Dec 16, 2018
Sector Six - Zuurix
Today Sector Six got its 100th review!

Thank you all for complaints, suggestions, compliments - it's very helpful and inspiring.

I'll keep developing the game as much as I can =]

Currently working on reward relics for the new endgame activity, later going to finish up the activity itself and start working small feedback-based improvements. After that the update will ready for release I guess.

So until then!
Sector Six - Zuurix
Recent discounts have increased player count by a lot of and I've got a lot of feedback.
Because all of that, I decided to do one more big update - with so many sales and positive reviews, I think Sector Six earned it =]

The development of this update has begun with proper sell all/dismantle all/uninstall all button confirmations.
This should prevent accidental selling/dismantling of valuable items, and is possibly faster than previous system - no need to wait for "Cancel" time to run out.

The next thing I did was a vendor rework.

Clicking on a secured region instantly opens vendor interface, and the interface was merged with spaceship building interface - now it's possible to dismantle/install/uninstall/compare parts and alloy containers while trading.

The other change is that now it's not possible to visit the same vendor again until you complete a mission.
This was done because it would very easy to connect and disconnect to vendors to generate new stock for free - and the game needs that unit sink.
Also, it makes having multiple secured regions with the same vendor type useful.

Overall, I think it's a large improvement to the whole trading experience, and I can't wait to release it.

Now I will be working on a new endgame activity - Absolute Deterioration.

The feedback I got about this, suggests that players who make it to max level are so powerful, that no current content is challenging to them.

Absolute Deterioration will change that.

This endgame activity will have players to do an endless mission, in which enemies keep getting stronger.
The current plan is to make enemies spawn every time there's no more of them left.

E.g.: You destroy heavy and veteran spawn in its place immediately - there are no pauses, combat is constant.

After you destroy a certain amount of enemy groups, a new wave begins and enemy power increases.

  • Wave 1 - Enemy armor and damage is multiplied by 2
  • Wave 2 - Enemy armor and damage is multiplied by 3
  • Wave 3 - Enemy armor and damage is multiplied by 4.5
  • Wave 4 - Enemy armor and damage is multiplied by 6.7
  • Wave 5 - Enemy armor and damage is multiplied by 10.1
  • ...
This goes on forever until you are destroyed or extract.
Not sure about how extracting will work right now, but probably you'll be able to press R anytime during the mission and it will end.

The more waves you survive, the higher chance you'll have of getting one of Absolute Deterioration relics after you extract.

  • Waves survived: 1 - 2% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 2 - 3% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 3 - 5% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 4 - 7% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 5 - 11% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 6 - 17% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 7 - 25% relic chance
  • ...
There will be 6 Absolute Deterioration exclusive relics, with the possibility of more being added in future.

Oesa's Fallback, Auxiliary Core:
After armor drops to 0, Core will give you 3 seconds to restore it, before spaceship is destroyed.

Stolen, Hidden, Forgotten, Lost:
This relic will increase relic limit by 2, so +1 extra relic, besides itself.

Flame Network, Redirection Sockets:
Flame Network will turn deflected enemy projectiles into seeking missiles that deal 100% weapon damage.

Physical Correlation System:
This relic increases weapon damage based on how many projectiles there are on screen - making certain abilities stronger, and certain enemies weaker.

Radiance And Blight, Aberrant Alliance:
This relic will allow you to have both Oesa's Radiance and Kithalia's Blight set effects active.

Circle of Cruelty, Magnetar Chain:
-40% damage reduction, -10% armor from all minions in the mission.

One more thing about Absolute Deterioration: To start it, you'll need to max out all difficulty modifiers.

So yeah, that will be the most brutal content I ever created.

I'll also address smaller things based on feedback:
  • Add language select button controller support.
  • Make Flurry and Unload abilities benefit from Rapid Fire Mode ability.
  • Extend highlight options.
  • Add an option to "favorite" parts, making them impossible to sell.
  • Reduce the time it takes to fail the mission.
  • Reduce the time it takes to resurrect during resurrection missions.
  • Speed up evolving.
  • Make highlighting easier to use.
  • Allow inverting LS with DPAD.
  • Allow mouse binding for ability slots 1 and 2.
I'm also investigating other issues, such as repetitiveness or story mission difficulty, so keep feedback going =]

Hope this looks good, until next time!
Sector Six - Zuurix
The biggest update since the release!
It makes all weapons useful, adds new relics and enemies for more variety, improves time attack missions, and more!

New enemy: Planar

Planar is an alternative version of sentinel.
It's a medium - threat level 2 - enemy.
Currently, it's the only enemy that releases projectiles from the left of the player ship.
Like a sentinel, planar uses a shield but activates it earlier.
Planars can be encountered in regions 20, 23, 27, 29, Broken Infinity, and arena missions.

New enemy: Launcher

Launcher attacks player by launching missiles, that fall on the player from the top of the screen.
The launcher is another medium, threat level 2 enemy, it also uses a shield.
I want to increase the number of shielded enemies to keep shield removal abilities relevant - weapon rework adds two attacks that ignore shields.
It's why I changed Breach ability as well.
Launchers can be encountered in regions 10, 12, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25, 28, Broken Infinity, and arena missions.

New enemy: Wasp

Wasp is a threat level 0 enemy, comparable to swarmling.
Unlike swarmlings, wasps have high damage for a threat level 0 enemy.
Wasp's only attack ability is telegraphed, giving you more than enough time to move out of the way of attack.
Wasps can be encountered in regions 7, 9, 12, 16, 22, 24, 28, and Broken Infinity.

New relics:

Weapon rework removes ether efficiency and cooling rate, making it impossible to change ability ether costs and cooldowns by installing nodes and pylons.
Instead, I have added new relics that have those effects.
I have also added two relics that are not related to weapon rework, but also expand the possibilities.
As usual, new relics come with unique animations.

Suun's Loom, Atomic Library:

This relic halves ability ether costs and maximum armor, which is a small price to pay for cheaper abilities.

Zero Spire, Coolant Injector:

This relic halves ability cooldowns and doubles ability ether costs.
It's supposed to synergize with Suun's Loom, Atomic Library.
Zero Spire, Coolant Injector is a less extreme version of Tempoquake, Cryostasis.

Tempoquake, Cryostasis:

Tempoquake, Cryostasis reduces ability cooldowns and weapon damage by 90%.
This game-changing relic makes some of the faster damage abilities as fast as attack abilities.
Combined with Zero Spire, Coolant Injector, it can reduce ability cooldowns by insane 95%.
Still, its downside is massive and might require ridiculous amounts of weapon damage or ether generation to be useable.

House of Hate, Isotope Equalizer:

House of Hate, Isotope Equalizer might be the most powerful relic of the six added with this update.
It doubles weapon damage, ability ether costs, and ability cooldowns.
Because ability ether cost and cooldown modifiers do not affect attack, shield, and shield removal abilities, House of Hate gives you more than it takes away.

Crippled Vault, Broken Reality:

This incredible relic increases the part limit by 10 and reduces core attributes - maximum armor, maximum ether, and weapon damage - by 25%.
It also doesn't increase the weapon limit.

Surge Accelerator, Exothermic Focus:

It's a simple, but useful relic - it generates ether amount equal to 5% of maximum ether when an enemy is destroyed.

Weapon rework:
  • Attack abilities now release projectiles from all weapons.
  • Projectiles released are based on weapons and attacks that released them.
  • All weapons now have base weapon damage.
  • Weapons now have more skins - they are unlocked every 10 levels until level 80.
  • You can no longer use weapon damage amplifiers on sections and engines.
  • Removed cooling rate and ether efficiency properties.
  • Missile Strike ability has been renamed to Strike.
  • Concentrated Fire ability has been renamed to Flurry.
  • Spread Mines ability has been renamed to Unload.
Time attack mission rework:
  • Time attack missions now support all modular difficulty system modifiers except The Decision and Hivind's Army.
  • Different regions now spawn different minions for time attack missions.
  • Instead of scaling reward, now you get +150% loot quality in the beginning of the mission, that decreases by 1% every second.
  • Time attack missions now give standard rewards.
Other changes:
  • Mythical parts now cost about 2 times more than fractal parts.
  • Etalons now cost about 3 times more than fractal parts.
  • Reduced amount of alloy received from dismantling mythical parts and etalons.
  • Compressed parts no longer have higher prices than normal parts.
  • Oesa's Radiance set effect nerfed: Now ether amount required to get a damage boost starts at 10 and increases by 10% every level.
  • Etherion's Clash set effect nerfed: It only increases weapon damage by 120%, because installing different weapons no longer has a downside.
  • You can now extract engine skins with cathodes.
  • Changed how skins work: Engine skins can only be applied to engines, weapon skins - to weapons, and section skins - to sections.
  • You can no longer use skins on installed parts.
  • Added etalon engine.
  • Slightly increased spaceship speed and acceleration.
  • You can now check experience in spaceship building interface by going to spaceship stat page 5.
  • Trism of Glory now increases weapon damage instead of cooling rate.
  • Changed base ether cost of Piercing Laser ability to 5 and base cooldown to 45.
  • Dropped parts are now picked up automatically if they are behind player's ship.
  • Fixed: Game does not appear on the taskbar.
  • Fixed: Mission 12 "Start mission" button in new game+ takes the player to a non-existent region.
  • Fixed: Apex's lasers do not disappear when the apex is destroyed.
  • Fixed: Black Rain ability effect remains active during story cutscenes.
  • Fixed: Story spoiler: Broken Infinity level during mission 14 is wrong in the new game+.
  • Fixed: Story spoiler: Mission 12 regions remain to be destroyed after the story is completed.
  • Fixed: Achievement spoiler: Life rune spawns in Etender, Labyrinth, instead of Bloom.
  • Fixed: Pyramids never appear in Broken Infinity.
  • Fixed: Relic animation graphical glitch in start interface.
  • Fixed: Relic level can go above level cap.
  • Fixed: Volume bars doesn't work with a controller.
  • Potentially fixed: Linux + language select problem.
Controller support:

I have made changes to how controllers work with Sector Six and now the game should support more controllers.

Old save update:

To fix new Restoration War glitches, old saves will generate new missions upon loading the game and will set contested region to region 25.
Ether efficiency and cooling rate properties have been removed, so items will be updated to have weapon damage properties instead.
Sections with weapon skins will have their skins changed to plating skin.
Level 91+ relics will be scaled down to level 90.

Have fun!

Sector Six - Zuurix
I have started working on a new game!

It's called Light of the Locked World.

It's a fantasy RPG with local co-op and PvP, set in a world of Caios II.

Three hundred years from the game's present, magical artifacts were sunken in the world's only sea.
Magic leaking from artifacts and pressure of the depth created perfect conditions for abyst crystals to grow.

Abysts amplify magic and are very valuable.

After abysts were discovered, miners and all kinds of opportunists have rushed to Caios II.

Abysts have a dangerous property - if there is a large quantity of them in one place, they cause anomaly called the Glow - abysts start glowing and all sentient beings close to them permanently lose sanity.

This and the fact that abysts can be used to create very powerful weapons forced the Council of Lords to send contraptions known as worldlocks to Caios II.
Worldlocks disrupt teleportation spells, making it impossible to enter or leave Caios II, keeping the abysts isolated from the rest of the worlds.

Three hundred years from all that player characters arrive at Caios II.

It's a wild, vivid world, full of dangers, ravaged by wars, and tainted by occurrences of the Glow.

The game will not have a main story quest chain, instead, it will have several independent chains. Complete all quests to win the game.
You won't have to read much - there won't be many dialogues.

The meat of the game will be exploration and combat.

Combat will be real-time and position based: The way you attack will be based on what tile you will stand on.
There will be three types of tiles: The ones next to solid objects will be called "Limited", the ones next to enemies - "Melee", and the ones that are neither - "Open".
You will be expected to move between different tiles and use abilities to deal with constantly changing situations, all while dodging enemy attacks.

Weapons will determine which abilities you will have.
You'll get weapons and other equipment by completing quests, from enemy drops, trading, crafting, and exploring.
You will be able to fully equip your character and equipment will change your appearance.

There will be several cities in the game - in them you will get most quests, craft, buy, and sell items, but the rest of the game will take place outside cities, in uncivilized, poorly mapped lands.
In them, you will find enemy encounters, loot, secrets, and many other things.

Your character will start with nothing, it will be bad at everything, but it will learn and become strong.

Doing activities will make you better at them, and will increase the level of roles.

For example, fighting with magic will increase the level of Mage role, and crafting items will increase the level of Materialist role.
The current plan is to have 9 roles: Warrior, Archer, Mage, Survivor, Materialist, Gatherer, Alchemist, Explorer, and Merchant.

You will be able to invite a friend to play with you, against you, or anything in between.

No content will be exclusive to co-op, it will be possible to fully complete the game playing solo.

I want to complete this game in a year, but it might require more time, as it is quite ambitious.

So that's pretty much it.

Keep in mind that this is my current vision of the game - things will probably change.

More things will become clear when an alpha demo will be available, which should happen in early 2019.

As for Sector Six, I won't abandon it, but as I will be focusing on Light of the Locked World, the updates will become less frequent and smaller.
Still, I'll keep fixing glitches and adding new content. The next Sector Six update is planned for early December.

Anyway, I'll be tweeting about Light of the Locked World regularly on Twitter, and posting entries to its development blog on my website.
That's primary places to keep in touch with the game's development.

You can also join my Discord server.
Invite link >>

I hope all of this sound good, until next time!
Sector Six - Zuurix
Hey all,

Because of large reworks and old save file deletions, I said I would add Sector Six 0.9.5 legacy version.

Now that the whole save system mess seems to be over - haven't heard about corruptions or anything like that since last save system fix, it would be the time to make a legacy version available.

Question is, does anyone want it?

If you want it, please tell me so.

As a reminder, Sector 0.9.5 is a version with an incomplete story, no relics, no endgame content, old save system - you would be able to play with ships you built during Early Access if you kept the save files, and old XP/weapon/ability/class/part systems.

PS.: Still working on weapon rework, not much left now. Today I'll add last of the planned new relics and start working on time attack mission changes + new enemies.
Sector Six - Zuurix
I've been working on another weapon rework for a while now.

The first weapon rework made pylons and nodes reduce ability cooldowns and ether costs.
It was a good idea on paper, but because pylons and nodes don't affect attack abilities, relays were much more useful than pylons and nodes.

So I have decided to have another rework to make pylons and nodes useful.
Another goal is to increase attack variety.

Second weapon rework makes all weapons increase weapon damage, and work differently with different abilities.

For example, Missile Strike will release missiles from relays, shards from pylons, and AoE waves from nodes.

Same is with other attack abilities, so in total there will be 9 different attacks, 3 for each weapon type per attack ability.

As I'm writing this echo, I have already made 8 attacks, only one to go!

So that's part 1 of the second weapon rework.

Part 2 is to re-implement ability cost modifying effects to the game.

Right now the plan is to add relics with these effects:


House of Hate, Isotope Equalizer:

Triples weapon damage
Doubles ability ether costs
Doubles ability cooldowns


Atomic Library And Muon Loom:

Reduces ability ether costs by 90%
Reduces weapon damage by 90%


Tempoquake, Cryoflash:

Reduces ability cooldowns by 90%
Reduces weapon damage by 90%


Zero Spire, Coolant Injector:

Doubles ability ether costs
Halves ability cooldowns


The Pendulum:

Halves ether generation
Reduces ability ether costs by 25%


Part 3 is giving abilities weapon synergies.

For example, installing relays will increase the chance of Shards of Chaos ability releasing 10 shards instead of 5.
Most of the abilities should have some sort of weapon synergy effects.

It's a lot of work to come up and implement these effects, so I will be adding them gradually.

Attack ability changes and new relics should come out with the next update.
The next update should be released this month.

Aside from weapon rework, the update will include new enemies and time attack mission rework.

Hope this sounds good.

Until next time!

PS.: You can now help translate Sector Six to your language >>
Sector Six - Zuurix
Now you can help to translate Sector Six to your language!

Get started: If you have any questions, need more help, or anything, go to this discussion:

Link >>

In other news:

I'm working on weapon rework!
Sector Six - Zuurix
  • Mission page is now saved.
  • Changed initial player name to "Aos".
  • Removed "Gain XP" toggle, because it's not needed anymore.
  • Fixed: Amplifier Well, Upgrade Sockets relic crash the game.
  • Fixed: Damage from colliding with minions is not calculated properly.
  • Fixed: Pyramids have wrong names and threat levels in arena missions.
  • Fixed: The Core changes after you fail the mission.
  • Fixed: Vendor hint bug.
  • Fixed: Potential issue with True Champion achievement.
Multiple language support:

I have added the language select screen - currently, it's only possible to select English. Soon I will make game text files available to everyone who will want to translate Sector Six to other languages, so, hopefully, more languages will become available.
Sector Six - Zuurix
I have released a fix to this problem.
The new relic - Amplifier Well, Upgrade Sockets - crash the game. Not instantly, but after you save and press "Start" on the main menu - so avoid installing this relic.

If you already have Amplifier Well installed and saved in your save file, you have two options:

Wait for the update.

Erase save files with Amplifier Well, Upgrade Sockets.
To do that, run Sector Six, then go to C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\SectorSix, find the folder that contains your save files, and delete them, then close the game and start it again.

It should look something like this

Note: If you want to keep backup copies of your save files, don't keep them in SectorSix folder.

I'm very sorry!
Sector Six - Zuurix
  • Changed reliquary item drops: Triodes are now as rare as diodes, no relic fragments.
  • Shortened relic fragment description.
  • Fixed: Version 1.0.2 save files cause a crash.
  • Fixed: Anodes generate a different level part.
  • Fixed: Minor number formatting bug.
Save file update:

Loading older save files in this version will set Restoration War contested region to Venerion.

PS.: This announcement was supposed to be posted earlier, but there were technical issues with Steam.

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