Dec 19, 2017
Prison Architect - Chris
Prison Architect Update 13 has been released. Non-steam users can download the latest version from the builds page here:

STEAM USERS: This update is on the steam branch 'beta', meaning it will not automatically download. You must manually switch to that branch to see this new version.
- Right click on Prison Architect in your games list
- Click 'Properties'
- Click 'Betas'
- Select 'beta' from the list. (Restart steam if it doesn't show up)
- The update will then download.

= Warden Mode
You can now play as the warden inside the prison you are building!
Enable this from a new option in the New Prison screen.
Most of the user interface is the same, but you can also walk around using the WASD keys (and shift to sprint)
You can press TAB to toggle to Action mode. From here you can control the equipment you are carrying, and recruit body guards.
Try not to get attacked by your unruly prisoners! But if you do, you will be taken care of by your medical staff.

- Fog of war: You cannot see around corners, so be careful.
The one exception is that you CAN see through any CCTV cameras you have installed.

- Arm yourself
- You can pick up objects commonly found in each room to protect yourself. Think a knife from the kitchen or a taser from the armoury.
- You can collect body armour from the armoury for some extra protection.
- You cannot simply attack prisoners without provocation. But if you are attacked you are free to defend yourself.

- Protection Squad
- Recruit guards to your personal protection squad by right clicking on them from the Action interface (tab)
- These guards will follow you around and protect you from any unruly prisoners.
- Bodyguards don't come cheap. They will add a significant cost to your daily upkeep.

- Permadeath
- Play in Permadeath mode and you will have to rely on the security and medical infrastructure of your prison even more.
- If you die in Permadeath mode that's it, Game Over.

= Floor Signage
- New tools are available in the Deployment menu to provide floor signage for Prisoners and everyone else
- Floor Signage provides a way for you to give hints to people as to which way they should travel around your prison. People
tend to follow the directions unless a much easier/shorter route is available.
- Misbehaving prisoners, doctors on the way to heal someone, and all type of Emergency callout units ignore the floor signage.
Everyone will also ignore the directions if there is a riot occuring.
- To paint lines, simply select one of the new tools, and left-click and drag in the direction you want people to go. Right-click
and drag to remove paint.

= New Attract screen
The game now opens with a new attract screen, slowly panning around your recent saved prisons (or the bundled prisons if you have no saves).
Press any key or click the mouse to bring up the Main Menu.
This should be a better first screen than simply being dumped on a new empty plot of land.

- Modding
- Script Debugger Window
- Added: When highlighting a scripted object in the script drop down menu, the camera will now move to that object to help see
which script will be selected.
- Fixed: Script names were hard to make sense of. Names in the drop down menu are now a lot shorter and easier to discern.
- Fixed: The window wouldn't correctly open to the selected scripted object, or to a scripted object that threw an error.
- Allowed more object variables to be used by scripts.

= Balance changes
- Removed the cap of 20 prisoners working in a single large room at a time. The new cap is 100.
- Prisoners have received a boost to their academic skill rating based on their security category.
This means it is slightly easier to have prisoners pass the education programs.
- The Foundation Education and General Education reform programs have had the number of sessions halved from 10 and 20 to 5 and 10 respectively.
- The Library now requires a certain academic skill rating rather than specifically requiring the Foundation Education program.
This makes the Library usable sooner.
- Added a new need, Luxuries, which is satisfied by goods sold in the shop. Prisoners who have satisfied this need are less likely to cause trouble.
- You now gain a commision from goods sold in your shop. At the end of each day, you'll receive a bonus payment based on how many goods were sold in your shop.
- Prisoners who go too long without being assigned to a cell will now have a marker pointing to them for easy identification.
- You can now end all punishments on a prisoner from their rapsheet, not just permanent ones.

= Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing Workmen to regularly move shop goods back and forth between the Shop and Storage.
- Fixed: Dogs of fired handlers would occassionally maul some unsuspecting prisoner to death for no reason. Bad dog!
- Fixed: Number of staff resting with staff needs enabled is now updated correctly
- Fixed: Some objective markers for non-English languages appearing in English, they will now be translated correctly
- Fixed: Sectorisation of mixed regular and family cell blocks will no longer split the regular cells into separate sectors.

0011500: [Other] No French label for "missing access to canteen" (John)
0011498: [Other] French translation error in the first campaign (John)
0007501: [AI & Behaviour] Addictions cannot be removed. (PROVED) (Icepick)
0011494: [AI & Behaviour] Work/Lockdup and Work/Free time FREEDOM problem (Icepick)
0011486: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Not Addressing "Rest" Need on Breaks (Icepick)
0011482: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Need Bug (Icepick)
0011324: [Gameplay] Staff Canteen Does Not Have Trays and Staff Cannot Eat (Icepick)
0011151: [Control & User Interface] The new script debugger is not quite useful (elDiablo)
0010989: [Gameplay] Guard Dogs Kill When Fired (Icepick)
0010469: [Mod System] Command Bar only allows one command before breaking. (elDiablo)
0011480: [Mod System] entity.DeathType, .MurderWeapon and .MurdererType not accessible (elDiablo)
0008737: [Control & User Interface] Unable to end temporary punishments (Icepick)
0011509: [Gameplay] Mothers tunneling out of their prison (Icepick)
0011508: [Gameplay] Prisoners sometimes route outside without misbehaving the prison letting them escape (Icepick)
0011505: [Control & User Interface] Number of resting staff members is not adequatly updated (lim_ak)
0011499: [Other] No French label for "Capacitor" (lim_ak)
0011474: [Graphics] Sprite misalignment in 64 bit version (lim_ak)
Dec 19, 2017
Prison Architect - Chris
Prison Architect Update 13 has been released. Non-steam users can download the latest version from the builds page here:

STEAM USERS: This update is on the steam branch 'beta', meaning it will not automatically download. You must manually switch to that branch to see this new version.
- Right click on Prison Architect in your games list
- Click 'Properties'
- Click 'Betas'
- Select 'beta' from the list. (Restart steam if it doesn't show up)
- The update will then download.

= Warden Mode
You can now play as the warden inside the prison you are building!
Enable this from a new option in the New Prison screen.
Most of the user interface is the same, but you can also walk around using the WASD keys (and shift to sprint)
You can press TAB to toggle to Action mode. From here you can control the equipment you are carrying, and recruit body guards.
Try not to get attacked by your unruly prisoners! But if you do, you will be taken care of by your medical staff.

- Fog of war: You cannot see around corners, so be careful.
The one exception is that you CAN see through any CCTV cameras you have installed.

- Arm yourself
- You can pick up objects commonly found in each room to protect yourself. Think a knife from the kitchen or a taser from the armoury.
- You can collect body armour from the armoury for some extra protection.
- You cannot simply attack prisoners without provocation. But if you are attacked you are free to defend yourself.

- Protection Squad
- Recruit guards to your personal protection squad by right clicking on them from the Action interface (tab)
- These guards will follow you around and protect you from any unruly prisoners.
- Bodyguards don't come cheap. They will add a significant cost to your daily upkeep.

- Permadeath
- Play in Permadeath mode and you will have to rely on the security and medical infrastructure of your prison even more.
- If you die in Permadeath mode that's it, Game Over.

= Floor Signage
- New tools are available in the Deployment menu to provide floor signage for Prisoners and everyone else
- Floor Signage provides a way for you to give hints to people as to which way they should travel around your prison. People
tend to follow the directions unless a much easier/shorter route is available.
- Misbehaving prisoners, doctors on the way to heal someone, and all type of Emergency callout units ignore the floor signage.
Everyone will also ignore the directions if there is a riot occuring.
- To paint lines, simply select one of the new tools, and left-click and drag in the direction you want people to go. Right-click
and drag to remove paint.

= New Attract screen
The game now opens with a new attract screen, slowly panning around your recent saved prisons (or the bundled prisons if you have no saves).
Press any key or click the mouse to bring up the Main Menu.
This should be a better first screen than simply being dumped on a new empty plot of land.

- Modding
- Script Debugger Window
- Added: When highlighting a scripted object in the script drop down menu, the camera will now move to that object to help see
which script will be selected.
- Fixed: Script names were hard to make sense of. Names in the drop down menu are now a lot shorter and easier to discern.
- Fixed: The window wouldn't correctly open to the selected scripted object, or to a scripted object that threw an error.
- Allowed more object variables to be used by scripts.

= Balance changes
- Removed the cap of 20 prisoners working in a single large room at a time. The new cap is 100.
- Prisoners have received a boost to their academic skill rating based on their security category.
This means it is slightly easier to have prisoners pass the education programs.
- The Foundation Education and General Education reform programs have had the number of sessions halved from 10 and 20 to 5 and 10 respectively.
- The Library now requires a certain academic skill rating rather than specifically requiring the Foundation Education program.
This makes the Library usable sooner.
- Added a new need, Luxuries, which is satisfied by goods sold in the shop. Prisoners who have satisfied this need are less likely to cause trouble.
- You now gain a commision from goods sold in your shop. At the end of each day, you'll receive a bonus payment based on how many goods were sold in your shop.
- Prisoners who go too long without being assigned to a cell will now have a marker pointing to them for easy identification.
- You can now end all punishments on a prisoner from their rapsheet, not just permanent ones.

= Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing Workmen to regularly move shop goods back and forth between the Shop and Storage.
- Fixed: Dogs of fired handlers would occassionally maul some unsuspecting prisoner to death for no reason. Bad dog!
- Fixed: Number of staff resting with staff needs enabled is now updated correctly
- Fixed: Some objective markers for non-English languages appearing in English, they will now be translated correctly
- Fixed: Sectorisation of mixed regular and family cell blocks will no longer split the regular cells into separate sectors.

0011500: [Other] No French label for "missing access to canteen" (John)
0011498: [Other] French translation error in the first campaign (John)
0007501: [AI & Behaviour] Addictions cannot be removed. (PROVED) (Icepick)
0011494: [AI & Behaviour] Work/Lockdup and Work/Free time FREEDOM problem (Icepick)
0011486: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Not Addressing "Rest" Need on Breaks (Icepick)
0011482: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Need Bug (Icepick)
0011324: [Gameplay] Staff Canteen Does Not Have Trays and Staff Cannot Eat (Icepick)
0011151: [Control & User Interface] The new script debugger is not quite useful (elDiablo)
0010989: [Gameplay] Guard Dogs Kill When Fired (Icepick)
0010469: [Mod System] Command Bar only allows one command before breaking. (elDiablo)
0011480: [Mod System] entity.DeathType, .MurderWeapon and .MurdererType not accessible (elDiablo)
0008737: [Control & User Interface] Unable to end temporary punishments (Icepick)
0011509: [Gameplay] Mothers tunneling out of their prison (Icepick)
0011508: [Gameplay] Prisoners sometimes route outside without misbehaving the prison letting them escape (Icepick)
0011505: [Control & User Interface] Number of resting staff members is not adequatly updated (lim_ak)
0011499: [Other] No French label for "Capacitor" (lim_ak)
0011474: [Graphics] Sprite misalignment in 64 bit version (lim_ak)
Jun 22, 2017
Prison Architect - Chris
Prison Architect Update 12 has been released!

This update is on the steam branch 'beta', meaning it will not automatically download. You must manually switch to that branch to see this new version.
- Right click on Prison Architect in your games list
- Click 'Properties'
- Click 'Betas'
- Select 'beta' from the list. (Restart steam if it doesn't show up)
- The update will then download.

= Staff Needs (continued)

- New staff break behaviour
- Staff will now take a break when they feel they need to, providing there are enough guards idling
- No more than 10% of your staff will take a break at any time
- Staff will stay on their break until their needs are taken care of, but will give up eventually if nothing is available

- Fixes to staff needs provisions:
- Staff Rooms and Staff Canteens are now assigned a nearby kitchen in the Food Logistics view, just like any normal Canteen.
- Chefs from that chosen kitchen will handle stacking and cleaning food trays.
- The assigned kitchen can be overridden manually as normal.
- More food trays and staff meals will be ordered automatically when you have staff needs enabled
- Stopped chefs from stacking dirty food trays with stacks that were miles away in a different canteen
- Fixed tons of issues with staff not using providers when on their breaks
- Fixed serious issues with food trays not been cleaned and replaced when in staff canteens

- The staff tooltip widget in the top bar now shows ALL guard types, including dog handlers, snipers and armed guards

- Staff Morale
- Affected by happy staff versus unhappy staff,
- Affected by long term staff deaths
- Affected by currently injured
- Affected by salary

- Staff wages
- Upkeep now specified in materials.txt
- Pay rises possible from Policy screen

- Staff will go on strike if morale falls to 0%, and demand a large pay rise to return to work

- Chefs/Gardeners/Janitors now have needs

- Tunnel searching
You can now issue the command 'search for tunnels' from any cell toilet.
This will search all toilets in the block for escape tunnels.

= Steam Cloud saves
- You can now use the cross-platform Steam Cloud to store your prison and campaign save games.
- Simply toggle the checkbox on the save screen in order to enable/disable this feature.
- The save window will show which save games are on the cloud with a handy icon.
- Save games made when Steam Cloud is disabled will be saved on your local machine only.

- 3d mode improved

- The following will be suspended during riots, or during staff strikes:
- Delivery of daily supplies
- Garbage collection
- Exports collection
- Prisoner intake
- Collection of dead bodies

= Weather (continued)
- New weather icon in top toolbar

- 'Overcast' visual effect now only applies to outdoors (which will look greyed out)
- 'Heatwave' visual effect only applies to outdoors (which will look very bright)
- Rebalanced all weather probabilities, making 'clear skies' more common, rain/overcast/snow less common
- Weather now has a chance to change every 12 hours (previously 24 hours)

- Fixed : Riot Guards refused to fight when in prisoner controlled sectors
- Fixed : Emergency staff sometimes "fell" out of their vehicle long before it arrived at the Deliveries zone
- Fixed : All new prisoners are not assigned parole times properly. This remains the case until save/reload.
- Fixed : Added pages to CI menu to prevent it running off the screen

0011379: [Save & Load] Prisoner Needs Table in savegame are stored twice (lim_ak)
0011173: [Control & User Interface] Japanese Text not wrapping (lim_ak)
0011346: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Canteen starved of trays (Chris)
0011393: [AI & Behaviour] Riot police got stuck in riot zone (Chris)
0011402: [AI & Behaviour] Staff not eating meals, staff canteens not used (Chris)
0011369: [AI & Behaviour] Security won't eat (Chris)
0010925: [AI & Behaviour] Riot guards refuse to move (Chris)
0011371: [AI & Behaviour] Armed Guards don't move (Chris)
0011394: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Meals improperly distributed (Chris)
0011364: [AI & Behaviour] Riot guards instantly leave Riot van when they arrive (Chris)

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Jun 22, 2017
Prison Architect - Chris
Prison Architect Update 12 has been released!

This update is on the steam branch 'beta', meaning it will not automatically download. You must manually switch to that branch to see this new version.
- Right click on Prison Architect in your games list
- Click 'Properties'
- Click 'Betas'
- Select 'beta' from the list. (Restart steam if it doesn't show up)
- The update will then download.

= Staff Needs (continued)

- New staff break behaviour
- Staff will now take a break when they feel they need to, providing there are enough guards idling
- No more than 10% of your staff will take a break at any time
- Staff will stay on their break until their needs are taken care of, but will give up eventually if nothing is available

- Fixes to staff needs provisions:
- Staff Rooms and Staff Canteens are now assigned a nearby kitchen in the Food Logistics view, just like any normal Canteen.
- Chefs from that chosen kitchen will handle stacking and cleaning food trays.
- The assigned kitchen can be overridden manually as normal.
- More food trays and staff meals will be ordered automatically when you have staff needs enabled
- Stopped chefs from stacking dirty food trays with stacks that were miles away in a different canteen
- Fixed tons of issues with staff not using providers when on their breaks
- Fixed serious issues with food trays not been cleaned and replaced when in staff canteens

- The staff tooltip widget in the top bar now shows ALL guard types, including dog handlers, snipers and armed guards

- Staff Morale
- Affected by happy staff versus unhappy staff,
- Affected by long term staff deaths
- Affected by currently injured
- Affected by salary

- Staff wages
- Upkeep now specified in materials.txt
- Pay rises possible from Policy screen

- Staff will go on strike if morale falls to 0%, and demand a large pay rise to return to work

- Chefs/Gardeners/Janitors now have needs

- Tunnel searching
You can now issue the command 'search for tunnels' from any cell toilet.
This will search all toilets in the block for escape tunnels.

= Steam Cloud saves
- You can now use the cross-platform Steam Cloud to store your prison and campaign save games.
- Simply toggle the checkbox on the save screen in order to enable/disable this feature.
- The save window will show which save games are on the cloud with a handy icon.
- Save games made when Steam Cloud is disabled will be saved on your local machine only.

- 3d mode improved

- The following will be suspended during riots, or during staff strikes:
- Delivery of daily supplies
- Garbage collection
- Exports collection
- Prisoner intake
- Collection of dead bodies

= Weather (continued)
- New weather icon in top toolbar

- 'Overcast' visual effect now only applies to outdoors (which will look greyed out)
- 'Heatwave' visual effect only applies to outdoors (which will look very bright)
- Rebalanced all weather probabilities, making 'clear skies' more common, rain/overcast/snow less common
- Weather now has a chance to change every 12 hours (previously 24 hours)

- Fixed : Riot Guards refused to fight when in prisoner controlled sectors
- Fixed : Emergency staff sometimes "fell" out of their vehicle long before it arrived at the Deliveries zone
- Fixed : All new prisoners are not assigned parole times properly. This remains the case until save/reload.
- Fixed : Added pages to CI menu to prevent it running off the screen

0011379: [Save & Load] Prisoner Needs Table in savegame are stored twice (lim_ak)
0011173: [Control & User Interface] Japanese Text not wrapping (lim_ak)
0011346: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Canteen starved of trays (Chris)
0011393: [AI & Behaviour] Riot police got stuck in riot zone (Chris)
0011402: [AI & Behaviour] Staff not eating meals, staff canteens not used (Chris)
0011369: [AI & Behaviour] Security won't eat (Chris)
0010925: [AI & Behaviour] Riot guards refuse to move (Chris)
0011371: [AI & Behaviour] Armed Guards don't move (Chris)
0011394: [AI & Behaviour] Staff Meals improperly distributed (Chris)
0011364: [AI & Behaviour] Riot guards instantly leave Riot van when they arrive (Chris)

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Apr 24, 2017
Prison Architect - Chris
We are very excited to announce that our sixth game ‘Scanner Sombre’ is finished, and is launching this Wednesday 26th April! Watch our launch trailer here:

Scanner Sombre began life as a short experimental prototype, created in a little over a week during the long Prison Architect alpha. We wanted to create something completely different to Prison Architect, and very different from any game we’d made before. Scanner Sombre is intended to be a deeply atmospheric experience, inspired by similar games such as Gone Home, Dear Esther, and Proteus.

Armed only with a LIDAR gun, you must explore and ultimately escape the cave. As you explore your ‘point cloud’ becomes more and more detailed and expansive.

Scanner Sombre will be on sale on Wednesday 26th April. The price will be $11.99, reduced to $9.99 for launch.

We hope you enjoy playing our latest game!

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Apr 24, 2017
Prison Architect - Chris
We are very excited to announce that our sixth game ‘Scanner Sombre’ is finished, and is launching this Wednesday 26th April! Watch our launch trailer here:

Scanner Sombre began life as a short experimental prototype, created in a little over a week during the long Prison Architect alpha. We wanted to create something completely different to Prison Architect, and very different from any game we’d made before. Scanner Sombre is intended to be a deeply atmospheric experience, inspired by similar games such as Gone Home, Dear Esther, and Proteus.

Armed only with a LIDAR gun, you must explore and ultimately escape the cave. As you explore your ‘point cloud’ becomes more and more detailed and expansive.

Scanner Sombre will be on sale on Wednesday 26th April. The price will be $11.99, reduced to $9.99 for launch.

We hope you enjoy playing our latest game!

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Prison Architect - John
Today we release Update 11f to the default branch. New in this release:

Staff Needs - Guards now experience a similar set of needs to prisoners, for example they get hungry and need to go to the toilet. You can enable this option when creating a new prison, or in the Extras | Map Settings menu for existing prisons.

Click here for a full list of changes.

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Prison Architect - John
Today we release Update 11f to the default branch. New in this release:

Staff Needs - Guards now experience a similar set of needs to prisoners, for example they get hungry and need to go to the toilet. You can enable this option when creating a new prison, or in the Extras | Map Settings menu for existing prisons.

Click here for a full list of changes.

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Prison Architect - John
Happy New Year!

We are releasing a hot fix today for our Christmas update.

This update is on a Steam branch, meaning it will not automatically download. You must manually switch to that branch to see this new version.
- Right click on Prison Architect in your games list
- Click 'Properties'
- Click 'Betas'
- Select 'beta' from the list. (Restart steam if it doesn't show up)
- The update will then download.


Guards whose needs are not being met were beating up the prisoners. This can still happen, but it should happen much more rarely now.

Extras | Map Settings dialog will now allow Staff Needs to be enabled if you already have enabled everything else.

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Prison Architect - John
Happy New Year!

We are releasing a hot fix today for our Christmas update.

This update is on a Steam branch, meaning it will not automatically download. You must manually switch to that branch to see this new version.
- Right click on Prison Architect in your games list
- Click 'Properties'
- Click 'Betas'
- Select 'beta' from the list. (Restart steam if it doesn't show up)
- The update will then download.


Guards whose needs are not being met were beating up the prisoners. This can still happen, but it should happen much more rarely now.

Extras | Map Settings dialog will now allow Staff Needs to be enabled if you already have enabled everything else.

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