Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.4.1 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
New features:
  • Added new story level (WIP, only 80%-ish at best).
Changes and bug fixes:
  • Re-ordered story mode content.
  • Fixed vignette and other effects stacking during levels played in Arcade.
  • Updated events to have more consistent and usable arrow changes on inputs.
  • Huge improvement to stability and optimizations for notes.
  • Minor fixes to editor UI.
  • Fixed middle and right click being able to select event keyframes.
  • Editor waveform generate properly again.
Known editor issues:
  • Several tooltips are missing/broken, but they will slowly be fixed.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.3.2b [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
New features:
  • ???
Changes and bug fixes:
  • Fixed so many issues with the new UI it's not even funny.
  • Fixed issues within the editor's theme creator/editor.
Known editor issues:
  • Several tooltips are missing/broken, but they will slowly be fixed.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.3.2 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
New features:
  • New keyboard search functionality in arcade on controller.
  • Added back in high contrast mode (this time with less lag).
Changes and bug fixes:
  • Fixed some wacky object hitboxes.
  • Stopped log being spammed with errors when trying to kill a level.
  • Fixed player dash lock not being reset between levels in editor.
  • Added generic UI elements.
  • Fixed player FPS being locked.
  • Player movement triggers now only allow you to move the player a max of the edge of the screen.
  • Fixed input type staying around (for real this time).
  • Various general UI updates and fixes.
  • Fixed and improved the level timeline UI.
  • Minor editor UI updates.
  • Removed test story levels from the game that were included by accident.
  • Overhauled underlying code for checkpoint editing in the editor to remove various bugs.
  • Added new optional sound to page swap sound type.
  • Fixed various issues with UI getting stuck.
  • Arcade UI is now far more responsive and less likely to get stuck/softlocked.
  • Fixed issue with parallax object editor swapping to checkpoint editor in some cases.
  • Fixed cursor getting "stuck" when trying to swap to mouse.
  • Better loading indicator in editor for levels.
Known editor issues:
  • Several tooltips are missing/broken, but they will slowly be fixed.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.3.1 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
New features:
  • Added in official tutorial level. (Still a work in progress, expect some balance tweaks and changes.)
  • Improved dialog/sprite work/animations for the intro cutscene.
  • Added new level triggers to the editor. More info below.
  • Add smoothed audio time for all time sync calculations. This makes all levels feel better to play above 50-60 FPS.
  • New autosave settings config in editor.
Level triggers:
Level triggers allow you to manipulate the player directly while making your level. They allow you to trigger things based on player actions/time/etc. and are a powerful new tool for making levels. They are also a bit complex, so I recommend asking in the Discord server if you have any questions.
  • Expect them to get more functionality in the future.
  • They are not yet fully documented, but I will be working on that soon.
  • They are not yet fully tested, so expect some bugs.
  • Hope you have fun! You can access them via the settings menu dropdown in the editor.
Changes and bug fixes:
  • Fixed issues with actors and scene loading.
  • Fix for notifications overstaying their welcome.
  • Make VN text better handle additional player input gracefully.
  • Fix for timeline glitch.
  • Fix for shake keyframes being killed accidentally. (finally)
  • Fixed issue with dupping prefabs on creation.
  • Made so starting a level does not immediately stop music.
  • Fix for audio starting at -35 dB.
  • Minor visual update to mobile Pause UI.
  • Minor visual update to mobile Input UI.
  • Minor visual update to Player Bubble UI.
  • Fix for mods glitching down a row in arcade level select on hover.
  • Fixed issues with settings not getting set on startup sometimes.
  • Fix for multiple sprites not getting handled in player bubble.
  • Fix for player bubble hiding when not supposed to.
  • Added new N-Chan notes.
  • Autosaves are no longer really bad.
  • Note stacking issue fix.
Known editor issues:
  • Several tooltips are missing/broken, but they will slowly be fixed.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.2.2 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
New features:
  • Add multi object editing support.
  • Implement nano bubbles. (Will be exposed in a future update.)
  • Added ability to pause/unpause the timeline in ink sequences.
  • Added new VG sprites. These can be used in text objects.
To use sprites from the game in your text objects, you can use the following syntax:
<sprite name="keyboard" color=#55FF55FF>
The name can be any of the following:
  • controller
  • keyboard
  • mouse
  • filter
  • heart
  • broken_heart
  • block
  • info
  • full_move
  • x_move
  • y_move
  • dash_move
These sprites may change in the future, but they are available for use now. So ensure if you do use them you know they can change.
Changes and bug fixes:
  • Fix issues with render bounds being wack on older levels.
  • Improved issues with lag on object panel opening.
  • Panels now properly close on all deselect events.
  • Slightly improved load times for custom levels.
  • Fixed copied objects losing their camera parenting.
  • Better handling of event keyframes for both performance and stability.
  • Better handling of editor view border preview text.
  • Made the text in the text object bigger.
  • Make the keyboard shortcut popup better. (Added keycode for bin change in help.)
  • Improved object timeline icon rendering for lock/shorten.
  • Fixed up prefab quick spawner dialog being shiet.
  • Add in menu startup skip after first viewing.
  • Improved audio manager's handling of full music stop.
  • Fix for UI slider block noises.
  • General optimizations.

24.2.3 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
New features:
  • Added set / relative depth and bin sliders for multi editing.
Changes and bug fixes:
  • Change new object spawn to default to 1,1 in scale.
  • Fix issue with multi editing panel already being opened on editor launch.
  • [24.2.3b] Fixed issue with some levels not being able to load in the editor on recent versions.
Known editor issues:
  • Several tooltips are missing/broken, but they will slowly be fixed.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.2.1 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Actually have player code init on awake.
  • Add forced seed randomization to stop ID dup.
  • Fix for custom prefab icons being set the wrong color.
  • Fix for UI navigation events being misfired in editor and when debug window is up.
  • Fix controller disconnect removing player from editor.
  • Fix issue with new events not being sorted right on creation.
  • Fix for theme preview being bugged after first start.
  • Minor performance improvements.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
"alpha-editor" branch is now officially deprecated and unlike last time will remain so. For those still using this branch, please migrate to "alpha" (or "legacy") for future editor usage.

Thank you all for your massive help over the last month we've accomplished a lot and I'm super excited about the future of the game!

24.1.7 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Fixed a few issues with multi select (Shift).
  • Added new shortcuts menu under help in editor.
  • Added preview outline selection keycode.
  • Added new preview outline mode setting in editor settings.
  • Make it so dragging with no selection or clicking with no selection will clear the selection.
  • Added different preview selection modes
  • Improved load times on levels. The game is also less likely to hang while loading.
  • Setting parent via eyedropper now properly detects deep parent loops and blocks them.
  • Cleaned up parent selector dialog code.
  • Added new info editor notification.
  • Updated pooling system to be more efficient.
  • Fixed issues with empty keyframes making levels not load.
  • Fixed issues with events getting out of order.
  • Added better quick buttons in editor.
  • Cleaned up code for object panel manager.
  • Added new overlay options to gradient effect.
  • Make editor buttons always inactive when in input mode.
  • Fix for checkpoint noise playing in editor.
  • Fixed issues with some enum values not properly being selected like level difficulty and prefab type. Also prefab types beam and static no longer are swapped.
  • Added marker delete functionality through UI and keycodes.
  • Added marker as a possible active selection type for the editor.
  • Updated YouTube music links.
  • Polished various UI elements and their features.
  • Minor UI tweaks.
  • Fix for prefab offset regex being shit (good job pidge). Delayed prefabs are now no longer an issue.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.1.6 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Fix for death/rewind sometimes breaking objects.
  • Fix issues with mouse and pause menu for levels.
  • Fixes for game settings not working in most cases.
  • Better memory management for event keyframes.
  • Fix for audio pop in at the start of the game.
  • Updated prefabs for UI so as to always make noise.
  • Added better block sounds for UI sliders.
  • Fix player edge controls.
  • Fix keyframe sorting issues on some event types.
  • Updated VG sprites to include a info icon.
  • Added the ability to input your own offset into the prefab offset setup dialog.
  • Added new "Hit"/"No Hit"/"Empty" object types to replace "Normal"/"Helper"/"Decoration"/"Empty".
  • Minor UI and graphics tweaks.
  • Optimized autokill/added opacity/fixed issues with object scale at start.
  • Added opacity support in theme update function.
  • Added opacity settings.
  • Added better handling of "double" creation of keyframes.
  • Remove unused code for SVGs.
  • Fix for freeze/crash upon pasting large text objects by adding a new debounce for text updating due to the computational cost.
  • Fix for object disappearing when draggin in the object timeline in some cases.
  • Add code for player handling below 100% alpha collisions.
  • Better handling for prefab offset swapping in update function.
  • Make it so player offset setting doesn't effect editor while in edit mode.
  • Fix for object dragging in the master timeline then trying to update the object timeline being incorrect.
  • Fix issue with settings making resolution weird on startup.
  • Definitely a lot more I forgot to write down whoops.

24.1.6b [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Current new object types not properly displaying in editor dropdown.
  • Legacy object types now show Hit by default.
  • Legacy helper objects now can be quickly turned into no hit objects with 35% opacity (same as helpers) by simply editing a opacity keyframe.
  • Fix for quick add objects not having the new proper object types.
  • Fix for first object not defaulting to new object types.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.1.5 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Clicking the pitch UI element now resets the pitch to 0 as expected.
  • Legacy upload button now properly shows upload/update text depending on the state of the level.
  • Added fix for older levels (pre-24.1.4) that would improperly use prefab offset data.
  • Fixed game auto playing if pausing in the editor quickly.
  • Made prefab offset rotation happen immediately instead of at offset time.
  • Fixed player force (gravity effect) not being applied properly.
  • Fix for vignette x/y being totally out of wack.
  • Fix for jump to start button not working properly.
  • Added ","/"." as key bindings to jump between frames.
  • Fix for issues with les distort bugging out.
  • Fix for loads of issues and inconsistencies when using [Camera Parenting].
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.1.4 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Prefabs now work far better in editor when spawned, collapsed and expanded.
  • Fix for child ghost objects being created when parent objects are deleted.
  • Fix for parenting toggles not working correctly.
  • Fix for prefab offset causing issues.
  • Prefabs now properly maintain their position in time when expanded/collapsed.
  • When an external prefab is created the prefab list now properly is reloaded for you to immediately start spawning instances.
  • Theme editor has several optimizations.
  • Theme editor preview now only appears when mouse is over the dialog window.
  • Expanded prefab objects now have their timeline objects have the prefab color again.
  • Added Shift as an additional modifier for Ctrl + scroll to change input values. Now Ctrl + Scroll does smaller increments and Ctrl + Shift + scroll does larger ones (previous default behavior).
  • Minor editor UI improvements.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!

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