Greeting Runners!

First of all...

Year 2018 in review:

2018 is coming to an end and it has been another good year for Osumia Games. The RUNNING WITH RIFLES family has grown by another 280.000 members this year with 20.000 sales coming alone from the Pacific DLC! In 2018 we worked hard on the huge 1.70 update, also known as the "usability update" which took us a while to finish and we wanted to release all its new content in one patch. The long wait was worth it and the result proved to be very helpful, especially for new players. This new "tutorial" approach in the form of journal notes with images teaches you about events you encounter during your campaign, which should be easier and much more detailed than the former playground tutorial. Prior to that we also reworked the inventory encumbrance mechanics to have a better flexibility and to not lock the player down at snail's pace when carrying only a single weapon in his backpack.

This year we also extended our Chinese server realm in result of the increasing amount of players from the Middle Kingdom.
We also extended the "Man vs. World" mode to a 2-player version for those who prefer sharing this hard challenge with a mate.

Another new approach we started in 2018 was a cooperation with the modding scene in the form of "community boxes". The community worked on new items and we implemented them into the game if they reached a satisfying standard. This went from new combat vehicles to new gear, tons of weapons and some more or less silly items.
The 2 community boxes we released this year in new updates certainly weren't the last ones - hey this is the official starting shot for community box #3! :)

For the PACIFIC DLC throughout 2018 we also published several updates which included a new large-size map, a plethora of new firearms, some balance overhauls, and the addition of new vehicles and soldier types. This includes the more recent "Type 4 Ka-Tsu" - a massive amphibious personnel carrier used by the Japanese navy.

What's next?

For the future of our World War 2 development, we will be prioritizing our work on the upcoming Western-Front themed DLC "EDELWEISS". Some of the content from 'Edel' will be made available within Pacific, and we have some plans as how to make all your stash content and experience points transferable between the two theatres. So if you are a veteran of the Pacific Theatre, you will be able to bring your "Stinger" back to the Western Front to wreak havoc on the German army!

As to EDELWEISS' campaign itself, we have told you it will follow the story of Allied Paratroopers fighting their way across Western Europe. There will also be one unique map that will provide some relief from the Paratrooper missions - that of the assault up Hell's Highway, focusing on heavy armoured warfare. This will be Running with Rifle's first heavily tank-focused map, and will primarily center around usage of Medium Tanks such as the Cromwell and the Panzer IV (though other armour and types of tanks will be available). The fighting on Hell's Highway was all part of an elaborate plan crafted by Allied high-command to rapidly liberate the Netherlands - and arrive on Germany's western border before winter. This plan, known as Operation Market Garden, was ultimately unsuccessful and failed to achieve its objectives. British Paratroopers landed around and attempted to secure the bridge over Arnhem for the main armoured column to pass over; however, they were surrounded by elite German mechanized units and street fighting in the city broke out. The British armoured column attempted to reach and relieve the paratroopers at Arnhem by traveling up what they called "Hell's Highway", but were highly exposed to German ambushes, especially from well camouflaged tanks and anti-tank guns. In the end the relief column was stalled, and the paratroopers at Arnhem eventually surrendered. Arnhem itself would not be liberated until April of 1945. That is not to say the Allied armour did not make great progress; and for the sake of our game, the fate of the attack will be in your hands, though it will be the Axis campaign offering the 'authentic' outcome.

Lastly: yet another teaser as to Edelweiss' progress - showcasing another Medium Tank,
our Panzer IV, AAAAAAACHTUNG!! :)

Don't forget to join our RWR community on Discord if you have questions or want to gather with other Runners.
Feel free to leave us a review on Steam if you like the game, it always motivates us a lot to continue our journey with you guys!

Oh, and without teasing too much, we at Osumia Games also started working on something even BIGGER, but it's still too early to reveal more. Anyway, good times ahead!!

your Osumia Games
Hey Runners,

[drumroll] Update 1.70 aka the "usability update" is finally there! [/drumroll]

Usability Update

The lack of a solid tutorial explaining high level game elements has been an issue among new players and we decided to do something about it now. The little puzzle playground we had previously has been removed as obsolete. In the new approach you'll get informed about things you encounter while playing the campaign (or online invasion) in the form of journal notes, which are usually triggered by mousing over objects or by simply gaining XP. While there are still a few things you'll have to figure out on your own, this should definitely help players get into the game better!
A good chunk of the new text content has been translated in all supported languages, kudos again to the translating community! In no special orders thanks to BrodaTy, CandyMew, Lagia8, Tadler, Zahar Savelyev, RaioOriginal, Etsy and some proof-readers.

In the picture below there's a preview of what the journal system looks like:

In this update, we've made certain features more accessible for experienced players too. For example, deploying sandbags or heavy weapons on the roof only to see them fall over the edge from a slight misplacement of its position is finally coming to an end. Now, besides using improved collision models for the deployables, we also have a visual emplacement marker which turns red if the space in front of the player is not suitable for deployment. Alongside that, you can now order squadmates to man deployable weapons by giving them a move order over the gun! If (for some reason) you want to build 5 miniguns and 5 mortars side-by-side and want them all manned, no problem.

In the picture below you can see it in action:

We entirely re-balanced the campaign after making some changes to the commander AI logic in pursuit of an improved pace for the game. Once a base has been captured, the next attack doesn't begin immediately - rather the commander will regroup his forces to defend against a counterattack and also gather for a larger attack when it does occur. In addition, we seized the occasion to add a new "veteran" difficulty which has same settings as the "hard" difficulty but with FoV enabled, which makes for a much more challenging experience.

We also added radio call markers (visible on the map and in the game world) to provide better information for the players about where an allied radio call has been placed as well as an AoE so that you know in which radius you should not enter during the call in case it is a mortar/artillery strike. The subtle visual marker will hopefully lower the amount of unwanted teamkills happening when fellow soldiers run through the bomb showers.

Community Box #2

The first community box submission work was a great success and the modders had a lot of fun making experimental stuff and a good part of it made its way into the game. They had enough new ideas for another community project so here we go! In 1.70 there is a new community box with new exciting (and CRAZY) content!
Have you ever dreamed of running through the frontlines in a banana costume throwing banana peels at the enemy? Or having a riot shield but actually being able to shoot at the same time? From goofy to highly helpful in combat situations, with the help of the modding community, we have more than a dozen new items/objects/costumes/vehicles in the community box #2!

Dominance - PvP

The experimental "Dominance" (PvP) mode is coming out now too. The main idea was to remove most of the RNG by simulating a healthpoint system where there is no longer a kill probability system from bullet damage. Most weapons have a smaller bullet decay (apart from sniper rifles) and some rare weapons have also been included, such as the F2000, the XM-8, 44 Magnum and a few more.
As this gamemode is mainly about PvP, we removed stealth vests and added a special vest which is basically similar to the Vest Type II in vanilla, just that the top vest layers reduce bullet impacts more than the lower layers.
We also added the bandage item that allow you to heal yourself! You can also heal your special vest with it. Bandages can be found at the armory but are also dropped by some AI soldiers.
Keep yourself mobile and loot the bandages lying around to always be ready to engage the next fight!

Pacific Update

Pacific in update 1.70 aims to improve upon some of the major balance concerns in the community, as well as make the campaign more accessible, and to implement a few new weapons and units within the game. Some of the major balance changes include reducing the power of the Banzai Charge call-in, giving the USMC forces a better chance on the early beach-assault maps, and a lot of performance changes to the game's small-arms weapons. Specifically, most of the Common weapons (the starting guns available within the Armoury) have had their lethality improved in some way or another; reducing the large gap between their performance and that of Rare weapons. Some other changes include reducing the spawn frequency of the Armoured Sentry Soldiers, adjusting the performance of various armoured vests, and making Guadalcanal a bit more challenging with large numbers of players in an Invasion server (reducing the number of Friendly AI soldiers more per each joined player. This will not affect Solo Players and has very minimal impact on small numbers of players.) Lastly, there is an assortment of new weapons being added, from the iconic M55 Reising sub-machine gun to the pre-war experimental Type Hei automatic rifle. The Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) have also been added to the game in the form of their Special Naval Landing Forces - essentially Japanese Marines. The IJN replace the IJA on Tarawa and Downfall, serving as a "Boss" faction within the US campaign, but also playable in the Japanese campaign. They use a few different weapons from the IJA and can call-in a Heavy Amphibious Tank - the Type 4 Ka-Tsu - a behemoth of a personnel carrier equipped with two 13mm Machine Guns.

Edelweiss News Update

In case you missed our last dev blog, we announced the next DLC set on the Western Front! It will go through the battles that paratroopers participated in, most notably Normandy, Market Garden, and the Battle of the Bulge. We're excited to show more about this DLC further down the line, but for now, enjoy this:

Don't forget to join our RWR community on Discord and leave us a review on Steam if you like the game, it always motivates us a lot!

Your Osumia Games

Check this sexy changelog for a complete list of changes in Vanilla and Pacific:

Changelog v1.70:

  • maps: new base added in Rattlesnake Crescent
  • maps: new base added in Keepsake Bay
  • maps: Power Junction rotated by 45° and Power plant base slightly reworked
  • maps: Airfield base in Vigil Island slightly reworked - new armory and radio jammer locations
  • maps: several fixes here and there
  • deathmatch: added map7 to the map rotator
  • deathmatch: script ported to AngelScript
  • minimodes: script ported to AngelScript
  • minimodes: FoV is now enabled on default
  • dominance: script ported to AngelScript
  • dominance: rework to get rid of the RNG by simulating a simple health system - experimental phase.
  • dominance: bandage added
  • dominance: some rare weapons added (had none so far)
  • man vs world: vehicles do not respawn to avoid spawn kills
  • server: fixed character_kill event crash
  • equipment: spawn flare XP requirement lowered from 3000 to 1500XP
  • equipment: Cover deploy XP requirement lowered from 500 to 250XP
  • equipment: EOD vest lethality vs bullets and movement speed equipped slightly decreased
  • weapons: stock machine pistols accuracy and effective range slightly increased
  • weapons: stock suppressed SMGs XP requirement in campaign/invasion lowered from 1500 to 1000XP
  • weapons: stock pistols XP requirement in campaign/invasion increased from 250 to 750XP
  • weapons: SPAS-12 - removed XP requirement in campaign/invasion which used to be 500XP
  • weapons: PKM XP requirement in campaign/invasion increased from 0 to 500XP
  • weapons: PAW-20 rate of fire increased by 27%
  • weapons: Benelli M4 with suppressor stats increased
  • weapons: Scorpio Evo-III bullet falloff time slightly increased
  • weapons: QCW-05 bullet falloff time slightly increased
  • weapons: Stoner 62 accuracy increased/recoil slightly decreased
  • vehicles: mobile armory acceleration and max speed slightly increased
  • vehicles: most vehicles have been re-scaled (made smaller)
  • vehicles: re-spawn times for most combat vehicles increased by 20 seconds - also including mounted stationary weapons
  • vehicles: special cargo reward delivery bonus increased from 400 to 1000RP
  • vehicles: become un-steerable below 5% health points. Need repair or explode after some time
  • vehicles: deployables configured to lose health on vehicle collisions+
  • items: community box #2 added. A dozen of new goodies includes!
  • calls: airdropped vehicles now have a visual parachute attached
  • calls: visual markers for friendly mortar/artillery strike and paratroopers added
  • calls: artillery (8x16) fixed - now launches 8 salvos instead of 10
  • AI: vanilla campaign commander now issues an attack break after capturing his target base, for better pacing
  • AI: squad leader player can give command to AI squad members to occupy static weapons such as deployable MG, mortar, etc.
  • AI: improved the way AI considers usefulness of a static weapon, also with ability to abandon it
  • AI: now considers occupying static weapons while fighting
  • AI: fixed some issues with combat vehicle driving
  • AI: made AI aware of min_health_to_steer with vehicles
  • campaign/invasion: complete re-balance
  • campaign: veteran difficulty added (same as hard but with FoV enabled)
  • campaign: amount of Elite soldiers raised by 60%, which also implies 60% more rare weapon drops
  • campaign: added some commander dialogue when spotting and/or destroying important targets
  • campaign: added base recon objective to further encourage players to travel and attack secondary bases
  • campaign: cargo truck location hints made less frequent
  • campaign: special crates have now randomized spawn locations and numbers. Can also spawn ultra rare weapons
  • campaign: changed item unlock expiration timer to 100h for campaign
  • campaign: extraction points now show at the screen edge when map is complete
  • quick match: amount of Elite soldiers raised by 60%, which also implies 60% more rare weapon drops
  • invasion: amount of Elite soldiers raised by 30%, which also implies 30% more rare weapon drops
  • invasion: changing player faction to Greenbelts in official invasion
  • gameplay: "King of the Hill" timer reworked. Now the timer isn't reset anymore when the hill changes ownership. It is paused and resumed on re-capture
  • animations: leaving_wounded animation added after getting healed while wounded
  • visuals: changed character shading method to happen in postprocessing for less noise and light direction awareness
  • visuals: changed tree foliage billboard rendering for less flicker
  • visuals: changed post processing for tighter outlines and resolution adaptation
  • visuals: added deployment area helper visual
  • menu: various changes
  • misc: added system to show help notes as notifications
  • misc: removed the vertical-coordinate ignoring when figuring out which items are within the picking-radius of the character - e.g. no more floor item picking when on a roof
  • misc: added a HUD helper to show which weapon slot is selected
  • misc: fixed text alignment in inventory view when inspecting items
  • misc: added suppressed weapon icon in item inspector in inventory view
  • misc: player location cross in map view made more visible
  • misc: map legend added
  • misc: pause key removed, accessing menu will pause game (except when playing online)
  • misc: added reload indicator when empty mag
  • misc: chat balloon happening on the right side of screen now extend to left if it would clip with the screen edge
  • misc: various changes in menu UI, no more overflowing text and controls
  • misc: adjusted UI to support 21:9 better
  • misc: improved UI text justification method
  • misc: fixed scrolling in mapview over a spawnpoint being mistaken for intent to respawn
  • misc: added survivability option in quickmatch and campaign for increasing the odds for player to survive; easy difficulty now utilizes it instead of boosting/nerfing capacities and accuracies that much
  • misc: configured deployables physics and collision models to not fall off from roof edges
  • misc: configured deployables to use high mass and blast_push_threshold to prevent being bulldozed by vehicles and moved by blasts
  • misc: added optional dedicated primary / secondary weapon change keys
  • misc: fixed wounded character stand-up issue in online
  • modding: added <destroy_on_drive_over_tags><tag name="heavy"/>... support in static object spec
  • modding: added call_event, with phase="queue"/"acknowledge"/"launch"/"end" and id field to distinguish calls from each other
  • modding: added roof_elevation keyword for buildings with elevated roofs
  • modding: added attack_change script event
  • modding: resource doesn't require to be in_stock anymore to be able to respawn_with

Changelog v1.70 (PACIFIC DLC):

  • maps: USMC campaign balance adjusted so the first few beach-assault maps are more forgiving to low-ranked players.
  • maps: Guadalcanal in USMC campaign now loses more friendly troops when more players are in the match. Reduction from 2 to 3 per player.
  • maps: Guadalcanal hidden in quickmatch menu
  • maps: Fixed issue with capturing LZ Sun on Downfall.
  • fix: bug where soldiers clumped up on the Attack Ship on Iwo Jima resolved
  • fix: animation issues regarding hipfire weapons resolved
  • fix: bug where IJA campaign could not reach Peleliu Airfield resolved
  • fix: bug where ladders on left side of Saipan attack ship were unclimbable resolved
  • fix: bug where damaged tank on Downfall was destroyed resolved
  • soldiers: the Sentry AI soldier spawns 25% less often.
  • soldiers: fixed an issue with dialogue used by POW soldiers.
  • soldiers: reduced the RP available to Banzai Officers, POW soldiers, and US Army Squad Leaders.
  • soldiers: Banzai Chargers can no longer spawn with medkits.
  • soldiers: reduced the spawn chance of Flamethrower Operators for the regular Imperial Japanese Army.
  • gameplay: weapons in Quickmatch now have XP requirements similar to the Campaign.
  • gameplay: the Banzai Charge call-in now deploys 1 less Light Machine Gunner soldier, who is now replaced with an additional Rifleman.
  • gameplay: Banzai Charge Squad now costs 350 RP, matching the cost of the US Army Rifles Squad.
  • gameplay: you can now unlock the M1903A3 with bayonet for re-purchase at the USMC armoury by selling 5 of them.
  • gameplay: You can now unlock the Type 38 with bayonet for re-purchase at the IJA armoury by selling 5 of them.
  • gameplay: You can no longer unlock enemy weapons (to reduce overcluttered Armouries).
  • gameplay: Adjusted some briefcase unlocks.
  • gameplay: The Rubber-boat call-in has been adjusted, spawning in a slightly randomized position, so that it can not be used to accurately crush enemy soldiers.
  • gameplay: enemy anti-tank grenades, bazookas, grenades, at grenades, and heavy MG deploys can no longer be unlocked at the armoury. (99% were statistically the same anyways.)
  • items: Banzai, Veteran, and Sentry vests have been modified to more consistently take damage from small-arms, rather than being heavily chance-based.
  • items: Banzai Vest and Veteran Vest improved to have 3 layers of armour instead of 2. The cost of Banzai vest has been raised from 10 to 15. This does not effect the AI-controlled Banzai soldiers.
  • items: The Sentry Vest has had its cost lowered.
  • items: All vests now have altered weights when carried in the backpack.
  • vehicles: Added NEW Type 4 Ka-Tsu - a heavy amphibious tank the Imperial Japanese Navy can deploy on Tarawa and Downfall.
  • weapons: Added NEW M1903A3 Bayonet variant.
  • weapons: Added NEW T22 Garand variant (20-round magazine).
  • weapons: Added NEW M1 Thompson - faster RoF but only 20-round magazine, compared to M1A1 Thompson.
  • weapons: Added NEW M1918A2 BAR Rapid Fire variant - faster RoF than regular.
  • weapons: Added NEW M1919A6 Mobile - hip fired variant carried by Sentries.
  • weapons: Added NEW Bayonet variants to the Type 100 SMG and the MP 34 "Type STE" SMG.
  • weapons: Added NEW Type 99 Sniper Rifle - with more powerful scope zoom than the Type 97 Sniper Rifle.
  • weapons: Added NEW Mk 3 Concussion Grenade - knocks down opponents. Carried by Flamethrower Operators.
  • weapons: Added NEW Type Hei Automatic Rifle - fully automatic rifle with 20-round magazine and good recoil control. Extremely deadly, but also quite rare.
  • weapons: Added NEW M55 Reising - very high rate of fire, but small 20-round magazine. Replaces M1A1 Thompson on early-war maps. Variation with folded stock in side-arm slot exists.
  • weapons: Added NEW Type I Carcano - used by the Imperial Japanese Navy, serving as their standard service rifle. Very similar to Type 38. A bayonet variant exists.
  • weapons: Added NEW Type BE Submachine Gun - used by Imperial Japanese Navy Veteran soldiers, it is a Bergmann MP 18 chambered in 7.63mm Mauser with a large 50-round stick magazine. A bayonet variant exists.
  • weapons: Added NEW Type 2 Model B Submachine Gun - named simply "Type 2 SMG". With moderate rate of fire and 30-round magazine.
  • weapons: Adjusted some discrepancies with grenades and AT weapons' performances between the IJA and USMC.
  • weapons: Adjusted performance of some explosive weapons, and enabled Type 98, Oerlikon, and Anti-Air Gun to damage Tanks.
  • weapons: Can no longer respawn with Type 99 LMG Scoped variation after dying. This will give it the rare 'blue' colour of a special weapon.
  • weapons: Satchel Charge renamed to Anti-Tank Satchel Charge in English, for a bit of extra clarity.
  • weapons: Mk II Grenade Fuse set from 3 seconds to 4 seconds (bug fix).
  • weapons: Type 100 moved to early war IJA arsenal, MP34 "Type STE" given to IJN.
  • weapons: SMG/Carbine "base" weapon (affects many SMGs/Carbines) - max spread reduced by 5%, running accuracy raised from 5% (affects first shot fired while moving.)
  • weapons: Sniper Rifle "base" weapon standing accuracy reduced by 6%. This was to give it a more distinct disadvantange when compared with non-scoped Bolt-Action Rifles.
  • weapons: Bolt-Action Rifles (non-scoped) crouching accuracy raised by 5%. This is mostly to make them more reliable during online play on Invasion servers, where net lag can hinders these weapons most.
  • weapons: M1A1 Thompson heavily rebalanced for more mid-range performance.
  • weapons: M1928 Thompson w/ 100-round drum renamed to M1921 Thompson w/ 100-round drum, to better reflect how it lacks a muzzle-brake.
  • weapons: The M1921 Thompson w/ 100-round drum has had its reload speed reduced, and its movement speed from -0.05 to -0.075.
  • weapons: Type 100 SMG - kill probability raised by 6%, kill decay start time raised by 12.5%. Result is a bit more power in short range, vastly more at longer ranges.
  • weapons: Type 100/44 SMG heavily rebalanced for less long-range performance, while still being superior to most SMGs in short / medium-short range.
  • weapons: C96 Carbine renamed to Type MO Carbine to reflect its Japanese nomenclature.
  • weapons: M1 Carbine and C96 "Type MO Carbine" kill decay start time raised by 40%, end time by 10%. Result is better medium and long range performance.
  • weapons: MP 34 renamed to Type STE to reflect its Japanese-contracted version. Rechambered in 7.63mm Mauser. Statistics adjusted - generally, higher velocity and lower recoil.
  • weapons: Type 2 Model A renamed to Type 1 SMG, reflecting a more accurate nomenclature for the weapon.
  • weapons: M2 Carbine and Bayonet variant - recoil reduced by 15%, kill decay start time raised by 40%, end time by 10%, walking accuracy reduced by 16%.
  • weapons: M1 Garand and Bayonet variant - recoil recovery improved by 45%, kill decay start time raised by 40%. Able to fire accurately at long range much faster, and hit harder too.
  • weapons: Scoped M1D Garand - recoil recovery improved by 45%, velocity reduced by 7% (so it matches other Snipers now).
  • weapons: Type 4 Rifle - recoil recovery improved by 17%. While still poor in accuracy compared to most rifles, it is easy to fire quick, deadly bursts with this weapon.
  • weapons: Type 44 Carbine - velocity raised by 2.5%. This improves both accuracy at long range, kill probability, and requires less leading of targets. It is a bigger boost than it sounds.
  • weapons: M1941 Johnson Rifle - velocity raised by 2.5%, recoil recovery improved by 7%. Much more efficient at long and medium ranges.
  • weapons: M1918A2 BAR crouching accuracy raised by 20%, standing accuracy raised by 19%, reload speed increased by 5%.
  • weapons: M1919A6 can now be respawned with, accuracy raised by 3%. The respawn change is significant, and the slight accuracy boost helps it keep up with the new M1 Garand.
  • weapons: M1941 Johnson LMG crouching accuracy raised by 22%, but rate of fire reduced by 19%. Overall it is more versatile and controllable, but doesn't have such insane DPS when prone.
  • weapons: ANM2 'Stinger' accuracy slightly raised. This improves its damage output at range to be a bit closer to the Type 98 LMG.
  • weapons: All 'mobile' hip fired machine guns have had their movement speed raised from -0.25 to -0.2.
  • weapons: Type 96 LMG, Bayonet, and Trench variants - kill probability raised by 8.5%.
  • weapons: Type 99 LMG and Bayonet variant - kill probability raised by 3%, kill decay start time raised by 40%.
  • weapons: Scoped Type 99 LMG - kill probability raised by 3%, kill decay start time raised by 30%.
  • weapons: Type 38 kill probability raised to match other bolt-action rifles, kill decay start time reduced by 20%. This overall improves its reliablity in short range.
  • weapons: Type 14 pistol recoil reduced by 3%.
  • weapons: M1919 HMG and Type 92 HMG kill probability reduced by 12.5%, kill decay start time improved by 17%.
  • weapons: Adjusted the commonness of a variety of weapons. SMGs are generally a more common than LMGs on AI soldiers now. Some rares are also a bit more common. HMG deploys are more rare.
  • weapons: Type 100 Grenade Discharger can now be respawned with.
  • invasion: changing player faction to IJA in official Pacific invasion
  • misc: new medikit model added.
  • misc: new demolitions charge model added.
  • misc: C96 "Type MO" model adjusted.
  • misc: M1919A6 model and HUD icon adjusted.
  • misc: MP 34 "Type STE" sound changed.
  • misc: Type 99 LMG Bayonet model slightly adjusted.
  • misc: new M1918 BAR sound, and model adjusted.
  • misc: new M1941 Johnson LMG sound.
  • misc: new models for overencumbered backpacks; both light encumbrance and heavy encumbrance.
  • misc: adjusted position of the Type 93 Flamethrower model so that it is better held by the soldier's hands.
  • misc: the Imperial Japanese Navy faction has been placed on Tarawa and Downfall.
  • misc: Binoculars XP requirement in Campaign lowered from 10k to 1k.
  • misc: new model for the US Willy's Jeep.
Hey Runners,

First of all, we hope you all had a wonderful sunny summer time! Today we'll talk a little about what's planned next for RUNNING WITH RIFLES, and at the end of this dev blog we'll have a surprise for you guys!
The game has been out for quite some time now and we've constantly improved it over the years, also with the help of our community - but if you think we're done, you are wrong!

Usability Update

The lack of a solid tutorial explaining high level game elements has been an issue among new players and we decided to do something about it now. There isn't going to be a typical tutorial level and the little puzzle playground we had previously will be removed (hey we still think it was cool! - Well Jack does...), but, in the new approach you'll get informed about things you encounter while playing the campaign in the form of journal notes, which are usually triggered by mousing over objects or by simply gaining XP. While there are still a few things you'll have to figure out on your own, this should definitely help players get into the game better!

In the picture below there's a preview what it will look like:

The upcoming update 1.70, also known as the usability update, will make certain game features more accessible for experienced players too. For example, deploying sandbags or heavy weapons on the roof only to see them fall over the edge from a slight misplacement of its position is about to come to an end. Now, besides using improved collision models for the deployables, we also have a visual emplacement marker which turns red if the space in front of the player is not suitable for deployment. Alongside that, you can now order squadmates to man deployable weapons by giving them a move order over the gun! If (for some reason) you want to build 5 miniguns and 5 mortars side-by-side and want them all manned, no problem at all! Isn't that cool?

In the picture below you can see it in action:

We entirely re-balanced the campaign after making some changes to the commander AI logic in pursuit of an improved pace for the game. Once a base has been captured, the next attack doesn't begin immediately - rather the commander will regroup his forces to defend against a counterattack and also gather for a larger attack when it does occur. In addition, we seized the occasion to add a new "veteran" difficulty which has same settings as the "hard" difficulty but with FoV enabled, which makes for a much more challenging experience.

The first community box submission work was a great success and the modders had a lot of fun making experimental stuff and a good part of it made its way into the game. They gave us feedback that they had enough ideas for another community project so here we go. In 1.70 there will be a new community box with new exciting content!

We've been experimenting with some rework in the "Dominance" (PvP) mode, but we can't promise the changes will make it into the game yet. The main idea would be to remove most of the RNG by simulating a healthpoint system, where there is no longer a kill probability system from bullet damage. Most weapons would have a smaller bullet decay (apart from sniper rifles) and some rare weapons would also be included, like the F2000, the XM-8, 44 Magnum, etc.

Pacific Update

Pacific in update 1.70 aims to improve upon some of the major balance concerns in the community, and to implement a few new weapons and units within the game. Some of the major balance changes include reducing the power of the Banzai Charge call-in, making the US forces start with more troops on beach-landing maps (allowing them better opportunity to secure that initial foot-hold), and a lot of performance changes to the game's small-arms weapons. Some other changes include reducing the spawn frequency of the armored Sentry soldiers, and making Guadalcanal a bit more challenging with large numbers of players in an Invasion server (reducing the number of Friendly AI soldiers more per each joined player. This will not affect Solo Players and has very minimal impact on small numbers of players.) Lastly, there is an assortment of new weapons being added, from the iconic M55 Reising sub-machine gun to the pre-war experimental Type Hei automatic rifle. The Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) will also been added to the game in the form of their Special Naval Landing Forces - essentially Japanese Marines. They will replace the IJA on Tarawa and Downfall - using a few different weapons from the IJA, and being able to call-in a special Heavy Amphibious Tank (the Type 4 Ka-Tsu,) a behemoth of a personnel carrier equipped with double 13mm Machine Guns.

New DLC Announcement

And now, time for a big announcement! We have been hard at work on a SECOND DLC pack for RWR! We are now publicly announcing RUNNING WITH RIFLES: EDELWEISS - a WW2 campaign set on the Western Front late in the war! Focusing on Allied Paratroopers fighting their way across Europe, EDELWEISS will begin with the Allied airborne landings in Normandy, before moving on through the Netherlands and the Battle of the Bulge. EDELWEISS will feature the US, British, and German factions complete with a plethora of weapons, vehicles, and abilities, all battling over authentically-represented locations. As a teaser, check out this pic below!

There is no release date yet as it's still early alpha phase, we will provide some more information in the future, stay tuned!

As for the update 1.70 release date, we haven't defined any date yet but safe to say that it will happen around the next 3-6 weeks

Your Osumia Games
Apr 26, 2018
Hey Runners,

Today it's once again update-time! One of the main focus of this update is "Man vs. World" balancing, as we saw a bunch of people showing interest in the gamemode but unfortunately it being too hard for most to even pass the first stage. We enjoy hard difficulty ourselves but surely there are ways to make it more accessible to everyone! Therefore we added a new casual difficulty setting which reduces the accuracy of the enemy as well as adding a new self-healing item which is specific for this gamemode - the bandage!

You can't find it in the armory, it's a enemy soldier loot drop. Make sure to keep your eyes open to not miss them, they can easily decide the outcome of the campaign! You'll also find them in the hard and veteran difficulty modes, just at a lower drop rate.

Next, we took the first steps into implementing some of our upcoming usability improvement plans to help (new) players get into the game more easily.
One part of it is the backpack design which didn't always make sense in it former state. We found out that especially new people were confused about the abrupt speed and accuracy penalty for having e.g. 1 extra weapon in their backpack and not realizing where the penalty comes from, leading to the decision to tweak the encumbrance system.

Now the accuracy and speed penalties increase linearly as you can see in the following chart where you can compared the old (1.64) and the new (1.65) ways.
As for a typical example, when you carry an extra stock weapon in your backpack such as a M16A4, in 1.64 your moving speed was reduced by 20% and your accuracy by 15% (respectively the dotted blue and red lines). In 1.65, the speed penalty would be 10% (blue line) and the accuracy 0% (red line) as it just starts to kick at 20% encumbrance.
Therefore having an alternative weapon in your backpack and nothing else would only affect your movement speed by 10% but not your accuracy. Having more items in the backpack will affect your movement even more and the accuracy will start to reduce too.

Visually, your character will have a visible small backpack on his back once the encumbrance reaches 20% and a big backpack once the encumbrance reaches 50%. We also added a backpack HUD icon with the encumbrance percentage below so that you won't have to check your inventory to get that information.

For online players, profile passwords have been another source of confusion since forever, and we're now switching to another mechanism that avoids a manual password input while achieving the very same thing by utilizing Steam. For new players or profiles on servers, you no longer need to come up with a password, instead you just pick a username and get into the game. For old profiles, the game requires you to supply the password once more after trying to join with the existing username, or, if you have used the "Remember me" option the game will automatically feed it.

In the last update (1.64) we added some new experimental netcode techniques which should help with synchronization issues some people have, especially when their network performance tends to fluctuate. We were rather cautious about those additions, therefore we didn't apply them as a default setting but only optional via command line. During the last 3 weeks, we activated the mode on some official servers, which ran surprisingly smooth without causing any issues that could have come along. We've now made the netcode mode the default setting for all servers and clients.

For Pacific, we've optimized some maps to avoid certain crash issues due to RAM consumption, and made a variety of gameplay changes.
Most of these gameplay changes are 'quality of life' for weapons - raising the effectiveness of certain firearm classes,
or reducing the performance of some of the incredibly powerful weapons. Additionally, commonness of some of the extremely-rare guns has been raised,
so that they might be encountered slightly more often. The player's version of the Sentry Vest has been nerfed (the enemy AI remains the same),
and there is also 1 new weapon variation - a rare Type 99 Light Machine Gun outfitted with a Scope.

Changelogs v1.65:

  • maps: few modifications/fixes here and there
  • gameplay: backpack system revamped - accuracy and movement speed are now decreasing linearly by increasing encumbrance
  • weapons: commonness for elites to spawn with the M202 FLASH as secondary increased by 30%
  • weapons: Lahti L-39 now semi-auto with a 44% increased rate of fire and damage boosted by 25%
  • weapons: Buckshot Bess reloading speed increased by 25% and amount of projectiles increased by 50%
  • weapons: AA-12 FRAG slightly re-balanced - less spread when not moving, 12% blast radius increased
  • weapons: deployable mortar AI sight range decreased by 15%
  • weapons: TOW AI sight range decreased by 20%, player sight range increased by 10%
  • equipment: Claymore carrier is not forced to walk anymore
  • equipment: "Bandage" item added (Man vs. World gamemode only)
  • vehicles: decreased the DarkCat tank HP by 33%
  • Man vs. World: casual mode added - reduced enemy AI accuracy and high amount of bandage item drops
  • Man vs. World: low amount of bandage item drops for hard/veteran difficulty
  • deathmatch: added Copehill Down map to the map rotator
  • sounds: added more distinct sound effects on bullet character impact
  • sounds: stabbing an enemy now always plays a distinct sound when the hit connects
  • sounds: Desert Eagle shot sound reworked
  • fix: bug were soldiers were stucked on roofs of refinery tanks or churches fixed
  • fix: bug where Claymores didn't explode in Man vs World mode
  • misc: fuel barrels lethal explosion radius increased from 3 to 4m
  • misc: new "president" rank added for extremely high ranks - XP requirement is 10 million
  • online: changed password mechanism for official servers when playing through Steam; manual password no longer needed for new profiles, old profiles need to give it once more
  • character: added some animations specific to being without weapon
  • network: experimental mode to avoid out of sync and rubber banding due to unstable lag applied on all hosts
  • modding: added walk_footstep_interval and run_footstep_interval for character files, by default 0.45 and 0.3
  • modding: use class weapons can do vest equipment "untransform" for own vest repair with untransform_count set greater than 0
  • modding: added ability to enable character_spawn/die/kill events from game/server to script, see
  • modding: update_inventory xml command can be given untransform_count to do vest repair for the given character, see
  • modding: stab_receive sound key added in character
  • modding: stab_hit_any sound key in weapon, happens with any colliding stab/melee regardless of outcome

Changelogs v1.65 (PACIFIC DLC):

  • maps: removed one radio jammer location from Peleliu Airfield.
  • maps: optimized Guadalcanal and Peleliu Airfield
  • gameplay: adjusted weights of weapons in accordance with the new backpack mechanics
  • gameplay: reduced the RP avialable to AI Sentries, which should reduce their ability to spam call-ins
  • gameplay: reduced the frequency of AI using calls slightly
  • gameplay: restricted firing arcs on PT Boat Oerlikon Guns to prevent gunners from killing eachother
  • weapons: Type 99 Light MG with SCOPE variation has been added
  • weapons: added prone reload animations to Sentry MGs.
  • weapons: raised Flamethrower ranges slightly.
  • weapons: changed name of M1 Garand Field Modified Launcher to M1 Garand 60mm Launcher
  • weapons: M1 Garand 60mm Launcher - cost raised from 175 to 250, damage from 2.0 to 1.5, lowered rate of fire
  • weapons: adjusted accuracy of M1 Garand 60mm Launcher and Type100 Grenade Discharger while overencumbered
  • weapons: raised commonness of M1 Garand 60mm Launcher
  • weapons: raised commonness of Type 98 LMG, Type 11 LMG, M1919 Stinger, Thompson w/100rnd Drum, Type97 AT Rifle and Type 2 Machine Pistol
  • weapons: reduced magazine size of M1917 'Mobile' from 250 to 200
  • weapons: Type 96 Trench sight range from 1.5 to 1.6, recoil from 0.15 to 0.14, cost from 300 to 425
  • weapons: raised commonness of Type96 "Trench"
  • weapons: raised rate of fire of bolt-action weapons by 10% across the board
  • weapons: recoil recovery of Type 44 Carbine from 1.4 to 1.6
  • weapons: M1A1 Thompson recoil from 0.375 to 0.365
  • weapons: raised kill probability of M1911 and Officer variant from 0.8 to 1.05. Reduced kill-decay-start from 0.2 to 0.11
  • weapons: raised kill probability of Type 14 Nambu and Officer variant from 0.55 to 0.65. Reduced kill-decay-start from 0.275 to 0.25
  • weapons: all Pistols now change in faster, enabling them to be brought out more quickly in an emergency
  • weapons: reduced recoil of Type100 Folding Stock from 0.28 to 0.25, raised kill probability from 0.47 to 0.5
  • weapons: M1 Carbine and C96 Carbine cycle time from 0.15 to 0.135, cost from 8 to 15
  • weapons: M1919 Heavy MG and Type92 Heavy MG kill probability from 0.5 to 0.675, kill-decay-start from 0.4 to 0.6, AI sight range to 1.05
  • weapons: raised commonness of M1919 Heavy MG deploy and Type92 Heavy MG deploy being carried by AI
  • equipment: reduced the effectiveness of player's Sentry Armour against small-arms (no change to AI version). Players will also be stunned on their 2nd last layer of armour
  • equipment: increased damage of Demolition Charge from 15 to 24
  • sounds: added a new sound for the Stinger LMG
  • fix: optimized RAM consumption on a few maps that could cause a crash
  • fix: fixed bug with Binoculars' XP requirement.
  • fix: fixed M1 Garand Field Modified firing over cover issues
  • misc: adjusted cascading of secondary weapons in armoury
Mar 23, 2018
Greetings Runners!

In the first major update for 2018 we'd like to introduce you some tasty additions to the main game as well as for the PACIFIC DLC! On top of that, the game will be on sale until April 2 which is the date of the third anniversary of RWR, woohoo! :)

To start off, we adapted the "Man vs. World" mode into a campaign playable as 2-player cooperative. It continues to be an unforgiving perma-death mode but having a mate to join you on your adventure could make you feel more comfortable and you'd have someone to revive you in case you are wounded. We highly suggest playing this mode with FoV enabled (veteran mode) as it adds a lot to the excitement and also requires more tactical approach to not get surprised by the enemy.

Over the years, the community has constantly provided us with interesting suggestions and a lot of them have made it into the game. Also, the modding community got bigger, especially since the implementation of Steam Workshop and even more since we have a Discord server with a modding channel which makes it easier and faster for modders to help each other. Therefore we decided to include the community even more in the game development by starting a "community box" contest. This box is similar to how the gift box works, but with goodies provided by community members. There has been a lot of submissions but only a part of it made it into this update. We have no doubt that there will be more community boxes in the future!

This big roll-out for Pacific will focus on the battle of Peleliu Airfield! As have all our Pacific maps it was researched well to represent it in a historical demeanor; we laid out all the major iconic structures and the shape of the island relative to real maps and photos. It is available in both Quickmatch and Campaign.

Alongside the map is being introduced several all-new gear pieces, both weapons and items, which when combined fortify the player into virtually a "walking" bunker. Of course, the AI makes use of all this gear as well! And so being introduced is also an all new "mini-boss" adversary, the "Sentry" Soldier! Similar to RWR's EOD armoured troops, the Sentry is a tough, thickly armoured adversary (and occasionally an ally too), and in Pacific, alongside his heavy Sentry Armour, he always comes equipped with a hip-fired Heavy Machine Gun.

Last but not least, we've fixed the popular "RUNNING WITH THE DEAD" mod which had some nasty crash issues due to some recent vanilla updates. Ultimately we didn't just fix those but also put some work into the mod overall. As a mod should be something coming from the community, we'd invite every motivated modder to join the team and continue the project as we unfortunately don't have much time left to sustain the continuation of this mod. New maps would be something great we'd like to see worked on for the mod. Feel free to join Discord to discuss it with us and other modders!

The updated mod should be uploaded a couple of hours after the 1.64 vanilla release, thanks for your patience!

We'll also set up 2 new servers in mainland China to host DOMINANCE (PvP) and most likely a RUNNING WITH THE DEAD mod server. Those will still be experimental servers.

Happy Running,
Osumia Games

Changelog v1.64:

  • gamemodes: "Man vs. World 2-players coop" added
  • gamemodes: "Man vs. World" single player mode difficulty slightly decreased
  • invasion: changing player faction to Brownpants in official invasion
  • items: community box added. Similar to the gift boxes but with modding community provided goodies
  • resources: flare added to the supply squad
  • maps: small fixes here and there
  • AI: navigation network resolution for some locations increased
  • AI: sight range of the mortar reduced by 12%
  • AI: fixed squad command boost for faster reaction while fighting
  • AI: ability to disable vehicle avoidance behavior
  • AI: tweaked steering a tracked vehicle
  • AI: fixed a case of AI squad ending up on wrong seats in a vehicle i.e. leader not driving
  • gameplay: EOD soldiers now carry only stun grenades, which they are themselves immune against
  • weapons: MGL Flasher/Milkor reload animation speed up by 30%
  • weapons: Taser added - wounds the target at closer range. Only available in the community box
  • weapons: Tracer added - secondary consumable weapon shooting a sticky dart that calls a missile on the target. Only available in the community box
  • weapons: Flamethrower added - similar to the Pacific one with slightly more range. Only available in the community box
  • weapons: AA-12 Frag added - automatic shotgun with explosive ammunition. Only available in the community box
  • network: optional experimental mode to avoid out of sync and rubber banding due to unstable lag
  • vehicles: spawnpoint disabled text now only shows for own faction vehicles and enemy if the spawnpoint is for players
  • vehicles: tanks are about 12% faster but have smaller acceleration
  • vehicles: Mustela fast TOW mounted mini-tank added. Only available in the community box
  • items: fixed an issue with weapon and carry item transform chain loops
  • menu: changed how aspect ratio affects menu size

Changelog v1.64 (PACIFIC DLC):

  • maps: new map available in Campaign and Quickmatch - Peleliu Airfield. Situated near end of Campaign, just before the final mission
  • invasion: changing player faction to USMC in official Pacific invasion
  • AI: new AI Soldier type added - "SENTRY" - he is a defense-focused soldier equipped with a hip-fired Heavy Machine Gun and very strong body armour
  • AI: all Veteran AI soldiers are slightly more accurate
  • items: Sentry Vest added - a highly protective vest available to all at the armoury
  • items: Veteran Vests: -0.1 Hit Success to -0.125 (wearing the vest now grants slightly more resistance)
  • weapons: Browning M1917 'Mobile' added - heavy Machine Gun carried by AI "Sentries" of the USMC forces. Slow firing, but powerful, and fed by a 250-round belt
  • weapons: Te-4 Light Machine Gun added - an aircraft MG dismounted and carried by AI "Sentries" of the IJA forces, with high rate of fire and a 69-round drum magazine
  • weapons: Ho-104 'Mobile' added - a very rare, dismounted aircraft MG - a .50 Cal HMG carried by AI "Sentries" of the IJA forces. Powerful, but very slow rate of fire
  • weapons: greatly lowered XP requirements on the Thompson 100-rnd Drum, M1919 Stinger, and Type 98 LMG
  • weapons: slightly raised velocity of Type 98 Light Machine Gun and M1919 "Stinger"
  • weapons: lowered damage of Sniper Rifles against armoured vests
  • weapons: raised damage and drop-off range on the Type 96 "Trench" variation
  • models: new Imperial Japanese uniform for very late war maps, used on Peleliu, Iwo Jima, and Downfall. Only affects the default uniform set
  • gameplay: fixed issue where Type 97 Anti-Tank Rifle was far more common on IJA Snipers then the regular Sniper Rifle
  • gameplay: fixed an issue with some Sniper Rifle damage ranges being shorter than regular Rifles
  • gameplay: raised the frequency of AI calling in reinforcements
  • gameplay: tweaked ordering of vests in IJA's armoury to properly follow the unlock progression from right to left
  • vehicles: adjusted volume of tank treads
  • animations: adjusted length of hip fire recoil animations
Mar 23, 2018
Greetings Runners!

In the first major update for 2018 we'd like to introduce you some tasty additions to the main game as well as for the PACIFIC DLC! On top of that, the game will be on sale until April 2 which is the date of the third anniversary of RWR, woohoo! :)

To start off, we adapted the "Man vs. World" mode into a campaign playable as 2-player cooperative. It continues to be an unforgiving perma-death mode but having a mate to join you on your adventure could make you feel more comfortable and you'd have someone to revive you in case you are wounded. We highly suggest playing this mode with FoV enabled (veteran mode) as it adds a lot to the excitement and also requires more tactical approach to not get surprised by the enemy.

Over the years, the community has constantly provided us with interesting suggestions and a lot of them have made it into the game. Also, the modding community got bigger, especially since the implementation of Steam Workshop and even more since we have a Discord server with a modding channel which makes it easier and faster for modders to help each other. Therefore we decided to include the community even more in the game development by starting a "community box" contest. This box is similar to how the gift box works, but with goodies provided by community members. There has been a lot of submissions but only a part of it made it into this update. We have no doubt that there will be more community boxes in the future!

This big roll-out for Pacific will focus on the battle of Peleliu Airfield! As have all our Pacific maps it was researched well to represent it in a historical demeanor; we laid out all the major iconic structures and the shape of the island relative to real maps and photos. It is available in both Quickmatch and Campaign.

Alongside the map is being introduced several all-new gear pieces, both weapons and items, which when combined fortify the player into virtually a "walking" bunker. Of course, the AI makes use of all this gear as well! And so being introduced is also an all new "mini-boss" adversary, the "Sentry" Soldier! Similar to RWR's EOD armoured troops, the Sentry is a tough, thickly armoured adversary (and occasionally an ally too), and in Pacific, alongside his heavy Sentry Armour, he always comes equipped with a hip-fired Heavy Machine Gun.

Last but not least, we've fixed the popular "RUNNING WITH THE DEAD" mod which had some nasty crash issues due to some recent vanilla updates. Ultimately we didn't just fix those but also put some work into the mod overall. As a mod should be something coming from the community, we'd invite every motivated modder to join the team and continue the project as we unfortunately don't have much time left to sustain the continuation of this mod. New maps would be something great we'd like to see worked on for the mod. Feel free to join Discord to discuss it with us and other modders!

The updated mod should be uploaded a couple of hours after the 1.64 vanilla release, thanks for your patience!

We'll also set up 2 new servers in mainland China to host DOMINANCE (PvP) and most likely a RUNNING WITH THE DEAD mod server. Those will still be experimental servers.

Happy Running,
Osumia Games

Changelog v1.64:

  • gamemodes: "Man vs. World 2-players coop" added
  • gamemodes: "Man vs. World" single player mode difficulty slightly decreased
  • invasion: changing player faction to Brownpants in official invasion
  • items: community box added. Similar to the gift boxes but with modding community provided goodies
  • resources: flare added to the supply squad
  • maps: small fixes here and there
  • AI: navigation network resolution for some locations increased
  • AI: sight range of the mortar reduced by 12%
  • AI: fixed squad command boost for faster reaction while fighting
  • AI: ability to disable vehicle avoidance behavior
  • AI: tweaked steering a tracked vehicle
  • AI: fixed a case of AI squad ending up on wrong seats in a vehicle i.e. leader not driving
  • gameplay: EOD soldiers now carry only stun grenades, which they are themselves immune against
  • weapons: MGL Flasher/Milkor reload animation speed up by 30%
  • weapons: Taser added - wounds the target at closer range. Only available in the community box
  • weapons: Tracer added - secondary consumable weapon shooting a sticky dart that calls a missile on the target. Only available in the community box
  • weapons: Flamethrower added - similar to the Pacific one with slightly more range. Only available in the community box
  • weapons: AA-12 Frag added - automatic shotgun with explosive ammunition. Only available in the community box
  • network: optional experimental mode to avoid out of sync and rubber banding due to unstable lag
  • vehicles: spawnpoint disabled text now only shows for own faction vehicles and enemy if the spawnpoint is for players
  • vehicles: tanks are about 12% faster but have smaller acceleration
  • vehicles: Mustela fast TOW mounted mini-tank added. Only available in the community box
  • items: fixed an issue with weapon and carry item transform chain loops
  • menu: changed how aspect ratio affects menu size

Changelog v1.64 (PACIFIC DLC):

  • maps: new map available in Campaign and Quickmatch - Peleliu Airfield. Situated near end of Campaign, just before the final mission
  • invasion: changing player faction to USMC in official Pacific invasion
  • AI: new AI Soldier type added - "SENTRY" - he is a defense-focused soldier equipped with a hip-fired Heavy Machine Gun and very strong body armour
  • AI: all Veteran AI soldiers are slightly more accurate
  • items: Sentry Vest added - a highly protective vest available to all at the armoury
  • items: Veteran Vests: -0.1 Hit Success to -0.125 (wearing the vest now grants slightly more resistance)
  • weapons: Browning M1917 'Mobile' added - heavy Machine Gun carried by AI "Sentries" of the USMC forces. Slow firing, but powerful, and fed by a 250-round belt
  • weapons: Te-4 Light Machine Gun added - an aircraft MG dismounted and carried by AI "Sentries" of the IJA forces, with high rate of fire and a 69-round drum magazine
  • weapons: Ho-104 'Mobile' added - a very rare, dismounted aircraft MG - a .50 Cal HMG carried by AI "Sentries" of the IJA forces. Powerful, but very slow rate of fire
  • weapons: greatly lowered XP requirements on the Thompson 100-rnd Drum, M1919 Stinger, and Type 98 LMG
  • weapons: slightly raised velocity of Type 98 Light Machine Gun and M1919 "Stinger"
  • weapons: lowered damage of Sniper Rifles against armoured vests
  • weapons: raised damage and drop-off range on the Type 96 "Trench" variation
  • models: new Imperial Japanese uniform for very late war maps, used on Peleliu, Iwo Jima, and Downfall. Only affects the default uniform set
  • gameplay: fixed issue where Type 97 Anti-Tank Rifle was far more common on IJA Snipers then the regular Sniper Rifle
  • gameplay: fixed an issue with some Sniper Rifle damage ranges being shorter than regular Rifles
  • gameplay: raised the frequency of AI calling in reinforcements
  • gameplay: tweaked ordering of vests in IJA's armoury to properly follow the unlock progression from right to left
  • vehicles: adjusted volume of tank treads
  • animations: adjusted length of hip fire recoil animations
Dec 21, 2017
Greetings Runners!

Today we're releasing the last of 11 major updates in 2017. Just recently many people noticed how unintentionally easy it had become to crush soldiers with tanks, unfortunately friendlies as well, which lead to lots of teamkills and thus irritation when fighting near tanks.

To remedy that, the character-vehicle collision has been tuned for tanks back more what it used to be but also the AI now attempts to get out of the way of vehicles to avoid those unintentional teamkills. Seems to work out pretty well from our tests!

There is also the option to activate a speed limiter when driving a vehicle by holding down walk key which will slow down the vehicle to be on the safe side. It has been there for a while now but obviously it's a bit of hidden feature right now - now you know right? :)

Another change we made is regarding XP loss on death: in fact we entirely removed it unless it's a teamkill or a suicide. The XP loss was a serious slowdown for new players who tend to die a lot when they first play the game, hence some people even had more XP loss than gain which could be frustrating when still reaching for the first ranks and learning basics. For veteran players or players with higher ranks in general, the XP loss didn't have much of an impact though.

In the last couple of days we set up new official servers in China and yesterday in Brasil, all of those should be considered experimental at the moment yet from our first feedback from players the China servers are doing well. For the Brasilian one(s), we're counting on the South-American community to populate the server(s) and report!

2017 is coming to an end and it has been another pleasantly successful year for Osumia Games. We even sold 17% more units (not counting in the Pacific DLC) than the same period last year which was also a very good year for us given the launch itself was back in 2015. The growth of the Chinese player base on Steam surely helped boost the numbers!

2018 will hopefully start like 2017 ended, with an overall happy community and we can't wait at Osumia Games to provide you some new content in Vanilla but of course now also in the Pacific DLC!

Merry Xmas holidays to everyone and a happy new year!

Osumia Games

Changelog v1.63:

  • campaign: added an extraction to Fridge Valley from Keepsake Bay, as Vigil Island might be too hard as only second map option when starting at Keepsake Bay
  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • weapons: overall MG weapon type adjustment (avg. of 10% accuracy, 20% kill proba improvements among other individual tweaks for some MGs)
  • weapons: pulldown of the TOW projectile decreased from 2 to 0.5
  • fix: Stoner 62 was only available in the campaign and not in invasion
  • fix: fixed key names in key config menu and tutorial text injections when using certain keyboard layouts
  • general: no more XP loss on death, only on self-kill
  • dominance: small balancing changes in the map Railroad Gap
  • ai: bots now attempt to move aside from incoming vehicles
  • config: relayout
  • network: fixed a vehicle related crash when joining a server having loaded a campaign in specific state
  • tools: Inkscape extension ( now compatible with newer versions of Inkscape

Changelog v1.63 (PACIFIC DLC):

  • weapons: Ho-Ha MG sight range increased by 20%
  • vehicles: Ho-Ha speed/HP/acceleration re-balanced
  • vehicles: pillboxes re-spawn time increased from 180 to 300 seconds
Dec 21, 2017
Greetings Runners!

Today we're releasing the last of 11 major updates in 2017. Just recently many people noticed how unintentionally easy it had become to crush soldiers with tanks, unfortunately friendlies as well, which lead to lots of teamkills and thus irritation when fighting near tanks.

To remedy that, the character-vehicle collision has been tuned for tanks back more what it used to be but also the AI now attempts to get out of the way of vehicles to avoid those unintentional teamkills. Seems to work out pretty well from our tests!

There is also the option to activate a speed limiter when driving a vehicle by holding down walk key which will slow down the vehicle to be on the safe side. It has been there for a while now but obviously it's a bit of hidden feature right now - now you know right? :)

Another change we made is regarding XP loss on death: in fact we entirely removed it unless it's a teamkill or a suicide. The XP loss was a serious slowdown for new players who tend to die a lot when they first play the game, hence some people even had more XP loss than gain which could be frustrating when still reaching for the first ranks and learning basics. For veteran players or players with higher ranks in general, the XP loss didn't have much of an impact though.

In the last couple of days we set up new official servers in China and yesterday in Brasil, all of those should be considered experimental at the moment yet from our first feedback from players the China servers are doing well. For the Brasilian one(s), we're counting on the South-American community to populate the server(s) and report!

2017 is coming to an end and it has been another pleasantly successful year for Osumia Games. We even sold 17% more units (not counting in the Pacific DLC) than the same period last year which was also a very good year for us given the launch itself was back in 2015. The growth of the Chinese player base on Steam surely helped boost the numbers!

2018 will hopefully start like 2017 ended, with an overall happy community and we can't wait at Osumia Games to provide you some new content in Vanilla but of course now also in the Pacific DLC!

Merry Xmas holidays to everyone and a happy new year!

Osumia Games

Changelog v1.63:

  • campaign: added an extraction to Fridge Valley from Keepsake Bay, as Vigil Island might be too hard as only second map option when starting at Keepsake Bay
  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • weapons: overall MG weapon type adjustment (avg. of 10% accuracy, 20% kill proba improvements among other individual tweaks for some MGs)
  • weapons: pulldown of the TOW projectile decreased from 2 to 0.5
  • fix: Stoner 62 was only available in the campaign and not in invasion
  • fix: fixed key names in key config menu and tutorial text injections when using certain keyboard layouts
  • general: no more XP loss on death, only on self-kill
  • dominance: small balancing changes in the map Railroad Gap
  • ai: bots now attempt to move aside from incoming vehicles
  • config: relayout
  • network: fixed a vehicle related crash when joining a server having loaded a campaign in specific state
  • tools: Inkscape extension ( now compatible with newer versions of Inkscape

Changelog v1.63 (PACIFIC DLC):

  • weapons: Ho-Ha MG sight range increased by 20%
  • vehicles: Ho-Ha speed/HP/acceleration re-balanced
  • vehicles: pillboxes re-spawn time increased from 180 to 300 seconds
Dec 8, 2017
Hey there!

RUNNING WITH RIFLES version 1.62 is out! As another fine tuning update, this time we worked on improving vehicles, boats and tanks in particular, along with vehicle "ghost" rendering when occluded by other visuals and some new particle effects. Another rare weapon has also been added in campaign and Invasion, there can never be enough of those!

Boats behave more smoothly with beach areas now, having a larger range how far into beach you can steer and moving slower when in partial contact with ground. Tracked vehicles such as tanks now allow finer rotations while in motion and the so called "neutral steering" behaves more reliably - appears the AI drivers think highly of these improvements as well. Additionally, the AI can now handle straight driving better (surprisingly difficult if you think about it) with much less zigzag from side to side.

Additionally, we have some new vehicles for the Pacific DLC as shown in the picture; an armory boat for the IJA and one for the USMC. Those can be pretty handy when landing at a beach without any static armory far and wide.

We also added a new armored transport vehicle for the IJA: Type 1 Ho-Ha. It's a relatively fast half-track with 3 mounted MGs that are covering the front part of the vehicle. It has been added as a radio call as a counter-part of the USMC LVT-4.

Changelog v1.62:

  • boats: speed and acceleration made to drop when in contact with beach
  • boats: extended range to stay alive when in contact with beach
  • vehicles: tweaked collision handling when broken
  • vehicles: improved tracked vehicle steering control when switching between accelerate and reverse while turning
  • vehicles: tracked vehicles now have a short window for smooth rotation when in movement
  • vehicles: added ghost rendering
  • vehicles: added marker_offset support for offsetting player and squad member markers
  • visuals: improved beach - land transition area
  • visuals: added smoke particle emitter for vehicles under 25% HP
  • visuals: added custom effects/sounds for some blast projectiles when hitting a vehicle
  • visuals: fixed vehicle "Spawn disabled" text color
  • inventory: fixed narrow item background frame rendering
  • lobby: reduced loading time when processing individual maps for quickmatch menu
  • ai: fixed bug with leaders not calling for medic when wounded
  • ai: improved vehicle steering, less zigzag now
  • ai: fixed vehicle weapon slot indexing for sight range
  • ai: overall higher sight range for AI vehicle gunners
  • invasion: official invasion servers set to Graycollars as player faction
  • weapons: very rare Stoner 62 added (LMG with scope)
  • weapons: mesh based weapons no longer show ghost visual over character
  • modding: added support for vehicle and terrain tags in hit type projectile sound effects
  • modding: added support for vehicle tags in projectile particle effects

Changelog v1.62 (Pacific DLC):

  • invasion: official pacific invasion servers set to IJA as player faction
  • weapons: AN/M2 "Stinger" commonness from 0.0001 to 0.05
  • weapons: Type 98 commonness from 0.0001 to 0.05
  • vehicles: Higgins Armory boat for the USMC added
  • vehicles: Daihatsu Armory boat for the IJA added
  • vehicles: Type 1 Ho-Ha transport half-track for the IJA added
  • calls: Reinforcements - Type 1 Ho-Ha radio call for the IJA added

Happy Running!
Dec 8, 2017
Hey there!

RUNNING WITH RIFLES version 1.62 is out! As another fine tuning update, this time we worked on improving vehicles, boats and tanks in particular, along with vehicle "ghost" rendering when occluded by other visuals and some new particle effects. Another rare weapon has also been added in campaign and Invasion, there can never be enough of those!

Boats behave more smoothly with beach areas now, having a larger range how far into beach you can steer and moving slower when in partial contact with ground. Tracked vehicles such as tanks now allow finer rotations while in motion and the so called "neutral steering" behaves more reliably - appears the AI drivers think highly of these improvements as well. Additionally, the AI can now handle straight driving better (surprisingly difficult if you think about it) with much less zigzag from side to side.

Additionally, we have some new vehicles for the Pacific DLC as shown in the picture; an armory boat for the IJA and one for the USMC. Those can be pretty handy when landing at a beach without any static armory far and wide.

We also added a new armored transport vehicle for the IJA: Type 1 Ho-Ha. It's a relatively fast half-track with 3 mounted MGs that are covering the front part of the vehicle. It has been added as a radio call as a counter-part of the USMC LVT-4.

Changelog v1.62:

  • boats: speed and acceleration made to drop when in contact with beach
  • boats: extended range to stay alive when in contact with beach
  • vehicles: tweaked collision handling when broken
  • vehicles: improved tracked vehicle steering control when switching between accelerate and reverse while turning
  • vehicles: tracked vehicles now have a short window for smooth rotation when in movement
  • vehicles: added ghost rendering
  • vehicles: added marker_offset support for offsetting player and squad member markers
  • visuals: improved beach - land transition area
  • visuals: added smoke particle emitter for vehicles under 25% HP
  • visuals: added custom effects/sounds for some blast projectiles when hitting a vehicle
  • visuals: fixed vehicle "Spawn disabled" text color
  • inventory: fixed narrow item background frame rendering
  • lobby: reduced loading time when processing individual maps for quickmatch menu
  • ai: fixed bug with leaders not calling for medic when wounded
  • ai: improved vehicle steering, less zigzag now
  • ai: fixed vehicle weapon slot indexing for sight range
  • ai: overall higher sight range for AI vehicle gunners
  • invasion: official invasion servers set to Graycollars as player faction
  • weapons: very rare Stoner 62 added (LMG with scope)
  • weapons: mesh based weapons no longer show ghost visual over character
  • modding: added support for vehicle and terrain tags in hit type projectile sound effects
  • modding: added support for vehicle tags in projectile particle effects

Changelog v1.62 (Pacific DLC):

  • invasion: official pacific invasion servers set to IJA as player faction
  • weapons: AN/M2 "Stinger" commonness from 0.0001 to 0.05
  • weapons: Type 98 commonness from 0.0001 to 0.05
  • vehicles: Higgins Armory boat for the USMC added
  • vehicles: Daihatsu Armory boat for the IJA added
  • vehicles: Type 1 Ho-Ha transport half-track for the IJA added
  • calls: Reinforcements - Type 1 Ho-Ha radio call for the IJA added

Happy Running!

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