Dec 27, 2020
Solace Crafting - Malkere
I've been busy with the holidays and fixing up a health problem I ran into lately. My apologies this fix didn't get out faster.

This patch fixes a problem where walking far enough away from an area for it to despawn, but not so far enough away to have the entire terrain despawn, and then coming back would cause town buildings to revert to their mid-"reposition" state, wanting them to be placed again from the town menu.

v 2020.12.28
- Fixed a spawn management problem causing town buildings to revert into "reposition" mode

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin.

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Solace Crafting - Malkere

Goblin dungeons are now capable of spawning complete with lots of nasty critters inside as well as a boss and treasure chest at the end. There are still a variety of plans for these dungeons including traps, secrets, more decorations including particle effects, unique drops, and an undead version.

Along with these "dungeons" a series of "planes" such as the fire plane are also in the works along with a new types of water cave, during which I'll be revisiting the current caves a bit more.

All in all these new locations are intended to provide a lot of new drops from a lot of new monsters, with which we'll then be working on lots of new recipes for armor, weapons, potions, and enchants!

v 2020.12.24
- Added first phase of procedural "Goblin Dungeons" for beta testing

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Dec 22, 2020
Solace Crafting - Malkere
One nasty bug fixed in this patch was caused by clicking "apply" to the video resolutions settings without first selecting a resolution, causing the window to turn into a 1x1 window. I setup a catch to automatically resize any players that got stuck in this condition to 640x480, fixed the bug causing it, and added an option for borderless fullscreen. Along with a number of other fixes and repairs.

I'm hoping to plug in the new dungeon generator into beta tomorrow!

v 2020.12.22
- Stalks and large cacti now drop have a chance to drop essence of water
- Added a blue fog to brighten up caves
- Added a fix to automatically catch and repair broken video resolutions
- Fixed a bug crashing the game when clicking "apply" to a video resolution prior to selecting a resolution
- Fixed some weather audio not obeying the ambient volume sliders
- Fixed some problems with the displaying and purchasing of long range leyline teleport upgrades
- Fixed essence harvesting in MP
- Fixed grass not updating immediately while terraforming
- Fixed a harmless error when entering caves
- Fixed bags not dropping properly into tombstones while in caves
- Fixed towns deciding on a different biome than the overlay biome indicator
- Fixed certain resources respawning with every reload and ignoring building collision checks

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin.

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Dec 15, 2020
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Another round of bug fixes before hopefully starting out onto some new stuff tomorrow!

v 2020.12.15
- Updated language files from crowdin
- Fixed a lot of animations going dead in SP
- Fixed grass patches going bald
- Fixed the math for multiple crafts that involve leveling up into new tiers
- Fixed animals that should not go rare, going rare
- Fixed crafting exp not scaling across levels as intended, but hard capping

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin.

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Solace Crafting - Malkere
I've gathered the measurable results from the Fall survey into a series of graphs and welcome open discussion as to what we are to take from them, and how that should affect development. I've give my own take and explain what I think is the best course of action for the immediate future in the following video:

I've tried several times to summarize the contents, but it's a long video for a reason, and am having difficulty giving a short explanation... I think the roadmap (below) speaks for itself quite well, and hope that people looking for a deeper explanation of why I think those are the best steps to be taking towards version 1.0 will be able to check out the video.

Some questions definitely remain, such as how to continue offering improvements to crafting, ie: new recipes for say a sword, without simply adding a different sword recipe every tier and just making it better just because.

The image themselves are as follows:

And my proposed revision to the roadmap is as follows:

0.7.1: Procedural dungeons/planes, more monsters (more drops).
0.7.2: Enchants -> sockets. Lots more recipes.
0.7.3: Deconstruction bench. Crafting and harvesting equipment.
0.7.4: Improve Monster AI. Add monster abilities. Upgrade combat math.

0.8.0: Rework adventuring skills. Add Job & Class skill trees.
0.8.1: Expand on town buildings and functionality.
0.8.2: Randomly generated towns.
0.8.3: Town quests and unlocks.
0.8.4: Nutrition, cooking, and fishing.

0.9.0: More dungeons/planes, more monsters, more recipes, more quests.

0.9.4: Villager equipment, clothing, naming, skills, AI.
0.9.5: Town attacks/defense.

0.9.8: Finalize language support, add full controller support.
0.9.9: Optimization.

1.0.0 Leave Early Access.

These are of course only the larger milestones. There is a lot of small improvements to be made to various aspects of the different inventory systems, the interface, audio and animation in general, etc.

I've also pushed the patch to the live branch, which other than a long list of fixes adds:
- Added a biome indicator to the main overlay (lower left)

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Dec 10, 2020
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Lots of small annoyances fixed in this patch along with a remedy for the broken facility inventories that was brought in with .15 and .16 trying to get bags within tombstones to work.

The problem with bags in tombstones is that a bag is an item, and the items inside of a bag are items, but you can't allow items to be within items or you create a possibly endless loop that won't compile. Instead bags are actually "containers" which inherit from their parent "item" class, but are in fact not "exactly" "items" preventing this loop as containers can only contain items, not other containers. Unfortunately serialization, which is used to save data and to transfer it between computers in multi-player cannot tell the difference between a child and a parent class. This requires some special handling to get containers to exist within other list and arrays such as a tombstone's list of contents.

In upgrading that system I miscalculated some steps and ended up causing non-tombstone "facility" inventories to forget what type of contents they are and aren't allowed to deal with. This patch fixes up both problems to that tombstones and facilities should be working as intended in both single player and multi-player.

v 2020.12.11
- Fixed learned recipes being craftable at any rarity regardless of rarities learned
- Fixed sheathing/unsheathing in MP
- Fixed weapons and tools not automatically being brought out with use in MP
- Fixed armor colors and stats not sync'ing immediately after joining a MP server
- Fixed dropping multiple items duplicating them after returning
- Fixed "large towers" aka "vertical dungeons" not spawning in MP
- Fixed resources spawning too close to vertical dungeons
- Fixed animal rarity particles not spawning properly on MP clients
- Fixed the fullscreen toggle not loading it's initial state properly
- Fixed random snow beneath high elevations
- Fixed "Get seeds" not properly updating inventory in MP
- Fixed facility slots being improperly labelled in SP causing them to not accept items as expected

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Dec 9, 2020
Solace Crafting - Malkere
One of the fixes this patch addresses is bags being dropped inside of tombstones on death. In other words that's containers within containers. This has always been a bit of a challenge, and to make sure that I didn't inadvertently mess anything up I'm going to push today's patch to beta first for a day or two.

v 2020.12.09
- Added a biome indicator to the main overlay (lower left)
- Fixed boat interaction in MP
- Fixed veggies not generating as anything but T0
- Fixed a rare case where town biomes could go null causing gatherers to stop gathering
- Fixed a possible loading error with empty planters
- Fixed swimming animations getting stuck on land, until you jump
- Fixed a number of problems with bags dropped into tombstones/onto the ground

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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Dec 8, 2020
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Lots of annoyances fixed in the patch, some minor, some major.

The new storehouses weren't upgrading from their older versions very nicely, and were in general just not working as intended in multi-player. This should fix them up 95%, along with some town interface timing issues.

A number of problems with cave multiplayer resource syncing were also identified and should be a much better experience now.

v 2020.12.08
- Partially fixed problems with fluid container and fluids both SP and MP
- Fixed being able to right-click water into the backpack
- Fixed filling fluid containers in MP not updating immediately in MP
- Fixed clicking town building reposition not updating immediately in MP
- Fixed furniture and facilities not spawning when manually loading/placing saved structures
- Fixed a variety of problems with the new storehouses SP and MP (please deposition and reposition if necessary to update)
- Fixed basic cave resource scale discrepencies between servers and clients
- Fixed basic cave resources not destroying themselves post harvest in MP
- Fixed encounters not smoothing the terrain around them on MP clients
- Fixed being able to spend more points than allowed in certain skills
- Fixed rabbits harvesting into nothing
- Fixed protect, mana potions, energy potions, and heals spells not destroying themselves after timing out on MP clients

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin.

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Solace Crafting - Malkere
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Dec 3, 2020
Solace Crafting - Malkere
I left some mistakes in last nights patch, one of the main reasons I prefer to push to beta in chunks prior to pushing things live. This patch remedies those, and also a number of problems that have been frustrating multiplayer players for a while.

For one, a number of situations where server and client data would not sync properly causing either ghost resources to appear or resources to award nothing have been remedied with this patch.

Something that maybe not quite as many people have run into, but in a way is ever more frustrating was a bug where a resource on a client would look like a rare resource, only to then reward common materials. This proved to be caused by floating point precision errors that only show up at larger distances from the starting area. In single player and on clients the world is continuously shifted back near the beginning in steps of around 8 kilometers to make sure that the math never has to deal with number bigger than the thousands. On a multiplayer server however, one player might be 20km south of the starting area while another player is 40km north of it. This makes it impossible to shift the world around to try and accommodate for everyone, which eventually means the server is dealing with number where it can no longer determine the difference of a point at the millimeter, centimeter, or even decimeter level. This was causing discrepancies in the math on the client who is able to calculate down to the millimeter.
To remedy this I've set things up so that multiplayer clients will no longer generate any rarities on their own. Clients will now rely entirely on a signal from the server to verify that a resource is indeed a rarity higher than common.

That and some cave work caused me some serious head scratching, but I did it all live again streaming on twitch and other platforms. Tomorrow I'll be trying to stream to the store page in hopes of gaining some attention as I work on sorting out the current town bugs plaguing MP. Once the bugs start settling down more we'll get back to working on new things in beta.

v 2020.12.03
- Fixed new town buildings locking player controls upon interaction in MP
- Fixed an error with server <-> client dead resource synchronization leading to ghost resources
- Fixed a second similar error with cave resources
- Fixed a bug causing resource loading problems when logging onto an MP server while inside a cave
- Fixed floating point errors causing resources to spawn with incorrect rarities on MP clients (all rarities are now server authority)
- Fixed rabbits rewarding null
- Fixed spiders chasing a sugar cube

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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