Dec 22, 2020
Hey Runners,

It has been a week since release of our second WW2 DLC, RUNNING WITH RIFLES: EDELWEISS and we are happy that the DLC has been positively received so far. Thank you all for being a part of this adventure, and we'll make sure that it continues for a long while!

We're extremely grateful for the feedback and suggestions the community has given us for balancing and bugs throughout the first week of EDELWEISS' life! After two hotfixes post-release, the time has come for a third, more substantial hotfix.

Hell's Highway was a major focus of this update; the Allied campaign variant proved too difficult due to a combination of new players unfamiliar with RWR's mechanics and unforeseen AI movements. Steps have been taken to reduce the amount of back capping that happens on this map, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't ignore the snipers that sneak by your lines!

The Axis campaign variant had the Bergetiger moving forward too quickly. We've made it so you can now stop the Bergetiger whenever you want by clicking on it, and the Bergetiger now receives over 6x more repairs, which means that a small wrench now repairs 2%!

To serve a wider audience, we've added a new difficulty setting called "Normal", which has become the standard difficulty. Casual was too easy for people who wanted a challenge to start with, and the difficulty jump to Hard was too much for most newcomers.

Some of the Official WW2 servers will now rotate through all 4 WW2 Invasion campaigns instead of just the two EDELWEISS campaigns. You can carry over your stash throughout all the WW2 maps: let's see how you perform against against the Banzai assault troops of the Imperial Japanese Army with an MG42 in hand!

Global changelog v1.81:

  • factions: changed faction capacity handling when baseless to avoid a negative effect
  • AI: changed taxi request comment, tries vehicle tags first, resorts to default Waiting for squad
  • AI: added ai_handle_taxi_request_when_full (default 0) to vehicle parameters
  • vehicles: added repair_factor to vehicle parameters
  • man-vs-world: fixed capture timer regression
  • man-vs-zombies: fixed capture timer regression
  • quickmatch: fixed ordering of mods when the map package has required overlay packages
  • journal: fixed handling of show_journal campaign option in client main menu
  • characters: fixed handling of addon visual when hidden by vehicle

WW2 changelog v1.81:

  • invasion: more overall balancing changes
  • campaign: added in a new difficulty mode between "Casual" and "Hard", called "Normal". "Normal" became the new difficulty mode. We recommand players who are not new to the game to play on "Hard" though
  • weapons: All weapons now have new limits to their maximum damage range. Snipers and Deployable HMGs are 100m, SMGs, Pistols, and Carbines are 50m, and everything else 80m. This will hopefully help reduce the frequency of being killed by bullets from offscreen.
  • weapons: M3 Greasegun further tweaked, it was overtuned and now dialed back slightly
  • weapons: M3 Greasegun Folded has now receives improvements alongside the standard
  • weapons: Standard MG 42 slightly improved for better long range (includes extended belt variation)
  • weapons: Fixed issue where Lanchester Bayonet had no stab sound
  • weapons: Raised commonness of Kar 98k Scout, Scoped Gewehr 43, Scoped Gewehr 43 Ostveteran, Scoped StG 44, Gewehr 98, Scoped Kar 98k Hi-Grade, M12 Trench Gun
  • weapons: Improved Morphine HUD icon and animation, price reduced to 5rp
  • weapons: Changed the move speed penalty of the Scoped StG 44 from -0.1 to -0.05, matching the standard StG 44
  • equipment: repair tools of any kind now repair the Bergetiger in Hell's Highway axis campaign 6x as much (3x in invasion)
  • items: Player Assault Webbing cost raised from 15 to 20
  • items: Changed names of all Vests to have greater clarity for new players
  • AI: Standardized AI sight ranges with various vehicle weapons, this includes reducing sight range of Type 92 Heavy MG
  • AI: Reduced sight range with all Edelweiss tanks slightly (except Bosses)
  • AI: Lowered AI Assault Trooper and Banzai accuracy, should mostly be effective only when they're very close, though stray shots can always occur
  • will be monitoring its effect
  • music: made an attempt to better fade out the Victory Music when advancing maps in Invasion, will be monitoring its effect
  • soldiers: Split AI Assault Trooper vest to be distinct from AI Banzai
  • soldiers: Fixed an issue where Assault Troopers were getting stunned by their own grenades
  • soldiers: Replaced M1A1 Thompsons with M1928A1 Thompsons on USF Veterans and Assaults, and added M1928A1 Thompsons to UKF Veterans and Assaults
  • soldiers: Frequency of Snipers who can spawn with rare weapons changed from 2/10 spawns to 3/10
  • soldiers: Assaults and Snipers now have a 50% and 100% chance of dropping loot, respectively
  • maps: Arnhem: fixed accidentally climbable elevated roofs that would launch players sideways
  • maps: Arnhem: added stash to Kampfgruppe HQ
  • maps: Bastogne: players in the unsafezone around Foy will now retain items when killed by the script
  • maps: Bastogne: added stash to Farmhouse
  • maps: Sainte-Marie-du-Mont: fixed missing marram throwing errors in log
  • maps: Sealion: removed trees south of Drop Redoubt to allow trucks to get closer to The Citadel
  • maps: Sealion: addressed some pathing issues between trees and barbed wire
  • maps: Sealion: fixed missing silos at Port of Dover
  • maps: Hell's Highway (Allied Campaign): changes made to reduce amount of back capping
  • maps: Hell's Highway: more stashes added
  • maps: Varsity: added stash to Southern Wesel
  • maps: Varsity: added more tank traps around The Castle entrance
  • maps: Varsity: fixed floating platform in southeast Wesel Crater
  • calls: Hill 262: fixed UKF infantry call-in not working
  • calls: Strafing Run added to UKF on Hill 262 and Fallschirmjager on Operation Sealion
  • navigation: fixed small vehicle navigation issues in Hell's Highway
  • vehicles: Sherman firefly hull MG offset to lower hitting self
  • vehicles: fixed the Bergetiger to have 2 driver slots
  • vehicles: adjusted entry locations on all halftracks
  • vehicles: adjustments made to all halftracks so driver does not get shot out as often, while remaining vulnerable to grenades
  • vehicles: fixed SdKfz 251/17 flak halftrack being unrepairable at certain angles
  • localizations: some encoding issues fixed
  • misc: Fixed USF Veterans not spawning with the Winchester Automatic Rifle or the M2 Hyde
Dec 16, 2020
Hey Runners,

this hotfix focuses "only" on map loading times, But might be worth mentioning as it has been an issue for many of you!

keep running and don't forget to Rock n' Roll!

Changelog Edelweiss hotfix #2:

  • improving map loading time of Edelweiss by a large amount (~50% on dev computer)

Dec 16, 2020
Hey Runners,

this hotfix mainly focuses on WW2 invasion balancing as it was hell of a challenge to say the least. Especially the more players were on the servers.
Hopefully it will be better now. Thanks for your patience!

Changelog Edelweiss hotfix #1:

  • invasion: soldier compensation counts for both the Allied and Axis campaigns have received a pass
  • balancing: Assault units toughness reduced
  • balancing: Assault units don't spawn with bolt-action or semi-auto rifles anymore
  • AI: Panzerschreck units will no longer back-cap sectors
  • AI: fixed a minor issue where US Paratroopers could not call in Strafing Runs
  • AI: US Airborne Forces on St.Marie-du-Mont can now call in Heavy Naval Artillery Support
  • weapons: M3 'Grease Gun' spread range, bullet range, recoil, and max recoil buffed substancially
  • weapons: M1 Garand kill chance buffed slightly
  • vehicles: fixed Austin K5 passenger slots and enabled it to transport a full 10-man squad plus driver
  • vehicles: fixed Universal Carrier being unrepairable
  • calls: Strafing Run projectile count increased, price increased from 150 to 175RP
  • calls: .50cal Jeep display price fixed, now correctly displays 200 rather than 175RP
  • misc: fixed some text encoding issues
Hello Runners!

It’s been a long time coming, but we're excited to announce RUNNING WITH RIFLES: EDELWEISS has finally released! More than two years of love and labor have gone into this project, and we're proud to finally be able to share it with all of you!

EDELWEISS will launch with 8 maps, detailed below:
  • Sicily: Scale rocky cliffs and hills as you root the enemy out of Biazza Ridge.
  • Sainte-Marie-du-Mont: Parachute into a labyrinth of hedgerows that surround Brecourt Manor and the quiet town of Sainte-Marie-du-Mont on the morning of D-Day.
  • Hill 262: A classic King-of-the-Hill map that centers around the vital ridge of Mont Ormel during the German Army's retreat from France.
  • Hell's Highway: Fight along Highway 69 as it passes over Joe's Bridge, through Eindhoven, and into Son.
  • Arnhem: Give battle to the streets of this beautiful Dutch city that was a bridge too far for the British paratroopers trapped there.
  • Bastogne: Snowy fields give way to muddy streets as you fight between the towns of Bastogne and Foy.
  • Operation Varsity: As winter fades into a cold spring, fight through the bitter fields and ruined streets of Wesel, Germany - in the final mission of the Allied campaign.
  • Operation Sealion: With autumn in full swing, fight on the beaches, fight on the landing grounds, in the fields and in the streets and in the hills - in the final mission of the Axis campaign.

Joining us throughout both campaigns are the new United Kingdom Forces and Wehrmacht with completely new arsenals in addition to the United States Forces with an updated arsenal.

Each campaign features different approaches to playing each map - many Axis missions begin with a ground assault, while Allied missions heavily feature the new Paratrooper game mode with selectable points of entry.

Additionally, with these new factions comes new Medium and Heavy armor such as the M4 Sherman, Panzer IV, and the venerable Tiger. With these vehicles comes great power, especially in the hands of the player - taking that in consideration, Medium and Heavy tanks cannot be stolen by the enemy! Keep that at the forefront of your mind next time you run up to a Panzer IV as a paratrooper and wonder why the hatches have been locked.

Along with the addition of EDELWEISS, the file structure has been reworked for PACIFIC along with various new additions. The structure has been reworked such that player progression is preserved between official EDELWEISS and PACIFIC DLC servers - not only will your experience and RP transfer, but so will your stash! Bring the weapons of PACIFIC into EDELWEISS and vice-versa.

Alongside this change, some servers will dynamically switch between campaigns. As you finish one campaign, the server will automatically switch to that campaign from the other perspective, then afterwards switch to a campaign from the other DLC. For a short period after launch however, all DLC servers will only rotate through EDELWEISS campaigns.

Finally, anyone can join official PACIFIC or EDELWEISS servers, even if they don't own either DLC! You can rank up and progress as normal, but your selection of weapons is restricted to standard faction rifles, grenades, and vehicle crew limitations, depending on which DLC you own (if any). However, you can still pick up and stash any item you find while playing, which you will be able to trade freely with other players or use if you decide to purchase a DLC at a later date. Some weapons are shared between both DLCs, while some are unique to one or the other.

Also - to talk about the music! EDELWEISS features more music than ever present before in RUNNING WITH RIFLES - written by Karl Feuerstake, composer behind the PACIFIC theme. The soundtrack features unique music for each level, charting an adventure from the humble beginnings of the campaign in Sicily all the way to its culmination in the final missions. There are also a select few action cues for special moments in the campaign. If you like the music, feel free to support our artist here:


In addition to all this, both PACIFIC and vanilla RUNNING WITH RIFLES have received the usual assortment of balance changes, along with a few modding and miscellaneous additions. Read up the exact changes below!

Last but not least, we'd like to shout a big THANK YOU to all of you who supported us over the years.
Especially the testers, the translators, the people who annoyed us with requests and everyone from our awesome Discord community!
A special thank to EpocDotFr helping us setting a translation platform and for his RWRS statistic page!

Keep Running!

  • modding: added faction specific lose_last_base_without_spawnpoints
  • misc: improved character model loading time
  • visuals: water foam is no longer handled for wall object without side material
  • modding: added damage_origin_vehicle control for projectiles, can be used to ignore blast damage for vehicle which the projectile originated from
  • ai: added ai_stop_to_fight for vehicles, -1 do the usual thing, 0 don't stop, 1 stop
  • ai: added ai_attack_spread_block_multiplier for vehicles, used to override commander spread multiplier
  • ai: added ai_navigation_offset for vehicles, by default 1.7, controls how much driver aims to drive offset from road midline
  • modding: added allow_player_to_use for vehicles
  • modding: added simulated_damage for vehicles
  • misc: added comms_marker_atlas_size for hud
  • misc: fixed comms marker game view flag handling
  • misc: changed edge comms marker to interpolate small position changes
  • misc: added climbable keyword for building config
  • misc: added type keyword for update_map_view command, "default" or "frame"
  • misc: added render_queue_offset for set_marker command

CHANGELOG v1.80 (Pacific):
  • weapons: new Bayonet toggling system from EDELWEISS added into Pacific, Bayonets can now be toggled on appropriate weapons at a slight cost to accuracy
  • weapons: T22 Large Mag Garand now has a Bayonet
  • weapons: Semi-automatic Rifles, secondary-slot Carbines, and Assault Rifles now have better recoil recovery
  • weapons: M1 Garand and variants damage reduced to compensate for its superior recoil recovery
  • weapons: Automatic Rifles, LMGs, MMGs and Snipers now have a slower accuracy recovery when changing from running to standing still, but have more maximum accuracy in all postures while still
  • weapons: M1921 SMG with the 100-round drum and T22 Garand have been given a slower stance recovery as well
  • weapons: SMGs and carbines have slightly superior moving accuracy
  • weapons: lowered the recoil of the M55 Reising and its folded variant
  • weapons: All sniper rifles' recoil recovery rates reduced; creating a larger disparity in rate of fire between them and regular bolt-action rifles
  • weapons: All sniper rifles' damage raised, making them more effective against soldiers wearing body armor
  • weapons: M1903A1 Sniper has been rebalanced to better represent the advantages and disadvantages of its very high power scope: sight range increased, rate of fire lowered
  • weapons: USMC M1918A2 BAR has been changed to a Lightweight configuration, with slightly more speed and better accuracy from standing / crouching position, but not as great accuracy in prone or over walls compared to the USF Paratrooper BAR
  • weapons: raised range of Type STE bayonet melee
  • weapons: all secondary-slot SMGs now only cost 20RP and can be respawned with, but still require briefcase sales to randomly unlock
  • weapons: M12 Trench Gun and Type 2 SMG now only cost 25rp and can be respawned with, but still require briefcase sales to randomly unlock
  • weapons: M12 Trench Gun fires 1 less pellet per shot
  • weapons: M1941 Johnson LMG standing and crouching accuracy improved
  • weapons: Some weapons have been removed from the ability to be unlocked via briefcase sale
  • weapons: Type 100 Grenade Discharger removed from standard armory to requiring a briefcase sale. It also sometimes carried by IJA Veteran soldiers, and shows up a bit more frequently.
  • weapons: New Item from RWR: Edelweiss - M1903 Rifle Grenade HE added to USMC. Is unlocked by briefcase sales, and sometimes carried by USMC Veteran soldiers.
  • weapons: Lowered sight of Type 92 HMG from 2.0 to 1.725.
  • weapons: Rebalanced all explosive / area of effect weapons. Anti-Tank Rifle Grenades are now much weaker but have infinite ammo like other weapons, Flamethrowers are now very effective against Bunkers and can even be used against Light Tanks.
  • weapons: All AT Rifle Grenades now remain available in the standard armory even in late-war maps, due to their new utility as reloadable, low damage AT weapons.
  • weapons: Slightly reduced the AoE of the M1 Bazooka and Type 4 Rocket Launcher.
  • vehicles: changed radio jammer to no longer respawn, and be easier to hit with various explosive weapons
  • vehicles: adjusted rotation speed of many machine gun turrets, including Heavy MGs and some vehicle-born MGs.
  • vehicles: the machine guns on the Ho-Ha and Ka-Tsu have been improved for better long-range performance
  • vehicles: LVT max speed and reverse speed both lowered
  • vehicles: adjustments made to many vehicles' RP and XP rewards for dealing damage and killing them; placing higher rewards on bigger tanks such as the LVT and Ka-Tsu.
  • vehicles: slightly raised the maximum kill chance range on all vehicle-born M1919s.
  • vehicles: slightly raised the maximum kill chance value on the Ha-Go tank's Type 97 Machine Gun.
  • vehicles: Landing Craft can now only be crewed by their owner's faction, are marked as "should be destroyed" by the enemy, and have a minimum fill capacity before AI will take them.
  • vehicles: Added the ability to crush sandbags and heavy machine guns with vehicles, like Vanilla.
  • vehicles: Adjusted some AI sight range values on Higgins' MGs and the Type 92 HMG.
  • vehicles: Heavy MGs no longer add soldier capacity, and Landing Craft soldier added capacity reduced.
  • vehicles: Heavy MGs that exist as 'map-based' weapons (i.e. they are not deployed by the player) now have a 3 minute respawn timer.
  • vehicles: Ka-Tsu added an invisible shield in front of the gunners to help protect them a bit from small-arms. It encompasses the 13mm Machine Gun weapons themselves, rather than showing a new 3D model.
  • items: raised protection of the player-owned Banzai vest, slightly lowered protection of only the first layer of the Sentry vest. player can now carry two Banzai vests in backpack before being encumbered
  • items: Camouflage Suit renamed to "Sniper" to keep in line with other class-style naming of vests. Has also been improved with slightly more damage resistance and slightly more detection resistance.
  • items: Sniper Suit added to USMC, is unlocked by briefcase sales.
  • items: New Item from RWR: Edelweiss - Assault Vest added to USMC, is unlocked by briefcase sales.
  • ai: AI sniper accuracy has been increased.
  • ai: AI infantry behaviour modified; regular troops and veterans are slightly more accurate with all weapons, and use cover more.
  • ai: All AI Sniper Soldiers now have additional resistance to firearms, making them a more threatneing mini-boss. They remain vulnerable to explosives, and counter-sniping is probably the most efficient way to deal with them.
  • character: IJA / IJN: now when equipping any kind of Officer's Engraved Pistol and/or the Katana alongside the Banzai vest, the Officer model will be shown. You must have both the vest and one of these weapons.
  • character: Carrying a Sniper Rifle as USMC no longer changes the appearance of the player to be a Sniper model; this now requires the Sniper Suit.
  • game: when advancing to the next map, the US commander will now refer to the enemy faction as the "Japanese", rather than be confused about whether you are fighting the IJA or the IJN.
Hey Runners,

It’s come time that we share more details about RUNNING WITH RIFLES: EDELWEISS!

Starting from the bottom - MAPS!
RWR:EDELWEISS will launch with 8 unique maps. Due to the nature of locations, the look and feel of the maps in EDELWEISS will vary wildly from one to the next. Take on the rocky cliffs of Sicily, the claustrophobic hedgerows of Normandy, the paved and cobblestoned streets of Arnhem and the snow-covered landscape of the Ardennes. Furthermore, EDELWEISS maps have been designed from the ground up to take advantage of destructible fences - tracked vehicles and high-explosives will be able to clear these previously insurmountable obstacles off the battlefield.

The Allied and Axis campaigns will also feature unique variations on gameplay. For example, some of the Allied campaign maps will feature a unique paratrooper game mode, where you start the game with no bases owned but you have the option to spawn in one of many different paradrop locations throughout the entire battle. Finally, both campaigns will end with their own unique boss map - be prepared for a tough fight against new foes!

With EDELWEISS also comes a wide variety of medium and heavy armor available to both sides. These vehicles are far more powerful on the battlefield than their vanilla counterparts, not only because many WW2 anti-tank weapons were weaker, but also because of a new AI target prioritization system. This system allows AI gunners to prioritize the the largest threat to them based on distance, angle to target, their weapon, and others (such as enemy tanks, anti-tank cannons, and soldiers wielding anti-tank weaponry). However, with this increase to their prowess on the battlefield, their use will be limited to their respective factions. No stealing Panzer IVs as paratroopers!

Regarding modding, many features have been added! Perhaps the most requested feature has been the ability to switch to an alternate weapon without switching to your secondary, and we have delivered with flying colors! With a new system we’ve dubbed "chain swapping", select weapons can alternate between any number of different variations, completely separate weapons in and of themselves. While PACIFIC and EDELWEISS will begin with only swapping between bayonet and non-bayonet version of weapons, this opens the door for much more interesting combinations for modders. Underbarrel grenade launchers and rocket launchers with multiple kinds of ammunition, perhaps…?
A full, exhaustive list can be found in the patch note below.

Here is the first public gameplay video of EDELWEISS to shorten the waiting time! We hope you enjoy watching as much as we enjoy playing/testing the DLC! :)

The EDELWEISS (DLC) store page can be found here[/u] and don't forget to join the community on Discord

Happy running,
Osumia Games

Changelog RWR v1.78:

  • ai: added burst_time/variance, in_vehicle_burst_time/variance, longer_burst_time/variance, wait_time/variance
  • ai: added shooting_expose_time parameter
  • ai: changed ai not to default to primary weapon when restarting combat, instead change latently if needed
  • ai: changed bazooka using ai to consider penetrable walls impenetrable
  • ai: changed combat capable vehicle driver to never leave the vehicle except when unsteerable
  • ai: changed cover providing object handling
  • ai: changed how picking attack target base checks water on direct route
  • ai: changed vehicle seating order to handle vehicly occupy assignments
  • ai: crouch override handling for firing weapons that are intended for explicitly standing up behind cover
  • ai: fix: simulated vehicle pick checks larger range if someone else has already claimed the vehicle
  • ai: fixed stuck deploy state
  • ai: multiple changes with preserving squads between active and simulation
  • bases: added faction specific capture_by_timer parameter for start_game
  • bases: countdown timer is now stopped if capturability changes when it's already running
  • character: added chute_y_offset
  • character: avoid detecting jumpability when on a cliff edge
  • character: changed chute render queue group
  • character: changes with squad configs, most have been removed now
  • character: ignore characters in vehicle for vehicle occupy order
  • character: increased fog effect blending
  • character: major over wall handling changes
  • character: skip death effects when spawning as dead
  • character: start vehicle collision safety on grenade already when holding the nade in hand
  • character: using-state to use lower body direction instead of upper body
  • commander: added behavior when baseless
  • commander: changed how combat vehicles behave, also now returning to the closest base to refill squads and for defense when not attacking
  • commander: some changes with script based attack target requesting
  • faction: changed how soldier groups are saved
  • game: added custom lock range for spawn points, with lock_range parameter
  • game: added randomization seed value, parameter seed with start_game
  • game: added see_through and penetrability for custom meshes
  • game: added support for bringing up map view automatically when spawning dead, show_map_at_start_if_dead with start_game
  • game: added support for visual_rotation for mesh based walls
  • game: added win_with_all_bases faction setting in start_game
  • game: changed how vehicle and character block changing works near active and simulation boundaries
  • game: changed stab impact on crate collision detection
  • game: increased item type capacity
  • game: map view now closes automatically on spawn
  • game: reset celebrate timer at start
  • game: save/load map_view_overlay_texture
  • game: some minor changes with game timer
  • game: when spawning dead at start, body is instantly removed
  • general: changed game load to halt if xml loading fails
  • hud: clear potential press space to continue bubbles
  • input: explicit clear of aim when in vehicle if still aiming
  • input: if spawning dead at start, allow instant respawn
  • inventory: added horizontal scrolling support for more item types
  • items: added support for checking dlc access tags
  • koth: fixed losing faction charge behavior near the end of timer
  • map: few fixes here and there
  • map making: added offset parameter for building configs
  • menu: added possibility to setup continue to a different campaign once a campaign is completed, from a defined subset of available campaigns
  • particles: more intense character blood particles when hit with high caliber bullets
  • script: added base_key in base_owner_change_event
  • scripts: added preserve_items for update_character
  • scripts: added some null checks to avoid crashes
  • scripts: added start_script command, added run_init_match_commands in start_game
  • scripts: fixed some issues with map restart
  • scripts: added volume parameter for set_soundtrack
  • sounds: added map specific loading screen soundtrack support, soundtrack1.xml and loading_screen_fadeout parameter
  • sounds: tweaked a couple of sounds
  • static_objects: added usable_for_cover parameter
  • terrain: added more effect splat map layer configurability
  • textures: fixed an offset issue in the wall atlas
  • tree: configs exposed
  • vehicles: legion tank collision box tweaked to avoid shooting self
  • vehicles: added ai_force_designated_driver_xp, ai_use_throwables, tracked_visual_tire_max_rotation, tracked_visual_tire_rotation_smoothening, simulated_speed_factor, broken_mass, remove_collision_threshold
  • vehicles: changes with broken handling
  • vehicles: fixed simulation to react to live changes in ai uses_vehicles property
  • vehicles: added possibility to destroy other vehicles by colliding with vehicles
  • vehicles: changed object destruction effect handling when colliding with vehicle
  • vehicles: fixed snaps and plops when handling vehicle engine sounds
  • visuals: fixed fog leaving not set if day/night color stay same
  • visuals: fixed shadow texture cleanup
  • weapons: XM-25 alternate fire added - now time and remote detonation
  • weapons: FN FAL aternate fire added - now with and without bayonet
  • weapons: added ai_stand_manually_to_shoot_over_wall
  • weapons: added ammo sharing between weapon chains
  • weapons: added last_ammo sound support
  • weapons: added leave_crouch_accuracy_penalty
  • weapons: added stance_accuracy_rate parameter separate from sustained_fire_diminish_rate * 8 by default
  • weapons: added support for addon_model
  • world_loader: fixed some svg path parsing
Hey Runners!

Onto some unfortunate news for RWR:EDELWEISS - we have decided to delay the release. Recent events have conspired against much of the DLC development team, and as a result we believe we would be unable to keep true to the original release date. We have chosen not to set a fixed release date, and have resolved to deliver a more polished and complete experience that we otherwise would have been able to originally. We would like to thank our community for understanding that we have made this decision with their best interests in mind! We will keep you updated with progress, and in the future we will allow testers to share some gameplay footage to keep you excited!

We also decided to release this update, which is intended to mainly address some potential campaign balance issues for RWR:PACIFIC. We noticed a couple bugs which were causing issues that affected balance, and are addressing them here (see PACIFIC changelog).
Another really interesting part of this small update, and long overdue, is that you can finally join the game of your friend directly over Steam friend list. It was already possible before, but only if the friend you wanted to join was playing on a dedicated server, thus not hosting e.g. a campaign himself.
In this update, deployed weapons, such as the deployable MG, mortar, minigun, TOW, Hornet, etc won't respawn on destruction anymore. It was already the case for 2 non-campaign missions but has been extended to the whole game. This should make parts of maps with a strong emplacement defense easier, especially the final mission "Frozen Canyon".

Happy Running everyone!
Your Osumia Games

Changelog RWR v1.77.3 (vanilla):

  • online: added support for Steam Join Friend for non-dedicated hosts
  • general: fixed a missing radio call related comment when comms is disabled
  • modding: added support for custom fonts
  • modding: extended use-type weapons (medikit, deployments, etc) to support stance specific animations
  • vehicles: legion tank low collision box face higher to avoid being stucked on small ramps
  • vehicles: all map deployables are now set to not respawn
  • dominance: mortar 2 call replaced with cluster bombing call - like in vanilla
  • dominance: fixed a bug where there were no spawn points in the Vigil Island map
  • misc: fixed some HUD color issues

Changelog RWR v1.77.3 (pacific):

  • campaign balance: fixed a bug where enemy squad leaders were able to order around squads of up to 50 men to max 10 as how it should have been
  • campaign balance: changed radio jammers to no longer respawn
  • campaign balance: AI sentries, flamethrower operators, and snipers can only have a max squad size of 5 men
  • general: fixed an issue where the Japanese faction could not call in their halftracks on the first map of the Japanese campaign
  • general: fixed an occasional issue with missing Ka-Tsu call-in on the maps where players would be playing as the Imperial Japanese Navy troops
Hey Runners,

OMG Ze Germans are invading the Steam store!
Indeed, the RUNNING WITH RIFLES: EDELWEISS (DLC) store is finally online! Make sure to WISHLIST EDELWEISS to be informed about it's release which is planned for August 27!
We also seized the occasion to make a couple of fixes for both vanilla and Pacific which you can see in the Changelog below.

Don't forget to join Discord to discuss the upcoming EDELWEISS DLC with us and there's also a community event planned for this Sunday. The chosen mod for this event is "Overlord Defense", matching well the WW2 theme!

Changelog v1.77.2 (vanilla)

  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • weapons: P416 recoil recovery slightly increased
  • weapons: fixed map-spawn deployables not spawning at all
  • script: fixed P416 not appearing from the community box #5

Changelog v1.77.2 (pacific)

  • balancing: campaign re-balancing - making it easier overall, as this was the main complaint
  • maps: Bougainville island reworked
  • AI: sentry soldiers can now be stunned by explosives at an earlier stage of their armour's damage, and can always be stunned by melee
  • AI: sentry soldiers and Snipers can no longer call-in vehicles
  • AI: fixed an issue where 50% of Regular IJA Infantry were getting 500RP on Iwo Jima and Peleliu (should reduce call-in spam)
  • AI: reduced the minimum bracket of RP that Veterans can spawn with to encourage less spam of call-ins (higher RP brackets still exist)
  • invasion: player faction changed to USMC
Hello Runners!

KABOOM!... next update! In this update, we worked closer than ever with the modding community to bring you some sexy goodies to your favorite running simulator! (wait what...?)
But first thing first.
We decided to add 2 new zombie types to the "Man vs. Zombies" mode. An acid spitting baddie as we had the feeling that range attacks are not enough of a threat in this mode - actually it wasn't one at all. Better not try to stab the spitter, as he explodes with an acid blast on death damaging his surroundings. The other not so friendly dude is a fast moving and jumping creature call the ripper! While having a low amount of health, his attacks are insanely fast and if you let him get too close, he might lock you down and rip you apart!

In vanilla, we also added 2 new radio calls. The first one, the "CLUSTER BOMBING" is available in invasion, campaign and even in quick matches and replaces the former "Mortar II" which felt a bit redundant these days. It's basically a fast flying jet dropping 2 cluster bomb containers which open at low altitude and unload dozens of small cluster bombs exploding over the ground. While it is effective versus infantry units, it's not damaging armored vehicles at all.
The other radio call is a "GUNSHIP RUN" which is basically hell from above and targets every hostile presence within a 30 meter radius while your own units are safe. But, you'd better make sure to not be close to a potential target to avoid collateral damage. Note that this radio call is only available in online invasion.

Last but not least, we got a NEW COMMUNITY BOX, the 5th one!
We again got tons of submissions and had to drop a few ideas but at least we now have finally chickens and a balloon! (doh, you serious?), new weapons, 5 new vehicle drops, a squad equipment tool and more! We'd want to thank again the modding community for all the submissions (I won't name them all individually as I might forget someone) and even if it was a long run, it surely was worth the effort. Special thanks to "Unit G17" who took the lead of the community project and also actively worked on several scripts.

For the RWR:EDELWEISS DLC, the development pace has suffered a slight bump due to factors stemming from the COVID-19, and the release is now targeted for Q3 2020. While at it, we're also pushing in one map more than we had planned initially as well as some extra vehicles and weapons.

Our current stage of development is nearing the private testing stage. Most of the campaign is completed, as are models and animations for soldiers and vehicles, sound effects and music. Some of our remaining tasks involve adding some new engine functionality for new gameplay features, conducting translations, and doing some 'finishing touches' such as implementing loot items, artillery call-ins, interface icons, 3D map assets and overall polishing the maps and balancing.

We're very excited to be sharing the DLC and set up an early Store page for you. We are just waiting for Valve to approve it, it should happen very soon, stay tuned!

edit: EDELWEISS (DLC) store page has been approved you can find it >>> HERE <<<

In the meanwhile we have a teaser for you:

Changelog RWR v1.77:

  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • calls: "Cluster bombing" radio call added
  • calls: "Gunship run" radio call added (invasion only). Aerial bombardment at random enemies inside the target area
  • calls: "A-10 gun run" script improved and launch time reduced by 2 seconds
  • calls: "Mortar strike II" removed
  • calls: "Mortar strike I" has a faster launch time of the salves and slightly less spread
  • calls: "Artillery strike I" price increased from 250 to 300 RP
  • calls: "Artillery strike II" price decreased from 800 to 700 RP
  • items: community box #5 added! More than a dozen of new goodies included!
  • weapons: replaced the shuriken with a "ballistic knife". Similar purpose but faster throwing speed and more range
  • weapons: tracer darts can't be disarmed anymore
  • weapons: M240 damage slightly increased
  • weapons: M24-A2 sniper rifle's stats slightly increased
  • weapons: G11 recoil recovery slightly increased
  • weapons: XM-25 ballistics reworked and projectile now doesn't need to detonate anymore
  • weapons: Portable mortar reload time increased by 33%. Accuracy slightly decreased - big penalty when shooting out of movement
  • vehicles: Legion very heavy tank added - good to push vehicles from the road. 165mm caliber mortar as main weapon - high area damages vs infantry
  • vehicles: SEV-90 tank added - main cannon shooting 40mm burst grenades. Effective distance is restricted but can hit targets behind lower cover
  • vehicles: NOXE Ghost APC added - launches 2 rockets per shot. Medium arc, good to shoot behind cover
  • vehicles: FT-CROC added - medium range flame firing APC
  • vehicles: M528 added - tank with a fast firing medium caliber canon and anti-personal rocket launchers as secondary weapons
  • vehicles: fuel tanks now have vehicle collision damage
  • invasion: player faction swapped to Greycollars
  • invasion: some maps have new vehicles spawns
  • invasion: "Power Junction" map now has a radio jammer spawning at the "Power Plant" base
  • invasion: radar tower/jammers removed from player resources in "Misty Heights"
  • invasion: disabled all air spawns in "Final Mission I" (Cophill Down). Added a second Spawn truck instead.
  • Man vs. Zombies: Berserker now explodes on death, stunning its surrounding
  • Man vs. Zombies: added 2 new zombie classes, "Spitter" (spitting acid and fast movement - explodes on death) and "Ripper" (fast crawling, leaping and extreme fast attack)
  • Man vs. Zombies: stun animation time reduced by 10%
  • Man vs. Zombies: medikit removed from drops/crates
  • Man vs. Zombies 2p: zombies amount increased by 12%
  • Man vs. World/Zombies: crates are not respawning anymore
  • gameplay: radio call queue added - max 2 calls queued. Radio HUD texture is overlaid by an animated texture when call processing is busy
  • gameplay: Radio HUD texture is overlaid by a "denied" texture when radio calls are not available (comms down or within jamming range)
  • misc: lone wolve snipers have now 50% spawn score decrease. Should lead to less backcaps (has already been added experimentally in invasion as silent update end of April)
  • misc: grenadiers now don't carry sandbags anymore - they use a suppressing MG as secondary weapon instead
  • misc: flares (vehicles/paratroopers) disabled in map "Copehill Down"
  • misc: new faction specific president models
  • misc: custom soldier model when wearing vests Type III
  • journal: increased entry notification life time
  • journal: added insta-open first note
  • menu: fixed initial campaign selection scroll
  • menu: changed campaign faction picker to allow scrolling
  • bug: fixed a crash when closing the game during the loading process
  • bug: fixed visibility of soldier with stunned status. Was like standing still before and now crouched
  • visuals: tweaked post processing shaders to make characters less visible in foggy environment
  • modding: exposed "dry_fire" sound key for weapons
  • modding: added "use_time_to_live" (default "-1") and "time_to_live" for projectiles
  • modding: added "drop_on_death_result" (an object can spawn another object on death)
  • network: improved handling of over 32 players (has already been added experimentally as silent update in April)
  • network: improved vehicle handling (has already been added experimentally as silent update in April)


the bigger the updates, the bigger the chance that a small hotfix patch follows, like this time.
We didn't want you to wait for a bigger update to include this, so here we go!

Changelog hotfix v1.77.1:
  • calls: cluster bombing projectile handling slightly reworked
  • translations: XML syntax error in the Chinese localization causing empty text
  • misc: loot drop rate fixed
  • misc: players now drop all their stuff from the backpack on death, nothing gets lost
  • campaign: P416 not in the game resources fixed
  • equipment: squad equipment kit disabled in both vanilla and invasion fixed
  • equipment: chicken carrier now spawn 5 chickens instead of 1
  • AI: neutral faction spawning on maps with neutral bases. Removed vehicles with capacity offsets from their resources
  • moderation: Penalization message not showing up on linux servers fixed
  • maps: fixed Vigil Island having no spawn points in quick match
Apr 2, 2020
Hey Runners,

Today, RUNNING WITH RIFLES turns 5 years old, woohoo! It's incredible how fast the time flies! So yeah, happy birthday to! <3

Over the years, we've seen 700 000 players enjoying RWR, some staying with us for amazing amounts of time. We'd like to thank you, the veterans and all other players as well, for the loyalty and pushing us take RWR forward. Feel free to join our Discord channel to celebrate this day with us!

For the day of celebration, we've prepared a juicy update with 1.76.

In today's update we have 2 new maps, both playable in "invasion" and in "quick match". For those who are familiar with Vanilla PvP and Pacific, you might recognize on what already existing maps those 2 are based on.

"Tropical Blizzard" is a winter theme map based on the map "Vigil Island" but not as "King of the Hill" mode but the default conquest mode. The water areas are frozen and therefore it's technically not really an island anymore which changes a lot! Also, the harsh weather conditions don't allow any plane to fly, therefore paratroopers and any vehicle drop won't be available per during the whole stage. Hard to not being able to call for reinforcement and supplies but try it out for yourself!

The second map called "Gotcha Island" is a mix of the Pacific map "Saipan" and the PvP map "Islet of Eflen" with its own twists!
"Islet of Eflen" has never been released as a campaign/invasion map and have also been revamped in the process.

A new feature coming in this update is the expanded shot target scoring system for the AI. This enables AI to be more easily configured to prioritize certain targets to shoot at more than others, e.g. a tank gunner preferring to shoot at an enemy tank in the distance or a soldier with a bazooka instead of just a regular soldier that is closer. This certainly makes large and varied combat situations make more sense, and it also opens new possibilities for footmen to get closer to enemy combat vehicles.

And now to the bit less pleasant stuff that unfortunately affects the whole world right now. We at Osumia Games are also affected by the Corona slowdowns as we have families to care of which messes up our schedules to an extent. In that sense, we couldn't bring you the Community Box #5 on time but will certainly be delivered, along some other things relatively shortly after.

As for the RWR:EDELWEISS DLC, it is not certain we'll reach Q2 with the release like we intended to. If not, it shouldn't be a long delay from there. We hope you can understand!

Keep running and stay healthy!

Changelog v1.76:

  • maps: "Tropical Blizzard" map added. A winter theme map based on Vigil island
  • maps: "Gotcha Island" map added
  • maps: Vigil Island night time is set to be less dark
  • maps: Reversed Rattlesnake Crescent (invasion only) starting base slightly modified to reduce spawn locks
  • maps: Moorland Apocalypse (invasion only) starting base modified to have easier access to the stash and slightly better defense
  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • weapons: blast radius of the C4 reduced by 30%, also reduced the push effect and the screen shakiness
  • calls: A-10 gun run launch time reduced
  • calls: Artillery Strike tier 2 now fires 5 rounds instead of 8.
  • campaign: added possibility to restart the current map in the menu
  • man_vs_zombies: fixed crash when deploying a cover
  • man_vs_world: enemy can now toss grenades at the player
  • invasion: entirely re-balancing (should also be harder now)
  • invasion: player faction changed to Greenbelts
  • invasion (Pacific): player faction changed to IJA
  • misc: increased the player slots of the official invasion servers from 24 to 32
  • misc: Ice cream van is now listing content of the community box #4 in his lottery pool
  • misc: fixed missing kill text notifications
  • misc: a player can now be picked in map view for hotkey purposes
  • online: reworked kick/ban/penalty notifications
  • online: fixed in-game kick in menu to work correctly in all cases
  • online: fixed current weapon indicator showing up in wrong place when joining a server with no spawn points
  • online: improved info in ui after connecting to a server where resource checksum is mismatched with client
  • vehicles: fixed damage modifier causing sign change in damage (becoming repair) in certain cases
  • items: slightly re-balanced the item reward pool of the community box #4
  • ai: added support for improved target prioritization
  • radioview: moved the radio call menu lower
  • visuals: hand grenade model modified to look more realistic
  • visuals: Plants and bushes now render after characters/models (no ghost shader anymore which can be used to hide in PvP)
  • visuals: tweaked some smoke particle effects
  • misc: deployed sandbag are not processed by FoV anymore
  • modding: added "check_enemies_while_driving_time" and "check_enemies_while_driving_in_turnmode_time" ai parameters
  • modding: added "ai_driver_turns_to_target" for vehicles that feature fixed guns where driver must turn instead
  • modding: added "spawn_interval" for faction settings in match options
  • modding: added "disable_fov_when_dead" for match options
  • modding: added "min_number_of_enemies_to_throw_grenade" in ai parameters
  • modding: added "server_mode" text for campaign options
Hey Runners,

let's slay some zombies in this modification of the mod "Running with the Dead" (in case this makes sense...).
Players can only join the survivors faction. Will you be able to clean out Moorland Apocalypse?
We don't think so ;)

Server: "RWTD Official Server"

Misc: NO DOWNLOAD REQUIRED from the workshop - just attempted to connect to the server and the mod should be acquired automatically. Note that you have to join through Steam to be able to play

Reward: 3x community boxes #4 will be given out to participants chosen randomly by the moderator team who will be also participating

communication: Join Discord for better communication and to get the rewards if you are chosen! (link for Discord in the game menu)


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