Prison Architect - EnigmaticRose4
Hello Wardens, here is our final update to Prison Architect - The Sunset Update.

This one’s for you.

It’s been a real joy and honor here at Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven to work on this game for you. It’s been just over a decade since Introversion first put out an Alpha build of Prison Architect and the game has come so far since then. While we’re closing this chapter, the book is certainly not yet finished.

We’ll see you around.

QoL Improvements / Features:

  • Capacitor 2.0: I introduce to you, the Capacitor Max Plus - an upgraded version of the capacitor which allows your Power Stations to now produce twice the amount of power than they did before - for twice the price of course.
  • Remote Doors: We have added a coloured variant of the remote doors for both Death Row and Supermax security levels.
  • Riot Van Speed: Due to the efficiency of air-bound emergency units we have increased the movement speed of the Riot Guard Vans, to lower their arrival time.
  • Super Dog Mutator: Due to our undeniable fondness of them, we’ve added a new mutator based on the Super Guard mutator which will help give our furry friends and upgrade.
  • Updated Descriptions: After sweeping through the game we decided to update or add a number of new text strings. As such we’ve updated text for Item description, Staff descriptions, and also Need Descriptions.

With this update we have focused on improving the player experience as much as possible.
We thank you all for playing Prison Architect.

Full Changelog:

All Platforms:

  • Unconscious Dogs can now be loaded into a crate and heal to be reunited with their handler.
  • Dog Handlers can now pet their dogs in the kennel
  • Premade Map “Green Power Plant: Going Green”
  • A missing tile has been found
  • Rooms are no longer missing their radiators and hot water pipes
  • Door orientation fixed
  • Removed incorrect link to the yard from the canteen
  • Premade Map “The Working Fields: Growing Green”
  • All metal barrels have been removed.
  • Removed incorrect cage gate
  • Added a missing hedge wall
  • Cooking Ingredients are no longer being misdirected to the Bakery
  • Pantries are no longer required to be indoors.
  • Objects in the water will now be removed from where the island would like to be.
  • Jobs no longer created when placing different kinds of water on shallow water
  • Four new male inmate heads
  • Making quick islands now checks the current water type and matches it for the new water.
  • It is now obvious which side of the projector is the front.


  • Medical beds will now unload after extended infirmary time.
  • Placing foundation will only remove outdoor plans e.g. fences
  • You can no longer delete a wall and leave the paper lantern.
  • Guards now stand in the center when using a tracking monitor. Much better for their necks.
  • One hit killing victims now appear on the Summary Screen.
  • Female prisoners with babies now have the ability to gain rep points in escape mode.
  • It is no longer possible to hire staff off the edge of the map.
  • You can no longer overlap prefabs over the grove or outdoor lake.
  • Info about Crop Distribution in Logistics Menu now shows properly in all languages.
  • Green Energy Goal 7 - reduced penalty from weather effects - now works properly on solar panels.
  • Export Meters have had their connections cleaned up.
  • Solar Panel Development Program no longer has an unnecessary tag.
  • Recycling Bins are now properly recommended
  • Saving the game a Workman carries a wilted crop will no longer magically make said crop start growing in that location.
  • Dead bodies now lay properly on the morgue slabs
  • Delinquents have been properly cached on where to spawn and now stay together.
  • Backup generators no longer demand electricity when connected to electricity
  • Armed Guards hired and Dog Handlers hired text now fits the box in every language.
  • Lefthandpos is only set for two handed items so use righthandpos like any other one handed item
  • The color of the uniforms in the game is now saved correctly
  • Yellow lined tiles now have correct orientation when cloned.
  • Glass walls will now display more nicely
  • Workers are no longer trapped when removing rubble from under a jail door.
  • Fixed issue with guard rank ui not updating correctly when rank is changed.
  • Guards will now return trays to the canteen.
  • Undead have had their heads reattached properly
  • Robot Dogs now sniff like robot dogs, not biological dogs
  • Added Orderly toolbar sprite to the sprite replacer
  • Inmates no longer attempt to eat backwards at tables
  • Custom shakedowns no longer include no access zones.
  • Inmates no longer use visitor only zones
  • Stun baton no longer flashes when it shouldn’t
  • Oak benches have now been given permission to seat three
  • Tracking menu will no longer show the dead
  • Campaign
  • Firemen no longer evade fire danger and walk funny
  • Firemen can now extinguish fire on walls/blocked cells
  • Fixed issue in Chapter 3 with Armed Guard patrols
  • Inmates using camp beds and netted camp beds are once more permitted to receive birthday presents
  • Road no longer blocks staff hire placement.

  • Crops will no longer show a red outline when you are attempting to plant on valid spots with objects in planting radius.
  • Doors have learned not to appear on top of turbines.
  • Fixed so that you cannot spawn multiple doors when changing ui
  • Ferry docks will not render as overlapped
  • Issue with air plumber hoses and helipad stairs fixed.
  • You can now see a yellow line follow the trajectory of the taser
  • Bounty Hunters have now been given maps as well as lessons on how to hunt the undead.
  • Workers are no longer trapped when removing rubble from under a jail door.
  • Tracking belted inmates go to the infirmary first when overdosing
  • Door timer now corrected
  • Updated new regime items
  • Paper lanterns can now be dismantled/dumped
  • Removed unwanted pixels for hybrid wind turbines

  • Fruit Trees now correctly sync between host and players
  • Drip pipes and sprinklers now properly work for players
  • “Expires In” for players now matches the host
  • Auto harvesters now properly work for players
  • Prisoners without cells added to data register so player gets value on connecting to the host
  • Tracking monitors will no longer constantly show a false error for players.
  • Planning area rendering is not updating if change from walls (with foundation) planning to fence planning

Escape Mode (PC/MAC):
  • All items now realize they must make noise when damaged.
  • Prisoners no longer stay in a tunnel if attacked by guards outside of the tunnel
  • [Console] Inmates can now move after doing a rough sleep in solitary.

Warden Mode (PC/MAC):
  • Bottom Right Menu Buttons will now only show notifications at the proper time.
  • Dead guards can no longer serve as bodyguards.
Prison Architect - EnigmaticRose4
Hey Wardens!

There was an issue encountered with the Jailhouse Update (released alongside Jungle Pack) that caused some serious scaling issues.

We have isolated the issue and pushed a hotfix to PC that fixed it.

We’re also taking this chance to patch foundations removing internal plans and snipers. Max Capacitors Plus are NOT in this hotfix and will be available in the next update, so please stay tuned (apologies for the confusion).

Be sure to follow us on our social channels to stay updated on the latest news!
Prison Architect - EnigmaticRose4
Dear Ma,

I hope you’re doing well, they told me you came to visit me, but got turned away at reception. I hope you’re not feeling ill. So many of my fellow inmates are looking a little green and feverish. Also, the eggs in the kitchen this morning had a large number of bugs buzzing on them, but that’s normal in the jungle. Right?

In other news, we just got a cinema! There’s nothing quite like watching a film with the fire pits blazing nearby. Makes it easier to ignore the rusty metal doors and buzzing insects everywhere.

Ow! I just got bitten! These bugs are the worst. Time to get into my netted bed. Hopefully they’ll let you visit next week.

Your Son

Get Jungle Pack here to take your prison tropical:

Prison Architect: Jungle Pack Key Features:

It’s a prison, in a jungle!
Use your surroundings to create wooden furniture, five new flooring types (one specific for water!), one outdoor cinema plus new walls and doors: all is set to thrive in the jungle.

Tropical Fever (and how to survive it)
Tropical fever can spread among inmates. You can fight and manage it with netted beds, fire pits, and a new, cutting-edge medical program.

A Different Environment
In the jungle, you will find new trees, which can be farmed and sold, or chopped down for lumber. Some wood variants for guard towers, drains, etc. are also available.

Jungle Pack (2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR)

  • Becoming One With The Jungle - New features and items based around nature and wooden materials, to help support your prison in a greener way.
    • New Trees - Two new trees have been added, one for just aesthetic purposes and the other as a new export variant for logs and wooden planks.
    • Wooden Items - New Variants of existing items made from wooden materials, such as: guard towers, benches, tables, serving tables, drains, and beds.
    • Blending In - A new CCTV camera has been added that has been camouflaged to match its jungle-themed destination. It may be less hidden if placed inside...
  • Fever That Holds You Tight - A terrible affliction has been added with this pack that can cause severe damage to your prisoners, luckily your staff need to have all their vaccinations to be able to work at your prison. So that's nice.
    • Fever Starts - This event can be enabled from the creation menu but within the game it is first brought into your prison by either deliveries or visitors.
    • Fever Spreads - If a prisoner comes into close proximity to an infected item or individual they will have a good chance to gain the affliction.
    • Fever Burns - The fever will have 3 stages with symptoms getting worse as time goes by, if left alone victims will die.
    • Visitor Reception - Using this new room, any civilians who come to your prison can be checked over for both contraband and for their health, anyone showing signs of infection will be sent away.
    • Fire Pits - these lovely big structures not only light up large areas of your prison but they will also keep the "bugs" away from any prisoner within their radius keeping them safer.
    • Netted Beds - to prevent your inmates from becoming afflicted during their sleep, these new beds will give any prisoner who uses them a short immunity due to the high quality of netting used.
    • Treatment Program - To keep your inmates safer for longer, this new medical program will boost your inmates health for a number of days and make it so that they can frolic safely and freely locked behind jail doors and walls...
  • Visuals - Your prison can't only run smoothly and efficiently, it also has to look good too, right?
    • Uniforms - It's that time again, the third uniform pack has arrived! Change up the style of your prisoners and staff once more with this green theme.
    • Flooring - 5 new flooring types have been added, 2 types of stone tiles to decorate the inside of your prison along with 3 more natural looking flooring types to decorate the outside of your prison.
    • Water - Although yes water is also a flooring type, we felt it needed its own section. The new murky water type is available to give your prisoners a more natural but also less clean appeal which we're sure that you will enjoy.
    • Walls & Doors - A new type of jail doors and walls have been added, the rusted kind. This set of fortifications come with multiple flooring types below each of the walls and of course both a standard and a large variant for the doors.
    • Clock Face - If you ever wanted a slightly more retro looking clock face well now you have it.
    • Karr Hide - This well dressed chap is an expert within a jungle environment and will be able to teach your Snipers how to properly use a scope.

Jailhouse (Free Update)

Update Features
  • New Sniffer Dog - It would be unfair of us not to share this sunshine boy with you, so please enjoy the wonder that is Toby and all that he stands and rolls over for.
  • Idle Guards - We've made it so that now instead of having large numbers of Guards idling within the delivery area they will now prioritize more important areas of the prison.
  • Deployment Scheduler - The scheduler menu has been given a small makeover to improve the user experience, making it clearer and easier to use.
  • Quick Build Materials - Now when using a quick build, the last material selected will be saved when using that quick build again.
  • Identity Thief - We've re-balanced the Identity Thief reputation so that it can't take over your prison quite so easily.
  • Suppression Effects - Inmates will no longer be turned insane as easily when being handled by guards.

Full Patch Notes:

For more information on Jungle Pack and Prison Architect, visit
Price is 2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR.

Be sure to follow us on our social channels to stay updated on the latest news!
Prison Architect - EnigmaticRose4
Jungle Pack and The Jailhouse Update Releasing Tomorrow, February 7th, on PC, Xbox One & PlayStation 4!

Jungle Pack (2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR)

  • Becoming One With The Jungle - New features and items based around nature and wooden materials, to help support your prison in a greener way.
    • New Trees - Two new trees have been added, one for just aesthetic purposes and the other as a new export variant for logs and wooden planks.
    • Wooden Items - New Variants of existing items made from wooden materials, such as: guard towers, benches, tables, serving tables, drains, and beds.
    • Blending In - A new CCTV camera has been added that has been camouflaged to match its jungle-themed destination. It may be less hidden if placed inside...
  • Fever That Holds You Tight - A terrible affliction has been added with this pack that can cause severe damage to your prisoners, luckily your staff need to have all their vaccinations to be able to work at your prison. So that's nice.
    • Fever Starts - This event can be enabled from the creation menu but within the game it is first brought into your prison by either deliveries or visitors.
    • Fever Spreads - If a prisoner comes into close proximity to an infected item or individual they will have a good chance to gain the affliction.
    • Fever Burns - The fever will have 3 stages with symptoms getting worse as time goes by, if left alone victims will die.
    • Visitor Reception - Using this new room, any civilians who come to your prison can be checked over for both contraband and for their health, anyone showing signs of infection will be sent away.
    • Fire Pits - these lovely big structures not only light up large areas of your prison but they will also keep the "bugs" away from any prisoner within their radius keeping them safer.
    • Netted Beds - to prevent your inmates from becoming afflicted during their sleep, these new beds will give any prisoner who uses them a short immunity due to the high quality of netting used.
    • Treatment Program - To keep your inmates safer for longer, this new medical program will boost your inmates health for a number of days and make it so that they can frolic safely and freely locked behind jail doors and walls...
  • Visuals - Your prison can't only run smoothly and efficiently, it also has to look good too, right?
    • Uniforms - It's that time again, the third uniform pack has arrived! Change up the style of your prisoners and staff once more with this green theme.
    • Flooring - 5 new flooring types have been added, 2 types of stone tiles to decorate the inside of your prison along with 3 more natural looking flooring types to decorate the outside of your prison.
    • Water - Although yes water is also a flooring type, we felt it needed its own section. The new murky water type is available to give your prisoners a more natural but also less clean appeal which we're sure that you will enjoy.
    • Walls & Doors - A new type of jail doors and walls have been added, the rusted kind. This set of fortifications come with multiple flooring types below each of the walls and of course both a standard and a large variant for the doors.
    • Clock Face - If you ever wanted a slightly more retro looking clock face well now you have it.
    • Karr Hide - This well dressed chap is an expert within a jungle environment and will be able to teach your Snipers how to properly use a scope.

Jailhouse (Free Update)

Update Features
  • Capacitor Max Plus - Power Management has always been a challenge, but this new and more powerful (and more expensive!) capacitor may just make it a little easier. This feature is being finalized and will be in the next update.
  • New Sniffer Dog - It would be unfair of us not to share this sunshine boy with you, so please enjoy the wonder that is Toby and all that he stands and rolls over for.
  • Idle Guards - We've made it so that now instead of having large numbers of Guards idling within the delivery area they will now prioritize more important areas of the prison.
  • Deployment Scheduler - The scheduler menu has been given a small makeover to improve the user experience, making it clearer and easier to use.
  • Quick Build Materials - Now when using a quick build, the last material selected will be saved when using that quick build again.
  • Identity Thief - We've re-balanced the Identity Thief reputation so that it can't take over your prison quite so easily.
  • Suppression Effects - Inmates will no longer be turned insane as easily when being handled by guards.

Future Tech Pack Fixes:
  • The Tracking menu should no longer stack now
  • The handgun and stun baton now correctly render in prisoner hands
  • The new future tech cosmetic uniforms no longer have the wrong alignment for the portable medikit backpacks
  • Electrified fence now treated as both connectable wall and fence to allow correct door placement
  • The advanced search light now shows an error when it is not connected to a CCTV monitor for it to work
  • Tracking menu should now scale properly in higher resolution screens.
  • Fixed so that doctors and guards have the visitor reception as an idle room
  • Fixed so that the robot dog now has a sound when it gets damaged
  • Fixed so the robot dogs now have there alternative sniffing sound
  • Adv Search light cone should now be shown when the searchlight base outside screen limits
  • The router now no longer has a shadow
  • "Big head mode" will now cause tracking belts to overlap prisoner's heads
  • Guards no longer drop keycards with the Future Tech Pack locked
  • The requirements for Future Pack items are now displayed via the Utilities menu
  • Dogs will no longer "grow hands" to open doors with keys or keycards
  • The Tracking menu will now show prisoners with Pack specific ailments

Undead Pack Fixes:
  • Updated Bounty Hunter logic to prevent potential sticking
  • The lock/unlock cctv option is no longer locked behind Undead Pack

Multiplayer Fixes:
  • Clients are now able to equip prisoners with the tracking belt in multiplayer
  • Clients are now able to see the Electrocution effect for climbing electric fences
  • The range of routers are now visible for clients
  • The revoke belt access UI now syncs correctly for all players
  • The Available guard value is now synced between host and client

Misc Fixes:
  • Fixed Desk rotation orientations for Quick Build rooms.
  • Planning tool no longer allows Fence Walls to be build indoors
  • Fog of War is no longer toggled on automatically for warden mode
  • Dogs will no longer be left unconscious due to their handlers being injured
  • Fixed issue with policy window not showing some policies when Cleared For Transfer is disabled.
  • Guards no longer layer over each other when too many of them are aboard the ferry at the same time
  • The 'Use Cell Quality Ratings' option should now automatically assign prisoners to cells more efficiently
  • Second Chance DLC signs are now aligned with other signs.
  • Fixed an issue with snipers not applying damage to inmates
  • Fixed so that snipers can now also idle in the staff room
  • Birthday presents are no longer obscured when placed on Bunk beds
  • Gardener jobs will no longer be displayed within construction menus
  • Orderlies will no longer have any issue sedating an insane prisoner
  • The planning tool now preserves objects / paths when foundations are placed
  • The Scanner machine & scanner monitor are now highlighted for the delivery room
  • The single sofa will now satisfy the requirement for staffroom
  • Supplies can no longer be stopped from being unloaded from the first boat for Island plot Disconnected maps.
  • Staff and prisoners no longer have recovery blocked by illnesses when bedridden.

Console Specific Changes
  • Assign Doctors / Cooks - Both Doctors and Cooks can now be assigned to specific Infirmaries and Kitchens respectively.
  • Bookshelf Literacy - The bookshelf item will now cater to an inmate's literacy need as it does so for PC platforms.
  • End Punishments - Via the prisoner's punishment menu it is now possible to end any punishment that is currently being applied to that inmate.

Misc ConsoleFixes
  • The polaroid now shows up for the kitchen snapshot
  • Pest control workers do not infinitely loop.
  • Hides the CCTV view cone when the searchlight is on.
  • Influence system has now been fixed so that it will broadcast to all valid cells
  • Guard towers can't be built on walls
  • Make sure to only set stations as jobs for prisoners when using prison labour
  • Doors are no longer being overwritten by walls, which causes the area to be inaccessible after walls finish built
  • Walls now blocked by all trees correctly. Code matched to Console version

Coming February 7th for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
Wishlist Prison Architect’s Jungle Pack on Steam:

For more information on Jungle Pack and Prison Architect, visit
Price will be 2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR.

Be sure to follow us on our social channels to stay updated on the latest news!
Prison Architect - EnigmaticRose4

Dear Ma,

I hope you’re doing well, they told me you came to visit me, but got turned away at reception. I hope you’re not feeling ill. So many of my fellow inmates are looking a little green and feverish. Also, the eggs in the kitchen this morning had a large number of bugs buzzing on them, but that’s normal in the jungle. Right?

In other news, we just got a cinema! There’s nothing quite like watching a film with the fire pits blazing nearby. Makes it easier to ignore the rusty metal doors and buzzing insects everywhere.

Ow! I just got bitten! These bugs are the worst. Time to get into my netted bed. Hopefully they’ll let you visit next week.

Your Son

Jungle Pack is an aesthetic pack that sets your compound in the deep and lush tropical forest. Far from civilization, you will need to manage your inmates while dealing with the dangers of nature. Do you think you’re up for this task?

Prison Architect: Jungle Pack Key Features:

It’s a prison, in a jungle!

Use your surroundings to create wooden furniture, five new flooring types (one specific for water!), one outdoor cinema plus new walls and doors: all is set to thrive in the jungle.

Tropical Fever (and how to survive it)

Tropical fever can spread among inmates. You can fight and manage it with netted beds, fire pits, and a new, cutting-edge medical program.

A Different Environment

In the jungle, you will find new trees, which can be farmed and sold, or chopped down for lumber. Some wood variants for guard towers, drains, etc. are also available.

A free update, The Jailhouse, will be released alongside Jungle Pack for all players, featuring quality of life improvements including changes to guard behavior, improvements to quick build materials, a small makeover of the deployment scheduler and the addition of Toby, a Yorkshire Terrier dog. The update also re-balances the Identity Thief reputation and other in-game effects.

Coming February 7th for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
Wishlist Prison Architect’s Jungle Pack on Steam:

For more information on Jungle Pack and Prison Architect, visit
Price will be 2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR.

Be sure to follow us on our social channels to stay updated on the latest news!
Prison Architect - EnigmaticRose4
In a not-so-distant future…
Warden: Lin, Alexis
Entry number: 6559X

Finally, the day has come! Thanks to our cutting-edge tools and advanced robotics we have built the perfect correctional facility. No more outbreaks, no more fights, everything will be in order and everyone will be happy from now on. I just have to push this button and let technology do its course.

Oh, wait, what is THAT!?
[communication over]

Get Future Tech Pack here to take your prison to the next level:

Prison Architect: Future Tech Pack Key Features:

  • Advanced Searchlights
    • This technological marvel tracks misbehaving inmates. Equipped with a CCTV camera, a dramatic cone of light, and a siren, nothing will go unnoticed. The best thing? You can operate the searchlights yourself!
  • New floors, Futuristic Doors, and Keycards
    • Squares are a thing of the past — embrace the future with hexagonal and triangular tiles. Thanks to the new shiny keycards that open every futuristic door, your guards won't need keys anymore.
  • Tracking Devices
    • Equip the most troublesome prisoners with tracking devices. Through this new section in the security menu you can select which prisoners need extra monitoring. The tracking devices will allow them access through designated keycard doors, tell you instantly of any new addictions, and, most importantly, instantly inform you if they dare to leave the range of your routers using the new tracking monitors in the security room.
  • Structural Updates
    • Say goodbye to concrete walls and welcome Glass. With Glass walls, you can keep an eye on your inmates at all times. Who needs privacy? If you deem it necessary, there is also an Electrified Fence at your disposal.
  • Aesthetics and Robot-Dogs
    • We have reworked the design of inmates' and staffs’ uniforms, for a more futuristic look. And don’t forget Subwoofer and Byte, the two new robot guard dogs.

Future Tech Pack Full Details (2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR)

  • Security - a group of new devices based around the idea of increasing the security levels of your prison.
    • Electrified Fences & Glass Walls - These new wall types are designed to help manage your prisoners by both helping to keep them inside whilst also helping to keep an eye on what they do whilst inside.
    • Prisoner Tracking - Prisoners can be equipped with tracking belts which all them to be tracked within your walls - which allows you to monitor their health and misconduct.
    • Keycard Doors - Jingling metal keys are a thing of the past. These new door types will use keycards along with the new tracking belts; though this level of access can be revoked at your own discretion.
    • Advanced Searchlights - This technological marvel tracks misbehaving inmates automatically. Equipped with a CCTV camera, a dramatic cone of light, and an incorporated siren, nothing, and no one will go unnoticed.
  • Video Booths - These new devices offer your prisoners the connection to their loved ones that they need without the risks of physical meetings.
  • Personnel - The people using the technology is just as important as the technology itself; until the robots take over that is, luckily at the moment though they still take orders and treats.
    • Stun Batons - Equipping your prison with better tech is one thing, but equipping your staff is even better. With Stun Batons, your standard guards and any riot guards that are called will be better able to handle any confrontations that do happen.
    • Robot guard Dogs - These good lil bots "Byte" & "Subwoofer" are more than happy to help in securing your prison. They may be not have the best battery life when compared to their fur-covered brethren but they make up for it with their improved detection skills.
  • Alexis Lin - When looking to the future of your prison security needs, no person is better equipped for the job of managing your prison. Alexis is highly trained in the art of prisoner suppression and misconduct management.
  • Visuals - Function is important but so is the aesthetic, and I will fall on this perfectly symmetrical hill if I must.
    • Uniforms - The second uniform pack has arrived, with this pack both your prisoners and staff will gain a new futuristic style to complement the other new additions.
    • Flooring - Every angle besides a right angle isn't necessarily a wrong angle. Embrace the future that are Triangular and Hexagonal flooring tiles.
    • Clock Face - When time becomes confusing and jumps forward, you can now keep record of it with a nice fancy blue clock face - ooh.

The Slam (Free Update)

Update Features

  • Visitor only Zone - A new sector that will be prioritized by civilians, allowing them to enter or exit the prison through specific points.
  • Deployment times - Two more time slots have been added to the Deployment Scheduler, allowing for more control over your guard deployment.
  • Quick Connect - This wiring option has been improved so that only specific items will be wired to one another.
  • Gang Segregation - This gang feature has now been updated so that non-gang members will now be blocked from using cell blocks or dormitories assigned to gangs.
  • Staff Rota - You can now choose how many staff can take breaks specifically for Guards, Workers, and Cooks, instead of a general setting for all staff.

Full Patch Notes:

Price will be 2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR.

Be sure to follow us on our social channels to stay updated on the latest news!
Prison Architect - EnigmaticRose4
Future Tech Pack and The Slam Update Releasing Tomorrow! November 22nd!

In a not-so-distant future…
Warden: Lin, Alexis
Entry number: 6559X

Finally, the day has come! Thanks to our cutting-edge tools and advanced robotics we have built the perfect correctional facility. No more outbreaks, no more fights, everything will be in order and everyone will be happy from now on. I just have to push this button and let technology do its course.

Oh, wait, what is THAT!?
[communication over]

Future Tech Pack brings the latest technology to your prison.

Future Tech Pack (2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR)

  • Security - a group of new devices based around the idea of increasing the security levels of your prison.
    • Electrified Fences & Glass Walls - These new wall types are designed to help manage your prisoners by both helping to keep them inside whilst also helping to keep an eye on what they do whilst inside.
    • Prisoner Tracking - Prisoners can be equipped with tracking belts which all them to be tracked within your walls - which allows you to monitor their health and misconduct.
    • Keycard Doors - Jingling metal keys are a thing of the past. These new door types will use keycards along with the new tracking belts; though this level of access can be revoked at your own discretion.
    • Advanced Searchlights - This technological marvel tracks misbehaving inmates automatically. Equipped with a CCTV camera, a dramatic cone of light, and an incorporated siren, nothing, and no one will go unnoticed.
  • Video Booths - These new devices offer your prisoners the connection to their loved ones that they need without the risks of physical meetings.
  • Personnel - The people using the technology is just as important as the technology itself; until the robots take over that is, luckily at the moment though they still take orders and treats.
    • Stun Batons - Equipping your prison with better tech is one thing, but equipping your staff is even better. With Stun Batons, your standard guards and any riot guards that are called will be better able to handle any confrontations that do happen.
    • Robot guard Dogs - These good lil bots "Byte" & "Subwoofer" are more than happy to help in securing your prison. They may be not have the best battery life when compared to their fur-covered brethren but they make up for it with their improved detection skills.
  • Alexis Lin - When looking to the future of your prison security needs, no person is better equipped for the job of managing your prison. Alexis is highly trained in the art of prisoner suppression and misconduct management.
  • Visuals - Function is important but so is the aesthetic, and I will fall on this perfectly symmetrical hill if I must.
    • Uniforms - The second uniform pack has arrived, with this pack both your prisoners and staff will gain a new futuristic style to complement the other new additions.
    • Flooring - Every angle besides a right angle isn't necessarily a wrong angle. Embrace the future that are Triangular and Hexagonal flooring tiles.
    • Clock Face - When time becomes confusing and jumps forward, you can now keep record of it with a nice fancy blue clock face - ooh.

The Slam (Free Update)

Update Features

  • Visitor only Zone - A new sector that will be prioritized by civilians, allowing them to enter or exit the prison through specific points.
  • Deployment times - Two more time slots have been added to the Deployment Scheduler, allowing for more control over your guard deployment.
  • Quick Connect - This wiring option has been improved so that only specific items will be wired to one another.
  • Gang Segregation - This gang feature has now been updated so that non-gang members will now be blocked from using cell blocks or dormitories assigned to gangs.
  • Staff Rota - You can now choose how many staff can take breaks specifically for Guards, Workers, and Cooks, instead of a general setting for all staff.

Fixes & improvements


  • Guards will no longer put prisoners in cells or holding cells that contain the living undead. They’ll now clear the room.
  • Fixed missed case where zombies clear target in chase target logic if target loaded into object
  • On-Screen Visual Effects no longer trigger in Escape Mode
  • The warden in Warden Mode can now no longer become undead. They just become dead.
  • Cleaned the art for a couple of sprites in the Undead pack
  • Undead no longer get big heads through mutator.
  • Undead no longer imitate trolls by spawning under bridges.
  • Warden is now able to target zombies within Warden Mode

Escape Mode

  • Escape Mode Players will now no longer be affected by undead danger flags.
  • Pumpkins no longer change sprites when damaged in Escape Mode
  • Skip button - Delivers prisoner to delivery zone if no acceptable cells
  • Dismiss squad member no longer shows when a the player is solo but allows the player to remove the first slot when the squad is 2 or more members
  • The game over window for escape mode now correctly shows the sprite of the wardens that the players kill.
  • The squad navigation sound will be blocked unless the player has at least one squad member not including themselves


  • Lightning will no longer freeze the screen for the non-host player
  • Non-host players can now see how many Prisoners are unable to be assigned a Cell
  • You can always see the range of guard towers now if there is a sniper assigned to the tower in multiplayer

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes

  • Options to choose between the new clock types have been added to the existing clock type menu and added the future clock skin
  • Doors have discovered that they are actually doors, and not an entity. They no longer become instantly destroyed by prisoners with the deadly trait.
  • Emergencies are now correctly hidden when they should not be accessible
  • Accountant sprites will no longer occur when spawning visitors via the cheat menu
  • Fixed the rendering issue that was caused by the incorrect render depth/height of items placed on the shelf.
  • Cooked food is no longer taken to the pantry. Cooks have realized that the food is meant to be eaten.
  • Dripping pipe sounds now only happen when the item is connected with water
  • The "Random" wardens and dog option can now be a saved preference"
  • Weapons are now showing correctly in all orientations
  • Fixed orientation issues with guards to prevent precision errors
  • Guards manning monitoring stations, are now able to look for misbehaving prisoners if Prioritized Monitoring is enabled
  • Brick and Concrete walls are no longer duplicated in the planning build tool
  • Workmen now use chainsaws and axes to cut down trees instead of bare hands.
  • Cooks have realized that food should be on the serving table, not under it.
  • Renamed "searchlight" items to "search light"
  • Staff can now use snack machines in rooms not marked as Staff Only areas
  • Planned doors now correctly check if neighboring planned foundation cell to update indoor status
  • Large Planned doors now have both cells indoor status updated"
  • Fixed inventory crash in Warden Mode.
  • Quick build edge walls will now replace wall material if different to quick build.
  • Staff room can now only be linked to a kitchen if staff needs are enabled.
  • Reworked the quick connect system to allow for more than one favored target for each wired object.
  • Fixed issue with yellow line tiles not being saved correctly before completion.
  • Gang bandanas will now always be rendered no matter when the option is enabled
  • Fence Wall added as a "plannable" Fence.
  • The range duration for guard towers is now bound to real life time not game time
  • Reduced the render depth of coffee machines
  • Trees planted in the indoor tree planter have had their placement corrected
  • Prisoners are no longer prevented from using the ferry as a path to Canteens
  • Food is now placed on the correct side of secure doors
  • Fixed policy load preferences when “Cleared for Transfer” isn't active
  • Fixed missing characters certain languages
  • Fixed translation of "Language" for Traditional Chinese

Coming November 22nd for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
Wishlist Prison Architect’s Future Tech on Steam:

For more information on Future Tech and Prison Architect, visit
Price will be 2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR.

Be sure to follow us on our social channels to stay updated on the latest news!
Prison Architect - EnigmaticRose4
Have you pushed the current technology as far as it can go? Do your prisoners need more personalized tools in order to ensure the smooth running of your prison?

Well then, here at Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven we would like to announce Future Tech Pack, the ninth content update for Prison Architect. This mini-expansion introduces high-tech features for players to manage their compounds and inmates with greater security. We dare to go where current technology only hints about.

Releasing along with the Future Tech Pack is The Slam, a free patch containing some quality of life improvements, a Visitor Only zone, more categories for your Staff breaks, and more.

Future Tech Pack adds advancements in inmate monitoring, customization, and structure. Players can build controllable searchlights, keycard-activated doors, and more to upgrade their compounds. Inmates and guards also receive updated uniforms with a more futuristic design. This content is also compatible with Escape Mode, so players can take the perspective of an inmate and put this tech to the test with the goal of escaping the compounds they have created.

Prison Architect: Future Tech Pack Key Features:

Advanced Searchlights

This technological marvel tracks misbehaving inmates. Equipped with a CCTV camera, a dramatic cone of light, and a siren, nothing will go unnoticed. The best thing? You can operate the searchlights yourself!

New floors, Futuristic Doors, and Keycards

Squares are a thing of the past — embrace the future with hexagonal and triangular tiles. Thanks to the new shiny keycards that open every futuristic door, your guards won't need keys anymore.

Tracking Devices

Equip the most troublesome prisoners with tracking devices. Through this new section in the security menu you can select which prisoners need extra monitoring. The tracking devices will allow them access through designated keycard doors, tell you instantly of any new addictions, and, most importantly, instantly inform you if they dare to leave the range of your routers using the new tracking monitors in the security room.

Structural Updates

Say goodbye to concrete walls and welcome Glass. With Glass walls, you can keep an eye on your inmates at all times. Who needs privacy? If you deem it necessary, there is also an Electrified Fence at your disposal.

Aesthetics and Robot-Dogs

We have reworked the design of inmates' and staffs’ uniforms, for a more futuristic look. And don’t forget Subwoofer and Byte, the two new robot guard dogs.

Coming November 22nd for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
Wishlist Prison Architect’s Future Tech on Steam:

For more information on Future Tech and Prison Architect, visit
Price will be 2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR.

Be sure to follow us on our social channels to stay updated on the latest news!
Prison Architect - EnigmaticRose4
Hey Wardens! There was an issue encountered with the Kickstand patch (released alongside Undead) that caused the game to crash or even fail to load if you had any mods that affected sprites on PC.

We have isolated the issue and pushed a hotfix to PC that fixed it.

Important: Some mods may still not work until the mod makers have updated them, BUT they should not cause your game to crash anymore.

Be sure to follow us on our social channels to stay updated on the latest news!
Prison Architect - EnigmaticRose4

Get Undead Here For some Spooky, Silly, Halloween Fun:

Prison Architect: Undead Key Features:

  • The Dead Walk the Earth - Through the new Undead option, your prison can become festered by an undead scourge. These hostile little biters can appear via the Ornamental Gravestones within the new Graveyard room or from a new infection event.
  • Who you gonna call? Bounty Hunters! - When things go south, call the Bounty Hunter Emergency Service: trained bounty hunters will join your fight against the undead.
  • Dead Meat - To help deal with the undead in a less violent way to get those sweet sweet payments you can use new items to both lure and stop the undead whilst you secure them, using either the Undead Chum or Distraction Contraption items.


New Units
The Undead are always looking for new friends to bring into their little group. Sadly most people don't like the color green and will run screaming when seeing them.
  • Difficulty Settings - The new Undead option will come with 3 difficulty settings, from low to high, as the difficulty rises the Undead will become stronger, faster, and will appear more often.
  • Undead Rising - These new units can appear within your walls in 1 of 2 ways, through an infection event with small numbers gaining a status that turns them or via the new Graveyard room.
  • The Graveyard - A new room for you to commemorate the dead, your prisoners can use it as a place to relax during freetime. Though it does have the slight downside of having other occupants that sometimes like to come up to say hi.
  • Undead Tiers - Based on the original unit that has been infected the Undead will have 3 tiers, from low to high, with higher tiered undead being faster, stronger and a little bit smarter.

Dealing with the Dead
Though they can be a little bitey, if you have them sectioned off securely they are polite enough to pay you rent for their stay via new Undead Payments.
  • New Items - To help secure them we've added 2 new items, a lure item (totally not made from brains) and a fancy new contraption which will keep any undead in the area occupied in the most practical way possible.
  • New Emergency Service - For those opposed to bitey tenants. The new Bounty Hunter emergency service will come and clear out any unwanted squatters - just give them a call and they'll roam your grounds to get rid of these undead heads.

Undead Visuals
Besides the Undead themselves having their own sprites, we've add a few more aesthetic options to promote the "spooky" vibe.
  • Bloodied Clock Face - A new clock face is available via the options menu, though it is analogue only.
  • New Overlay - Through the options menu you can add a darkened overlay to add to the tone of your new undead filled prison, the overlay also comes with an optional distortion effect that will occur when major events happen.
  • Staff Uniforms - The first pack of new uniforms has arrived, aptly named as undead uniforms, giving all your base staff a bloodied survivalist look to them.
  • New Items - We've added some graveyard inspired items that your past just-going-through-a-dark-phase self would love.
  • New Weapons - With the bounty hunters come some new weapons to use to take on the undead horde, a couple new guns and a crowbar. Oh and also a Chainsaw because let's be honest, we had to right?

The Kickstand

  • New Dogs - We always love new dogs so of course we needed to give you some more in the form of a sweet little corgi and a ball of love in the form of a Siberian husky, who is the best girl. No bias.
  • New Quickrooms - 3 more quickrooms have been added to help ease your prison creations, with a new Security, Kenell, and Parole quick room.
  • Camera Improvements - cameras can now be locked in place and have their monitors given a priority for guards through a new policy, which will also prioritize other security items.
  • Empty Room - Following a lot of feedback and suggestions we've added a new empty room which can be used to help you in sectioning your prisons into different sectors without needing to wall everything off.

Full Patch Notes:
Price is 2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR.

Be sure to follow us on our social channels to stay updated on the latest news!

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