Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel
It's been a good few months since we released the explosive expansion pack, Dollars & Disasters and we've got a whole load of stats to share!

It's been great to see you all enjoying the new Region, Governor and Scenarios, be sure to let us know your favourite new addition in the comments!

If you haven't picked up Dollars & Disasters, you can right now!

or if you want everything you can get the Mega Edition:

The Ndemic Creations team
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel

There are now more than 1000 Custom Scenarios across Steam and Mobile, it's incredible!

Here are some of the most popular ones this month!

Reverse Rollout by Morgân von Brylân
"What if it was easy to roll initiatives out in remote zones, but hard everywhere else?
This mod removes urban and rural outreach, but greatly boosts remote outreach."

Work remotely.

Cache Salvation by 9thCore
"Several of our high-value weapons and equipment are stored far from the frontlines. While we were too focused on the counter-attack, they have managed to sneak in and take control of our valuable areas."

Protect valuable weapons caches in this military-focused scenario.

Development Minister by Wobblore
"The Development Minister, rollout of initiatives unsupervised causes alot of corruption risk, so, you have to deploy multiple experts to rollout initiatives, and this initiatives rollout will be free and Experts cover neighboring zones.

Balance corruption risk, hostility, and initiatives rollout."

An expert focused government.

Remade Civil Servant by Wobblore
"You know, even though the Civil Servant is the vanilla pick, how about we change that?, added new initiatives that fit the Civil Servant!

It's not much, but it's something."

What if the Civil Servant was more than a reliable pair of hands?

Area 51 Raid by oconnor.riley
"September 2019 Area 51 Is Going To Be Raided You Dont Have A Choice As Area 51s Commander You Must Build Infrastructure BTW... PRAISE PRAVUS Lowl lowl lowl lowl lol lowl (find the fake lowl) You Are A Fort Manager And You Must Construct A Grand Deffense And Hold The Line"

Don't let your memes be dreams.

Thanks to all the creators! Got a favourite scenario we missed? Leave it in the comments!

Be sure to join some of the creators on Discord to chat about scenario creation and we'll see you next time!

The Ndemic Creations Team
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel

It's time to check out some of the amazing custom scenarios made by the community!

The Construction Worker by OneEyedBlu
Can one construction worker save a region?

Solar system-Titan by TRex9125
You’ve got a job to do on Titan.

Subway Cities by starcomic
The underground has become your undoing!

Fiscall Windfall by jhcastle
Lead operation Final Stand to stabilise South Polezia.

On The Edge by 9thCore
A failed operation needs to be brought back from the brink.

Thanks to all the creators! Got a favourite scenario we missed? Leave it in the comments!

Be sure to join some of the creators on Discord to chat about scenario creation and we'll see you next time!

The Ndemic Creations Team
May 22, 2023
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel

Just a small update to coordinate with the mobile release of the Special Advisors. Changelog
  • Added the Special Advisors to Weekly Challenges, this allows the challenges to sync across all platforms

If you're having a good time with Dollars & Disasters, please leave us a review!

The Ndemic Creations Team
Feb 22, 2023
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel

Glad to see you're all enjoying Dollars & Disasters!

We've got a small update with some fixes today: Changelog
  • Fixed issue where The General would visually appear as the Civil Servant governor in "The Airlift" scenario
  • Fixed issue where PAX-12 outbreaks would get destroyed incorrectly sometimes
  • Fixed issue where The Billionaire could be randomly selected in co-op mode
  • Fixed Experts being duplicated when killed in an eruption zone
  • Fixed challenges synchronization with mobile
  • Improved Chinese localisation

If you're having a good time with Dollars & Disasters, please do leave us a review!

The Ndemic Creations Team
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel

  • Added Devil's Peak Region (Dollars & Disasters DLC required)
  • Added Billionaire Governor (Dollars & Disasters DLC required)
  • Added 18 Special Advisors (Dollars & Disasters DLC required)
  • Added 5 Official Scenarios (Dollars & Disasters DLC required)
  • Added 11 New Achievements
  • Added "The Plague" scenario, free for all Rebel Inc: Escalation players
  • Decreased Corruption Risk caused by Corrupt Officials Map Feature
  • Added Polaroids for Official Scenario Governors
  • Increased the effect of "Oil Lobbyists" in Golden Sands
  • Fixed an issue where Coordinated Fireteams wouldn't have an effect in the Evolving Insurgency scenario
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips for Advisors would not appear correctly
  • NEW IN HOTFIX: Fix for a rare crash in The Plague scenario
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel
Rebel Inc.'s explosive new expansion! Survive an erupting volcano in Devil's Peak, burn through money with The Billionaire, enhance your tactics with new Special Advisors and explore exciting new Official Scenarios.

New Region! - Devil's Peak

Devil's Peak, a giant volcano, is erupting and the region is counting on you to save as many people as possible! Defeat an insurgency with lava hot on your heels.
You'll be fighting to stabilise Devil's Peak but zones are under constant threat from devastating destructive forces, at any moment they could explode! Manage evacuations, travel restrictions, scientific expeditions and more in this explosive new region.

Read the Travel Alert here.

New Governor! - The Billionaire

After bragging he could sort this situation out himself, he's putting his money where his mouth is. The Billionaire is ready to bring peace to every region! Bribe insurgents, invest funds, bring in your own charity and throw money at every problem that appears.

Read the tell-all interview with the Billionaire here.

Special Advisors

Hire powerful new advisors for your operation, they'll provide incredible benefits but demand a high salary! From ministers, to engineers and even drone controlling robots, with 18 new advisors you'll have more tactical options than ever.

Read about the hiring options here.


Things are heating up in the world of the Official Scenarios too with vicious droughts, magical lamps and deadly outbreaks, can you prevail in these disastrous times?

The Airlift

Insurgents have cut off access to Mountain Pass! With no way to break through, aircraft around the world have been mobilised to fly in everything the Operation needs.

Await Airdrops, choose supplies carefully and defeat the blockade.

Orbital Uplink

The Satellite Commander, a woman of the future, dislikes traditional intelligence gathering, preferring to use a powerful (and expensive) network of spy satellites that provide permanent intel on scanned zones.

Gather intel zone-by-zone and upgrade the satellites to get the ultimate view of a region.

The Great Droughts

Extreme weather is causing the rivers to regularly dry up in Pistachio Forest.

During droughts, dry river beds can be crossed by Insurgents and Operation forces without restriction. The heat is on...

The Genie's Curse

Some say the desert harbours ancient and powerful relics, granting wishes at a terrible cost... Hunt for the magic lamps before they can be used by the Insurgency.

Can you become all-powerful? Or will you be cursed for eternity?

Before the Storm

Scientists are concerned about reports of seismic activity on a fault line which leads to a volcano. Geological survey teams have been dispatched to ascertain what's happening.

Gather geological data with science teams while fending off the Insurgents to discover what's coming...

Get it now!

Be sure to leave a review, provide your comments below or join our Discord!

  • Added Devil's Peak Region (Dollars & Disasters DLC required)
  • Added Billionaire Governor (Dollars & Disasters DLC required)
  • Added 18 Special Advisors (Dollars & Disasters DLC required)
  • Added 5 Official Scenarios (Dollars & Disasters DLC required)
  • Added 11 New Achievements
  • Added "The Plague" scenario, free for all Rebel Inc: Escalation players
  • Decreased Corruption Risk caused by Corrupt Officials Map Feature
  • Added Polaroids for Official Scenario Governors
  • Increased the effect of "Oil Lobbyists" in Golden Sands
  • Fixed an issue where Coordinated Fireteams wouldn't have an effect in the Evolving Insurgency scenario
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips for Advisors would not appear correctly
Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel
We're putting the finishing touches to Dollars & Disasters and we're excited to announce that it'll be out on Monday 13th February 2023!

So be sure to be wishlist, so you can download it as soon as it releases!

If you've not caught up on what's coming in with Dollars & Disasters, be sure to read about the new region: Devil's Peak, the new governor: The Billionaire, new advisors and 4 new scenarios!

Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel
Things are heating up in the world of the Official Scenarios with vicious droughts, magical lamps and deadly outbreaks, can you prevail in these disastrous times?

The Airlift

Insurgents have cut off access to Mountain Pass! With no way to break through, aircraft around the world have been mobilised to fly in everything the Operation needs.

Await Airdrops, choose supplies carefully and defeat the blockade.

Orbital Uplink

The Satellite Commander, a woman of the future, dislikes traditional intelligence gathering, preferring to use a powerful (and expensive) network of spy satellites that provide permanent intel on scanned zones.

Gather intel zone-by-zone and upgrade the satellites to get the ultimate view of a region.

The Great Droughts

Extreme weather is causing the rivers to regularly dry up in Pistachio Forest.

During droughts, dry river beds can be crossed by Insurgents and Operation forces without restriction. The heat is on...

The Genie's Curse

Some say the desert harbours ancient and powerful relics, granting wishes at a terrible cost... Hunt for the magic lamps before they can be used by the Insurgency.

Can you become all-powerful? Or will you be cursed for eternity?

Before the Storm

Scientists are concerned about reports of seismic activity on a fault line which leads to a volcano. Geological survey teams have been dispatched to ascertain what's happening.

Gather geological data with science teams while fending off the Insurgents to discover what's coming..."

These 5 scenarios will be included in the Dollars & Disasters expansion, coming very soon!

Free Scenario!

But that's not all! As thanks for your support, we're also releasing a FREE scenario for all Rebel Inc: Escalation players.

Introducing a very familiar disaster...

The Plague

There has been a deadly outbreak of PAX-12 which is complicating efforts to secure the region.

Deploy medical Field Operatives to quarantine zones and bring the virus under control.

Beta for Dollars & Disasters

We're excited to get in your hands and the wait is almost over. But if you can't wait, be sure to join our Discord, where we'll be expanding our closed beta soon!

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest news.

The Ndemic Creations

Rebel Inc: Escalation - Ndemic_Samuel
As discussed, here are a few of the many new candidates who will be joining the Operation shortly. Please remember each of the 'Special Advisors' will require remuneration ahead of field deployment.

Kind Regards,

War Hero
"Coalition Soldiers gain additional deployment time after winning battles"

Experience & Expertise
  • 30 years of military service
  • Inspiration to the troops
There's nobody quite like the War Hero, 15 medals, a knighthood, veteran of five wars and twenty-two conflict zones.

Now retired from active duty, he spends his time inspiring Coalition Soldiers with his tales of heroism. He's been in more difficult situations than anyone, and he's always survived.

The very presence of the War Hero ensures that Coalition Soldiers will gladly extend their tours, only too happy to continue to serve.

Remote Specialist
"Start with a remote specialist attachment"

Experience & Expertise:
  • Remote Communities
  • Mountain Guide
Living in the remote mountains of Pistachio Forest, the Remote Specialist knows a thing or two about difficult terrain and isolated communities.

Making his living guiding foreign companies and tourists through the mountains and thick forests, he's now available to join military units and provide essential combat intel to boost Soldiers' effectiveness in remote zones.

Local Liaison
"Concerns grow at a reduced rate."

Experience and Expertise:
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Community Focus
The Local Liaison is a true pillar of the community. Utterly trustworthy, he cuts through jargon and misinformation.

His goal is to minimise misunderstandings between communities and the Operation. He brings the news of the Operation's work and it will appease people… for a while.

Friendly Robot
"Manually control drones."

Experience and Expertise:
  • Surveillance Drone Interfacing
  • Customer Service
Designed by Decker Hamilton to be the ultimate Mall greeter, this $4 Billion Dollar prototype was a failure until the war of 2002 when it was accidentally discovered it could easily interface with drone technology to directly control their movements.
Now installed in Drone Command, the robot relays instructions to drones around the country, always responding with a smile and a "Is there anything else I can help you with today?".

Intelligence Officer
"Soldiers scout intel in neighbouring zones."

Experience and Expertise:
  • Intelligence Gathering
  • 25 years as █████████ at ███
  • Section Chief of ████ involved in ██████████████████ - █████████ incident

As an international operative, the Intelligence Officer has seen █████ and knows how to find out what █████████ hasn't.

Coordinating with █████████ on the ground, █████████ will improve their intel gathering abilities on neighbouring zones.

"Start with an extra Garrison."

Experience and Expertise
  • Military defence
  • Requisition
Keeping everything shipshape and Bristol fashion, the Quartermaster's goal is order and preparedness.

Recruiting them will ensure an organised forward base at the start of your Operation, providing a strong foothold in the region.

Remaining Candidates

This is only a few of the new candidates, If you'd like to see all of them, please wishlist the Dollars & Disasters expansion pack coming soon for Rebel Inc: Escalation.

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