Stationeers - Clean Karma

This month patch includes a scenic new world selection, clutter and a new planet with a gameplay twist! Not to mention the list of bug fixes.

Our Time Is Not Wasted
This months patch brings us closer to our goal of a solid progression loop. This came at the cost of a nerf to the movement speed of the jetpacks and the amount of gas used. These values are now moddable however, incase you miss zooming round. This change was made to better represent our vision of how the game should feel and gives us more space to play with movement. In brighter news, we have an addition to our planet base! Loulan, once full of life, is now abandoned out of fear, due to its proximity to the black hole ‘Gargantuan’. Here you will find a unique twist to the normal game play loop. Some of our talented developers have also gone above and beyond to bring you clutter to fill out some of that empty space feeling.

Wasteland Planet Loulan
Upon arrival you will notice Loulan has a breathable atmosphere, high enough pressure to sustain life - but a severe lack of it. This Sandy giant is situated in the Gargantuan System, moving closer to the black hole situated in the centre each day. While abandoned and no longer green and full of water, this planet still has a functioning atmosphere and you are tasked with scouring the wasteland to acquire the materials and resources needed to survive on this everlasting desert.

Who put that rock there?! This month among all of our incredible additions comes Clutter! We felt as though our planets just didn’t quite have that natural feel to them. Can you imagine going to Mars and not seeing a single rock on the ground? Neither could we, so our talented art team and a couple of our programmers set out to fill in the empty space on these deserted lands we call home. Whether you are wandering the dusty dunes of mars, the sandy desert on Loulan or enjoying the low gravity on the Moon, may the clutter be with you.

New World Selection
We thought it was about time we spiced up the new world selection screen! So, we put together some out-of-this-world scenes to help give you a better idea of the environment you will be putting yourself into. Alongside this, these new scene selections are completely moddable, meaning that any custom planets you make you can also create a scene to go alongside it! Check out the WorldSettings.xml file to find out what settings you can mod! Also please post any extra moddable scene settings you think would fit on our discord here!

Inside Scoop
While we miss flying around at near supersonic speeds on the Jetpacks, we are at a stage in development where we need to start looking back at the already existing content and deciding where they sit in the game. As mentioned in last month’s patch our focus is shifting towards progression and balance and with this jetpacks have finally received a good look. In this patch we welcome the Basic Jetpack to our jetpack ranks. New games will begin with this Jetpack. Alongside this addition we balanced the speed at which each of the Jetpacks can travel and the amount of fuel used while moving.
Earlier this week we welcomed a new programmer to the team. In the time they have been here we have put them to work on a new set of tutorials, and boy did they deliver! While we did not manage to add the tutorial to the main branch this month, you can still try it out on the workshop here. We have high hopes for the tutorials to come thereafter and we rely on your feedback to make it as accessible as possible, so don’t forget to leave feedback and suggestions!!

Version 0.2.2252.10280
  • Added the Planet Loulan.
  • Added a new scenic way to select the world you play on. You will find this when you click the New World button on the main menu.
  • Added a new basic jetpack which is slower than the normal jetpack and is the new starting jetpack for all worlds excluding Vulcan.
  • Added new world Mimas. A moon that orbits Saturn, while similar to the moon Mimas has an increased solar difficulty.
  • Added functionality to cause a furnace to explode when overpressurized. Note: those furnaces loading in with explodable pressure when first loaded will have their atmospheres reset, to avoid explosions.
  • Added the ability to mod the speed of your jetpack (An example can be found in ‘StreamingAssets/prefabmods.xml’).
  • Added Clutter to existing planets, this will spawn various bits of clutter around the planet.
  • Increased render distance on the satellite to be more inline with other structures.
  • Fixed the headlamp light changing the colour of the light to the painted material colour.
  • Fixed a bug which stopped the ending screen from appearing upon completion of the scenario.
  • Fixed the Basic Jetpacks thumbnails to align with the colour of the Jetpack and the incorrect thumbnails being displayed on the basic jetpack.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not climb high enough to reach a mountain on your Jetpack.
  • Fixed saved worlds not loading starting conditions correctly.
  • Fixed pipes broken pipes not releasing atmosphere when loaded from a previous save.
  • Fixed being unable to change keybinds when the game is paused.
  • Fixed an issue causing held items to display as destroyed and not resetting upon death
  • Fixed localization issue on the hands and feet for Humans.
  • Fixed ItemHat visual issues in First-Person view missing from Portrait view.
  • Fixed the Atmospheric scattering being incorrect on space levels.
  • Fixed strange text artifacts that occurred on the loading screen.
  • Fixed filters on your suit being turned off on load. [Credit: Kamuchi]
  • Fixed character spawning issue that occured when connecting to a server. A rogue Brain was causing issues.
  • Fixed the tier one printing machines import slot not behaving as expected.
  • Fixed the broken BuildState of the Furnace not appearing correctly upon destruction.
  • Fixed exporting devices from jamming when loading a save.
  • Fixed the export and import Mk2 printer animations.
  • Fixed issue related to loading a save that contained a configured ItemRemoteDetonator.
  • Fixed LogicHashGen not being interactable with a Screwdriver.
  • Fixed null error when the Mothership is being destroyed.
  • Fixed null error when registering a ElevatorShaft to the Grid.
  • Fixed the sounds not playing on the Mk2 printers.
  • Fixed the terrain detail not appearing if World origin shift was enabled.
  • Fixed output issues related to the StructureStacker. [Credit: Masoneer]
  • Fixed the size of the MotherboardComms cursor selection.
  • Changed the default HungerRate setting to be at 0.25%, this will not affect already modified settings.
  • Renamed Space to Asteroid belt.
  • Reduced the speed of the Hardsuit Jetpack and default Jetpack.
  • Removed LOD on Mimas.
  • Updated Localization files.
  • Increased the amount of fuel emitted across all tiers of jetpacks.
Finally, we want to thank you for sticking with us, while development may seem slow at times we are constantly working to improve and supply new exciting content for you and us to enjoy. Happy Holidays and we will see you in the new year!

Tēnā koutou,

Stationeers Team.
Stationeers - Clean Karma

This update brings to light our work being done on progression and the future of it, more asteroids in space and the usual massive list of minor additions, bug fixes and quality of life changes to the game.

Making Progress

With this month’s patch we introduce an exciting pathway into structure and item progression, with the first step being the Mk2 printers! These new printers will print your pipes, cables and kits 33% faster than the counterpart Mk1 models at the cost of a little extra power. How do you build your own?
Starting with your autolathe you will need to follow the chain of recipes to unlock the Autolathe, Electronics Printer, Tool Manufacturer and Hydraulics Printer Mod-kits pictured below. With your Mod-kit in one hand and a welder in the other you have all the materials needed to upgrade your Mk1 into a shiny new Mk2! Alongside this we have added recipe tiering, and restricting access to recipes on machines that are not of an appropriate tier. Plans are in the works to place existing recipes into their respective tiers, alongside another look into the recipe costs.

Some of you Space players may have noticed that asteroids only appeared around your start position. Our team has been putting in work to repopulate the asteroids in space! This not only fills out the emptiness, but also adds an increase in performance. Alongside the asteroid change came a similar improvement to Moon craters. With this new system, we have exciting plans in the works to enable and encourage exploration and make the planetside scenery more interesting. Watch this space for more astronomical changes!

Version 0.2.2220.10116
  • Added a new Reversed Stacker structure and updated the Structure Stacker machine.
  • Added the Medium Transformer, similar to the small transformer but with a maximum throughput of 25kw.
  • Added new tiers for the Autolathe, Electronics Printer, Hydraulic PipeBender & Tool Manufacturer. These new tiers will be available through using a welding torch along side the corresponding PrinterMod on already constructed Printing machine.
  • Added four new Printer Mod kits on the Electronics Printer and Autolathe respectively, these recipes become available at different tiers.
  • Added tiered recipes to machines - certain things can only be created through a machine of a specific tier such as the Advanced Furnace on the tier 2 Electronics Printer.
  • Added the advanced furnace recipe to the Electronics Printer. On-top of this we will be filling out new and existing recipes to place them in their respective tiers.
  • Added new types of Structure Composite Cladding.
  • Added a new Pipe kit model.
  • Changed scroll direction in network analyser, now shows 50 devices on a page. Paging buttons are on the top left corner of the tablet screen.
  • Changed pausing in single player. Game will now pause when the menu is opened.
  • Changed it so the Incident button now only appears on the menu for the host player.
  • Changed the existing Pipe mesh to have the ends plugged up to stop gasses escaping, this will not break any existing pipe networks.
  • Fixed issue that prevented players from connecting to games using Peer-to-peer networking option for multiplayer. This included a fix which aided in the loading of large worlds.
  • Fixed issue where disabling Atmospheric Scattering would have issues with Jupiter on Europa.
  • Fixed text alignment issue on the scenario complete window.
  • Fixed an issue where the character was being deleted on the dedicated server upon resuming a game.
  • Fixed non-emissive items on the recipe preview on the MK2 printers.
  • Fixed the prefab recipe window displaying some floating text.
  • Fixed text alignment issue in within dedicated server menu.
  • Fixed Recycler issue with stackables being unable to be processed individually. [Credit:Tamlin]
  • Fixed printers sometimes stating they were creating an "Unknown recipe" while manufacturing.
  • Fixed issues where the IC chip could lock up and cause network message overflow errors.
  • Fixed Hydraulic printer exporting out the wrong side.
  • Fixed null when removing a portable solar panel from the MKII printer import slot. [Thanks Masoneer]
  • Fixed Devices not showing an emissive green light when powered and switched on.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not join a server with a password if the host was using the Peer-to-Peer networking option.
  • Fixed shutdown command failure in pause on dedicated server.
  • Fixed Gas Canisters traded from a trader not having any gas in it.
  • Fixed items bought from a trader not being placed in a vending machine if there was no room on the first vending machine.
  • Fixed Null reference on vending machine caused when purchasing anything that wasn't a Gas Canister.
  • Fixed GasCanister and DynamicGasCanister not being able to be destroyed through damage.
  • Fixed issue where the current damage state of a destroyed Structure or Canister would not display.
  • Fixed the StructureStacker and StructureStackerReverse grid bounds being incorrect, this was causing them to not import or export items correctly and caused items to be stuck underneath the stacker.
  • Fixed the character having the incorrect rotation due to packet loss on multiplayer.
  • Fixed Gas Trading on multiplayer, you will now be able to trade Gas canisters with expected behaviour.
  • Fixed multiplayer joining issue that often occurred when multiple clients tried to connect at the same time. Waiting players couldn't connect to the server.
  • Fixed null reference exception when a client disconnected from a dedicated server.
  • Fixed an exception caused by the Automated Hydroponics when reading the Plant stage is read from a Logic Reader.
  • Fixed issue where the terrain LOD would not disable when leaving a world persisting in the main menu.
  • Fixed issue where Atmospheric Scattering would be applied to the main menu when leaving a world.
  • Fixed the ConfigCartridge scroll issue causing the text to sometimes appear off of the screen.
  • Refactored the way Asteroids in Space and Craters on the moon spawn. There should be a performance improvement and playing in Space won’t be as empty.
  • Removed the extra constructible structure from the Stacker kit.
  • Updated the Stationpedia to contain the newly added Machinery tier fields.
  • Updated localization files.

Finally, Araon (the talented artist behind the Rover model itself) has got himself a 3D Printer so we get to see that he’s also a talented painter and photographer!

A massive thank you goes out to you, the players. Thank you for continuing to support us through our early access adventure. If you haven't already, come join our welcoming community Discord! Get advice with building your bases, submit suggestions and occasionally even chat with the devs! You can join our discord here.

Stationeers Team.
Stationeers - Heightmare

The content this month is a bit scattered as it's largely partial features that are working towards some of our longer-term goals for the game. As always though, loads of fixes and little quality-of-life improvements for all.

Super Alloys
As we've been adding some pretty cool new hi-tech devices to the game, we're starting to see a bit of progression in the capabilities of items and structures you can manufacture. To help us balance players' access to these tools, we've introduced a bunch of new alloys. In order to produce these, you'll need to combine the new ore type, Cobalt, with one or more of the existing alloys and materials available in the game- at temperatures and pressures that will be too risky to be done in the existing furnace. Conveniently, we've also introduced the new Advanced Furnace which not only offers more control and capacity for automation, but can also handle the pressure and temperatures required for the new alloys.


So probably one of our most requested features is one that is practically a given in your average single-player game. As Stationeers is a multiplayer, multi-threaded game this needed to be approached with quite a bit of care. It's now available to the host player (or yourself, in the case of playing single-player) and via rcon commands in the case of dedicated servers. We'll look at expanding on this feature in future updates to permit certain actions while the game is paused, such as chat between players.

And the rest...
For the full list of changes you can see the full changelist below. Highlights include Logic Transmitters for remote logic control of AIMEe's, Rovers and players Hardsuits. UI and functionality improvements for the Trading and communications system, a new tutorial available in-game for testing via the scenario menu, a bunch of crucial and overdue fixes for things like Logic Motherboards and much, much more.

Version 0.2.2193.10006
  • Added five new superalloys that require very specific furnace settings, likely achieved in the Advanced Furnace. Compared to Alloys which require two ingredients at set ratios, superalloys require three ingredients at a very narrow pressure and temperature. The five are: Astroloy, Hastelloy, Inconel, Waspaloy, and Stellite. These are very loosely based on common real world superalloys. They will be used as resources for some advanced manufacturing.
  • Added first pass of Advanced Furnace. Placeable using Advanced Furnace Kit. Contains volume pumps to control flow in and out. In future will be required for making more advanced alloys for advanced manufacture.
  • Added Logic Transmitter. Exposes selected thing to logic system. Currently allows selection of AIMEe (Robot), Rover, and Advanced Suits. Can then be read/written using logic system. Included a reasonably extensive refactor of the Logic system to allow anything in the game to be, potentially, utilized by the logic processing devices and ICs.
  • Added ability to pause game play. 'PAUSE' button is available for the host player via the in-game menu.
  • Added pause/resume commands to remote control for dedicated server. Dedicated server pause tick when nobody connected and resume tick when anyone connected. It saves proximately 30% CPU consumption on dedicated server.
  • Added MarsTutorial to the Scenarios menu for more public testing.
  • Added 'World Origin' to experimental features. No need to turn it on unless you are far from the world starting position and experiencing flickering or jittering of items. It re-centers the world origin on where your player is when you save and reload, in case players experience floating-point precision problems.
  • Added a Hover tool tip to items found in the slots you have attached to you.
  • Added a setting to the Gameplay section which allows you to turn off and on the slot tool tip.
  • Added filtering options to the Communication Motherboard when plugged into the computer.
  • Added Damage state scaling on prices, this is based on an items current health ratio.
  • Added quantity display to the healthpill when in your hand.
  • Added a screenshot preview to the backup load panel.
  • Added a display to items in the trade window to display their remaining 'health'.
  • Added creative-mode spawn menu will now select the top result and close if the enter key is pressed.
  • Added HCF command on IC now has behaviors on its housing. For example, HCF will make a robot explode, and it will make an advanced suit/circuit holder ignite its atmosphere.
  • Added Advanced Furnace, Furnace, and Automated Hydroponics able to be read by Hash Display Circuitboard.
  • Added SettingInput and SettingOutput variables that are used on the Advanced Furnace with the logic system, to allow you to control Advanced Furnace settings.
  • Added Passive/Active modes to Logic Transmitter setable with a switch. Current functionality is passive mode, where you can select a device to mirror onto your network. When in active mode, it will instead expose itself to the network. This means a transmitter in passive mode can pickup transmitters in active mode - allowing you to expose a Setting variable across wide spaces without direct cables.
  • Added Cobalt as mineable ore. Like Coal, there is no ingot for it as it is used only as a reagent for superalloys. However it can be ground into powder in the reagent grinder for convenience.
  • Added destroyed state for HydraulicPipeBender.
  • Added back build states for glass door.

  • Replaced the main menu scene with a fancy, fresh one.
  • Updated Localized text data for Czech, French and Italian.
  • Updated the layout of the trading interface.
  • Updated Cobalt Item to new model and textures.
  • Improved trading network stability, including a desync of contacts between server and client.
  • Optimized contact filter changed network message to reduce traffic used.
  • Change the default speaker mode to Mono rather than Raw.
  • Changed Vulcan start to include an Arc Welder instead of Welding Torch, reducing chances of explosions from toolbelts left around.
  • Changed the text for not enough money for a trade to occur. [Thanks Redrum]
  • Removed the ability to find half consumed consumables from traders.

  • Fixed the collision for the CompositeCladding Structures.
  • Fixed server browsing failure when querying the latest servers
  • Fixed freezing when updating LogicMotherboard
  • Fixed null reference exception when destroying HydroponicTray
  • Fixed exception in PipeNetwork when mix and react atmospheres.
  • Fixed null reference when creating new world after playing to tutorial
  • Fixed the traders multiplier sometimes being lower than the players, which made it so you were able to make money through buying/re-selling.
  • Fixed potential null when contacting a trader.
  • Fixed reagents mixing issue in Recycler.
  • Fixed contact filter desync when a client joins a world.
  • Fixed issue where players could no longer die from starvation.
  • Fixed GPS cartridge unable to equip.
  • Fixed hang when HydroponicsAutomated planting. [Credit: Tiba666]
  • Fixed null reference exception when updating GPS Cartridge.
  • Fixed error related to changing your Temperature in the xml Tutorial.
  • Fixed CartridgeGPS not having an in-game icon.
  • Fixed texture issue which would sometimes occur related to a button on the StructureAutolathe, StructureElectronicsPrinter, StructureHydraulicPipeBender, StructureOrganicsPrinter, StructureSecurityPrinter and the StructureToolManufactory.
  • Fixed text alignment issue within the Scenarios menu.
  • Fixed collision issues with a StructureFrame when destroyed.
  • Fixed StructureIronFrame being ghosted when destroyed.
  • Fixed manual save world issue when auto saving is enabled.
  • Fixed ItemRemoteDetonator not working correctly for clients.
  • Fixed Toggling transparency on the Source Code Input window also now toggles translucency.
  • Fixed room object accessing issue from thread on client
  • Fixed connection issue on linux dedicated server. From the second player couldn't join when server had amount of things.
  • Fixed issue where quantity on ore stacks could become incorrect when merging partially smelted stacks. [Thanks Risu]
  • Fixed issue where creative-mode debug spawn menu could still capture input if not in creative mode.
  • Fixed issue where creative-mode debug spawn menu would close itself shortly after being enabled.
  • Fixed index was out of range exception when removed pipe or cables.
  • Fixed some instances of collision damage when dragging large items.
  • Fixed the Moles not appearing in the gas canister trade items display.
  • Fixed the filters being capped at 1% from a trader.
  • Fixed reworded a misguiding alert display regarding no credit card. [Thanks Neouni]
  • Fixed the health pill causing null errors as a HemDroid.
  • Fixed a UI issue on the world details found on the save world screen.
  • Fixed Config/Network Analysis errors and jamming that occurred when scrolling.
  • Fixed Trader Contact names not appearing correctly after contacting them (Names also work for modded traders now).
  • Fixed SettingsInput and SettingsOutput wrong way around for Advanced Furnace. [Credit: Neouni]
  • Fixed AIMEe Robot able to execute IC while turned off to turn itself on. Now only runs IC when powered and turned on, as it should be expected.
  • Fixed Reagent settings for powders wrong by few order of magnitude. Paint recipes adjusted as a result.
  • Fixed Flag kits didn't have blueprint so did not show creation correctly in printer.
  • Fixed Flag kits didn't have blueprint so did not show creation correctly in printer.
  • Fixed Recycler producing ore stacks that allow extraction of gases. Now ore stacks produced by recycler will not yield gases when smelted. Only ore stacks mined from ore veins should be yielding gases; the first time they are smelted.
  • Fixed QuantitySmelted not being propagated when splitting a stack. This field was used to help try stop most instances of atmospheric duping with ores.
  • Fixed rendering bug on new prefabs such as Advanced Furnace disappearing when deconstructing one. Hard to trace source of issue, but likely different prefab serialization for new prefabs with unity. Removed some old code doing prefab cleanup as well as made references non-serialized. Problem no longer occurs and light refactor should mean large deletions happen slightly faster (such as explosions).
  • Fixed errors caused when auto-rotating StructureSateliteDish and StructureRocketEngineTiny with non-straight wires.
  • Fixed missing Advanced Furnace recipes for Superalloys. Note: Superalloys can now only be smelted in the Advanced Furnace.
Stationeers - Heightmare

Planet Changes
Both Vulcan and Europa have received visual update - with the sun on Vulcan being replaced by a supermassive black hole. Tuning your solar panels has also been made more difficult and gravity slightly increased. Europa now features bumpy, mountainous terrain, a new cloudy jupiter to fill the sky and modified atmosphere. Both of these will be available for newly created worlds, while any existing saved worlds will retain their old configuration.

Stuttering / Garbage Collection Issue
This solves a major performance problem universally experienced with the game. Now players in large bases will experience a much more stable framerate; without the stuttering that plagued them.
Of the many bugs that come and go throughout development, one has stuck around since the very early days. As your base gets larger, or even in the early stages of the game while terrain is being generated, players could experience occasional micropauses or freezes every few seconds. These would happen no matter what your framerate was and happened even on very high-spec machines. I won't get into too much detail here (a quick google search should yield a lot of resources) but due to the amount of simulation going on in the game it wasn't a simple thing to remedy.

As of this release, we've updated the game to be running on the latest version of Unity engine, which introduced an experimental feature called 'Incremental Garbage Collection'. Typically garbage collection is run once memory usage reaches a threshold. In some circumstances this threshold would be reached every few seconds, resulting in the pause or stutter that many players experienced. This new experimental feature runs garbage collection far more regularly, meaning a tradeoff of much more regular pauses at a much shorter duration. Early reports suggest this resolves stuttering for most players, and due to other engine optimizations introduced with the same update, same or improved framerates.

As mentioned above, this feature is still labelled as experimental, so we'll be closely following how it develops further and what sort of effect it is having on Stationeers.

Visual Refresh
Many of the models in the game have undergone a visual update, ranging from spraycans, to signs, to some food and plants. This takes care of many of the models that were created as prototypes, but as we spot things that could use a similar makeover they'll be replaced as well. This should have no impact on your saves as the objects are just replaced in-place.

Planetary Lander
In order to better wrangle your starting crates and canisters, your starting gear will now arrive safely bolted onto a lander. Items can be removed using the wrench (but not reattached) and the whole lander can be deconstructed using your angle grinder.

Remote Explosives
Yet another tool in the explosives arsenal, Stationeers can now manufacture plastic explosives and a remote detonator. Mines must be tagged using a remote detonator using left-click and all currently tagged mines can be detonated with right-click. ItemExplosive and ItemGrenade can be produced in the Fabricator, whereas ItemRemoteDetonator can be made in the Tools Manufacturer.

Creative Only: Mining Robot

We've added the first-pass of our Automated Independent Mechanical Entity or AIMEe. These can be set it up to use one of several behaviours and switch between them based on your own IC logic. They'll then venture out and find ores to mine and when full (or when you tell them to) return to unload their cargo into chute bins or inputs and to recharge. As this is a first-pass they will be available only in creative mode, while we get feedback on them and iron out any bugs.

Script example for controlling Mining Robot

Hotfix Version 0.2.2161.9871
  • Updated StructureElectronicsPrinter model.
  • Fixed issue where LED Displays failed to display decimal points if your OS is set to regional settings that use commas instead.
  • Fixed IC code input window caret position
  • Removed build states for glass doors until we can investigate rendering issue further.
  • Fixed Large Tank incorrect Blueprint and Destroyed mesh.
  • Fixed Security printer materials were displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed lander jumping around on network clients due to constantly colliding with attached gas canister(s).
  • Fixed errors caused when auto-rotating StructureSateliteDish.
  • Fixed missing recipe select button on the StructureElectronicsPrinter.
  • Fixed missing blueprint for AIMEe Robot (creative only).

Hotfix Version 0.2.2158.9853
  • Added Destroyed state for Small Tank.
  • Added Destroyed state to Security Printer.
  • Added Destroyed state for Big Tank.
  • Added Destroyed state for Small Tank.
  • Added Destroyed state for Iron Frames.
  • Added Destroyed state for Autolathe.
  • Added Destroyed state for Electronics Printer.
  • Added additional damage state randomization; applied to frames and wall currently.
  • Added ItemRemoteDetonator linked explosives will now persist through save/load.
  • Added per-world trader weighted selection, this can be changed in the worldsettings.xml (Currently only on Vulcan).

  • Changed the rate at which NpcChicken lay eggs.
  • Fixed LandingPad locking issue. It wasn't updated landing pad state when loading world.
  • Fixed Screen effects (such as the red damage effect) persisting on the menu if you quit a game while they're active. [Thanks Xetanai]
  • Fixed errors caused when auto-rotating StructureSolarPanel, StructureAreaPowerControl and StructureSign.
  • Fixed error when trying to save a blank label with the labeller.
  • Fixed error where NpcChicken would sometimes lay eggs too often after loading a save.
  • Fixed StructureAreaPowerControlReversed being the incorrect model.
  • Fixed animation issues related to the ItemRemoteDetonator display.
  • Fixed animation issues related to the StructureRecycler on/off button.
  • Fixed ItemFertilizedEgg not spawning correctly.
  • Fixed an index out of bounds issue related to custom traders.
  • Fixed traders appearing with no inventory due to recipe lists containing items with no trade value.
  • Fixed an index out of range exception occurring in atmospherics.
  • Fixed broken dedicated server builds
  • Fixed missing sprites for Europa.

Version 0.2.2148.9814
  • Added first pass of Mining Robot, currently only available in Creative. Programmable via IC. Modes are used to set behavior of the robot. RobotMode.None = 0, RobotMode.StorageFull = 6, RobotMode.Follow = 1, RobotMode.MoveToTarget = 2, RobotMode.PathToTarget = 5, RobotMode.Roam = 3, RobotMode.Unload = 4. Note these are subject to change. Some are automatically assigned by the robot (like, StorageFull). Robots are able to unload their cargo to ChuteBins or ChuteInputs, but must be within 3 meters of them to do so. TargetX, TargetY, and TargetZ are used for navigation and can be set via IC.
  • Added frost animation screen effect when in extremely cold external temperatures.
  • Added build states for Composite Glass doors, same as for composite doors just requires more glass.
  • Added Cartridge (GPS). Used for getting X,Y,Z world positions, which is useful when inputting destinations for the Robot via IC. Constructed at the Electronics Printer.
  • Added ItemCoffeeMug. This can be created using the Fabricator.
  • Added "Depart" button to trading panel. You can keep trading unless you depart trading shuttle.

  • Upgraded Unity engine to 2019 and enabled experimental feature to test improvements to framerate 'stuttering' issue.
  • Upgraded Europa. Updated terrain, atmospheric scattering, and a new Jupiter with animated clouds. Additionally, the atmosphere has been reduced slightly.
  • Upgraded Vulcan. New atmospheric scattering, and the sun has been replaced with a supermassive black hole. Solar angle has been made significantly harder and gravity has been increased.
  • Increased view distance for Dynamic Crates and Dynamic Gas Canisters.
  • Increased render distance of Lander from default (30m) to 200m. (Credit: Kamuchi via Discord)
  • Updated Main Menu background to be a little more attractive.
  • Updated Default starting condition to begin on a lander, so all your crates are mounted safely. Kits for the portables are now included in a crate in the lander also.
  • Reduced Atmospheric Scattering lense flare on mars, as it was very big.
  • Updated ItemAreaPowerControl, StructureAreaPowerControl and StructureAreaPowerControlReversed models.
  • Updated StructureSolarPanelDual and StructureSolarPanel models.
  • Updated ItemKitSign, StructureSign1x1 and StructureSign1x2 models.
  • Updated all the ItemSprayCan models.
  • Updated the ItemAlienMushroom model and the models for all the ItemAlienMushroom plant growth states.
  • Updated the ItemHealPill and ItemPillHeal model.
  • Updated the ItemTomatoSoup model.
  • Updated the Wheat item model and the models for all the Wheat plant growth states.
  • Updated Energy weapon firing animations.

  • Fixed ore gas duplication method using furnace. Now when an ore is smelted, but not turned into Ingots, it will come back as out ore (or slag if not a pure mix). This created object stores the quantity that had gases extracted, and will not allow gas to be extracted if attempted again. This data is transferred even when stacks are merged. All ore that is produced through a centrifuge will have no gas when smelted, no matter it's source.
  • Fixed Wheat being mature on first stage.
  • Fixed Battery size when in the Battery slot for the StructureAreaPowerControlReversed
  • Fixed StructureSign1x1 and StructureSign1x2 not dropping a Kit on deconstruction.
  • Fixed issue where SolarPanels would generate energy when the sun was not visible.
  • Fixed Lava plane not being cleaned up correctly on exiting game. [Thanks Risu]
  • Fixed trading contract inventory sync on dedicated server
  • Fixed error related to ItemWheat not growing correctly.
  • Fixed error related to eggs throwing errors.
  • Fixed errors when trying to delete line 0 in the IC Code Editor.
  • Fixed various text layout and parsing issues with IC code (mostly) caused by the engine upgrade. [Thanks Risu]
  • Fixed error if leaving a world while a stacker wheel was animating.
  • Fixed Trader types being stuck as Undefined.
  • Fixed Electronic reader breaking when trying to look at Gas Canisters.
  • Fixed fire lights not always being destroyed.
  • Fixed energy pistol and energy rifle having the incorrect bounding boxes.
  • Fixed trading contract bugs. It generated new inventory when shuttle was already landing without warning message.
  • Fixed Tooltip for plant harvesting not being properly displayed on multiple lines.
  • Fixed issue where source code could be loaded or imported containing invalid characters.
Stationeers - Heightmare

Since Europa was added we were already thinking our next planet would have to be a 'hot' one. As with a lot of our content in the game, adding Vulcan resulted in building a lot of reusable systems we can apply elsewhere. The end result may have been a new planet, but making gameplay survivable on this fractured planet forced us to expand on several things already in the game:

  • Planet-Specific Ore Spawn Rates. Previously these were moddable, but not on a per-planet basis. It didn't make sense for a planet as hot as Vulcan to have any ices spawning on it, so now they don't.

  • Gas Traders. If you can't get gases from ices, where do you get them from? Since we had recently added the trader to the game, it made sense to have traders who sell it.

  • Trader Profiles. In its first implementation, traders arrival and inventory was completely random. As it was a core part of survival on Vulcan, we needed a bit more control. Through the use of trader profiles we can dictate spawn chances and inventory types, as well as multipliers on buying and selling prices on a per-trader basis.

  • Landing Craft. With the large crevasses that appear on Vulcan, we had a common issue during playtesting where one or more of your starting crates/canisters could fall through into the abyss never to be seen again. The lander serves as a way to keep all that starting equipment together. Crates and canisters can be removed using the wrench, but cannot be re-attached so be sure the area is clear before you attempt to remove anything. The entire lander can be disassembled using your angle grinder.

  • Updated Visuals On the art side, we also had to improve some old shader code to support the new ground and lava textures on Vulcan, and took the opportunity to refresh the old terrain on the Moon and Mars.

Scenario Authoring Improvements & 'Incidents'

Besides the aforementioned changes to ore spawn rates and tradeable modding, we also added the ability to spawn Incidents to the game. Currently experimental, Incidents are small script-driven events that can be initiated to provide a little extra flavor (or perhaps challenge) to your Stationeers experience. The event pool is still a bit small and untested for us to be throwing them at you at random as part of the base game, but the dozen-or-so in game now serve as an example to modders what sort of thing is possible for those who want to try their hand at authoring their own. They can be accessed via the in-game pause menu by clicking 'Incidents'.

Viewing/Restoring Save Backups

Despite being in early-access, we've tried to not be one of those games who force you to restart your saved world every time we bring out a significant update. Since it was available for purchase on Steam, there's only been 2 occasions where we've players have been forced to start new worlds - one unfortunately was the stable build prior to this one. While we can't guarantee these won't happen in the future, we have added an in-game menu to view the backed-up versions of your world and allow you to easily load one of them. Lets hope it is never neccessary!

Multiplayer Stability
A lot of work has been done in the past month on optimizing the multiplayer experience. The process of joining servers, especially those featuring large worlds (15'000 objects+) should now be a lot smoother and several items that were not previously synchronized between server and client are now doing so.

Update on Stuttering Issue
As mentioned in last weeks preview post, we're seeing encouraging results from people testing out the latest version of the engine on the experimental branch. Unfortunately, as with any significant engine version change there's a few issues we've got to sort first. We didn't want to delay the whole update any longer, so have decided to get this update out then look at upgrading the beta branch early next week. The engine feature we're enabling to resolve stuttering (incremental garbage collection) is also experimental, so we'll want to ensure it's adequately tested before updating accross the board.

Finally, Thanks.
As always a big thanks to everyone playing the game and providing your input through the Steam Community boards and Stationeers Discord. The Localization team are doing a great job at translating the names of the new things we're putting in the game and your bug reports are immensely helpful for a small team like ours. We know we can't please everyone or implement every crazy idea, but being able to interact with people who are as passionate about the game as we are really makes the whole process smoother and more rewarding. Go forth and try out Vulcan, and we hope your base fares better than Araon's testing one.

Hotfix Version 0.2.2131.9730
  • Fixed missing network sync on aspects of things that are dependent on atmosphere changes such as engine and furnace burn colour and furnace result tooltip.
  • Fixed trading lock issue when loading world. Saved and loaded station contact properly
  • Fixed missing powered display animation for ItemRemoteDetonator.
  • Fixed Lava sound glitching & reduced range of sound.
  • Fixed spatialization settings on Sounds for Hard Suit/helmet
  • Updated the health of the StructureFrame allowing it to withstand more damage.
  • Updated the point at which the StructurePassiveVent will take damage from Temperature.
  • Updated the StuctureShuttleLandingPad lighting animations.
  • Fixed the Rover power button not having a switch animation and missing the light on the button itself when powered.
  • Fixed broken trader inventory when more than one vending machine connected to network.
  • Fixed null reference to CableFuse when breaking.
  • Added TimeOfDay setting to the WorldSettings, allowing worlds to start at different times of the day.
  • Changed Vulcan's start time to midnight instead of morning.
  • Fixed Lander tipping over when on a slight angle.
  • Fixed ItemSprayCanOrange item itself being the incorrect color.

Hotfix Version 0.2.2127.9703
  • Fixed Lander loading in Vulkan. Spawning Lander 1 meter higher position with upright rotation.
  • Raised the lava level on the Vulcan planet.
  • Fixed error related to the in-game name of the ItemRemoteDetonator and ItemExplosive.
  • Fixed null error which would occur when detonating multiple ItemExplosive's near each other.
  • Fixed broken ArcFurnace when it's saved while active state
  • Fixed broken atmosphere

Hotfix Version 0.2.2125.9694
  • Fixed electric tool issue on client
  • Fixed null reference in leak visualizer on suit

Version 0.2.2123.9690
  • Added Lander to the starting conditions for Vulcan to alleviate problem with some starting supplies falling through the cracks in the ground. Crates and tanks can be removed using the wrench but cannot be reattached. The entire lander can be deconstructed with your angle grinder.
  • Added values for various gas types including 1st pass support on Gas Canisters in Trading (No more NaN's).
  • Added ability to add/edit custom trader profiles through mods (example found in Data\CustomTraders.xml).
  • Added Gas Canister recipe list for use in populating trader inventories. Is not used for any crafting machine.
  • Added first pass of 'Compositions' allowing mod authors to save-out and load-in/spawn saved groups of items, structures and circuits through events.
  • Added a couple of missing pre-filled spawnable Dynamic Gas Canister prefabs in creative (Pollutants and Nitrous Oxide).
  • Added ability to set mineable overrides in world settings. Previously the game used one set of ore types and probabilities for all worlds. If a world setting does not contain any override, those original default values will still be used. Mod behaviour for mineables should remain unaffected.
  • Added first pass of player-invoked incidents to the game. The list of incidents available can be accessed via the pause menu, with individual incidents being invoked by clicking on them.
  • Added a reference ID to tooltips while wielding the Authoring Tool to help with the authoring of scenarios.
  • Added TickSpeed to Settings > Advanced > Experiments. It's sleeping time between thread tick and effects on CPU usage.
  • Added wreckage which spawns when certain structures are damaged/destroyed.
  • Added new interface within the load world screen to allow loading instead from a backup of the selected world.
  • Added new terrain textures and materials for Mars and the Moon.
  • Added new fire particles.

  • Changed Explosion damage be more forgiving to the terrain.
  • Improved multiplayer stability by syncing far more information between server and client on load, such as world settings.
  • Improved multiplayer stability issues stemming from large worlds by streamlining the load process so the client wouldn't attempt to load in too much, too fast.
  • Improved multiplayer stability by syncing several logic objects that weren't being synced between client/server previously.
  • Removed several uneccessary network messages being sent to all clients on load.

  • Fixed issue where battery status would cease to update while in a Battery Charger.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the landing pad to be locked on the server but unlocked on clients.
  • Fixed traders trading type is now serialized allowing for more traders than just the Random one.
  • Fixed default Gas Canister value & trade values for Gas Canisters. [Thanks Neouni]
  • Fixed incorrect material applied to Credit Card.
  • Fixed long-standing bug causing air conditioners to use twice as much power as intended. [Thanks Risu]
  • Fixed devices occasionally being locked after load due to animations being stuck in a looping state.
  • Fixed Gas Canisters can now be renamed using your Labeller. [Thanks Risu]
  • Fixed players becoming stuck on the loading screen if they lose connection while loading.
  • Fixed bug where ability to mine could be broken if you died while mining. Players can no longer die to get out of mining duties in multiplayer.
  • Fixed World backups now included the world_meta.xml file.
  • Fixed addition of hidden characters occurring when using the 'Copy' button inside the IC editor. [thanks Risu]
  • Fixed tank/crate connection range was too far on the rover, reduced from 100 to 30.
  • Fixed issue where loading a save with a broken worldsettings.xml file would error and stop loading. Will now show an alert with the location of your broken save. [Thanks Kamuchi]
  • Fixed ConsoleDebug occasionally causing errors on start [Thanks Duke]
  • Fixed Incorrect loading text being displayed when joining a server.
  • Fixed occasional atmosphere replication issue in multiplayer causing Index out of Range errors on clients.
  • Fixed players are now forced to be the Human species in the tutorial.
Stationeers - Heightmare

It's coming up on a month since our last update, so we thought we'd give you a sneak peek at what is coming up in the next update. It should make its way to stable in the next week or two.

Introducing Vulcan - a tough new challenge for experienced Stationeers. You'll rely on trading to obtain gases as you won't find any ice on this fractured planet. The dense atmosphere of Volatiles and its close proximity to the Sun also mean any Oxygen that gets a chance to mix with the air outside will have potentially explosive consequences.

Internal testing is underway for an upgraded engine version, this will address the infamous stuttering issues that have crept into the game throughout development. As this is still experimental at an engine level it is subject to change, but if it improves the situation then we'll look at rolling it out to the beta branch as soon as possible for public testing.

Additionally, a lot of work has also been done on stability in large bases - particularly in multiplayer. So if you're one of the groups who have had to retire a base around the 15'000 object mark due to players not being able to connect - now might be the time to revisit those bases on the beta branch.

This is just a short summary of the main points, so keep an eye out for the full patch notes when the patch goes live. As always, thanks to everyone playing on the beta branch and keeping us posted with your bug reports and suggestions and don't forget you can check out the Stationeers Discord for the latest patch notes for the beta branch.
Stationeers - Heightmare
We had a couple of technical issues in the previous stable build that didn't present themselves until we'd already added quite a few drastic changes to the beta branch - so consider this a bit of a hotfix with extras!

This bug resulted in games not saving correctly, and requiring a bit of fiddling to get them working again, so apologies to those affected.

Expect the detailed write-up of the new additions once some of the other work surrounding these features is complete.

As always, we'd love to hear your feedback, suggestions and bug reports in the Stationeers Discord!

Hotfix Version 0.2.2080.9490
  • Disabled floating origin until all side effects can be resolved.
  • Added ability for Ores to stack when mined via an explosion on the same grid.
  • Fixed connection problem joining huge worlds in multiplayer. Instruction to spawn objects on network clients was not being throttled, and in the case of large worlds (18000 objects+) attempts to join would likely fail.
  • Fixed various null exceptions when receiving network messages of non-existant things.
  • Fixed issue where Grenades failed to explode when taking damage.
  • Optimized network configurations.

Version 0.2.2077.9476
  • Added the ability to damage Gas Canisters on dedicated servers.
  • Added wreckage spawning on broken structures when they are in the their damaged state.
  • Added new variants of Stairs available on the usual kit featuring rails on either or both sides.
  • Added new models for the energy pistol and rifle.
  • Added missing color setting to Diode and DiodeSlide.
  • Added a unique health stat to all Things.
  • Added feature where Dynamic Gas Canisters take damage when the pressure if over the limit.
  • Integrated floating origin to fix spatial jittering due to limited floating-point precision. It's available only for host player when saving and loading world.
  • Changed Players no longer ejected from Sleepers when regaining consciousness.
  • Changed how explosion force and radius is calculated for Canisters and Dynamic Canisters (Based off pressure).
  • Changed the mesh on the Dynamic Gas Canisters.
  • Changed how collision damage is calculated slightly to prevent scaling issues that could occur at low framerates. (Thanks Risu)
  • Altered the cooldown on the energy weapons, these are also now affected by the outside temperature of its environment.
  • Fixed broken Atmospheres in rooms on load due to their location not being saved correctly. This was a result of the floating-point precision change noted above.
  • Fixed issue where time would persist from the previous loaded World to a newly created World.
  • Fixed issues where gun shots were sometimes hitting invisible objects, this included a pass on the way the gunshots are calculated (Bullet drop, bullet spread).
  • Fixed null error related to atmospherics.
  • Fixed null error related to Logic Displays and setting their digits when destroyed.
  • Fixed Gameplay settings page was prompting for a folder path when you tried to reset to defaults.
  • Fixed issue with character suits casting darker shadows than everything else on terrain.
  • Updated Localization Dictionaries (Current 24th July)
Stationeers - Heightmare

We've got a few new things coming to the beta branch in the near future that could be disruptive, so this is just a small update to get the stable the latest batch of fixes and improvements.

What's Coming to Beta?
The main thing is the implementation of the zero-point shifting we started investigating ages ago. This will allow us to start to push the game futher away from your start point without the risk of bugs caused by dealing with large numbers in object positions.

In addition, we're going to start experimenting with content for the Incident system - which initially will be small challenge events you can invoke via the communications computer. Depending on how these go, we could look at introducing them as part of a random event system to make the standard survival game a bit more interesting, such as short periods of drastic outdoor temperature changes, meteor strikes etc.

As always, keep an eye on the #beta-changelog channel in Discord!

Version 0.2.2066.9437
  • Added World type (mars, moon etc) to the load game info pane.
  • Added save world delay of 5 seconds to prevent saving world multiple times when repeatedly pushing the button.
  • Added Multiplayer and dedicated server support to Trading, however a limit has been put in so only one landing pad used or trader be contacted by one player at a time.
  • Added Stylized loading screens, with a few options for each base world type chosen at random.

  • Changed minimum Clearallinterval to 60 sec on dedicated server. Can still be disabled with 0 or -1.
  • Fixed an issue where a trader would be locked if the person interacting with them were to die.
  • Fixed an issue where a trader ship would depart when another player tried interacting with a locked trader.
  • Fixed an issue related to when a player left game while contacting a trader, it would be locked indefinitely - the contact will now be reset.
  • Fixed "Cartridge wasn't destroyed properly" message on client when server shut down.
  • Fixed issue where load world screen would not correctly select the first world in the list automatically.
  • Fixed wrong overwrite popup and workshop file name on save world panel.
  • Fixed player name in chatting panel. It couldn't get player's name before spawning player.
  • Fixed save world having a small chance of not properly saving the world settings.
  • Fixed issue where loading a world that was missing the world settings file would result in an exception error.
  • Fixed issue where the SatelliteDish was providing incorrect logic values.
  • Fixed a null sent to clients when the server interacts with landing pad.
  • Fixed traders de-spawning when still being interacted with (Thanks Clever)
  • Fixed filters and foods quantities are now the correct value displayed in the trading interface.
  • Fixed stackable item merging issue on client. It was trying to merge stackable item without authority.
  • Fixed missing spawn prompt when human is already dead or unconscious. Toggled spawn prompt by ESC key.
  • Fixed possible null spam and permanent lockout when interacting with a trader. (Thank you Clever!)
  • Fixed Trading currency not being synced correctly, also the cost of an item is now correctly removed from a credit card.
  • Fixed Index out of range error caused by the incorrect contact index being passed through. (Trading) Thank you Atom Heart!
  • Fixed an issue on vending machine where index started from the wrong point. (Thanks Risu)
  • Fixed Mars scenario gravity, reset it back to -3.7.
  • Fixed lag spiking when placing landing pad.
  • Fixed Colliders for each seat in the rover are now sized and positioned around the door handles rather than the door themselves, so they no longer obscure vision when looking out the side windows.
  • Fixed Issue spawning multiple Rovers in multiplayer upon completion of the structure version, due to a missing server check. This meant that each client in the game at the time also sent a message to the server, telling it to spawn a Rover.
  • Fixed world setting sync issue and missing planet prefab in saved world. Local world setting wasn't loaded property once joined another server.
  • Fixed NetworkAnalyser issues when too many cables are connected. It couldn't output data and broke game logic when disconnected a network cable while holding NetworkAnalyser on the other hand.
Stationeers - Heightmare

This patch was a while coming, but I'm sure when you see everything we've got crammed into it you'll understand why!

The first pass of traders is complete. By using the satellite contact system we added in a previous update you're able to request that traders visit your base to exchange resources. You'll find on your uniform a new slot to store a Credit Card (can be manufactured in the Electronics Printer) that will track your credits obtained via trading. The traders have varied inventories and pricing is based off the materials used to craft items - helped by raw material costs based on the rarity of minerals on your world. You'll need a landing pad and computer with a Communications motherboard in order for them to be able to land. We'll be looking to expand the range of things you can do with these satellite contacts in the future.

Cargo Rover
The first land-based vehicle can now be manufactured via a Kit (Rover Frame) on your Fabricator. This lets you place the foundations and progress through several build-states before you get your completed Rover. They'll require batteries to run and oxygen tanks if you wish to utilize the internal atmosphere. They also have a couple of storage slots on the rear to carry around Dynamic Crates or Portable Gas Tanks which can be attached using your Wrench from nearby.

Species Packs
So as most of you following the game know, we've spent the last few months investigating several large technical refactors as detailed in previous patch notes. Instead of letting our asset backlog grow even further, the art team were tasked with creating something we could implement with minimal programmer input, outside of the already promised scope of the game, to not only gift to the various contributors that have been particularly dedicated to helping the community, but also to allow those who had asked for a way to further support the game the means to do so.

All those in Discord with the rank Community Developer or Community Contributor should now have been sent their redemption keys for one or both of the new species packs. We'll detail these more below, but while they'll be available in any game, only those with the packs will be able to actually take control as one to play with.

The Zrillian Species Pack introduces the Zrilians, who feature a startlingly similar physiology to our own - except requiring Hydrogen to breathe and exhaling Nitrous-Oxide. This makes their ideal breathing environments particularly hazardous, and any attempt to create a breathable atmosphere for both them and humans even more-so.

The Hazardous Environment Mechanical Droid or H.E.M Droid was created to venture into the most dangerous areas of space without risking human life. They don't need to breathe like we do, but need to carefully manage their power usage as they rely on batteries to function. If unable to draw sufficient power from their battery, they'll slowly lose consciousness until they pass out.

The way Stationeers is designed made these gameplay changes incredibly simple to apply. We were able to just make a copy of the existing human lungs and change the gas values it consumed. For the Droids we were able to use our existing power consumption code, but apply consciousness damage if none was available. We already had the fade to black and passing out done for humans, so got that for free!

Modding Fixes and Improvements
We did a pass several long-standing bugs around mod data loading for recipes and items, as well as made all mod data now sync from server to clients on join. This should reduce instances of issues caused by server and client having mismatched mods or mod load orders.

What else we're working on...
As always, we like to include a bit of information about what is being worked on but didn't make it this update. Work continues on the session abstraction, meaning a game lobby will be able to exist independently of the game world. This will smooth the way towards round-based play, as well as other game modes that take place across multiple worlds with the same players/inventories. We're also looking at a large optimization pass on terrain saving/loading to prevent the issue we've currently got where spawning in a lot of terrain can blow out your save size significantly. In addition to this we'll continue to evolve the Rover and trading mechanics, and start looking at expanding some systems that were put on hold so that we could focus on the recent technical refactors - like the incident and expanded scenario system. No doubt this time will also include numerous optimizations and quality of life improvements based on the feedback we receive on Discord.

Last but not least, the potential replacement for the existing tutorial is available for testing on the workshop! We're committed to improving the new player experience in the game, so as soon as we have the last few bugs squashed on this one we'll make it available to everyone.

Hotfix Version 0.2.2035.9345
  • Fixed missing recipes for Satellite Dish Kit, Landing Pad Kit and Comms Motherboard.
  • Fixed DLC characters not appearing for players that haven't purchased the DLC.
  • Changed some of the trader names due to readability issues.
  • Updated the LandingPads turned off animation.
  • Fixed robot main menu characters eyes floating about. (Thanks GhostMan)
  • Fixed world setting data sync and mod issue. It didn't override world setting data(SkyBoxMaterialName, TerrainPrefabName, etc) from mod or saved world.
  • Updated Localized Text (Current 14th June).

Hotfix Version 0.2.2029.9331
  • Fixed issue causing many object textures to appear incorrectly.

Version 0.2.2028.9326
  • Added first-pass of resource trading. There is a chance one of the signals will be a trader when you first contact them if you have a powered landing pad connected to the same network as the computer with the Comms motherboard, they'll be able to request to land. Your inventory is calculated from the contents of any vending machines on the same network as the computer, and this is where goods will be delivered to. See future patch notes for more details.
  • Added Rover to survival mode. Recipe for the 'Kit (Rover Frame)' can be found in the Fabricator. You'll then need to go through several build stages before it turns into a functional Rover.
  • Added storage connections to the rear of the Rover. You can now load up both storage slots with either a Dynamic Crate or Dynamic Gas Canister using your wrench.
  • Added credit card slot to both the Marine and Commander uniform alongside a new Slot icon addition.
  • Added two logic values for Satellite Dish. Strongest Signal which is pretty self explanatory, and SignalID which is a unique ID applied to each contact.
  • Added a credit card item which can be made through the Electronics printer to handle currency.
  • Added a new slot to the uniform to hold your shiny new credit card.
  • Added Debug Key to help capture data for bug reports. Left CTRL + G will now print out the targeted items grid coordinates to the in game console window and the games output_log.txt.
  • Added World settings, modded items and recipe data now properly sync to clients when joining a server.

  • Fixed Debug tool for grid locations now performs a null check and added small grid coordinates if available.
  • Fixed Rover now ejects its contents if it is destroyed.
  • Fixed input panel popping up on client when server accesses hash reader. (Thanks spunky)
  • Fixed only the Fertilized variant of eggs was spawnable via the creative menu and appeared in the Stationpedia. [Thanks Austin]
  • Fixed issue where loading mod data for some items would break their functionality elsewhere in the game, ie. when being smelted. [thanks Risu]
  • Fixed null reference exception when the game tried to select a default recipe of Fabricator before fully spawned character on creating or loading a world.
  • Fixed mouse not appearing upon interacting with landing pad.
  • Fixed Modding recipies for the Fabricator. It didn't update screen job correctly.
  • Fixed Consumable and Food mod data. It didn't update mod data properly.
  • Fixed Loading issue when modified specific item in mod. It threw null exception while loading Stationpedia.
  • Fixed Loading issue on dedicated server. Game data wasn't initializing properly.
  • Fixed Reagents recipe bug. It didn't correctly initialize pressure and temperature values.
  • Fixed Config cartridge values. It now returns 3 fractional digits.
  • Fixed headlamp not using power.
  • Fixed missing world data loading step for Centrifuge recipes. [thanks Risu]
  • Fixed signals not being read correctly from logic reader.
  • Fixed contacts spawning outside of scannable range on planets.
  • Fixed credit card visual display not refreshing after purchases (Thank you for your feedback everyone!).
  • Fixed SatelliteDish out of range spam.
  • Fixed incorrect consumable displaying in trading interface.
  • Fixed world loading failure when there are more than 5 worlds setting and fixed mining effect in Europa, where the wrong mining effect was being used.
  • Fixed localized text in mods.
  • Fixed broken Atmosphere when mining. It would sometimes throw an "Argument is out of range" exception and crash the atmospherics thread.
  • Fixed long-standing issue preventing the proper display of bedrock textures when deep mining.
  • Fixed display issue with the main menu characters eyes when idly looking around.
Stationeers - Heightmare

Our second patch for the week closely follows the pattern of the first. This might otherwise be a hotfix if it weren't for the impromptu addition of another new piece of kit, the new Heavy Mining Drill! We've also replaced the model on the old one.

We've also put in a couple of overlooked aspects of the Arc Welder added in the last update, namely the recipe required to craft one.

This will (hopefully) be the last couple of urgent fixes required for the main branch until we officially release the next major features to the game, so keep an eye on the beta branch and the news page for an announcement in the next few weeks!

Version 0.2.2005.9159
  • Added particle effect to new Arc Welder.
  • Added Mining Drill (Heavy). Much more effective than basic mining drill but requires advanced materials to make and uses more energy.
  • Replaced Mining Drill with new model that looks more consistent. Also is now paintable. Animation improved.

  • Fixed issue with helmet being visible in first-person view after exiting any entity slot, such as a Chair, Sleeper pod or Rover.
  • Fixed repeating error when attempting to smelt an item (eg. in the furnace) that has no reagent mixture defined.
  • Fixed Arc Welder not using power correctly. Now consumes 2kW per weld, which equates to roughly 72 full frames per large battery.
  • Fixed missing Mode interaction button on both old and new mining drills preventing players from selecting 'Flatten' mode.

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