Dec 24, 2022
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Happy Holidays everyone!
I was hoping to make this post at the same as pushing the changes currently on beta to the live build, but there's still some small bugs that we're ironing out, so I'll be covering a mix of what's currently on beta and some of what's just around the corner.

What's going on on Beta?
Currently on beta we have a LOT of changes being tested. The biggest of which are:
- New player controller. The player controller is what blends the huge amount of different animations the player uses as it runs around, swings swords, and throws fireballs. This has been re-written from the ground up for a much smoother, modern controller.

- New world generation algorithms. World generation is something that has to run in real time as the player moves around, up to and beyond 1 million kilometers in any direction. It's one of the most important aspects of the Solace Crafting engine, and has been upgraded in a wide variety of ways with better code, making better use of multi-core processors, and spreading the hard work out across multiple frames. This is an ongoing process with the goal always being as smooth and high of a frame rate as possible. Unfortunately one of the developers I hired specifically to work on improving our draw calls, a major drain on frame rate, disappeared without word. I hope he's alive and well, but was forced to freeze the contract.

- Mob targeting. Combat has always been a bitter sweet part of Solace Crafting. "Kinda janky" would be a fair explanation of the previous state of combat. In truth, combat was never intended to be the main aspect of Solace Crafting, but it is still a very integral part of it as crafted equipment needs a good reason to use it. Switching to a targeting system is the first step in an extended plan to improve the combat experience, with a lot of upgrades to monster AI, combat mechanics, and a few surprises planned out for the next few months.
This change has primarily switched from the camera previously being locked to the mouse, to a more MMORPG style of controls where the right mouse button is held down to move the camera. A locked camera mode for those that prefer it has also been implemented, but by default this unlocks the cursor for use to be able to click on monsters, NPCs, and UI buttons, all of which play into more upcoming improvements we have planned for 2023.

The bulk of these features are in and working, we're just smoothing out some of the rough edges before we push things to the live build.

New UI in the works
A user interface revamp is in the works, and I wanted to take this opportunity to bring it up a little bit to get the discussion going. We're still in the planning and design phase, so these images do not reflect the final look of what we're aiming for, just the layout and flow improvements. One of the main improvements that I personally want to add is the ability to click and drag windows so players can position and dock things as they see fit.

Here the proposed layout for the main inventory screen collapses the stats window by default for a much slimmer design, and reorganizes the equipment slots to a more body relevant layout.

The crafting window is planned to do away with the profession buttons, instead listing the profession that a craftable item is related to along with the players current level in that profession. The stats and ingredients lists will automatically scale to fit however many lines are needed making the UI viable for more complex items.

In today's patch I've introduced some simple buttons on the overlay linking to inventory, crafting, etc., and these may remain in some form or another, but I also like the proposed idea of holding down CTRL to bring up a window selection wheel something like the above image, for quick access to the most common windows.

Again, these aren't the actual colors or design of the windows that we are going for, just proposed changes to their layout and functionality. Please let us know what you think!

New building skins under construction
Currently we have a mix of wood and stone structures, but we will be upgrading from two materials to nine materials early next year. This will also open opportunities to get new town and player harvesting resources in. I was hoping to get some pictures up for this section, but it's Christmas Eve =D We'll show them off when they're done.

Encounter improvements
In order to get some basic improvements up in time for the winter sale, we have not begun work on the more serious plans we have for revamping encounters such as caves and dungeons, but we do plan to be spending a fair amount of time in January working on combat improvements, mob variation, and most fun of all, encounter generation methods. For starters we've added a few new things to goblin dungeons including a storage room, a secret room, traps, and gold veins. We would like to next month really step up the room and layout generation of all encounter types, above and below ground, to not include just rooms, door, and hallways, but platforms, pits, stairs, balconies, and lots of inter-connectivity to better work with the variety of mob abilities and modifiers we have planned.

All-in-all there is a lot we're excited to start working on including new recipes, recipe types, weapons, skills, dimensions, quests, town functions, modding support, full controller support, and improved multi-lingual support. We've gone from just me to around 2.5 people over the past few months, and it's really exciting to see the hastened progress. Hopefully our baby keeps gaining traction and we can continue to expand our capabilities to bring better and more engaging content as time goes on!

Thank you so much to everyone that supported me through Early Access, and to everyone that has stuck around despite a less than perfect launch. Merry Christmas!

Kyle Postlewait

The latest changes to beta are as follows:

v 2022.12.24
- Added character, inventory, craft, skills, and journal buttons to the overlay
- Improved tab target algorithm
- Fixed the building and terraforming interfaces reading WASD movement even when not holding down RMB
- Fixed character size being able to affect foot position on ground
- Fixed running down slopes resulting in a hopping animation
- Fixed death and revive animations
- Fixed an issue with entering encounters
- Fixed underwater animations
- Fixed demons not spawning properly with solace defense waves
- Fixed animations getting stuck when performed in quick succession sometimes

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Check out the bug / suggestion tracker
Dec 21, 2022
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Had a beta patch on Monday, and just finished pushing up a second. Between the two of them, should have the major bugs cleared up. There are still some things that are fixed, but not in my lap yet, in particular different height characters models feet not meeting up with the ground properly, and hopping down slopes rather than running. And the first person camera logic is a little wonky, turning the character model off too early and some things. These and others should be sorted out tomorrow, and hopefully we'll have a few days left to add some new fun stuff in =D

v 2022.12.21
- Camera wheel will no longer zoom the camera while interacting with UI elements
- Reduced maximum camera zoom out distance
- Free look (V key by default) will now switch in and out of locking the camera to the cursor
- Fixed autorun not working with the new controller
- Fixed a bug where loading a game saved in an encounter would result in loading into a void
- Fixed a bug improperly despawning objects client-side in multi-player, also negatively affecting performance
- Fixed the possibility for a spawn logic discrepancy between server and client making some objects appear unharvestable

v 2022.12.19
- Fixed movement input persisting while dead
- Fixed LMB RMB camera controls going through UI
- Fixed mobs positioning improperly bug that came back in MP
- Fixed breakable barrels and secret rooms to work in MP

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Dec 17, 2022
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Wave two of lots of new things in-game in preparation for the Steam Winter Sale! Please note that these changes are being added to the public beta, and we are aware of a number of quality of life problems and some bugs that we are still working on polishing up before we push the changes to the live default build.

The new player controller makes its first appearance. Reworked animations, blending, and controls, all from the ground up (not a pun). Still hopping down sheer slopes a little awkwardly, and depending on your characters size, I think particularly shorter characters are not properly positioning themselves on the ground, but again we will get this all sorted out in the next few days.

Tab to open the main inventory screen is no more, replaced with tab to cycle nearby targets. You can also click to select enemy targets. This system does away with the physics based projectiles, both "ranged" and magic based. Projectiles will now automatically seek their target, assuming the player has line of sight, as Solace Crafting is much more about rolling stats against one another. Whether you hit or miss or critical or the monster dodges or resists is based on your and your enemies stats. Some next steps for these systems includes using the cursor to aim target AOE abilities such as Flame Glyph which still currently rely on the crosshair or reticle, and adding the ability to "charge" or cast spells over a period of time while remaining still.

The click to target system is not however replacing everything else in the game. Harvesting, facility interaction, doors, etc., can all still be interacted with using the F key (by default) as usual. Holding the right mouse button down will rotate your character as well as move the camera, while holding the left mouse button down will rotate only the camera. This is a very standard method of camera control that players of any sort of 3rd person RPG or MMO should be very used to.

I is the default key for opening up the main inventory, and can be reassigned via the in-game menu / settings / controls, if you have changed that or had it turned off. We are however working on a lot of new UI pieces I'm planning to bring up in the big push next week, some of which should make accessing the inventory and other interfaces much easier and much more user friendly. Those will not be ready to be implemented by next week, but they are coming along and I want to bring up the proposed changes with everyone to gather input.

Gold makes it's way into the game for the first time. We've only had copper and silver nodes up until now, but gold can now be found in goblin dungeons if you've the gear and the guts to brave them. Dungeon layouts have also been reworked a bit to include secret rooms, breakable barrels, "storage rooms" with special loot, as well as deadly traps. We still want to make more extensive changes and upgrades to dungeons and caves in general, but knew that we would not have enough time to do everything before the holidays start, so this is kind of a first pass on dungeons in general.

I've also made some changes to monster health bars. Champions and Heroes now have different colored and shaped health bars both above them and when targeted. I've long planned to add named mobs, mob and dungeon modifiers, and have already implemented a monster class (tank/rogue/etc) system I hope to make more understandable with these changes. The champion and hero nameplates don't quite stand out enough yet, but these too shall be improved now that they are all in and working.

It's super late, Saturday night here, I just patched and logged into the BKG beta server, and it seems that mobs are going invisible in multiplayer past 8km again, I may have inadvertently reintroduced that bug through my poor version control management skills (one of the 27 professions expected of a indie developer), but should be able to fix it in the morning.

Still a couple of small things I want to get in before the end of next week, but again we plan to focus on bug fixes and polishing up all of this that we've been putting together over the past couple months, and have a lot more planned for 2023!

v 2022.12.17
- Implemented new player controller
- Implemented tab targeting / click to target
- Improved monster health bars
- Improved terrain texture quality filtering
- Added Gold Mine rooms to Dungeons, gold can now be mined from exposed gold veins in these rooms
- Barrels containing resources can now be found scattered around dungeons.
- Storage rooms now occasionally spawn in dungeons, where players may find useful items and uncommon goods.
- Secret treasure rooms now spawn in dungeons, if players spot and reveal their location, they are rewarded with treasure.
- Spike traps now spawn in some corridors, making dungeons more dangerous
- Reduced the size of goblin dungeons
- Fixed bugs causing void areas where no walls or floor would exist
- Switched to Fast Approximate Anti-aliasing (shader compatability issues, may be temporary)
- Fixed stun skills not working properly
- Fixed damage over time abilities not properly adjust damage for level differences
- Fixed debuffs/effects overriding one another

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Dec 3, 2022
Solace Crafting - Malkere
At long last, we have our first patch of upgraded logic and math on a variety of our core systems including world generation queues, biome noise math, and object spawning. These three are the major systems running the background at pretty much all times while players are moving around in the game trying to determine what needs to be spawned, where, who needs to be spawned first, and so forth.

You all as gamers are probably aware of these concepts, but Solace Crafting operates on a near 100% runtime spawning system, meaning that there are no "levels" or predetermined areas already designed that are getting copied and pasted into your game world. Yet at the same time, each world is not at all "random" but actually completely math based, derived entirely from the seed generated whenever you create a new world. Right down to the placement of a flower, everything can be derived from the world seed and so nothing actually gets saved to disk either, until you make a change.

I personally very much enjoy the replayability and randomness this brings to game, but it does also come with a variety of challenges as all of this has be handled in runtime, whether the player is looking at a menu or in the middle of a decisive fight for their life. This patch makes some pretty deep changes to these core systems for an overall faster and smoother game engine.

As these changes are in some place quite "foundational", it's not unlikely that there will be some new bugs we'll have to look into, but our new programmer has been doing a stellar job, and let me be the first to say I'm super thankful to finally have someone that knows what they are doing! haha... >_>

The new player controller is very close as well, 95%, didn't quite make it into this patch, but it is indeed, so much better than the current controller, it's hard for me to switch back to the current. I have also opened a contract with a new 3D artist for some new buildings pieces and skins, as my old contact has proven inapplicable for our current needs. We've also seemingly lost one of our initial hires for some reason, he never logged any hours, but I have not heard from him in over three weeks now, so I've unfortunately frozen the contract, but things are moving steadily forward. I've also gotten a first glimpse of some of the UI changes we've got in the pipe, and they too are much more intelligently planned out, and I hope we can get some early iterations of them in as soon as possible! I'm also working on some new items, but nobody wants to hear about that!

Best wishes and holidays to everyone in the merry month of December!
We should have some more updates very soon.

v 2022.12.03
- Improved world generation queue logic
- Improved object spawning logic
- Improved biome noise math
- Implemented multi-threading to save functions
- Redesigned player teleportation handling in and out of caves/dungeons/floating islands
- Added noise to tree spawning
- Increased most tree resource maximum rewards

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Nov 27, 2022
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Now pushing v to the live default branch. I have been really hesitant to push this patch as there is a lot of changes to the core networking code that could have had generated some yet unforseen problems, and I knew I had a small trip coming up before Thanksgiving, and then well it was Thanksgiving. I'm headed to bed now though and tomorrow is Monday morning for me here, so if there is anything problematic that crops up I'll be on top of it!

As I've mentioned before once this patch is moved off of the beta branch I will start pushing the procedural generation and engine optimization changes that we have been working on to beta. This patch will primarily only affect multi-player, outside of the various bug fixes, but this next wave of patches will be more foundational improvements affecting all play modes. Hopefully we will be able to get targeting and the new player controller up for testing and input in the next week or two as well.

I usually summarize patch notes moving from beta to live by removing smaller fix notations, but that was the majority of what was being worked on outside of the networking upgrade, so I went ahead and left all of the changes below.

v -> 2022.11.27
- Upgraded Mirror (network codebase)
- Added guardian gauntlets recipe
- Improved crafting and item details for weapons
- Added checks to update really old, unedible food to be edible
- Fixed facility/other windows staying open/connected when swapping between crafting & inventory causing problems.
- Fixed an issue with the multiplayer town building spawning
- Fixed some tilled soil math issues
- Fixed a new issue causing network object to go invisible while standing still
- Fixed a bug with cooked food despawning from backpacks and storage chests
- Fixed player models not loading avatar changes properly in multiplayer in some occasions
- Fixed a bug improperly kicking player for SteamID mismatches
- Fixed a bug causing basic melee attacks to miss on multiplayer clients
- Fixed a bug with weather not syncing properly in MP
- Fixed a bug with resource respawning
- Fixed a bug causing skill cooldowns to reduce slightly with each level
- Fixed /stuck not working in caves
- Fixed blink cooldown
- Fixed hotkeys retaining unwanted data after using a tabula rasa potion
- Fixed Stoneworkers requiring stone to summon
- Fixed several skill description errors
- Fixed charge attacking with or without Dashing Strike
- Fixed charge going wild sometimes
- Fixed the weapon set swap icon being scaled improperly
- Fixed wardrobe weapons being overriden with swapping, sheathing, and some skills
- Fixed save and exit briefly throwing harmless errors sometimes on multiplayer client
- Fixed a bug with equipping shields in multiplayer
- Fixed a bug with harvested resources in multiplayer still showing up
- Fixed weapon targeting not working at times
- Fixed an issue with terraforming collision detection
- Fixed a problem with tombstones duplicating
- Fixed a bug with Charge and Jump Back
- Fixed an animation error with passive animals
- Fixed a bug with the new Mirror stopping resources from syncing properly after harvest
- Fixed auto-harvest not working with the new Mirror
- Fixed being able to loot while dead
- Fixed static network objects not always positioning properly on clients past 8192m
- Fixed guardian leggings not rendering properly
- Fixed being able to save a solace placed using free placement mode into a structure save
- Fixed weather turning on in caves sometimes
- Fixed character creation assigned skill points not properly increasing skill tree spent point count
- Fixed character creation assigned attributes not properly assigning
- Fixed harmless render texture error spam on dedicated servers and a couple other harmless start up errors
- Fixed bought attributes not always applying properly until reconnecting
- Fixed some types of weapon speed improvements reducing their "base speed," upsetting damage math

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Nov 22, 2022
Solace Crafting - Malkere
We were hoping to get the latest changes currently on beta pushed to the live branch last week but there have been a number of small network bugs that cropped up holding things back. That and I am currently on a train in Southwest Japan. I went AFK on Monday and will be back tomorrow, so I didn't want to push a major patch, knowing that I would be gone for a few days. Once we free up beta there's a whole new wave of performance upgrades we've been working on that will be moved to beta.

Beyond the performance upgrades we have some new UI upgrades under construction, a new player controller, and I am in talks with a modeller for new building textures.

I also wanted to bring up that I've been researching using the Steam Datagram Relay transport as an alternative to the current TCP based transport. This is not a sector of software development that I am skilled in, but Steam offers backend support for P2P gameplay that bypasses the need for router port forwarding that some people have a hard time setting up, and/or are unable to work with. It's not something I'm sure yet that we can work with, but it could be a useful alternative to the current TCP transport.

Again, I will be back tomorrow and looking to push the recent changes as soon as possible.

The latest beta patch notes are as follows:

v 2022.11.21
- Fixed facility/other windows staying open/connected when swapping between crafting & inventory causing problems.

v 2022.11.15
- Improved crafting and item details for weapons
- Fixed an issue with the multiplayer town building spawning
- Fixed some tilled soil math issues
- Fixed a new issue causing network object to go invisible while standing still

v 2022.11.08
- Fixed a bug with cooked food despawning from backpacks and storage chests
- Fixed player models not loading avatar changes properly in multiplayer in some occasions
- Fixed a bug improperly kicking player for SteamID mismatches
- Fixed a bug causing basic melee attacks to miss on multiplayer clients

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Oct 31, 2022
Solace Crafting - Malkere
I've rented a new Los Angeles server from for the beta branch. I am currently aware of two hosting services that have recently started offering hosting for Solace Crafting:
Nexus Hosting Networks
Setting up port forwarding on whatever random router you might have isn't always the easiest thing in the world. And then there's firewalls and security and Windows getting in the way. I hope we'll be able to make the experience smoother someday, but I know that as is, some people have a tough time getting dedicated servers up and running on their home computers, so it's cool that there are some cheap, quick, and easy alternatives available now.
As far as I know, both sites are offering shared server usage, so it's not necessarily "dedicated" but should run fine, especially for groups of 2-4, and we are actively working on improving runtime world generation to speed up servers.

The new beta server is running the latest patch, Primarily bug fixes, as we are still hammering out a few different things on a separate beta branch.

In other news, we now have a total of 5 people working on the game in some capacity \o/ Only two of us are working full-time, but we have a third developer looking into texture optimization and general rendering performance, a fourth developer working on reworking the character controller and locomotion, and a fifth individual I will be working one on one with tomorrow morning lined up to spend time working on the UI/UX side of things.
Things are slowly gaining speed, and again, I'm hoping to have some wider reaching changes up before the Steam Winter Sale gets started.

This patch is a good candidate to push to the live branch, pending some testing, and maybe a hotfix or two, I hope to push the update live within a day or two.

v 2022.10.31
- Added checks to update really old, unedible food to be edible
- Fixed a bug with weather not syncing properly in MP
- Fixed a bug with resource respawning

v 2022.10.25
- Fixed a bug causing skill cooldowns to reduce slightly with each level
- Fixed /stuck not working in caves
- Fixed blink cooldown
- Fixed hotkeys retaining unwanted data after using a tabula rasa potion
- Fixed Stoneworkers requiring stone to summon
- Fixed several skill description errors
- Fixed charge attacking with or without Dashing Strike
- Fixed charge going wild sometimes
- Fixed the weapon set swap icon being scaled improperly
- Fixed wardrobe weapons being overriden with swapping, sheathing, and some skills
- Fixed save and exit briefly throwing harmless errors sometimes on multiplayer client
- Fixed a bug with equipping shields in multiplayer
- Fixed a bug with harvested resources in multiplayer still showing up

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Check out the bug / suggestion tracker
Oct 17, 2022
Solace Crafting - Malkere
As previously mentioned, there are some biome changes underway that we want to keep out of beta until we can compile together a couple of other changes that will render currently saved worlds in need of updating. Here is a build from a separate branch we are working on with some bug fixes.

Recently I updated the networking solution that I use, Mirror, to its latest version and there were some slight changes to the architecture that has required a few components be updated. Several of these issues are related to that, and there are a couple more multiplayer specific issues that I am still looking into, outside of the general bug reports on the bug tracker which we are trying to whittle away at.

v 2022.10.17
- Fixed weapon targeting not working at times
- Fixed an issue with terraforming collision detection
- Fixed a problem with tombstones duplicating
- Fixed a bug with Charge and Jump Back
- Fixed an animation error with passive animals
- Fixed a bug with the new Mirror stopping resources from syncing properly after harvest
- Fixed auto-harvest not working with the new Mirror
- Fixed being able to loot while dead

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Check out the bug / suggestion tracker
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Hey everybody, hope all is well!
I just wanted to give a quick update as it's been a bit since the last update / patch.

As previously stated we're trying to focus on bug fixes and overall game engine improvements at the moment, but, for a fair amount of things, simply patching up whatever the problem isn't always the best approach. Sometimes the reason there are bugs with a system is because the foundations of the system itself were not written very intelligently in the first place.
These kinds of things are 100% my fault, as I've made clear, I never really wanted to be a programmer, but that was 90% of what the game needed to get everything working, so there is some undesirable code and some less than perfectly designed systems in-game. Since we now have a more experienced programmer helping out, he is reworking some of these systems at a more "root" level rather than just putting duct tape over the holes.
The first thing that I actually had him look at had to do with "area" generation, which is what spawns resources, monsters, and so forth. Any changes to these kinds of systems affects saved games to the point that they need to be restarted or "updated" which repositions player built objects. There are some other changes to spawning underway, so rather than having beta players need to wipe or update repeatedly in a short period of time, I'm looking to group a couple of things together into one larger patch.

Beyond that, I've hired on a second developer part-time, primarily to look into performance optimizations for the time being. A third developer is due to join us shortly for reworking the character controller. And a friend of a friend is exploring some ideas for redesigning and redrawing the user interface.

So, nothing has necessarily happened overnight, but there is a lot going on! Hopefully before the Winter sale starts up we can get a few larger waves of patches up. To be honest, personally I've spent quite a bit of time this week getting my life back in order. I got my car fixed, paid off a bunch of lingering bills I had, etc.

More to come soon!
Oct 4, 2022
Solace Crafting - Malkere
After a diligent search for cost efficient talent, I've hired on a programmer who's now diving into the code headfirst! It will definitely take some time for him to get situated within the over 120,000 lines of code, but having some help is going to make a big difference!

I am still negotiating with a few other developers for other tasks, likely more short term, but this has brought up a lot of important new things for me to work on to make sure that our team can work together efficiently, how every many are working on the game at any given point, now that it's no longer a solo endeavor.

I am very much having us focus on bug fixes and performance for the foreseeable future. We want to make sure this ship is running as smooth as possible before we get back into expanding on both current systems and new.

I've also finished upgrading Mirror, the network solution that Solace Crafting uses, to the latest and greatest version. There were some bumps in a couple of beta patches over the past few days, but I think I've got everything sorted out.

More news to come shortly!

The latest beta patch notes are as follows:

v 2022.10.04
- Fixed static network objects not always positioning properly on clients past 8192m

v 2022.10.03
- Upgraded Mirror (network solution)

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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