Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - sarahnorthway
Thanks to my super rad testers and a little something I like to call "working on the weekend", this month's update is a week early. Good job team Northway! *highfives husband*.

For you collectors, I've put up a full list of all the equipment in the game with stats and perks... but you'll still have to figure out how to get them all.

If you're wondering what I've been up to behind the scenes on the campaign mode, here's a sneak peak of the map:

Version 0.71.3 Changelog:
children events
pregnancy perk and events
show happiness in results
confirmation menu on delete savegame
factions now help when you go to war with their enemies
new icons for results menu
new perk icons
better perks only available at later survivor levels
new level 10 perk: Fearless Reclaim, can build walls where zombies roam + kill them at same time
made faction flags bigger on the map
prevent haggle/cancel/haggle sploit
new super zombie type - roamers, they wander around and hurt people on away missions
leave info/building menus open when showing an event
faction respect no longer changes over time at 25+
faction respect changes now modified by perks and policies
tweaked several policies, new children policy
combined danger, happiness and policies info menu tabs into government
finished unique kickstarter/deluxe edition equipment
event frequencies adjusted, especially relationship ones
can now attack zombie & faction units by default
preemptive strike tech now halves danger from attacking units
improved faction trading variety
fixed a couple null backstories
fixed trading amounts with factions
fixed wood chopping to be every 4 days instead of random
fixed banshee event (for at least the 3rd time)
fixed disappearing exclamation marks
fixed incorrect overlays
fixed duration of dangerous quest missions
fixed bug where people fought with themselves
fixed bug where you could bomb/trap/etc during attacks without having one
fixed bandages on main leader in hud
fixed government expanding from blockade square
fixed relationships carrying over to next city
fixed parents marrying grown up children
fixed workshops floating in the ocean
fixed happiness log dates (must start new game)
fixed gustav loan event
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - sarahnorthway
Thanks to my super rad testers and a little something I like to call "working on the weekend", this month's update is a week early. Good job team Northway! *highfives husband*.

For you collectors, I've put up a full list of all the equipment in the game with stats and perks... but you'll still have to figure out how to get them all.

If you're wondering what I've been up to behind the scenes on the campaign mode, here's a sneak peak of the map:

Version 0.71.3 Changelog:
children events
pregnancy perk and events
show happiness in results
confirmation menu on delete savegame
factions now help when you go to war with their enemies
new icons for results menu
new perk icons
better perks only available at later survivor levels
new level 10 perk: Fearless Reclaim, can build walls where zombies roam + kill them at same time
made faction flags bigger on the map
prevent haggle/cancel/haggle sploit
new super zombie type - roamers, they wander around and hurt people on away missions
leave info/building menus open when showing an event
faction respect no longer changes over time at 25+
faction respect changes now modified by perks and policies
tweaked several policies, new children policy
combined danger, happiness and policies info menu tabs into government
finished unique kickstarter/deluxe edition equipment
event frequencies adjusted, especially relationship ones
can now attack zombie & faction units by default
preemptive strike tech now halves danger from attacking units
improved faction trading variety
fixed a couple null backstories
fixed trading amounts with factions
fixed wood chopping to be every 4 days instead of random
fixed banshee event (for at least the 3rd time)
fixed disappearing exclamation marks
fixed incorrect overlays
fixed duration of dangerous quest missions
fixed bug where people fought with themselves
fixed bug where you could bomb/trap/etc during attacks without having one
fixed bandages on main leader in hud
fixed government expanding from blockade square
fixed relationships carrying over to next city
fixed parents marrying grown up children
fixed workshops floating in the ocean
fixed happiness log dates (must start new game)
fixed gustav loan event
Nov 24, 2014
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - sarahnorthway
Live for PC and Mac, version 0.70.2 is a leeetle late since we had a hard time finding a good place to stop. It includes the first half of Children, the ability to bring guys over from one city to the next, new mini quests, a bunch of new faces (mostly men, sorry), equipment art, and various & sundry fixes fixes fer-zixes.

As always if you find any bugs, please report them within the game's config > feedback menu so I can see your logs too. Also if you have any suggestions for new events regarding children, I'd be happy to hear them in discussions!

they count as non-weapon equipment
not shown on the map or in lists
eat 1/2 food per day
do not take up a house
they must be equipped by someone at all times & will autoequip if necessary
equipping a child reduces all skills by 1
but increases happiness like a pet
children can appear with recruits
survivors can give birth to them (only married women right now)
they grow up over three stages
(events featuring children are coming soon)
dream team - take guys to the next fort
dreamteam keep their stuff and perks but lose skills
equipment that looks like it says it is
equipping after scavenging using infomenu equipment list
power plant repair miniquest
water treatment plant repair miniquest
kickstarter backer faces
many grammar and spelling fixes
long equipment names now fit
equipment descriptions on mouseover
wrap long tooltips
custom text for trading with gustav
adjusted lategame happiness decreases (overcrowding) & added variations
saboteurs can sabotage buildings & tech
improved enemy walk algorithm
start of chosen ones cult events
fixed InfoMenu equipment button
fixed new game error due to corrupt settings from beta version
fixed minor event issues
fixed nationalism + repopulation Survivor Arrives events
fixed gustav muscle for hire event
fixed picking tech with edit mission menu
fixes to edit mission menu
Nov 24, 2014
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - sarahnorthway
Live for PC and Mac, version 0.70.2 is a leeetle late since we had a hard time finding a good place to stop. It includes the first half of Children, the ability to bring guys over from one city to the next, new mini quests, a bunch of new faces (mostly men, sorry), equipment art, and various & sundry fixes fixes fer-zixes.

As always if you find any bugs, please report them within the game's config > feedback menu so I can see your logs too. Also if you have any suggestions for new events regarding children, I'd be happy to hear them in discussions!

they count as non-weapon equipment
not shown on the map or in lists
eat 1/2 food per day
do not take up a house
they must be equipped by someone at all times & will autoequip if necessary
equipping a child reduces all skills by 1
but increases happiness like a pet
children can appear with recruits
survivors can give birth to them (only married women right now)
they grow up over three stages
(events featuring children are coming soon)
dream team - take guys to the next fort
dreamteam keep their stuff and perks but lose skills
equipment that looks like it says it is
equipping after scavenging using infomenu equipment list
power plant repair miniquest
water treatment plant repair miniquest
kickstarter backer faces
many grammar and spelling fixes
long equipment names now fit
equipment descriptions on mouseover
wrap long tooltips
custom text for trading with gustav
adjusted lategame happiness decreases (overcrowding) & added variations
saboteurs can sabotage buildings & tech
improved enemy walk algorithm
start of chosen ones cult events
fixed InfoMenu equipment button
fixed new game error due to corrupt settings from beta version
fixed minor event issues
fixed nationalism + repopulation Survivor Arrives events
fixed gustav muscle for hire event
fixed picking tech with edit mission menu
fixes to edit mission menu
Oct 22, 2014
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - sarahnorthway
The Northways have arrived in London! I'm posting this update from the rad London Game Space which is a super cool video + board games bar at night and a hackspace by day.

Version 0.69 is mostly about difficulty balancing, making happiness relevant and personal, and adding a phase of the game after you build city hall and pick a government type. Let me know what you think via the feedback menu in the game. Cheers!

made easy easier and hard harder
happiness now has big affects on fewer individual survivors
added reasons for happiness changes under survivor happiness menu
new mission to chop wood possible on parks and outer woods
can fish on rivers and ocean
city hall and constitution now come 1/2 way through the game
no more choosing a leader or requiring happiness for constitution
every constitution choice is now a policy
5 new policies: priority, property, wealth, crime, nationalism
need constitution before you can meet with or ally with other factions
game now ends after allying with or destroying all factions
(other endings in the works)
must always have at least one faction on the map
other factions start closer to you
new danger colors: green is 0-9%, yellow 10-24%, orange 25-50%
new final art for the faction leaders
bad events less likely on easier difficulties
increased faction strength
factions now immediately go to war if you attack them
scroll through survivors on equipment menu
side notices are now saved and loaded with the game
yellow goal notices stick around forever
new random events
pick tech from a list when starting research mission
fixed resources menu bath salts issue
fixed multiline result titles and underline
fixed (removed) tab highlighting
fixed skirmish menu back button
Oct 22, 2014
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - sarahnorthway
The Northways have arrived in London! I'm posting this update from the rad London Game Space which is a super cool video + board games bar at night and a hackspace by day.

Version 0.69 is mostly about difficulty balancing, making happiness relevant and personal, and adding a phase of the game after you build city hall and pick a government type. Let me know what you think via the feedback menu in the game. Cheers!

made easy easier and hard harder
happiness now has big affects on fewer individual survivors
added reasons for happiness changes under survivor happiness menu
new mission to chop wood possible on parks and outer woods
can fish on rivers and ocean
city hall and constitution now come 1/2 way through the game
no more choosing a leader or requiring happiness for constitution
every constitution choice is now a policy
5 new policies: priority, property, wealth, crime, nationalism
need constitution before you can meet with or ally with other factions
game now ends after allying with or destroying all factions
(other endings in the works)
must always have at least one faction on the map
other factions start closer to you
new danger colors: green is 0-9%, yellow 10-24%, orange 25-50%
new final art for the faction leaders
bad events less likely on easier difficulties
increased faction strength
factions now immediately go to war if you attack them
scroll through survivors on equipment menu
side notices are now saved and loaded with the game
yellow goal notices stick around forever
new random events
pick tech from a list when starting research mission
fixed resources menu bath salts issue
fixed multiline result titles and underline
fixed (removed) tab highlighting
fixed skirmish menu back button
Sep 17, 2014
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - sarahnorthway
Lots of new content in there being fun and unbalancin' things. Next month will be more balancing and working on, happiness, relationships, & endings, now with my husband Colin on the team as a second programmer & designer.

If you find any bugs with this new build, please report them in the game via the @feedback button in the config menu. Cheers!

- Sarah

Rebuild Version 0.666 changelog:
beginning relationships
click a survivor's happiness icon to open the relationships menu (temp art)
survivors have have friends, enemies, and get married
friendships & rivalries grow stronger when they do missions together
60 new backstories
11 new survivor perks
5 new main leader jobs
new random events
new art for faction units, zombies and map elements
replaced a couple tempart menus & old resource icons
optimizations - combined roads in buildings
no longer perpetually 7:00PM
schools train faster but initially take longer to change job
added tooltips to radial menu
automatically grant bonus jobs if steam deluxe dlc detected
better support for retina displays on macs... I think?
can no longer trade food for food etc
fixed done button issue... maybe?
fixed minor save/load bugs with buildings & missions
fixed "null" event after talking to someone in the middle of another event
fixed main leader "dying" if zombies take the building where they're injured
fixed whip now a melee weapon
fixed good cook, hobo dog no longer appear at max food
fixed available perks no longer change when you change your mind
fixed steam overlay keyboard bug... maybe?
fixed medkit doesn't change face
fixed "too far away" bug after demolishing large buildings
fixed fog issues after demolishing large buildings
fixed issues with banshee event
fixed minor typos & event issues
Sep 17, 2014
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - sarahnorthway
Lots of new content in there being fun and unbalancin' things. Next month will be more balancing and working on, happiness, relationships, & endings, now with my husband Colin on the team as a second programmer & designer.

If you find any bugs with this new build, please report them in the game via the @feedback button in the config menu. Cheers!

- Sarah

Rebuild Version 0.666 changelog:
beginning relationships
click a survivor's happiness icon to open the relationships menu (temp art)
survivors have have friends, enemies, and get married
friendships & rivalries grow stronger when they do missions together
60 new backstories
11 new survivor perks
5 new main leader jobs
new random events
new art for faction units, zombies and map elements
replaced a couple tempart menus & old resource icons
optimizations - combined roads in buildings
no longer perpetually 7:00PM
schools train faster but initially take longer to change job
added tooltips to radial menu
automatically grant bonus jobs if steam deluxe dlc detected
better support for retina displays on macs... I think?
can no longer trade food for food etc
fixed done button issue... maybe?
fixed minor save/load bugs with buildings & missions
fixed "null" event after talking to someone in the middle of another event
fixed main leader "dying" if zombies take the building where they're injured
fixed whip now a melee weapon
fixed good cook, hobo dog no longer appear at max food
fixed available perks no longer change when you change your mind
fixed steam overlay keyboard bug... maybe?
fixed medkit doesn't change face
fixed "too far away" bug after demolishing large buildings
fixed fog issues after demolishing large buildings
fixed issues with banshee event
fixed minor typos & event issues

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