Saints Row 2 - (Alice O'Connor)

After years of being a crashy pain in the arse, Saints Row 2 is finally getting fixed up to play nicely on modern PCs. Developers Volition announced last night that they’ve found the source code to their cheery open-world murder simulator after years of wanting, so they can give it much-needed love. 2008’s game is probably my favourite Saints Row, a wacky take on GTA coming just as GTA IV went all tediously self-serious, though of course I recognise Saints Row 4 is the best superhero game. It’s a right mess at the moment, mind, needing fan-made fixes and mods to run even half-decently. Bring on the updates!


Saints Row 2 - (Alice O'Connor)


It’s Saints Row a go-go round GOG today as the store celebrates more of Volition’s wacky open-world crime ’em ups arriving DRM-free on its virtual shelves. Some Saints games have been on GOG for ages but now the lineup is complete with the addition of Saints Row 4 (the one where you’re the President of the USA) and Gat out of Hell (the one in Hell). To mark this Saint-o-rama, Saints Row 2 (possibly still my favourite Saints Row) is free for 48 hours. And folks who own Saints Row games on Steam can add them to their GOG account to get DRM-free versions. GOG are holding a sale too. … [visit site to read more]

Saints Row 2 - (Jem Alexander)

The ghost of THQ is still with us today as some of the publisher s greatest hits find new life on GOG. Deep Silver and Nordic Games, who bought the rights after THQ’s demise, have released Saints Row 2 + 3, Darksiders 1 + 2 and Metro: Last Light Redux on the digital store, all at a discounted price until May 18th.

This is the first time any of these games have been made available completely DRM free.

… [visit site to read more]

Saints Row 2 - (Alice O'Connor)

Have You Played...? is basically an excuse for me to show off my cool characters in games.

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.>

I think it’s my favourite Saints Row game. It doesn’t have neon megaskyscrapers, superpowers, or laser guns, but the down-to-earth ultraviolence of Saints Row 2 appeals to me. The 3rd Street Saints were my gang, not my fanclub gushing over how great I am. Attaining super murderpowers took time and effort. And it had the best clothing and customisation of the series, which is obvs totes imports.

… [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

I always did enjoy how poorly drawn the GameSpy mascot was - Xs for eyes or not.

GameSpy, a relic from times long before the modern Internet – or indeed, games and spies – existed is closing down. This on its own is not surprising as the multiplayer service is, by modern standards, buggy and kind of a joke, but it leaves a startling number of games with their e-wings clipped and their online-heaving hams strung> in its wake. How many, you ask? Well, Reddit’s /r/Games board compiled a massive list, and the results aren’t pretty.

… [visit site to read more]


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