Juno: New Origins - JundrooGames
The Steam Winter Sale is here and you all know what that means! Our games are on sale and we also put together a special bundle for all of you aerospace enthusiasts with an extra 15% discount.

For those of you who already own SimpleRockets 2 on Steam, this bundle is a great way to get SimplePlanes at a nearly 60% discount during this Winter Sale.

That's a great deal and I hope you check it out! Thanks for playing!

Juno: New Origins - JundrooGames
If you want to help us beta test you can grab the beta branch and start testing. You can look at the Roadmap to see the items that we have claimed to have fixed in this release, so those would be great things to test. Thanks!

  • Several improvements to Map View
  • Improved auto-burn accuracy, throttle application, and tendency to stop early.
  • Allow re-launching from different launch locations in the flight scene.
  • Launch locations can now be deleted.
  • Added setting to adjust fast-forward speed.
  • Added a textbox to the paint panel to allow entering custom colors using hex codes in the form of #RRGGBB
  • So many bug fixes

How to get the beta
  • Open the Steam client and go to your Library
  • Right click SimpleRockets 2 and click Properties
  • Go to the BETAS tab
  • Select beta - Public Beta Testing from the beta dropdown

Known Issues
  • Auto Burn doesn't work when Map View is not open
  • Player can launch from different Launch Locations during a Build Challenge
Juno: New Origins - JundrooGames
We just released version on Steam and it includes a few new toys and ton of bug fixes. Here's the new features:

  • Added Electric Motor. I'm honestly shocked by how fun it is. You can tweak its RPM, torque, and input settings. The first thing I did was build a quadcopter by connecting wing sections to it.
  • Added Flight View Inspector so now you can see a lot more data about your craft in flight, including the highly requested in-flight TWR.

  • Added new Landing Gear style for wheels
  • Added CTRL+RightClick to clone a group of parts. We should have added this a long time ago! It's so handy!
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for switching to nearby command pods / crafts (defaults to '[' and ']')
  • Improved parachute model and textures and reduced cord size.
  • Improved performance of switching to nearby craft
  • The game is no longer minimized when losing focus. If you don't want the game to pause when losing focus, be sure to enable 'Run in Background' in the game settings.
  • Engines now start even if they're in the same stage as an interstage. Now you can launch your missiles.
  • Allow batteries to work with fuel transfer during flight.
  • Nav sphere now ignores middle mouse button and right mouse button
  • In the designer, a single part can now be separated from a cluster/group with CTRL+LeftClick and drag. Note: This means that CTRL+LeftClick no longer prevents part interaction. You can do that with middle-mouse button click now.
  • Changed middle mouse button to allow rotating view in the designer without interacting with parts.

  • Big improvements to performance and encounter prediction. Should be much easier to get encounters now and this will be especially noticeable with Cylero.
  • Closest encounter icons turn green when capture is predicted.
You can read about the rest of the enhancements and bug fixes on the Release Post here. Also, don't forget to check out the Roadmap and vote on what you want to see next! The Electric Motor and Flight Data were both player submitted ideas!
Juno: New Origins - JundrooGames
Key new features:

  • Electric Motor - I'm honestly shocked by how fun it is to play with.
  • Flight View Inspector - Now you can see a lot more data about your craft in flight.
  • Map View Improvements - Big performance improvements and big improvements to encounter prediction and stability.

If you want to help us beta test you can grab the beta branch and start testing. You can look at the Roadmap to see the items that we have claimed to have fixed in this release, so those would be great things to test. Thanks!

How to get the beta

  • Open the Steam client and go to your Library
  • Right click SimpleRockets 2 and click Properties
  • Go to the BETAS tab
  • Select beta - Public Beta Testing from the beta dropdown
Juno: New Origins - JundrooGames
This is our second update since we entered Early Access. We are still focusing on bug fixes, but we did add the Delta-V display in the designer, which has been very highly requested. If you want to help us decide on what to do next, make sure you vote on the stuff on the Roadmap!

  • Added Delta-V, TWR, and Burn Time information to the designer. It can be toggled on/off with the button in the top right of the Staging Editor.
  • Improved craft switching in the Map View to not require the flight scene to reload when the craft is nearby.
  • Upgrading to 2018.2.15f1
  • Photo library now automatically selects the Camera Roll album when opened.
  • Smoothly transition camera back to craft when clicking RECENTER button in flight.

  • Increased the buoyancy of the command pod
  • Fixed a bug that would cause docked crafts to spin.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause crafts to appear to randomly disappear during flight.
  • Fixed a bug where RCS would stop working when the center of mass became very close to the nozzles.
  • Fixed bug occasionally teleporting crafts with wheels when tire tracks are disabled.
  • Fixed a bug that caused planets to look jittery during warp.
  • Fixed a bug with symmetry that could lead to errors in the designer.
  • Fixed a bug that could make a sandbox unplayable if it was unable to load a single craft from file.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause errors when undoing or redoing a step in the designer.
  • Fixed the texturing on the checkered parachute
  • Reset the Enable Auto Rotation flag to true every time the player enters the designer in case they accidentally disabled it and don't understand why they can't connect parts anymore.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented time-warp when the craft was stationary on the ground.
  • Fixed bug where target information can become incorrect for burn nodes far into the future.
  • Fixed a bug that broke reentry effect visuals when a part has been mass scaled to zero.
  • Fixed a bug where the altitude would become too big to display at very high altitudes.
  • Fixed a bug where the rotation direction became backwards when the camera was looking at the craft upside down.
  • Fixed a bug where the center of thrust was not updated when changing an engine's Fuel Consumption.
  • Fixed a bug where the fuselage gizmos would not show up after cloning a fuel tank.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the UI to disappear after taking a photo.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing bug reports generated during challenges to not reflect the true state of the player's sandbox.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow parts of a craft to hover in the air after the craft was destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug where the the Upload Craft would fail if the player had changed the stage activation type of a non-engine to Engine. Not sure why a player would do that, but Kevin did.
  • Reduced wing area threshold when determining if the wing should have physics enabled or not from 0.25m^2 to 0.15m^2.
Juno: New Origins - JundrooGames
The key feature in this beta update is the highly requested Delta-V display in the designer.

If you want to help us beta test you can grab the beta branch and start testing. You can look at the Roadmap to see the items that we have claimed to have fixed in this release, so those would be great things to test. Thanks!

How to get the beta

  • Open the Steam client and go to your Library
  • Right click SimpleRockets 2 and click Properties
  • Go to the BETAS tab
  • Select beta - Public Beta Testing from the beta dropdown
Juno: New Origins - JundrooGames
Thank you, everyone, for buying SimpleRockets 2! We have been working hard on fixing as many bugs as we can as fast as we can. I'm not sure that we've slept since release! It's always a humbling experience to release a game!

If you find any new issues with this release, please submit a bug report from within the game. Thanks for playing!

  • Added What's New section to main menu.
  • Minor performance improvement with atmosphere rendering
  • Reduced efficiency and power of the RCS nozzles to be more realistic
  • Added heat shield to bottom of command pod in ParachuteLanding craft.
  • Improved Planned Burn gizmo sensitivity
  • Tweaked craft starting rotation and position on the Docking Practice challenge.
  • Added option to tweak the visibility of apsides in Map View
  • Tweaked loading screens
  • Added button to download crafts from the Designer

  • Display the reason why a target cannot be set, and the name of the target when it is set.
  • Game will inform player if they click "Warp to next node" while the game is paused.
  • Fixed issue where mouse hover info (like apsides, add burn node icon) would show up for any orbits under the cursor while adjusting node, which there are usually at least two.
  • Fixed issue where closest encounter at mouse position would show for position under mouse as you were adjusting a burn node.
  • Fixed an issue with orbit rendering in Map View after docking with another craft
  • Fixed a bug that made it difficult to place Planned Burns at the apoapsis and periapsis of the player's orbit
  • Fixed issue w/orbit line text jiggling during warp.
  • Fixed issue where impact icon and all other icons may show when grounded.
  • Fixed pink orbit line bug.
  • Fixed bug where auto-burning could be updating from the wrong burn node when outside map view.
  • Fixed bug when targeting a planet when the craft is already indirectly in its SOI.
  • Fixed a bug where the Map View inspector would not update properly
  • Fixed bug which auto-orphaned burn nodes if they were added before the periapsis on hyperbolic orbits. The result of this bug effectively made it impossible to add burn nodes in some cases.

  • Improved handling of problematic symmetry XML
  • Hide fuselage vertical resize gizmo on end of a fuselage when it has parts connected there.
  • Fixed a bug where attach points were not hidden after creating a subassembly.
  • Fixed a bug with the craft parts list that could cause it to start throwing exceptions after a symmetric part was deleted.
  • Fixed a bug that caused parts to get stuck in the designer and become unable to move them
  • Fixed a bug that prevented mirroring from working correctly when the root part was rotated
  • Fixed bug that with the side interstage not mirroring correctly

  • Fixed a nasty bug that could cause gravity to appear to stop working, though it could also appear in many other forms. It was a super bug and I'm glad it has been slain. Thank you for everyone, espcially [user]Mod[/user], for helping us track this one down!
  • Improved the stability of landing legs
  • Fixed missing textures on Luna and other planets
  • Fixed texture scale and normal map issue on Luna, Droo, and Cylero
  • Fixed atmosphere on Urados
  • Fixed issue with planet atmosphere rendering of planets in scaled space
  • Slightly reduced the bloom effect
  • Fixed an issue where a craft would appear to teleport when time-warping on a nearly circular orbit.
  • Fixed a bug where detachers would disconnect parachutes (or any part with a rigid connection to them) when jettisoned.
  • Fixed nav-sphere rendering when it covers dark side of a planet in map view or flight view.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed loading craft/sandbox with CTRL+V when a textbox was selected.
Juno: New Origins - JundrooGames
If you want to help us beta test you can grab the beta branch and start testing. You can look at the Roadmap to see the items that we have claimed to have fixed in this release, so those would be great things to test. Thanks!

How to get the beta

  • Open the Steam client and go to your Library
  • Right click SimpleRockets 2 and click Properties
  • Go to the BETAS tab
  • Select beta - Public Beta Testing from the beta dropdown
Juno: New Origins - ptarpley
After more than two years of development, it's finally ready! SimpleRockets 2 is now available on Steam for PC and Mac.

SR2 is in Early Access now, so we are going to keep working on it and making it better with every update. Check our roadmap to see how we're doing and if you have any ideas then leave a suggestion here. It's already loaded with features, which you can read about on the Steam page.

Full release day info can be found here
Juno: New Origins - JundrooGames
We are getting close to releasing SimpleRockets 2. We are close enough that we are ready to commit to actual date: November 8th. In the meantime, here's a new trailer to whet your appetite.


Don't forget to add SimpleRockets 2 to your Steam Wishlist so you will receive a notification when it's released.

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