Skullgirls 2nd Encore - mikez
- Fade out character select music before a fight instead of just cutting it off. Been wanting to do this for years.
- IPS display in training mode continues to display the previous combo's information until you start a new combo or tag to someone else. Thanks Zidiane.
- Eliza has a voice clip when tagging out to Fukua. Thanks SpaceCadetKeon for pointing out she didn't.

There's some good stuff coming in the Beta, prepare yourselves!
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Mike Z
- Fade out character select music before a fight instead of just cutting it off. Been wanting to do this for years.
- IPS display in training mode continues to display the previous combo's information until you start a new combo or tag to someone else. Thanks Zidiane.
- Eliza has a voice clip when tagging out to Fukua. Thanks SpaceCadetKeon for pointing out she didn't.

There's some good stuff coming in the Beta, prepare yourselves!
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - mikez
- Pressing Start on a character's color choice will now pick a random color. Thanks Evilweevle for reminding me that I had this on the list. (Highlight character -> Start -> Start.)
- Double color #21, another IGG backer color. O Trin-i-ty, O Trin-i-ty...
- BUGFIX! Fix an obscure issue where under certain conditions the save file might not have been closed on load, leading to save corruption next time. Also make the game automatically load backup02 if the most recent save is corrupted. Maybe this fixes things, maybe it breaks EVERYONE'S EVERYTHING! Can't make an omelette, etc. Special thanks B E D B O Y S.
- Bugfix: If Teams number of rounds is set to more than 1, the last round will no longer use the darker lifebars that Solos uses for a player's last lifebar. 1v1 still uses it.
- Bugfix: Fortune's Cat Spike is not messed up when facing left, oops. Thanks eescell, you are GREAT!
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Mike Z
- Pressing Start on a character's color choice will now pick a random color. Thanks Evilweevle for reminding me that I had this on the list. (Highlight character -> Start -> Start.)
- Double color #21, another IGG backer color. O Trin-i-ty, O Trin-i-ty...
- BUGFIX! Fix an obscure issue where under certain conditions the save file might not have been closed on load, leading to save corruption next time. Also make the game automatically load backup02 if the most recent save is corrupted. Maybe this fixes things, maybe it breaks EVERYONE'S EVERYTHING! Can't make an omelette, etc. Special thanks B E D B O Y S.
- Bugfix: If Teams number of rounds is set to more than 1, the last round will no longer use the darker lifebars that Solos uses for a player's last lifebar. 1v1 still uses it.
- Bugfix: Fortune's Cat Spike is not messed up when facing left, oops. Thanks eescell, you are GREAT!
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - mikez
- Cerebella 22, another IGG backer color! Oh my gosh, who touched Versa? Alright...WHO TOUCHED MY HAT?!
- Add IPS moves-used display to Advanced attack data in training mode! It's those dots up between the attack data displays. Shows normals used for ground/air, specials as smaller dots, and tag/snap at the bottom. Thanks James Chen for reminding me this would help people. I'm all about helping people.
- Bugfix: Squigly can PBGC reversal with stance moves and her DP again. Thanks Luweewu for pointing out I should have done that a different way. :^P
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Mike Z
- Cerebella 22, another IGG backer color! Oh my gosh, who touched Versa? Alright...WHO TOUCHED MY HAT?!
- Add IPS moves-used display to Advanced attack data in training mode! It's those dots up between the attack data displays. Shows normals used for ground/air, specials as smaller dots, and tag/snap at the bottom. Thanks James Chen for reminding me this would help people. I'm all about helping people.
- Bugfix: Squigly can PBGC reversal with stance moves and her DP again. Thanks Luweewu for pointing out I should have done that a different way. :^P
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - mikez
- Even-more-finished Peacock #21.
- Input display in training mode now shows P2's inputs also. It needs an overhaul in general, but they're there.
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Mike Z
- Even-more-finished Peacock #21.
- Input display in training mode now shows P2's inputs also. It needs an overhaul in general, but they're there.
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - mikez
A shorty:
- Finished up Peacock #21. (Bob-ombs, Kuribo's shoe, etc.)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Mike Z
A shorty:
- Finished up Peacock #21. (Bob-ombs, Kuribo's shoe, etc.)

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