May 19, 2016
RIFT - Trion_Jim

A letter to the High Councils of Defiants and Guardians:


It has been but a few weeks since we all witnessed the comet that mysteriously appeared in the skies over Telara. We scholars who were tasked with discovering the meaning of the portent, have, after much travel and careful study of the alignment of heavenly bodies, been led to an equally mysterious edifice, a great tower rising above the land.

I write you today from the courtyard of this most unusual structure. The construct is composed of otherworldly materials that defy classification by even the most knowledgeable among our group. Conferring with the Ascended that have returned from the battles against the Lord of Nightmares in the Plane of Water, we must conclude that they are undoubtedly Tenebrean in style and substance, but beyond that we cannot comment as to how it came to be constructed. Or perhaps, grown to its present form. Strangest of all is that the tower itself appears to be… sentient. Not only sentient, but fiercely self-aware and possessing astonishing magical power.

The tower, which we must call Ahnket, for that is the name she has given herself, is in possession of powerful beings plucked from the Planes of Fire and Life. She revealed that one of the beings, an ancient creature of the Fae realms, the Tuath’de Lord Fionn, consumed by his ascent to power, is bent on the destruction and remaking of the cosmos should he prevail. Ahnket has matched him against his sworn enemy, a demonic power of evil, Eblius, the Duke of Flame, and has trapped them both within her walls, in hopes of keeping them from unleashing destruction across the universe. Some among us contend that perhaps she wishes to contain them merely to release at a time of her own choosing.

There is no doubt that the war within the tower rages on without abatement. We can hear it; we can feel it. However, our investigations and mere presence here seems to have distracted Ahnket herself, and the balance of the combatants within her has shifted. Slightly, but even that may be enough to upset the balance of deadly force within.

We require a strong and focused array of Ascended to answer our call, those capable of matching and defeating an array of deadly allies in order to directly confront the pre-eminent powers of Lord Fionn and Eblius directly, but first they must deal with all manner of other creatures who battle alongside these two leaders.

Ahnket has revealed much to us of the forces she keeps contained, warning of the danger we both face should balance not be maintained. But she keeps many secrets still, and we do not fully trust in her call for allies to quiet the forces within her. I cannot shake the feeling that she pits us against these other powers like pieces in an elaborate game.

We sense much darkness in the will of this unusual Tenebrean being… but we must take action regardless, for we have ascertained the truth that the Lord Fionn has a terrible fate planned for us all if he is able to defeat Ebius and escape Ahnket. Was this the tower’s plan all along, to force us into action? To save Telara from these ancient powers of Fae and Flame by causing this crises? Or is it just curious, a being of such power who is unable or unwilling to care about the harm she would cause our world if her playthings were to find their freedom?

For now, at least, we must ally with this Tenebrean.

Even should we prevail over this imminent threat… the future remains dark to us and we are left with deep disquiet.

We should send envoys to those of our allies that know the most about these beings. Anthousa Mona of the Kelari has fought the longest against the Wanton hordes of fire that tried to free dragon Maelforge, trapped beneath her island home. Shyla Starhearth of the High elves has recently moved to the Fae town of Hailol to join the satyr Atrophinus. If anyone would know about the nature of these Tuath’de and their lords it would be these two. We should also question our resident Tenebrean, Orphiel Farwind. Though I fear he will be as elusive as ever about his role in all this.

May the Vigil help us all.


Guardian Cleric of Bahralt
May 19, 2016
RIFT - Trion_Jim

A letter to the High Councils of Defiants and Guardians:


It has been but a few weeks since we all witnessed the comet that mysteriously appeared in the skies over Telara. We scholars who were tasked with discovering the meaning of the portent, have, after much travel and careful study of the alignment of heavenly bodies, been led to an equally mysterious edifice, a great tower rising above the land.

I write you today from the courtyard of this most unusual structure. The construct is composed of otherworldly materials that defy classification by even the most knowledgeable among our group. Conferring with the Ascended that have returned from the battles against the Lord of Nightmares in the Plane of Water, we must conclude that they are undoubtedly Tenebrean in style and substance, but beyond that we cannot comment as to how it came to be constructed. Or perhaps, grown to its present form. Strangest of all is that the tower itself appears to be… sentient. Not only sentient, but fiercely self-aware and possessing astonishing magical power.

The tower, which we must call Ahnket, for that is the name she has given herself, is in possession of powerful beings plucked from the Planes of Fire and Life. She revealed that one of the beings, an ancient creature of the Fae realms, the Tuath’de Lord Fionn, consumed by his ascent to power, is bent on the destruction and remaking of the cosmos should he prevail. Ahnket has matched him against his sworn enemy, a demonic power of evil, Eblius, the Duke of Flame, and has trapped them both within her walls, in hopes of keeping them from unleashing destruction across the universe. Some among us contend that perhaps she wishes to contain them merely to release at a time of her own choosing.

There is no doubt that the war within the tower rages on without abatement. We can hear it; we can feel it. However, our investigations and mere presence here seems to have distracted Ahnket herself, and the balance of the combatants within her has shifted. Slightly, but even that may be enough to upset the balance of deadly force within.

We require a strong and focused array of Ascended to answer our call, those capable of matching and defeating an array of deadly allies in order to directly confront the pre-eminent powers of Lord Fionn and Eblius directly, but first they must deal with all manner of other creatures who battle alongside these two leaders.

Ahnket has revealed much to us of the forces she keeps contained, warning of the danger we both face should balance not be maintained. But she keeps many secrets still, and we do not fully trust in her call for allies to quiet the forces within her. I cannot shake the feeling that she pits us against these other powers like pieces in an elaborate game.

We sense much darkness in the will of this unusual Tenebrean being… but we must take action regardless, for we have ascertained the truth that the Lord Fionn has a terrible fate planned for us all if he is able to defeat Ebius and escape Ahnket. Was this the tower’s plan all along, to force us into action? To save Telara from these ancient powers of Fae and Flame by causing this crises? Or is it just curious, a being of such power who is unable or unwilling to care about the harm she would cause our world if her playthings were to find their freedom?

For now, at least, we must ally with this Tenebrean.

Even should we prevail over this imminent threat… the future remains dark to us and we are left with deep disquiet.

We should send envoys to those of our allies that know the most about these beings. Anthousa Mona of the Kelari has fought the longest against the Wanton hordes of fire that tried to free dragon Maelforge, trapped beneath her island home. Shyla Starhearth of the High elves has recently moved to the Fae town of Hailol to join the satyr Atrophinus. If anyone would know about the nature of these Tuath’de and their lords it would be these two. We should also question our resident Tenebrean, Orphiel Farwind. Though I fear he will be as elusive as ever about his role in all this.

May the Vigil help us all.


Guardian Cleric of Bahralt
RIFT - Trion_Jim

There’s safety in numbers, they say. Let’s put it to the test! Challenge Lord Arak and explore the Mind of Madness in the company of an Intrepid Adventure party.

Featuring nine original raid bosses and a host of new challenges, the fortunate Ascended who prevail in these new challenges will be rewarded with mighty equipment bearing the same iconic appearances as those found within the Mind of Madness raid.

You’ll pursue Lord Arak from the Plane of Water to the depths of madness, through evil deities of nightmare. Face Pagura, the Destroyer of Dreams, the ever-hungry Fauxmire, the mysterious Tenebrean goddess Lady Envy, and more!

To join this new intrepid adventure, log into RIFT, build up your courage and select “Featured: Mind of Madness” in the Instant Adventure window.
RIFT - Trion_Jim

There’s safety in numbers, they say. Let’s put it to the test! Challenge Lord Arak and explore the Mind of Madness in the company of an Intrepid Adventure party.

Featuring nine original raid bosses and a host of new challenges, the fortunate Ascended who prevail in these new challenges will be rewarded with mighty equipment bearing the same iconic appearances as those found within the Mind of Madness raid.

You’ll pursue Lord Arak from the Plane of Water to the depths of madness, through evil deities of nightmare. Face Pagura, the Destroyer of Dreams, the ever-hungry Fauxmire, the mysterious Tenebrean goddess Lady Envy, and more!

To join this new intrepid adventure, log into RIFT, build up your courage and select “Featured: Mind of Madness” in the Instant Adventure window.
RIFT - BulldogFasti

Unleash the full potential of the Ascended! We want to make sure that new players joining RIFT are given a chance to catch up fast. We’ve put together a special pack, the Essentials Edition, to help out.

For only $49.99 / €49.99 / £38.49 you get all of the following:
  • All of the Souls from the Nightmare Tide and Storm Legion DLC packs
  • Primalist Calling with 6 Souls
  • Planewalker: Water ability (gear unlock)*
  • 2 bag slots*
  • 2 Earring slots*
*Note: The Planeswalker: Water Ability, 2 Bag slots and 2 Earring slots are applied to ALL characters on your account.

These packs are available on the in game RIFT Store using your Steam Wallet!

For a very limited time (until 8:00am, Wednesday, May 11, 2016), we are making this deal available to ALL players of RIFT. After that, it will be offered to new accounts only!

Log in today and claim your destiny from the RIFT Store!
RIFT - TrionFasti

Unleash the full potential of the Ascended! We want to make sure that new players joining RIFT are given a chance to catch up fast. We’ve put together a special pack, the Essentials Edition, to help out.

For only $49.99 / €49.99 / £38.49 you get all of the following:
  • All of the Souls from the Nightmare Tide and Storm Legion DLC packs
  • Primalist Calling with 6 Souls
  • Planewalker: Water ability (gear unlock)*
  • 2 bag slots*
  • 2 Earring slots*
*Note: The Planeswalker: Water Ability, 2 Bag slots and 2 Earring slots are applied to ALL characters on your account.

These packs are available on the in game RIFT Store using your Steam Wallet!

For a very limited time (until 8:00am, Wednesday, May 11, 2016), we are making this deal available to ALL players of RIFT. After that, it will be offered to new accounts only!

Log in today and claim your destiny from the RIFT Store!
RIFT - Trion_Ocho

Keep up with the amazing progress that we’ve made with Multicore Rendering in RIFT with this latest update from Lead Rendering Engineer Ben “ZorbaTHut” Rog-Wilhelm!

Hello Telarans!

As many of you know, we’ve been working hard on upgrading Multicore Rendering. Now that we’ve implemented improvements, let's talk more about multithreading as it pertains to Rendering in RIFT. Warning: a lot of this is technical talk and may not be suited to all readers – some may want to escape back into RIFT to experience the changes directly rather than read about them! For our fellow techno-geeks, let’s continue…

In terms of the code that runs on your computer, "rendering" can be roughly split into two parts; "deciding exactly how to render stuff" and "sending those render commands to the graphics card." Both of these tend to be expensive, and RIFT, as with most other games, used to do all of that work in a single thread. Note that while I'm dividing this into two parts, the actual rendering process isn’t a simple matter of doing one part followed by another - the "render" process consists of both interleaved in a very complicated matter.

With the exception of the newest rendering interfaces, all modern rendering APIs effectively require developers to send render commands to the graphics card on a single thread. There's not much we can do to affect this. "Multicore rendering" therefore involves mostly the first step, but with respect to the limitation of the second step.

When you're dealing with any project the size of Rift's multicore rendering system, you have to split up the job into manageable chunks. This feature took over a year to complete and so there was a lot of complex scheduling to split it into manageable chunks.

First, we had to deal with global state. What does this mean? Every time a graphics card renders something, it needs a destination, known as a “render target”. The screen is the most obvious destination, but we frequently render to textures, for use in later render steps. (In fact, if you’re using the high-quality renderer, virtually all of our rendering is done to intermediate textures!) Our rendering system assumed that the graphics system would have exactly one render target at a time. This is a perfectly reasonable assumption with a single-threaded renderer, but has to be fixed for multicore, where you might have five threads all generating commands for different render targets. That information was in our core rendering module, "Renderer", which represented the device itself, handled resource allocation, and provided information about the device's capabilities. We created a new module, "Context", intended to represent the rendering state of a single thread (including the render target and many other similar chunks of rendering state), then moved thousands of lines of code from Renderer into our new Context. Our rendering system was still single-threaded, so we still had exactly one Context, but it was a necessary organizational step.

An important concept in programming is “abstraction.” Take something like DirectX. It’s designed to give developers extensive control over graphics hardware, and it succeeds, but many of the features it provides are difficult to harness directly. When a programmer sees something like this they often build a system on top of it that is easier to use and less bug-prone. Unfortunately this always introduces limitations, and so high-performance areas are sometimes built “to the metal,” avoiding the abstractions and interacting directly with DirectX for the sake of sheer speed. Since all our multithreading work took place in our abstraction layer, these “fast” areas were, ironically, now standing in the way of performance.

Some areas could be easily changed, some had to be rewritten almost entirely; Rift’s lighting code is new as of several months ago, and for weeks before that, I was running around the world flipping between the new and old system just to be absolutely certain the new system worked exactly like the old.

Finally, we could extract that third rendering step, "send the render commands to the graphics card," from the other steps. As long as we were sending render commands directly to the graphics hardware we would never be able to multithread the rest of our rendering pipeline. We essentially inserted our own layer in between the rendering subsystem and DirectX; instead of sending commands to DirectX, it would store the commands in a carefully-coded memory-dense buffer so we could stream those commands out as quickly as possible later. This took a lot of work to get right. The process ended up being rolled into the above-mentioned “Context” module; we split it into ImmediateContext, which sent commands straight to DirectX, and BufferedContext, which stored up commands for future dispatching in a rapid burst.

At this point we could change the entire renderer into “buffered” mode - processing everything in a single thread, storing all the commands in a temporary buffer, and then sending them in a batch. This was much slower than our original single-threaded mode but useful for debugging the buffering system in isolation; we've preserved that option in our debug builds all the way up to today.

The next step was to actually use these tools to split our rendering into multiple threads. That should be easy, right? After all, we've dealt with our global state, we've set up a serialization system so all our actual commands can be sent to the graphics card in the right order – we should be able to just create a pile of Contexts, aim each one at a chunk of our game, and it should just work! Well, as anyone who's tried to multithread an existing massive system knows, it's never that easy. While we had a semi-functioning renderer working quite quickly, we spent months tracking down weird timing issues, thread contention bugs, and bits of global state that we were not aware were global. This was completely expected - there's no way to do this besides trying it and observing what happens - but it was still a very long and gradual process.

As we squashed bugs, it became clear that this was also not providing the performance gains we'd hoped to see at this stage. I'm going to make up some numbers here; bear with me. Pretend that, before this change, the entire rendering system from beginning to end took 10ms, including generating the rendering commands on a single thread and sending those commands to the graphics card. After all this work, we found that we were spending about 4ms on generating the render commands across multiple threads and storing them in buffers, but then another 4ms sending those render commands out to the graphics card. This gives us a gain of 2ms, but that's not really much of a gain; perhaps a 10% framerate increase at best. We started our Multicore Closed Beta around this time to help us squash the remaining bugs, but we knew we had a lot more work to do for the Multicore update to achieve the goals we’d set.

Up until this point, we'd simply replaced our single-threaded rendering with a chunk of multicore rendering that internally ran in parallel, but returned to the main thread only when all of that processing was complete. (That's an oversimplification, but it's basically accurate.) In order to gain the performance we wanted, we'd have to start processing the next frame while still sending the rendering commands from the previous frame.

This was a pretty significant challenge. Like most games, we rendered our UI last, overlaying it on top of a finished 3d scene. However, our UI system is done within a third-party package; we have source code for it, but converting it to use our rendering abstraction would be an enormous job. Instead, we re-organized our render pathways so we rendered our UI first, onto a separate temporary buffer. Then we'd render our 3d scene, and as a final step, we'd composite our UI onto that 3d scene.

This let us continue sending render commands to the graphics card until the next frame is about halfway done, overlapping all the network communication and game state update that has to be done before rendering the next frame. In most cases, this segment takes more than 4ms, so sending our render commands to the graphics card is effectively “free” – it happens simultaneously with something else we need to do anyway. This led to the next and one of the most key changes that really started to deliver the improvements we wanted.

Rift has a step called the "scene update”.. This is where we update the positions of all objects, along with bounding boxes, animations, level-of-detail mesh states, fades in progress, and a small mountain of other tasks. RIFT has always had some elements that utilized multiple cores, and this is one of them, but it's always been limited to a single thread. Up until this point, the rest of the game was paced such that our serial scene update always finished on time, but the multicore rendering optimizations meant that aspect of RIFT needed to speed up to avoid being the bottleneck. The final improvement we made (so far!) is to do a better job of threading that scene update process. This could in theory be done in single-threadedwithout the multicore renderer mode as well, and we'll probably enable it by default for everyone once we're satisfied it works, but right now it's tied to the multicore checkbox.

Multicore is officially in “open beta” now, and is available for use by everyone. We’ve been watching stability and crash reports, and while we still see a few very uncommon issues, we’re at the point where multicore is just as stable as the old single-threaded renderer. We’re seeing performance gains ranging up to 50% (sometimes higher). We strongly recommend giving it a try1!
Note that there are issues in the low-quality renderer that currently prevent us from offering a multicore low-quality renderer; however, if you’re using the low-quality renderer, you may find the high-quality multicore renderer is actually faster - give it a shot!

At Trion, we’re always looking for ways to improve gaming experience for everyone, and this Multicore been a really productive effort. It’s exciting to see the very positive feedback from players, and hope that you’ll log in soon to try it out too!

Many thanks to all of the players who helped us Alpha test the Multicore Update – without their contribution, this wouldn’t have gone nearly as smoothly.

Ben Rog-Wilhelm, RIFT Lead Rendering Engineer
RIFT - Trion_Ocho

Keep up with the amazing progress that we’ve made with Multicore Rendering in RIFT with this latest update from Lead Rendering Engineer Ben “ZorbaTHut” Rog-Wilhelm!

Hello Telarans!

As many of you know, we’ve been working hard on upgrading Multicore Rendering. Now that we’ve implemented improvements, let's talk more about multithreading as it pertains to Rendering in RIFT. Warning: a lot of this is technical talk and may not be suited to all readers – some may want to escape back into RIFT to experience the changes directly rather than read about them! For our fellow techno-geeks, let’s continue…

In terms of the code that runs on your computer, "rendering" can be roughly split into two parts; "deciding exactly how to render stuff" and "sending those render commands to the graphics card." Both of these tend to be expensive, and RIFT, as with most other games, used to do all of that work in a single thread. Note that while I'm dividing this into two parts, the actual rendering process isn’t a simple matter of doing one part followed by another - the "render" process consists of both interleaved in a very complicated matter.

With the exception of the newest rendering interfaces, all modern rendering APIs effectively require developers to send render commands to the graphics card on a single thread. There's not much we can do to affect this. "Multicore rendering" therefore involves mostly the first step, but with respect to the limitation of the second step.

When you're dealing with any project the size of Rift's multicore rendering system, you have to split up the job into manageable chunks. This feature took over a year to complete and so there was a lot of complex scheduling to split it into manageable chunks.

First, we had to deal with global state. What does this mean? Every time a graphics card renders something, it needs a destination, known as a “render target”. The screen is the most obvious destination, but we frequently render to textures, for use in later render steps. (In fact, if you’re using the high-quality renderer, virtually all of our rendering is done to intermediate textures!) Our rendering system assumed that the graphics system would have exactly one render target at a time. This is a perfectly reasonable assumption with a single-threaded renderer, but has to be fixed for multicore, where you might have five threads all generating commands for different render targets. That information was in our core rendering module, "Renderer", which represented the device itself, handled resource allocation, and provided information about the device's capabilities. We created a new module, "Context", intended to represent the rendering state of a single thread (including the render target and many other similar chunks of rendering state), then moved thousands of lines of code from Renderer into our new Context. Our rendering system was still single-threaded, so we still had exactly one Context, but it was a necessary organizational step.

An important concept in programming is “abstraction.” Take something like DirectX. It’s designed to give developers extensive control over graphics hardware, and it succeeds, but many of the features it provides are difficult to harness directly. When a programmer sees something like this they often build a system on top of it that is easier to use and less bug-prone. Unfortunately this always introduces limitations, and so high-performance areas are sometimes built “to the metal,” avoiding the abstractions and interacting directly with DirectX for the sake of sheer speed. Since all our multithreading work took place in our abstraction layer, these “fast” areas were, ironically, now standing in the way of performance.

Some areas could be easily changed, some had to be rewritten almost entirely; Rift’s lighting code is new as of several months ago, and for weeks before that, I was running around the world flipping between the new and old system just to be absolutely certain the new system worked exactly like the old.

Finally, we could extract that third rendering step, "send the render commands to the graphics card," from the other steps. As long as we were sending render commands directly to the graphics hardware we would never be able to multithread the rest of our rendering pipeline. We essentially inserted our own layer in between the rendering subsystem and DirectX; instead of sending commands to DirectX, it would store the commands in a carefully-coded memory-dense buffer so we could stream those commands out as quickly as possible later. This took a lot of work to get right. The process ended up being rolled into the above-mentioned “Context” module; we split it into ImmediateContext, which sent commands straight to DirectX, and BufferedContext, which stored up commands for future dispatching in a rapid burst.

At this point we could change the entire renderer into “buffered” mode - processing everything in a single thread, storing all the commands in a temporary buffer, and then sending them in a batch. This was much slower than our original single-threaded mode but useful for debugging the buffering system in isolation; we've preserved that option in our debug builds all the way up to today.

The next step was to actually use these tools to split our rendering into multiple threads. That should be easy, right? After all, we've dealt with our global state, we've set up a serialization system so all our actual commands can be sent to the graphics card in the right order – we should be able to just create a pile of Contexts, aim each one at a chunk of our game, and it should just work! Well, as anyone who's tried to multithread an existing massive system knows, it's never that easy. While we had a semi-functioning renderer working quite quickly, we spent months tracking down weird timing issues, thread contention bugs, and bits of global state that we were not aware were global. This was completely expected - there's no way to do this besides trying it and observing what happens - but it was still a very long and gradual process.

As we squashed bugs, it became clear that this was also not providing the performance gains we'd hoped to see at this stage. I'm going to make up some numbers here; bear with me. Pretend that, before this change, the entire rendering system from beginning to end took 10ms, including generating the rendering commands on a single thread and sending those commands to the graphics card. After all this work, we found that we were spending about 4ms on generating the render commands across multiple threads and storing them in buffers, but then another 4ms sending those render commands out to the graphics card. This gives us a gain of 2ms, but that's not really much of a gain; perhaps a 10% framerate increase at best. We started our Multicore Closed Beta around this time to help us squash the remaining bugs, but we knew we had a lot more work to do for the Multicore update to achieve the goals we’d set.

Up until this point, we'd simply replaced our single-threaded rendering with a chunk of multicore rendering that internally ran in parallel, but returned to the main thread only when all of that processing was complete. (That's an oversimplification, but it's basically accurate.) In order to gain the performance we wanted, we'd have to start processing the next frame while still sending the rendering commands from the previous frame.

This was a pretty significant challenge. Like most games, we rendered our UI last, overlaying it on top of a finished 3d scene. However, our UI system is done within a third-party package; we have source code for it, but converting it to use our rendering abstraction would be an enormous job. Instead, we re-organized our render pathways so we rendered our UI first, onto a separate temporary buffer. Then we'd render our 3d scene, and as a final step, we'd composite our UI onto that 3d scene.

This let us continue sending render commands to the graphics card until the next frame is about halfway done, overlapping all the network communication and game state update that has to be done before rendering the next frame. In most cases, this segment takes more than 4ms, so sending our render commands to the graphics card is effectively “free” – it happens simultaneously with something else we need to do anyway. This led to the next and one of the most key changes that really started to deliver the improvements we wanted.

Rift has a step called the "scene update”.. This is where we update the positions of all objects, along with bounding boxes, animations, level-of-detail mesh states, fades in progress, and a small mountain of other tasks. RIFT has always had some elements that utilized multiple cores, and this is one of them, but it's always been limited to a single thread. Up until this point, the rest of the game was paced such that our serial scene update always finished on time, but the multicore rendering optimizations meant that aspect of RIFT needed to speed up to avoid being the bottleneck. The final improvement we made (so far!) is to do a better job of threading that scene update process. This could in theory be done in single-threadedwithout the multicore renderer mode as well, and we'll probably enable it by default for everyone once we're satisfied it works, but right now it's tied to the multicore checkbox.

Multicore is officially in “open beta” now, and is available for use by everyone. We’ve been watching stability and crash reports, and while we still see a few very uncommon issues, we’re at the point where multicore is just as stable as the old single-threaded renderer. We’re seeing performance gains ranging up to 50% (sometimes higher). We strongly recommend giving it a try1!
Note that there are issues in the low-quality renderer that currently prevent us from offering a multicore low-quality renderer; however, if you’re using the low-quality renderer, you may find the high-quality multicore renderer is actually faster - give it a shot!

At Trion, we’re always looking for ways to improve gaming experience for everyone, and this Multicore been a really productive effort. It’s exciting to see the very positive feedback from players, and hope that you’ll log in soon to try it out too!

Many thanks to all of the players who helped us Alpha test the Multicore Update – without their contribution, this wouldn’t have gone nearly as smoothly.

Ben Rog-Wilhelm, RIFT Lead Rendering Engineer
RIFT - Trion_Ocho

Learn all about the brand new Mind of Madness Intrepid Adventure launching May 11!

Pursue Lord Arak from the edges of the Plane of Water into the depths of madness beyond the cosmos! Battle your way through evil deities whose insane nightmares empower Lord Arak and learn undiscovered secrets behind this most mysterious of foes.

Face Pagura the Destroyer of Dreams, the ever-hungry Fauxmire, the Tenebrean goddess Lady Envy, and many more. Each boss is more fearsome than the last, culminating with the Arisen Lord Arak himself! In between each deity, experience all-new adventures and complete quests to help further your goal of defeating the dark lord.

The fortunate Ascended who prevail in these new challenges will be rewarded with mighty equipment featuring the same iconic appearances as those found within the Mind of Madness raid. All who behold your awesome visage will know you have bested enemies of untold power to achieve such grandeur.

Want to know more? Join us for a playtest session on Thursday, April 28 at 2:00 PM Pacific, or come watch our Mind of Madness livestream on Friday, April 29 at 3:30 PM Pacific.

We can’t wait to see you there!
RIFT - Trion_Ocho

Learn all about the brand new Mind of Madness Intrepid Adventure launching May 11!

Pursue Lord Arak from the edges of the Plane of Water into the depths of madness beyond the cosmos! Battle your way through evil deities whose insane nightmares empower Lord Arak and learn undiscovered secrets behind this most mysterious of foes.

Face Pagura the Destroyer of Dreams, the ever-hungry Fauxmire, the Tenebrean goddess Lady Envy, and many more. Each boss is more fearsome than the last, culminating with the Arisen Lord Arak himself! In between each deity, experience all-new adventures and complete quests to help further your goal of defeating the dark lord.

The fortunate Ascended who prevail in these new challenges will be rewarded with mighty equipment featuring the same iconic appearances as those found within the Mind of Madness raid. All who behold your awesome visage will know you have bested enemies of untold power to achieve such grandeur.

Want to know more? Join us for a playtest session on Thursday, April 28 at 2:00 PM Pacific, or come watch our Mind of Madness livestream on Friday, April 29 at 3:30 PM Pacific.

We can’t wait to see you there!

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