Dec 3, 2017
Project AURA - PixelQuality Games
Greetings Community!
We are bringing to you a new patch today where its main feature is a first Campaign available which has been done with new players in mind. But there is much more! And without further delay we invite you to continue reading about the details for the 2.96.9 patch:

• New Eco core-technology available: "Empathy", with it, recruits will inherit your colony's average stats Hydration/Nutrition/Morale/Health when joining your colony.

• There is a new technology available: "Market", which will allow you to open Corporation Markets. Previously markets were unlocked by "Diplomacy" tech.

• New Inventory technology available: "Stocks", it will allow you to automatice productions by setting min and max stocks at your inventory and even auto-sell depending on market prices.
*This is still a very beta feature.

• The amount of water and seaweed obtained on game start have been halved.

• We have reworked the ship accident algorithm to reduce its randomness.

• Ship factories were producing only yellow innovation, now will produce magenta as well.

• Specialized recycling productions will be now unlocked together with the corresponding tracking technology. E.g.: You will be able to recycle garbage with high content in steel once you get the tracking tech which allows you to mine with your ships that same kind of garbage.

•Electronic Equipments are no longer required to build the Hub Stations for the inner platforms. *Hub Stations are required to be able to build on those platforms.

• Crafting wiring requires copper scrap instead of copper ingots.

• Beta and Gamma plastic processing required work points have been increased.

• Electric Transformer require now less Electronic Equipments to be crafted but now they require also: Prefab Gamma.

• Disassembling Gadget has been rebalanced to produce more Copper but the chance to find other metals like Tin, Platinum, etc. has been lowered.

• "Medic" profile has been renamed to "Sanitarian".

• Recover Organic Waste blueprint, the one used in residential buildings, has changed from Green to Blue and its ideal profile has changed from Recycler to Sanitarian.

• Residential Buildings:
Values have been modified for residential buildings: Hostel, Block, Apartment, Estate.
Comfort consumption: 1, 1, 1, 1
Morale production: +1, +2, +3, +4
Capacity: 15, 12, 10, 8.

• Stats average daily effect has been removed for hydration/nutrition/morale.

• Building Search panel now works properly.

• There is an extra option available to work with the market:
Drag an item from the available items list to the purchase list to add it (or vice-versa).

•Auto Fill option in the Org charts, will now fill the full chart instead of only the selected nodes.

• In order to clarify queues behavior:
Starting a production queue will set your initial production to what your queue points to, instead of what you would have selected in the production panel.

• Corporation Buildings design have been improved.

• It is now possible for a building to start producing just after been built. *Previously it required to wait a cycle until being able to start producing.

• Reduced game-loading launch time.

• Optimized interface global responsiveness and performance.

• Optimized platform rendering in the outside rings, this will earn a few FPS for big colonies.

• Electro Refinery template size has changed.

• Tutorial voices are all now back again.

• Numbers in the Energy panel were sometimes incorrectly formatted.

• Assembling and Disassembling blueprint audios were not playing.

• We are opening in the coming days a specific forum for translations with all instructions and help for the players willing to translate the game to their own languages.

2.96.9 Became finally a big patch with a lot of changes and tweaks affecting playability, and the good news are that we are getting close to the 1.0 release. For the next patch expect in-game quests, events, victory conditions and a lot of new Steam Achievements and numerous surprises we won't unveil for now.

As always, we keep listening for feedback and thank you for your interest in Project Aura ;)
Pixel Quality Games
Twitter: @ProjectAuraGame
Facebook: ProjectAuraGame

Dec 3, 2017
Project AURA - PixelQuality Games
Greetings Community!
We are bringing to you a new patch today where its main feature is a first Campaign available which has been done with new players in mind. But there is much more! And without further delay we invite you to continue reading about the details for the 2.96.9 patch:

• New Eco core-technology available: "Empathy", with it, recruits will inherit your colony's average stats Hydration/Nutrition/Morale/Health when joining your colony.

• There is a new technology available: "Market", which will allow you to open Corporation Markets. Previously markets were unlocked by "Diplomacy" tech.

• New Inventory technology available: "Stocks", it will allow you to automatice productions by setting min and max stocks at your inventory and even auto-sell depending on market prices.
*This is still a very beta feature.

• The amount of water and seaweed obtained on game start have been halved.

• We have reworked the ship accident algorithm to reduce its randomness.

• Ship factories were producing only yellow innovation, now will produce magenta as well.

• Specialized recycling productions will be now unlocked together with the corresponding tracking technology. E.g.: You will be able to recycle garbage with high content in steel once you get the tracking tech which allows you to mine with your ships that same kind of garbage.

•Electronic Equipments are no longer required to build the Hub Stations for the inner platforms. *Hub Stations are required to be able to build on those platforms.

• Crafting wiring requires copper scrap instead of copper ingots.

• Beta and Gamma plastic processing required work points have been increased.

• Electric Transformer require now less Electronic Equipments to be crafted but now they require also: Prefab Gamma.

• Disassembling Gadget has been rebalanced to produce more Copper but the chance to find other metals like Tin, Platinum, etc. has been lowered.

• "Medic" profile has been renamed to "Sanitarian".

• Recover Organic Waste blueprint, the one used in residential buildings, has changed from Green to Blue and its ideal profile has changed from Recycler to Sanitarian.

• Residential Buildings:
Values have been modified for residential buildings: Hostel, Block, Apartment, Estate.
Comfort consumption: 1, 1, 1, 1
Morale production: +1, +2, +3, +4
Capacity: 15, 12, 10, 8.

• Stats average daily effect has been removed for hydration/nutrition/morale.

• Building Search panel now works properly.

• There is an extra option available to work with the market:
Drag an item from the available items list to the purchase list to add it (or vice-versa).

•Auto Fill option in the Org charts, will now fill the full chart instead of only the selected nodes.

• In order to clarify queues behavior:
Starting a production queue will set your initial production to what your queue points to, instead of what you would have selected in the production panel.

• Corporation Buildings design have been improved.

• It is now possible for a building to start producing just after been built. *Previously it required to wait a cycle until being able to start producing.

• Reduced game-loading launch time.

• Optimized interface global responsiveness and performance.

• Optimized platform rendering in the outside rings, this will earn a few FPS for big colonies.

• Electro Refinery template size has changed.

• Tutorial voices are all now back again.

• Numbers in the Energy panel were sometimes incorrectly formatted.

• Assembling and Disassembling blueprint audios were not playing.

• We are opening in the coming days a specific forum for translations with all instructions and help for the players willing to translate the game to their own languages.

2.96.9 Became finally a big patch with a lot of changes and tweaks affecting playability, and the good news are that we are getting close to the 1.0 release. For the next patch expect in-game quests, events, victory conditions and a lot of new Steam Achievements and numerous surprises we won't unveil for now.

As always, we keep listening for feedback and thank you for your interest in Project Aura ;)
Pixel Quality Games
Twitter: @ProjectAuraGame
Facebook: ProjectAuraGame

Aug 27, 2017
Project AURA - PixelQuality Games
Greetings Community!

We are bringing to you a new patch today and it is all about game rebalance. This is only our first step in the process, so we keep waiting for your feedback and suggestions after trying it. So, without further delay, next are the details for the 2.96.2 patch:

Please note you need to join the game's test branch to play this patch. You can find here instructions about how to access it.

Changes to market
We have made major changes to market in order to make it more interesting and to start to approach the survival factor:
• The number of available items have been greatly reduced.
• Your colony's starting money has been reduced, The final amount will depend on your difficulty level chosen.
• Your colony's relationship with Corporations will determine the available items for sale at their respective markets.

Very bad Relation <10: Will close its market for you.
Bad Relation <40: You can't trade influence with them.
Neutral Relation <75: Will sell you only the basic materials.
Good Relation >75: Will sell you Corp's security boxes.
Very good Relation >90: Will sell you Corp's core-security boxes.

*The corporation you have affinity with, will sell you an additional object in the market.

Check the wiki for more info:

Changes to Diplomacy
Corporation buildings built in your colony will have a negative effect on your relations with their rival Corporation only if you have the rival's diplomacy tech developed E.g.:
An Eco Corp building will sub 1 reputation point with the Neo Industrial Corp (Eco's rival) only if you have Neo Industrial's diplomacy tech developed.

Monuments become highest tier buildings and now they have only a positive effect on reputation. (+0.1 Reputation daily) Effect which you can increase by improving your relationship technology.

Colonists' compatible profiles
Any work position has an ideal profile to be developed with. This way, Farmer profile will be ideal to work in the Greenhouse; The Heavy Operators will be ideal for the Electro Refinery, etc.
A worker in an ideal position earns a morale bonus daily but, on the other hand, if the place is inappropriate he will receive a morale penalty. However, there is also the compatible profile, where the colonist will receive neither bonus nor malus.

The profile compatibility table has been updated to:
Versatile: Compatible with any profile.
Artisan: Operator.
Recycler: Technician.
Programmer: Researcher.

This way next profiles have no other compatible one but versatile:
Heavy Operator.

* Note versatile profile can go in any position being always compatible.
* For this patch we have updated again the Resource Scheme Guide, which now includes also information about the ideal profile for each work position.

Changes to construction materials
• We have reorganized buildings' tiers, with the goal to make the game play more fluent.

• The plastics quality required by buildings in Tier 1 has been reduced from plastic prefab modules (craftable in the Prefab Factory) to polymers (craftable in the Plastic Factory).
• All the construction materials for buildings have increased their cost in ingots.

*We will update wiki ASAP with detailed information about building tiers.

More Balancing
• Innovation points generation has been increased on first colony levels.
• The experience required for junior colonists to level up has been increased.
• Colonists recruiting price (SC) has been reduced, but its price will increase by a 50% for each colony level.
Junior: 500 SC
Senior: 2,500 SC
Master: 5,000 SC
Super Engineer: 10,000 SC

*In the recruiting panel you can choose a profile to recruit or just go for the first available. Doing so, will bring to your colony a random profile reducing the default cost in SC by 1/2 and, in the case the recruit would cost influence, would turn it to white color.

• Ideal profile for Plastics Factory is now: Operator instead of Heavy Operator.

Beta testing
• Attending to community feedback we have:
Reduced by another half the energy required by shields.
Reduced the duration of climate threats
Restored Diplomacy technologies to previous values.

Other Changes
Electrum is a new item alloyed in the Assembly Tunnel building and used to build the highest tier buildings which include a bit of "luxury" like the Estate residential and Corporate Monuments.

• To use an item in your inventory now you just need to click on it. Previously it required the combination: Ctrl + Right-Click.
• New shortcut to add all the available productions in a blueprint to its queue: Hold Shift key and click on "Add To Queue button". If you wish the opposite, Hold shift and click on the Remove production from queue button.
• Stockpile and other packings available have been updated.
Check the wiki for more info:

• The initial value for colony's maintenance and comfort points is now 50 for every difficulty level.
• Energy/Maintenance/Comfort estimation values for the next cycle are shown now in red when negative.
• Available productions listed in Blueprint and Resource panels are now ordered by unlock/lock status and then alphabetically.
• The Eco technology: Dome Setup is now a default tech instead of core-tech, so you can obtain it with simple invention docs instead of Core ones.

*Check the wiki to know more about how your dome grid setup can help you to resist climatic disasters:

• Shields were always fully protecting your dome, even when not receiving enough energy. From now on, the shield power assigned will be reduced in the same proportion than your dome is lacking energy. E.g.: If your energy is only covering your dome a 20% and you had assigned to a shield: 5 power points, your shield will be really covering only 1 point (a 20%).
*Your dome protection is indicated in the Energy panel and should be always 100% :).

• There was a bug with sabotages, where they were wrongly triggering under some weird circumstances.
• Sea worm processing blueprints were displaying an error message on use.
• Accidented Alpha Ships, when rescued by your drones, were returned to inventory in a wrong position.
• Assembly Tunnel building was asking for Artisan profile instead of Heavy Operator.
• Resolved issue where being outside the colony, the button to return to colony wasn't appearing in all cases.
• Blueprint panel had a performance issue when being displayed with a queue set.
• Resolved issue where buildings appeared misplaced in construction menu. (need to test further).

...What is next?
After this patch, we will keep testing the changes applied and listening to community. Meanwhile, we are going to update tutorials and focus in the ingame-assistants, to make it easy the approach to new players and help understand all the new features to the current ones.
And we have already started quests!

We are happy to see that, day by day, things are getting close to the release version! And, as always, we thank the community for the support on Project Aura development, its feedback and suggestions ;)
Pixel Quality Games
Twitter: @ProjectAuraGame
Facebook: ProjectAuraGame
Aug 27, 2017
Project AURA - PixelQuality Games
Greetings Community!

We are bringing to you a new patch today and it is all about game rebalance. This is only our first step in the process, so we keep waiting for your feedback and suggestions after trying it. So, without further delay, next are the details for the 2.96.2 patch:

Please note you need to join the game's test branch to play this patch. You can find here instructions about how to access it.

Changes to market
We have made major changes to market in order to make it more interesting and to start to approach the survival factor:
• The number of available items have been greatly reduced.
• Your colony's starting money has been reduced, The final amount will depend on your difficulty level chosen.
• Your colony's relationship with Corporations will determine the available items for sale at their respective markets.

Very bad Relation <10: Will close its market for you.
Bad Relation <40: You can't trade influence with them.
Neutral Relation <75: Will sell you only the basic materials.
Good Relation >75: Will sell you Corp's security boxes.
Very good Relation >90: Will sell you Corp's core-security boxes.

*The corporation you have affinity with, will sell you an additional object in the market.

Check the wiki for more info:

Changes to Diplomacy
Corporation buildings built in your colony will have a negative effect on your relations with their rival Corporation only if you have the rival's diplomacy tech developed E.g.:
An Eco Corp building will sub 1 reputation point with the Neo Industrial Corp (Eco's rival) only if you have Neo Industrial's diplomacy tech developed.

Monuments become highest tier buildings and now they have only a positive effect on reputation. (+0.1 Reputation daily) Effect which you can increase by improving your relationship technology.

Colonists' compatible profiles
Any work position has an ideal profile to be developed with. This way, Farmer profile will be ideal to work in the Greenhouse; The Heavy Operators will be ideal for the Electro Refinery, etc.
A worker in an ideal position earns a morale bonus daily but, on the other hand, if the place is inappropriate he will receive a morale penalty. However, there is also the compatible profile, where the colonist will receive neither bonus nor malus.

The profile compatibility table has been updated to:
Versatile: Compatible with any profile.
Artisan: Operator.
Recycler: Technician.
Programmer: Researcher.

This way next profiles have no other compatible one but versatile:
Heavy Operator.

* Note versatile profile can go in any position being always compatible.
* For this patch we have updated again the Resource Scheme Guide, which now includes also information about the ideal profile for each work position.

Changes to construction materials
• We have reorganized buildings' tiers, with the goal to make the game play more fluent.

• The plastics quality required by buildings in Tier 1 has been reduced from plastic prefab modules (craftable in the Prefab Factory) to polymers (craftable in the Plastic Factory).
• All the construction materials for buildings have increased their cost in ingots.

*We will update wiki ASAP with detailed information about building tiers.

More Balancing
• Innovation points generation has been increased on first colony levels.
• The experience required for junior colonists to level up has been increased.
• Colonists recruiting price (SC) has been reduced, but its price will increase by a 50% for each colony level.
Junior: 500 SC
Senior: 2,500 SC
Master: 5,000 SC
Super Engineer: 10,000 SC

*In the recruiting panel you can choose a profile to recruit or just go for the first available. Doing so, will bring to your colony a random profile reducing the default cost in SC by 1/2 and, in the case the recruit would cost influence, would turn it to white color.

• Ideal profile for Plastics Factory is now: Operator instead of Heavy Operator.

Beta testing
• Attending to community feedback we have:
Reduced by another half the energy required by shields.
Reduced the duration of climate threats
Restored Diplomacy technologies to previous values.

Other Changes
Electrum is a new item alloyed in the Assembly Tunnel building and used to build the highest tier buildings which include a bit of "luxury" like the Estate residential and Corporate Monuments.

• To use an item in your inventory now you just need to click on it. Previously it required the combination: Ctrl + Right-Click.
• New shortcut to add all the available productions in a blueprint to its queue: Hold Shift key and click on "Add To Queue button". If you wish the opposite, Hold shift and click on the Remove production from queue button.
• Stockpile and other packings available have been updated.
Check the wiki for more info:

• The initial value for colony's maintenance and comfort points is now 50 for every difficulty level.
• Energy/Maintenance/Comfort estimation values for the next cycle are shown now in red when negative.
• Available productions listed in Blueprint and Resource panels are now ordered by unlock/lock status and then alphabetically.
• The Eco technology: Dome Setup is now a default tech instead of core-tech, so you can obtain it with simple invention docs instead of Core ones.

*Check the wiki to know more about how your dome grid setup can help you to resist climatic disasters:

• Shields were always fully protecting your dome, even when not receiving enough energy. From now on, the shield power assigned will be reduced in the same proportion than your dome is lacking energy. E.g.: If your energy is only covering your dome a 20% and you had assigned to a shield: 5 power points, your shield will be really covering only 1 point (a 20%).
*Your dome protection is indicated in the Energy panel and should be always 100% :).

• There was a bug with sabotages, where they were wrongly triggering under some weird circumstances.
• Sea worm processing blueprints were displaying an error message on use.
• Accidented Alpha Ships, when rescued by your drones, were returned to inventory in a wrong position.
• Assembly Tunnel building was asking for Artisan profile instead of Heavy Operator.
• Resolved issue where being outside the colony, the button to return to colony wasn't appearing in all cases.
• Blueprint panel had a performance issue when being displayed with a queue set.
• Resolved issue where buildings appeared misplaced in construction menu. (need to test further).

...What is next?
After this patch, we will keep testing the changes applied and listening to community. Meanwhile, we are going to update tutorials and focus in the ingame-assistants, to make it easy the approach to new players and help understand all the new features to the current ones.
And we have already started quests!

We are happy to see that, day by day, things are getting close to the release version! And, as always, we thank the community for the support on Project Aura development, its feedback and suggestions ;)
Pixel Quality Games
Twitter: @ProjectAuraGame
Facebook: ProjectAuraGame
Aug 12, 2017
Project AURA - PixelQuality Games
Greetings community!

We have just released 2.96.1 version. Next, you can find in detail all the new features and improvements the last patch brings:

Please note you need to join the game's test branch to play this patch. You can find here instructions about how to access it.

Threat System
• The Threat System has been fully implemented and it brings new challenges and even situations where you may lose the control of your colony, but don't worry, you will be notified by your AI-Assistant with detailed information and tips on how to overcome each challenge.

• We have grouped the threats into three categories which you will be able to enable or disable when starting a new game.

The Victory Conditions to win the game are scheduled for next patch which will include also new Steam achievements.

Ship System
•The ship system has been reworked with special mention to the new: risk of accident, which you may take in count from now on for each one of your missions to the outside. The value of this probability -which will take in count things like the components setup attached to your ships- will depend on several factors:
  1. Your chosen difficulty level: The harder the difficulty level, the higher the risk of accident.
    *If you choose the easiest difficulty level, the risk of accident will disappear.
  2. Ship type: Being Alpha the fastest ship bringing resources to base but, on the other hand, the most vulnerable.
  3. Ship Components attached: Shields will make your ships more resistant, etc.
  4. The rank of the pilot: It will be less frequent to see a higher rank pilot to fail.
  5. Your Navigation Technology: The more developed you have this technology from the Conservatives, the lower will be your risk of accident but, be ready to count with a good deal of Core Documents...
More info:

Hangars Redesign
• All the hangar buildings have been redesigned and now count with new animations.

Colony levels
Colony capacity and the population required to level up have been reduced:
  • A level 1 colony has a capacity of 30 colonists and you can level after reaching 1/3 pop of its capacity (10).
  • A level 2 colony has a capacity of 60 colonists requiring 20 pop to level up.
  • And so on...
*Remember that leveling up your colony will grant you benefits but, at the same time, your colonists demands (daily morale consumption) will increase.

Cooking System
• We have added two new modules for the kitchen, this way the cooking system becomes fully implemented. These modules are bringing two new food bases and plenty of recipes to produce the best quality food for your colony:
Bakery: based in Sweet Base.
Distillery: based in Fermentable.

More info:

Colonists stats
• In previous versions, colonists were dying if any of their stats: hydration, nutrition, morale or health went to zero. Now it will be the case only for health and the rest of stats may trigger social events.
• Health panel has been adapted to the new changes.

Reputation System
• It has been partially implemented where contracts and quests will arrive within next update: 2.97.
• Influence is now traded through diplomacy, so wildcard influence item will no longer be available at the market.

*Be careful to degrade too much your relations with a Corp, because they may interact with your colonists or use their diplomacy against you.

More details:

• Manufacture additives in the Chemical Plant to grant additional properties to your dome.
• Setup your dome properties to make it resistant to some climate disasters, but, on the other hand, vulnerable to others.
• Remember to activate your shields to protect your colony!

More details:

Maintenance & Comfort
The changes here had a great impact on the game mechanics.
• Maintenance and Comfort points become global to your colony, instead of specific to your buildings.
• We have added Workshops. A building category and, from now on, the new habitat for your technicians, which will help you managing your colony's Maintenance and Comfort points.
• New Conservatives Infra: Zeppelin
The zeppelin will daily transform 100 Comfort Items into 25 colony's Comfort Points.
As all the infrastructure buildings, it will work autonomous, so you only need to worry about keeping a constant supply of Comfort Items to sustain your zeppelins production.

More details:

• We have restructured the main interface to show you all your colony's relevant info in a glance.
• New panels to search colonists and buildings are now more intuitive.
• Contextual help menus have a bigger background, allowing for more detailed info and sharper text characters.

Platforms Specialization
• When expanding your colony, you can decide the kind of platform specialization you are going for: maintenance, comfort or optimized for extra space for buildings.

• From now on you will be able to recruit colonists of any rank, as long as you have enough reputation with the Vital Reserve and influence of the appropriate color for the colonist's profile you want to recruit.
E.g.: To recruit a farmer (Eco) you will need green influence, blue for a scientist (Cosmos), etc.
• The required influence color to awake and promote director colonists has been changed from violet to white.

*You may guess that recruiting super engineers will have very high diplomatic requirements. Our plans for later patches are to promote to Super Engineer through a challenging system based in opportunity. But we will tell you more about it in due case, on Steam forums.

Other Features
• Entertainment buildings no longer require a blueprint to work, and they will produce morale daily, depending the amount on your technology level.

• The Tech Tree has suffered numerous changes to be adapted to the new version.

• We have added a new item: Bronze Alloy, which is now the main required material for the construction of monuments and entertainment buildings.
*You will need copper and tin ingots to produce this alloy in the Assembly Tunnel.

• The Food Menu has been simplified and the option to refill larder is now more intuitive.
1. Indicate the number of days you want to keep your larder filled.
2. Click on Refill and the required food will be sent from your inventory to the larder, according to your colony's menu setup.
*If you enable the AutoFill option, the larder will keep daily the food levels you specified.

• Those Blueprints -like Vestige Extraction- where any of the produced items is unknown (indicated by a question mark icon), will display now info about your chance to find something.

• Recycling (destroying) a building, will return its construction materials intact, as long as the building has never produced before. Otherwise you will get its construction materials equivalent in raw materials.

...This has been a really big update!
And we are getting closer to the release version each day, however, there is still much work to do.
During the next weeks, we will keep fine-tuning the new version, before jumping to the next patch which will improve the diplomacy system bringing quests and new challenges for your colony, updated tutorials, in-game help, assistants and much more. It all, inside a more immersive environment with numerous surprises we won't unveil for now.

As always, thanks for the interest in Project Aura ;)
Pixel Quality Games
Twitter: @ProjectAuraGame
Facebook: ProjectAuraGame
Aug 12, 2017
Project AURA - PixelQuality Games
Greetings community!

We have just released 2.96.1 version. Next, you can find in detail all the new features and improvements the last patch brings:

Please note you need to join the game's test branch to play this patch. You can find here instructions about how to access it.

Threat System
• The Threat System has been fully implemented and it brings new challenges and even situations where you may lose the control of your colony, but don't worry, you will be notified by your AI-Assistant with detailed information and tips on how to overcome each challenge.

• We have grouped the threats into three categories which you will be able to enable or disable when starting a new game.

The Victory Conditions to win the game are scheduled for next patch which will include also new Steam achievements.

Ship System
•The ship system has been reworked with special mention to the new: risk of accident, which you may take in count from now on for each one of your missions to the outside. The value of this probability -which will take in count things like the components setup attached to your ships- will depend on several factors:
  1. Your chosen difficulty level: The harder the difficulty level, the higher the risk of accident.
    *If you choose the easiest difficulty level, the risk of accident will disappear.
  2. Ship type: Being Alpha the fastest ship bringing resources to base but, on the other hand, the most vulnerable.
  3. Ship Components attached: Shields will make your ships more resistant, etc.
  4. The rank of the pilot: It will be less frequent to see a higher rank pilot to fail.
  5. Your Navigation Technology: The more developed you have this technology from the Conservatives, the lower will be your risk of accident but, be ready to count with a good deal of Core Documents...
More info:

Hangars Redesign
• All the hangar buildings have been redesigned and now count with new animations.

Colony levels
Colony capacity and the population required to level up have been reduced:
  • A level 1 colony has a capacity of 30 colonists and you can level after reaching 1/3 pop of its capacity (10).
  • A level 2 colony has a capacity of 60 colonists requiring 20 pop to level up.
  • And so on...
*Remember that leveling up your colony will grant you benefits but, at the same time, your colonists demands (daily morale consumption) will increase.

Cooking System
• We have added two new modules for the kitchen, this way the cooking system becomes fully implemented. These modules are bringing two new food bases and plenty of recipes to produce the best quality food for your colony:
Bakery: based in Sweet Base.
Distillery: based in Fermentable.

More info:

Colonists stats
• In previous versions, colonists were dying if any of their stats: hydration, nutrition, morale or health went to zero. Now it will be the case only for health and the rest of stats may trigger social events.
• Health panel has been adapted to the new changes.

Reputation System
• It has been partially implemented where contracts and quests will arrive within next update: 2.97.
• Influence is now traded through diplomacy, so wildcard influence item will no longer be available at the market.

*Be careful to degrade too much your relations with a Corp, because they may interact with your colonists or use their diplomacy against you.

More details:

• Manufacture additives in the Chemical Plant to grant additional properties to your dome.
• Setup your dome properties to make it resistant to some climate disasters, but, on the other hand, vulnerable to others.
• Remember to activate your shields to protect your colony!

More details:

Maintenance & Comfort
The changes here had a great impact on the game mechanics.
• Maintenance and Comfort points become global to your colony, instead of specific to your buildings.
• We have added Workshops. A building category and, from now on, the new habitat for your technicians, which will help you managing your colony's Maintenance and Comfort points.
• New Conservatives Infra: Zeppelin
The zeppelin will daily transform 100 Comfort Items into 25 colony's Comfort Points.
As all the infrastructure buildings, it will work autonomous, so you only need to worry about keeping a constant supply of Comfort Items to sustain your zeppelins production.

More details:

• We have restructured the main interface to show you all your colony's relevant info in a glance.
• New panels to search colonists and buildings are now more intuitive.
• Contextual help menus have a bigger background, allowing for more detailed info and sharper text characters.

Platforms Specialization
• When expanding your colony, you can decide the kind of platform specialization you are going for: maintenance, comfort or optimized for extra space for buildings.

• From now on you will be able to recruit colonists of any rank, as long as you have enough reputation with the Vital Reserve and influence of the appropriate color for the colonist's profile you want to recruit.
E.g.: To recruit a farmer (Eco) you will need green influence, blue for a scientist (Cosmos), etc.
• The required influence color to awake and promote director colonists has been changed from violet to white.

*You may guess that recruiting super engineers will have very high diplomatic requirements. Our plans for later patches are to promote to Super Engineer through a challenging system based in opportunity. But we will tell you more about it in due case, on Steam forums.

Other Features
• Entertainment buildings no longer require a blueprint to work, and they will produce morale daily, depending the amount on your technology level.

• The Tech Tree has suffered numerous changes to be adapted to the new version.

• We have added a new item: Bronze Alloy, which is now the main required material for the construction of monuments and entertainment buildings.
*You will need copper and tin ingots to produce this alloy in the Assembly Tunnel.

• The Food Menu has been simplified and the option to refill larder is now more intuitive.
1. Indicate the number of days you want to keep your larder filled.
2. Click on Refill and the required food will be sent from your inventory to the larder, according to your colony's menu setup.
*If you enable the AutoFill option, the larder will keep daily the food levels you specified.

• Those Blueprints -like Vestige Extraction- where any of the produced items is unknown (indicated by a question mark icon), will display now info about your chance to find something.

• Recycling (destroying) a building, will return its construction materials intact, as long as the building has never produced before. Otherwise you will get its construction materials equivalent in raw materials.

...This has been a really big update!
And we are getting closer to the release version each day, however, there is still much work to do.
During the next weeks, we will keep fine-tuning the new version, before jumping to the next patch which will improve the diplomacy system bringing quests and new challenges for your colony, updated tutorials, in-game help, assistants and much more. It all, inside a more immersive environment with numerous surprises we won't unveil for now.

As always, thanks for the interest in Project Aura ;)
Pixel Quality Games
Twitter: @ProjectAuraGame
Facebook: ProjectAuraGame
Dec 4, 2016
Project AURA - PixelQuality Games
Hello community! We are very happy to announce a new patch has been released for Project AURA and we invite you to read below for details:

Steam Cards
• We have enabled the steam cards feature. It includes a set of badges, 12 cards, 5 emoticons and backgrounds to obtain.

Colonists Recruitment
• We have reworked the way you interact with the Vital Reserve to obtain new colonists. With these changes we want to open new game strategies and make the colonist resource really valuable and something to care about :).

You can check the wiki to obtain info about the new system.
*This new feature, which is already linked to the incoming reputation system, will lead to a reset to "neutral" in the affinity you chose in previous games.

New items
Acorn (fruit) and Sugarcane (cereal) are available, together with all their associated productions: cultivation, seed processing, etc. They may be specially interesting for dishes and drinks elaboration.

• In the previous patch we added Cooking technology, it enables the preparation of dishes based in Seasoning, but this technology will unlock also a production in your labs: Research Seasoning, which will let you improve your recipes and learn new ones.

Resource Panel extended help
• Unlock/Upgrade your productions:
Now it is possible to know how to unlock or upgrade your productions. When needed, a lock (or your tech level indicator) will be displayed, simply hover mouse on it to obtain the information.

• Production amounts displayed:
  1. For those productions where you may or may not success, the % chance will be displayed.
  2. For those where the amount produced can vary, you will see Av. preceding the number, indicating the amount produced is the average.
  3. For the standard-fixed productions, the produced amount is displayed as usual.

Other Features
Immersion: We have added an audio effect when you go outside dome. A flashing button to return to colony will be displayed as well.

Food variety bonus: Managing to provide your colony with higher food tiers will bring a special bonus, as described in the wiki. In the Food Panel, items bringing this bonus will appear remarked.

Translations: We have temporarily reset all the translations, but tutorials, to English until we get them properly updated again.

Hostel residential module has changed, increased its floor size. If you created a custom building template containing a hostel you may review it.

Bugs solved
• Solved an issue limiting by mistake the max number of Corp buildings to build.
• Solved an issue with UI misplacing text.
• Security boxes were not dropping properly. Your ships may find them in any of their assigned missions in the outside.
• Resource Panel was not working properly when showing blueprints with upgradeable productions.
• Other minor bugs resolved.

What is next:
The immediate next step is about playability! We are very happy to start focusing 100% in this area. For next patch the reputation system will be ready and, among other things, will change the way colonists are obtained for your colony.
*Check our roadmap for more info.

In parallel, we keep working in our "macro-patch", which will include a lot of new features like the quest system, challenges for your colony, new buildings, in-game help and assistants, etc. It all, inside a more immersive environment where your social policies, Corps and other external factors start to be relevant, together with numerous surprises we won't unveil for now.

As always, thanks for the interest in Project Aura ;)
Pixel Quality Games
Twitter: @ProjectAuraGame
Facebook: ProjectAuraGame
Dec 4, 2016
Project AURA - PixelQuality Games
Hello community! We are very happy to announce a new patch has been released for Project AURA and we invite you to read below for details:

Steam Cards
• We have enabled the steam cards feature. It includes a set of badges, 12 cards, 5 emoticons and backgrounds to obtain.

Colonists Recruitment
• We have reworked the way you interact with the Vital Reserve to obtain new colonists. With these changes we want to open new game strategies and make the colonist resource really valuable and something to care about :).

You can check the wiki to obtain info about the new system.
*This new feature, which is already linked to the incoming reputation system, will lead to a reset to "neutral" in the affinity you chose in previous games.

New items
Acorn (fruit) and Sugarcane (cereal) are available, together with all their associated productions: cultivation, seed processing, etc. They may be specially interesting for dishes and drinks elaboration.

• In the previous patch we added Cooking technology, it enables the preparation of dishes based in Seasoning, but this technology will unlock also a production in your labs: Research Seasoning, which will let you improve your recipes and learn new ones.

Resource Panel extended help
• Unlock/Upgrade your productions:
Now it is possible to know how to unlock or upgrade your productions. When needed, a lock (or your tech level indicator) will be displayed, simply hover mouse on it to obtain the information.

• Production amounts displayed:
  1. For those productions where you may or may not success, the % chance will be displayed.
  2. For those where the amount produced can vary, you will see Av. preceding the number, indicating the amount produced is the average.
  3. For the standard-fixed productions, the produced amount is displayed as usual.

Other Features
Immersion: We have added an audio effect when you go outside dome. A flashing button to return to colony will be displayed as well.

Food variety bonus: Managing to provide your colony with higher food tiers will bring a special bonus, as described in the wiki. In the Food Panel, items bringing this bonus will appear remarked.

Translations: We have temporarily reset all the translations, but tutorials, to English until we get them properly updated again.

Hostel residential module has changed, increased its floor size. If you created a custom building template containing a hostel you may review it.

Bugs solved
• Solved an issue limiting by mistake the max number of Corp buildings to build.
• Solved an issue with UI misplacing text.
• Security boxes were not dropping properly. Your ships may find them in any of their assigned missions in the outside.
• Resource Panel was not working properly when showing blueprints with upgradeable productions.
• Other minor bugs resolved.

What is next:
The immediate next step is about playability! We are very happy to start focusing 100% in this area. For next patch the reputation system will be ready and, among other things, will change the way colonists are obtained for your colony.
*Check our roadmap for more info.

In parallel, we keep working in our "macro-patch", which will include a lot of new features like the quest system, challenges for your colony, new buildings, in-game help and assistants, etc. It all, inside a more immersive environment where your social policies, Corps and other external factors start to be relevant, together with numerous surprises we won't unveil for now.

As always, thanks for the interest in Project Aura ;)
Pixel Quality Games
Twitter: @ProjectAuraGame
Facebook: ProjectAuraGame
Nov 4, 2016
Project AURA - PixelQuality Games
Hello community! We have released a new patch for Project AURA, please, read below for the change log:

New technology: Cryptography
• Cryptography is a new technology available to program deciphering keys and unlock cipher systems and security boxes.

These are some of the items involved in this new feature:
  • Key: This is a deciphering key, will require an Invention document to be crafted.
  • Useless Key: Sometimes things go wrong in the complex process of creating deciphering keys...
  • Security Box: Being empty or not, it is a mystery until you manage to unlock it with a key.
  • Ciphered Message: An intercepted message you may decipher.
New technology: Cooking
• Unlock the Kitchen module and learn its technology available to find new recipes and upgrade your food to the max quality.

For more help, check the wiki.

Improve your productions
• We have added a new type of productions (or recipes) which can be improved from 1 to 3. The higher the level, the more chances to produce an item of a superior quality.
This feature only applies to cooking recipes, but some of the new buildings incoming will also implement it.

The steps are:
  1. Learn Cooking technology in the Cosmos branch (requires a core-invention doc).
  2. Go to Research Lab and you will see a new production available to learn seasoning recipes. *It will require: 1 Seasoning item + 1 Invention Doc
  3. If you success in the research, the produced item is a Seasoning Recipe Upgrader which will go to your inventory. *In this process, there is also a chance to discover a new recipe based in seasoning.
  4. Use the item (Ctrl+Right Click on it) to select a recipe to improve from the displayed list.
Steam Cloud
• We have enabled the Steam Cloud feature for Project Aura, this way your building templates and saved games will be safer and available across any computer.

• All difficulty levels have now same sale/buy ratio at the market. So an item which costs 100, will sale for 100. However it will keep being affected by offer/demand as usual.
• Food hydration/nutrition/morale properties have been rebalanced.
• Core invention doc ratio production has been increased from 20% to 25%.

Other Improvements and bugs solved
• New aesthetic touches to the interface to make it better looking.
• New immersion details and animations to the colony.
• Solved a major memory leak issue related to our audio libraries.
• Other minor bugs resolved.

What is next:
In parallel, we keep working in our "macro-patch", which will include a lot of new features like the quest system, challenges for your colony, new buildings, in-game help and assistants, etc. It all, inside a more immersive environment where your social policies, Corps and other external factors start to be relevant, together with numerous surprises we won't unveil for now.

As always, thanks for the interest in Project Aura ;)
Pixel Quality Games
Twitter: @ProjectAuraGame
Facebook: ProjectAuraGame
Nov 4, 2016
Project AURA - PixelQuality Games
Hello community! We have released a new patch for Project AURA, please, read below for the change log:

New technology: Cryptography
• Cryptography is a new technology available to program deciphering keys and unlock cipher systems and security boxes.

These are some of the items involved in this new feature:
  • Key: This is a deciphering key, will require an Invention document to be crafted.
  • Useless Key: Sometimes things go wrong in the complex process of creating deciphering keys...
  • Security Box: Being empty or not, it is a mystery until you manage to unlock it with a key.
  • Ciphered Message: An intercepted message you may decipher.
New technology: Cooking
• Unlock the Kitchen module and learn its technology available to find new recipes and upgrade your food to the max quality.

For more help, check the wiki.

Improve your productions
• We have added a new type of productions (or recipes) which can be improved from 1 to 3. The higher the level, the more chances to produce an item of a superior quality.
This feature only applies to cooking recipes, but some of the new buildings incoming will also implement it.

The steps are:
  1. Learn Cooking technology in the Cosmos branch (requires a core-invention doc).
  2. Go to Research Lab and you will see a new production available to learn seasoning recipes. *It will require: 1 Seasoning item + 1 Invention Doc
  3. If you success in the research, the produced item is a Seasoning Recipe Upgrader which will go to your inventory. *In this process, there is also a chance to discover a new recipe based in seasoning.
  4. Use the item (Ctrl+Right Click on it) to select a recipe to improve from the displayed list.
Steam Cloud
• We have enabled the Steam Cloud feature for Project Aura, this way your building templates and saved games will be safer and available across any computer.

• All difficulty levels have now same sale/buy ratio at the market. So an item which costs 100, will sale for 100. However it will keep being affected by offer/demand as usual.
• Food hydration/nutrition/morale properties have been rebalanced.
• Core invention doc ratio production has been increased from 20% to 25%.

Other Improvements and bugs solved
• New aesthetic touches to the interface to make it better looking.
• New immersion details and animations to the colony.
• Solved a major memory leak issue related to our audio libraries.
• Other minor bugs resolved.

What is next:
In parallel, we keep working in our "macro-patch", which will include a lot of new features like the quest system, challenges for your colony, new buildings, in-game help and assistants, etc. It all, inside a more immersive environment where your social policies, Corps and other external factors start to be relevant, together with numerous surprises we won't unveil for now.

As always, thanks for the interest in Project Aura ;)
Pixel Quality Games
Twitter: @ProjectAuraGame
Facebook: ProjectAuraGame

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