Dec 10, 2017
Solace Crafting - Malkere

I've set the release date to January 16, 2018! Let's hope I don't piss anyone off =] I have a fair share of days off between now and then, and only a few key features left I want to be sure to get in for a good Early Access feel. Then hopefully I will be able to focus on development full-time, or even better, higher a real programmer! =]>

Today's update got pushed back and back and back, but it brings in some great changes! Mainly that teleportation and floating point correction had been causing problems for a long time. It all seems to be fixed now but still needs to be tested often and repeatedly to squeeze out those smaller bugs that always try to hide.

I also found and fixed some nasty inventory bugs, aren't those the worst! I'm actually in the middle of rewriting the inventory slot swapping code for clarity and growth reasons as I implement more right-click functionality over this coming week, ie: right-click to equip, right-click to loot, etc. There are so many checks for, can this go hear? can that go there? can we stack these two? it's a very long list of checks that items have to pass.

Terrains have also been decreased from 1km to 500m in size as they seems to generate quite a bit faster and over cause less "spiking" when turning on. They do still spike noticeably, but only for 30-40ms on my not-so-awesome machine, so it's livable, for now.

Check out the new development road map on Trello

The full patch notes are as follows:

v 0.0.20 - 2017.12.10

- Setup the starting area to be more flat
- Fixed delete button not responding to outdated save games
- Moved refining stations and crafting stations to their related crafting categories
- Fixed a bug that would cause "Building Blocked" improperly
- Improved world seed randomization
- Fixed foating point errors
- Fixed long range teleportation
- Fixed distance display meter at long range
- Fixed pathfinding AIs getting stuck. Still running into some stuff
- Added pathfinding to rock elementals
- Added death animation to rock elementals (loot is on the body section)
- Pigs now properly disappear when fully harvested
- Removed "pick-up" option from encounters and monsters
- Changes "simple" tools to "stone" tools
- Fixed monster drops giving out unintended items
- Fixed several inventory swapping errors
- Improved item swap logic to and from facilities to stack like objects
- Fixed refining facilities refining things in inventory
- Fixed simple club damage
- Decreased terrain sizes from 1024 to 512 for performance reasons
- Turned grass back up and grass shadows on, they weren't the cause of fps loss
x Still noticeable lagg when a new terrain loads. Working on it.
x Shadows are being culled improperly from trees outside of player view. Looking into it.
Dec 10, 2017
Solace Crafting - Malkere

I've set the release date to January 16, 2018! Let's hope I don't piss anyone off =] I have a fair share of days off between now and then, and only a few key features left I want to be sure to get in for a good Early Access feel. Then hopefully I will be able to focus on development full-time, or even better, higher a real programmer! =]>

Today's update got pushed back and back and back, but it brings in some great changes! Mainly that teleportation and floating point correction had been causing problems for a long time. It all seems to be fixed now but still needs to be tested often and repeatedly to squeeze out those smaller bugs that always try to hide.

I also found and fixed some nasty inventory bugs, aren't those the worst! I'm actually in the middle of rewriting the inventory slot swapping code for clarity and growth reasons as I implement more right-click functionality over this coming week, ie: right-click to equip, right-click to loot, etc. There are so many checks for, can this go hear? can that go there? can we stack these two? it's a very long list of checks that items have to pass.

Terrains have also been decreased from 1km to 500m in size as they seems to generate quite a bit faster and over cause less "spiking" when turning on. They do still spike noticeably, but only for 30-40ms on my not-so-awesome machine, so it's livable, for now.

Check out the new development road map on Trello

The full patch notes are as follows:

v 0.0.20 - 2017.12.10

- Setup the starting area to be more flat
- Fixed delete button not responding to outdated save games
- Moved refining stations and crafting stations to their related crafting categories
- Fixed a bug that would cause "Building Blocked" improperly
- Improved world seed randomization
- Fixed foating point errors
- Fixed long range teleportation
- Fixed distance display meter at long range
- Fixed pathfinding AIs getting stuck. Still running into some stuff
- Added pathfinding to rock elementals
- Added death animation to rock elementals (loot is on the body section)
- Pigs now properly disappear when fully harvested
- Removed "pick-up" option from encounters and monsters
- Changes "simple" tools to "stone" tools
- Fixed monster drops giving out unintended items
- Fixed several inventory swapping errors
- Improved item swap logic to and from facilities to stack like objects
- Fixed refining facilities refining things in inventory
- Fixed simple club damage
- Decreased terrain sizes from 1024 to 512 for performance reasons
- Turned grass back up and grass shadows on, they weren't the cause of fps loss
x Still noticeable lagg when a new terrain loads. Working on it.
x Shadows are being culled improperly from trees outside of player view. Looking into it.
Nov 29, 2017
Solace Crafting - Malkere

Procedural runtime pathfinding, campires, cooked meat, and more! Lot's in each week as we barrel through development! Check out the full post via Patreon !

v 0.0.19 - 2017.11.29
- Added a runtime procedural pathfinding system that allows NPCs good and bad to avoid obstacles, pitfalls, and generally find their way around. The system is currently single level, and will not be able to navigate towers, rooms and things like that. Full 3D support will be implemented shortly along with some other changes to discourage "cheap" kills such as standing on a big rock and shooting stuff.
Character Creation-----------------
- This update will not accept older save files. Sorry!
- Changed save data structure to increase version compatibility from here on
- Added a visible warning for trying to create a character with no name
- Added a check and visible warning for trying to create a character with the same name as another character
- Now checking and creating save game slots for outdated save files and corrupt files (just in case)
- Added delete save option to save file displays with confirmation (permanent delete!)
- Avatar equipment colors will now reset to white after character creation instead of locking in. Equipment coloring will be added in next patch.
- Fixed the character list not masking properly when more than 5 characters are present
- Fixed spacing on recipe details ingredient list
- Fixed null values in recipe button ingredient lists
- Storage chest no longer requires a woodworking station to craft
- Changed tannin from a tree harvest drop to a craftable recipe using timber. It is considered a leatherworking recipe and requires a leatherworking station, but will be alchemy along with the infinite fuel sources in the future.
- Fixed infinite fuel sources for use with refining stations
- Fixed campfire graphics and use
- Fixed sawing station
- Added a wandering pig that will run when hit. Can be harvested for hide, rawmeat, and essences of beast
- Seperated common, uncommon, and rare reward logic for harvestables
- Removed oranges from trees
- Solaces must now be built on foundations
- Fixed an error when moving across terrains during building
- Fixed demons displaying damage taken improperly
- Change melee attack logic to a more forgiving method
Nov 29, 2017
Solace Crafting - Malkere

Procedural runtime pathfinding, campires, cooked meat, and more! Lot's in each week as we barrel through development! Check out the full post via Patreon !

v 0.0.19 - 2017.11.29
- Added a runtime procedural pathfinding system that allows NPCs good and bad to avoid obstacles, pitfalls, and generally find their way around. The system is currently single level, and will not be able to navigate towers, rooms and things like that. Full 3D support will be implemented shortly along with some other changes to discourage "cheap" kills such as standing on a big rock and shooting stuff.
Character Creation-----------------
- This update will not accept older save files. Sorry!
- Changed save data structure to increase version compatibility from here on
- Added a visible warning for trying to create a character with no name
- Added a check and visible warning for trying to create a character with the same name as another character
- Now checking and creating save game slots for outdated save files and corrupt files (just in case)
- Added delete save option to save file displays with confirmation (permanent delete!)
- Avatar equipment colors will now reset to white after character creation instead of locking in. Equipment coloring will be added in next patch.
- Fixed the character list not masking properly when more than 5 characters are present
- Fixed spacing on recipe details ingredient list
- Fixed null values in recipe button ingredient lists
- Storage chest no longer requires a woodworking station to craft
- Changed tannin from a tree harvest drop to a craftable recipe using timber. It is considered a leatherworking recipe and requires a leatherworking station, but will be alchemy along with the infinite fuel sources in the future.
- Fixed infinite fuel sources for use with refining stations
- Fixed campfire graphics and use
- Fixed sawing station
- Added a wandering pig that will run when hit. Can be harvested for hide, rawmeat, and essences of beast
- Seperated common, uncommon, and rare reward logic for harvestables
- Removed oranges from trees
- Solaces must now be built on foundations
- Fixed an error when moving across terrains during building
- Fixed demons displaying damage taken improperly
- Change melee attack logic to a more forgiving method
Nov 21, 2017
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Refining stations, crafting stations, new early game progression, and lots of little fixes as we push towards improved AI, and NPC summoning... I'm starting to eye that early access "release" button!

Check out a better description over at Patreon!

v 0.0.18 - 2017.11.21
- This update will not accept older save files. Sorry!
- Replaced built-in "splash screen" with custom company logo screen in lieu of bug reports
- Fixed a building rotation bug, still seeing another though
- Fixed an error when clicking on the drop button
- Added several icons
- Improved monster hit registry on slopes
- Added a min/max body temperature indicator in the stats display
- Changed resource rare rewards to be calculated per amount harvested not per swing
- Changed cloth to stalk(raw) and thread(refined)
- Changed leather to hide(raw) and leather(refined) (will get an animal in next update)
- Changed wood to timber(raw) and lumber(refined)
- Added resource processing facilities:
Retting Vat: stalk -> thread. Uses globe of water as fuel
Tanning Rack: hide -> leather. Uses tannin as fuel
Sawing Station: timber -> lumber. No fuel required
Forge: ore -> metal. Uses timber as fuel
- Changed resource processing user interface. One fuel is used per stack refined.
- Upgrades (tier upgrade for starters) are not in yet
- Fixed ingredient details not showing up in recipe details interface
- Fixed recipe list scroll sensitivity
- Changed recipe list ingredient displays to dynamic strings
- Fixed being able to craft higher level items than profession level when changing selected recipe
- Added "simple" cloth, tool, and club recipes that do not require processed resources
- Some items such as torch, and campfire are also classified as simple, meaning they have no level, tier, nor rarity
- Improved item details and recipe settings to not show/allow control of levels, tiers, nor rarity for simple items
- Improved item details to not show levels on tier only items such as resources, refining stations, and crafting stations
- Improved item details to color titles based on rarity
- Added Tailoring, Leatherworking, Smithing, Woodworking, and Stonecutting crafting stations (better models pending). The crafting interface will show if a crafting station is necessary, what tier is necessary, and if those requirements are being met or not. (will give crafting stations an interface with specific recipe lists/profession details in the future, leaving the profession/recipe browser separate from the actual crafting interface)
- Added craftable infinite fuel sources: water font, tannin font, and fire font for retting, tanning, and smelting. (these will require unlocking in the future)
- Facility tiers are not yet locked because they are not yet unlockable
Temperature, Thirst, Hunger:
- Changed the radial displays to lines with numbers
Nov 21, 2017
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Refining stations, crafting stations, new early game progression, and lots of little fixes as we push towards improved AI, and NPC summoning... I'm starting to eye that early access "release" button!

Check out a better description over at Patreon!

v 0.0.18 - 2017.11.21
- This update will not accept older save files. Sorry!
- Replaced built-in "splash screen" with custom company logo screen in lieu of bug reports
- Fixed a building rotation bug, still seeing another though
- Fixed an error when clicking on the drop button
- Added several icons
- Improved monster hit registry on slopes
- Added a min/max body temperature indicator in the stats display
- Changed resource rare rewards to be calculated per amount harvested not per swing
- Changed cloth to stalk(raw) and thread(refined)
- Changed leather to hide(raw) and leather(refined) (will get an animal in next update)
- Changed wood to timber(raw) and lumber(refined)
- Added resource processing facilities:
Retting Vat: stalk -> thread. Uses globe of water as fuel
Tanning Rack: hide -> leather. Uses tannin as fuel
Sawing Station: timber -> lumber. No fuel required
Forge: ore -> metal. Uses timber as fuel
- Changed resource processing user interface. One fuel is used per stack refined.
- Upgrades (tier upgrade for starters) are not in yet
- Fixed ingredient details not showing up in recipe details interface
- Fixed recipe list scroll sensitivity
- Changed recipe list ingredient displays to dynamic strings
- Fixed being able to craft higher level items than profession level when changing selected recipe
- Added "simple" cloth, tool, and club recipes that do not require processed resources
- Some items such as torch, and campfire are also classified as simple, meaning they have no level, tier, nor rarity
- Improved item details and recipe settings to not show/allow control of levels, tiers, nor rarity for simple items
- Improved item details to not show levels on tier only items such as resources, refining stations, and crafting stations
- Improved item details to color titles based on rarity
- Added Tailoring, Leatherworking, Smithing, Woodworking, and Stonecutting crafting stations (better models pending). The crafting interface will show if a crafting station is necessary, what tier is necessary, and if those requirements are being met or not. (will give crafting stations an interface with specific recipe lists/profession details in the future, leaving the profession/recipe browser separate from the actual crafting interface)
- Added craftable infinite fuel sources: water font, tannin font, and fire font for retting, tanning, and smelting. (these will require unlocking in the future)
- Facility tiers are not yet locked because they are not yet unlockable
Temperature, Thirst, Hunger:
- Changed the radial displays to lines with numbers
Nov 15, 2017
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Here are the patch notes for the latest build!
Check out more about this update on Patreon

v 0.0.17 - 2017.11.15
- This update will not accept older save files. Sorry!
- Improved /stuck command
- Fixed an error that would cause vegetation to not turn on after short teleports/recall
- Fixed an error that would cause terraforming to go way too high or way too low
- Solace level upgrades now add 100 to storage as well
- Completing a solace level or population upgrade now awards exp
- Monsters at night now move twice as fast and hit twice as hard

- Added early air temperature system based on time of day, elevation, and area level
- Player temperature is affected by air temperature, player wetness, and wind
- Armor insulation is determined by slot, level, tier, and rarity, not type
- Insulation increases min and max temperature tolerance, not one or the other
- When cold, fullness will decrease, when hot, hydration will decrease
- Extreme hot and cold will cause physical damage

Hunger and thirst
- Added early hunger and thirst system affected time not actions
- Starvation and dehydration will cause physical damage
- Oranges, and globes of water will randomly drop off trees and fibers for now
Nov 15, 2017
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Here are the patch notes for the latest build!
Check out more about this update on Patreon

v 0.0.17 - 2017.11.15
- This update will not accept older save files. Sorry!
- Improved /stuck command
- Fixed an error that would cause vegetation to not turn on after short teleports/recall
- Fixed an error that would cause terraforming to go way too high or way too low
- Solace level upgrades now add 100 to storage as well
- Completing a solace level or population upgrade now awards exp
- Monsters at night now move twice as fast and hit twice as hard

- Added early air temperature system based on time of day, elevation, and area level
- Player temperature is affected by air temperature, player wetness, and wind
- Armor insulation is determined by slot, level, tier, and rarity, not type
- Insulation increases min and max temperature tolerance, not one or the other
- When cold, fullness will decrease, when hot, hydration will decrease
- Extreme hot and cold will cause physical damage

Hunger and thirst
- Added early hunger and thirst system affected time not actions
- Starvation and dehydration will cause physical damage
- Oranges, and globes of water will randomly drop off trees and fibers for now
Nov 10, 2017
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Our goal on Patreon is to raise enough money to be able to switch to full-time development and get early access released on Steam as soon as possible! It's also great getting direct input from testers and followers.

Patreon | Solace Crafting

Support starts at 1$ a month and can be changed or cancelled at any time! Pledge now to get founder rewards, chances to participate in development, or even instant access with an alpha testers key.

Note that for every hour of development I finish the funding goal will go down. Once there is enough funding and development achieved to compensate for the remaining hours needed I'll dive into development head first!

To the future!
Nov 10, 2017
Solace Crafting - Malkere
Our goal on Patreon is to raise enough money to be able to switch to full-time development and get early access released on Steam as soon as possible! It's also great getting direct input from testers and followers.

Patreon | Solace Crafting

Support starts at 1$ a month and can be changed or cancelled at any time! Pledge now to get founder rewards, chances to participate in development, or even instant access with an alpha testers key.

Note that for every hour of development I finish the funding goal will go down. Once there is enough funding and development achieved to compensate for the remaining hours needed I'll dive into development head first!

To the future!

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