Risk of Rain 2 - Jonathan

Hello and welcome once again to the Hopoo games Dev Thoughts!

I'm Jonathan the Hopoo Games community manager and it's my pleasure to introduce you to our latest game:

Risk of Rain Returns.


Risk of Rain Returns

Risk of Rain Returns is a remake of our original 2013 release Risk of Rain. For those of you unfamiliar with the original, Risk of Rain Returns is a 2d multiplayer action platformer with roguelike elements. Stranded on a strange planet waves of alien monsters randomly spawn and attack you.

The strength of these enemies increases in difficulty as time passes so you have to balance between grabbing items to increase your power and racing through the multiple stages as fast as you can to stay ahead of the curve.

For those of you who are familiar with Risk of Rain - don’t think this is just a lick of paint on an old classic - Risk of Rain Returns completely overhauls the original and introduces a ton of new content.

  • Updated Codebase - We'll be able to continue to update and add to the game with features that weren't previously possible
  • All Risk of Rain 1 content returning with glorious new HD pixel art
  • Enhanced Audio - including updated SFX & Chris Christodoulou is returning for some additional music tracks!
  • Countless rebalancing and gameplay tweaks - a smoother “gameplay feel” without losing that legendary Risk of Rain challenge
  • New Survivors - more on these in a future Dev Thoughts!
  • New Survivor Abilities - every character now has unlockable alternate abilities to customise your build!

  • New Items - some returning from RoR2, some entirely new!
  • New Enemies
  • New Interactables
  • New Stage Variants - even RoR1 veterans will have to explore again!
  • Revamped Multiplayer - PC version is fully integrated into Steam - no more messing with router settings!!!

…and a huge amount more - Risk of Rain Returns is a whole new game and an upgraded experience from the original Risk of Rain.

Between now and the to-be-announced release date I'll be doing regular Dev Thoughts updates to tell you more about our latest title, but before we go onto today's info I have some more great news to share.

Gearbox Acquisition of the Risk of Rain IP

A few weeks ago Gearbox Entertainment purchased the Risk of Rain IP from Hopoo Games

Gearbox have been the trusted publisher of Risk of Rain 2 for many years now, they have a love for Risk of Rain that matches our own and are the best fit for taking the franchise into the future.

Hopoo Games will remain the developer of the Gearbox-published Risk of Rain Returns, and Gearbox will both develop and publish potential future titles in the series. 

Looking back on the development of Survivors of the Void, we’re proud of what we accomplished. It was our goal to deliver all our remaining content ideas in a meaningful way. Building it for all of you has been a dream come true. But we didn’t do it alone. 

Our Risk of Rain 2 co-developer, Gearbox, created some of the most well-received content in the Survivors of the Void Expansion such as the stages like Aphelian Sanctuary and Siphoned Forest. They also made some of the coolest enemies in the game like Void Jailers.

We are ready to move on to new challenges and welcome the exciting and fresh ideas Gearbox will bring to Risk of Rain. Completing the console versions of Survivors of the Void remains a top priority for Gearbox, and we can't wait to see what the future brings for Risk of Rain with them at the helm! We know the IP is in excellent hands. 

Thanks again for your support everyone! Make sure you’re following us on Twitter & Twitch for more info and tune in next time for even more info about Risk of Rain Returns!

Community Manager
Hopoo Games

Risk of Rain 2 - Jonathan
Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void PC Patch v1.2.4 (Build ID #8796679)

Changes with the ‘🌧’ icon in front of them are changes or additions suggested by the community. As always, if you want to stay up to date on the game or give us feedback feel free to join the discord at https://discord.gg/riskofrain2

The goal of this patch is to address lower-level bugs, while also taking a look at some content changes and more long-standing bugs that have existed in RoR2. In addition to that, you can now sign up for our mailing list in game to stay updated on our latest announcements!

(Steam version only)

Read up!

• General
  • Void Fields
  • 🌧 Interactables now spawn in the stage
  • Developer Notes: With SotV, we wanted to make the Void Fields a more compelling choice by increasing the value of the reward and introducing a cost (time). However, we felt that the risk outweighed the reward, so we’ve added interactables to the stage, much like the interactables in Simulacrum stages.

  • Artificer
  • 🌧 Flame Bolt damage: 220% ⇒ 280%
  • Plasma Bolt damage: 220% ⇒ 280%
  • Developer Notes: As we iterated on the way that burns work during development of SotV, we unintentionally reduced the damage of Artificer’s Flame Bolt indirectly by reducing the burn damage. To compensate, we’re buffing the initial damage of Flame Bolt so that the overall damage returns to pre-SotV levels. Plasma Bolt is receiving the same buff to ensure it doesn’t fall behind.
  • [/i]

  • Captain
  • 🌧 Lysate Cell now increases the stocks of Captain’s first beacon
  • Captain is now limited to 2 deployed beacons at a time
  • Developer Notes: It was kind of lame that Lysate Cell did absolutely nothing for Captain, but it was hard to find a solution that wasn’t completely game-breaking. Limiting the beacons to 2 at a time keeps the power of the item under control (as well as fixes some exploits in Simulacrum multiplayer).
  • [/i]

  • Newly Hatched Zoea
  • 🌧 Fresh new skins to help differentiate allies from enemies

  • Defense Nucleus
  • Alpha Construct Ally Damage Bonus: +0% ⇒+300%
  • Alpha Construct Ally Health Bonus: +0% ⇒ +300%
  • Developer Notes: During development, we experimented with what conditions would trigger this item. Initially, this item was exceptionally strong due to how frequently it triggered. It proved to be too strong, so we changed the trigger, but we forgot to compensate by buffing the spawned Alpha Construct as we had intended.
  • [/i]

  • Squid Polyp
  • Squid Turret Ally Base Damage: 20 ⇒ 4
  • Squid Turret Ally Primary Skill Damage Coefficient: 1 ⇒ 5
  • Squid Turret Allies Primary Skill Proc Coefficient: 1 ⇒ 0.1
  • Squid Turret Allies Primary Skill Knockback Force: 0 ⇒ 2000
  • Squid Turret Allies can now be stunned by “stunning” skills
  • Squid Turret Allies can now be frozen
  • Developer Notes: An important part of the balance of the Void Cradles is the risk from the Void Infestors it spawns, so we wanted to lower the risk with Squid Polyp without completely removing it. These changes to Squid Polyp are overall a slight buff in the hands of the player (the knockback especially defends the turrets against infestation), but they mainly reduce the damage from Collapse when Voidtouched. And believe it or not, they’re actually pretty good at killing the Void Infestors.
  • [/i]

  • Blind Vermin
  • 🌧 Director Credits for default variant: 20 ⇒ 14
  • 🌧 Director Credits for snowy variant: 8 ⇒ 14
  • Developer Notes: The difference in Director Credits between the variants of Blind Vermin was unintentional, so we just split the difference.
  • [/i]

    • 🌧 Swapping between skills on cooldown no longer resets the timer to max
    • 🌧 Improved some exception handling for modders
    • 🌧 Fixing a bug for modders where stages wouldn’t spawn monsters properly unless the deprecated DirectorCardCategorySelection field was assigned

    • 🌧 Fixed nodes in Distant Roost, Titanic Plains, Wetland Aspect, and Simulacrum’s Rally Point Delta
    • 🌧 Finally fixed Volcanic Egg desynchronizing its position
    • 🌧 Fixed Loader’s pylon traveling different distances depending on whether the player is a host or a client
    • 🌧 Fixed various typos and logbook descriptions
    • 🌧 Fixed various null reference exceptions
    • 🌧 Fixed Ben’s Raincoat, Shuriken, Oddly-Shaped Opal, Red Whip, and Unstable Tesla Coil to properly clean up their buffs when the item is removed
    • 🌧 Fixed Distant Roost and Wetland Aspect to properly spawn monsters and interactables from SotV
    • 🌧 Fixed Little Disciple becoming disabled for the remainder of the stage after the character is rooted
    • Updated Safer Spaces’ cooldown to no longer round up to the nearest second
    • 🌧 [!!SPOILER!!] Fixed the music not progressing properly for clients during the new final boss fight
    • 🌧 Fixed Overheat (the debuff applied by Grandparents) to be properly marked as a debuff
    • 🌧 Fixed bugs with Happiest Mask and Xi Construct
    • 🌧 [!!SPOILER!!] Fixed a bug where the players could lose after teleporting off of the moon
    • 🌧 Fixed some collision on Commencement, Sundered Grove, and Sulfur Pools to prevent softlocks
    • 🌧 Fixed bugs with Happiest Mask and Xi Construct
    • 🌧 Updated Spare Drone Parts to be blacklisted for enemies
    • 🌧 Improved the logic for where we spawn the item from Trophy Hunter’s Tricorn to reduce the odds that the item is inaccessible
    • 🌧 Singularity Bands can no longer proc themselves
    • 🌧 Fixed issues with players desynching with cross-play enabled
    • 🌧 Fixed the logbook icon for Void Barnacle sometimes being pixelated
    • 🌧 Fixed allies sometimes displaying healthbar indicators for items they didn’t have
    • 🌧 Fixed Artifact of Sacrifice’s interactable credit reduction not working in Simulacrum
    • 🌧 Fixed Void Fiend sometimes being partially invisible
    • 🌧 Helfire Tincture’s self-inflicted burn will now remain non-lethal, even if upgraded by Ignition Tank
    • 🌧 Helfire Tincture’s burn tick damage cap now considers shields, preventing issues with the burns becoming very long
    • 🌧 Updated Bandit’s displays for 57 Leaf Clover, Benthic Bloom, Ocular Hud, and Focus Crystal
    • 🌧 Updated Railgunner’s displays for Charged Perforator and Disposable Missile Launcher
    • 🌧 Updated Equipment Drone’s display for Remote Caffeinator
    • 🌧 Updated Void Reaver’s display for the Mending elite affix
    • 🌧 Fixed issue where upward momentum wasn’t reset when teleporting back into bounds
    • Slicing Maelstrom, Shadowfade, and Ruin skills no longer reset their stocks when assigned
    • Fixed Naturopath achievement to trigger at the correct time
    • Updated Strike Drone’s display for Spare Drone Parts
    • 🌧 Fixed bug where Recycler sometimes had difficulty targeting certain pickups
    • Fixed a tree on Aphelian Sanctuary that would disappear if the LOD settings were restricted
    • 🌧 Fixed kick_steam and ban_steam console commands to properly find the associated account
    • Fixed a bug where Egocentrism’s projectiles would collide but not destroy on terrain, causing explosion spam with Brilliant Behemoth
    • 🌧 Fixed vertical alignment of skills in the lobby
    • 🌧 Now clients in multiplayer will receive notifications for when one of their items or equipment is transformed
    • We now send a pickup message when a player receives a Tonic Affliction

    We are also expecting to push another very small patch ( within the next couple of weeks which will fix the following issues:
    • 🌧 Fixed prices in multiplayer sometimes being too cheap on the first stage
    • 🌧 Fixed Captain sometimes not having stocks of his beacons on the first stage

    This patch introduces a bug whereby playing a singleplayer game after a multiplayer game will cause the difficulty and prices to remain at multiplayer levels. As a temporary fix simply restart the game - we will have a permanent solution in place for the next patch!

    Enjoy the increased difficulty while you can, challenge hunters!

    As ever - thank you to everyone who has given us feedback and reported bugs since the launch of the expansion, we appreciate each and every one of you! To keep up to date with any further updates please follow us on Twitter or join our Discord. Also don't forget the new Mailing List you can sign up for from the in-game menu, and for those of you not able to access that we're going to have a web-based sign-up soon!

    -Hopoo Games
    Risk of Rain 2 - Jonathan

    Hello again everyone! It’s been a while since our pre-release Dev Thoughts and we’ve got a few new thoughts to share with you!

    I strongly recommend watching the video version of the Dev Thoughts this month as it includes all the below content as well as a lengthy Community Q&A Interview with the co-founders of Hopoo Games - Duncan and Paul.
    • Where did the name “Hopoo” come from?

    • Who is to blame for Captain’s abilities not being available in hidden realms?

    Find out the answers to these questions and many more by watching the below video!

    Expansion Reception

    First off let’s start off with the reception of Survivors of the Void. We have been absolutely blown away with the positive reaction to the expansion! We are thrilled that you’re loving the DLC, and despite some early balance/bug issues that we have adjusted as quickly as possible, you stuck with us and are playing Risk of Rain 2 in record numbers!

    So once again, from the bottom of our hearts, a huge thank you from everyone here at Hopoo Games for being part of this - we couldn’t do it without you!

    Console Release

    Since the PC release of Survivors of the Void we have been busy ironing out all the bugs and balance changes needed to get the expansion - and Risk of Rain 2 as a whole - up to the best standard. In order to release the console versions simultaneously to this same standard, including all the improvements we’ve already made to the PC version, we have made the decision to move the Console release of Survivors of the Void to later this year in early Q4.

    This was not an easy choice to make however we want to ensure your experience playing Risk of Rain 2 is the same regardless of the platform you chose, moving the date will allow us to deliver the game on all Console platforms in the state you deserve. We know this will be disappointing news for some of you however we know that in the long run this is the best move to make for the future of the game.

    Merch Update

    Just a quick update here - you may have seen on Twitter or Discord a couple of months ago that I asked what you’d like to see as far as Hopoo Games merchandise is concerned and I’ve taken that feedback and we are well on our way to opening a merch store for you!

    We have secured a partner to bring this merch to you and we are finalising designs right now - but don’t worry we will absolutely let you know when we’re ready to open!

    As you can tell from this secret snippet of an email - we have something special in store for you!


    Survivors of the Void Patch 1.2.4

    We have already updated Survivors of the Void twice since release and we are planning on at least one more bug fix patch before we consider Survivors of the Void completed on PC. This patch mainly focuses on bugs so there will not be much in the way of balance or content changes this time - however one change we’ve made is to recolor any ally Void creatures on your team to make them easier to identify in the chaos of combat.

    Your special blue crabbos.

    Another big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to report any gameplay or bug issues to us over the last couple of months - this is incredibly valuable information for us to improve the game and we really appreciate it! There is still time to report any bugs you may have experienced since the 1.2.3 Patch - let us know by joining our Discord and reporting them in the #bug-reports-pc channel


    Thanks again to everyone for making the Survivors of the Void launch an amazing experience - don't forget to check out the video dev thoughts above for the Q&A with Duncan and Paul - and I'll see you next time, we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been cooking up!

    Community Manager
    Hopoo Games

    Risk of Rain 2 - Jonathan
    Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void PC Patch v1.2.3 (Build ID #8537997)

    Changes with the ‘🌧’ icon in front of them are changes or additions suggested by the community. As always, if you want to stay up to date on the game or give us feedback feel free to join the discord at https://discord.gg/riskofrain2

    The goal of this patch is to address lower-level bugs, while also taking a look at some content changes and more long-standing bugs that have existed in RoR2.

    Read up!

    • Simulacrum
    • Slightly updated visuals of Void Focus
    • Now has an indicator for the Void Focus’ position
  • Void Seeds
  • [/b]
    • 🌧 Now cap at a maximum of 3 per map
    • 🌧 Spawn less frequently with Artifact of Sacrifice enabled
    • 🌧 Spawn less frequently on top of you when starting a new stage
  • Void Fiend
  • [/b]
    • 🌧 Corrupted skills are now lower priority than Heresy items, allowing Heresy items to override both versions of skills
  • Goobo Jr.
  • [/b]
    • 🌧 Damage Bonus: +70% ⇒+200%
    • 🌧 Health Bonus: +70% ⇒ +200%
    • 🌧 Fix description in logbook being wrong
    • Developer Notes: Goobo was designed to be +600%. It was +70%. +600% was actually waaay too strong when we fixed it, so we set it to a more reasonable value.
  • Brittle Crown
  • [/b]
    • 🌧 No longer grants gold to the enemy who hits you while wearing the item (but still shows the visuals)
    • Developer Notes: We thought it would be a cute behavior if when losing money from Brittle Crown, it granted that money to the attacker - for use in stuff like a Scavenger’s Crowd Funder. However, this resulted in you gaining all the money back when you killed the enemy, making Brittle Crown have (essentially) no downside.
  • Ben’s Raincoat
  • [/b]
    • Rework behavior - Now has an internal cooldown of 5 seconds
    • Now blocks 1 (+1 per stack) debuffs before going on cooldown
    • Now grants 10% of your health as barrier when blocking a debuff
    • Now has the ‘Healing’ tag
    • No longer grants maximum health
    • 🌧 No longer blocks non-timed debuffs, like Eclipse 8 and skills like Power Mode
    • Developer Notes: Ben’s Raincoat was a very binary item, resulting in unsatisfying stacking behavior and frustrations when given to monsters (like in Simulacrum). The item also trivialized Eclipse 8. Now, it has a bit of downtime for when it can block debuffs - and since we didn’t want this to be just a net nerf, we also added a large barrier when blocking a debuff with the coat.
  • Void Devastator
  • [/b]
    • Max Health: 2100 (+630 per level) ⇒ 2800 (+840 per level)
    • Armor: 10 ⇒ 20
    • Developer Notes: Despite being a boss monster, the Void Devastator had strangely low stats for its cost, especially when compared to same-cost monsters like the Imp Overlord
  • Gup
  • [/b]
    • 🌧 No longer splits if killed from a ‘Void Death’, like from Lost Seer’s Lenses
    • Voidtouched Gups and Geeps will now split into Voidtouched Geeps and Gips (respectively)

    • Altered some planets in the Planetarium
    • Updated Captain’s Defense Matrix log to be granted by playing Captain
    • 🌧 Updated Shipping Request Form to be blacklisted for enemies
    • 🌧 Updated inventories to work with more than 255 items for mods with many items
    • 🌧 Made it easier for mods to register custom achievements
    • 🌧 Updated localization to allow mods to properly utilize the system
    • 🌧 Extended systems to support mods adding custom item tiers
    • 🌧 Pluripotent Larva will no longer convert into items that are not available in the current run
    • 🌧 Updated a deep pool in the Planetarium causing you to get stuck inside if you had no jump boosts
    • 🌧 Updated Heretic to receive Heresy items, even if spawned from Goobo Jr, so it can use abilities
    • 🌧 Fixed Korean language files having a malformed format, resulting in errors

    • 🌧 Fixed Category Chests dropping a much smaller subset of items
    • 🌧 Fixed Beetle Guard summoned from Queen’s Gland no longer being a fresh green color
    • 🌧 Fixed a variety of issues relating to Heresy items losing or gaining stocks when swapping skills with other skills
    • 🌧 Fixed Simulacrum referring to Rainstorm as Normal
    • 🌧 Removed nodes in Simulacrum’s Titanic Plains, Sulfur Pools, and Rallypoint Delta that were inside walls
    • 🌧 Removed nodes in Aphelian Sanctuary and Sulfur Pools that were inside walls
    • Fixed tag requirements of Vengeance and Void Fields
    • Fixed a bunch of NRE’s, causing a potential variety of issues
    • 🌧 Fixed profiles not being able to be deleted in the main menu
    • 🌧 Fixed out-of-bound zones for Aphelian Sanctuary, Void Fields, Distant Roost, Titanic Plains, and Sky Meadows not properly culling monsters
    • 🌧 Fixed Siphoned Forest being called Snowy Forest in the logbook
    • 🌧 [!!SPOILER!!]Fixed the frog not spawning a deep void portal
    • Fixed text for Blast Shower not clarifying that it also removes freezes and stuns
    • 🌧 Fixed visible back faces in Siphoned Forest
    • 🌧 Fixed Void Fiend’s Trespass continually playing the sound if you quit in the middle of the skill
    • 🌧 Fixed Disposable Missile Launcher and Fireworks not triggering other missile effects, like AtG Missile and Plasma Shrimp
    • 🌧 Fixed a few bugs with state-controlled debuffs (like Void Fiend’s Corrupted Flood) and Ben’s Raincoat causing those debuffs to be permanent
    • 🌧 Fixed REX’s core position being lowered while sprinting, causing AI issues and some projectiles appearing in the floor while sprinting
    • 🌧 Fixed Bulwark’s Ambry entry missing in logbook
    • Fixed Heretic’s head hurtbox causing issues when hit
    • Fixed Xi Construct and Void Jailer appearing with Artifact of Dissonance enabled, even with the DLC disabled
    • 🌧 Fixed Simulacrum button being there even if the DLC is disabled
    • 🌧 Fixed Pluripotent Larva not corrupting all items that map many-to-one (i.e., Runald’s Band + yellow items)
    • 🌧 Fixed Railgunner seeing her own Weak Points while Chaos is enabled
    • 🌧 Fixed camera issues with Frost Relic while using Railgunner’s scopes or Mul-T’s Power Mode
    • 🌧 Fixed issues with Gup / Geep / Gip and Dio’s Best Friend
    • 🌧 Fixed Collapse counting as two separate debuffs
    • Fixed Geep and Gip receiving items from Evolution and Simulacrum multiple times
    • Potentially fixing more cases where Simulacrum would fail to spawn enemies
    • Fixed various typos

    Once again thanks very much for everyone who has jumped in and played Survivors of the Void and especially everyone that has reported these bugs! We're planning on at least one more bugfix/balance patch for the expansion so If you have any further issues with any of the above, or find any new bugs (impossible) please keep letting us know!

    -Hopoo Games
    Risk of Rain 2 - Jonathan
    Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void PC Patch v1.2.2.0 (Build ID #8331485)

    Changes with the ‘🌧’ icon in front of them are changes or additions suggested by the community. As always, if you want to stay up to date on the game or give us feedback feel free to join the discord at https://discord.gg/riskofrain2

    The goal of this patch is to address bugs from the release of Survivors of the Void, alongside community-driven balance and design changes. Read up! For some context, check out our previous Dev Thoughts:


    • General
    • Added Steam achievements for the DLC!
  • Simulacrum
  • [/b]
    • Waves now skip if nothing has spawned for 60 seconds
    • Waves now have a limit of how many credits can be given out at once
    • Waves will now spawn slightly more elites, and slightly less normal monsters
    • Artifact of Kin will always spawn monsters, even if they are considered ‘cheap’
    • Developer Notes: Simulacrum has a few edge cases where the director fails to spawn monsters - and as a result, the gamemode no longer advances. We added a few different checks to address situations where the game gets stuck. Not only that, but simulacrum tended to spam a lot more normal monsters instead of elites - so now, it’ll spawn a little bit more elite-y.
  • Void Seeds
  • [/b]
    • Void Seeds no longer spawn monsters over time, or when the Teleporter starts
    • Void Seeds no longer occasionally spawns normal, non-Voidtouched monsters
    • Void Seeds now have a more clear area indicator
    • Void Seeds no longer spawn ‘naked’ Void Infestors
    • Void Seeds now scale a lot slower over the duration of the run
    • Void Seeds now spawn elite affixes (like Overloading and Mending) less frequently for its Void
    • 🌧 Void Seeds now spawn Void Caches with Sacrifice enabled
    • 🌧 Void Seeds now mark remaining enemies on the map if there are 3 or less
    • Developer Notes: Void Seeds are chaotic and strange by design - but that same chaos and strangeness can lead to a bit of frustration in what the heck is going on. We’ve clarified behavior, and fixed some weird edge-case scenarios that led to it being more confusing. We’re still taking a look at trying to reduce the frequency of it spawning right on top of you at stage start.
  • Void Portal
  • [/b]
    • Minimum Stage Count: 3 ⇒ 6
    • Developer Notes: It’s pretty much impossible to beat The Planetarium at stage 3, so it was just bait. Now it only spawns when a player could reasonably beat the objectives.
  • Prismatic Trials (Live with SotV release)
  • [/b]
    • Prismatic Trials now has Survivors of the Void permanently enabled, even for non-DLC owners
  • Eclipse (Live with SotV release)
  • [/b]
    • Eclipse is now available in multiplayer
  • Ignite (Live with SotV release)
  • [/b]
    • Ignite effects, like Blazing elites and Artificer’s Flame Bolt, now deal 50% of its damage over time as ignite
    • Developer Notes: Previously, ignite damage was calculated off of a weird version of base damage, which was inconsistent across enemies. Not only that, but Artificer’s ignite was handled quite differently than the Blazing elites. Now, ignite effects always deal half the damage of the impact - which makes it match Overloading elite damage as well.
  • Void Fog (Live with SotV release)
  • [/b]
    • Void fog damage now ignores armor, Tougher Times, Armor Plating, and Planula
    • Void fog damage now slowly ramps up over time as long as you remain in the fog
    • Developer Notes: The Void Fog is important for a lot of content, especially in SotV - and has to remain threatening for the events to work. We found that Tougher Times, Armor Plating, and Planula made some of this content arbitrarily too easy. We also wanted to avoid being able to go ‘infinite’ in the fog with a lot of healing-over-time, so now it ramps up slowly.
  • Artificer
  • [/b]
    • 🌧 ‘Flamethrower’ now scales the number of damage ticks with attack speed
  • Void Fiend
  • [/b]
    • 🌧 ‘Drown (Corrupted)’ now scales the number of damage ticks with attack speed
    • 🌧 ‘Suppress (Corrupted)’ no longer marks you as the attacker for its self-damage - meaning it won’t proc items on yourself like Crowbar, etc.
    • 🌧 Transitioning into Corrupted mode now grants 0.5 seconds of invincibility
  • Void Fields
  • [/b]
    • 🌧 Percent Health Damage: 5% per second ⇒ 2.5% per second
    • Developer Notes: We wanted to make Void Fields more oppressive in SotV, as a mobility/heal check before you can access the guaranteed portal into the Planetarium. It was too much, so we are reducing it.
  • Stages
  • [/b]
    • Planetarium music now advances every phase
  • Void Infestors
  • [/b]
    • 🌧 Void Infestors now slowly decay health over 30 seconds
    • 🌧 Void Infestors no longer can convert ‘mechanical’ targets, like Drones or Engineer Turrets
    • Developer Notes: While it was cool the first time, having Void Infestors instantly kill your hard-earned drones made drones even worse. Now, they’re a decent ally to help pick off those bugs. Not only that, but an infestor that’s stuck running around the edge of a map would prevent you from finishing the Void Seed, which was annoying - now they slowly lose health over time.
  • Items
  • [/b]
    • Spare Drone Parts no longer grants Col. Droneman to Engineer Turrets

    • 🌧 Fixed ‘Remote Caffeinator’ DLC equipment being locked permanently
    • 🌧 Fixed weird momentum/velocity behavior after falling out-of-bounds and teleporting back
    • 🌧 Fixed ignite effects from Fire affixes and the ‘ignite’ damage type dealing 2x the damage over 4x the duration
    • 🌧 Fixed Volcanic Egg disjointing its position over time
    • Fixed clients who disconnect and then reconnect being stuck spectating
    • 🌧 Fixed Railgunner’s Goobo Jr. AI using only its Primary ability
    • 🌧 Fixed Ignition Tank’s descriptions being inaccurate to its behavior
    • Fixed hosts not being able to create new multiplayer games if they disconnect and reconnect their internet
    • 🌧 Fixed Merc’s expose being consumed by non-Mercs
    • 🌧 Fixed Simulacrum’s Enigma wave having the wrong strings
    • 🌧 Fixed Void Devastator not having its boss item assigned, causing it to not drop or be targetable by Trophy Hunter’s Tricorn
    • 🌧 Fixed Newly Hatched Zoea not consuming Defense Nucleus
    • 🌧 Fixed a stray jump pad in Sulfur Pools that leads nowhere
    • 🌧 Fixed ‘crusty’ pixels around buff icons
    • 🌧 Fixed Distant Roost having less interactable credits than Titanic Plains, causing it to spawn less interactables
    • 🌧 Fixed Rusted Key always granting a red item
    • Fixed consecutive weak point tracking resetting whenever ANY player missed, not just the player trying to earn the achievement
    • Fixed Will-o-the-wisp/Voidsent Flame having reversed damage coefficients
    • Fixed Prismatic Trials being playable in multiplayer by starting a singleplayer prismatic trial, backing out, and then hosting a multiplayer game
    • Fixed cans not animating properly with Remote Caffeinator
    • Fixed Snowy, Natural, and Sandy Golem skins not being fully implemented

    Ice to see you :¬)

    We’re keeping an eye on:
    • Reports of new crashes as of SotV release
    • Category Chests dropping limited items
    • Other potential softlocks in Simulacrum

    As you can see we have made quite a few fixes and changes directly based on your feedback, so a big thank you to everyone who has been in touch to report any issues! Keep this feedback coming - it really helps!

    -Hopoo Games
    Risk of Rain 2 - Jonathan

    Hello everyone!

    Before we get started today a HUGE thank you from everyone here at Hopoo Games for jumping in and trying Survivors of the Void - we have had an absolute blast watching your streams and tweets and Discord posts about your brand new Risk of Rain 2 experiences! For us as a team, SotV was definitely the most ambitious thing we’ve done to date and we’re thrilled with the reception!

    We’re currently working on a patch that should fix most of the issues you have reported to us, along with some balance/gameplay changes. Please note that these are only some of the changes we’re working on, and we will provide full patch notes for these changes on release!

    Oh yea… patch notes. We’ve learned from our mistake on not releasing patch notes for the expansion’s release - we recognize that many of you were used to how the game played prior to Survivors of the Void, and not informing you of the changes was something we have learned from - we will ensure future updates are well documented!
    On that subject… Some of the things we’re working on are:

    • Fixing velocity/momentum changes after teleporting back into the map, causing you to be flung around
    • Fixing one of the DLC Equipment being permanently locked
    • Fixing a few issues with the boss item from the Void Devastator
    • Fixing profiles not being deleted through the main menu
    • Fixing Volcanic Egg disjointing over time
    • Improving clarity, balance, and behaviour on Void Seeds. It’s fairly confusing, and spawning inside of it, being unable to find the enemies, or randomly dying to it isn’t a fun experience.
    • Improving Goobo Railgunner AI
    • Reducing damage of updated Void Fields’ fog
    • Captain occasionally spawns in with no stocks of his Special
    • Simulacrum soft-locks
    • Fixing Rusty Lockbox from always dropping a red item

    Forever in our hearts

    Some things we’re keeping an eye on:

    • Difficulty and overall balance of new content
    • Duration of some ignite effects
    • Improving functionality internally for modders
    • Frustrations with Void Infestors, specifically with drones and turrets

    Again, I wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you - it's been an amazing experience launching Survivors of the Void and we're truly grateful to have such a passionate fanbase! Please keep the feedback and bug reports coming - we’re watching and listening!

    -Hopoo Games


    Risk of Rain 2 Trading cards are now live on Steam!

    Risk of Rain 2 - Jonathan


    The first expansion to Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void has arrived and is now available to purchase right here on Steam right NOW!

    its got

    and a whole lot more - including Gup!

    So what are you still reading this for?? Go check it out!


    and if youre looking for somewhere to find other RoR2 players to jump into some multiplayer with - or if you want to let us know what you think of the expansion please join us on Discord!


    We hope you enjoy it! See you in the Void!

    -Hopoo Games

    Risk of Rain 2 - Jonathan

    Dev Thoughts #26 - The Void Invades

    Hey everyone!

    This will be the last Dev Thoughts before the release of Survivors of the Void on PC on the 1st March! I can’t explain how excited we all are at Hopoo Games for you all to get your hands on the expansion - We’re very proud of the final product and we hope you all enjoy it - be sure to let us know what you think!

    Thank you to everyone who has followed along with each of the Dev Thoughts over the last 5 months, it’s been a wild ride and it's been great talking with you all - this won't be the last time you hear from me as we do have some more surprises for you in the not-too-distant future!

    Following last month’s reveal of the Railgunner the anticipation for release of Survivors of the Void has skyrocketed and I have a couple of release updates for you all before we get into the main subject of this month’s Dev Thoughts.

    Release Updates

    Firstly I'm happy to announce that for the first time we’re releasing Risk of Rain 2 and Survivors of the Void on the Epic Game Store. It will launch at the same time as the Steam version on March 1st and the Expansion will have the same limited special offer price on launch we announced last month for Steam - a 35% discount down to $9.75

    The Epic Store version will be multiplayer compatible with the Steam version so you’ll be able to play together with your friends no matter which PC version you own.

    Explore stinky new worlds with your pals

    Secondly i’d like to give an update to our console fans as many of you have been back in contact with me since last month excited to give the Railgunner a try - While I dont have a precise date for you just yet I can confirm that as mentioned in Dev Thoughts 23 we are still on schedule for a Q2 (April-June) release for the console versions and I will let you know as soon as possible when the exact release date will be.

    And finally I know many of you - like myself - are huge fans of the RoR2 soundtrack and want to get your hands on the new music we previewed last month - You can now pre-order the Survivors of the Void OST on Chris’s Bandcamp on the following link:


    Survivor #2

    Introducing the second of two Survivors arriving with the Expansion

    The Void Fiend.

    The Void Fiend is Risk of Rain 2’s very own Jekyll and Hyde - a Void corrupted survivor that fluctuates between a controlled form and corrupted form, each with different strengths and weaknesses.

    Key to mastering the two sides of the Void Fiend is Corruption - which is increased by taking damage, reduced by healing but always slowly creeping higher and higher.

    The Void Fiend doesn’t have a set of alternate abilities to choose from - once your Corruption reaches 100% you burst into a more aggressive form with 4 new abilities to master.

    While in this form your Corruption slowly decreases - giving you a short window to use these more powerful abilities before transforming back into your controlled form and reliving this curse over and over.


    In your controlled form Drown fires a slowing long-range beam for 300% damage - a great all-round weapon that does high damage and has built in crowd control.

    In your corrupted form Drown transforms into a short-range rapid-fire beam that rips and tears through your enemies foolish enough to attack you.


    Using your huge mutated crustacean arm-cannon fire a plasma missile for 600% damage - you can also charge this attack building to an explosive plasma ball instead, dealing 1100% damage.

    In your corrupted form not only does this attack instantly fire a 1100% damage arcing bomb it also has twice the explosive radius.


    The Void Fiend can vanish into the void for a short time which cleanses all debuffs while you move in an upward arc - great for escaping tough situations or for navigating to higher ground.

    In your corrupted form this turns into an aggressive leap forward through the void allowing you to quickly close the distance to decimate your enemies up close and personal.


    Suppress is Void Fiend’s way of maintaining whichever form you wish to stay in a little bit longer. In your controlled form you consume 25% corruption and convert it into instant 25% healing.

    In your corrupted form you crush 25% of your health to instead increase your corruption by 25% allowing you to stay in this powerful form a few seconds longer to unleash the power of the void - if you can afford the price.

    You can also watch some exclusive Void Fiend gameplay footage over on the IGN website:


    That concludes our..


    .... What was that?

    Oh God they’re getting clo…


    …the crabs… ..they’ve found me….

    …The CRA…『「?SILENC?E」』



    |||||[【 THE FIRS?T.. THE CU?RRUPT??ED… THE FIEN?D… ]]

    [[[『[ …ABSC?ONDED 」】]]]]]
    Risk of Rain 2 - Jonathan

    Dev Thoughts #25 - Don’t Say The “S” Word

    Welcome back and Happy New Year!

    This is going to be a BIG year for Hopoo Games and I cannot wait to tell you more about what we have in store for you in the future - for today we’ll start with meeting a new friend!

    Don’t forget the Dev Thoughts also comes in a super-sweet video format! I’ve done something slightly different this month - let me know what you think in the comments!

    Before we meet our new friend… Some big announcements are in order!

    The Risk of Rain 2 Expansion - Survivors of the Void - will launch on Steam on March 1st 2022

    The SRP of the Expansion will be $15 - but for a short period at launch this will be discounted down to just $9.75!!

    Aaaaaand finally before we get into the rest of the Dev Thoughts - check out the Steam Page which has been freshly updated!


    Now its time to meet the first of two new playable characters in Survivors of the Void.


    Railgunner is a specialist at long range single-target massive damage. She has a number of unique tools and mechanics that make her the queen of making anything in her sights turn into a red mist.

    Or into pink blobs of beetle brains

    This month’s Dev Thoughts is devoted to showcasing the Railgunner’s abilities - first up is her iconic M99 Sniper mode (Oops.. I said the S word already.)

    M99 Sniper

    Activate your long-range scope, highlighting Weak Points and transforming your weapon into a piercing 1000% damage railgun.

    Unlike other survivors, the Railgunner’s attacks cannot randomly crit - when you hit one of the highlighted Weak Points through her scope you are guaranteed a Critical Strike - All Critical Strike Chance gained through items and equipment is converted into Critical Strike Damage.

    After firing a shot the Railgunner’s M99 Sniper mode starts an Active Reload bar - a perfect reload lets you fire your next shot sooner and also makes that shot deal an additional +500% base damage.

    Next up is Railgunner’s non-scoped attack

    XQR Smart Round System

    In a perfect world the Railgunner wouldn’t have to use the XQR Smart Round System - but as we’re all painfully aware Petrichor V is not a perfect world…

    When you’re not using the scope the railgun fires rapid fire smart rounds that home in on enemies for 100% damage.

    While it doesn't have the stopping power of the M99 Sniper - it certainly has its uses. It can help attack close range enemies that are swarming you

    it can also quickly finish off those enemies that, selfishly, haven't quite died to a single railgun shot.

    Next up we have an ability that actually makes the Railgunner rival Loader in maneuverability…

    Concussion Device

    Railgunner utilises very versatile Concussion Devices that have two primary uses.

    Firstly with a well timed jump it can be used to propel yourself to high or distant places to escape danger or get a better vantage point

    (or both)

    And it can also be used to knock back smaller enemies, breaking up dangerous packs making them easier to pick off one by one.

    Its third secret use is that it makes damn cool trickshot-gifs for development blogs.

    And finally the pièce de résistance in Railgunner’s arsenal..


    Railgunner’s special ability is the Supercharge. Briefly overloading her railgun turns it into a boss one-shotting beast - firing a huge piercing round for 4000% damage and 150% Weak Point damage.

    With this great power comes a big drawback, once used ALL your railgun weapons are disabled for 5 seconds leaving you with just your Concussion Device for defence - you had better make that shot count!

    The Overcharge is also much wider than a usual shot - making it very useful for taking out large conga-lines of enemies.

    It’s also very useful for killing that Solus Control Unit that always seems to spawn at the start of Sky Meadows from across the stage.

    And that concludes our deeper dive into Railgunner’s abilities! She does of course have alternate abilities to unlock and an alternate skin for beating the game on monsoon much like the other survivors - but i’ll leave those up to you to discover for yourselves!

    Let the speculation commence!

    Don’t forget to check out the video Dev Thoughts above for some extended play footage of Railgunner & See you again soon when we will be very close to the release of Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void.


    Jonathan @ Hopoo Games
    Risk of Rain 2 - Jonathan

    Dev Thoughts #24 - Petrichor V Safari

    Greetings Goobo Jr Fan Club!

    Dev Thoughts Video

    You know the drill by now - Dev Thoughts also comes as a video!

    You did smash it didn't you?

    And before we crack on, don't forget to visit the Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void Steam Page as it might have changed since your last visit…


    Console Update

    Since starting as Community Manager many of you within our console playing fanbase have asked me about the status of any updates in the future for Risk of Rain 2 - today I’m going to give you some fresh info.

    Firstly, I’m happy to announce that it is our goal to release the upcoming RoR2 expansion Survivors of the Void on console in Q2 of 2022, quite soon after the release of the Steam version in Q1 (both dates subject to change, but currently both still on schedule!)

    With the release of the expansion will also come an update where we have completely rebuilt the console version from the ground-up. The goal of this rebuild is to have much closer parity between the console and Steam versions of the game.

    This update should resolve most existing console-only bugs and - In theory - any new bugs should no longer be platform specific which will make them easier to identify and fix.

    In practice, there will definitely be new bugs.

    Survivors Corner

    Last month I asked you to come up with some renditions of one of the new Void monsters arriving in Survivors of the Void and the response was much bigger than I expected, and in some cases much weirder than I expected.

    These ranged from the creative

    To the funny

    To the strangely accurate

    Thank you to everyone who sent me your versions of this mystery Void Monster, let’s take a visit to Petrichor V to see just how close you were...

    Petrichor Safari

    It’s time to go on a sightseeing tour of Survivors of the Void to discover the environments and monsters that await you in the expansion.

    Let’s begin by visiting the Snowy Forest

    The first monster we’ll find here today is not from these once-peaceful lands - but instead invading from the Void. The Void Jailer.

    The Void Jailer is the master of putting you in your place. It’s main attack is a powerful void-blast that slows your speed and its secondary attack is a entangling snare that locks you in place, leaving you at the mercy of this abomination.

    And if you manage to overcome this beast you had better get outta dodge REAL quick - those of you familiar with the Reavers know what happens when you manage to finally topple a Void enemy….

    This was going to be a gif of the Void Jailer dying and doing that cool void-explosion but it kept killing me first so this is what you're getting instead.

    Next up, one of the many enemies found high up in the Aphelian Sanctuary...

    …is your new worst nightmare. The Blind Pest.

    Who... this guy? Your worst nightmare? Surely not?

    Aww look at his cute fuzzy face, flapping ear-wings and swinging tongue. What a cutie!

    Don’t let it's looks fool you, I hate these things, and you will too. If Lesser Wisps are the flying shotguns of RoR2, these douchebags are the flying rifles. Dangerous in packs and deadly if ignored, get used to seeing this:

    Not every new monster in Survivors of the Void will be completely unfamiliar. Our next monster is a returning enemy from a previous ill-fated visit to Petrichor V.

    It’s big, it’s orange, and it’s here to ruin your Mercenary run...

    It’s Gup.

    And Geep and Gip, obviously.

    Don't forget this is just a sample of the new stages and monsters you’ll find in Survivors of the Void - And that concludes the Petrichor Safari. As always thanks for being an amazing community and join me next year when we’ll have many more exciting reveals for you all.

    Goodbye for now!

    Jonathan @ Hopoo Games.


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