Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots, the weekend begins! Time to prepare your fleet for new victories! UMC offers all pilots a 50% discount on the Thar'Ga starter pack!

Weekend special offer:
  • 50% discount on Thar'Ga starter pack!
  • +50% credits in battles
  • x3 first victory bonus

Thar'ga became one of Ellydium's main breakthroughs. Experiments have shown that the growth of crystals can be controlled, resulting in more than a hundred different modifications of the ship, for the individual needs of the pilots. Such a dangerous and powerful technology, coupled with the advanced developments of the Ellydium corporation, makes Thar'ga one of the most terrible weapons of war, that the corporation inherited at the terrible price of the tragedy in the RG7 block of the ‘Ellydium Theta’ station.

Boost your fleet! Let's win together!

Star Conflict Team
Star Conflict - Super Glix

“Unknown horizons” event

Pilots, the “Unknown horizons” event will be held in two stages. Each stage has 40 levels. Only the owners of a special Pass will be able to unlock all levels, but the first and every fifth level will be available to all pilots.

To get the reward, you need to unlock the desired level. In order to gain access to the next reward, you need to complete all the previous levels. You can join a stage at any time when the stage is available.

The event will last for three months. During the entire period, all pilots will be able to earn the special game currency in battle — Xenochips.
  • Xenochips can be obtained for completing any tasks as an additional reward.
  • Xenochips are added to the game for a limited time, and after the end of the event they will be withdrawn from the game and from the accounts of all pilots. Make sure to spend your Xenochips before the end of the event!
  • Xenochips can be spent on special rewards during the event.

Unknown horizons. Stage two. Special packs and rewards

To gain access to all rewards, pilots must purchase the “Unknown horizons. Stage two” pass. The pass can be purchased in the official project store.

Special pack “Unknown horizons. Stage two”

The pack includes:
  • Access to additional rewards in the “Unknown horizons. Stage two” event
  • Upon receipt, the next level is immediately unlocked and all rewards of the unlocked levels are available
  • 7 days of premium license

Special pack “Unknown horizons. Stage two (Deluxe edition)”

A special version of the “Unknown horizons. Stage two” event pass. The pass can be purchased in the official project store.

The pack includes:
  • Access to additional rewards in the “Unknown horizons. Stage two” event
  • Upon receipt, the next 15 levels are immediately unlocked and all rewards of the unlocked levels are available
  • 30 days of premium license
  • The ability to unlock three additional levels in the next “Unknown horizons” battle pass
Stage two rewards

[expand type=details]
Reward (* — available with the pass)
New portrait
Colouring pattern*
Special bonus: up to +50% credits experience in battle (valid for 15 battles)*
Sticker pack
Colouring pattern*
Weapon: Pirate scatter gun*
New portrait*
Blueprints bundle: Universal repair module, Hybrid blaster “Alpha-N”*
New decor
1250000 pts. of free experience*
Large seed-chip pack*
One of the four necessary parts of the ship "Shrike"*
Colouring pattern*
New taunt
Access to special contracts: allows up to 70 GS daily (access duration — 30 days)*
Sticker pack*
Weapon: Pirate mass driver*
Colouring pattern
New decor*
New portrait*
Special bonus: up to +50% credits experience in battle (valid for 15 battles)*
New taunt*
One of the four necessary parts of the ship "Shrike"
Colouring pattern*
Weapon: Pirate phase suppressor*
Resource pack*
Synthetic polycrystals*
New décor*
Blueprint: Pirate scatter gun
Rare earth metals pack*
New portrait
Premium ship or resources of choice (available 24 hours in the game store)*
Blueprint: Pirate mass driver
Special bonus: up to +50% credits experience in battle (valid for 30 battles)*
Blueprint: Pirate phase suppressor
Colouring pattern*
"Star conqueror" bundle: special part of the ship "Shrike", "Monkey" decor, and the "Star conqueror" title
Access to special packs that can be purchased in the store for xenochips
Pack contents:
  • Additional cell. A crate with rare earth metals.
    • Contains 10 Rare earth metals.
  • Additional cell. Free experience.
    • Contains 25000 pts. of free experience.
  • Additional cell. Monocrystals.
    • Contains 7 monocrystals
  • Additional cell. Xenocrystals.
    • Contains 7 xenocrystals.
  • Additional cell. Credits +50%.
    • Contains a bonus of +50% credits for 24 hours.

Federation rank 17 guard frigate “Shrike”

In 4620, business angels from a subsidiary organization of Undock Unlimited invested a large sum in Boson Shipyard, one of the IDR shipyards. The concept behind the Boson Shipyard implied the development of a cover frigate using advanced technology. The Undock Unlimited did not really expect the strange-looking ship with an odd configuration to be successful, but an opportunity to discover the shortcomings of their own and others’ developments in practice was enough of an interest for the megacorporation.

By 4622, a prototype frigate with a code name “Shrike” had been developed. The first tests failed due to the insufficient transmission capacity of the ship’s power cables in combination with its powerful iridium reactor. The project was about to be scrapped, but the Blackwood corporation offered to help. They proposed using one of Ariadne’s clusters to calculate a more efficient design.

Boson Shipyard enthusiastically accepted the offer, and after the revision performed by Ariadne, the “Shrike” ship performed at the level of modern cover frigates. Instead of the usual phase shield, the ship was fitted with a unique special module that creates a plasma field around the ship and pours energy into it to the point of reaching instability. The collapse of the plasma field at this point causes massive electromagnetic damage to all targets in the vicinity.

In 4623, Boson tested and refined a new engine, shield generator, armoured plating and comfort+ life support system for the ship. In early 4624, they began development of a heavy thermal cannon, scheduled for release along with the ship. But during the testing of the weapon, it was discovered that it would be much more effective to repurpose the cannon and make it produce electromagnetic effects on enemy shields and hulls.

Part of the ship “Shrike”
  • Used for production of the ship “Shrike”
Hybrid blaster “Alpha-N”
  • Plasma weapon
  • Hits on enemies reduce the damage of their weapons
Universal repair module
  • Active module
  • Restores shield and hull of the player’s ship
“ELM-50” generator
  • Special module
  • Charges in front of the ship. After a certain time, generates a plasma wave that rapidly expands and deals damage to all enemies. Also increases resistance to all damage and speed.

Corporations’ rage

Pilots! It has come to our attention that new rewards have appeared in a number of locations of the “Conquest” mode.

The following awards are no longer available:
  • “Salamander” parts
  • “Baphomet” parts
  • “Albireo” parts
The following rewards have become available:
  • “Seeress” parts — North West portal — 2000 parts
  • “Confessor” parts — Devil’s Jaw — 2000 parts
  • “Typhon” parts — Terminal D — 2000 parts
  • “Kirishima” thermal diffuser — Control Post — 1000 parts
  • Part of the “Emperor” landing platform — Processing Rig — 1000 parts
  • “Tornado” magnetic hinge — Threshold — 1000 parts
  • “Dyrnwyn” central processor — Dreadnought Debris — 1000 parts

Changes in the trading system from July 25

Parts of the following ships have been temporarily removed from the system of trading between players:
  • “Cor Vulnus”
  • “Relic”
Parts of the following ships have been temporarily added to the system of trading between players:
  • “Salamander” parts
  • “Hadrian” parts
  • “Seeress” parts
  • Special part of the ship “Kirishima”
  • Part of the “Emperor” landing platform
  • “Mole” ship component
  • Vertical takeoff engine systems of the “Gungnir”
  • “Tornado” docking system
  • Manual controls system of the “Custodian”
  • “Dyrnwyn” central processor
  • “Project 1011 processing chip” blueprint
  • “Singularity processing chip” blueprint
  • “Wolfhound” cabin

New temporary packs in the in-game store

Pilots! From July 25, you will find new offers in the in-game store.

The following bundles are available for purchase in the store for galactic standards:

Seeker of Hope
  • Portrait №110 “Svetlana Polzunova”
  • Decor “Cool breeze”
  • Pattern “Memento”
  • Taunt “Try to catch up!”
  • 50% credit bonus for 30 battles
Jericho Brotherhood
  • Portrait №111 “Michelle Arnault”
  • Decor “Direct hit”
  • Pattern “Crimson storm”
  • Taunt “Time for some rest!”
  • 50% experience bonus for 30 battles
Imperial Legion
  • Portrait №118 “Harvey Cross”
  • Decor “Guardian”
  • Pattern “Wood grain”
  • Taunt “I’m always at the front of this race!”
  • 50% credit bonus for 30 battles
Sandra’s deal
  • Portrait №115 “Sandra Perkins”
  • Decor “Jaws of steel”
  • Pattern “Waves of joy”
  • Taunt “Did you see that?! I can’t do it again!”
  • 50% experience bonus for 30 battles
Jose’s agreement
  • Portrait №113 “Jose Espinosa Lozano”
  • Decor “Iron Roger”
  • Pattern “Firestorm”
  • Taunt “It’s incredibly invigorating when someone’s life is in your hands!”
  • 50% credit bonus for 30 battles

Classic pirate weapons pack

Attention, pilots! We have prepared an updated pack of pirate weapons in the official game store for you.

This bundle includes:
  • “Pirate missile bundle”
  • “Pirate weapon bundle”
  • “Pirate ammunition bundle”
  • “Lemon smoke” paint
  • “Jaws of steel” decor

Balance changes

Energy discharger
  • Damage increased by 15%
  • Burning damage decreased from 750 to 450 pts./s
MIRV launcher
  • Segment damage reduced by 50%
Heavy repelling drones
  • Maximum repel speed reduced from 550 to 500 m/s.
Boarding charger
  • The speed of pulling reduced from 440 to 330 m/s.
Crystal reflex
  • Active radius reduced from 900 to 700 m.
Swarm control
  • Recovery time on destruction increased from 93 to 134 sec.
Crystalline suppressor
  • Recovery time on destruction increased from 93 to 134 sec.
Destabilizing crystal
  • Recharge time increased from 45 to 60 sec.
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Lucas Horn, the Federation's liaison with UMC at ‘New Eden’ station, says that his old friend has arrived in the fringe sectors. Captain of a free cruiser ‘Scotland’ is known for bravely sailing to the most dangerous corners of space, and he always returns with particularly valuable cargo.

Special Offer From Lucas Horn: only today, on July 24, 30% off Nightingale ship components! They can be purchased directly from the ship tree.

Nightingale is the embodiment of elegance and confidence. Show off your piloting skills! MHD generator provides increased power to your weapons if you do not neglect engine power. Speed and the ability to conceal yourself and the team are your main trumps.
The special offer is valid for a limited time and will end on July 25!

Star Conflict team
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Attention, pilots! Our in-game store has some exciting new offers for you! New equipment packs, unique tuning items and parts for your ships are already available. Take a look at what we have for you!

New pack are available at the store today:
  • CPU packages bundle at a discount of 30%
  • “Spiral” components bundle at a discount of 20%
  • “Marten” components bundle at a discount of 30%
  • Space Explorer Bundle at a discount of 25%

We will be regularly providing you with new offers, trying out different combinations of contents and prices. Stay tuned so you don’t miss out on exclusive and temporary offers that can significantly strengthen your fleet!

Star Conflict team
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots, the weekend begins! Time to prepare your fleet for new victories!

Weekend special:
  • 50% off Spatial Scanner and Extended Hull
  • Bonus +50% experience in battles
  • x2 experience transfer rate
Spatial scanner and Hull extender can be bought in the ship menu from hull and CPU modifiers.

Boost your fleet! Let's win together!

Star Conflict team

Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots! You will have a unique chance to purchase a set of only those ships that you need with a discount. The offer will be available for a limited time until July 22, 06:00 GMT.

The new discount mechanism will allow you to create your own set of multiple ships by adding them to your Cart. Each additional bundle increases the discount: if you purchase two products from this list through the Cart, you will receive a 20% discount, if you purchase three products, you will get a discount of 30%, and if you purchase four products, you will get a discount of 40%. And purchasing five bundles or more will grant you a 50% discount!

The following ships take part in this promotion:
  • Star Conflict — Pilgrim
  • Star Conflict — Invincible
  • Star Conflict — Archon
  • Star Conflict — Sai
  • Star Conflict — Tyrant
  • Star Conflict — Object NY18
  • Star Conflict — Shark
  • Star Conflict — Joker
  • Star Conflict — Reaper
  • Star Conflict — Nyx
Please note! The discount is applied only when you add items from the list above to your Cart and make a single purchase. These bundles can also be purchased separately without a discount. Other bundles do not take part in this promotion.

Best regards,
Star Conflict Team

Star Conflict - Super Glix

Pilots! It's time to improve your fleet strength! The Federation liaison at UMC reports that a new transport convoy has arrived in fringe sectors from inner worlds. It seems that the blockade has been broken. We are expecting even more trade caravans in the fringe sectors soon!

Only today, July 17, we offer a 30% discount on Archelon components! They can be purchased directly from the ship tree.

The idea of creating a guard frigate had been on the minds of Federation engineers for a long time. The best specialists spent days in laboratories and test sites around the clock to find a solution. During research by General Reactors corporation the engineers managed to develop a unique power distribution system for the ship’s shields. However, a new concept called for a fundamentally different design and characteristics of the ship. All the little pieces of the project finally came together when the leading designer of Dry Lab corporation joined the team.
The special offer is valid for a limited time and will end on July 18!

Star Conflict Team
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Attention, pirates! This is Summer speaking. You didn’t forget about me, guys and girls, did you? Do you want to make some easy money? I have new tasks and generous rewards ready for you.

Recently, I received information about the treasures hidden in the depths of space, and I am gathering a team of fearless pirates who are ready to make daring robberies and engage in exciting battles.

For each task you complete, you will receive a generous share of the loot, but be careful — the risks match the reward. Remember that the pirate’s life is not for the weak. But if you are brave, cunning and strong, then endless possibilities, gold coins and legendary artifacts await you.

Don’t waste your time, daredevils! Meet me in secret hiding places and we will start sailing together through the expanses of cosmic hatred. Make sure your ships are fueled, your ammunition is loaded and your heart is burning with the fire of freedom. Together we will become invincible, and the seas of cosmic treasures will submit to us! Ahoy!

July 15 — Finish 3 PVP battles with efficiency above 400.
  • Reward — Special bonus: + 50% experience for 15 battles + 1 day of premium license
July 16 — Complete one special operation.
  • Reward — 40 monocrystals + 1 day of premium license
July 17 — Receive two “Second beacon” medals.
  • Reward — 2 Exceptional Seed-chips + 1 day of premium license
July 18 — Complete two PvE missions on level 10 or higher with efficiency above 300.
  • Reward — Special bonus: + 50% credits for 15 battles + 1 day of premium license
July 19 — Win 2 battles in PvP mode.
  • Reward — 40 xenocrystals + 1 day of premium license
July 20 — Destroy 25 enemies in PvP mode.
  • Reward — 250 GS
July 21 — Complete 2 missions on level 10 or higher, without dying more than 1 time.
  • Reward — Special bonus: additional attempt of loot searching for 15 battles + 1 day of premium license
After completing all tasks, you will receive a special reward — the unique title “Space menace” + 7 days of premium license!
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Attention all pilots! The UMC received an emergency contract from the so-called Broker. The results will be announced on August 7.
  • All pilots who took from 1st to 11th places in “The splendid seven” PVE leaderboard recorded by the UMC engineers on August 7, will receive 500 monocrystals and 1000 GS, the “Storm” paint, “You won't be lonely on the other side” taunt, title “Mysterious”, and the “Joe Turner” portrait.
  • All pilots who took places from 12th to 25th in “The splendid seven” PVE leaderboard recorded by the UMC engineers on August 7, will receive 500 xenocrystals, the “Mossad password” paint, “Walk away from unnecessary turmoil. And do it decisively” taunt, title “Harbinger of truth”, and the “Carlos Sanchez” portrait.
  • All pilots who took places from 26th to 40th in “The splendid seven” PVE leaderboard recorded by the UMC engineers on August 7, will receive 300 xenocrystals, the “Mark of Dagon” paint, “Even if you lose, go ahead and strike” taunt, title “True warrior”, and the “Nikita” portrait.
Star Conflict - Super Glix

Attention, pilots! Our in-game store has some exciting new offers for you! New equipment packs, unique tuning items and parts for your ships are already available. Take a look at what we have for you!

New pack are available at the store today:
  • Armor packages bundle at a discount of 30%
  • “Kite-E” components bundle at a discount of 20%
  • “Endeavour” components bundle at a discount of 20%
  • “Spike” components bundle at a discount of 20%
  • Bundle of metallic paints at a discount of 30%

We will be regularly providing you with new offers, trying out different combinations of contents and prices. Stay tuned so you don’t miss out on exclusive and temporary offers that can significantly strengthen your fleet!

Star Conflict team

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