Sairento VR - choccosama

Hey Ninjas!

Almost a year ago, deeply encouraged by your support for Sairento and armed with learnings from working on it, we embarked on the development of our second VR game, Hellsweeper VR.

We wanted to create another kickass title that is worthy of being called a spiritual successor to Sairento - but with better graphics, improved combat and more innovative gameplay.

Today, we are thrilled to announce that we are almost ready to release the Hellsweeper's alpha demo, and we are inviting you to playtest it as soon as it is available within the next few days/weeks!

3 Easy Steps
1. Head on over to the link below
2. Wishlist Hellsweeper
3. Request Access to playtest it
You will receive a notification once Hellsweeper is ready for playtesting.

Hell... Sweep... wait, what?

Hellsweeper VR came about from our desire to improve what made our first game, Sairento VR, uniquely daring as a VR game. We are keeping Sairento’s no-holds-barred locomotion while improving its arcade-style action with semi realistic physics, allowing you to pull off even crazier moves like juggling enemies in the air.

Combat is a core feature of Hellsweeper VR. At the most basic level, you can summon and wield various tools of destruction. Cleave through an undead horde with a claymore. Snipe down flying foes from a distance with an antique rifle. Turn a foe into a pincushion by summoning a salvo of piercing ice shards. Group enemies together with a gravitational vortex.

Advanced players however, can also adeptly combine magic and weapons to greater effect. Enchant an ordinary battle-axe into a frost-imbued one, allowing you to chill an enemy on hit. Transmute an arrow with fire, turning it into an explosive projectile. Merge flame and ice to channel a beam of pure arcane energy, cutting through swathes of minions with ease.

Upgrade and customize your skills, and experiment with unique variations of abilities to discover what being a Hellsweeper really means to you.

On top of gameplay, we’re also improving the graphics, animations and the overall visual experience -- many of which, we didn't know how to do right yet when we first worked on Sairento.

We crafted Hellsweeper VR as a spiritual successor to Sairento VR, our studio's very first game which will always hold a very special place in our hearts.

Back in 2016, we were a handful of developers who had no prior experience working on VR games, much less, enough dev space at work to fling our arms around in VR without giving the person seated right next to us an accidental uppercut. But what we lacked in space, funds and pantry snacks, we tried to make up for with our bold vision on what we believed virtual reality gaming should feel like: absolute freedom.

Your overwhelming support in the last five years made taking that leap of faith all the more worth it.

Let's build Hellsweeper VR together!

As with our tradition of developing games for and together with gamers, we want to get the community involved in our dev journey for Hellsweeper VR.

We look forward to reading all your suggestions and feedback once the Alpha Demo comes out!

Please Wishlist Hellsweeper VR on Steam and follow us on our Discord for the latest news!
Sairento VR - Aldric

Hey Ninjas,

How have you been?

For us, the past few months had been rather difficult. For a closely knitted team who is used to working in the same office, it was not easy for us to transit to working remotely from home. We saw our productivity drop as even communications became a chore.

Despite the challenges, we somehow managed to stick to our schedule to release a free content update containing 2 new maps and a new weapon just in time for the Steam Summer Sale.

As most of you will know, we have continuously updated the game with a generous amount of free content even after the game was completed. We did this for the simple reason of wanting to reward you for buying our first game and making it into a commercial success. Because of you Sairento has become one of the best-selling action VR games on Steam and other platforms and we are ever so grateful.

This will be our last update for Sairento VR, bringing our total number of maps and weapons to 25 and 24 respectively. We hope that with this final update, we have delivered a game that has brought you exceptional value, tons of fun and replayability.

And you may be wondering what's next after Sairento?

Well, we are building our next VR game. And we are really excited but nervous about it. We have huge expectations to meet and we cannot afford to be flippant or complacent. The VR scene has changed much since we launched Sairento 2 years back. Other awesome VR games launched. We know we need to offer a much better experience with our second game than Sairento or get left behind.

We are going to pull no punches and you can expect to experience a combat experience that is bigger, badder and crazier than Sairento. We sincerely hope that you will continue supporting us for our second game and if you like to see sneak snippets of our WIP as we release them, do join us on our Discord channel at


Map | The Marine Outpost

This map features a massive oil rig structure set in the middle of the ocean. It includes various levels of elevation, bridges and towers which encourages maximal use of locomotion to move around and get the drop on your foes.

Map | The Slum

This map features a rundown residential area, with an elevated high speed rail running through the location. There are 3 major road divisions that define this map. Stalk the rooftops to look for prey, or use the rooftops as a quick escape route to escape from enemy action.

Weapon | The Figment

The Figment is perfect for sharpshooters, rewarding accuracy with pure power. For each critical hit you land, there is a chance to materialize 2 more holographic guns on each hand, for up to a maximum total of 6 guns appearing at any one time. With the right legendary relics, you will be able to sustain the holographic guns for longer periods, raining bullet hell upon your enemies and ripping them to shreds.


Please Drop Us A Review

Please tell us how you like our final update and drop us a review if you haven't already done so. Once again, we thank you so much for your kind support for Sairento and do join us on Discord Channel to get sneak previews of our next games! (
Sairento VR - Aldric

Hey Ninjas,

How have you guys been?

The COVID 19 has been affecting most countries around the world and we are on remote working mode. We hope that you are keeping safe and taking vitamins to stay strong and healthy.

We've decided to release another free content pack to chase away the doldrums of being stuck at home. Check them out below.

And for those of you who may not know, we have begun work on our 2nd VR game. What we can say at this point is that it is going to be another combat sim, but even more visceral and brutal. We are going to pull no punches and you can expect to experience a combat experience that is bigger, badder and crazier than Sairento! We will be showcasing snippets of our WIP soon and if you like to see them, do join us on our Discord channel at

Lastly, we have just launched our new PC deckbuilding roguelike RPG called Gordian Quest. It's received pretty good reviews so far and on a 10% discount for the launch week. Do check it out if that's your kind of game :)


Map | The Suburb

This map features a downtown street location, an intersection of a main bridge and tunnel overlooked by various buildings. Link bridges between the buildings and floating vehicles provide a lateral playground, while an assortment of cars and trucks serve as cover for you to move to and from if you choose to take the battle to the ground.

Weapon | The IRM-3000

A high explosive missile launcher. Customize it with relic properties such as homing capability, explosion radius, and fallout size - a lingering damage-over-time zone at the point of impact. While limited in ammo, explosive weapons pack a big punch against bigger targets like the Sumo, and can be used to create some breathing room when swarmed.


[Version 1.5.6] - 2020-03-28

- Added new map : Suburb.
- Added new weapon : IRM3000.

- Rebalanced the number of enemies in Campaign Chapter 5 when enemies spotted player.
- Updated how weapon damage is calculated.
- Updated bomb position in Chapter 7 in campaign mode.

- Fixed a bug where player was unable to turn off the Room Rotation setting.
- Fixed Explosive weapons not displaying the stats in Loadout view.
- Fixed sound effect not playing correctly when pick up Intel.
- Fixed Mantlet relic on Nobunaga not displaying correctly in Multiplayer mode.
- Fixed Disintegrator and Explosive weapons unable to hit player in PvP mode.


Drop Us A Review

Please tell us how you like the update and drop us a review if you feel we are doing a good job. Your encouragement will mean so much to us! :)

Also, please join us on Discord Channel to get sneak previews of our next games! (

Sairento VR - Aldric

Hey Ninjas,

How have you been? We hope that you've been keeping well and staying safe from that pesky virus.

Anyways, here's something that would hopefully cheer you up. We have a FREE CONTENT update for you - consisting of one map and one weapon! Check them out below.

Also, we have begun work on our 2nd VR game. What we can say at this point is that it is going to be another combat sim, but even more visceral and brutal. We are going to pull no punches and you can expect to experience a combat experience that is bigger, badder and crazier than Sairento! We will be showcasing snippets of our WIP soon and if you like to see them, do join us on our Discord channel at

Lastly, we are about to launch our PC deckbuilding roguelike RPG called Gordian Quest on 27 March. We hope you check it out and wishlist it if it's your cup of tea :)


Map | The Cave

This map features an underground cave filled with red hot lava and elements of verticality. Watch out for the spinning drill in the center of the map as you leap from platform to platform.


Weapon | The Nobunaga Grenade Launcher

An explosive weapon by default, pressing the trigger fires a grenade that explodes on impact. By holding down the trigger, you can spin up the chamber, allowing you to fire a series of grenades in quick succession on release. With the right legendary relics, you can enable the fired grenades to split after firing, add a burning effect to hit targets, and even generate a mini shield that gives the weapon a defensive component.


[Version 1.5.5] - 2020-03-05

- Added new map : Cave.
- Added new weapon : Nobunaga.

- Rebalanced enemies' health for Super Bushi, Daimyo, Sumo and Kunoichi.

- Fixed a bug where player was unable to move after equipping Ghost Blade relic on the Plasma Blade.
- Fixed a bug where 'Gravity' map modifier (max jumps limit to 1) was not working correctly.
- Fixed a difficulty tier record bug in Campaign mode.
- Fixed Grenade not destroying objects properly in Campaign mode.


Drop Us A Review

Please tell us how you like the update and drop us a review if you feel we are doing a good job. Your encouragement will mean so much to us! :)

Also, please join us on Discord Channel to get sneak previews of our next games! (
Sairento VR - Aldric

Hey Ninjas,

The Steam Lunar Chinese New Year Sale is upon us and we have a FREE CONTENT update for you - consisting of one map and one weapon!

Check them out below.


Map | The Rooftop

This map features a series of rain-slick, neon-lit rooftops set right in the heart of the city. Amidst a moody rain that impedes visibility, you will leap across roofs, ledges, and sign boards while dealing with your foes in hot pursuit.

Weapon | The Apocalypse Shotgun

A highly adaptive and flexible weapon, letting its user change its form to suit the battlefield. It can be adjusted in two ways, both extendable by the relics system. The firing mode and pattern can be changed by pulling on various parts of the gun, while a side dial enables you to switch between various ammo types.


[Version 1.5.4] - 2020-01-23

Added new map : Rooftop.
Added new weapon : Apocalypse.
- Updated rain effect on Cemetery map.
- Fixed Disintegrator not applying Accent Color relic properly.
- Fixed errors when swapping weapon from hand to hand in multiplayer.
- Fixed a bug where player will always be in slow motion mode in multiplayer.
- Fixed enemy health not synchronizing properly in multiplayer.


Drop Us A Review

Please tell us how you like the update and drop us a review if you feel we are doing a good job. Your encouragement will mean so much to us! :)

Also, please join us on Discord Channel to get sneak previews of our next games! (
Sairento VR - Aldric


It's the annual Steam Winter Sale again!

During the Autumn Sale last month we released a free]content update featuring a new weapon and location.

This time round, in the spirit of Christmas giving, we are bringing to you two FREE maps to bring your inner ninja to the next level!

Check them out below.


Map 1 | The Research Lab

The Research Lab is a key enemy infrastructure, with fairly open areas converging into a central research platform. Use the various ramps and rooms for cover, or take the more scenic route, weaving between gunfire and the many production tubes housing enemy prototypes.


Map 2 | The Depot

The Depot is a tightly-packed, close-quarters map with an aesthetic matching the Warehouse map. Here, there is less lateral space to move around, but the introduction of a vertical platform in the middle allows for fights to happen on three different levels.


[Version 1.5.3] - 2019-12-19

Added new map : Research Lab.
Added new map : Depot.

Updated AI textures.

Fixed Disintegrator unable to shoot the trap.


Drop Us A Review

Please tell us how you like the update and drop us a review if you feel we are doing a good job. Your encouragement will mean so much to us! :)


Check Out and Wishlist Our Upcoming New Game

Also, we hope that you will check out our upcoming new game and wishlist it if a deckbuilding rogue-like/lite RPG sounds like your cup of tea.

Gordian Quest is best described as an old school RPG presented in a modern way. We are huge fans of old cult classics like Wizardry, Ultima, Dungeons and Dragons and Might and Magic.

There is something charming about the old-school way of forming your team of heroes to go on adventures, accepting quests from NPCs, leading your heroes to engage in battles, making them stronger, mastering skills, forging new weapons and discovering powerful relics.

In Gordian Quest, we have preserved all these elements – made better and fronted by more modern concepts such as deckbuilding, turn-based tactical combat, a skill-grid system, equipment crafting, procedural maps and uncovering deeper skills brought about by forging bonds among your heroes.
Sairento VR - Aldric

Hey Ninjas,

The annual Steam Autumn sale has arrived! To coincide with this event, we have released a FREE content update featuring a new weapon and location to bring you more fun and value!

Here's what we have in store for you -


The Disintegrator Laser Rifle

A high powered laser rifle, designed to vaporize your foes. A click of the trigger will fire a moderately damaging beam. By holding down the trigger, the Disintegrator will charge up, increasing the beam's width, damage, and penetrating power. Releasing the trigger will unleash this charged up beam to great effect.

The Training Hall

This map takes on a multi-story dojo aesthetic, and you'll be slipping and sliding across those lacquered floors doing what you do best, dishing out the carnage.


[Version 1.5.2] - 2019-11-26

Added new weapon : Disintegrator.
Added new map : Training Hall.

Updated AI textures.
Adjusted lighting, brightness and color of some maps.

Fixed Set Crouch Height not applying correctly.
Fixed Chapter 6 rootkite door not opening on certain occasions.
Fixed Blade Waves not changing color after apply accent relic.
Fixed Sumo's ground smash not damaging player on occasion.
Fixed a bug where accent color did not apply correctly in multiplayer.
Fixed an equip bug in multiplayer.
Fixed players not gaining experience properly after a multiplayer mission.


Drop Us A Review

Please tell us how you like the update and drop us a review if you feel we are doing a good job. Your encouragement will mean so much to us! :)


Check Out Our Upcoming New Game

Also, we hope that you will check out our upcoming new game and wishlist it if a deckbuilding rogue-like/lite RPG sounds like your cup of tea.

Gordian Quest is best described as an old school RPG presented in a modern way. We are huge fans of old cult classics like Wizardry, Ultima, Dungeons and Dragons and Might and Magic. There is something charming about the old-school way of forming your team of heroes to go on adventures, accepting quests from NPCs, leading your heroes to engage in battles, making them stronger, mastering skills, forging new weapons and discovering powerful relics. In Gordian Quest, we have preserved all these elements – made better and fronted by more modern concepts such as deckbuilding, turn-based tactical combat, a skill-grid system, equipment crafting, procedural maps and uncovering deeper skills brought about by forging bonds among your heroes.
Sairento VR - Aldric

Hey Guys,

We just want to let you know that we are working hard on our next game release.

The bad news is - it's not a VR game.
The good news is - we believe that it's going to be a hell of a fun game.

As game developers, our core mission is to create great fun games. Although we love VR, we don’t want to limit ourselves to just one platform. Our upcoming game is a PC roguelike/lite RPG that combines the best elements of deckbuilding, tactical combat and strategic decision-making.

It’s called Gordian Quest and slated to launch on Steam’s Early Access between December 2019 to Early 2020.


What Kind of Game is Gordian Quest?

The game is best described as an old school RPG presented in a modern way. We are huge fans of old cult classics like Wizardry, Ultima, Dungeons and Dragons and Might and Magic. There is something charming about the old-school way of forming your team of heroes to go on adventures, accepting quests from NPCs, leading your heroes to engage in battles, making them stronger, mastering skills, forging new weapons and discovering powerful relics.

In Gordian Quest, we have preserved all these elements – made better and fronted by more modern concepts such as deckbuilding, turn-based tactical combat, a skill-grid system, equipment crafting, procedural maps and uncovering deeper skills brought about by forging bonds among your heroes.


We Want to Build The Game With You

Instead of dropping a finished game at your feet and expecting you to take it or leave it, we believe in building our games organically with you. By that, we mean we want to come up with the master concept and early iterations of the game, and we also want you to be a part of our decision making process as we introduce more content and features to the game. After all, we are building a game for you, so we think you should be involved. Early Access will allow us to achieve this collaborative effort.


Do Check Gordian Quest Out

We sincerely hope that you will check it out and wishlist it if you like what you see.

Sairento VR - Aldric

Hey Ninjas,

We made a post recently that we would be bringing more content to the PC version of Sairento VR. To put things into context, although our game was officially completed some time back, we've decided to port over the new maps and weapons we've created for the Quest version of Sairento to reward you and bring you more ninja fun!

So as promised, here's the start of our updates!

** More to come - We are looking at a total of 8 more maps + 4 new weapons, to be added over the next few months!


To kick it off, we have added 2 new maps to Sairento VR!

The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary map features upper walkways surrounding an interior shrine area with 4 entrances. The shrine area serves as a temporary chokepoint, but beware your enemies performing flanking maneuvers! Holographic fishes lazily waft through the area, creating a fascinating and futuristic overlay over the traditional wood and stone elements.

The Subway

The Subway map puts you right smack in an underground subway platform. The entire arena is divided into two levels. Hold a skirmish behind the cover of pillars and the docked train on the lower level, or take the fight to the open spaces on the upper level, where enemies can flood in from any direction, but you have much more room to manoeuvre.


On top of adding those maps, we have also made some small improvements to the game -
  • We have also added new option 'Allow Weapon Switching Between Hands' under Accessibility options.
  • Next we've also updated tutorial texts and images for different VR devices.
  • Finally we've fixed teleportation and room rotate at the same time on certain VR controller devices.

Please Let Us Know How We Are Doing
Please let us know how you find the new maps and improvements to the game. Hit us up with any questions or comments you may have! If you haven't given our game a review, we hope you can do so as a show of support and encouragement. It will help us go a long way in our journey as indie developers and we will truly appreciate it! :)


In Case You Are Wondering, This Is What We've Been Up To

A Rogue-Like Deckbuilding RPG - We are about to launch a Steam Early Access on a rogue-like/lite deckbuilding RPG soon somewhere in November. Unfortunately it is not a VR game which is why we haven't been talking about it here. But if you are into this genre of PC games, you may like to wishlist it for when we launch on Steam -

Our next VR title - We have been brainstorming and doing R&D on our next VR title, but we are not ready to unveil any details yet. What we do want to say at this point is that we have learnt a lot of valuable lessons from developing Sairento and we will deploy those experiences into making our next VR title even more visceral and bad-ass. We are not likely to back down on the over-the-top experience our fans have come to love about Sairento and if anything else, would probably double down on it in our next game. Physics based fighting and multiplayer combat would likely be a focus in our next game and we look forward to unveiling more details to you when we are ready. We promise that you will be the first to know :)
Sairento VR - Aldric

Hey Ninjas,

We haven't been posting here for a while because the game has officially completed production, or so we thought!

So here's some really exciting news for you.

We will be optimizing and porting over content we have created for the Quest version of Sairento over soon! For FREE!

When we created Sairento Untethered for the Quest, we had to rebuild the game from ground up and create new maps and weapons for it. Now that production on that side has stabilized, we have decided to deploy some manpower to port over those content to add more value to the PC version of the game.

So here's what we are looking at for now -

- 10 new maps + 4 new weapons
- We will be adding those over time, starting from mid October

For the month of October, we will be releasing 2 maps.

The Sanctuary map features upper walkways surrounding an interior shrine area with 4 entrances. The shrine area serves as a temporary chokepoint, but beware your enemies performing flanking maneouvers! Holographic fishes lazily waft through the area, creating a fascinating and futuristic overlay over the traditional wood and stone elements.

The Subway map puts you right smack in an underground subway platform. The entire arena is divided into two levels. Hold a skirmish behind the cover of pillars and the docked train on the lower level, or take the fight to the open spaces on the upper level, where enemies can flood in from any direction, but you have much more room to manoeuvre.

So watch out for a patch soon in the next 2 weeks!

We would love to hear from you cyber ninjas again, so please let us know what you think of this news! :)

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