will ben handled by PlantLifeRequirements now.
  • Fixed alt key for clearing plants to be more consistent with other alt interactions.
  • Fixed NRE on client join Plant.Gene not being synced.
  • Removed SeedQuality and YeildMultiplier genes
  • Added GasProduction Gene to plants.
  • Reduced the effect of Fertiliser on growthSpeed (now max 25% boost) and harvest yield (max +2.5 yield).
  • Changed Reduced seed harvest quantity to 1.
  • Changed Seed harvest quantity is no longer boosted by Fertilizer.
  • Changed Increased base harvest quantity to 3 for all crops except potatoes.
  • Changed Harvest quantity is now reduced for plants that have experienced negative environmental effects over their growing period.
  • Added Exposing plants to negative environmental states will cause trends in genetic mutations. i.e Restricting a plants water intake will encourage the plant's water usage gene to mutate in the positive direction meaning child plants will use less water.
  • Fixed possible missing reference exception if plant is destroyed. Copying the plant now rather than passing around reference.
  • Changed hydroponics tray and planter to use "Slot1" for their action rather than "Activate" to make them more consistent with other planting devices
  • Moved interaction logic for planting devices to one place to make it easier to make the behaviour consistent
  • Refactor hydroponics utils class
  • Added new genes to analyser popup
  • Updated gene info display to handle lopsided ranges
  • Fixed syncing Plant Sampler state across clients
  • Fixed syncing Plant Analyser sample data across clients
  • Added print debug info for plants and Hydroponics Station
  • Fixed error caused by plants when starting a new game that caused you to be kicked back to the main menu
  • Fixed growth time gene being used directly as a multiplier meaning that growth times were approximately infinite.
  • Added light stress as a growth time multiplier
  • Optimised all plant prefabs. Removed some un-necessary physics components.
  • Fixed Plants loading in with renders disabled.
  • Fixed not being able to clear Fertiliser from slot
  • Fixed bug where you could alt click drag growing plants from slots
  • Stopped cursor interacting with world when genetic info panel is open
  • Handled harvesting plants while holding plant of the same type
  • Fixed Incorrect interactable hashing on plant analyser.
  • Fixed turning plant analyser on and off quickly or removing/adding plant sampler would cause sampling anim to stop working.
  • Tidied up Plant Analyser interaction code to be in-line with project standards.
  • Added Interactable name hashing to on_editor_validate button.
  • Fixed Plant Analyser spinning animation playing when it has no sample to process when loading into a game.
  • Fixed building error due to editor namespace not in defines
  • Added local build script to simulate code stripping like build server
  • Fixed harvesting plants with max stack size in hand caused plants to spawn in at origin
  • Added some light stress when the late status of a plant changes
  • Added server build script with stripping for linux
  • Fixed NRE in splash screen causing it to not display correctly
  • Removed a debug log
  • Added multi gene widget for temperature and pressure related genes. Will show ideal temperature/pressure ranges and min/max possible temperature/pressure ranges.
  • Added Sounds to Plant Genetics Analyser.
  • Fixed PlantStatus not syncing on network
  • Fixed exception when generating tooltips for certain plants
  • Updated hydroponics tray device slot types
  • Added Mushroom Seeds.
  • Added Mushroom seeds to organics crate in default starting conditions
  • Added Units to numbers in genetics panel.
  • Changed Reordered elements in genetics panel.
  • Changed Water usage gene to show percentage change rather than absolute values.
  • Localisation pass on hydroponics tooltips
  • Fixed NRE issues with plants from Harvester
  • Tweaked plant analyser mesh and fixed materials on sampler and analyser
  • Added Sound for taking plant sample with PlantSampler.
  • Changed grow Temperature range for tropical Plant.
  • Added Grow Efficiency tooltip to plants.
  • Added Light stress tooltip to plants.
  • Fixed Pressing alt would when loading into game with plant sampler in hand could cause the plant sampler status screen to show both statuses.
  • Updated plant analyser to flash error when any tool other than the plant sampler is placed in its slot
  • Localisation pass on genetics info panel
  • Fixed Error in GrowthEfficiencyRNG calculation that was causing all plants to grow slower.
  • Fixed exception when watering plants
  • Updated seeding plants so that the seeding stage always follows the mature stage and is also marked as mature.
  • Made it so you can harvest a seeding plant's seeds/fruit in any order. Previously you had to harvest the seed first.
  • Fixed issues with perennials not reverting to the correct stage
  • Fixed issue with plant visualisers disappearing when decrementing stage
  • Refactored harvest method
  • Improving error logging to imgui console window and log to file to help us lovely devs a bit more
  • Fixed tool tip next lining on pipe analyser
  • Added Plant Growth Requirements to Stationpedia.
  • Added new icon for genetic
  • Updated gasicons.psd
  • Fixed wrong callback event from logMessageReceived
  • Added Duplicated water shader and gave individual colors.
  • Fixed issues with harvey not harvesting fruit when plant is seeding. Harvey will now harvest seeds first followed by fruit.
  • Refactored plant and planters to make harvesting functions more consistent
  • Removed some uncalled code which was meant to harvest mature plants when planters are deconstructed. For now, plants will continue to pop out of slots when the planter is deconstructed. They can then be re-planted and will revert to the first growth stage.
  • Stationpedia Genetics Page WIP
  • Made Console log catch threaded
  • Slightly tweaked plant growth tooltip
  • Fixed DelayedActionInstance.Success() message not showing
  • Added Inhaled, Exhaled & toxic gases information to plants Stationpedia pages.
  • Added Water usage to plant stationpedia pages.
  • Fixed WIP-Genetics Statiopedia page throws error when opening.
  • Added Stationpedia entry for Plant Sampler and WIP entry for the Genetics page
  • Added missing genetics icon meta file
  • Added Individual gene pages to Stationpedia.
  • Added Localization hooks for Genetics strings in stationpedia (moved hardcoded strings to gameStrings)
  • Updated plant analyzer stationpedia description
  • Updated plant analyzer thumbnail
  • Updated plant sampler thumbnail
  • Fixed grammar in stationpedia genetics page
  • Fixed errors in the genetics page text
  • Fixed transparency on gene icon
  • Added gene icon to genes page list
  • Added Growth time to stationpedia.
  • Changed Plant grow times: Potato 1 game day. Wheat, Rice, soybean, mushroom 3 in-game days. Corn 6 in-game days. Tomato 15 in-game days, Pumpkin 18 in-game days. Subsequent harvests of
  • Tomatoes and pumpkins will take 3 & 6 in-game days respectively.
    Fixed Math bug with seconds to Time converter that caused the wrong time length to be shown when time was greater than an hour.

Stationeers - Not Simon
This week we’re bringing you a range of performance improvements and bug fixes.

There are two main performance improvements we have made, one is a rendering improvement that means the main thread is spending less time waiting for rendering tasks to complete. The second is to do with the prioritization of our many threaded tasks. Threads that are running non time sensitive tasks have now been moved to a lower priority allowing other tasks to be processed faster and improving the overall performance.

With these two changes combined, most players should see a modest performance improvement while players running larger bases should see a significant improvement.


These changes were not more performant on dedicated servers so are not activated there.

Additionally we’ve added Legacy-CPU option to settings (not exposed in the main settings panel). This disables some multi-threading priority optimisations that will have a negative effect on users with CPUs below the recommended spec. You can try enabling this option if the latest update has caused your logic and atmospherics simulation to noticeably slow down.

You can enable it using the command “legacycpu [enable, disable]”

Bug Fixing
Besides the performance improvements we’ve also done a bit of bug fixing. Most notably we’ve fixed the issue where you could sometimes end up controlling your character as well as a ghost character.

You might notice that this update does not contain any new content and we will be resuming our normal content cadence in the coming updates.

Besides more new content you can look forward to improvements to the multiplayer connection process as we take the final steps in completely removing reliance on Unity’s multiplayer API.

Your support makes this possible

The major refactor has been a huge milestone for us and we think you can see the tremendous impact that it has had. Your support through bug reporting, suggestions, and direct involvement with our team on discord make a big difference.
If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a great deal of difference to the project. We have worked hard on this project now for five years, and we feel confident the game has substantially improved from when we started. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.
Additionally, you can support us by purchasing the DLC we made to allow those who like the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to continue to use in the game.




Change Log v0.2.3647.17684

  • Added `--nodiscord` argument to skip discord integration
  • Fixed possible NRE in Asteroid.SetMineableRenderers() based discord report due to null mineable in loop
  • Updated DiscordSDK in blind hopes it will solve crashing issue for some players
  • Fixed NRE when saving new world on dedicated server.
  • Removed unnecessary console action logs when saving game
  • Fixed NRE from AtmosphereAudioHandler and ThingFire classes for dedicated server
  • Fixed NRE in ChatMessage for dedicated server
  • Fixed Panel on Atmospherics machines not showing correctly localized Mode strings.
  • Fixed Thread Priority changes do not take effect for dedicated servers
  • Set DeepMiner `_timeSinceLastOreSpawn` to current game time when turned on. Fixes issue where dirty ore is spawned when been turned off.
  • Fixed cryo tube temperature message
  • Added Legacy-CPU option to settings (not exposed in main settings panel). This disables some multi-threading priority optimisations that will have a negative effect on users with CPUs below the recommended spec. You can try enabling this option if the latest update has caused your logic and atmospherics simulation to noticeably slow down.
  • Added Legacy-CPU console command. "legacycpu [enable, disable]"
  • Fixed chute bin returning the wrong kit on disassembly
  • Removed unnecessary settings of directory properties for save points. All getters to a single point now.
  • Fixed bug where dying and respawning would leave multiple brains with the same client id in your save. On loading this save, you could spawn into the dead body's brain which would force another respawn, leaving another living copy of your character in the world.
  • Tweaked duct tape mkII repair speed. Will now repair things 10% faster than normal duct tape.
  • Optimised Rendering preparation on CPU.
  • Optimised Threaded atmospherics and logic behaviour to avoid taking resources from more time critical processes. This improves frame-rate on bases with an extensive number of atmospheres.
  • Reduced The number of Atmospherics worker threads.
  • Reduced Priority of non-time critical threads.
  • Fixed some tool speeds being set incorrectly
  • Tweaked tool speed for emergency tools. Emergency tools will now be 0.5 times the speed of normal tools
  • Fixed scrolling on screens sometimes not working
  • Increased scrolling speed on screens

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