Sector Six - Zuurix
Get it now for a historically low price - Sector Six enters and GameJolt with its first 80% discount!

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(First 80% discount on Steam will be happening in January, probably)

If you guys would Rate/Like the game on these new stores I'd be eternally grateful!
Right now games are my only source of income, so every dollar matters to me =]

Thanks again for buying Sector Six on Steam, the game just passed 150 reviews, it's truly amazing <3
Sector Six - Zuurix
This update adds Simplified Chinese translation by Wang Li a.k.a. Jether!

Also fixed Lantern of Chances + Azimar's Killframe bug thanks to playstrike2004.

Until next time!
Sector Six - Zuurix
This update is an attempt to even out power levels of the sets. Lodeon's Ultimatum should no longer be the only set capable of reaching 10+ waves in Absolute Deterioration.

The new and improved set effects:

Etherion's Clash
If your spaceship's installed abilities are of the same color:
Weapon damage is multiplied by X
The multiplier is based on the number of weapons installed
Armor generated by armor generation is added to base maximum armor
Armor generation is doubled
Always active:
+10% armor generation per Etherion's Clash set component installed

Cor's Voidmass
If your spaceship has no compressed parts installed:
Triples core attributes
+10 levels to Unload, Detonate, and Attract Mines abilities per weapon installed
Maximum armor is multiplied by 1 + 0.01 per alloy used during the mission
Capped at 1000 alloy
Always active:
+5% to core attributes per Cor's Voidmass set component installed

Ultranid's Torment
Cooldowns of all abilities are set to 0.5 seconds
Activating an ability deals damage to your spaceship
Damage dealt is equal to 10% of maximum armor
+10% damaging wave damage per every damaging wave chance percent that is above the cap
Current damaging wave chance: X%
Current damaging wave damage: X%
Always active:
+10% damaging wave damage per Ultranid's Torment set component installed

Kithalia's Blight
Maximum ether and maximum armor is multiplied by blight multiplier
When ether reaches 100%:
Ether is set 0 and the blight multiplier increases by 0.1
The multiplier is capped at 10
While your spaceship has no relays and nodes installed:
Weapon damage is multiplied by X
The multiplier is based on the number of weapons installed
Always active:
+10% ether generation per Kithalia's Blight set component installed

Oesa's Radiance
Weapon damage is multiplied by 1 + 0.01 per 1000 ether
3 seconds invincibility after an enemy is destroyed
Always active:
+10% maximum ether per Oesa's Radiance set component installed

Azimar's Killframe
Weapon limit is equal to the part limit
Ether is removed
Damage reduction is halved and the reduction cap is set to 100%
Your spaceship takes damage when a minion is destroyed
Damage is equal to 10% of weapon damage
Nuke ability damage is multiplied by X
The multiplier is based on the number of installed parts that increase ability levels
Always active:
+10% weapon damage per Azimar's Killframe set component installed

Lodeon's Ultimatum
Base weapon damage is equal to 100% of the maximum armor
Effect strength is based on the number of parts installed
Every second the damage is dealt to your spaceship
Damage dealt is equal to 2% of maximum armor
Always active:
+10% maximum armor per Lodeon's Ultimatum set component installed

Endgame shortcut
The endgame is now more accessible than ever!
Start a new game and jump right into the endgame by skipping leveling and story.

Other changes
Better Unload attacks, Awakening of Inner Power, mission-saving items, automatic containers + quality of life changes!
  • Relays + Unload: Mines created by this combo now deals 10% less damage instead of 50%.
  • Updated store and library assets.
  • Pylons + Unload: Mines created by this combo now gain damage while immobile and start seeking enemies automatically after 5 seconds.
  • Nodes + Unload: Mines created by this combo now pierce enemies.
  • Awakening of Inner Power ability now also removes minion maximum armor.
  • Added armor text to the HUD armor bar.
  • Set description now shows a total number of set components installed. E.g.: "Etherion's Clash - 11/6 components".
  • Sacrificial alloy containers, Lantern of Chances, and Pearl of Deterioration now give 5 seconds of invincibility after saving the spaceship.
  • Relics that increase relic limit no longer require one empty relic slot to be installed.
  • Fragment fusion is now instant when fusing more than 4 relics.
  • Replaced Steam store page artwork.
  • The leaderboard button now opens the leaderboard in the Steam browser.
  • The leaderboard button now opens the Absolute Deterioration leaderboard.
  • Fixed: Automatic alloy containers are not counting towards Consumer achievement.
  • Fixed: Automatic alloy containers are not helping with Malasmar fight.
  • Fixed: Automatic alloy containers are slow.
  • Fixed: Alloy containers are inheriting tooltip lines from relics.
Have fun!
Sector Six - Zuurix
Hey all, just a small update - version 1.5.6c - for Linux.

Version 1.5.6 used to crash for some users because of a debug command I forgot to remove.
Also, it was slower. I can't tell how much exactly, but quite significantly.

I am only 90% sure that the new version will work, so I left version 1.5.6 accessible:

Go to Library > Sector Six > Properties > Betas:
Enter the password "fallbackbranch" and select "fallback" from the list.

If the Linux crisis is finally over, I'll start doing set rework in a week or so.

I really want to do set rework well - I want this update to have a huge positive change to endgame build diversity.

Because nerfing Lodeon's Ultimatum doesn't seem like a desirable option, the goal is to bring other sets to Ultimatum's power level.

That is the goal, but the way there is unknown.

These factors make it impossible to not do set rework blindly:

- It would take a while to test every known build thoroughly even with cheats and I don't have much time allocated.
- I don't have any tools to accurately model the stats of endgame spaceships.
- There is always some uncertainty when making changes like that, even in with the best tools.

So here's the plan:

- I'll hack together a set rework giving buffs and changes based on my experience in the endgame and the power level of Ultimatum.
- After it's released, I'll continue making smaller-scale changes based on your feedback until all sets feel decent.

I have created a pinned discussion for that:

So that's the news for now, thank you for your patience, and until next time!
Sector Six - Zuurix
Hey all,

I have uploaded Linux version 1.5.6b which is faster and doesn't have that crash caused by a leftover debug command.

I couldn't make it live because it has one problem: Clicking "Play" in the Steam library does not run it.

To run it:

Go to Library > Sector Six > Properties > Betas
Enter password: "password12345", select "beta - Beta branch".
Then "Browse local files" and run SectorSix executable or script.

I have tried several things yesterday and I can't figure out what is the problem.
If you get an error that could help me or have any ideas on what's wrong, leave a comment.

Until next time.
Sector Six - Zuurix
Hey all!

- Fixed: Chance calculation bug. 100% wave chances and deflect chance used to not guarantee that these mechanics would pass the checks every time.
- Fixed: Font related memory leak.
- Fixed: Strange part generation bug/crash. Possibly. Watch out for weird part behavior.


A new build has been uploaded, it runs on my virtual machine, so hopefully, it will run for everyone else.
If it doesn't work properly, please report that to me.

Have fun!
Jan 12, 2020
Sector Six - Zuurix
Hey all,

A small update: Sector Six's original soundtrack (OST) that was previously a "DLC" has been ported to Steam's new soundtrack system - now it's separate from the game in your libraries.

I've also added two new tracks that weren't in the game when the OST was first uploaded back in 2016.

Enjoy =]
Sector Six - Zuurix
Hey all,

Just a quick update on what's going on.

Linux is still broken, but I am working on it almost every day.
You can see that in detail here.

After I have fixed the Linux, I'll be spending Saturdays making set rework.

I have done some brainstorming about set rework in this discussion.
I've also got a suggestion to make a set that promotes the gameplay that resembles the old class system.

I'll share more concrete details once the set rework is in progress.

So, that's the news.

I hope the new year has been good already, until next time!
Sector Six - Zuurix
Hey all,

I've just released a new version of the game:

Shadow of the Past no longer shows flags.
Text added and changed with relic rework update has been translated to BR, BE, FR, and DE.

Linux status:

It's still not possible to launch the game.

The problem is very annoying because it doesn't show any error message, so I have no idea what's wrong.

I've made a thread in Steam developer's discussions and now I'm waiting for a reply.

Hang in there.
Sector Six - Zuurix
Better endgame, better relics, Belarusian translation, and more!

Endgame changes:
Decayed fragments required to create deterioration relics: Reduced from 1000 to 100. There's no reason to keep more casual players from getting Arcane Arsenal achievement. Including myself =]

Level 30+ alloy container vendor stock: Increased from 3 alloy containers to 22. Made getting those transient containers less of a hassle.

At max spaceship level: Altered Instance and Absolute Deterioration multipliers now also affect the experience. That means millions of Ascension XP!

Altered part drop chance in altered instances: Increased by 20%.

Relic rework:
Dismantling relics now always gives reliquary diode.
Relic property amount: Increased from 7 to 9, one above fully upgraded etalons.
Relics can now have scaling properties. E.g.: +x maximum armor, +x ether on kill.
Graphically improved Upgrade Sockets, Amplifier Well.
Tempoquake, Cryostasis now reduces weapon damage by 50%, instead of 90%.

These relics now increase relic limit by 1 and no longer compete with stronger relics for relic slots:
  • Legionvault, Fractal Arsenal
  • Scepter and Needles
  • Suun's Loom, Atomic Library
  • Deathlink, Assault Adapter
  • Surge Accelerator, Exothermic Focus
  • Eternity of Destruction, Arsenal Extender
  • NA-1, Naonic Archive
  • Strengthsource, Tridenkorian Flagship Systems
  • Zero Spire, Coolant Injector
  • Mark of Defender, Hero's Exempt
  • Radiance and Blight, Aberrant Alliance
  • Flame Tower, Redirection Hub
Now it's possible to disable animations of these relics by rotating them:
  • Asymadrenlysk, Craeno's Final Creation
  • NA-1, Naonic Archive
  • Eternity of Destruction, Arsenal Extender
  • Everlasting Light, Ether Networks
  • Legionvault, Fractal Arsenal
  • Trism of Glory
  • Duality of Transience, Etherion's Catalyst
  • Upgrade Sockets, Amplifier Well
  • Strengthsource, Tridenkorian Flagship Systems
  • Surge Accelerator, Exothermic Focus
  • Crippled Vault, Broken Reality
Cor's Voidshape set effect changes:
Renamed to Cor's Voidmass.
Effect changed to: If your spaceship has no compressed parts installed: Triples core attributes.

Belarusian translation:
Added Belarusian translation by - keep in mind that it's not perfect.

I haven't tested any these changes much + I have ported the game to a new version of the engine, so if something breaks, please tell me.

Have fun!

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