Seals of the Bygone - rologfos
First off, Hello everyone! We've had an influx of new players due to SotB launching on Welcome, thanks for trying out my game!

This update is on the smaller side, the main additions are a visual overhaul of the Arid Encampment zone, and updates to the Monk.

  • Slightly reduced number of stuff spawning in all zones.
  • Adjusted which bosses can spawn in each zone.
  • Adjusted which enemies can spawn in each zone after looping.
  • Arid Encampment:
    • Visually updated!
    • Added ambient sfx.
    • Tweaks some paths.
    • Added geyser jump vfx and sfx.

  • Increased base knockback of ALL enemies.
  • Improved Goblin Marauder aerial behavior.
  • Improved Augmented Slime vfx, sfx, ai, & some animations.
  • Updated all other slime vfx & sfx.
  • Updated Mushroom vfx, sfx, ai, & increased attack speed.
  • Added hitflash for visual feedback when damaging enemies that don't stagger.
  • Elite enemy projectiles are scaled up.
  • Cursed elites now explode into a lingering cloud that inflicts curse.
  • Cursed elite projectiles are now outlined purple.
  • Updated vfx for getting hit by curse.
  • Demonic elite fireballs now apply ablaze.

  • Bard can now reverse his evasive ability.
  • Exile will now ground jump instead of wasting his double jump if jump is pressed a few frames before landing.
  • Arbalist's blink slash no longer bonks on ceilings.
  • All Sealers collision boxes are now 1 pixel taller.
  • The use of active items has been restricted to following player states: general, attacking, casting, stagger.
    • It was a bit insane that you could use items at ANY point (even in the death animation!). This is just removing some possible jank, you likely won't even notice this change.

  • Updated jump animation.
  • Added vfx & sfx when animation cancelling.
  • Martial Blows:
    • Tweaked velocity, attack speed, animations, hitboxes, knockback, hitpause, & sfx.
    • Damage reduced. (80%/80%/100%/100%/120% Old: 480%) > (60%/80%/60%/80%/120% New: 400%)
  • Ki Barrier:
    • Now slams into the ground if used in the air.
    • Damage increased from 135% to 150%.
    • Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds.
    • Updated vfx & sfx.
  • Flash:
    • Cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds.
    • Healing increased from 10% to 15% Max HP.
  • Ki Stream > Ki Blast:
    • Ability replaced.
    • Now instantly fires a ranged blast of ki energy that Stuns and deals 400% Magic Damage to a single target. Shoots at a downwards angle if used in the air.
    • Ability type changed to Attack (now applies on hit effects).
    • Still costs 1 Ki and has no cooldown.

  • Runic Evocation (Earstan):
    • Attack 1 massively increased attack speed, reduced damage from 110% to 100%.
    • Attack 2 increased end lag, updated animation, increased damage from 110% to 140%.
    • Increased projectile speed.
    • Updated vfx & sfx.

  • Damage reduction from Armor now only applies to Armor shield.
  • Blocked attacks no longer benefit from Armor damage reduction.
For those of you who aren't familiar, each point of Armor used to passively reduce damage taken by 1% (capping at 50%), in addition to generating a recharging shield. This reduction now only applies if your Armor isn't broken, aka it doesn't apply to health damage. So stacking Armor still makes your Armor more resilient but when it's broken you're more vulnerable. Additionally, Blocking the attack (and thus reducing incoming damage by a minimum of 50%) now overwrites any reduction that would be granted from Armor, as it's always equivalent or higher.

Health Regen
  • Arbalist, Pyromancer, Bard, & Specialist have had their base health regen reduced from 10 to 8.
Last update these Sealers had their regen doubled. This was a little too much.

  • Strength Jewel:
    • Physical Damage reduced from 5 to 3.
  • Greatsword:
    • Physical Damage reduced from 10 to 6.
    • Added 10% Attack Damage.
  • Essence of Blood:
    • Physical Damage reduced from 5 to 3.
  • Ogre's Club:
    • Physical Damage increased from 6 to 10.
    • Removed Attack Damage.
    • This item will likely be reworked into something cooler later.
  • Intellect Jewel:
    • Magic Damage reduced from 5 to 3.
  • Sorcerer's Cap:
    • Magic Damage reduced from 10 to 6.
    • Added 10% Skill Damage.
  • Essence of Space:
    • Magic Damage reduced from 5 to 3.
  • Apprentice's Staff:
    • Cooldown Reduction reduced from 8% to 5%.
  • Utility Belt:
    • Item Damage reduced from 30% to 25%.
  • Crystallized Heart > Crystal Heart:
    • Renamed.
  • Pocket Repeater:
    • Proc chance reduced from 50% to 34%.
    • Damage increased from 50% to 70%.
    • Updated bolt behavior & visuals.
  • Necrotic Lantern:
    • Damage heavily increased from flat 5(+2.5) damage to 75%(+75%) of your Magic Damage.
    • Range reduced from 40(+20) to 30(+15).
    • Health restored changed from 33% of damage value to 30% of actual damage dealt.

  • Added new modifier: Hellfire.
  • Added new modifier: Gilded.
  • Item Insanity has been renamed to Item Chaos. Relic items are now properly randomized. Fixed shop tooltips.
  • Shrine Insanity has been renamed to Chiseled. It no longer effects keystone drop chance or golden shrine chance.
  • Shop Insanity has been renamed to Informed Buyer.
  • Curse of Fortune description updated from "+1 Luck" to "Find higher quality items". This modifier was sort of bugged, the way luck works has been updated.
  • Iron Flesh Max HP increased from 10% to 25%. The Armor nerf made this super modifier punishing.
  • Updated hud modifier icons & behavior.

  • Unlock challenges are now displayed under locked sealers.
  • Added failsafe for getting stuck out of bounds.
  • Fixed getting stuck in a zone after a boss fight.
  • Fixed an oversight that allowed void replicators to choose keystones as their item.
  • Fixed a bug where a player would get stuck dying while holding a depleted divinity ichor.
  • Fixed essence items descriptions on stats menu item tab.
  • Fixed boss health visual bug.

Enjoy :)
- Logan

Seals of the Bygone - rologfos
Greetings Sealers! It's update time again. I've been working extremely hard for the last two months cooking up this update (I swear I'm almost done polishing old content!). I'm excited to share these improvements, but really excited to be *this* much closer to working on spicy new content in the coming months. Have fun deciphering the frantic scribbles of a mad game designer reading the patch notes!
- Logan


Recoded interaction system:
  • It's no longer possible for a single interact press to do multiple things (like pickup an item and activate the boss seal at the same time).
  • What you're interacting with is now based on distance, you'll always select the closest available interactable.
  • Multiple players can no longer interact with the same thing at the same time.
  • Various other changes. This was a lot more work than it should have been but hey adding more interactable in the future will be easy.
Active Items:
  • Player huds now display your 4 bound active items.
  • Consumables are no longer deleted when out of charges.
  • You can now discard active items from the item wheel.
  • Added a new potion shrine that refills one use of every potion in your inventory.
  • All potions now have a 1 second cooldown.
  • Cooldowns and uses now shown in compendium.
  • Updated lots of active items, see item changes below.
Added zoom scale option!
  • High resolution monitors can now select render scales beyond 4x.
  • Updated default settings to 4x render & 1.25x zoom.
  • Updated general vfx.
  • Updated particle rendering (lots of particles are now processed on the gpu).
  • Updated rooted status effect vfx.
  • Updated players taking damage vfx.
  • Updated void replicator & brewer sprites.
  • Updated shop sprites.
  • Updated chest open vfx & sfx.
  • Updated item pickup vfx & sfx.
  • Updated gold pickup sound.
  • Added vfx and sfx for spending gold.
  • Updated hud health bars.
  • Updated hud cooldowns.
  • Updated fonts & UI elements.
  • Updated compendium.
  • Optimized off-screen things.
  • Optimized interactables.
  • Optimized magic missiles.
  • Optimized trail effects.
  • Optimized damage numbers.
  • Optimized enemy health bars.
  • Duplicate buff icons now stack.
  • Some buff icons show power level now.
  • Damage numbers can now stack together into one.
  • Damage numbers below 1.0 are no longer rounded down to 0. They now display as smaller text with two decimal accuracy e.g.,"0.12".
  • Healing numbers no longer draw if the target is at full health.
  • Sealers now draw over many vfx.
  • Downed sealers are now taken to the boss seal upon activation.
  • Added/updated some tutorials.
  • Boss Sealed state timer increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • Buff duration cap increased from 1 minute to 10 minutes.
  • Cooldown Reduction cap increased from 80% to 95%.
  • General enemy health and damage scaling slightly tweaked.
  • Adjusted enemy spawn lists.
Keystones are no longer converted to gold at the end of the zone.

Updated gold prices for all interactables to a new consistent system.
  • Enemy gold drop scaling and price scaling should match now.
In co-op, Each player now has their own gold and keystones to spend.
  • Collected gold is given to all players equally regardless of who picks it up.
  • Keystones are not shared, whoever picks up the item receives the keystone.
  • Gold costs are now increased by 50% per additional player.
  • Shrine uses are now increased by 1 for each additional player.
Decimal gold drops updated from rounding to random chance.
  • Because gold could only exist in integer values there was some weirdness with how drops scaled. If an enemy's base gold drop was 1 and the prices were scaled up by 40%, the gold drop value becomes 1.4. This value used to be rounded (in this case down to 1) so a 40% increase wouldn't increase gold drops at all. Now it drops 1 gold and then has a 40% chance to drop another 1 gold.
Normalized item drop randomization.
  • Normal drop table: (Chests, shops, item shrines, etc)
    • 2% Legendary
    • 8% Epic
    • 22% Rare
    • 68% Common
  • Void cache drop table: (Normal but with doubled "luck")
    • 4% Legendary
    • 16% Epic
    • 44% Rare
    • 36% Common
  • Powerful drop table: (Big chests, golden shrines, boss drops, etc)
    • 15% Legendary
    • 85% Epic
    Added zone introduction cutscenes.Updated generation to be smarter:
    • Larger zones now spawn more interactables.
    • Fewer chests means more shops, etc.
    Mossy Caverns > The Undergrowth:
    • Renamed.
    • Updated tileset.
    • Tweaked a few areas.
    • Updated entity spawn locations.
    • Increased height.
    • Added ambience.
    Plains of Ruin:
    • Updated tileset.
    • Updated entity spawn locations.
    • Tweaked a few areas.
    Destination Omega:
    • Updated terrain.
    • Special anvil shrine now converts items into keystones.
    • Added a few void replicators.
    • Elite enemies are now bigger and leave a colored trail behind them.
    • Unstable elites no longer teleport downwards.
    • Demonic elite fireball hitboxes are now deactivated until after 60 frames.
    • Unstable and demonic elite effect proc timers increased by 30 frames to match revitalizing.
    • Slightly reduced elite horde sizes.
    • Elite enemies will no longer spawn before 2 minutes have passed.
    Goblin Bomber:
    • Updated bomb explosion vfx and sfx.
    • Bombs now produce an explosion area indicator upon landing.
    • Damage reduced from 50 to 40.
    • Added 4 new sounds.
    • Updated acid behavior & vfx.
    Masked Ogre:
    • Updated sfx.
    • Improved ai.
    • Updated attack animations and hitboxes.
    • Now slowed by chill effects (experimental).
    • Fixed bugs.
    • Goblin Maurader bags now only spawn goblin bombers.
    • Goblin bolter projectiles no longer pierce through sealers.
    • Adjusted bat attack hitbox to better match the animation.
    • Increased the vision range of some enemies.
    Chaos Trials:
    • Runs now have a random number of modifiers.
    • Improved modifier hud.
    • Disabled Pyroclasm.
    • Enabled Chronobent.
    • Added new modifier: Curse of Fortune.
    The following pairs of modifiers are now mutually exclusive:
    • Manasick, Chronobent.
    • Blood Price, Iron Flesh.
    Item Insanity:
    • Now randomized items but not rarities.
    • No longer randomizes relic and void rarity items.
    • Purchasable items now display as unknown as a reminder than items are random.
    Blood Price:
    • Costs increased.
    • Updated interactable price displays to show that they cost health.
    Glass Cannon:
    • Bonus damage dealt and received increased from 100% to 200%.
    • Now also doubles the keystone drop rate from cursed elites.
    • Now grants 50% increased cooldown recharge rate instead of 50% cdr.
    • Now also grants a 20% movement speed penalty.
    • No longer effects active item cooldowns.
    • Added back into the game.
    • Now grants 25% attack speed.
    • Now also grants a 20% movement speed buff.
    • Now grants 50% reduced cooldown recharge rate instead of negative cdr.
    • No longer effects active item cooldowns.
    Shop Insanity:
    • No longer prevents big chests and void caches from spawning.
    Unstable Seals:
    • Now also reduces prices.
    Active Items:
    • Health Potion:
      • Health restored increased from 50 to 20% Max HP.
    • Battle Potion > Flask of Diostra:
      • New sprite and renamed.
      • Now grants +30% damage & block chance for 20 seconds.
    • Manaflow Potion > Flask of Aevum:
      • New sprite and renamed.
      • Now grants +25% attack speed for 20 seconds.
      • Now grants +75% ability cooldown recharge rate for 20 seconds.
    • Ice Lance:
      • Updated vfx.
    • Blood Rune:
      • Updated vfx & sfx.
      • Updated sprite.
    • Hearth Rune:
      • Updated sprite.
    • Void Cell:
      • Now an active item with a 60s cooldown.
      • USE: Refills one use for each active item.
      • Updated sprite.
    • Jade Idol:
      • Fixed incorrect item use vfx.
    • Void Rifle:
      • Damage now properly counts as item damage.
      • Updated vfx & sfx.
      • Updated sprite.
    • Frost Bomb Potion:
      • Updated sprite.
      • Updated vfx & sfx.
    • Jump Staff:
      • Cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 12.
    • Ghostpick:
      • Updated vfx and sfx.
      • Uses decreased from 2 to 1.
      • Cooldown increased from 15 to 60 seconds.
    • Divinity Ichor:
      • "Magic grease buffed the heck outta this item"
      • Cooldown increased from 2 minutes to 5 minutes.
    Passive Items that support Active Items:
    • Symmetry Stone removed (replaced by Magic Grease).
    • New Item: Magic Grease
      • Epic passive item.
      • Adds +1 max active item charges.
      • Reduces active item cooldowns by 10%.
    • New Item: Enchanted Pestle
      • Rare passive item.
      • Refills 1(+1) use of each potion in your inventory at the start of every zone.
    • Arcane Siphon:
      • Rarity increased from rare to epic.
      • Cooldown reduction changed to cooldown speed.
      • Mechanics changed to stacking charges (scales with Chronoshifter).
      • Using an active item charges the siphon by 10(+10).
      • Ability cooldowns tick 1% faster and you gain 1% skill damage per charge.
      • Upon casting a skill the siphon's charge is drained.
    • Kingsbud:
      • Now procs on level up if you have Tonic Vial.
    • Alchemist's Satchel:
      • Now force uses the potion it would grant if your item wheel is full.
      • This also procs Kingsbud and Arcane Siphon.
    Passive Items:
    • New Item: Skill Serum
      • Common passive item.
      • +15% Skill Damage
    • Buckler:
      • Block chance reduced from 15% to 10%.
    • Tower Shield:
      • Block chance reduced from 25% to 20%.
      • Block damage reduction bonus reduced from 50% to 30%.
    • Frost Band > Frost Badge:
      • New sprite and renamed.
      • Proc changed to 20%(+10%) chance on hit to chill for 4(+2) seconds.
    • Chronoshifter:
      • Removed ability cooldown reduction.
      • Items effected by chronoshifter now mention this in their compendium entry.
      • Increased effect from 25% to 30%.
    • Chaos Unyielding:
      • Fixed a bug where Chronoshifter would actually reduce stacks gained.
      • Buff icon displays number of stacks.
    • Greatsword:
      • Rarity reduced from epic to rare.
    • Sorcerer's Cap:
      • Rarity reduced from epic to rare.
    • Zinet's Triangle:
      • Rarity increased from rare to epic.
      • Shield reduced from 3% to 2.5%.
    • Sapping Needle:
      • Rarity increased from rare to epic.
    • Medical Pouch:
      • Rarity reduced from epic to rare.
      • Healing increase reduced from 40% to 25%.
    • Banner Spear:
      • Rarity reduced from epic to rare.
      • Buff is now +12% attack speed & damage (was 20% attack speed & 10% attack damage).
      • Range changed from 80(+80) to 80(+40).
    • Bard's Earrings:
      • Rarity reduced from epic to rare.
      • Buff duration bonus reduced from 50% to 25%.
    • Necrotic Lantern:
      • Rarity increased from rare to epic.
      • Healing increased from 25% to 33%.
    • Omega Stone:
      • Updated vfx.
      • Now procs on Weaponsmith Omega.
      • Increased duration from 4(+1) to 4(+3) seconds.
    • Reactive Cuirass:
      • Rarity increased from common to rare.
      • Armor increased from 3(+3) to 6(+6).
      • Duration increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds. Now it only takes 2 instances of damage within 2 seconds for the buff to stick long enough for armor shield to recharge at base charge speed.
      • Fixed a bugged interaction with Bard's Earrings.
    • Spiked Plating:
      • Armor reduced from 5 to 4.
    • Unknown Alloy:
      • Armor reduced from 8 to 7.
      • Shield recharge boost increased from 25% to 30%.
    • Decorative Armor > Divine Armor of Gold:
      • Renamed.
      • Rarity increased from epic to legendary.
      • Armor increased from 5 to 10.
      • Gold gained now scales per zone in line with the new economy system. (This is a buff)
      • Now upgrades your armor display on your hud. 
      • Now has a chance to make you sparkle. (This is also a buff)
    • Gauntlet of Gales:
      • Updated sprite.
      • Updated proc vfx & sfx.
      • Rarity increased from rare to epic.
      • Physical Damage removed.
      • Proc now deals damage 100% Physical Damage.
      • Stacking now increases damage instead of proc chance.
    • Gift of the Lich:
      • Fixed fireball hitbox being tiny.
    • Bottomless Purse:
      • Updated vfx & sfx.
      • Now generates gold equal to the cost of a common item.
    • Unstable Mana Gem > Unstable Missile Gem:
      • Adjusted name.
      • Rarity reduced from legendary to epic.
      • Missile number reduced from 3(+3) to 2(+2).
      • Missiles are now created at the slain enemy instead of the sealer.
    • Spell Blade:
      • Rarity increased from epic to legendary.
      • Casting a skill now imbues your weapon with 100%(+100%) of your Skill Damage as Attack Damage for the next attack.
      • Updated sprite.
      • Updated vfx and sfx.
    • Tri-stone > Trinity:
      • New sprite and renamed.
      • Updated vfx & sfx.
      • Removed skill damage.
      • Now procs after 3 skill uses (down from 8).
      • Now reduces remaining ability and active item cooldowns by 3(+3) seconds.
    • Maverick Blade:
      • Updated sprite.
    • Winged Helmet:
      • Evasive bonus scaling changed from +2(+1) to +1(+1).
      • Updated sprite.
    • Phoenix Ward:
      • Updated vfx.
    • Potion on Potions:
      • Now unlocks Alchemist's Satchel instead of Kingsbud.
    • Legendary:
      • Now unlocks Arcane Siphon instead of Alchemist's Satchel.
    • Pyromaniac:
      • Now unlocks Phoenix Ward instead of Arcane Siphon.
    • Actived:
      • Now unlocks Void Cell instead of Symmetry Stone.
    • Perfect Zone:
      • Now unlocks Chronoshifter instead of Void Cell.
    • Sold out:
      • Now unlocks Bracer of Thieving instead of Divine Armor of Gold.
    • Speedrunner:
      • Unlock requirement changed from complete a run in under 15 minutes to reach destination omega within 15 minutes.
    All Sealers:
    • Can no longer stagger while already in the stagger animation.
    • Buffered jumps are no longer ignored while holding ability buttons.
    • Quick Shot:
      • Now has air control.
      • The first two shots of triple shot now don't apply hitpause to the Arbalist.
    • Blink Slash:
      • Fixed reset triggering from killing via a different damage source while in the slash animation (e.g., magic missiles).
      • Successfully getting a reset now grants 20 more invulnerability frames.
    • Longsword:
      • Updated sfx.
    • Rupture:
      • Updated sfx and vfx.
    • Dodge Roll:
      • Increased cooldown from 2 to 3 seconds.
      • Updated animation and sfx.
    • Volcanic Rune:
      • Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds.
      • Detonate rune is now castable during any state (works like multishot).
      • Slightly adjusted launch trajectories.
      • Fixed some Cloak of Ruin related bugs.
    • Unlock challenge changed. The Marksman was too random to unlock sometimes. They're supposed to be an easy to get Sealer. Now you just need to pick up three jeweled rings, it doesn't matter which three.
    • Aimed Shot:
      • Arrows that are tracking a target now ignore collision.
      • Added a 33% damage penalty for each target pierced (same as Specialist rifle).
    • Multishot:
      • No longer procs on skill effects unique to evasive/omega skills under certain circumstances.
    • Disengage:
      • Increased knockback.
      • Increased maximum number of enemies it can hit.
      • Jump height increased by 8.75%.
      • Jump height now scales with winged helmet.
    • General:
      • Updated throw animation.
      • Fixed throwing animation not buffering inputs.
    • Blast Knife:
      • Now explodes if shot.
      • Now deals 100% physical damage to the target it hits.
      • Slightly increased blast radius.
      • Cooldown increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
      • Updated vfx and sfx.
    • PGWMKII:
      • Cooldown increased from 11 to 12 seconds.
      • Added some particles.
    • Frostgard Standard:
      • Chilling nova now also deals 200% magic damage (improved by omega power).
    • Shortbow:
      • Updated arrow behavior.
      • Updated vfx and sfx.
    • Attack damage and on hit effects were a lot better than they should be on the *skill focused* Exile.
    • Eviscerate:
      • Tossed daggers that were originally attacks no longer apply on hit effects.
      • Damage is now recalculated using current skill damage upon being tossed.
    • Recall:
      • Now requires at least 1 dagger in range to be cast.
      • Daggers in recall range now draw an arrow pointing to their owner.
      • Recalled daggers that were originally attacks no longer apply on hit effects.
      • Damage is now recalculated using current skill damage & omega power upon being recalled.
    Mark of Corruption:
    • Max HP changed from -10 to -20.
    • Physical and Magic Damage reduced from +4 to +3.
    • Added +3% Omega Power.
    Other Fixes:
    • Removed hitpause effecting player on many item and non melee damage sources.
    • Fixed blue 0.
    • Fixed direct damage sources inconsistently proccing on kill effects.
    • Fixed an issue where signs would fail to unlock sometimes.
    • Fixed some sound bugs.
Seals of the Bygone - rologfos
  • Added Hit Pause
    • Most damaging abilities now cause the Sealer and hit enemies to freeze briefly on hit.
    • This adds a sense of weight and impact to hits.
    • Combat at insanely high attack speeds is much more playable.
    • Enemies generally receive more hit pause giving the Sealers additional frame advantage.
  • All Sealers now have control over movement when using attacks in the air.
    • Finally!
  • All Sealers now stall briefly when landing attacks in the air.
    • It’s now much easier to combo enemies in the air and use attacks to control your vertical movement.
  • Momentum is no longer capped.
    • No more janky stopping at high speeds.
    • You now slowly decelerate if above “top speed”.
    • Aerial momentum can still be preserved by entering a frictionless ability state.
    • Max fall speed added.
  • Input buffering has been made consistent across all Sealers.
    • You can now buffer inputs during hit stun/pause etc.
    • Stringing actions together should feel considerably more responsive.
  • Tons of misc behind the scenes improvements to Sealer code.
    • Aerial strafing is now possible during attacking states.
  • Marksman has been completely reworked!
    • New sprites and aimable attacks!
    • See full changes below.
  • Monk has been completely reworked!
    • New 5 hit attack combo!
    • New Ki Point system and support abilities!
    • See full changes below.
  • Arbalist Updated!
    • New attack animations.
    • Blink Slash improved!
  • Swordsman has 4 new directional attacks!
  • Specialist grappling hook rework!
  • Frostgard aerial attack & more!
  • Weaponsmith visual update!
  • And more!
    • Tons of new ability icons, sfx, vfx, etc.
    • Base stats balance pass on all Sealers.
  • Added Hit Effects.
    • Landing hits now creates visual effects and particles based on the attack.
    • Additional hit fx will be added in coming updates.
  • Increased rendering resolution.
    • Window Size setting renamed to Render Scale.
    • I recommend playing at 2x or above for a smoother experience.
    • Playing at 3x or higher will enable anti-aliasing.
    • The game now uses a borderless windowed mode.
  • Updated outline rendering.
    • Black outlines have been replaced with a technique that resembles selective outlining.
    • Invulnerability and blocking frames are now shown via outline.
  • The camera will now zoom out during multiplayer to keep sealers on screen.
    • Playing at 1x render scale will disable this feature due to not having enough resolution to zoom out without becoming unplayably pixelated.
    • Camera movement and screen shake is a lot smoother in general.
  • And more!
    • Updated item rendering.
    • Darkened environment tiles so entities stand out better.
    • Invulnerability frames are now shown via ghost trail.
    • Interactables are now less visually distracting when not being used.
    • Added some fullscreen visual effects.
    • Updated tons of misc sprites and small things.
  • Updated UI.
    • Like, all of it. Seriously.
  • End of run stats screen has been overhauled.
    • Now shows individual stats for each sealer.
    • Damage dealt is shown split by damage source.
    • More improvements will be coming to this screen in the Compendium Update.
  • Improved the way buffs are drawn to the hud.
    • More buffs can be shown and they cover less of the screen.
    • Durations changed from text to bar.
  • Improved controller input handling.
    • Added controller disconnection/reconnection detection.
  • And more!
    • Updated damage numbers.
    • Sealer item list menu now shows detailed item descriptions.
    • Win trophies updated.
    • Pausing now blurs the background.
    • Player hp bar number now includes armor shield hp.
    • Multiple challenge completion notifications can now be shown at once.
    • Number of unopened chests in the zone is now drawn to the screen during post-boss countdown.
    • Updated ability descriptions to contain a range of damage values for better clarity.
  • Now compiles using x64 windows runtime.
    • 32 bit isn’t supported anymore. If you somehow still have a 32 system in 2022 and can no longer play, please dm me.
  • Fixed a ton of memory leaks.
  • Optimized many logic and drawing operations.
General Changes
Update Save File Format
  • Save data is being stored differently. Upon loading your saves into version 0.10 they will be converted to this new format. New saves are incompatible with older versions!
  • A few challenges have been changed and added. The Marksman, Exile, and several sealer specific challenges will be locked again! Complete their new unlock challenges.
  • Item pickups now have gravity.
    • If an item pickup falls out of the map it will appear at the Boss Seal like usual.
    • A message is now shown when this happens.
  • Gaining maximum hp now appears as a red healing number.
  • Updated tutorial messages.
  • Smoothed out xp bar gains.
  • Falling off the map will no longer reduce HP below 1.
  • Reviving other sealers is more responsive.
  • Removed invulnerability after taking damage.
  • A random event can now occur.
  • Ablaze:
    • Damage reduced from 20% to 15%.
    • Increased stack maximum from 10 to 99.
    • Updated tick damage sound.
  • Plains of Ruin:
    • Now has non-music rain ambience.
    • Optimized rain.
  • Corrupt Cove:
    • Added some platforms.
  • Barren Cliffs > Arid Encampment:
    • Renamed.
    • Small slimes are no longer red (??)
Economy & Itemization
  • Opening void caches no longer grants xp.
  • Slightly reduced spawn rates on map entities like chests/shrines/replicators/etc.
  • Shops are slightly more common.
  • Reduced xp value of unused keystones by 20%.
  • Slightly reduced the cost of items from shops.
  • Changed chest/shop cost randomization from from +(0 or 5 or 10) to +(0 to 5).
  • Cost of big chests changed from random silly math to 250% normal chest cost.
  • Increased chest promotion to big chest chance from 10% to 15%.
  • Increased the cost of golden chest shrines.
  • Slightly increased chances for higher rarity items from void caches.
  • Void brewers now sometimes drop gold when used (why?).
  • Lowered enemy spawn frequency.
  • Rebalanced enemy health and damage growth.
  • Enemies no longer have a 1% to drop an item on death.
  • Enemy Horde Boss fights are slightly harder.
  • Boss spawn logic updated to not spawn the same boss two zones in a row.
  • Elite Modifiers:
    • Increased cooldown on ability activations (fireballs, healing, teleporting, etc).
    • Reduced brightness of elite outline.
    • Shrunk elite icons.
  • Bat:
    • Attack now staggers.
  • Small Slime:
    • Attack now staggers.
  • Bone Warrior:
    • Attack now staggers.
  • Goblin Brawler:
    • Attack now staggers.
  • Bone Archer:
    • Reduced movement speed.
    • Reduced attack speed.
    • Reduced attack range.
    • Reduced projectile speed.
  • Winter Spirit:
    • Now explodes after a delay.
    • Explosion now staggers.
    • Base damage increased from 8 to 20.
  • Scorpion:
    • Reduced movement speed.
  • Undead Lord:
    • Increased delay between each dark fireball launching by 15 frames.
  • Updated item descriptions.
  • Items that apply buffs and debuffs now have listed stacking behaviors.
  • Added two new challenges for the Exile.
  • Marksman unlock challenge updated.
  • Frostgard unlock challenge updated.
  • Monk item challenge updated.
  • Swordsman item challenge updated.
  • Sealers and challenges have been reordered.

New basic stat rings.
  • Ranger’s Bow > Dexterity Jewel:
    • New sprite and renamed.
  • Mana Ring > Intellect Jewel:
    • New sprite and renamed.
    • Magic Damage increased from 2 to 5.
    • CDR removed.
  • New Item: Strength Jewel:
    • Physical Damage + 5.

Fleshing out some common items.
  • Added item: Shackle.
  • Oak Staff > Apprentice's Staff:
    • New sprite and renamed.
    • Decreased rarity from rare to common.
    • Magic Damage reduced from 6 to 2.
    • Added Cooldowns -8%.
  • Bracelet of Force > Gauntlet of Gales:
    • New sprite and renamed.
    • Increased rarity from common to rare.
    • Physical Damage increased from 3 to 7.
    • Gust chance increased from 15% to 20%.
  • Life Ring > Crystallized Heart
    • New sprite and renamed.
  • Flame Enchantment > Ember Spall:
    • New sprite and renamed.
    • Proc chance reduced from 25% to 12%.
  • Emerald Amulet:
    • Updated sprite.
    • Added +10 Max HP.
  • Tonic Vial:
    • Heal amount increased from 25%(+15%) to 25%(+25%) max HP.
    • Heal duration increased from 10 to 30 seconds.
    • Effect now stacks.
  • Bloodied Fang:
    • Added siphon visual effect.
    • This also adds a slight delay before receiving the heal.
  • Boots of Agility:
    • Updated sprite.
    • Reduced movement speed and jump height increase from 20% to 10%.
  • Reactive Cuirass:
    • Buff duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
  • Blastboot Shell:
    • Damage reduced from 150% to 90%.
    • Added reload sound and visual.
  • Zinet's Triangle:
    • Increased rarity from common to rare.
    • Now grants 3 Armor worth of shield hp instead of 4 second +5 Armor buff.
    • No longer procs if received buff already exists (procs once on aura effects, etc).
  • Utility Belt:
    • Updated sprite.

Updated Block Items.
  • Wooden Shield > Buckler:
    • New sprite and renamed.
    • Block mechanic now blocks 50% damage instead of 75%.
  • Training Staff:
    • Removed Armor.
    • Added +10% block chance.
  • Tower Shield:
    • Removed armor, crouching block, and stagger immunity.
    • Reduced rarity from legendary to epic.
    • Added +25% block chance.
    • Now increases block damage reduction by 50%.

Updated Magic Missile items.
  • Simple Scroll > Scroll of Missiles:
    • Renamed.
    • Proc chance increased from 10% to 12%.
    • Removed +2 Magic Damage.
  • Wand of Magic Missile:
    • Updated sprite.
    • Proc chance changed from 34%(+34%) to 30%(+15%).
  • Missile Resonator:
    • Updated sprite.
    • Removed +5 Magic Damage.
    • Removed heal and cdr on hit.
    • Now causes your Magic Missiles to become Greater Magic Missiles.
    • Greater Magic Missiles deal double damage and explode damaging enemies in a small radius.
    • On hit chance increased from 10% to 24%.

Shard trio adjusted.
  • Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby Shards:
    • Removed the small hidden raw stat buffs.
    • Charge time increased from 8 to 12 seconds.
      • (Effect still begins after 50% charge so now they start to build up power after 6 seconds.)

And the rest of the item adjustments.
  • Sapping Needle:
    • Attack Speed on kill reduced from 20% to 10%.
    • Stacking behavior changed, now stacks up to 10 times.
  • Phoenix Ward:
    • Proc chance increased from 50% to 100%.
    • Base ablaze duration reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
    • Updated vfx.
  • Necrotic Lantern:
    • Now drains the health of the single nearest enemy at 5x the rate.
    • Damage changed from 2(+1) dps to 5(+2.5) dps.
    • Healing reduced from 50% to 25% damage.
    • Range adjusted from 48(+16) to 40(+20).
    • Updated vfx and sfx.
  • Forest Cat’s Claw:
    • Increased rarity from rare to epic.
  • Cloak of Ruin:
    • Increased rarity from rare to epic.
    • Stacking reduced from 8(+8) to 8(+4) daggers.
    • Updated compendium description with corrected damage value.
    • Increased the speed that daggers despawn on non-Exile sealers.
    • Damage dealt now properly counts for the Utilitarian challenge.
    • Reduced proc sfx volume.
  • Banner Spear:
    • Now only draws aura range when playing co-op.
  • Spooky Candy:
    • Uses reduced from 2 to 1.
  • Greatsword:
    • Updated sprite.
  • Blade Badge:
    • Updated sprite.
  • Pocket Repeater:
    • Updated sprite.
    • Increased bolt velocity and distance.
  • Spark Driver:
    • Now properly procs on Magic Missile hit.
  • Hearthrune:
    • New sprite. (removed reference to a lame company).
    • Healing quadrupled.
  • Gift of the Lich:
    • Updated vfx.
    • Fixed stacking bug.
    • Changed fireball spawning behavior.
    • Increased hitbox size.
    • Number of fireballs uncapped.
  • Cosmic Armgard:
    • Can now change dash direction by holding (left/right).
  • Starchild’s Dream Catcher:
    • Improved mechanics, feel, and visuals.
    • Number of star blasts reduced from 4 to 3.
  • Ice Heart:
    • Chill Duration reduced from 5 seconds to 1.
  • Lady's Wrath:
    • Vines shot while facing right with no targets will now orbit the opposite direction to avoid hitting the ground immediately.
  • Cosmic Armguard:
    • Beefier.
    • Dash duration increased from 15 to 20 frames.
    • Cooldown increased from 15 to 20 seconds.
    • Base speed reduced from 6 to 5 (greatly benefits from general momentum changes).
  • Jump Staff:
    • Cooldown Increased from 5 to 8 seconds.
Sealer Updates

Ahh the Arbalist, the first Sealer. Surprisingly well designed. They didn't need a ton of work for the Combat+ update, the global changes did a lot of good here. That being said, there was room for some polish.
  • General:
    • Updated Ability icons.
    • Increased base health regen from 5 to 10.
  • Shank:
    • Updated animation.
    • Adjust timing slightly (second attack faster, third attack slower).
    • Increased hitbox size on attacks 2 and 3.
    • Updated ability description to contain separate damage values for each attack.
    • Updated sfx.
  • Quick Shot:
    • Fixed knockback angle of Triple Shot (should always push away now).
    • Updated ability description to contain separate damage values for each attack.
  • Sky Strike:

Made less powerful but easier to use and up more often.
    • You now have control over movement during the ability.
    • Now shoots 3 bolts downwards instead of 5.
    • Damage reduced from 100% to 85%.
    • Cooldown reduced from 8 seconds to 5.
    • Updated ability description to contain a range of damage values.
    • Knockback on the projectile part of the attack changed to match the angle of the projectile.
  • Blink Slash:

Made slower and more powerful. Executes are more consistent.
    • Now resets ALL cooldowns on kill.
    • Damage decreased from 240% to 220%.
    • Now kills the target if it would be left below 10% hp (+3% per Omega Bibelot).
    • Cooldown increased from 5 to 6 seconds.
    • Completely new animation and attack mechanics after blinking.
    • Now blinks you directly on top of the hit enemy and freezes them in place while the attack animation plays out.
    • The hitbox now prioritizes the lowest health enemy if multiple would be hit.
    • The attack now has momentum and you slash outwards (direction controllable by holding left/right after blinking).
    • Getting a reset no longer cancels the attack animation.
    • No longer counts as an attack (this was an oversight, was never supposed to).
    • Adjusted dagger flight.
    • Reduced the amount of speed the dagger gains from each stack of Winged Helmet.
    • Updated sfx.

The original design goal for the Marksman was to create a slow and calculated ranged sniper that was effective from distance and strong against big single targets. They were supposed to be the “Ranged | Physical | Attack” Sealer (as opposed to say the Pyromancer which is “Ranged | Magical | Skill”) which is why their skills were originally designed to support Charge Shot and spend most of their time on cooldown.

As Seals of the Bygone has evolved, it's become clear that the Marksman feels very out of place. Sealers are faster and smoother than ever, and this kit feels antiquated. Charge Shot was simply boring to use most of the time. Hunter's Mark and Focus Strike were "good" but they took up half the Sealer's kit and were effectively passive in terms of skill expression. This meant you spent most of your time playing Marksman standing still and holding the attack button.

It felt like a wasted opportunity to have the bow character (which tends to be a highly loved character archetype) be so… boring. So it's time for an update!
  • General:
    • Updated Sprites.
    • Updated Ability icons.
    • Increased base health regen from 5 to 10.
  • Charge Shot > Aimed Shot:
    • Renamed.
    • New animation.
    • Can now be aimed up and down.
    • Arrows now have aim assist and are shot towards enemies if they can be.
    • Base charge speed increased by 100%.
    • Releasing mid charge no longer provides a benefit, arrows are shot either charged or uncharged.
    • Charged arrow damage reduced from 350% to 180%.
    • Uncharged damage increased from 75% to 110%.
    • Charged arrows pierce up to 10 enemies, uncharged do not.
    • You can now hold a charge forever.
    • Charging while airborne will cause you to float slightly.
    • Fixed arrow knockback and hitbox oddities.
    • Updated arrow visuals.
    • Updated sfx.
  • Hunter's Mark > Multishot:

New Core Skill. Don’t worry, Hunter's Mark lives on in the new Omega Ability.
    • New Core Skill.
    • Empowers your next Aimed Shot to fire 5 arrows.
    • Casting doesn’t interrupt other abilities.
    • 6 second cooldown.
  • Caltrops > Disengage:
    • New Evasive Skill.
    • Dodge backwards and perform a wide arrow slash.
    • Deals 175% Physical Damage.
    • 8 second cooldown.
  • Focus Strike > Hunter's Focus
    • New Omega Skill.
    • Enter a state of intense focus and ready your other skills. Gain 50% increased attack speed for 8 seconds. Enemies in your line of sight become permanently marked, causing them to take 25% increased damage.
    • 24 second cooldown.
    • Doesn’t go on cooldown if interrupted before the cast is successful.
  • General:
    • Updated Ability icons.
    • Removed base armor.
    • Reduced base HP from 350 to 300.
    • Ki Point functionality changed, empowered ability effects removed. Ki Points are now spent to restore health or cast your Omega (see below).
    • Can now cancel the end lag of attacks into skills and vice versa.
    • Added some functionality for supporting allied sealers.
  • Flurry > Martial Blows:
    • Renamed.
    • Removed stacking attack speed buff.
    • Now a 5 hit combo.
    • Animation replaced with 4 rapid blows into a rising kick finisher.
    • Now grants a Ki Point upon landing the finisher.
    • Updated ability description to contain separate damage values for each attack.
    • Updated sfx.
  • Ki Barrier:
    • Removed empowered effect.
    • Cooldown increased from 6.66 seconds to 7 seconds.
    • Increased damage from 90% to 135%. (Compensating for the removal of Ki Point damage ramp.)
    • Increased barrier buff duration from 3 to 4 seconds.
    • Now applies the barrier buff to nearby allies.
  • Flash:
    • Updated animation to be much faster.
    • No longer summons a fist behind you.
    • Now has a two second window to be cast again before going on cooldown.
    • Reduced teleport distance from 64 to 56.
    • Cooldown increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
    • Can now be charged (by holding the ability key) to restore health to all nearby allies at the cost of a Ki Point.
    • Updated vfx.
  • Ki Stream:
    • Cooldown removed.
    • Costs 1 Ki Point to cast.
    • Removed ki empowered effect.
    • Increased damage from 33% to 50%.
    • Increased animation speed.
    • Omega Bibelot now also increases the duration of the attack

The swordsman has evolved into the ultimate physical melee fighter. With 4 new attacks and a variety of new ways to move and combine them, his potential has finally been unlocked.
  • General:
    • Updated Ability icons.
    • The Swordsman now has a unique property where 50% of his Attack Speed is *converted* to Attack Damage. This helps keep his attacks feel controllable and deliberate at higher values of Attack Speed.
  • Longsword Changes:
    • You can now control your horizontal movement while attacking in the air.
    • Hitting an enemy with an aerial attack will cause you to hover briefly.
    • Increased damage scaling on existing Longsword Attacks by 10% (swing1 80>90, swing2 110>120, rollcomboswing 140>150).
    • Added two new grounded attacks. Use by holding up or down when attacking on the ground.
    • Added two new aerial attacks. Use by holding up or down when attacking in the air.
    • Added a small amount of lag (reduced by Attack Speed) when landing with aerial attacks.
  • Dodge Roll changes:
    • Cooldown increased from 1.25 to 2 Seconds.
    • Fixed rolling in the air not going the direction you were holding.
    • Aerial speed transferred into attacks reduced from 100% to 75%.
    • You can now turn around when comboing into other abilities by inputting the opposite direction in the air (works like on the ground).
    • Comboing into Rupture works differently now. Holding up causes it to work like it used to (see Rupture changes below).
    • Comboing into Rupture now properly triggers on skill use effects.
  • Rupture changes:
    • No longer scales with Attack Speed.
    • Startup is now much faster when used grounded or when slamming downwards (see below).
    • Damage increased from 140% to 180%.
    • Is now modified by holding up/down.
      • Holding up jumps into the air.
      • Holding down stops your momentum and slams directly downwards.
      • Holding neither will allow you to continue with your current momentum.
  • Whirlwind changes:
    • Cooldown increased from 10 to 13 seconds.
    • Reduced startup by 5 frames.
    • Starts blocking almost immediately now.
    • Added two additional spins increasing the total potential damage.
    • Increased the size of the starting hitbox to help catch enemies.
    • Knockback changed to pull enemies towards you.
    • Movement speed while spinning is now affected by speed increasing effects.

The Specialist is capable of doing massive bursts of aoe damage from a safe distance. This remains the identity of the Sealer, they are however becoming a bit more vulnerable outside of this burst window. Skilled players will be rewarded for clever use of positioning and smart resource management.
  • General:
    • Updated Ability icons.
    • Increased base health regen from 5 to 10.
    • Reduced base movement speed from 100% to 90%.
  • Rifle:
    • Increased initial reload delay after firing from 1 to 1.3 seconds.
    • Halved reload delay for shells after the first.
      • (Start reloading 20 frames later, finish reloading 20 frames earlier.)
    • Reduced damage fall-off per hit 50% > 33%. (This is a buff)
    • Increased range by 50%.
  • Blast Knife:
    • Now outlined in red so it’s easier to see.
    • Increased Cooldown from 3 to 4 seconds.
  • Grappling Hook:
    • Increased Cooldown from 4 to 8 seconds.
    • Now halves the remaining cooldown if the hook misses.
    • Hook now inherits the velocity of the player.
    • You now reload at 5x speed while reeling.
    • Improved grapple physics.
    • The player now has some control during reeling in.
    • Grapple jumping is a thing now.
    • Removed awkward "why hasn't my hook hit a wall yet?" moonwalk.
    • Updated sfx.
    • Bugs fixed.
    • Increased Cooldown from 9 to 11 seconds.
The full list of changes is too long for Steam! You can read the rest of the patch notes HERE

Enjoy :)
Oct 30, 2021
Seals of the Bygone - rologfos
- General -
Increased Gift of the Lich damage from 180% to 225%.
Updated Blink Slash ability description to say "Omega Evasive Skill" to reflect it's unique properties in-game.
Shops now randomly have between 2-4 items for sale.
Added Pyroclasm Chaos Trial Modifier.
Changed the amount of gold that drops from crates from 2-5 to 1+(Zone*0.5)-3+Zone.
(Reduced gold in zones 1-2, increased gold in later zones)

- Swordsman -
"Nudging the Swordsman's power away from Whirlwind and Rupture and into attacks and movement."
Reduced Base Health from 350 to 325.
Reduced the damage of Whirlwind from 75% to 60%.
Increased cooldown of Rupture from 4 to 5.5 seconds.
Reduced lag and end lag of Rupture.
Reduced cooldown of Dodge Roll from 2 seconds to 1.25 seconds.
Improved the speed and feel of moving while attacking on the ground.
Increased hitbox size on all three longsword attacks.

"Newer Sealers had cooldown power creep. Making some adjustments and adding value to CDR as a stat."
- Runewarden -
Increased the cooldown of Earstan from 3.5 seconds to 4 seconds.
Increased the cooldown of Sielceor from 4 seconds to 4.5 seconds.
Added sound when healing from thorn whip.

- Exile -
Increased the cooldown of Fan of Knives from 3.5 seconds to 4.5 seconds.
Increased the cooldown of Eviscerate from 5 seconds to 5.5 seconds.
Casting Recall now resets the cooldown of Eviscerate.

- Audio -
Updated sound for Vestigial Arm.
Added a sound and visual when Ring of Regen procs.
Added a sound and visual when Tonic Vial procs.
Added sounds to tons of healing effects across the game.

- Bugs -
Fixed Cloak of Ruin crashing when used on non-Exile Sealers.
Fixed Gift of the Lich fireballs despawning when opening the pause menu.
Fixed Sealer cloning bug.
Fixed Weaponsmith arrows having wrong hitbox.
Fixed multi-boss fights (after looping) dropping more items than intended.
Fixed a bug that caused Exile dagger hitboxes to linger if recalled while tossed by Eviscerate.
Updated Compendium (thanks Adsalor).

Updates two weeks in a row?? ;)

Seals of the Bygone - rologfos
  • A new Sealer, the Exile has been added.
  • Halloween mode has been enabled.
  • Added new item Bracer of Thieving.
  • Added new item Gift of the Lich.
  • Boss item drop rates increased from 25% to 30%.
  • Added a larger coin worth 5 coins to reduce lag later in runs.
  • Reduced elite keystone drop chance from 20% to 10%.
  • Cloak of ruin now throws daggers instead of shooting bolts. This change is related to the new sealer.
  • Added +25% Boss Health on hard mode.
  • Added a sound to the menu logo animation.
  • Added thunderstorm ambience on the main menu.
  • Updated ability descriptions for all Sealers.
  • Updated sound effects on all abilities!
  • Increased the damage of frost axes by 25%.
  • Increased base armor from 5 to 8.
  • Added a small forward dash to shield bash and updated it's animation.
  • Shield bash now starts blocking attacks on frame 1 instead of 5.
  • Updated sound effects on all abilities!
  • Sealer color has changed from purple to gray.
  • Reworked basic attack.
  • Attacking now costs ammo. The specialist passively stores up to 3 shots at once.
  • Now shoots nearly instantly after pressing attack and attacks cancel into each other.
  • Ammo reloads over time (improved by Attack Speed).
  • The Marksman's caltrops now correctly procs cloak of ruin again.
  • Added a lot of periods.
  • Fixed some compendium typos.
  • Fixed some bubble related bugs.
  • Fixed a bug where the healing from nest of many eggs was not effected by medical pouch.
  • Normalized out of level boundaries across zones and fixed various collision issues.

It's been 337 days since the last update, and this update isn't as big as I would have liked. I can't tell you what the future of this game looks like, but I think it still has one. Thanks for sticking around.

Enjoy :)

- rologfos
Seals of the Bygone - rologfos
Happy Halloween! For a limited time, candy filled Jack-O'-lanterns have replaced crates!

Hey all! It's that time of year, spooky season! Enjoy the candy before it's gone!

In addition, version 0.8.1 features an update to Health Regen, buffs the strength of enemies, and reworks the gem shard items.

Since original Early Access launch, every sealer has received at-least one buff and many items have been buffed. The game is overall slightly easier than intended. To combat this, enemies are receiving a base health increase, and will get slightly stronger as each zone. Do not despair! Sealers are also receiving a massive increase to base Health Regen.

The goal of these changes are:
  • Make the early game less punishing.
  • Slight increase to the difficulty of the mid game to compensate for the many buffs since v0.7.
  • Large increase to the difficulty of the late game to massively reduce the number of "average" runs reaching double digit zones.
  • Continue to make passive items more interesting and nuanced.

I'll be keeping an eye on how these changes play out. If the game is too difficult, I'll be looking at potentially reducing the quantity of enemies, rather than reducing their stats.

General Changes
  • Increased the base Heath Regen of all sealers from 1 to 5.
  • Health Regen now procs every quarter of a second, but the healing rate is the same.

  • Increased the base health of ALL ENEMIES by about 10-15%.
  • Very slightly increased the health and damage scaling of enemies per zone.

  • Reduced the base damage of Winter Spirits from 10 to 8.
  • Reduced the base damage of Bone Archers from 14 to 11.
  • Increased the base damage of Scorpions from 5 to 7.

  • Increased the global buff duration cap from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.

Sealer Changes
  • Adjusted Quickstep to improve feel.
  • Fixed an oversight where Longspear was halting horizontal momentum in the air.

Item Changes
Ruby Shard
  • Reduced flat Attack Damage from 20% to 10%.
  • Now increases your Attack Damage by up to 100% over 8 seconds while not dealing damage.
  • The bonus decays down to 0% over 2 seconds after dealing damage.

Sapphire Shard
  • Reduced flat Skill Damage from 20% to 10%.
  • Now increases your Skill Damage by up to 50% over 8 seconds while not dealing damage.
  • The bonus decays down to 0% over 2 seconds after dealing damage.

Emerald Shard
  • Reduced flat Health Regen from 20 to 5.
  • Now increases your Health Regen by up to 100% over 8 seconds while not dealing damage.
  • The bonus decays down to 0% over 2 seconds after dealing damage.

Bloodied Fang
  • Changed healing from a flat 3 to 1% Max HP.
  • (with a minimum of 3 for those Mark of Corruption runs ːsteammockingː).

An item being out-healed by base health regen felt bad. Now it scales much better.
Decorative Armor
  • Reduce gold gain on armor break from 100% Armor to 20% Armor.
  • Updated item compendium entry to be more descriptive.

This item was just completely busted, so yeah it's being taken down a notch.

Bugs & Misc
  • Fixed minor seals "exploding" for a very long time late into runs.
  • A single seal can no longer contain more than 35 enemies.
  • Persistent effects no longer constantly trigger Zinet's triangle.
Seals of the Bygone - rologfos

  • Added new Sealer: Runewarden.
  • Added new Zone: Igneous Spires.
  • [/b]
  • Added new Enemy: Arctic Spirit.
  • Added new Boss: Goblin Marauder.
  • Added new Boss music for Barren Cliffs, Glacial Thoroughfare and Igneous Spires.
  • [/b]
  • Added new Item: Augur of Thorns.
  • Added new Item: Opportunist's Charm.
  • Added new Item: Blastboot Shell.
  • Added new Item: ???
  • Added new Item: ???
  • Added new Item: ???
  • Added new Item: ???
  • [/b]
  • Added 5 New Challenges
  • [/b]

    Golden Shrines
    • Shrines have a small chance to spawn as a golden shrine.
    • Golden reforge shrines reforge items into a higher rarity.
    • Golden item shrines drop epic, legendary, & relic items.
    • Golden healing shrines permanently increase Max HP.
    • The Shrine Insanity Chaos Trial modifier now also increases the chance for golden shrines.

    • Item shrine drop chance increased from 50% to 60%.
    • Healing shrines explode after 2 uses like other shrines.
    • Healing shrine heal amount capped at 1000 (reached at zone 10).

    • The "rooted" status effect has been added which prevents enemies from moving (they can still attack).
    Augur of thorns, the Runewarden, and Lady's Wrath can apply this status effect.

    • Base Armor recharge time increased from 8 to 10 seconds.
    Armor recharged a little bit too quickly considering it also grants passive damage reduction.

    • Reviving a downed sealer takes 1.5 seconds down from 2.
    Increasing the viability of a revive mid boss fight.

    • Void Flame requirements to level up increased at higher levels.
    • Level cap increased from 25 to 100.
    • Signs stop granting stat ups past level 25, but you still get the general +1 Physical and Magic damage increase.
    This change allows on level up items to proc late into a run, while shifting the power curve around a bit (mid-game should be slightly harder).

    Elite Hordes
    • Number of elites reduced.
    • Elite health increased.
    Elite hordes felt either too easy or completely overwhelming. These changes should reduce the variance a bit.

    Hard Difficulty
    • Enemy damage bonus increased from 50% to 75%.
    • Removed reduced healing effectiveness.
    Healing items being less viable on Hard was not fun or interesting.


    • Increased the cast speed of Blast Chord by 8%.
    • Increased the damage of Blast Chord from 125% to 140% Magic Damage.
    • Reduced the end lag on Sundering Melody.
    • Increased the damage of Sundering Melody from 175% to 200% Magic Damage.
    • Increased the cast speed of Arpeggio by 20%.
    • Increased the stun duration of Mass Stun from 3 to 3.5 seconds.
    Speeding up the strummy boi.


    Mark of The Assassin
    • Added +10 Max HP.
    Mark of The Warrior
    • Max HP reduced from 25 to 20.
    Mark of Earth
    • Max HP reduced from 40 to 35.
    Mark of Kingship
    • Max HP increased from 20 to 25.
    Mark of Queenship
    • Max HP increased from 20 to 25.
    Mark of Corruption
    • Increased Physical Damage from 3 to 4.
    • Increased Magic Damage from 3 to 4.


    Buffs everywhere! Tuning up some of the more underwhelming items.

    Ruby Shard
    • Increased Attack Damage from 15% to 20%.
    Emerald Shard
    • Increased Health Regen from 15 to 20.
    Tonic Vial
    • Removed healing capping at 50% Max HP.
    • Healing changed to a linear +15% Max HP per additional stack.
    Life Ring
    • Increased Max HP from 25 to 40.
    • Increased healing from 50 to 100.
    Spiked Pauldron
    • Increased damage from 500%(+250%) to 1000%(+500%).
    Void Rifle
    • Increased damage from 33% to 45%.
    Ice Lance
    • Increased damage from 100% to 140%.
    • Added +40% Skill Damage.
    • Added a visual indicator for when your next skill cast will proc the effect.
    Lady's Wrath
    • Added a 20% chance for vines to apply the rooted status effect for 2 seconds.
    Chaos Unyielding

    Chaos Unyielding was the most boring legendary item despite having a cool name. Now it's immensely powerful and rewarding if you can stay in the fight!
    • New Visual.
    • Removed Health on Kill.
    • Removed Attack Damage.
    • Added: On hit gain +1 charge. Each charge grants +2% Attack Damage and Lifesteal. Charges are lost if you do not hit for 3 seconds.
    Bottomless Purse
    • Item Rarity changed to Relic.
    • Drops off the new Goblin Marauder Boss.


    • The Specialist's grappling hook now spawns slightly above him. If it collides with terrain on the first frame it's out, he will be boosted upwards.
    • Feedback has been added for Readying Up at the Boss Seal.
    • Giant slimes will no longer draw behind shrines and chests.
    • The traveler can appear in a new spot and will now always appear if they can.
    • Fixed a bug where the Pyromancer's Meteor damage was not being effected by Omega Shard.
    • When returning to the title screen after a run the menu music will start further into the song.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Void Vials to be infinite use when combined with the Manasick chaos trial modifier.

    And that's the update! I appreciate the support and the patience while I worked on this. Apologies for the lack of communication and the delays. COVID-19 impacted me in a way I never could have prepared for. Hopefully this marks a return to more frequent updates. Enjoy! :)
    Mar 30, 2020
    Seals of the Bygone - rologfos
    General Changes
    Demonic fireballs have been reworked a bit:
    They now ignore terrain.
    They now slowly accelerate instead of starting at top speed.
    They fire more infrequently.
    They have slightly increased range.

    Fighter has received new sound effects and has been renamed to Weaponsmith.

    Increased the base Health of Bard and Monk by 100.
    Increased the base Armor of Bard and Monk by 5.
    These Sealers now match the bonus defensive stats of other "melee" Sealers.

    You now have to press Interact to bubble to a friendly sealer while off-screen.
    You can now press Interact while close to your bubble destination to pop it.
    Added sound effects for bubbling.

    The post run screen now displays your game mode, signs and sealers.

    Armor Rework
    Armor has changed from flat damage reduction to percent damage reduction.
    Armor damage reduction is now capped at 50%.

    If you have 25 Armor and an attack deals 30 damage you will take 22.5 damage (previously 5).
    If you have 25 Armor and an attack deals 300 damage you will take 225 damage (previously 275).

    This makes Armor much more relevant late game, but heavily nerfs it early. To compensate a new mechanic has been added:

    Armor now generates a temporary barrier equal to 1% of your Max HP per point of Armor.
    After 8 seconds of not taking damage your barrier will recharge.

    Damage taken is dealt to the barrier before your health, and it does not overflow.

    If you have just 1 barrier point the next attack will break your barrier, but not deal any damage to your health.

    As a result of this change most Armor sources have been tweaked:

    Reactive Cuirass:
    Each hit now stacks 3 seconds onto the duration of the buff, instead of overwriting it.
    This gives your barrier a chance to reform with the bonus Armor if you take a couple of hits.
    Now properly effected by buff duration modifiers like Bard's Earrings (this was a bug).

    Unknown Alloy:
    Removed Armor on hit.
    Added +8 Armor.
    Added Increases Armor recharge rate by 25%.

    Augmented Carapace:
    Reduced Armor gain from 40 to 35.
    Now instantly recharges your Armor on use.
    Cooldown increased from 30 to 40 seconds.

    New Armor Item! Spiked Plating (Rare Passive Item):
    +5 Armor.
    Whenever your Armor breaks, damage nearby enemies for 500% Armor.

    Reduced the Armor granted by the Bard's buff song from 12 to 10.

    Removed Max HP increase on Mark of Fortitude.
    Added 3% Skill Damage to Mark of Fortitude.

    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed crash when scrolling up on the stats menu item list.
    • Fixed multiple boss death weirdness.
    Mar 20, 2020
    Seals of the Bygone - rologfos
    Combat Updates
    • Demonic elites added.
    • Boss encounters can now spawn a horde of elite monsters in place of a normal boss.
    • Multiple bosses will now spawn after looping.
    Item Changes
    Forest Cat’s Claw:
    • Wall jump height from each stack reduced.
    • Removed wall jumping on the stage borders.
    Bottomless Purse:
    • Increased cooldown from 40 to 60 seconds.
    Boots of Agility:
    • Speed and jump height increase reduced from 33% to 20%.
    • Effect hard caps at 5 stacks.
    • Speed increase changed, see below.
    Speed increasing effects like Boots of Agility, Vestigial Arm and Frostgard's banner now also effect top speed in the air.

    Sealer Changes

    • Increased the damage of Shank’s third hit from 120% to 140% Physical Damage.
    The Arbalist needed a little more incentive to get in.

    • Increased the damage of Shortsword’s second sword swing from 130% to 150% Physical Damage.
    Solidifying the role of Shortsword as the Fighter’s highest DPS move if you can commit to multiple swings.

    • Added a chilling nova when placing a frost banner.
    Frostgard is in a pretty good spot right now. This change gives her a reason to use her omega even if you haven’t moved outside it’s radius. It also chills nearby enemies making it easier to charge the banner.

    • Changed the ability type of Caltrops from a Skill to an Attack.
    • Caltrops damage reduced from 25% to 20% Magic Damage.
    • Caltrops tick rate now increases with Attack Speed.
    This is a bit of a weird change but the Marksman’s caltrops have been applying on-hit effects which usually only attacks can apply. Rather than remove this, I’m solidifying it as a part of the game and making Caltrops an attack. This means Caltrops scales with Attack Damage and Attack Speed now. This is a slight (but welcome) nerf to Focus Strike oriented builds because it no longer scales with Skill Damage.

    Tip: Remember to cast Caltrops while you have the Focus buff now for increased tick rate!

    • Reduced the damage of Firebolt’s projectile from 50% to 40% Magic Damage.
    Currently the Pyromancer is a bit overtuned. These minor nerfs should bring them slightly more inline with other Sealers. Firebolt stacks ablaze so quickly that it’s just doing too much damage. To put the nerf into perspective, a single tick of ablaze does 20% Magic Damage so this is barely a decrease in overall damage.
    • Increased the cooldown of Volcanic Rune from 4 to 6 seconds.
    Volcanic Rune is potentially the best evasive ability in the game, and it makes the Pyromancer too safe overall. Pyromancer players should have to think more about their usage of the ability.
    • Reduced the cooldown of Flame Cannon from 6 to 5 seconds.
    Flame Cannon was underperforming and needed a slight bump in uptime.

    Note: Meteor’s slow cast animation is a core design element of the character and is not being adjusted as of now.

    • Dodge Rolling in the air now causes the Swordsman to hover for a bit.
    • Dodge Roll can now be combo’d into abilities in the air.
    • Dodge Roll can now be combo’d into abilities much earlier in the roll.
    • Increased the size of the hitbox on the upwards swing when Longsword is combo’d.
    These changes should improve the Swordsman’s mobility and overall feel.

    Adjustments & Bug Fixes
    • Reduced camera shake in co-op games.
    • Slightly increased the spawn rate of Shrines.
    • Reforge Shrines now break after 2 uses.
    • Reforge Shrines no longer reforge into other active items.
    • There is now an infinite use Reforge Shrine in Destination Omega.
    • Speedrunner challenge time requirement increased from 14 to 15 minutes.
    • You can now scroll down the passive item list.
    • Revived sealers are now placed briefly into the bubble state.
    • Falling off the map now puts you in the bubble state are returns you slowly to your last position.
    • Increased the damage taken by falling of the map from 10% to 20% Max HP.
    • Items dropped at the bottom of a stage by enemies falling off the map now spawn at the boss seal.
    • Leaving Destination Omega sets your gold to zero.
    • Health regen on stats menu now displays value modified by your healing power (ie Medical Pouch).
    • Revitalizing Elites heal less frequently and receive 75% less healing from other Revitalizing Elites.
    • Reduced the damage of all Elites from 150% to 140%.
    • Increased the health of Elite monsters (not bosses) from 175% to 225%.
    • Reduced drop rate of Keystones from Elites to 20% (was 25%).
    Mar 14, 2020
    Seals of the Bygone - rologfos
    • Added ability damage types to sealer select screen.
    • Sealer details closed by default, button prompt added.
    • Sealer select menu now uses A/B on controllers rather than jump/interact.
    • Removed Chronobent from the chaos trial modifier pool.
    • Game performance should be much better.
    • Increased the base HP and armor of the Swordsman, Frostgard and Fighter.
    • Slightly reduced the base spawn rate of enemies.
    • Slightly reduced the number of enemies that spawn during boss encounters.
    • Very slightly reduced the health and damage scaling of enemies.

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