Dec 22, 2021
Hey Runners!

First of all... Ho-Ho-Ho! Osumia Games wish you all a...

2021 is coming to an end and it has been a very special period for us. Thank you all so much for the support over the years, as we know some Runners are still here from the beginning of our journey!
This year 2021, the RUNNING WITH RIFLES family has grown by another 315.000 members and on top of that, over 150.000 DLC units sold complete those insane numbers. This is by far a record year, and that is 6 years after the release of the game! It looks like continuously publishing updates and having a very strong modding scene has paid off.
Speaking about records, we broke another one for concurrent players back in May with over 14.000 Runners playing at the same time!
We certainly weren't prepared for the sudden influx yet with some intense server management we came through it! :)
Some other insights about the year 2021's review include 30 updates with 7 major ones and still having an awesome community which provided new goodies for 2 community boxes!

Alright, enough with the numbers as we also have another update being released!
While the Halloween event was mainly a success, we decided to make a (small this time!) Xmas event by including a new enemy type, the bad Santa!
The bad Santa is similar to the Elite Ripper from the Halloween event, hence a pain! He will always drop a Xmas gift on death, which is mainly stuff for sale to avoid the dogged hunt for temporary rares that we experienced during the last event.

We've also prepared an update for owners of the RUNNING WITH RIFLES: WW2 DLCs!

We're adding in one new weapon to the game, as well as one new 'undead' enemy type to the special Undead gamemode, plus a variety of other changes.
The new weapon is the Sauer M30 Luftwaffe 'Drilling', a unique shotgun and rifle combination weapon meant to help a crashed Pilot survive in the wilderness. Featuring a powerful double-barrel Shotgun mode that can switch to a devastating 9.3x74mm Rifle mode, this gun packs a punch! It can be found carried by Fallschirmjaeger 'Veteran' and 'Sniper' soldiers on the game's final maps, Operation: Sealion and Operation: Varsity. It is also available to the player in the WW2: Undead mode right in the Armory, but locked behind a bit of XP!

Speaking of the Undead mode, regarding that new enemy type being added: the "Undead Spitter"! This armless abomination horks acidic gobs of liquid to a medium distance, and can put some pressure on the player to stay mobile. With the new Spitter we are also adding in Opel Blitz trucks to the map, as the Spitter can damage those, and occasionally a regular Shambler might spit acid on them too (but they will only spit on vehicles, not on regular soldiers.)

Alongside these changes, back to the PACIFIC theatre, the M1 Garand 60mm Grenade Launcher weapon is being redesigned - it will now feature two firemodes which switch its projectile type. The main firemode will now be the M49A2 High Explosive Mortar shell (adapted to fire from a rifle), and the other will be the M9A1 Anti-Tank Grenade.
Furthermore a couple balance changes and bug fixes have been made, and we updated the names of a couple weapons discovered to be inaccurate. Full changelog below!

Don't forget to join the fun on Running with Rifles Discord and we'd be more than happy if you could let us know if you like the game and the WW2 DLCs by leaving a review on Steam, as it helps us a lot!
Thank you!

Keep on running,
Your Osumia Games

Changelog v1.90 (Vanilla):

  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • dominance: added stashes in most maps
  • dominance: added on more base and reworked Blackgold Estuary
  • Man vs. Zombies: all higher tier zombies have different damage models to get an idea about how damaged they are
  • Man vs. Zombies: player damage models added
  • invasion: Bad Santa enemy added over the xmas event
  • invasion: Xmas box added

Changelog v1.90 (WW2):

NEW Content:
  • WW2 Undead enemy types: NEW Zombie "Spitter" type enemy added to the Undead mode!
  • WW2 Undead: Opel Blitz trucks now spawn around the map
  • WW2 Undead: Common Zombies now have a small chance to use acid-spit, but only against vehicles, such as the Opel Blitz
  • weapons: NEW Sauer M30 Luftwaffe "Drilling" Shotgun added to the game! This double-Shotgun + underbarrel Rifle combo packs a lot of punch. Can be found on Fallschirmjaeger Veterans and Snipers on Sealion and Varsity, and is also available to the Player's armoury on the WW2 Undead mode!
  • weapons: REDESIGNED M1 Garand 60mm Grenade Launcher. Can now change grenade types between High-Explosive (anti-personnel) and Anti-Tank

BALANCE Changes:
  • maps: Arnhem wave-defense section has been rebalanced, reducing the number of enemy soldiers, vehicles, and artillery strikes to make it easier when playing alone
  • maps: Hill 262 in Allied campaign - added an Allied Armoury Truck
  • weapons: M1 Garand 60mm Grenade Launcher - the High-Explosive mode now has a 6m blast radius instead of 5.5m. Reload speed is slightly slowed down to compensate. The new Anti-Tank Grenade mode works mostly like the secondary-slot AT Rifle Grenades, but deals slightly more damage
  • calls: Strafing Run projectiles' blast radius raised from 2.75m to 3m
  • vehicles: raised the respawn time of most Landing Craft in the Pacific campaign based on community request

  • weapons: all Semi-Automatic Rifles now deal slightly more damage
  • weapons: all Mobile style Heavy Machine Guns no longer have a penalty to their damage

BUG Fixes and Tweaks:
  • calls: addressed an issue where airborne Paratrooper calls were not spawning a guaranteed medic in Invasion mode
  • calls: Airdropped Armoury call-ins no longer have random spread for where it will land
  • weapons: M1D Garand renamed to M1C Garand, since no M1D's were used in WW2. The weapon's model has been slightly altered as well, but the HUD icon was already appropriate
  • weapons: Type STE (the Japanese MP 34 in 7.63x25mm) now renamed to Type SU; new information was discovered, and this new name is more correct
  • soldiers: UKF Commando model combination with suppressed weapon and sniper suit - fixed issue where the Commando model was not drawing when wounded
  • Undead soldiers: slightly tweaked the Resurrector summoning sound
Nov 9, 2021
RUNNING WITH RIFLES - pasi.kainiemi
Vanilla changelog:

  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • equipment: added a bit more kaboom to the welding torch when exploding on death
  • dominance: added the AT mine to the inventory. Friendly fire is disabled.
  • Halloween event: Elite Rippers aren't spawning anymore
  • Halloween event: Pumpkin Boxes aren't dropped anymore
  • Halloween event: scripted elements from items such as the werewolf frenzy, vampire blood thirsty and scream costumes are removed
  • valuables: non-Halloween typical weapons from the Pumpkin Box are now being dropped at a low score rate by other existing community/gift boxes

WW2 Changelog:

  • maps: Bougainville now showing the proper mapview in the respective campaigns
  • weapons: M1 Garand Large Mag and G 43 Large Mag have faster accuracy stance recovery (from 1.8 to 2.0)
  • soldiers: Sentry AI soldiers in Campaign (Invasion unaffected) have less armoured vest layers (from 8 to 6) and are slightly more vulnerable to Melee and Explosive attacks
  • translations: few fixes here and there

UNDEAD WW2 Changelog:

  • enemy count: reduced total soldier capacity on map by -20, reduced bonus enemy compensation per player from 4 to 3
  • calls: reduced cost of Airdropped Armoury from 350 to 175
  • difficulty modes: lowered enemy capacity percentage on Easy and Normal
  • soldiers: Axis Remnant elite enemy types all spawn less often
  • soldiers: Undead elite enemy types all spawn less often, though the reduction is not as signficant as Axis Remnant
  • soldiers: Axis Remnant Sentry, heavy Machine-Gun Sentry, and Officer are more vulnerable to Melee and Explosive attacks
  • soldiers: Axis Remnant Sentry and heavy Machine-Gun Sentry have slightly less armoured vest layers
  • dogs: Axis Remnant Kampfhund (dog) is now more vulnerable to Melee and Explosive attacks
  • dogs: Undead dog model has been adjusted so it has a more prominent skeletal spine visible, slightly highlighting the threat visually
  • summoning: Undead 'Resurrectors' and dog 'Howlers' now summon less allies. Resurrectors from 3-5 randomly to 2-3 randomly. Dogs from 3-4 randomly to a fixed amount of 2.
  • valuables: Undead Brutes and Resurrectors now have a chance to drop loot when killed
  • vests: Veteran Gear vests now resist Melee for one strike and will result in wound from it at the end
  • vests: Sniper Gear vests now result in wound from Melee
  • vests: Assault Gear vests now resist one Melee strike, but still do NOT result in wound at the end
  • briefcase crates: breaking open a Briefcase Crate now spawns randomly 1-2 Briefcases, instead of a guaranteed 2
  • briefcase unlocks: removed the Large Wrench and HE Rifle Grenade from the possible Briefcase unlocks from the Undead mode
Oct 28, 2021
Trick or Treat Runners!

Osumia Games doesn't have a history of Halloween goodies buuuut it's never too late for that, isn't it?
Today, in invasion and until Monday, November 8, we'll have some pumpkin boxes for you. Lot of goodies such as new powerful weapons, but on the more humorous (hey, it's Halloween after all!) also new costumes with custom effects behind them, such as spawning skeletons when you kill an enemy with the Reaper's Scythe while wearing a fancy Reaper costume! Or going berserk as a werewolf when on a melee streak. You can even disguise as vampire and replenish your vest. We want to thank the modding community especially for the ideas they submitted for this box! Boo!

We also made a few fixes and balancing tweaks which will especially please the XP-addicted among you guys. Indeed, the XP per kills is average 35% higher than it was in 1.87 (base on a 10 kill streak - Godlike Pwnage). Lower kill streaks especially will take advantage of the change, as the XP boost has never been higher!

We've also prepared a big update for owners of RUNNING WITH RIFLES: EDELWEISS!

We're very excited to debut a new game scenario: WW2 Undead! In the spirit of Halloween, this is a zombies-based mode. Taking place just after the end of the war, Axis Remnant forces have resurrected the dead in an attempt to overthrow the victorious Allies (Unbeknownst to them, the Undead share little sympathy to their cause). Set in the aftermath of Operation: Varsity, play as a lone member of the Allied forces (or team up with friends in co-op) to defeat the Axis Remnant and the Undead! To launch the mission, locate it under the Campaigns menu. You must be an owner of RUNNING WITH RIFLES: EDELWEISS to have access to it. To win the mission, you must visit each base marked on the map as having an occult 'pentagram' within it and stand on the pentagram seal until it completely lights up. Finishing all the pentagrams will unlock the Castle Gate in the north-east corner of the map; within the Castle you must defeat the enemy Overlord boss to win! Can you stop the evil forces at hand and bring an end to this great villainy? Good luck soldier!

The new scenario comes complete with many new types of enemy units and a variety of assets specific to it. In addition, changes to the standard EDELWEISS and PACIFIC mode have also been made; you can find the changelog below.

Don't forget to join the fun on Running with Rifles Discord and we'd be more than happy if you could let us know if you like the game and the WW2 DLCs by leaving a review on Steam, as it helps us a lot!
Thank you!

Keep on running,
Your Osumia Games

Changelog v1.88:

NEW content:

  • items: added Halloween Box for online invasion
  • modding: added grenade specific throw animation support
  • modding: added allow_rare for armory_item_spawn result
  • modding: added vehicle spawn_point lock_range

BALANCE Changes:

  • weapons: player_death_drop_owner_lock_time increased from 30 to 45 seconds
  • weapons: G11 slightly rebalanced and alternate fire mode (full auto) added
  • weapons: medical dart gun now only unwounds friendly units and been slightly reworked overall
  • weapons: M6 lynx suppressed sniper rifle bullet speed slightly reduced
  • weapons: APR suppressed sniper rifle bullet speed slightly reduced

BUG Fixes and Tweaks:

  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • misc: kill XP now relies more on the XP of an enemy unit
  • misc: kill XP increased by average 35%
  • calls: combat vehicles and rubber boat drops not possible on objects/buildings anymore
  • ui: fix for menu scroll bug with initially selected quickmatch map
  • vehicles: DarkCat XP damage reward significantly improved while final blow reward has been decreased. Added a damage RP reward
  • dominance: soldiers now get stunned by the pepperdust

WW2 changelog v1.88:

NEW Content:
  • campaigns: NEW WW2 Undead mission available (found in Campaign list) - featuring a chaotic post-war battle between the Allies, Axis Remnant, and the Undead!

BALANCE Changes:
  • vehicles: landing craft spawn point lockout reduced from 45m to 30m, AI machine gunner sight range reduced
  • soldiers: enemy Assault Trooper, Banzai, and Flamethrower Operator are no longer immune to stun / the Mk 3 Concussion Grenade
  • weapons: Mk 3 Concussion Grenade can no longer stun the user or friendly troops
  • weapons: PPSh 41 (MP 717) boosted damage over distance
  • weapons: M1 Thompson (20rnd) raised recoil slightly, was extremely overperforming when using short bursts; still decent now
  • weapons: Reichsrevolver and M1899 Revolver accuracy nerfed, rarity also increased
  • weapons: Officer's Engraved Enfield No. 2 Revolver variant increased commonness
  • calls: considering its low price and rapid arrival time, the Strafing Run has been toned down
  • vests: Sniper Gear - player characters will now enter a wounded state instead of outright dying

BUG Fixes and Tweaks:
  • Saipan: tentative fix for most map-related bugs
  • Varsity: fixed Waco glider with missing hitbox near LZ S
  • items: Sniper suit now translates properly
  • flares: fixed issue where Paradrop-spawn flares were usable on a variety of maps where they should not have been
  • calls: Airdropped Armory no longer lands precisely on the marker, to prevent being used to crush enemy elite soldiers
  • soldiers: cleaned up Tank Hunter vest off of inappropriate soldiers in Edelweiss
  • soldiers: Snipers should now favor helping friendly units more than continuing to their objective
Oct 5, 2021
Hey Runners!

Summer has come to an end, the weather is getting colder, perfect conditions to drop the next update. Get yourself a hot cup of tea, make yourself comfortable and let's rock!

Starting with some major bug fixes, AI tank gunners will now properly prioritize targeting other heavy combat vehicles as intended. Destroyed vehicle wrecks won't instantly respawn after being crushed, now only after the defined vehicle respawn time has elapsed. Furthermore, deployable turrets, sandbags, and other assets have had their mass reduced significantly so that heavier combat vehicles will crush them instead of trying to drive around, which could cause some serious road bottlenecks. Sandbags will also get destroyed by smaller vehicles easier than before, which helps the aforementioned navigation bottlenecks.

For balancing changes, we worked on pretty much every mode starting with Dominance (PvP) where the 150% HP vest was too strong due to its immunity to stun projectiles. In Man vs. World, we increased the player's speed by 15%, it's Rambo after all! Next is Man vs. Zombies, where the player also benefits from the speed boost - a buff maybe even more important than in the previous mode. Also in this game mode, the odds of a crate being empty is lower in this update so that you'll have more opportunities to replenish your equipment when an armory isn't at your disposal or when short on RP. Last but not least in this mode, we also fixed a bug where the Ripper and Elite Ripper were moving back and forth, taking more time to reach you than intended - this makes it harder, so make sure to get rid of them ASAP!

Beside several map changes to remove power farming locations in online invasion, some combat vehicles spawn flares were removed from specific maps that were also sources of farming abuse. While farming is tolerated when the team is not struggling to advance, it isn't anymore as soon as the team is getting a disadvantage through farmers not actively going after the objectives. To underline this, we also made a few rules changes and/or adjustments.
Another change to make the online experience a bit smoother was the addition of a script to kick idle players so that after a few minutes, the idler will get booted from the server and open their slot for others.

Not only have we worked on bugfixes and balancing, there are also new additions you can experience in this update!
The first is the introduction of a new soldier group: the combat dog! woof! :D
The dog spawns are limited to campaign and invasion as a rare spawning unit and only for the player faction. We don't want PETA to knock at our doors for letting players shoot those doggos!
They bark, bite, run around and can even heal wounded units <3
Another addition (in invasion only) is the rare chance that a DarkCat tank can spawn for the enemies on selected maps, not just in the arena of Frozen Canyon! The chances are low, but be ready for a sudden death out of nowhere!
We've also added 6 new ranks between the "General of the Army" and "President" to close large gap in-between. These also have unique faction-specific skins!

Last but not least, and probably the coolest new addition is the AI awareness of cover when throwing grenades. While the grenade would always fall short in previous versions, the AI will now try to lob the grenade over and behind cover. It's been slightly randomized so that the grenade throw will not always land successfully behind cover (for balancing reasons), so keep on your toes! :)

We've also prepared a big update for our WW2 DLCs!
Major content additions involve a new Medium Tank for the IJA, the Type 97 Chi-Ha Kai. Alongside this comes a new emplaced weapon, the Fortified Turret, a static Medium Tank turret that will present a new challenge to players in the later parts of the Pacific campaign. There are new weapons as well; a powerful Elite Pistol (usually a light Revolver) can be unlocked for all factions with the sale of briefcases, a suppressed De Lisle Carbine can be found on British Commandos during the Sealion Boss Battle, and powerful but slow-firing Elite Revolvers can be found on any enemy Veteran soldiers. Lastly, Elite Heavy MG deploys have been returned to the player's armory but must be unlocked with briefcase sales; these weapons include the HMG 42, Type 98 Autocannon, and Browning M2HB.

Various balance changes and bug fixes have been made as well, including a rebalance of the Bergetiger Escort Mission on Hell's Highway, alterations to the behavior of Heavy Machine Guns, an increase to the Scoped FG 42 spawn chance (with a few Fallschirmjaeger Snipers helping out the Volkssturm on Varsity now), protective armored shields for the IJN Ka-Tsu's machine guns, and the addition of Guadalcanal to the Quickmatch playlist. Two of the more significant bug fixes address enabling the missing in-game Difficulty options and Journal in the Campaign. Lastly, a variety of other tweaks, including many suggested by the community, round out the patch.

Extensive changelog below!

Don't forget to join the fun on Running with Rifles Discord and we'd be more than happy if you could let us know if you like the game and the WW2 DLCs by leaving a review on Steam, as it helps us a lot!
Thank you!

Keep on running,
Your Osumia Games

Changelog v1.87:

NEW content:

  • soldiers: added a dog soldier group as random rare spawn for the player faction. It attacks enemies and heals friendly units, woof!
  • invasion: DarkCat tank has a small chance to spawn in other maps than the map "Frozen Canyon"
  • invasion: idling players will be automatically booted from the server after a maximum idling time has been exceeded
  • ranks: added 6 news high ranks in online invasion between General of the Army and President
  • AI: grenade tossing ballistics behaviour added for potentially reaching a target behind a cover
  • items: added CB6 goodies to the lottery pool
  • modding: added kill_probability_offset_on_successful_hit weapon parameter, which is a penetration mutliplier if a bullet connects, to allow lower probability weapons to make "critical" hits if the projectile connects
  • modding: added use_ladders ai parameter
  • modding: added grenade_throw_over_obstacle_offset_min ai parameter
  • modding: added grenade_throw_over_obstacle_offset_max ai parameter

BALANCE Changes:

  • dominance: added a 150ms reaction time to the AI when choosing target to compensate the situation unawareness penalty because of FoV
  • dominance: 150% HP vest not immune to stun projectiles anymore for upper vest layers
  • Man vs World: player movement speed increased by 15%
  • Man vs Zombies: player movement speed increased by 15%
  • Man vs Zombies: Elite Ripper has now a reduced movement speed when very low on health
  • Man vs Zombies: increased the chance of crates to drop equipment (less empty crates)
  • items: AAV and SEV-90 vehicle flares do not deploy on King of the Hill type maps (Power Junction, Vigil Island, Dry Enclave) and Iron Enclave for online invasion anymore
  • vehicles: standard radio jammer respawning time increased from 180s to 300s
  • AI: taxi request time increased from 15 to 20 seconds
  • misc: XP combo bonus capped at 10 kills to infinitely increased linearly after the 10th kill instead of exponentially, which was abused by a minority of players

BUG Fixes and Tweaks:

  • maps: several fixes here and there
  • maps: Tropical Blizzard is now less foggy
  • maps: terrain in Vigil Island is a bit less steep
  • weapons: Benelli M4 and the suppressed Benelli M4 are now a single weapon with alternate (suppressor) fire
  • translations: few fixes mainly in PT(-BR) and RU
  • dominance: fixed the map "Moorland Apocalypse" where the vehicle spawn locations were faulty (already handled in a quick fix)
  • Man vs Zombies: fixed Ripper and Elite Ripper's movement to go back and forth
  • vehicles: destroyed vehicle wrecks will not instantly respawn anymore if crushed but after the vehicle set respawn time
  • vehicles: all deployable static combat vehicles (MG, GL, TOW, Hornet, mortar, etc.) are now easier to destroy through vehicle collision
  • vehicles: deployable sandbags are now easier to destroy through vehicle collision
  • vehicles: fuel tanks don't change the faction anymore when the base owner has changed
  • vehicles: fixed a bug where the SEV-90 got unsteerable even though he had enough health left
  • vehicles: fixed missing broken mass and remove collision threshold of the radar tank
  • calls: markers for rubber boat drop added
  • script: fixed the icecream van not showing on the map when using the GPS laptop
  • script: GPS Laptop now also shows the location of the DarkCat
  • AI: fixed a bug where some heavier combat tanks had a low target priorization
  • AI: drivers of tank class vehicles are not trying to steer around deployable static vehicles anymore
  • AI: drivers of tank class vehicles are not trying to steer around deployable sandbags anymore
  • ui: fixed a bug where vehicle_marker_atlas_size in hud.xml was locked to 8x8 atlas size
  • misc: online rules slightly reworked

WW2 changelog v1.87:

NEW content:

  • vehicles: Type 97 Chi-Ha Kai added (medium tank). Begins to spawn on Tarawa (Island4) and is available through the call-in menu
  • weapons: Elite Secondary Pistols added - available as a random unlock via selling the Briefcase (Type 26 Revolver (IJA), C 96 Pistol (WH), Enfield No.II (UKF) and M1917 Revolver (USF and USMC)
  • weapons: Officer's Engraved variant of the Enfield No. II has been added
  • weapons: rare Elite Revolvers added - the Reichsrevolver (WH) and Model 1899 Revolver (all other factions including IJA)
  • weapons: De Lisle suppressed carbine added - rare suppressed bolt-action rifle carried by British Commandos
  • weapons: reintroduced Elite Heavy MG Deploys - available as a random unlock via selling the Briefcase (Type 98 Autocannon (IJA), MG 42 HMG (WH), and M2 HB (Allies))

BALANCE Changes:

  • Bergetiger mission: speed in Hell's Highway has been increased by 40%
  • Bergetiger mission: repair multiplier has been doubled (campaign only)
  • Bergetiger mission: Hell's Highway (Axis) Bergetiger escort mission has been rebalanced to be less challenging (significantly more attacking friendly units)
  • maps: Operation Sealion now has more Allied Homeguard soldiers defending at the start of the map
  • maps: Operation Downfall now spawns 3 Medium Tanks on the enemy force during the final phase instead of 3 Light Tanks
  • maps: Saipan now has a new capture zone added, and a new armoury located somewhere in the town before the airfield
  • heavy MGs: completely re-balanced, more forgiving recoil control resulting in greater firepower, but with slower turning speed and lower velocity, plus more vulnerability to explosives
  • heavy MGs: now limited to carrying only 1 in inventory (formerly 2 when high enough rank)
  • elite heavy MGs: alongside being re-balanced, have additional health to resist explosives slightly more than normal heavy MGs
  • items: Veteran Vest's reverted a change in previous patch to the resistance (it was affecting enemy veterans too much)
  • items: Assault Vest slightly lowered the bullet resistance of the final layers
  • weapons: Heavy MG 34 cost raised from 60 RP to 75 RP
  • weapons: Type 98 Autocannon (IJA elite heavy MG) anti-tank damage reduced, cost raised from 200 RP to 250 RP
  • weapons: M12 Trench Gun adjusted damage profile; it is now far more powerful in short ranges and good against enemy Elite Soldiers, but has slightly shorter maximum range
  • weapons: Light MG 34 and Beardmore-Faruqhar LMG slightly lowered recoil
  • weapons: Vickers Mk VI Bipod raised damage profile
  • weapons: Type 96 slightly raised damage, intending to improve reliability
  • weapons: PPSh 41 "MP 717R" increased stance recovery, reload speed slightly slowed down
  • weapons: LP 08 Carbine slightly lowered damage range
  • weapons: Sten Mk II SD (suppressed) lowered the maximum range to 40m
  • weapons: Enfield No. 4 (regular) reduced velocity - this change does not affect the sniper version
  • weapons: M1 Garand 60mm Launcher blast radius raised to 5.5m
  • weapons: M1918 BAR (heavy) raised crouching accuracy to be much closer to Light and Rapid Fire BAR's; keeps its slow stance recovery
  • weapons: SMGs: slightly lowered recoil of the following: Type 100/44, MP 34, Lanchester, Type BE, and Type STE
  • weapons: Bayonet range of Type 44 Carbine and Type 99 LMG have been raised
  • Scoped FG 42-G: Fallschirmjager Snipers spawn more often on Sealion
  • Scoped FG 42-G: occasionally, Fallschirmjager Snipers and Veterans can now spawn on Operation Varsity to support the Volkssturm (giving a few more opportunities to collect a Scoped FG 42-G)
  • Scoped FG 42-G: slightly raised commonness of the weapon to show up on Fallschirmjager Veterans and Snipers
  • vehicles: Deployable Sandbag's mass reduced by 90% so that tanks don't see them as obstacles, which could lead to traffic jams
  • vehicles: Bofors raised projectile blast radius from 1.5m to 3.75m
  • vehicles: Ka-Tsu is no longer immune to Anti-Tank Rifle Grenades, however like Medium Tanks it remains immune to Flamethrowers
  • vehicles: Ka-Tsu machine gunners are now protected by a shield, but the guns turn slower
  • vehicles: M10 GMC has had its health increased (will absorb 1 extra Panzerfaust shot but same amount of Medium Tank shots) and its cost lowered to 1000 RP
  • vehicles: Willys MB Recoilless Rifle Jeep raised the damage and area-of-effect of recoilless rifle
  • vehicles: Coastal Gun raised the reload time from 4 seconds to 6.5 seconds
  • call-ins: M4 Sherman can now be called in by the USMC on Tarawa and Saipan as well as the rest of the late-war maps
  • call-ins: Airborne Paratrooper call-ins now guarantee one soldier with a medkit (ground-based infantry call-ins are unaffected)

BUG Fixes and Tweaks:

  • difficulty options: fixed an issue where in-game difficulty changing was not possible for WW2
  • journal: fixed issue that Journal was not accessible in WW2 Campaigns
  • soldier models: when combining Sniper Gear with the Sten Mk II SD or De Lisle Carbine on the UKF faction, you now receive a Commando uniform
  • soldier models: when combining Assault Gear with the Vampir StG 44 on the German factions, you now receive a Nachtjaeger uniform, though without the black tunic
  • soldier models: adjusted brightness of USF Varsity soldier model set to help differentiate them better from the Volkssturm
  • weapons: Kar98k Elite fixed missing reload sound
  • weapons: Folded M3 Greasegun now uses the proper reload animation
  • weapons: Kar98k Scout now can toggle bayonet
  • weapons: SMGs: fixed an issue where bayonet melee range was not being extended on all IJA SMGs as well as the 9mm MP 34
  • icons: M43 Stick Grenade icon tweaked to remove the (nearly impossible to see) fragmentation sleeve
  • items: Sniper Gear can now be dropped like other vests
  • maps: Pacific Campaign - fixed some issues with captureable attack-ship bases
  • maps: Pacific Quickmatch - removed attack-ship spawn points since the bases are not objectives anyways
  • maps: Guadalcanal can now be played in Quickmatch
  • maps: Saipan has fixed attack-ship platforming
  • vehicles: Type 98 Autocannon Ka-Tsu 13mm Machine Guns can no longer damage themselves
  • vehicles: Maus guns slightly repositioned as they formerly sat too low
  • call-ins: US Army Rifle soldiers no longer have a 20% chance to spawn with a vest, but the Squad Leader will still keep theirs
  • soldiers: Sniper soldiers (AI) are now more accurate
  • soldiers: IJA regular soldiers - addressed an issue where some could spawn with unintended weapons on some maps of the campaign
Jun 28, 2021
RUNNING WITH RIFLES - pasi.kainiemi
Pacific / Edelweiss DLC changes

  • items: Sentry Vest now has lower weight when at 40% health, to make swapping it out for another vest in the backpack slightly more viable when at this stage of damage
  • calls: lowered cost of Nebelwerfer barrage from 500RP to 450RP, this should also hopefully result in more consistent sorting in the call-in list
  • weapons: M1 Garand w/ 60mm Launcher - increased blast radius and slightly raised damage
  • weapons: MG 34 bipod variants - slightly raised damage
  • weapons: Bren - slightly lowered recoil
  • visuals: updated map view frames for 21:9 screens
  • maps: minor fix for island8 map
Jun 26, 2021
RUNNING WITH RIFLES - pasi.kainiemi
Fix for launching Man-vs-World gamemodes
Jun 24, 2021
Hey Runners!

Update number 146, check!

In this update right on time for the Steam Summer Sale, we focused once again on improving the quality of life of the gamers, especially new ones. We've added the possibility to change campaign difficulty on the fly, which as a feature makes a whole lot of sense when the campaign can be pretty long. No longer you have to restart the campaign from scratch after you realize halfway into it that either you've learnt the ropes so casual difficulty isn't giving you enough challenge or that hard difficulty is actually too much to handle.

At first, the option to change the difficulty is hidden - we still want players to keep trying for a while - but when you are badly struggling to capture territories or latest within a few hours into the campaign depending on difficulty, you'll be notified with a journal entry that the option is now enabled and you will find the button added in the campaign menu. After that the option stays available in other Vanilla campaign runs.

Furthermore, we changed the difficulty presets for the campaign similar to how it has been in the WW2 DLCs. Instead of just "casual", "hard" (was default) and "veteran", we now have "casual", "normal" (now default), "hard" and "veteran".

The new default difficulty is accordingly easier than what it was in earlier versions and by now having a "normal" difficulty option, there isn't such a big step in difficulty between "casual" and "hard".

We also made some small tweaks for the final missions, you can find about it among other changes in the Changelog below.

We've also prepared an update for PACIFIC and EDELWEISS!
Bigger changes include being able to select your initial spawn point when joining a server, a redesign of Bayonet penalties and a buff to the M10 Tank Destroyer

Attaching a Bayonet will no longer provide an accuracy penalty on most weapons, while the penalty on those remaining is now very mild. Instead the main drawback is having slower accuracy 'recovery' when transitioning from running to standing still. This overall makes using a Bayonet much more viable at long range, with a slight impact on how fast you can acquire your first target.

The M10 Tank Destroyer is now as fast as a Light Tank, and has also received a turret turn speed boost to help with firing while strafing or flanking. Furthermore it gets an increase to its main cannon's blast radius, to give it slightly more defensive power against Infantry.

Don't forget to join the fun on Running with Rifles Discord and we'd be more than happy if you could let us know if you like the game and the WW2 DLCs by leaving a review on Steam, as it helps us a lot!
Thank you!

Keep on running,
your Osumia Games

Changelog v1.86:

NEW content:

  • weapons: added F2000, XM8 and AKS-74U to be buyable at the ice cream van for 200 RP each
  • campaign: added change difficulty menu, appears when a campaign has been played long enough or if any stage lasts long enough and is available from then on
  • campaign: added highlighted commander messages for Final Missions
  • invasion: added a campaign rotator. Faction rotates after every map rotation

BALANCE Changes:

  • weapons: some price adjustments - SG552 (20->10RP), FAMAS-G1 (10 ->8RP) and L85A2 (10 ->8RP)
  • weapons: SMAW max carry capacity lowered from 3 to 2. Rank requirement raised
  • vehicles: bots use faction accuracy setting when shooting with vehicle weapons
  • vehicles: Legion tank destroy reward down from 350 to 50 RP
  • vests: EOD AI vest now can't be dropped on dead by EOD AI soldiers anymore
  • vests: EOD AI vest stun state on projectile damage kicks in at later vest damage stages, while blast damage earlier
  • calls: A10 gun run XP requirement increased from 1000 to 6000 XP and amount of projectiles increased by 33%
  • campaign: Final Mission II (Frozen Canyon) script has been slightly reworked with e.g. less chance for the AI to backcap in phase 3 and also the minigun emplacement to not be left by the enemy on Castle capture by allied forces
  • campaign: changed Final Mission I enemies to guard more likely and made them spawn more scattered
  • invasion: added a supply quad at Leg SW in Tropical Blizzard (was mentioned for 1.85 but not applied)

BUG Fixes and Tweaks:

  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • translations: some improvements in the Chinese localizations
  • weapons: Kulakov now can't be used when TK penalized
  • weapons: Patrol Ship mortar doesn't damage self anymore
  • weapons: DarkCat tank missile launcher doesn't damage self anymore
  • vehicles: DarkCat tank has slightly improved navigation
  • script: GPS Laptop now also shows the location of the ice cream van
  • invasion: basic weapons have a 50% drop chance, instead of 100% to avoid clusters on heavily contested areas which could affect performance
  • dominance: spawnpoints issue fixed in Islet of Eflen KotH mode (was mentioned for 1.85 but not applied)
  • items: added CB5 goodies to the lottery pool (was mentioned for 1.85 but not applied)
  • markers: comms marker textures are now preloaded to avoid a frame stutter on first call

WW2 changelog v1.86:

NEW content:

  • campaign: players may pick their spawn point on any ww2 levels when starting a new map or joining a server

BALANCE Changes:

  • maps: increased enemy soldier counts by approx. 2 more soldiers per base on Peleliu and 3 on Downfall, both USMC and IJA campaign
  • weapons: redesigned Bayonet penalty system; primarily slows down accuracy recovery when stopping to fire after running, rather than affecting the accuracy itself. Bolt-action rifles do receive a minor accuracy penalty anyways, but smaller than before
  • weapons: all SMGs - reduced crouch accuracy slightly to make them less reliable at max range
  • weapons: M3 Grease gun - lowered recoil so it will more consistently hit targets at range when firing short bursts
  • weapons: M1928 Drum, M1921 100-round Drum, and PPSh 41 stance-change rate are improved
  • weapons: reduced timer on the Type 100 Grenade Discharger's grenades from 3 seconds to 2.35 seconds, returned cost to 25rp
  • weapons: slightly raised M1 Garand kill-probability to make it more competitive at long-range
  • weapons: M9 Bazooka and Panzerschreck now reload in 3.5 seconds instead of 4 seconds
  • weapons: M1918 BAR (all variants) raised damage-start distance, slightly improving long-range reliability
  • weapons: MG 42 (bipod variants) raised accuracy
  • weapons: various adjustments to the zoom of Scoped weapons to create a more standardized system and better distinguish between the powers of certain scopes
  • weapons: Reworked M1 Garand 60mm Launcher to function as single-shot to avoid Assault Vest shenanigans
  • call-ins: slightly raised blast-radius of all Light Artillery shells from 7.5m to 8m
  • vehicles: raised the turret rotation speed of the Ha-Go and the Stuart Light Tanks
  • vehicles: raised turret rotation speed, max speed, and slightly raised cannon blast radius of M10 Tank Destroyer
  • vehicles: added a superior shield for better small-arms protection on the Sdkfz 251 Flak Driver
  • items: slightly improved the resistance of each layer of the Veteran's vest, it now matches the resistance of the Assault vest

BUG Fixes and Tweaks:
  • campaign: changing the difficulty settings will affect the amount of enemies spawned on wave defense maps
  • campaign: fixed missing commander entries on wave defense maps
  • maps: fixed an issue where a scripted artillery call on Guadalcanal was showing up as being ordered by the USMC instead of the IJA
  • maps: USF will now correctly spawn M10 Wolverines on Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, Bastogne, and Operation Varsity
  • maps: added second radio jammer to Operation Downfall
  • maps: potential fix for crate desync on Operation Downfall
  • maps: removed ineffective radio jammer spawn on west side of Sainte-Marie-du-Mont on the Allied campaign
  • vehicles: LVT and Ka-Tsu wrecks can now be pushed around and destroyed by vehicles
  • weapons: tweaked the appearance of the M12 Trench Gun Bayonet model so it more accurately represents the size of the bayonet
  • weapons: set M1903A4 Sniper Rifle's cycle time to match the M1903A3 regular rifle
  • weapons: added various missing animations on machineguns
  • weapons: added larger explosion FX for Bofors
  • weapons: new AT gun animation that provides better protection for the gunner
May 27, 2021
Hey Runners!

After two crazy weeks it looks like the online attendance has slowed down a bit to give us some time to breathe, pheww. While being very stressful, we were amazed about how much a single influencer could boost the interest for RWR with a single (very well-done though!) video that was responsible for a good chunk of nearly 200.000 new Runners within a week! Thank you so much for that, SONAR!
In case you are curious about the video, here is the Bilibili and here the Youtube version.

We seized the occasion of the unprecedented influx of new players to work on making server browsing a bit easier as it was starting to be cumbersome to look for a specific server when you had dozens of pages to browse. In the 2 previous hotfixes, we added a new online play section consisting of a list of servers which Steam friends are playing on, and improved the way player slots are reserved when joining a server so that in the case of an almost full server, it won't be a race of whose computer loads the map resources faster anymore.

As of today's update, we made some changes related to the AI behavior of "backdooring" bases, either by lonewolves units or some offense squads who went after random bases other than the one targeted by the commander. In online, the more players are on a server, the less own AI units are available to defend the back bases, hence the issue with backdooring. It could be very frustrating when you captured almost all the map and suddenly the enemy deploys far behind the frontlines to capture everything back. Now, the more players on the server, the less those backdooring units are spawning. On a 32-men server, they don't spawn anymore at all.

Another topic on today's update is that server browsing now also features a list of dedicated mod servers, so finding your favorite hosted mods is a breeze. Speaking of favorite mods, kudos to the mod "Girls Frontline: Fallen Eagle" which since recently peaks the subscription chart of the RWR mods in the workshop, congrats to Xe-No and his team!

EDIT: It has come to our notice that Girls' Frontline mod has been managing microtransactions from its community for in-game resources and also found using copyrighted content without permission which both are strictly prohibited. We have been in contact with the mod author and the mod is currently under further evaluation by Valve (31.05.2021).
The mod has been entirely removed from Steam(02.06.2021).
The DMCA takedown was rejected by Valve and the workshop item has been reinstated and reworked under the name Girls Frontline: Nirvana Phoenix (11.06.2021).

We've also prepared a small update for PACIFIC and EDELWEISS.
Changes include some bug fixes and balance changes, including a pass over most Sub-Machine Guns intending to improve their lethality at short and medium range, and a nerf to the blast radius of the Light Artillery call-in shells (including the Light Naval Artillery.)

Don't forget to join the fun on Running with Rifles Discord and we'd be more than happy if you could let us know if you like the game and the WW2 DLCs by leaving a review on Steam, as it helps us a lot! Thank you and keep on running!

Your Osumia Games

Vanilla changelog v1.84.1:
  • online: Added Steam friends server list view
  • translations: Fixed some translations

Vanilla changelog v1.84.2:
  • online: Added player slot reservation on servers which improves joining when servers are close to being full

Vanilla changelog v1.85:

  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • dominance: spawnpoints issue fixed in Islet of Eflen KotH mode
  • invasion: added a supply quad at Leg SW in Tropical Blizzard
  • items: added CB5 goodies to the lottery pool
  • ui: server list for dedicated servers running mods
  • server: serverlist_url added for start_server command
  • AI: changed enemies to attack less to side bases and spawn less lonewolves when more players are on the server

WW2 changelog v1.85:

BALANCE Changes:
  • items: player version of Assault Gear no longer grants immunity to Stun (such as from Concussion Grenades). AI soldiers remain immune since they often use those grenades very aggressively
  • call-ins: reduced the explosive radius of Light Artillery shells from 10m to 7.5m
  • vehicles: raised damage of the twin-.50cal turrets from the downed B29 Bomber (on Peleliu Island), making it more threatening
  • vehicles: raised damage of the PT boat twin-.50cal turret
  • vehicles: increased the rate of fire of the Tiger I main cannon; lowered reload time from 7s to 6.5s
  • weapons: added extra vision range to the Boys AT Rifle, almost as much as as Sniper Rifle
  • weapons: Type 100 Grenade Discharger - raised blast radius to match Allied hand grenades (6m) and lowered cost from 25 to 20rp
  • weapons: added a small amount of extra vision range to the Type 97 AT Rifle, quite mild
  • weapons: improved reload time and accuracy stance-change rate of FG 42 to match M1918A2 BAR Heavy
  • weapons: tweaked performance of most SMGs, including secondary-slot folded SMGs. Mostly their recoil recovers faster, giving them more of an edge in short and mid-range engagements
  • weapons: raised base damage of M2 Carbine to match M1 Carbine and extended maximum damage range to be slightly higher (closer to other "proper" Assault Rifles)
  • weapons: raised the damage model of the Type 44 Carbine to match the Type 38 Rifle, also raised moving accuracy slightly
  • weapons: raised damage of HMG 34, M1919A4 HMG, M2HB, Vickers HMG
  • weapons: raised damage and damage fall-off range of Type 99 LMGs, raised accuracy of Scoped variant
  • weapons: lowered recoil of LMG 34 and Extended Belt
  • weapons: raised damage and velocity of Type 98 LMG, Stinger
  • weapons: slightly raised damage of LMG 42 and Extended Belt. However since it still feels inferior to the Stinger and Type 98, price is now lowered by 100RP
  • weapons: raised damage of M1919A6 LMGs and Vickers Mk VI Bipod
  • weapons: raised range of M12 Trench Gun
  • weapons: raised damage and range of M712 Schnellfeuer
  • weapons: slightly raised damage of Type 4 Rifle
  • weapons: increased performance of Type Hei to make it more comparable to the Winchester Automatic Rifle

BUG Fixes and Tweaks:
  • items: fixed a bug where dying from explosives while wearing the Banzai or Assault vest would cause the vest to drop undamaged
  • briefcase unlocks: attempted fix to prevent British unlock weapons from being available to the Americans on Bastogne and Varsity
  • calls: fixed sorting order on some maps and gamemodes so that the Airstrike Strafing Run shows up before the heavier, more expensive calls
  • vehicles: fixed an issue where the new Ho-Ha rig was difficult to repair
  • vehicles: improved the ability of Ho-Ha to shoot without being blocked by its own nose, such as when fighting on hills
  • vehicles: fixed an issue where the Sdkfz 251 Flak Halftrack had its wheels located off the axel
  • vehicles: attempt to fix the floating barrel of the Tiger I looking odd when driving
  • vehicles: adjusted collision of destroyed Coastal Gun so it should clip less
  • weapons: fixed a bug where the Gewehr 43 Ostveteran explosive rounds could still teamkill
  • weapons: fixed a bug where the MP 40 Folded was less accurate than its normal counterpart
  • weapons: fixed an issue where dying with the Type 44 while the bayonet was attached would not allow you to respawn with it
  • weapons: increased length of the M12 Trench Gun model
  • weapons: darkened colour of MG 34 bipods
  • weapons: fixed muzzle-flash position on Beardmore-Farquhar LMG
  • weapons: set accuracy stance-change rate of Type 38, Type I, and Type 44 to be equal to all other normal rifles (was formerly slower)
May 11, 2021
Hello runners,

It's update time! Beside some minor bugfixes, we focused on equipment balancing in this update. Several suggestions came straight from the active community on the Running with Rifles Discord.
The modding community also spent some energy on creating new content after we announced that we are open for a new community box. And today, we have the COMMUNITY BOX 6 ready for you!
Thanks to all the modders for the submissions and also to those whose work didn't make it into this community box.
In no particular order, credits go to Mr. Bang, Unit G17, KF Redfox, Warbro, Xe-No, MarcusKrug, Kiruex, oche34, NC0032, Veliki Shef, CN memories, GhostNZ, Waltarron, Return_Dirt, P90 rush B and MoistGoat.

While we thought pretty much everything has been covered, we have some new interesting weapons there, from an explosive arrow alternate fire mode for the Compound bow to an incendiary grenade launcher by way of a reverse-recoil light machine gun. Most new weapons in today's community box use the feature we implemented for EDELWEISS release, i.e. an alternate fire mode.

We've also prepared an update for PACIFIC and EDELWEISS!
The major content includes the Enfield P14 Sniper Rifle and Beardmore-Farquhar LMG for the UKF, the Boys Mk I AT Rifle carried by all Allied forces in both PACIFIC and EDELWEISS, and the M9A1 Bazooka for the USF. For vehicles, the M10 Wolverine tank destroyer has been added for USF forces! The M4A3 Sherman has also been made available on late-war Pacific maps.

Alongside these, a wide variety of balance and quality-of-life changes have been deployed that are sure to make playing more enjoyable, of these the most noticeable being the removal of friendly fire for certain explosive weapons. For the full list of changes, look below!

Changelog 1.84 (Vanilla):


  • equipment: binoculars now show the distance to target when "shooting" at it (not in quick matches)
  • items: community box #6 added
  • weapons: Compound bow - alt version with explosive arrow added
  • weapons: Buckshot Bess Musket - alt version with bayonet added
  • weapons: Ninjato - alt version using firecrackers (stun) instead of ninja stars added
  • weapons: Ares Shrike - alt semi-automatic version added
  • weapons: 44 Magnum - alt rapid fire version added
  • weapons: AK47 with alt fire underbarrel grenade launcher (GP25) added
  • weapons: M16 with alt fire underbarrel grenade launcher (M203) added
  • weapons: G36 with alt fire underbarrel grenade launcher (AG36) added
  • weapons: Zweihander melee primary weapon added
  • weapons: Cavalry Saber secondary melee weapon added
  • weapons: Mac10 secondary MP added and alt suppressed fire version (MAC10 SD) added
  • weapons: Hunter double-barrel shotgun with double shot alt fire mode added
  • weapons: Kulakov incendiary grenade launcher added
  • weapons: Golden MP5SD primary suppressed weapon added
  • weapons: RPD light machine gun with bipod alt version added
  • weapons: Ultimax 100 reverse-recoil light machine gun with magazine and and alt fire version with drum added
  • weapons: ASh-12.7 battle rifle with alt fire underbarrel flash grenade launcher added
  • misc: Ammo backpacks for WB-II Microgun, Flamethrower and KAC Chain SAW


  • equipment: stronger vest version for EOD ai soldiers
  • weapons: EOD soldiers now can be equipped with a TTI-Combat Shield
  • weapons: stock MPs - accuracy increased slightly when walking and also overall improvements (recoil, bullet decay)
  • weapons: Stoner62 - improved recoil
  • weapons: Chainsaw - damage significantly increased to reliably cut down weaker vehicles and emplacements
  • weapons: Compound bow - increased kill decay start time significantly
  • weapons: Buckshot Bess Musket - reload time decreased by 25%
  • weapons: Shotguns - recoil recovery rate slightly increased
  • weapons: Sawn-off shotgun - reload speed increased
  • weapons: Dragon's Breath - reload speed increased and projectile pulldown decreased
  • weapons: APR - recoil recovery rate slightly increased
  • weapons: M712 Schnellfeuer - projectile speed increased
  • weapons: PF-98 - reload time decreased by 30%
  • weapons: Milkor MGL - uses a cycle animation instead of retrigger timer to prevent reload spam
  • weapons: 44 Magnum - animations reworked
  • weapons: Ares Shrike - recoil reworked
  • weapons: TTI-Combat Shield - overall effectiveness increased


  • maps: minor tweaks here and there
  • models: standard winter soldier model colors tweaked so that brown and grey are easier to distinguish from each other
  • animations: Claymore placing animation reworked - takes less time to activate
  • equipment: Claymore despawn time increased from 90 to 180 seconds
  • equipment: C4 despawn time increased from 30 to 45 seconds
  • wearables: all costumes now have a broken state, instead of just disappearing when damaged
  • wearables: Black Ops vest can survive one small blast to be more effective against grenadiers
  • weapons: Milkor MGL uses a cycle animation instead of retrigger timer to prevent reload spam
  • minimodes: players drop items on teamkills to avoid respawning with the teddy close to an armory in teddy hunt substages
  • minimodes: players drop items on disconnection too
  • minimodes: encumbrancy of the Teddy carry item increased from 22 to 50%
  • minimodes: Teddy Hunt - teddy now showing properly on the map when carried by a player
  • minimodes: fixed a case where Islet of Eflen was spawnlocked
  • dominance: weapons adapted to the changes in other game modes
  • invasion: online invasion player faction from Brownpants to Greenbelts
  • objects: fixed destructible wall material handling
  • ai: fixed a collision avoidance issue with steering around vehicles while in water
  • campaign: fixed a bug with campaign continue while hosting the game online causing stuck script
  • online: added workaround for possible problems with Steam Cloud based authentication

Changelog 1.84 (WW2):


  • vehicles: M10 Wolverine added to USF faction, available through call-in on every USF map except for Sicily and Bastogne
  • weapons: Enfield P14 Sniper Rifle, UKF medium-tier rare carried by Sniper soldiers, can be unlocked via Briefcase
  • weapons: Beardmore-Farquhar LMG, UKF high-tier rare carried by Veteran soldiers
  • weapons: Boys Mk I Anti-Tank Rifle, Allied medium-tier rare carried by UKF, USF, and USMC Sniper soldiers, can be unlocked via Briefcase for UKF and USMC
  • weapons: M9A1 Bazooka, Allied medium-tier rare carried by new USF Tank Hunter soldiers, can be unlocked via Briefcase
  • soldiers: USF Paratrooper "Tank Hunter" AI soldier, behaves exactly like the Wehrmacht "Tank Hunter" soldier and will spawn on St. Marie, Bastogne, and Varsity
  • features: the following weapons can no longer deal damage to friendly infantry or the shooter: all AT rifles, AT rifle grenades, autocannons, flamethrowers, and the Panzerwurfmine
  • bayonets: the M1941 Johnson can now attach a bayonet
  • bayonets: the Type 44 Carbine can now toggle its bayonet on or off
  • sounds: Panzerfaust and PIAT have a new sound distinguishing them from other Rocket Launchers
  • sounds: Heavy and Light tank cannons have new sounds distinguishing them from Medium Tanks


  • map balance: M4A3 Sherman added to US Marine Corps call-ins on Iwo Jima, Peleliu and Downfall (both Axis and Allied campaign)
  • map balance: M4A3 Sherman added to USF Airborne call-ins on every USF map except Sicily and Bastogne (both Axis and Allied campaign)
  • map balance: M3 Halftrack added to USF Airborne call-ins on every USF map except Sicily and Bastogne (both Axis and Allied campaign)
  • map balance: enemy "special soldiers" during the Varsity and Sealion boss fights no longer spawn with RP in Campaign (still possible in Invasion)
  • map balance: removed a respawning Panzer IV from Arnhem to make it a bit less vehicle-crowded for the Allies to fight against (Allied campaign only)
  • weapons: adjusted commonness of many weapons to become more standardized across all factions, should also raise commonness of high-tier rares in Campaign
  • weapons: cost of Flamethrowers reduced from ~150RP to ~100RP
  • weapons: StG 44 Vampir damage range raised to represent how its IR optics make for easier targeting
  • weapons: M1941 Johnson LMG firepower greatly boosted and cost raised to better reflect its high-tier rare status
  • weapons: MG 42 Extended Belt reload time set same as other belt-fed MGs
  • weapons: MG 42 Mobile belt size raised from 100 to 150
  • weapons: VGO No. 2 Mk I - improved firepower both when hip-firing and when using bipod
  • weapons: MG 34 completely redesigned - moved from being a medium-tier rare weapon to being a common armoury weapon
  • weapons: Winchester Automatic Rifle has had its accuracy and recoil control improved to better reflect its high-tier rare status
  • weapons: M2 Hyde reload speed slowed down, long-range firepower slightly nerfed
  • weapons: Type 96 LMG is no longer replaced by the Type 99 LMG but rather augmented by it once it becomes available
  • weapons: M1903A3 is now available alongside the M1 Garand on the Western Front (formerly only mid/late-war Pacific maps)
  • weapons: minor changes to most LMGs, HMGs, secondary-slot Carbines, the M1941 Johnson Rifle, Scoped FG 42, Sterling
  • weapons: adjusted the cost of some rare guns to better reflect performance
  • briefcases: UKF now unlocks the Lanchester SMG instead of the M1928 Thompson w/ Drum
  • briefcases: USMC can now unlock Scoped M1D Garand
  • briefcases: IJA can now unlock Scoped Type 99 Rifle and Type BE SMG
  • briefcases: WH can now unlock the Panzerschreck
  • briefcases: IJA must now unlock the Sniper Gear camouflage suit with Briefcases like every other faction
  • soldiers: Tank Hunter soldiers can no longer kill themselves or friendlies with their Rocket Launcher
  • soldiers: Assault soldiers can no longer spawn with medium-tier or high-tier rare guns
  • soldiers: Banzai soldiers can now spawn with SMGs and occasionally the Type BE
  • soldiers: IJA Veterans can now spawn with the Type BE (not just the IJN)


  • soldiers: Added rank names and icons for the UKF and the Polish Armoured
  • soldiers: fixed an issue where Axis Veterans were not spawning with HE Rifle Grenades
  • soldiers: Banzai Chargers more reliably follow their Officer into attack
  • soldiers: Banzai Officer will be less likely to join player squads
  • quickmatch: added some Heavy Tanks to some of the maps
  • quickmatch: all items and weapons normally unlocked by Briefcase sales in Campaign are now immediately available in Quickmatch
  • soldier models: carrying an M9A1 Bazooka or Panzerschreck will now attach a rocket-ammo backpack onto the soldier model
  • soldier models: improved the model of the USMC Assault soldier
  • AI: fixed a bug regarding collision avoidance while in water
  • calls: fixed an issue where Jeep call-ins were not working for the UKF Paratroopers on Arnhem
  • calls: fixed an issue in Quickmatch where the M3 Halftrack call-in on Hell's Highway would spawn a bunch of other vehicles and cost a ton
  • calls: fixed Strafing Run call in not working in Quickmatch
  • calls: Wehrmacht Infantry call-in can now deploy from the base 'Best' on Hell's Highway
  • calls: now show barrage radius outlines in Quickmatch
  • items: adjusted the appearance of the Victoria Cross and Iron Cross HUD icons
  • maps: placed a Stash on the South Bridge base for Axis to use when arriving at Arnhem
  • maps: adjusted the extraction point on Arnhem leading to Hell's Highway for Axis campaign to make more sense
  • sounds: added some airplane airdrop ambience to maps that feature Paratrooper drops
  • music: raised the distance boss-music plays at when away from the tank for all bosses, especially on Sealion where the nearest on-map Armoury is quite far
  • weapons: tweaked the HUD icon and model of the Scoped M1D Garand sniper rifle
  • weapons: tweaked the HUD icon of the Type 44 Carbine to show its bayonet turned out
  • weapons: added explosive visual effect to Bofors and AA guns projectiles
  • weapons: fixed an issue where the 20mm Anti-Aircraft Gun was not able to damage Sentry soldiers
  • weapons: increased the size of all Grenade models to make them more visible (like Vanilla)
  • weapons: fixed an issue where the UKF were unable to buy Binoculars on Arnhem
  • briefcases: fixed an issue where the Commander would not report back 'nothing left to unlock' when that was the case
  • vehicles: tweaked spots of Opel Blitz and Austin K5 so that no crew will die when disembarking at full speed
  • vehicles: adjusted animations of the Ka-Tsu machine gun crew
  • vehicles: fixed missing weapon-mount mesh on Willy's MB Jeeps
Mar 2, 2021
Hey Runners,

target of this update is mainly about Vanilla balancing, more precisely the invasion part. Some of the balancing efforts have already been live on the servers since mid-February. Invasion players might have noticed it already.
The invasion servers are usually a good mix of newcomers and veterans and we want all of them to have equally fun, which is not a self-evident task as both parties are usually acting on a different skill level.

From our experience, we can say that there are always at least a couple of veteran players on populated servers and they will have (and are expected) to use a more tactical approach to the metagame while newer players will help pushing the frontlines until they feel confident and fulfill some tactical tasks themselves. Of course, they can also do it right away, there are certainly some tactical talents out there :)

Therefore, we hope to have found a good compromise to satisfy all runners out there!

We also reworked the artillery strikes to have less spread as it was just too much. Now they have a smaller, yet more focused effective area damage zone. You can see in the image right below a random example of artillery strikes before and after the update.

Speaking of artillery stuff, elite soldier AI can now also use higher Tier Artillery, Gunship and A10 gun runs. Beware!
As for the vehicles overall, the wrecks now behave similar to what you've been used to in the WW2 DLCs, hence having a reduced wreck mass so that they can be bulldozed away, unless a jeep tries to push a heavy tank, that will not work. A bump into those wrecks can also cause them to disappear, which should help with vehicle jams.

We also put some work into the "man vs. zombies" mode for those of you who want to slay some monsters. Beside adding a new monster race, the Elite Ripper, we also made some adjustments, try it out!

Don't forget to give us some love in the reviews, as not a lot of you guys wrote or adapted their review since our last WW2 balancing patch which had fixed pretty much all issues people were complaining about! Much appreciated!
Feel also free to join other Runners on our Discord!

Happy Running!
Osumia Games

Changelog v1.83 (Vanilla):

  • vehicles: FT-Croc tank buff - doubled the amount of ammo, increased the turret rotation speed by 25% and increased the flame projectile radius by 20%
  • vehicles: added broken_mass physics parameter to most medium to heavy vehicles to that other vehicles can easier bulldoze them when destroyed, avoiding navigation paths bottleneck situations
  • vehicles: added remove_collision_threshold physics parameter to most medium to heavy vehicles to remove the wrecks on collision
  • vehicles: increased the simulated_speed_factor control parameter of the Legion tank
  • vehicles: supply quad now has the camouflage suit and the faction's silenced stock pistol in his inventory
  • weapons: VVS-Vintorez XP requirement increased. Also lowered the commonness (invasion only)
  • projectiles: cleaning activated projectiles after 90 seconds (Claymore), 30 seconds (C4) and 10 seconds (XM-25)
  • equipment: slightly increased the sight range of binoculars
  • calls: "A-10 gun run" radio call added to campaign - was invasion only
  • calls: "Gunship run" radio call added to campaign - was invasion only
  • calls: effective area of the Artillerie calls has been slightly reduced. The amount of shell fired has been reduced accordingly
  • gameplay: in "King of the Hill" mode maps, the final enemy assault timer starts 30 seconds earlier
  • invasion: tweaking the difficulty to make it a bit more challenging for veterans while still being accessible for newcomers - official servers already have those values gone live mid-February
  • invasion: "Vigil island" map now has destructible sandbags around the Airfield base to dissuade the player from camping
  • invasion: "Power Junction" map have heavy artilleries disabled - this should avoid the usual artillery spam on this map
  • invasion: Elite soldiers now can use higher Tier radio strikes such as Gunship run and Artillery II.
  • man vs. zombies: added a new rare monster type - the Elite Ripper
  • man vs. zombies: the acid explosion caused by a spitter now also affects other monsters
  • man vs. zombies: spitter spawn commonness lowered by 33%
  • man vs. zombies: spitter acid explosion (explosion of death) AoE reduced by 0.5m
  • man vs. zombies: removed medikit from resources - only available in MvZ coop
  • maps: minor fixes here and there
  • ai: spawn score of higher ranked elite soldiers increased to have more of them to be able to use high rank radio calls - overall elite soldier spawn score remains the same
  • ai: strike frequency time parameter reduced by 33%
  • sounds: fixed missing step sounds on some platforms and static objects
  • online: fixed unintended map view close bug
  • animations: most weapons have now proper prone animations

Changelog v1.83 (WW2):

  • cover: adjusted the collision of the deployable Cover item so that it collides less with sticky Satchel weapons. It may still collide when not manually standing up to throw the grenade, but manual throws are now safer
  • call-ins: fixed an issue where the Ka-Tsu vehicle call-in was not working in Campaign or Invasion

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