SCUM - Fratman
Hey hey everyone, happy Tuesday! Hope you are all good! Let's get this week on the road with a dev update!

You got a lot of news last week with the progress of the programming team, and mostly it continues on in this update as well. Work continues on quests and armed NPCs. With a little bit of bugfixing, mmore work on foliage simulation there is also something new brewing. Or better to say the return of the old. With the support of the animation team done, work has finally started on reintroduction of weapon malfunction. Will keep you posted on the progress.

Level design working hard on those optimizations and map reworks. Including sorting textures, replacing old assets, and touching up on POIS including airport, castle, etc.

Art team also optimizing as crazy. Animators working on new weapon animations, bugfixing and animating a new secret feature. All I can say is bases will be a bit safer.

Work continues on the cruiser bike, and new weapons. But also old weapons are getting a touchup.
2D is also working on some storyboard ideas as well.

The sound team work continues on ambient sounds and their implementation. With that it looks like we will be getting some updated guitar sounds as well.

QA/CM team doing business as usual: finding new bugs, testing new features, catching cheaters, and staying in contact with all of you. Also cooking up something that will interest all of you but more on that next week!

Questing system, questing system and questing system. It is almost as if that is all they do. They also been discussing the schedule on future updates.


And now it is time for Q&A:

  • Brenner indeed does get stunned after a certain damage point for 10 seconds. Which should give you enough time to escape.

    It is a cool idea we toyed with as well, but it is a lot of work as well. So the priority right now is on finishing the features planned for the full release.

    Unfortunately not currently possible as it would break the snapping and stability system completely. We had those cases in the past.

  • Yes indeed, It is still in the works and will be so until it is ready.

  • Chopper is the one we can bring back the fastest at this point. And the faster we can bring it back the quicker we can get on other vehicles. New weapons will arrive as well.

  • Something like it is planned in the future. In what form and how exactly is still something that is in discussion.

  • As for the first one we agree that camo is an issue at this point, which is why it has been disabled for the past 4 years. What you are experiencing with trees and bushes sometimes is the anti 3rd person peaking happening but long distance. Optimizations that are in the works will take care of that problem.

    As for the other thing, will forward it to the QA guys to check it out.

Have an amazing week all!

SCUM - Fratman
Hey there prisoners! Hope you're having a great Tuesday! We've got another hotfix today with a significant number of fixes and improvements to make your day even better.

  • Fixed the issue with the flickering ground textures.
  • Fixed the issue with wrong nutritional values for cooked food.
  • Fixed the issue where you were not able to fill containers on wells.
  • Fixed base building wells.
  • Fixed an issue where the cargo drop would not work as intended in singleplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not disarm suicide puppet when the mines and traps setting was off.
  • Fixed an issue with the collision on the RIS plow.
  • Fixed an issue where the destruction of the roof or walls would destroy base building elements around them.
  • Fixed an issue where players could fall through the base building elements if logging out on them while being prone.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't buy base building expansion kits at general goods trader.
  • Fixed an issue where the RPK magazine would change color when the player would check their ammo.
  • Lockpicking minigames will now automatically fail when lockpicking a vehicle that moved out of range.
  • Fixed an issue where puppets could not reach you when riding a RIS.
  • Fixed an issue where prisoners could cut trees from any distance.
  • Fixed an issue where bases could be built around the event areas of Novigrad and Primal hunting ground.
  • Fixed an issue where jogging with a bow in combat mode with a female character, or standing still with bow in combat mode would make the shoulders look glitched.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to place a twig ramp on the foundations with walls.
  • Fixed an issue which caused walls and roofs to stay morphed even after destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to change Dial Lock combination would fail when starting the minigame.
  • Fixed an issue where suicide puppets would not drop anything when being searched.
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't put Belt Pistol Holster and Melee Weapon holster items into the trade table
  • Fixed an issue where the standing torch could be built within existing base building elements
  • Fixed various other base building issues.

  • Improved flying vehicle cheat detection.
  • Replaced finger gun emote with Yusuf pose.
  • Increased shark spawn times to 10 minutes if you're in the water and 3 minutes if you're bleeding.
  • The dropship will no longer be able to detect players who are at least 3 meters below the water surface.
  • Gameplay.log will now print correct success value for the dial lock and the switchboard mini game in the abandoned bunkers.
  • The #spawnrazor command now has a location argument, meaning that you can spawn it by either using:
    • #SpawnRazor "coordinates" (don't forget the apostrophes!)
    • #SpawnRazor steamid
  • BB dropship encounters can now trigger even when base damage is turned off in the settings or config.
  • Added new sentry spawner preset for basebuilding dropship event (Character-Sentries-SentryDropship.json)
  • Player under new player protection will now be invisible to dropships.
  • Improved and updated LODs for base building cement foundation and walls.
  • Lowered collision damage for the RIS.
  • Puppets that manage to climb the RIS will now slide off when velocity reaches 10 km/h.
  • RIS wheel armor can no longer be repaired without a car repair kit.
  • Tweaked RIS animation while mid air during hang time.
  • L-shaped support frame can now be placed on triangle foundation.
  • Single doors now get destroyed when their frame is destroyed.
  • Lowered the chance to trigger a horde

''World'' category > ''NPC'' subcategory

  • scum.DropshipWorldEncounterSpawnWeightMultiplier=0.000000 This setting multiplies base value for a dropship world encounter to spawn. This setting replaces scum.EnableWorldEncounter=0 which was used to just enable or disable world dropship encounter. The base weight values are the following:

    Puppets 80
    Animal 19
    Dropship 1

    If Base scum.DropshipWorldEncounterSpawnWeightMultiplier is set to 1 chance for the dropship world event would be:

    = 1/100
    = 0.01 (1%)

    If the setting was set to 100 then the calculation would look like this:
    100 / (80 + 19 + 100)
    100 / 199
    0.502 - 50%

    This value applies to the LTZ (Low Threat Zones) which has 20% chance to trigger the event, after the event is triggered the game will determine which of the 3 events will be triggered (puppets, animals, or dropship)

  • scum.PuppetWorldEncounterSpawnWeightMultiplier=1.000000
    This setting multiplies base value for a puppet encounter to spawn.

  • scum.AnimalWorldEncounterSpawnWeightMultiplier=1.000000
    This setting multiplies base value for a animal encounter to spawn.

  • scum.EncounterHordePuppetHordeActivationScreamOverrideChance=-1.000000
    This setting sets the chance for the puppet scream to be a horde activating one. The range for this setting is from 0 to 100, with the default value being -1, which equals 20%

  • scum.DropshipHealthMultiplier=1.000000
    This setting sets dropships max health multiplier.

  • scum.SentryHealthMultiplier=1.000000
    This setting sets sentry's max health multiplier.

  • scum.BaseBuildingAttackerSentryHealthMultiplier=1.000000
    This setting sets base building attacker sentry's max health multiplier.

"Damage" category

  • scum.SentryRailgunDamageMultiplier=1.000000
    Adjusts sentry railgun damage.

  • scum.SentryGrenadeDamageMultiplier=1.000000
    Adjusts sentry grenade damage.

  • scum.BaseBuildingAttackerSentryDamageMultiplier=1.000000
    Modifies damage from attacker sentries to base structures.

  • scum.BaseBuildingAttackerSentryRailgunDamageMultiplier=1.000000
    Adjusts railgun damage from attacker sentries to base structures.

  • scum.BaseBuildingAttackerSentryGrenadeDamageMultiplier=1.000000
    Adjusts grenade damage from attacker sentries to base structures.

  • scum.SentryBaseBuildingDamageMultiplier=1.000000
    Modifies damage dealt by attacker sentries to base elements.

  • scum.DropshipDamageMultiplier=1.000000
    Sets the damage multiplier for dropship attacks to characters.

  • scum.DropshipRailgunDamageMultiplier=1.000000
    Adjusts dropship railgun damage to characters.

  • scum.DropshipBaseBuildingElementsDamageMultiplier=1.000000
    Adjusts dropship damage to base elements.

Known issues that are being worked on

  • Poop is not visible on the ground after defecating
  • Certain characters have mismatched colorations between neck and the rest of the body
SCUM - Fratman
Salutations, SCUM community! Hope everyone is easing into the week nicely! Here's this week's dev update for your reading pleasure!

We understand that the past few weeks have been a bit dry in this section, as the team has been mostly focused on bug fixing. However, this week we have a lot more to share, and we can go into greater detail about what our programmers are doing. First off, work has continued on the much-anticipated quest system and the content related to it, as well as on the armed enemy NPCs that will make your survival on the prison island even more challenging!

Next, the team has (re)started work on the armband, as well as the turret you'll be able to place on your base! Remember that dead speedometer needle on the ATV? That's being taken care of too. The way small vegetation reacts to the wind is also being greatly improved, making the map feel even more realistic. And last, but certainly not least, the team has started to make improvements to the horde and encounter system!

Our level designers are still hard at work reworking and improving some of the POIs, such as the castle ruins, airport hangar, military hangar, and the prison. They’re also reworking the terrain for the B0 sector. Optimizations are being made to the weapons factory POI and the town of Samobor, along with updates to the environment and level design for the airport.

The hard surface team is also working on the aforementioned turret and speedometer for the ATV, as well as improving the skeletal mesh of the dropship. Rework has continued on the M1 Garand, along with something the community has been asking for and patiently waiting for... Behold, the all-mighty Cruiser!

The soft surface team has been busy reworking several items and conducting overall optimizations. Meanwhile, the animation wizards have been working on a multitude of improvements, such as better animations for the SCAR-L weapon and weapon malfunctions. Work has also continued on improved foliage animations, a new trailer for the game, and overall bug fixing.

The sound team has been busy with recording sessions. We’ve heard sounds of the guitar and the forest during both daytime and nighttime.

As we’ve said, it’s business as usual with these guys, though they might be testing something specific this week…

Our designers have been hammering away on the quest system. It’s their sole focus right now, and we can’t wait to share more on that topic soon!


To wrap things up, we’ll answer some of the questions that were posted in the comment section of the previous post:

  • Good eye on that one! Game development is like a box of chocolates—you never know what you're gonna get! Botched movie quote aside, other things that required the immediate attention of our programmers working on this system took priority, but we’ll get back on track with this rework as soon as possible.

  • We wanted to create a different type of enemy that the player simply cannot defeat, making these abandoned bunkers especially challenging. I mean, how do you kill something that literally has phoenix tears coursing through its veins?! All in all, there are no plans to make him killable, but who knows what the future holds...

  • We’re aware of the issue and will have it fixed sooner rather than later. The same goes for the water wells some of you have mentioned. We kindly ask for just a bit more of your patience.

  • We do indeed want players to have greater freedom in using prefabs as bases. We just need a bit more time to get that up and running. In short—we want to make this happen, and we’ll get there! As for the second question, we understand the frustration that comes with these wipes. After 1.0, we’ll see if we can reduce them to at least a manageable minimum. We can’t say for sure that we’ll be done with them entirely, but we’ll do what we can.

  • We don’t have any plans for additional language support at the moment, but we’ll see what can be done after 1.0.

See you next week!

SCUM - Fratman
Summer is slowly coming to a close, but what isn't slowing down is the work on our game. Here's a fresh new dev blog for your reading pleasure!

The vast majority of our programmers are still hammering away at all those bugs, with the exception of a few who are continuing their work on the armed NPCs.

Our level designers are sprucing up existing POIs and other parts of the map. Over the last week, the team has been optimizing the nuclear power plant, and they've continued their work on the castle ruins and walls. Work has also started on reworking the airport hangar, the military hangar, and the prison located in sector C2.

Our art team, busy as bees, is working on a wide variety of tasks — from visually reworking items such as the small toolbox, cooked food materials, and a variety of weapons, to creating a new mesh for vehicle lights. Foliage and other level optimizations are underway as well. All departments do what they can to ensure that the game runs as smoothly as possible!

The animators are also keeping themselves quite busy as well with new and improved animations for the quad and for sentries when they drop from the... well... dropship. Significant progress has also been made with the NPCs in the outposts and I heard through the grapevine that the new trailer is shaping up nicely!

The sound team is still working on ambient sounds and their implementation. They are being very secretive about it, but we'll find out what they're up to soon enough.

The dust has slowly been settling after the patch, and our QA/CM team is returning to business as usual: finding new bugs, testing new features, catching cheaters, and staying in contact with all of you.

Work has continued on the much-anticipated quest system, while the team has also been researching ways to improve the driving camera and rebalancing the formula for meat cutting.


To wrap things up, we'll answer some of the questions that were posted in the comment section of the previous post:

  • While we can't give a specific date for its return, we promise that all the vehicles already in the game will return by the time we hit version 1.0 — including the hydroplane.

  • While that sounds great on paper, it's doubtful that the engine (and the game) would survive an additional enlargement of the map. It would be better to make the current map denser with additional POIs, buildings, or whatnot. However, all of that is reserved for future post-launch support of the game, which we fully intend to deliver. For now, as we've mentioned several times, our focus is on delivering the remaining features for version 1.0, along with overdue bug fixes, optimizations, system reworks, and more.

  • I pick these questions from time to time to emphasize the point we've already made. We know it's a contentious matter that created a lot of frustration for a substantial subset of players. That is why we want to remind and reassure our players by saying that the puppets and their spawn rates will be further tweaked. Our programmers are working on it, but it may take some time to implement. We kindly ask for your patience on this matter.

  • We're in the process of testing the fix for the well. We should have it ready for the next hotfix. Don't dehydrate on us!

  • It's a neat idea that's definitely worth exploring. We acknowledge that our players really want to exact their revenge on the sharks (or at least have the means to defend themselves while swimming). It was definitely considered, but it would require a lot of work, which would distract us from more pressing matters. However, after version 1.0, who knows? :)

Have a great week everyone!

SCUM - Fratman
Hey hey everyone, happy Monday. Let's take a break between hotfixes with a bit of an Dev update.

This one will be a shorter one as most of the team is hammering away bugs and are not very talkative.

Programmers are bug fixing, bug fixing and more bug fixing. Our code wizards are at it to resolve issues you've been reporting to us.

Level design is back on the map rework. All of the previous work you've seen in these is now being tested and bug fixed to make sure once it is ready for release it is actually ready for release.

The art team on bug fixing as well but some other stuff also. Clothes are being reworked to reduce the level of clipping through layers and weapons are having their visuals updated as well.

Audio team is cooking up some new ambience sounds. They said they were recording something in the woods so who knows what that means.

QA/CM have been extremely busy since the update, collecting all of yours feedback and feeding it into dev machine. Our watch has not yet ended

The design team has been getting that feedback, and with the bugfixing, is also looking into any and all balancing issues to correct as well.

Unfortunately no Q&A this week, as most posts are the issue reports which we are working on. But do not worry it will be back!

See ya next week!

SCUM - Beda
Hello everyone, happy Thursday! Did you know it is our 6th Early Access anniversary? Let's celebrate that with a hefty hotfix!

  • Fixed the issue where you could not use the cargo drop command more than once.
  • Fixed the issue where squad mates messing with blueprints would sometimes crash the game.
  • Fixed the issue where some animations would look broken.
  • Fixed the issue where players could spawn outside of custom borders.
  • Fixed the issue where Halloween emotes required Supporter pack #1.
  • Fixed the issue where taking a chest in hands after leaving an event would cause a crash.
  • Fixed the issue where players would get stuck inside vehicles after relogging.
  • Fixed the issue where a random crash would occur after a vehicle got deleted.
  • Fixed the issue where some weapon attachments would clip through weapons.
  • Fixed the issue where some items would have wrong grips.
  • Fixed the issue where dropships would sometimes cause a crash.
  • Fixed another issue that caused a random server crash.
  • Fixed the issues concerning new BB element blueprints such as incorrect meshes, incorrect blockage etc.
  • Fixed the issue where in some cases liquid containers would not spill correctly.
  • Fixed the issue with RIS light emission was not centered properly.
  • Fixed the issue where AK15 would still have head bobbing on even if turned off in settings.
  • Fixed the issue where explosion effects would not show unless the player was close to it.
  • Fixed the issue where locked chests would sometimes disappear in Single Player.
  • Fixed the issue where trader car lift would sometimes break down when other players are inside the trader zone.
  • Fixed the issue where on some angles you could still see through censor filter.
  • Fixed the issue where some items were not listed in parameters.json file.
  • Fixed the issue where destroying small stairs would destroy other BB elements that were attached to it.
  • Fixed the issue where players would sometimes get stuck after looting containers.
  • Fixed the issue where some lockers did not have loot assigned to it.
  • Fixed the issue where BB elements did not have a direction arrow showing.
  • Fixed the issue where weapons would get stuck on full auto fire animation.

  • Added new dropship sounds.
  • Removed the craftable holsters from trader inventory.
  • Improvised shotgun and handgun can now use more caliber types, making them more viable.
  • Reduced the crafting materials needed for improvised shotgun and handgun.
  • Implemented plough and spikes attachments for RIS vehicle.
  • Removed outdated items from the spawning pool.

  • Added new admin commands to admins:

    #ForceBBEncounterOnNearbyOwnedBase --> will spawn dropship + sentry if it's enabled in sentrys and if it meets requirements of basebuilding elements
    #ForceDropshipEncounter --> will spawn dropship on your location
    #DestroyEncountersAtPlayerLocation --> will end all encounters on your location
    #SpawnRazor --> spawns a razor
    #DestroyAllRazorsWithinRadius --> #DestroyAllRazorsWithinRadius 50, will destroy all razors within 50m range
    #Spawnitem2 --> better way of spawning items

  • Added new server settings:

    [World] - In game under - WORLD in subcategory NPC

    Values for this setting are expressed in percentages.
    This setting determines the chance for the base buiding encounter to be triggered. Default value is 7.5, the min value is 0.1, and the max value is 100.

    This setting determines the time needed for the base building encounter to be triggered. Default value is 1, min value is 0,1, max value is 100.
    Multiplier will affect 3 different timers that determine how long the player needs to be active in the base to trigger the event, how much time it passes between the checks after failed spawn for the BB encounter, and on cooldown after the encounter has been finished.
    If multiplier was set to 10, all values shown bellow would be multiplied by 10.
    The default value for player activity is 900 seconds (15 minutes), multiplied by 10 would end in 9000 seconds (150 minutes).
    The default value to spawn BB encounter after encounter failed to be spawned is between 1800 and 2700 seconds (30 - 45 minutes), multiplied by 10 would end in 18000 and 27000 seconds (300 - 450 minutes).
    The default value for cooldown after BB encounter was finished and before new check can be triggered is between 28800 - 36000 seconds (480 - 600 minutes), multiplied by 10 would end in 288000 - 360000 seconds (4,800 - 6000 minutes).

    Values for this setting are expressed in percentages.
    This setting determines the chance for the dropship encounter activation by abandoned bunker alarms. The default value is 50, the min value is 0.1, and the max value is 100.

SCUM - Fratman
Hope you've had a blast driving around in your favorite four-wheeled machine and setting up the dream home you'll never have IRL because of real estate prices. Regardless, there's no rest for the wicked—behold this week's dev update!

We'll kick things off with a reminder about the decennial BTS video featuring our dynamic marketing duo/Italian plumber impersonators Matija and Dario. It's an entertaining watch, so it doesn't hurt to check the video out.

However, we know you're not here because our guys are contenders for Mr. Congeniality. Here's a quick look at what the team has been up to over the past week:

As is customary before each update release, our programmers were head over heels in bug fixing and preparing everything for a smooth update rollout. However, deep within the chambers of their office, new code for the NPC firearm system has been developed, along with overall performance improvements for the game.

Our level designers have also been heavily engaged with bug fixing—specifically with base building elements and painting tweaks. Work has also continued on the castle ruin walls that we've already mentioned. However, there is something else that we'd like to show you. Some of you may have had the fortune (or misfortune) of encountering the new dropship and its deadly weapons. Since this feature has been soft-launched, it's still prone to a variety of changes that also include visual improvements, such as WIP the one you can take a peek at below:

The art team was no slouch either—far from it, in fact! Our animators were busy making the latest dev blog video on the new update and were also fixing some of those quad bugs that cropped up.

At the same time, our hard surface team was creating new assets and textures for the rifles, while the soft surface team was also focused on bug fixing in their own segment.

If the dropship didn't sound good to you, then rest assured that our sound team will make it pop once they're done with it.

Our QA team has been tirelessly working to help the team make one of the smoothest patch releases since SCUM entered Early Access, so make sure to send inappropriate messages of support to Cheeseking and xKickx. They'll appreciate it greatly.

The design team has also been heavily engaged with bug fixing for this new patch. Nothing more to add here this week, but if you've watched our previous BTS video, you'll know what they'll continue working on ;)

And now for your Q&A

  • If some foliage stands in their way to your base, you can be sure that some greenery will not stop them in their mission to forcefully redecorate your base.

  • We're humbled by your craving for more updates, but we've just released a patch. The team needs a short breather, but rest assured, we'll get on it immediately.

  • There are no explicit dates for those updates. We'll have more to share in that regard when the time's right.

  • We want to emphasize that the dropships have been soft-launched—meaning that we will be actively gathering feedback on their functionality to ensure that their implementation is exclusively for the benefit and enjoyment of our players. As for the anti-cheat, that is also something the team will be working on in the coming period. We always have that in mind, and we recognize the necessity for a more robust and reactive anti-cheat system, so we'll definitely put a greater focus on it sometime down the line.

  • The idea behind the dropships was to introduce an additional layer of challenge for players and teams that are the most dominant on the servers. They will not be attacking those who have just started to build their fledgling bases. The reasoning is that if you have enough time and resources to create concrete citadels on the map, you should have the means to defend yourself from the dropship and the mech that they... drop! In any case, as we've mentioned in the previous reply, we'll gather as much feedback as we can on this mechanic and make sure to balance everything out.

Yours truly,

SCUM - Beda
Hello everyone, we said we would see you all soon. A new patch is here with great content and much more bug fixes check it out!

Unfortunately due to number of changes and fixes a soft wipe was necessary with this update.

Let's kick it off with the new BB elements and other related goodies.

We wish to thank you all who participated in the BB element survey we did a while back as all things featured here are direct results of it. So make sure you keep an eye out for more of these when we do them.

Starting with new BB elements!

As you can see we have tons of new elements you requested added, with more on the way down the line. Currently, we have added the following:
  • Ladders.
  • Support with lower and mid-wall combo. (Rejoice!)
  • L beam supports.
  • Half-width walls.
  • More window options.
  • Floors with hatch openings.
  • Doors with holes.
  • New chair.

With these, the possibilities you can build have increased significantly and you can now build much more. For example, garages that can be smaller and still fit much more vehicles inside!

That is not all. Another highly requested feature is the change we made to the foundations. Depending on the level of it, it now becomes more and more solid foundation making it impossible to crawl through. So no longer will you have to surround your concrete foundation with other elements to be safe.

As you can see in the screenshots above, and already mentioned in the Devblog. You can also paint your BB elements now! Whether to camouflage it or show your style the choice is up to you!

Including storage elements such as chests, and having things organized has never been easier.

Just take a spray can, hold F on the element, and paint away.

Oh, and we are not done. Remember those window fortifications you could put on prefab windows? These can now be placed on BB windows AND support wall combos as well!

Again not done, we have finally placed vaulting markers on BB elements so you can jump through windows, and over walls as much as you want!

Ready for this one? Dropships are now flying around the island. TEC 01 decided to start increasing their presence on the island and Dropships are stage 1 of this operation.

Take note this is a soft launch, so we are not enforcing it across all servers. Private servers and SP can choose to opt in and out as well. You can do so in Server settings under the World/NPC tab.

Official servers that will have this included are:

  • SCUM Official Server PvE #1 - Europe
  • SCUM Official Server PvE #01 - Australia
  • SCUM Official Server PvE #01 - US Central
  • SCUM Official Server PvE - US East

  • SCUM Server Hardcore #1 - Europe
  • SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - EU
  • SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - Russia
  • SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - Singapore
  • SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - South Africa
  • SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - Australia
  • SCUM Server Hardcore #1 - US East
  • SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - US East
  • SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - Canada
  • SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - Brazil

Monthly Wipe:
  • SCUM Server Official #1 - Europe Monthly Wipe
  • SCUM Server Official #1 - US East / Monthly Wipe

So how do they work?

They have multiple functions:

  • They will patrol around the island looking for targets. if you see one, make sure you stay clear. If it sees you you either fight or run and hide.

  • They can bring in reinforcements for destroyed mechs (currently only on the B2 airfield).

  • Or if you trip the alarm in abandoned bunkers, your escape route can be blocked.

And finally, if they deem your base the biggest threat on the island, they will pay a visit and bring a friend.

As stated this is a soft launch as we have more plans for dropships in the future as well but we want to gather your feedback first and balance it before continuing further so leave your feedback on our forums, Discord, etc.

The king of off-road is back and in style. The modular Quad vehicle is here!

You can see so much has been added to it in terms of parts you can truly choose on what style and functionality you want from it.

Wheel armor, military body, and parts, civilian body and parts, storage space, shield take your pick! The quad is back baby!

Additional note: Unfortunately we have encountered an issue with the front bumper parts such as the plow and spikes. It caused quads to fall through the map so we decided to disable them for now and roll them out as soon as possible when fixed.

Speaking of vehicles the radio is back as well!

Driving in silence is done, the age of music is upon us! You can find the car radio around the island and install it in your car of choice! Just open the door look at the slot for it and press install.

From that moment on announce yourself to every Bob in the village while driving through and show you superiority with the 20 year old sound system in your vehicle. As cool guys do.

We made some changes to the UI as well, making it more concise and neat.

As you can see on the bottom left, indicators are now better spread on the screen giving you a cleaner picture while still having all info. The navbar is well becoming more transparent and highlighting currently used items. Indicators will be highlighted when needed for example your stamina getting low.

Fame and money amounts are now inside your inventory tab as well.

On the top right, it does not clutter your screen as well.

In settings, you can choose the level of transparency or even turn off elements of UI if you want.

We made some changes on First Time User Experience as well, or in short FTUE. Hawk FTUE as we call it ( Kristian betted me I would not put that in the notes, bad idea Kristian).

The goal is to relieve the initial stress for new players and help everyone ease in the horror that is SCUM Island.

Starting with spawns, your first spawn will make sure you do not land somewhere where the resources are scarce or the danger is high. Giving you a fair chance to get your bearing.

Bicycles will spawn with both wheels as well, making it easier to at least have some form of transport at the start.

We also reduced the materials needed for Tier 1 BB elements, making it easier to start your first base.

When making your first character you can choose whether to opt in or out, for those of you who want it harder.

Just to avoid confusion the Tier 1 and Bicycles are for everyone regardless of you opting in or out.

We did a bit of an overhaul of how items spawn on the island. Giving it more balance and having it make more sense as well.

We added something called cooldown groups. The way they work is once you loot a certain rare item, let us give an example you got an MP5SD from a police locker. That locker will enter into the cooldown phase for the rarity of that cooldown group. This means you will no longer be able to find such an item in a set amount of time. Which means farming for rare loot is no longer available. Your best chances to keep getting the loot you want is to move on to other POIs and try your luck there.

For you server admin owners and those who like to tweak your single-player settings, you can customize these groups as you want. Our wonderful Cheeseking has added it to the Loot modification document with all the explanations needed!

You can find it HERE

We made some improvements to the stealth gameplay as well, this one is for all of my fellow firearms enthusiasts. All suppressed weapons now generate less noise towards NPCs making them much more viable when dealing with any type of danger but you know sneaky sneaky style.

And finally, as an extra goodie, you get a new hat as well.

  • Fixed the issue where AWP and AWM rifles would lose their skins when taken in hands.
  • Fixed the issue where improvised GL would change appearance between holster and being in hands.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not collect seeds from fruits and vegetables in SP.
  • Fixed the issue where the censor filter would not work when in water.
  • Fixed the issue where the treat prisoner option would still show up on dead players.
  • Fixed the issue where DFAO would create black spots on textures.
  • Fixed the issue where interacting with storages would have no sound.
  • Fixed the issue where placing some items in containers would flip them.
  • Fixed the issue where audio would not play when joining bullet stacks.
  • Fixed the issue where you could still move when lying down emote.
  • Fixed the issue where the camera would sometimes lock when driving a vehicle.
  • Fixed the bug where 3rd person camera would rotate after being knocked out.
  • Fixed the issue where the dial pad minigame would have one more extra attempt.
  • Fixed the issue where the AK platform would have its fire selector appear reversed.
  • Fixed the issue where you could still craft explosives on servers that disable them.
  • Fixed VSS/AS Val idle animation.
  • Fixed the issue where UMP would still visually have a magazine even without it.
  • Fixed the issue where loading bullets in Deagle magazine would make bullets invisible.
  • Fixed the issue where it was not possible to ignite items while they were on the ground.
  • Fixed wrong grip animations for various items.
  • Fixed the issue where clouds would sometimes flicker.
  • Fixed the issue where you could sometimes bypass clothes maximum weight capacity.
  • Fixed the issue where some trader buy/sell prices would not show correctly.
  • Fixed the issue where cooking food would sometimes give food repulsion.
  • Fixed the issue where prisoners would instantly die when jumping out of planes.

  • Motorboats are now more stable on water.
  • Reduced shotgun spread by 30%.
  • Increased shotgun damage by 30%.
  • Reduced fame point gain from crafting AP ammo.
  • Setup Car Jack action can now be interrupted.
  • Increased damage dealt to players when crashing in vehicles and dismounted (so falling off bikes or quads).
  • You no longer require engineering skills to repair BB elements.
  • Drones can now see whether a storage item or vehicle is locked.
  • Drones can now see the percentage of health on BB elements.

This setting is located under "GENERAL" in the game.
scum.EnableSpawnOnGround=0 - Enables spawning on the ground instead of parachuting to the island.

These settings are located under "WORLD" - "NPC" in the game.
scum.EnableWorldEncounter=0 - Enables or disables random dropship spawns in the open world.
scum.EnableDropshipAbandonedBunkerEncounter=0 - Enables or disables dropship encounters triggered by abandoned bunker alarms.
scum.EnableDropshipBaseBuildingEncounter=0 - Enables or disables dropship encounters spawned on powerful player's bases.
scum.BaseBuildingEncounterMinNumElementsToStart=-1 - Minimum amount of elements needed to start a base building encounter. -1 represents default value, which is 100 (Encounter starts after amount of elements reaches 100). Values set to 0.10 will be clamped to 10.
scum.BaseBuildingEncounterMinNumElementsToEnd=-1 - Amount of elements remaining needed for the base building encounter to end. -1 represents default value, which is 50 (Encounter ends after amount of elements remaining reaches 50). Values set to 0-5 will be clamped to 5.

scum.EnableSentryRespawning=1 - This setting will enable or disable POI sentry respawning via dropships. This doesn't affect the overall respawn of sentry on the island. In game server setting game - "ENABLE POI SENTRY RESPAWNING"

These settings are located under "WORLD" - "HUNTING" in the game.
scum.BearMaxHealthMultiplier=1.000000 - Health modifier for the Bears. Min value for this is 0.1 and max value is 100.
scum.BoarMaxHealthMultiplier=1.000000 - Health modifier for the Boars. Min value for this is 0.1 and max value is 100.
scum.ChickenMaxHealthMultiplier=1.000000 - Health modifier for the Chickens. Min value for this is 0.1 and max value is 100.
scum.DeerMaxHealthMultiplier=1.000000 - Health modifier for the Deers. Min value for this is 0.1 and max value is 100.
scum.DonkeyMaxHealthMultiplier=1.000000 - Health modifier for the Donkeys. Min value for this is 0.1 and max value is 100.
scum.GoatMaxHealthMultiplier=1.000000 - Health modifier for the Goats. Min value for this is 0.1 and max value is 100.
scum.HorseMaxHealthMultiplier=1.000000 - Health modifier for the Horses. Min value for this is 0.1 and max value is 100.
scum.RabbitMaxHealthMultiplier=1.000000 - Health modifier for the Rabbits. Min value for this is 0.1 and max value is 100.
scum.WolfMaxHealthMultiplier=1.000000 - Health modifier for the Wolfs. Min value for this is 0.1 and max value is 100.

These settings are located under "VEHICLES" - "SPAWNING" in the game.
scum.RisMaxAmount=50 - Max amount of RIS (quads) that will exist on the server.
scum.RisMaxFunctionalAmount=20 - Maximum amount of functional RISes (quads) spawning.
scum.RisMinPurchasedAmount=5 - Amount of Ris's that you can buy from traders.

These settings are located under "FEATURES" - "ITEM SPAWNING" in the game.
scum.EnableItemCooldownGroups=1 - enables or disables item cooldown groups.
scum.ItemCooldownGroupsDurationMultiplier=1.000000 - This is a server setting that multiplies values set in the CooldownMin and CooldownMax properties, it can be used to multiply set values if you want to increase or decrease the cooldowns set on your server without having to change every single group manually.

These settings are located under "FEATURES" - "MISC" in the game.
scum.EnableNewPlayerProtection=1 - enables or disables new player protection.
scum.NewPlayerProtectionDuration=120.000000 - determines how long new player protection will last. Values are represented in minutes. Min value is 120 and max value is 1440.
scum.AllowAutomaticParachuteOpening=1 - enables or disables automatic parachute opening.
scum.HideQuickAccessBar=0 - if set to 1 it will force everyone on the server to play without seeing quick access bar.
scum.HideLifeIndicators=0 - if set to 1 it will force everyone on the server to play without seeing health, stamina, food and water indicators.

(These were written by Kickx so if it is wrong go yell at him)
SCUM - Beda
Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday! Can you believe that, it is Dev update #100. And to commemorate that, you will get a long awaited Devblog instead. Check it out and enjoy!!!

Once again thank you all for your support and reading through all 100 of Dev updates, in whatever format they are. We will see you very soon!

SCUM - Fratman
We're back on track with our Monday dev updates! The heat is on here in the studio - both in terms of the heatwave hitting us and because of something exciting that we're cooking up for you guys. Without further ado, let's get it started!

As is already customary, we'll start things off with a reminder for our latest BTS video which features our senior game designer Frle talking about the intricacies of the new quest system. There's a lot of cool info thrown in there which is why we recommend you take a gander at it.

And now, let's get onto the meat and potatoes of this update!

Our programming busy bees are still at it with bugfixing all across the board. However, that doesn't mean that our upcoming features are on a hiatus as NPCs are still being worked on extensively.

Our level designers are also keeping themselves quite busy with a wide variety of bugfixes, but they are also doing memory profiling and optimizations, as well as a variety of tasks regarding base building elements that include painting color tweaking, and destruction particles. Also, the team is working on reworking the castle ruins, tweaking the factory chimneys, and the passenger building on the airport POI. Here's a sneak peek into the new and improved castle:

Let's not forget about our hardworking art department. The animators are still working on overall bug fixing and the new quad animations, as well as the new trailer and general animation polishing. Their collaboration on something special with the CM/Marketing continues, and you'll be able to see the fruits of their labor quite soon!

The hard surface team is finishing the quad assets and has started to work on the Hellrider Rager variation. They are also still on the task of refreshing old weapons, while the soft surface guys are still focusing on optimizing clothing items.

Not much has changed for the audio team since the last week as they're still working on the new dropship audio, as well as overall audio mixing.

QA does what QA does best. Testing, more testing, and then some more testing.

Bugfixing did also not elude our game designers, but they are also putting the finishing touches on the quad, and are researching new ways to organize in-game assets.

And now for your Q&A

  • If you are referring to creating your own character, you can make one in the creator before starting the game. Play around with the presets and you'll come across the Asian characters. However, if you are referring to DLC characters, we're currently focused on delivering all the promised features for the 1.0 version of the game and there are no plans for any new DLC characters up until that point. However, after we get there, we'll see what the future will bring in that regard as we currently don't have anything new to share in that regard.

  • As you can see from the dev update, we're working on the armed NPC's which will find their way into the game down the line.

  • For now, only the quest functionality will be available on the mobile phone. However, your idea sounds like a great suggestion, which is why we'd like to kindly ask you to share it with the rest of the community in the ''suggestion'' forum on our Steam page. Our designers are combing that forum and they might just come across your idea :)

  • This is definitely one of our most requested features for quite some time now. However, we can't say anything more on this topic before we hit 1.0. What we can say is that it will not arrive before the end of our Early access run and that it will be taken into consideration after that. Sorry that I can't say more on this, but your voices on the matter are definitely heard.

See ya next week!


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