Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

Hungary steps up to the world stage in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. Led by Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary and Croatia from 1458 to 1490, Hungary is a domination-focused civ that is built for rapid expansion.
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Unique Ability – Pearl of the Danube
Rivers play a big part in the prosperity of Hungary’s cities. With “Pearl of the Danube,” any district or building constructed across a river from a city center is built faster. This allows you to outpace the competition through careful city planning around rivers.

Unique Building – Thermal Bath
Replacing the Zoo, Thermal Baths provide Amenities and Production to every City Center within its range. Additionally, if there is a Geothermal Fissure within the same City’s borders, the Thermal Bath provides even more Amenities and Tourism.

Unique Unit – Huszár
The Huszár is an Industrial-era light cavalry unit that receives a Combat Bonus for every active Alliance. The more Alliances, the more bonuses Hungary’s Huszár receives.

Corvinus Unique Ability – The Raven King
Corvinus’ legacy of military conquest plays into his unique ability, “The Raven King.” Units levied from a City-State gain extra movement and combat strength, and it costs no Gold or resources to upgrade evied units. Hungary also sends two Envoys to any City-State Corvinus levies units from.

Corvinus Unique Unit – Black Army
This is a light cavalry unit unlocked once the Castles technology is researched.  The Black Army gains additional strength for adjacent levied units.
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K
Hello, Civilization fans! If you booted up Civilization V or Civilization VI today, you may have noticed that both now include new and improved launchers. These launchers are in a new update that should automatically download when you start your Steam client; please restart Steam to trigger the download if you are having issues.

This new launcher keeps the same core functionality of the older launcher: You can easily choose your DirectX version and quickly jump into the game, but we’ve also added sections to keep you up to date on the latest Civilization news, content and special offers. We want you to have the best experience possible with our games and it is our hope that these new launchers better connect you to the Civilization community. Stay civilized!
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

The world around you is more alive than ever in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm, the second expansion to the award-winning grand strategy game, Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.
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Launching for Windows PC on February 14, 2019, Civilization VI: Gathering Storm adds new advanced technologies, engineering projects, the fan-favorite World Congress, and introduces a living world ecosystem that showcases natural events that could enrich or challenge your growing empire. Civilization VI: Gathering Storm also adds eight new civilizations and nine new leaders, seven new World Wonders, and a variety of new units, districts, buildings, improvements and more.

A Word from the Developer

I’m Ed Beach, Franchise Lead Designer for Civilization VI, and I’m going to take you through some of the exciting changes that you can expect with the upcoming expansion for Civilization VI.

History is full of rich stories of great empires, exploration, survival, and the human spirit. While we have always managed to capture a lot of this in the Civilization series, our story of human history was missing something without the impact that a changing planet has had on our settlements, and the imprints that we have left behind on Earth. This was the primary theme that we wanted to explore with Civilization VI: Gathering Storm.

Volcanoes, Storms, and Floods – oh my!

With this expansion we’re unleashing the forces of nature to bring the world to life in a way that you’ve never seen before. We’ve always had Floodplains in the game, but I always found it disappointing that they were completely static. No longer! We’ve enlarged the floodable areas to include flat Grasslands and Plains tiles next to Rivers so these valleys can offer the potential of incredibly high yields. So you’ll still want to settle there -- but now doing so comes with real risk. Periodically each of these rivers will flood, damaging structures throughout the floodable tiles. But don’t worry, there’s an upside!  First, you can mitigate the effects with our new Dam district. And once you’ve rebuilt, the flood will have enhanced a number of those tiles with rich, fertile soil. I love the way this works out: throughout history civilizations have risen and flourished in dangerous places, like near volcanoes and in river valleys. Now you’ll experience those same high risk/high reward decisions as you plot out where to settle in your next Civilization campaign.

Another exciting new environmental effect is the addition of volcanoes. They offer some of the same risk/reward decisions as floods, with eruptions occurring periodically.  When you see the magma spilling down the side of one of these you know there’s going to be damage to adjacent tiles. However, the long term benefits are there with the yields provided by the volcanic soil left behind. We have also been able to use volcanoes to add a level of realism to our map generation. We’ve always had continents in Civilization VI, but the geology didn’t necessarily correspond to continental boundaries as you might expect. We’ve updated all that so you’ll find the Mountain ranges you expect along these continental divides, as well as Volcanoes and Geothermal Fissures. We’ve also taken the Volcanoes we already had in our Natural Wonder system and made them really powerful.

As we added more significance to these geographic features, we thought there should be a way to identify them. This inspired the addition of named features. So every time a new feature – river, volcano, mountain range, or desert – is discovered, it is named after the discovering civ. Now if Egypt starts on a River, that waterway will officially be designated as the Nile River. Of course, this gets tricky when a civ like the Netherlands discovers a Volcano – in that case, it will be named for a civ that isn’t in the current game. It ends up becoming an interesting geographic trivia game while you play. And the better you are with river and mountain names the more clues you get about which other civs may be present in this particular Civilization world.

During Gathering Storm development, we had floods and volcanoes working but we decided the world wouldn’t truly be alive without adding in some sort of weather system. So we added droughts and four different kinds of storms to spread the risk of succumbing to a natural disaster across the map. And we had fun adding in some of the historical impacts you might imagine storms would entail. So we now have hurricanes that can sink ships at sea, dust storms sweeping across the deserts and choking nearby cities, and blizzards in Russian terrain being particularly dangerous for invading armies. Though all storms can cause damage, Dust Storms and Hurricanes can be valuable in adding fertility to affected tiles.

Taking the World by Storm

But although the earth has thrown many challenges our way, mankind continues to adapt. The Dam district I mentioned above is one of the earliest historical examples of our work to harness the power and unpredictability of nature. Finishing a Dam in a city is great: it provides the city with a nice reservoir that boosts your Housing and Amenities. (Later in the game you can add a hydroelectric station to your Dam to generate clean electricity as part of the Power system added with Gathering Storm.)

Which brings us to something we know many fans are excited about - the addition of the Canal district. This is something we’ve seen asked for again and again, and we are excited to bring it to fruition in this expansion. There are actually three parts to this. First, we have taken our player’s existing use of cities on one-tile wide isthmuses (what our fans call “canal cities”) and officially recognized these features with the art on the map (which shows a navigable channel through these cities). The second part is the introduction of the Canal district. It’s another tile that provides navigation and since it can connect into cities you can actually use two of them around a city center to create a 3-tile wide path between bodies of water. But why stop there? Here on the Civilization VI team we have heard about “a man, a plan, a canal, Panama” so we felt it was pretty imperative to have a Panama Canal wonder. There’s an achievement in Gathering Storm for creating a full 7-tile navigable path using Canal districts, cities, and this wonder together.

And our civil engineering upgrades didn’t stop there.  You’ll find that with Gathering Storm you can also create both Mountain Tunnels and Railroads. Even more ways to bend the map to your will and make sure there are really efficient ways to get units and trade goods across your empires!

Avoiding the Great Mistake

Of course things are not always that easy and there are some conflicts between mankind and our planet.  So introducing global warming and climate change made sense in an expansion focused on interactions with the planet. It is also mapped well to our goal to add depth to the second half of the game. We felt that a player shouldn’t be able to exist in a vacuum alongside the game world; rather we wanted a relationship between the two where every turn and every decision can have lasting – and global – impacts.

In Gathering Storm, you can use the Power system to improve the effectiveness of some of your late game buildings. There are strategic resources that can be burned for fuel – Coal, Uranium, Oil – but doing so will have an adverse effect on CO2 levels in the world and impact the Global Temperature of the planet. This increases the chances of flooding and storms, sea levels can rise, and may melt the polar ice caps. As you settle coastal cities, it’s important to keep an eye on their level of risk with rising sea levels, just in case you or your neighbors become reliant on Strategic resources for Power. But additional Research will provide alternative options – Geothermal energy, Wind Farms, Solar Farms, and more.

Maybe We Can Work This All Out Together?

Many fans have asked for a Diplomatic Victory, and we couldn’t add that without adding some form of a World Congress, so we’ve added both. In Gathering Storm, Favor is a new form of currency to track your diplomatic goodwill. It serves as voting power in the World Congress so you can get the world community to adopt your ideas. On the other side, we’ve replaced the Warmonger score with Grievances. This acts as a tug-of-war between a pair of players – if you’ve ever been at the receiving end of a surprise attack and retaliated by taking a few cities, I think you’ll appreciate how this system has been updated. The other leaders are now likely to feel that such a countermove was entirely appropriate.

In the World Congress, you’ll be able to vote using Favor on Resolutions – congress-mandated rules that last until the next meeting of the World Congress. These are choices between positive and negative effects, and have specific targets. For example, you may vote to ban Furs or chopping Rainforests, or all players may choose to ban further building construction in a certain District. Favor is also useful to get the world community to sponsor global competitions – such as World Fairs, World Games, Disaster Relief, and Emergencies – and each of these competitions has a unique set of rewards.

So, how does it tie into the new Diplomatic Victory? Besides periodic votes for this role as world leader, granting points towards the victory condition, you can also receive points towards this victory from winning Disaster Relief competitions or Nobel Peace Prizes. You really will have to become the darling of the other leaders to win the game through this victory.

Predicting the Future

The design team was able to do something a little bit different in Gathering Storm, and added a new era of techs and civics including some speculative technologies. As we cannot predict the future, we decided that there would be no single path through this era, but instead these new branches of the trees would have a bit of randomization to them. I’m not ready to provide specifics just yet, but I can confirm that yes, we do have some new items unlocking in these late eras that spice up the present Science, Culture, and Domination Victories in fun new directions.

Who Can It Be Now?

Clearly I can go on and on talking about the new systems in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least mention that we have a number of exciting new leaders and civilizations that we’ll be revealing over the coming months. We’re bringing back some fan favorites – with brand new twists that you may not expect – and of course we are introducing a few civs that are brand new to the series. As with every expansion, we wanted to make sure we had civs that tied into our new systems, so there will definitely be a couple that have interesting interactions with the new environmental mechanics, as well as with the World Congress.

This is just some of what’s to come in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. We have a lot more to share before the expansion launches on February 14, 2019, so be sure to tune in to our livestreams and social channels to learn more.

In Summary

Thanks, Ed! As you can see, Civilization VI: Gathering Storm is the largest expansion Firaxis Games has ever created for a Civilization game. We can’t wait to see what you all think when you get your hands on it. See below for the full features list:
  • ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: Volcanoes, storms (blizzards, sand storms, tornados, hurricanes), climate change, floods, and droughts.
  • POWER AND CONSUMABLE RESOURCES: Strategic resources play an additional role in Gathering Storm. These resources are now consumed in power plants to generate electricity for your cities. Initially you’ll be powering your most advanced buildings by burning carbon-based resources like Coal and Oil, but renewable energy sources also unlock as you progress to current-day technologies. Your choices about resource usage will directly affect the world’s temperature and can cause melting ice caps and rising sea levels.
  • ENGINEERING PROJECTS: Shape the world around your empire to overcome unfavorable land conditions by making improvements like canals, dams, tunnels and railroads. When settling cities, consider the flood risk to coastal lowland areas, but keep in mind that in the late-game, new technologies like Flood Barriers can be used to protect these tiles.
  • WORLD CONGRESS: Make your voice heard among the other leaders of the world. Earn Diplomatic Favor through Alliances, influencing city-states, competing in World Games, and more. Use Diplomatic Favor to extract promises from other leaders, vote on Resolutions, call a Special Session to address an emergency, and increase the weight of your votes in your quest to achieve the new Diplomatic Victory.
  • 21<sup>st</sup> CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES & CIVICS:  A new era has been added to the Technology and Civics trees. Combat new environmental effects with speculative ideas such as relocating your population out to seasteads and developing technologies to recapture carbon emissions.
  • NEW LEADERS AND CIVS:  Nine new leaders from eight new civilizations are introduced. Each brings unique bonuses and gameplay, as well as a total of nine unique units, four unique buildings, three unique improvements, two unique districts and one unique governor.
    • The Black Death: The Black Death ravaged Europe and western Asia in the mid-14th century, killing a greater share of the population than any other event in world history. The pandemic killed millions, ruined economies, upended political dynasties and transformed the face of the Western world. Your task is to lead your nation through the calamity: keep your population alive, your economy strong, and your faith unshaken amidst a world of terror and desperation.
    • War Machine: At the outset of WWI, the German Imperial Army had a daring plan: invade neutral Belgium and then rush the French heartland before they could mobilize to resist. If successful, the German forces would capture Paris within a month and end their resistance forever. In counter, the French command prepared Plan 17, an all-out onslaught designed to meet and stop a German offensive. When war was declared, both armies swung into motion and set up one of the most incredible and shocking military campaigns in world history. In this scenario, players take the side of one of these two great powers at this same precipice. As Germany, your task is to capture Paris. As France, your task is to prevent its capture. The clock is ticking, and the enemy is moving. Advance!
  • MORE NEW CONTENT: Seven new world wonders, seven natural wonders, 18 new units, 15 new improvements, 9 new buildings, 5 new districts, 2 new city sets, 9 new techs and 10 new civics have been added.
  • IMPROVED GAMEPLAY SYSTEMS: The Espionage system has been enhanced with new options, the Culture and Science Victories have been updated, new Historic Moments have been added, and additional improvements have been made to other existing systems.
Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will launch for Windows PC on February 14, 2019. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

Civilization VI and all of its content is on sale this weekend. The base game and Digital Deluxe are both 67% off, and the Rise & Fall expansion is 33% off.

You can also grab individual pieces of DLC for 33% off, or snag all of the Civilization VI post-launch DLC in one complete bundle for 47% off here:

Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K
A new update (ver. is available for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI today. This update will automatically install when starting the Steam client; if it doesn’t install automatically, please restart Steam.

Firaxis Games and 2K are committed to making Civilization VI the best experience possible and will continue to support the title. If you have any feedback on this update or just the game in general, please let us know in the Steam forums or comment below. Stay Civilized!

  • Added cross-platform multiplayer functionality for PC and Mac
  • PC users will require ver. (362541)
  • Mac users will require ver. (164403)
  • Removed Red Shell
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

Upgrade your standard copy of Civilization VI today. All of the Civilization VI - Civilization and Scenario Pack DLC is now available in one convenient bundle.

For more information on these additional civs and Scenarios, check out our First Look playlist on the official Civilization YouTube channel.

Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Social Links:
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Hinkle2K

A new update (version is now available for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI. Watch lead designer Anton Strenger share the vision behind this update in the video below.


For the best gameplay experience, we recommend disabling mods until they have been updated by the mod creators to be compatible with this latest update. Loading an old save or configuration that was created using mods will re-enable those mods. To our modding community, the below update may require you to update your mods.

  • Joint Wars/Third Party War Update
    • Players can now ask other players or AI to join wars they are already in.
    • Trade screen allows Casus Belli to be chosen when declaring a Joint War.
    • Joint War now requires one party to have denounced the enemy for 5 turns.
    • Leader screen makes it clear that war declaration is part of a joint war.
  • Adding 12 new Historic Moments, focused on mid to late game.
    • First Shipwreck Excavated (+2 Era score)
    • World's First Shipwreck Excavated (+3 Era score)
    • First Aerodrome Fully Developed with all buildings (+3 Era score)
    • First Encampment Fully Developed with all buildings (+3 Era score)
    • First Entertainment Complex Fully Developed with all buildings (+3 Era score)
    • First Water Park Fully Developed with all buildings (+3 Era score)
    • First City with 25 Population (+1 Era score)
    • World's First City with 25 Population (+2 Era score)
    • First Seaside Resort (+2 Era score)
    • World's First Seaside Resort (+3 Era score)
    • National Park Founded (+3 Era score)
    • World's First National Park Founded (+4 Era score)
  • Game Summary Screen
    • Added 3 new graphs for Rise and Fall games; Era Score, Total Governors, and Total Governor Titles.

  • Governors:
    • Pingala's Librarian ability now provides +15% Science and Culture in the city (was +20%).
    • Governor Magnus Groundbreaker ability reduced from +100% to +50%.
  • Government Balance Pass – Rise & Fall
    • Communism: Bonus Production per population from .4 to .6. Overall Production bonus from 10% to 15%.
    • Democracy: Production per district from 2 to 1.
    • Fascism: Combat Strength from 4 to 5. Bonus unit production from 20% to 50%.
  • Government Balance Pass – Base Game
    • Fascism: Combat Strength from 4 to 5.
  • Policy Rebalance:
    • Military Research gives +2 Science from Military Academies, Seaports, and Renaissance Walls (was +1 and did not include Renaissance Walls).
    • Public Transport gives 100 Gold per Appeal when replacing a Farm with a Neighborhood (was 50).
    • Ecommerce gives +2 Production and +5 Gold for all your Trade Routes (was +5 and +10 but only for international Trade Routes).
  • Civ Balance:
    • Victoria’s Pax Britannica ability now additionally awards a free melee class unit when constructing a Royal Navy Dockyard in a city founded on a foreign continent.
    • Lautaro's unique ability Swift Hawk has been updated to have an additional effect: Pillaging an enemy city plot now causes that city to lose 5 loyalty
    • Rebalancing Seondeok's Hwarang ability. Governors established in a city provide +3% Culture and Science for each Promotion they have earned, including their first (was +10% Culture and Science for any Governor regardless of Promotions).
    • Norwegian Berserker - Production cost reduced from 180 to 160. Combat Strength buff when attacking increased from +7 to +10. Combat Strength de-buff when defending reduced from -7 to -5.
    • Japanese Samurai – Production cost reduced from 180 to 160. Combat Strength increased from 45 to 48.
    • Georgian Khevsur – Production cost reduced from 180 to 160. Combat Strength increased from 40 to 45.
  • Eras:
    • Made it so when somebody wins the game in the Information Era, it reset all players to be in a Normal Age and take away all Dedication bonuses. This puts everyone on a level playing field for "One More Turn" mode. (If somebody wins in an earlier era, continue the progression of eras and Ages as normal.)
    • Rebalancing Era Score of historic moments related to late game city projects:
      • Manhattan Project and Operation Ivy now worth 2 (was 1)
      • Satellite launch, Moon landing, and first Mars component are now worth 4 if world first and 2 otherwise (was 1 in both cases)
    • Monasticism dark policy now provides +75% Science in cities with Holy Sites (was +100%).
  • Map Generation:
    • Made Turtles Luxury Resource more common.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Religion can now affect the Loyalty of a city. For players who founded a religion, cities get +3 Loyalty for following that religion, but -3 Loyalty per turn if following another player's religion.
    • Updated Foreign Ministry (Government building): Unit combat bonus now applies to City-State units even when they are not levied.
    • Number of envoys received from Liberating City-States is boosted as you progress through the game.
    • Commandos’ Melee unit promotion now grants +1 movement



  • Governors and Governor Promotions now use 'Promotion Sets' which allows more than one governor type to be associated with a promotion and vice versa

  • Only show the "Capital Lost" when a player loses their original capital city (was also showing when a player lost their new capital city that also happened to be the original capital city of a different player).
  • Fixed for Priority Target highlighting invalid hexes.
  • Districts that cannot be repaired because the player is missing their pre-requisite Tech or Civic (ex. in a conquered city) will now say this in the city production UI.
  • For Great People that activate over luxury resources, a tile with a district belonging to another player is no longer treated as a valid activation tile (and it will not end up highlighted)
  • Frederick Barbarossa's UA no longer gives a combat bonus against Free Cities.
  • Liberating a city will now make that city immune against your Loyalty pressure, as was the design intent.
  • Correctly display when a Wonder needs an adjacent district. Clarified that the adjacent district requirement also must be a district owned by this city.
  • Fixed the combined arms boost by changing it to be “Have 3 Armies or Armadas.”
  • Fixed Victoria's Pax Britannica ability in the base game.
  • Enforced that cities cannot be founded on tiles with districts. It was possible before with the relaxed minimum city distance present in island situations.
  • Fixed an edge case where the historic moments for creating a Trading Post in another civ could be repeated and exploited
  • Made it so Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi only heals land units.
  • Fixed Bugs related to expelling units out of a City's or Civilization's borders when applicable. Units should no longer be expelled from a Free City when it flips due to Loyalty unless the city flips to a major civ and rules require it.
  • Fixed an issue with not counting armadas and Fleets for the Triple Seven achievement.
  • Ensure proper display of National Parks after a save is loaded.
  • Don't show Paradrop unit action if unit cannot move.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the Hetairoi Great General bonus from being applied when in the same hex as a general.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the Persian Immortal from using melee as its default attack.
  • Fixed a bug where Renaissance walls and Georgian unique walls were not being affected by the Limes Policy.
  • Addressed audio issues with large and mod-expanded map sizes

  • Corrected the bonus text for the Zoning Commissioner Governor promotion (it said 30% but it is actually 20 %.)
  • Updated Rise and Fall Agenda descriptions to include what that leader dislikes.
  • Clarified Kilwa's description to show that it increases the type bonus from city states instead of the yield.
  • Removed a redundant font icon in the name of a city-state quest.
  • Updated Civilopedia text for Anarchy, since Anarchy does not affect Era Score.
  • Clarified text for Georgia's Unique Ability.
  • Clarified text for first sea/air unit Historic Moments.
  • Added information to technology descriptions about what resources are unlocked for harvesting (some were missing).
  • Document that Patron Saint Governor Promotion also helps Warrior Monks.
  • Removed "doubling" and "tripling" in description of effects for tourism. Use +100% or +200% instead.
  • Added Housing info to Polder description
  • Fixed the Fascism combat bonus description being incorrect in base game.
  • Updated wording for Religious Alliance to indicate that it refers to cities dominated by the player's religion.
  • Changed some text that was incorrectly referring to "Identity" instead of "Loyalty.”

  • Reduced the amount of snow on the Arena building so that it doesn't blow out as much at night.
  • Don't play Paradrop animation if the destination tile is not visible to the current observer.

  • AI respects and uses new rules for joint wars and third party wars
  • AI evaluates joint and third party wars based on the chosen casus belli, and applies casus belli to its own offers
  • In trading cities, AI considers resources and great works it will gain or lose in the deal
  • As part of a city attack, will not pillage a separate city’s districts
  • AI will prioritize a city over units if it can capture or nearly capture the city
  • Fixed issues with AI strategies, including yield priorities and era strategies (as reported on community forums, thanks!).
  • Fixed government bonus analysis problem. AI will no longer focus entirely on monarchy.
  • Fixed issues regarding embarking units near enemy warships, evaluation now takes proper account of that.
  • AI can modify a deal with just gold when asked what would you give.
  • Germany (or anyone favoring minor civ war) won't care about their relationship to a minor civ suzerain unless it's them.
  • Give Greece and Pericles some preferences for culture and envoys.
  • Fix round off problem that was giving low threat values in duel maps (or with only 2 Civs left).
  • Free cities units that are not involved in attacking other units will stay within their own territory.
  • Improved city defense unit management.


  • Auto End Turn is now disabled for the remainder of a player's turn if they unready their turn.
  • Fixed multiplayer stall related to players disconnecting while the host was loading into a game.
  • Fixed zombie connection issue that was preventing some players from joining multiplayer games after a previous join.
  • Players should not be able to unready their turns after their turn timer elapses.
  • Dead civilizations are no longer selectable after loading a save in multiplayer. 
  • Multiplayer quick saves now go in the proper save folder for the current game mode.
  • Fixed default multiplayer handicap for third player in the Jadwiga's Legacy scenario.
  • Changes to the way Governor Title notifications are handled.
    • The Governor Title notifications turn blocking no longer requires players to use the Governor Title to be dismissed.
    • Appoint Governor Notification will not appear if the player does not yet have a city to assign one.
  • Updated the window style of the Dedication screen and Era Rollover screen, emphasizing Era / Age types.
  • Added food needed for population growth in City Details Panel.
  • Made sure we only show the Emergency row and tab if there are emergencies involving both the selected player and the local player.
  • Fixed an issue where players could have duplicate city names, all names have to be unique now.
  • Espionage mission history for failed missions will now show loot information if provided in the mission info
  • Tech Tree - Ensure we update the live data for a tech when it's boosted.
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - 2kschug

Civilization VI: Rise and Fall will receive a new update to address community feedback and balance changes. Watch lead designer Anton Strenger share the vision behind this update, and check back soon for full details when the update goes live.

Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - 2kschug
A new update is available for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI today. Watch franchise lead designer, Ed Beach, share the vision behind this update.

For the best gameplay experience, we recommend disabling mods until they have been updated by the mod creators to be compatible with this latest update. Loading an old save or configuration that was created using mods will re-enable those mods. To our modding community, the below update may require you to update your mods.

[UPDATE] We have updated the game to correct a reported crash issue when loading some saves created before the March 2018 Update. If you are still experiencing this issue, we recommend attempting to load a previous save that was not loaded/saved on the initial March update, or start a new game. We want everyone to have the best experience possible and will continue supporting the title with future updates.

  • Added a new historic moment for being the second or later Civilization to discover a Natural Wonder, + 1 Era Score.
  • Clarified Amundsen-Scott Research Station bonus in the text.
  • Made the Water Park cheaper to be consistent with the Aerodrome.
  • Reworked the way that warmongering is handled between declaration of war capturing cities, and razing cities.
  • Unit experience gained from fighting Free Cities and Free City units is now capped at +1 after obtaining the unit’s first promotion.
  • Removed the Flirtatious and Curmudgeon agendas.
  • Ranged units garrisoned in a city are now always considered to be in an elevated position if the city has walls or urban defenses.
  • Updated Korean Palace art.
  • Fixed situations where players could have Shared Visibility while at war.
  • Fixed an issue where Observation Balloons were incorrectly granting the Drone unit's combat strength buff.
  • Fixed an issue where the Stadium effects did not match the text.
    • Stadium: +2 Tourism for cities with at least 10 population. +5 tourism to cities with at least 20 population. +2 Entertainment amenities for all cities within 6 tiles. (Now only applies to Stadium and not districts.)
  • Increased defenses of early era city states to discourage easy conquest by AI and players.
  • Allow the 3 land tiles next to Polder to include Hills.
  • Added Loyalty per turn to Emergency target cities so that Emergencies will no longer end in the member’s favor without them doing anything.
  • Added the Entertainment Complex building effects.
    • Arena: +1 Culture. +1 Tourism once Conservation is unlocked. +1 Entertainment amenity for this city
    • Zoo: +1 Science to all Rainforest and Marsh tiles in this city. +1 Entertainment amenity for all cities within 6 tiles.
    • Stadium: +2 Tourism for cities with at least 10 population. +5 tourism to cities with at least 20 population. +2 Entertainment amenities for all cities within 6 tiles.
  • Made building National Parks much more important to leaders with the Environmentalist and Exploitative agendas.
  • Military Alliances now provide a bonus against city states.
  • Macedon no longer receives boosts for conquering a Free City.
  • Have Twilight Valor apply to Naval Melee units.
  • Neutralize Governor turn duration has been adjusted for game speed.
  • Gain Sources turn duration has been adjusted for game speed.
  • Added some improvements in sorting great works into collections.
  • Improved AI progress through tech and civic tree.
  • Garrisoned ranged units are much less likely to leave City Centers and Encampments.
  • Historic Moments are now accessible from the End Game Results screen.
  • Made sure we displayed the right city details for cities being ceded.
  • City States no longer display "At War" tooltip if we aren't at war.
  • Former capitals are now properly differentiated from captured capitals.
  • City Banner polish and bug fixes.
  • Our Leader diplomacy screen now uses the longer, more detailed descriptions for unique units, buildings, etc.
  • The diplomacy deal edit box will now fit up to 5 items to fit all 5 Alliance types.
  • Zero out points per turn if we're not in an alliance and updated the tooltip to inform the player they need an alliance to gain points.
  • Diplomacy portraits in the HUD now indicate alliance type.
  • Governor promotion buttons will now use the disabled state properly for promotions we don't have the pre-requisites to earn.
  • The religion lens banner fly out will no longer display redundant icons for the first religion when it's about to convert or be tagged as predominate when it's still converting.
  • Resolved terrain tooltips displaying over selection panels in certain situations.
  • Added tooltips for a variety of loyalty UI.
  • Adding alliance icons to tech tree nodes so players know what their Level 3 Research Alliance members are researching.
  • Movement paths are now shown on the religion lens.
  • Revised Raze City tooltip text for accuracy.
  • Emphasized several notification icons indicating negative game events
  • Clarified Era score and Age threshold UI while in the last era of the game.
  • Added Research Alliance indicator to Research Chooser.
  • Added a scroll panel to operative list on the Espionage overview.
  • Fixed an issue preventing water Natural Wonders from appearing on Huge maps.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing embarked units to use their embarked strength instead of their unit strength when conducting an amphibious attack.
  • ‘Amphibious’ unit promotion is now correctly removing the attack penalty in an amphibious attack.
  • Fixed a bug causing incorrect unit maintenance costs to be incurred.
  • Fixed a bug with the Pax Brittania unique ability that was granting a free melee unit when England obtained a city other than through settling.
  • Fixed a bug causing the player to be charged an incorrect amount when purchasing a District with Gold.
  • Fixed a bug causing units set to ‘Alert’ to be changed to ‘Fortified’, preventing them from waking up when enemies are near.
  • Historic Moment for recapturing a city you originally founded can now only trigger once per plot location, to prevent an exploit where it could be farmed for era score.
  • Fixed the Holy Righteous Queen achievement and the Metroplex achievement to have proper unlock requirements.
  • Preserve proper number of government slots after liberating a city with a Wonder that provides slots.
  • Fixed the Space Port, it was being counted as a specialty district.
  • Fixed Matterhorn and Zhangye Danxia spawning surrounded by mountains.
  • Allowed the Advanced Seminar in Astrophysics achievement to work in more permutations of district placement.
  • Made sure a second work of art from the same artists provides some culture/tourism in the Apadana.
  • Ensured that city state suzerain bonuses are applied properly after you capture a city.
  • Fixed Kilwa Kisiwani bonus to production in other cities when you get another suzerain of that type.
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - 2kschug
A new update is available for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI today. Watch franchise lead designer, Ed Beach, share the vision behind this update.

For the best gameplay experience, we recommend disabling mods until they have been updated by the mod creators to be compatible with this latest update. Loading an old save or configuration that was created using mods will re-enable those mods. To our modding community, the below update may require you to update your mods.

[UPDATE] We have updated the game to correct a reported crash issue when loading some saves created before the March 2018 Update. If you are still experiencing this issue, we recommend attempting to load a previous save that was not loaded/saved on the initial March update, or start a new game. We want everyone to have the best experience possible and will continue supporting the title with future updates.

  • Added a new historic moment for being the second or later Civilization to discover a Natural Wonder, + 1 Era Score.
  • Clarified Amundsen-Scott Research Station bonus in the text.
  • Made the Water Park cheaper to be consistent with the Aerodrome.
  • Reworked the way that warmongering is handled between declaration of war capturing cities, and razing cities.
  • Unit experience gained from fighting Free Cities and Free City units is now capped at +1 after obtaining the unit’s first promotion.
  • Removed the Flirtatious and Curmudgeon agendas.
  • Ranged units garrisoned in a city are now always considered to be in an elevated position if the city has walls or urban defenses.
  • Updated Korean Palace art.
  • Fixed situations where players could have Shared Visibility while at war.
  • Fixed an issue where Observation Balloons were incorrectly granting the Drone unit's combat strength buff.
  • Fixed an issue where the Stadium effects did not match the text.
    • Stadium: +2 Tourism for cities with at least 10 population. +5 tourism to cities with at least 20 population. +2 Entertainment amenities for all cities within 6 tiles. (Now only applies to Stadium and not districts.)
  • Increased defenses of early era city states to discourage easy conquest by AI and players.
  • Allow the 3 land tiles next to Polder to include Hills.
  • Added Loyalty per turn to Emergency target cities so that Emergencies will no longer end in the member’s favor without them doing anything.
  • Added the Entertainment Complex building effects.
    • Arena: +1 Culture. +1 Tourism once Conservation is unlocked. +1 Entertainment amenity for this city
    • Zoo: +1 Science to all Rainforest and Marsh tiles in this city. +1 Entertainment amenity for all cities within 6 tiles.
    • Stadium: +2 Tourism for cities with at least 10 population. +5 tourism to cities with at least 20 population. +2 Entertainment amenities for all cities within 6 tiles.
  • Made building National Parks much more important to leaders with the Environmentalist and Exploitative agendas.
  • Military Alliances now provide a bonus against city states.
  • Macedon no longer receives boosts for conquering a Free City.
  • Have Twilight Valor apply to Naval Melee units.
  • Neutralize Governor turn duration has been adjusted for game speed.
  • Gain Sources turn duration has been adjusted for game speed.
  • Added some improvements in sorting great works into collections.
  • Improved AI progress through tech and civic tree.
  • Garrisoned ranged units are much less likely to leave City Centers and Encampments.
  • Historic Moments are now accessible from the End Game Results screen.
  • Made sure we displayed the right city details for cities being ceded.
  • City States no longer display "At War" tooltip if we aren't at war.
  • Former capitals are now properly differentiated from captured capitals.
  • City Banner polish and bug fixes.
  • Our Leader diplomacy screen now uses the longer, more detailed descriptions for unique units, buildings, etc.
  • The diplomacy deal edit box will now fit up to 5 items to fit all 5 Alliance types.
  • Zero out points per turn if we're not in an alliance and updated the tooltip to inform the player they need an alliance to gain points.
  • Diplomacy portraits in the HUD now indicate alliance type.
  • Governor promotion buttons will now use the disabled state properly for promotions we don't have the pre-requisites to earn.
  • The religion lens banner fly out will no longer display redundant icons for the first religion when it's about to convert or be tagged as predominate when it's still converting.
  • Resolved terrain tooltips displaying over selection panels in certain situations.
  • Added tooltips for a variety of loyalty UI.
  • Adding alliance icons to tech tree nodes so players know what their Level 3 Research Alliance members are researching.
  • Movement paths are now shown on the religion lens.
  • Revised Raze City tooltip text for accuracy.
  • Emphasized several notification icons indicating negative game events
  • Clarified Era score and Age threshold UI while in the last era of the game.
  • Added Research Alliance indicator to Research Chooser.
  • Added a scroll panel to operative list on the Espionage overview.
  • Fixed an issue preventing water Natural Wonders from appearing on Huge maps.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing embarked units to use their embarked strength instead of their unit strength when conducting an amphibious attack.
  • ‘Amphibious’ unit promotion is now correctly removing the attack penalty in an amphibious attack.
  • Fixed a bug causing incorrect unit maintenance costs to be incurred.
  • Fixed a bug with the Pax Brittania unique ability that was granting a free melee unit when England obtained a city other than through settling.
  • Fixed a bug causing the player to be charged an incorrect amount when purchasing a District with Gold.
  • Fixed a bug causing units set to ‘Alert’ to be changed to ‘Fortified’, preventing them from waking up when enemies are near.
  • Historic Moment for recapturing a city you originally founded can now only trigger once per plot location, to prevent an exploit where it could be farmed for era score.
  • Fixed the Holy Righteous Queen achievement and the Metroplex achievement to have proper unlock requirements.
  • Preserve proper number of government slots after liberating a city with a Wonder that provides slots.
  • Fixed the Space Port, it was being counted as a specialty district.
  • Fixed Matterhorn and Zhangye Danxia spawning surrounded by mountains.
  • Allowed the Advanced Seminar in Astrophysics achievement to work in more permutations of district placement.
  • Made sure a second work of art from the same artists provides some culture/tourism in the Apadana.
  • Ensured that city state suzerain bonuses are applied properly after you capture a city.
  • Fixed Kilwa Kisiwani bonus to production in other cities when you get another suzerain of that type.

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