Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.1.6 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Fix for death/rewind sometimes breaking objects.
  • Fix issues with mouse and pause menu for levels.
  • Fixes for game settings not working in most cases.
  • Better memory management for event keyframes.
  • Fix for audio pop in at the start of the game.
  • Updated prefabs for UI so as to always make noise.
  • Added better block sounds for UI sliders.
  • Fix player edge controls.
  • Fix keyframe sorting issues on some event types.
  • Updated VG sprites to include a info icon.
  • Added the ability to input your own offset into the prefab offset setup dialog.
  • Added new "Hit"/"No Hit"/"Empty" object types to replace "Normal"/"Helper"/"Decoration"/"Empty".
  • Minor UI and graphics tweaks.
  • Optimized autokill/added opacity/fixed issues with object scale at start.
  • Added opacity support in theme update function.
  • Added opacity settings.
  • Added better handling of "double" creation of keyframes.
  • Remove unused code for SVGs.
  • Fix for freeze/crash upon pasting large text objects by adding a new debounce for text updating due to the computational cost.
  • Fix for object disappearing when draggin in the object timeline in some cases.
  • Add code for player handling below 100% alpha collisions.
  • Better handling for prefab offset swapping in update function.
  • Make it so player offset setting doesn't effect editor while in edit mode.
  • Fix for object dragging in the master timeline then trying to update the object timeline being incorrect.
  • Fix issue with settings making resolution weird on startup.
  • Definitely a lot more I forgot to write down whoops.

24.1.6b [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Current new object types not properly displaying in editor dropdown.
  • Legacy object types now show Hit by default.
  • Legacy helper objects now can be quickly turned into no hit objects with 35% opacity (same as helpers) by simply editing a opacity keyframe.
  • Fix for quick add objects not having the new proper object types.
  • Fix for first object not defaulting to new object types.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.1.5 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Clicking the pitch UI element now resets the pitch to 0 as expected.
  • Legacy upload button now properly shows upload/update text depending on the state of the level.
  • Added fix for older levels (pre-24.1.4) that would improperly use prefab offset data.
  • Fixed game auto playing if pausing in the editor quickly.
  • Made prefab offset rotation happen immediately instead of at offset time.
  • Fixed player force (gravity effect) not being applied properly.
  • Fix for vignette x/y being totally out of wack.
  • Fix for jump to start button not working properly.
  • Added ","/"." as key bindings to jump between frames.
  • Fix for issues with les distort bugging out.
  • Fix for loads of issues and inconsistencies when using [Camera Parenting].
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.1.4 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Prefabs now work far better in editor when spawned, collapsed and expanded.
  • Fix for child ghost objects being created when parent objects are deleted.
  • Fix for parenting toggles not working correctly.
  • Fix for prefab offset causing issues.
  • Prefabs now properly maintain their position in time when expanded/collapsed.
  • When an external prefab is created the prefab list now properly is reloaded for you to immediately start spawning instances.
  • Theme editor has several optimizations.
  • Theme editor preview now only appears when mouse is over the dialog window.
  • Expanded prefab objects now have their timeline objects have the prefab color again.
  • Added Shift as an additional modifier for Ctrl + scroll to change input values. Now Ctrl + Scroll does smaller increments and Ctrl + Shift + scroll does larger ones (previous default behavior).
  • Minor editor UI improvements.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.1.3 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Prefabs now work far better in editor.
  • Prefabs now spawn properly in custom levels.
  • Fixed issue where restarting a level from the pause menu would cause the pause glitch effect to remain.
  • Fixed issue with opening another editor level with one already loaded this should now work fully, please report any issues.
  • Minor loading optimizations added for large levels (specifically those with loads of complex prefabs).
  • Some other minor tweaks and fixes.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
24.1.2 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Minor improvements to the arcade UI (escape no longer exits there's a dedicated button now) this will require further refinement in the future.
  • Fixed rare crash when starting the game.
  • Fixed default version number in save file from being invalid.
  • Many audio issues were fixed.
  • Legacy upload from alpha now works 100% and should be used moving forward to upload all legacy levels.
  • Hex codes in color picker are way better now.
  • Cover images now properly show up as long as they're below 512 by 512 and square this is now far more consistent between error messages and the actual upload process.
  • Fix for some descriptions overflowing custom log view.
  • Testing: a new audio effect when getting hit in levels.
  • Minor UI improvements.
  • Minor loading optimizations.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop

OMG is that a dragging system 👀

24.1.1 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
Changes and bug fixes:
  • Fixed several issues with prefabs and prefab instances not rendering correctly/not appearing/getting removed from the timeline in the editor.
  • Parallax objects now properly update when created.
  • Better error handling on objects being created on level load/refresh.
  • Fixed issues with enums and vectors in json generation/parsing.
  • Better time handling on internal delay functions.
  • Added ability to add to selection while dragging to add objects. This is done with the Shift key.
  • Better caching of some common data in the editor to improve performance.
  • [Prefabs occasionally have missing objects] - Error check to ensure parent object data is valid before attempting to load child. (This should fix most of the issues with objects not loading correctly.)
  • [Objects in main timeline become stuck at start when dragging them] - BPM value is now defaulted to 140 in the event of a malformed value to ensure all editor calculations always work. (This fixes issues with object dragging on some older levels.)
  • [Applied force to the player still continues during a pause] - Fixed issue with player physics not being paused correctly.
  • [Hard to see stacked normal objects on timeline] - Adjusted the timeline prefab to be more readable by changing the icon rendering, I'll continue to tweak this as needed.
  • [Objects are not deleted] - This has mostly been fixed(?), but there are still some edge cases where objects are not deleted correctly. This will be fixed in the next build.
Known issues:
  • Sometimes, the game's resolution may need to be corrected on start-up. Workaround: Change the resolution in the options menu.
  • Sometimes, on death/restart, objects will fail to respawn correctly after the rewind. This is a high priority issue and will be fixed ASAP.
  • Sometimes music stays around longer then it should. This will be fixed soon.
  • Expanding/collapsing prefabs can cause rendering instability/crashes in some cases
  • Some previously working keyboard shortcuts are no longer working. They will return but were cut from this build due to time constraints.
  • Multi-object editing was cut from this build due to time constraints but should appear in the next build. Hopefully, before or around the New Year!
  • Lots of tooltips are broken (a meme at this point), but as we finally get close to a fully working editor, they will slowly be fixed.
  • Some level issues can happen when swapping between levels in the editor or re-loading levels in the editor. If you encounter this, please re-load the level from the main menu as a workaround for now. This will be hopefully fixed in the next build.
23.12.3 [alpha branch]

[expand type=details]
Patch notes:

New features:
  • Camera easing now exists in the game and is being tested. Expect further refinement and toggles to come shortly.
  • Discord integration is finally back! More to come on this soon!
  • Overhaul of the zoom functionality on the main timeline.
  • Performance improvements in parts of the editor.
  • Prefab folders are now searchable & show up in the UI.
  • Double the recent level buttons.
  • I improved the selection outline when in preview mode.
  • Beginnings of a drag system to move objects around via the preview. The next build will improve this with a better UI and more features.
  • Camera "jiggle" can now be disabled in the options menu.
Changes and bug fixes:
  • Debug mode is now correctly hidden.
  • Far better error handling of files and load states.
  • Fix for saving/loading of some standard Unity types in JSON.
  • Zoom sliders have been removed. Please use your mouse wheel or CTRL with +/- to zoom.
  • Corrupted save files now correctly default to base save settings.
  • Better handling of the spacebar (Play/Pause) shortcut in the editor.
  • Curve menus have been fixed to be easier to navigate.
  • Some UI tweaks and improvements in the editor to make editing easier/more intuitive.
  • Timeline performance has been massively improved.
  • Timeline objects appearing in the wrong place on layer swap have been fixed.
  • Timeline objects now appear slightly different, with the type currently being shown in the icon slot and the lock/ellipsis being shown on the right side stacked.
  • Autosaves have been cleaned up and now are more consistent.
  • Markers have been renamed to notes.
  • Notes are more helpful than before by showing more text and having a quick nav menu to jump around the level.
  • If you still need to accept the Steam EULA for the workshop, the editor opens it if you try to submit a level.
  • Object timeline scrubber now syncs with the primary timeline scrubber.
  • New rendering settings have been added to allow more computers to get the most out of their system.
  • Object timeline is now the proper length when special auto-kill times are assigned.
  • Game Audio has been decreased slightly. This will be tweaked to increase/decrease more accurately with the audio sliders in settings soon.
  • I improved the look of the loading screens to integrate them more seamlessly into the UI.
  • The pause menu is now far better looking.
  • Camera movements should now be loads smoother due to some tweaking behind the scenes.
  • Checkpoint UI has been fixed, and I'm testing a new UI. The sliders might be swapped for traditional value inputs due to feedback.
  • Even more font updates have been added, namely for Inconsolata. Please continue to report broken <font=**> tags in older levels so I can continue to add more.
  • Scene fading/animations have been adjusted.
  • Changed it so empties now only render their plus shape in the editor preview when directly selected.
  • Fix issue with default autokill time being set to 1 second instead of 0 seconds. This can't be fixed on levels saved in 23.12.1 please manually load a backup or set the autokill time to 0 seconds again.
  • Fixed issue with the mouse cursor disappearing when in editor.
  • Fixed issue with debug mode being turned on.
  • Fix for some of the weirdness on exiting editor to main menu.
  • Fix for parallax objects not loading in arcade / editor. Don't worry the data was untouched and won't need to be re-saved.
  • Fix for some level's metadata causing issues in arcade level select. Specifically custom difficulty levels input via text editor.
  • There's definitely more I forgot to write down I'll add to this as I notice more.

Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
23.10.5 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Better handling of pause menu background.
  • Better handling of descriptions, including those with new line characters.
  • Better looking glitch in effect on level start.
  • Revamped debug menu (f3 menu) to match the newer look.
  • You can now click on a debug menu option to auto paste it into the console.
  • Fixed/removed all old broken debug features.
  • Level loading bar is now far more accurate and smooth.
  • Level loading should be slightly faster now on average.
  • Fixed issue where some levels without any events would not load.
  • Created update flow for old levels using old font setup.
  • Level effects slider is now working again.
  • Minor UI tweaks and changes.
Font changes:
Fonts in game are now as follows:
  • Hellovetica
  • Inconsolata
  • LiberationSans
  • MajorMonoDisplay
  • PoorStory
These fonts can change at any time and are now case sensitive. Please remember overuse of this feature can increase lag a considerable amount!

Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
23.10.4 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Better handling of end level events.
  • New start level info animation.
  • Fix for some audio issues when leaving a level pre-maturely.
  • More accurate loading bar for levels.
  • Scene transitions are now more accurate.
  • Tons of fixes for objects not appearing properly.
  • More effect fixes for easing issues.
  • More stable reverse / rewind.
  • Better handling of default values when saving levels.
  • Fixed issues with levels using old text.
  • Fixed issues with really old levels failing to load.
  • Fixed issues with updating levels to new system in some edge cases.
  • Fixed issues with arcade practice mode effecting the story mode.
  • Minor UI tweaks and fixes.
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Linkyop
23.10.3 [alpha branch]

Patch notes:
  • Updated prefab for pause menu.
  • Minor scene updates and tweaks.
  • Added more functions to pause menu.
  • Cleaned up and optimized pause menu.
  • Added background color to pause menu.
  • Updated audio mixer settings.
  • Fixed bug with grain and glitch effects not easing right.
  • Fixed/optimized player hit events(?).
  • I think that was it?
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!
Project Arrhythmia - Vitamin Games

23.10.1 [alpha branch]
This is quite the update it includes previews of a lot of the re-work I've been busy on. Levels will definitely break and while my intention is to fix as much as I can I know this update will not suit every level perfectly. This is very rough around the edges but I wanted to give yall a taste of some of the performance improvements and UI changes I've been working on.

The full changelog will be released once the full version with editor is released!
I hope you enjoy the taste of what's to come!

Current branch changes:
  • [NEW] "alpha": the new WIP branch (featuring the new UI and performance improvements but not the alpha editor),
  • "default": will remain the same till alpha becomes the new default,
  • "legacy": will stick around for the foreseeable future,
  • "editor-alpha": will stick around till the editor is added to alpha branch,
  • [DELETED] "development": branch deleted.
Coming branch changes:
  • "alpha": the new WIP branch (featuring the new UI and performance improvements + alpha editor),
  • "default": will remain the same till alpha becomes the new default,
  • "legacy": will stick around for the foreseeable future,
  • [WILL BE DELETED SOON] "editor-alpha": will be merged with "alpha",
  • [DELETED] "development": branch deleted.
23.10.2 [alpha branch]
Patch notes:
  • Fixed issues with pause menu.
  • Made player ease x2 as fast (snappier on keyboard).
  • Player invincibility frames are now 2s long instead of 1.2s after getting hit.
  • "Enter" button can now again be used to activate player boost.
  • A few minor audio glitches are now fixed.
  • Fixed a few minor issues with menu navigation.
  • I think that was it?
Remember, if you want to be in touch with latest news, join my Discord server!

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