Prison Architect - sPray
Alpha 36 has been released! Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

This is the last ever alpha video for Prison Architect, and we will be launching version 1.0 in October. But fear not! We are planning to continue the cycle of monthly updates beyond version 1.0, including new videos to go with each update each month.

Here are our new features:

= Random event system
Random incidents, disasters and challenges will occur during your game, providing extra difficulty and unpredictability.
This is an optional system, and is enabled from the "Create new prison" screen.

- Events will not happen during riots, or if you have less than 50 prisoners on site
- Events are less likely if there have been deaths and escapes recently.
- Sometimes, rarely, several events may occur at once.
- All events have an EXTREME version, which is very rare, and much more severe.

Your power station catches fire. Can only occur if your powerstation is overloaded.
EXTREME version: Your power station explodes, damaging buildings/equipment/people nearby.

A cooker in the kitchen catches fire. This can cause havok with your mealtime arrangements!
We recommend you build sprinkler systems in key areas to mitigate this.

A random number of prisoners will be transferred into your facility within the next hour.
EXTREME version: All of the prisoners belong to the same gang, and you are probably fucked.

A prisoner injures himself on the equipment in the workshop, and requires medical attention.
Prisoners injured this way get the "Bleeding" status effect. Get them to a doctor quick!

A random section of your wall or fence collapses. Get it rebuilt before we have a mass escape!
We always recommend double outer walls, and this gives yet another good reason.

A prisoner comes down with a highly contagious virus. The virus will spread to nearby inmates, so try to isolate them.
Prisoners suffering from this virus will look sickly, move slowly, and vomit a lot. Some will fall unconcious.
Your guards will try to take confirmed cases to the infirmary for cure.
Some inmates will go to the infirmary themselves, but only when they are let out their cells.
EXTREME version: Some prisoners will eventually die from the virus if left untreated.

You discover that several inmates at your prison are federal witnesses in an upcoming prosecution.
Unfortunately, somebody has put a price on their heads and they will all be assassinated in the next few hours.
Find out who there are (using your Confidential Informants), and get them moved to Protected Custody.
Once the timer hits zero, they will all leave the prison to attend the court hearing, and will not return.
(Most likely living out their lives in federal witness protection, holding their breath every time they start their cars)

The Mayor is under political pressure to appear to be doing the right thing.
He will from time to time phone you and demand certain changes to your prison, in the public interest.
The demand is always temporary - after a few days, things return to normal.
However Failure to comply will result in a heavy fine.

- TV Removal Due to public pressure, all TVs must be removed
- Weights Removal Due to public pressure, all Weights Benches must be removed
- Less Food Provide smaller meals with less variety, to try to save on costs
- Remove Visitation For security reasons, all visitation must be halted

From time to time the prisoners in your facility become so frustrated that they demand changes.
It's your choice to comply or not, but the prisoners will not be happy if you refuse.

- Less Work Prisoners wish to work for less hours during the day
- More Sleep Prisoners want longer to sleep at night
- More Free Time Prisoners want more free time during the day

- Logs will now be automatically exported, unless EITHER
- You have at least one carpenters table
- OR You have a running carpentry program
Nb. This obviously requires an Exports zone near the road.

- The CEO's letter is now made of a graphic and a (localisable) string in the language file.
This should make it much easier to translate into multiple languages.

= Bug Fixes
- 0009322: [AI & Behaviour] The mere presence of a shop is stopping prisoners from wanting to do carpentry (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009713: [Other] Crash after Assertion failed : 'index < m_numItems' (John) - resolved.
- 0009842: [Gameplay] CRASH: The attached savegame crashes within minutes (John) - resolved.
- 0009701: [Gameplay] Fatal error with lots of dead bodys stuck. (John) - resolved.
- 0009623: [Control & User Interface] Weird Mini-Sectors in doorways (John) - resolved.
- 0000515: [Graphics] Garbage bag sprite overlays garbage bin sprite (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009806: [Mod System] Lua scripting: .GetNearbyObjects() range values are strings, not numbers (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0009716: [Mod System] Lua scripting: this.SubType is always type string, even if I specifically set it to a number (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0009499: [Graphics] Phone taps and Filling Cabinets bug (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009559: [Graphics] Layering (z-index) issue with outdoor lights and trees (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009543: [Graphics] Layering (z-index) issue with door control and filing cabinet against wall (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009588: [Graphics] Layering (z-index): light vs. sprinkler flickering (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009589: [Graphics] Layering (z-index): light vs. cctv camera (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009709: [Graphics] Layering (z-index) issue: lights vs. road gate pillar (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009647: [Save & Load] Save crash! (John) - resolved.
- 0009715: [Mod System] Lua scripting: this.SubType is -1 if accessed during Create() function (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0009585: [Other] Assertion failed : 'm_cellCache.ValidIndex( newCachedIndex )' (John) - resolved.
- 0006776: [Save & Load] Fatal error during load save file. (John) - resolved.
Prison Architect - Chris
Alpha 36 has been released! Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

This is the last ever alpha video for Prison Architect, and we will be launching version 1.0 in October. But fear not! We are planning to continue the cycle of monthly updates beyond version 1.0, including new videos to go with each update each month.

Here are our new features:

= Random event system
Random incidents, disasters and challenges will occur during your game, providing extra difficulty and unpredictability.
This is an optional system, and is enabled from the "Create new prison" screen.

- Events will not happen during riots, or if you have less than 50 prisoners on site
- Events are less likely if there have been deaths and escapes recently.
- Sometimes, rarely, several events may occur at once.
- All events have an EXTREME version, which is very rare, and much more severe.

Your power station catches fire. Can only occur if your powerstation is overloaded.
EXTREME version: Your power station explodes, damaging buildings/equipment/people nearby.

A cooker in the kitchen catches fire. This can cause havok with your mealtime arrangements!
We recommend you build sprinkler systems in key areas to mitigate this.

A random number of prisoners will be transferred into your facility within the next hour.
EXTREME version: All of the prisoners belong to the same gang, and you are probably fucked.

A prisoner injures himself on the equipment in the workshop, and requires medical attention.
Prisoners injured this way get the "Bleeding" status effect. Get them to a doctor quick!

A random section of your wall or fence collapses. Get it rebuilt before we have a mass escape!
We always recommend double outer walls, and this gives yet another good reason.

A prisoner comes down with a highly contagious virus. The virus will spread to nearby inmates, so try to isolate them.
Prisoners suffering from this virus will look sickly, move slowly, and vomit a lot. Some will fall unconcious.
Your guards will try to take confirmed cases to the infirmary for cure.
Some inmates will go to the infirmary themselves, but only when they are let out their cells.
EXTREME version: Some prisoners will eventually die from the virus if left untreated.

You discover that several inmates at your prison are federal witnesses in an upcoming prosecution.
Unfortunately, somebody has put a price on their heads and they will all be assassinated in the next few hours.
Find out who there are (using your Confidential Informants), and get them moved to Protected Custody.
Once the timer hits zero, they will all leave the prison to attend the court hearing, and will not return.
(Most likely living out their lives in federal witness protection, holding their breath every time they start their cars)

The Mayor is under political pressure to appear to be doing the right thing.
He will from time to time phone you and demand certain changes to your prison, in the public interest.
The demand is always temporary - after a few days, things return to normal.
However Failure to comply will result in a heavy fine.

- TV Removal Due to public pressure, all TVs must be removed
- Weights Removal Due to public pressure, all Weights Benches must be removed
- Less Food Provide smaller meals with less variety, to try to save on costs
- Remove Visitation For security reasons, all visitation must be halted

From time to time the prisoners in your facility become so frustrated that they demand changes.
It's your choice to comply or not, but the prisoners will not be happy if you refuse.

- Less Work Prisoners wish to work for less hours during the day
- More Sleep Prisoners want longer to sleep at night
- More Free Time Prisoners want more free time during the day

- Logs will now be automatically exported, unless EITHER
- You have at least one carpenters table
- OR You have a running carpentry program
Nb. This obviously requires an Exports zone near the road.

- The CEO's letter is now made of a graphic and a (localisable) string in the language file.
This should make it much easier to translate into multiple languages.

= Bug Fixes
- 0009322: [AI & Behaviour] The mere presence of a shop is stopping prisoners from wanting to do carpentry (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009713: [Other] Crash after Assertion failed : 'index < m_numItems' (John) - resolved.
- 0009842: [Gameplay] CRASH: The attached savegame crashes within minutes (John) - resolved.
- 0009701: [Gameplay] Fatal error with lots of dead bodys stuck. (John) - resolved.
- 0009623: [Control & User Interface] Weird Mini-Sectors in doorways (John) - resolved.
- 0000515: [Graphics] Garbage bag sprite overlays garbage bin sprite (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009806: [Mod System] Lua scripting: .GetNearbyObjects() range values are strings, not numbers (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0009716: [Mod System] Lua scripting: this.SubType is always type string, even if I specifically set it to a number (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0009499: [Graphics] Phone taps and Filling Cabinets bug (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009559: [Graphics] Layering (z-index) issue with outdoor lights and trees (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009543: [Graphics] Layering (z-index) issue with door control and filing cabinet against wall (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009588: [Graphics] Layering (z-index): light vs. sprinkler flickering (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009589: [Graphics] Layering (z-index): light vs. cctv camera (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009709: [Graphics] Layering (z-index) issue: lights vs. road gate pillar (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009647: [Save & Load] Save crash! (John) - resolved.
- 0009715: [Mod System] Lua scripting: this.SubType is -1 if accessed during Create() function (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0009585: [Other] Assertion failed : 'm_cellCache.ValidIndex( newCachedIndex )' (John) - resolved.
- 0006776: [Save & Load] Fatal error during load save file. (John) - resolved.
Jul 30, 2015
Prison Architect - sPray
Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

= Gangs (continued)

- Gang Leaders
Sometimes a Legendary prisoner who arrives through Intake will also be a gang leader.
They will immediately assume control of their gang, and will establish a leadership hierarchy.
Can promote gang members into Lieutenants, up to a maximum of 1 lieutenant per 10 soldiers.
Can recruit non gang members into the gang. (Must visit the prisoner first)

Gang members are fiercly loyal to their leaders:
- They will become angry (temperature increase) if their leader is being punished in Solitary or Lockdown
- If a gang leader is killed, the entire gang will immediately try to start a riot

- Gang Territory Capture
Gangs will attempt to take control of key areas of your prison.
The attempt is called a 'Play', and is led by a Lieutenant.
He will gather a group of gang members together and give them instructions.
The soldiers will then proceed to the zone in question, and assert their authority over that zone.
If they are unchallenged, the territory will turn their colour and they will have ownership of it.
The player cannot build or change room setups within gang territory

- Captured Territory
Once captured, territory shows up in the Gangs view as the colour of the gang who has claimed it
Rival gang members are not permitted into the territory
Non gang members can enter the territory and use the facilities (eg Phones), but must pay Protection Money to the gang
Gangs accumulate money from non gang members this way, and will use the money to buy equipment such as stolen weapons
From time to time a lieutenant will arrange a 'Play' to revisit the territory with a group of soldiers, as a show of force.

- Contested Territories
Sometimes a gang will be strong enough to take a territory from a rival gang.
They will only attempt this if they have sufficient numerical advantage.
A lieutenant will arrange a Play and will send enough soldiers to take the territory by force.

- Eviction
Once a gang has claimed a territory, they must be Evicted to remove their influence.
Click on the EVICT button in the gang view to begin this process.
Any gang members within the territory will immediately turn hostile.
Nearby gang lietenants will arrange new 'Plays' in an attempt to re-capture their territory from your guards.
Once you have defended the territory for 24 hours, the ownership reverts to 'Unclaimed'.

- Securing a territory
With enough guards, you can protect a territory against any gang control.
Nb this can only be done with an unclaimed territory - any gangs must be evicted first.

- Security Rooms
Security rooms also count as territory, and are automatically guard controlled.
Guards can project their power from security rooms to any neighbouring territory.
Eg a security room with 10 guards inside will 'project' 10 guards onto all neighbouring yards, common rooms etc.
Nb. 'Neighbouring' means there must be a door between the security room and the yard/common room.

= Contraband trading
All prisoners can now trade their stolen contraband with other prisoners for money.
Prisoners will sell items they don't particularly want, and use that money at the shop or to buy other items from other prisoners.
The price of any item is based on the supply and demand of that item within the prison.
The approximate trade prices of all items can now be seen in the Intelligence / Dangers view.

- Ranged Weapon accuracy
All ranged weapons have had their accuracy nerfed (previously 100% for anyone).
Tazers: 60% accuracy
Tazers used by Armed guards: 70% accuracy
All other ranged weapons: 70% accuracy
All other ranged weapons used by Armed guards: 90%

- The following rooms now all require Prison Labour to be unlocked:
Mail Room

- Additional Contraband can now be stolen from the following rooms:
- Forestry : Saw / Axe / Spade

- Guard deployment screen now uses same layout engine as Jobs

- 0008467: [Graphics] Horizontal lines in graphics (John) - resolved.
- 0009547: [Control & User Interface] Mails can be cloned (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0003138: [Graphics] Visitor appears with invisible body (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009058: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners are escorted to parole rooms zoned for other security levels. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009281: [AI & Behaviour] 500 prisoner grant wont complete (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009282: [AI & Behaviour] Mailroom - Sorted Mail stacks sit on desks. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009236: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners are not purchasing from Shop and Shop Front on Northern walls are not being manned. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0005689: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners should use showers in their cells during shower regime if their cells have it (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0002791: [Gameplay] Foundation-expansions don't complete with doors on the corner (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009143: [AI & Behaviour] Guards not escorting, prisonners in handcuffs die (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0006686: [Graphics] Dog Crates don't have proper textures (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009171: [Graphics] Road Gate Pillar render layering (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0002497: [Graphics] Improper layering (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0002847: [AI & Behaviour] Dog patrols generate door open jobs when patrolling cell blocks. (stargazy) - resolved.
- 0007708: [Platform Specific Issues] Case sensitive filesystem issue (crash) (John) - resolved.
- 0007285: [Control & User Interface] Mouse pointer position is not aligned with the actual click position! (John) - resolved.
- 0007342: [Performance] Game stuttering/freezing every 3-5 seconds for around the same amount of time. This happens constantly. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0003080: [AI & Behaviour] Dog leashes stretch (stargazy) - resolved.
- 0009256: [AI & Behaviour] Shop works to ineffectiv. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009254: [Graphics] Shop fronts placed in the corners of a building freak out. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0001569: [Gameplay] Build a foundation without lights (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009230: [Graphics] Shop Front has missing/incorrect Toolbar Sprite (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0007338: [Control & User Interface] GUI unusable with 4k UHD display when using windows dpi scaling set to 150% (John) - resolved.
Jul 30, 2015
Prison Architect - Chris
Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

= Gangs (continued)

- Gang Leaders
Sometimes a Legendary prisoner who arrives through Intake will also be a gang leader.
They will immediately assume control of their gang, and will establish a leadership hierarchy.
Can promote gang members into Lieutenants, up to a maximum of 1 lieutenant per 10 soldiers.
Can recruit non gang members into the gang. (Must visit the prisoner first)

Gang members are fiercly loyal to their leaders:
- They will become angry (temperature increase) if their leader is being punished in Solitary or Lockdown
- If a gang leader is killed, the entire gang will immediately try to start a riot

- Gang Territory Capture
Gangs will attempt to take control of key areas of your prison.
The attempt is called a 'Play', and is led by a Lieutenant.
He will gather a group of gang members together and give them instructions.
The soldiers will then proceed to the zone in question, and assert their authority over that zone.
If they are unchallenged, the territory will turn their colour and they will have ownership of it.
The player cannot build or change room setups within gang territory

- Captured Territory
Once captured, territory shows up in the Gangs view as the colour of the gang who has claimed it
Rival gang members are not permitted into the territory
Non gang members can enter the territory and use the facilities (eg Phones), but must pay Protection Money to the gang
Gangs accumulate money from non gang members this way, and will use the money to buy equipment such as stolen weapons
From time to time a lieutenant will arrange a 'Play' to revisit the territory with a group of soldiers, as a show of force.

- Contested Territories
Sometimes a gang will be strong enough to take a territory from a rival gang.
They will only attempt this if they have sufficient numerical advantage.
A lieutenant will arrange a Play and will send enough soldiers to take the territory by force.

- Eviction
Once a gang has claimed a territory, they must be Evicted to remove their influence.
Click on the EVICT button in the gang view to begin this process.
Any gang members within the territory will immediately turn hostile.
Nearby gang lietenants will arrange new 'Plays' in an attempt to re-capture their territory from your guards.
Once you have defended the territory for 24 hours, the ownership reverts to 'Unclaimed'.

- Securing a territory
With enough guards, you can protect a territory against any gang control.
Nb this can only be done with an unclaimed territory - any gangs must be evicted first.

- Security Rooms
Security rooms also count as territory, and are automatically guard controlled.
Guards can project their power from security rooms to any neighbouring territory.
Eg a security room with 10 guards inside will 'project' 10 guards onto all neighbouring yards, common rooms etc.
Nb. 'Neighbouring' means there must be a door between the security room and the yard/common room.

= Contraband trading
All prisoners can now trade their stolen contraband with other prisoners for money.
Prisoners will sell items they don't particularly want, and use that money at the shop or to buy other items from other prisoners.
The price of any item is based on the supply and demand of that item within the prison.
The approximate trade prices of all items can now be seen in the Intelligence / Dangers view.

- Ranged Weapon accuracy
All ranged weapons have had their accuracy nerfed (previously 100% for anyone).
Tazers: 60% accuracy
Tazers used by Armed guards: 70% accuracy
All other ranged weapons: 70% accuracy
All other ranged weapons used by Armed guards: 90%

- The following rooms now all require Prison Labour to be unlocked:
Mail Room

- Additional Contraband can now be stolen from the following rooms:
- Forestry : Saw / Axe / Spade

- Guard deployment screen now uses same layout engine as Jobs

- 0008467: [Graphics] Horizontal lines in graphics (John) - resolved.
- 0009547: [Control & User Interface] Mails can be cloned (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0003138: [Graphics] Visitor appears with invisible body (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009058: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners are escorted to parole rooms zoned for other security levels. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009281: [AI & Behaviour] 500 prisoner grant wont complete (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009282: [AI & Behaviour] Mailroom - Sorted Mail stacks sit on desks. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009236: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners are not purchasing from Shop and Shop Front on Northern walls are not being manned. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0005689: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners should use showers in their cells during shower regime if their cells have it (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0002791: [Gameplay] Foundation-expansions don't complete with doors on the corner (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009143: [AI & Behaviour] Guards not escorting, prisonners in handcuffs die (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0006686: [Graphics] Dog Crates don't have proper textures (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0009171: [Graphics] Road Gate Pillar render layering (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0002497: [Graphics] Improper layering (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0002847: [AI & Behaviour] Dog patrols generate door open jobs when patrolling cell blocks. (stargazy) - resolved.
- 0007708: [Platform Specific Issues] Case sensitive filesystem issue (crash) (John) - resolved.
- 0007285: [Control & User Interface] Mouse pointer position is not aligned with the actual click position! (John) - resolved.
- 0007342: [Performance] Game stuttering/freezing every 3-5 seconds for around the same amount of time. This happens constantly. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0003080: [AI & Behaviour] Dog leashes stretch (stargazy) - resolved.
- 0009256: [AI & Behaviour] Shop works to ineffectiv. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009254: [Graphics] Shop fronts placed in the corners of a building freak out. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0001569: [Gameplay] Build a foundation without lights (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0009230: [Graphics] Shop Front has missing/incorrect Toolbar Sprite (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0007338: [Control & User Interface] GUI unusable with 4k UHD display when using windows dpi scaling set to 150% (John) - resolved.
Jun 30, 2015
Prison Architect - sPray
Alpha 34 released!

= Gangs
Some prisoners will now have gang allegiences upon entering your prison.
This can make those prisoners much harder to deal with, as they will work to defend each other during trouble.

This is an optional feature, enabled by ticking the new "Gangs" tickbox in the New Map screen.
(Nb. You can also hack gangs into an existing prison by adding 'EnabledGangs true' to the top of the .prison file)

More dangerous / higher security prisoners are more likely to be gang members.

- Gang members can be identified visually by their full body tattoos
- Gang members will always come to the aid of their fellow gang member when fights break out.
This includes coming to the aid of a fellow gang member involved in a fight with guards.

- Gang members more likely to try to steal weapons, and more likely to carry them rather than stash them
- Gang members will not participate in any voluntary reform programs
- Gang members will not work for the prison

- New view : Intelligence => Gangs. Highlights all known gang members and shows the total number of members of each gang.

Nb. This is part 1 of a larger feature.

= New room: Shop
- Requires shelves and a shop front. The shop front should go on a wall such that prisoners can acces the shop front from a corridoor.

- Shop goods will be brought into the prison in the usual way, and taken to the shop.
- Prisoners can work in the shop, and will unpack the boxes of goods onto the shelves.
- Prisoners can buy items from the shop to help with their needs:
- Soap, shampoo etc for Hygene
- Towels, blankets etc for Comfort
- Magazines for entertainment
- Snacks for Hunger

- All prisoners are now paid a fixed wage of 50 cents per hour when working for the prison
- Items in the shop cost $5 each
- Prisoner wages and shop takings are now shown in the daily cashflow report (updated at midnight)

- Prisoners are more inclined to participate in voluntary training programs, and will concentrate harder,
when there is a shop on site. (They want to earn that wage to buy things for themselves).

- The shop is a potential source of smuggled contraband

= Asian language support
The game now supports asian character sets, paving the way for translations into

- Mail room (continued)
- Fixed: Mail satchels would be endlessly delivered in certain circumstances
- You can now dump mail satchels if you end up with too many

- Escape tunnels (continued):
- Each member of a dig team now brings diminishing returns to the overall speed of digging.
This represents the fact that (say) 10 prisoners just couldn't dig all at once in one square.
Previously 4 prisoners would dig four times faster than just 1 prisoner.
it will now take 4 prisoners to dig twice as fast as just 1 prisoner
It will take 11 prisoners to dig three times as fast as just 1 prisoner

- Searching a toilet manually will now reveal any escape tunnels.
Nb this requires you specifically search the toilet itself, and does not apply if the toilet is searched
as part of a "search cell" or "search cell block" order

- Conventional fences no longer slow diggers down

- The research screen now flashes a warning if you are attempting to research an item,
but are missing the neccesary Administrator, or he does not have an office

- Emergency services personel no longer need to rest in a staff room

- More prisoner faces added to the sprite bank, for greater variety

- 0003270: [Control & User Interface] Flashing Yellow area in deployment screen not explained
- 0004990: [Gameplay] Basic Detention Center fails to recognize completed rooms if other rooms are incomplete
- 0003318: [AI & Behaviour] Delivery Trucks fail to stop and unload (when delivery zone at bottom of the map)
- 0006493: [AI & Behaviour] prisoners use the same seat/phone/shower etc
- 0007248: [Mod System] Special Characters prevent mods from work
- 0008666: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners reading books will stop following regime and freeze up unable to fulfill needs.
- 0008916: [AI & Behaviour] Mail Room keeps ordering more Mail Satchels
- 0007670: [Control & User Interface] Spelling of bureaucratic in Chapel Description
- 0003271: [Gameplay] Clone Tool + Water
- 0007630: [AI & Behaviour] Gardeners and other AI vibrate when in 3x speed mode
- 0006067: [Gameplay] Prisoners are tunneling too fast (through perimeter wall)
- 0001166: [Gameplay] Guards wont take prisoners to Solitary Confinement, prisoner stuck in limbo
- 0008714: [AI & Behaviour] Some dump jobs are never done
- 0008766: [AI & Behaviour] Empty Parole Program slots not being filled despite long queue of eligible prisoners
- 0005953: [Graphics] Uniform's are sometimes under the bed
- 0006142: [Graphics] Render issues when stacking drains with other items
- 0008750: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners do not leave Transport Bus if reception is full of laundry
- 0005453: [Gameplay] Power Switch + Cctv Monitor = UNLIMITED VISIBIlITY!
- 0008996: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoner released during shower leaves naked
- 0000665: [Gameplay] pausing stops the limit-check for daily spending
- 0008034: [AI & Behaviour] Chefs Don't Cook
- 0008129: [Graphics] Death Row font too dark
- 0006952: [AI & Behaviour] In large prisons suboptimal transport job causes death of overdosing prisoners during transportation to infirmary
- 0005830: [Gameplay] Bureaucracy research never finishes if started during pause after firing warden
- 0002935: [Gameplay] Guard dogs kill prisoners
- 0007920: [AI & Behaviour] Unconscious dog and dead handler
- 0006228: [AI & Behaviour] Dog handlers can't get tazers anymore, but research says they can
- 0009032: [AI & Behaviour] Dead guards in hearse still have flashlight on
- 0003311: [AI & Behaviour] Guards escorting prisoners to from their cell to the same cell over and over
- 0008135: [AI & Behaviour] Dirty trays are being stacked outside canteen (in a remote solitary cell, for example)
- 0007151: [Gameplay] Truck drivers can be sacked
- 0006966: [AI & Behaviour] 0 demand for meals in the second hour of Eat
- 0003132: [Gameplay] Sometimes contraband is listed as "None"
- 0007437: [AI & Behaviour] Cooks Not Cooking
- 0007933: [Other] cooks wont cook (Cellblock assigned to non-canteen in logistics)
- 0008904: [AI & Behaviour] Laundry without door breaks near-by rooms
- 0008624: [AI & Behaviour] Riot Police get tired
- 0007675: [Graphics] Altar not displaying properly against a wall
- 0008988: [Save & Load] Last Game Save causes a Crash to Steam Client
- 0008946: [Gameplay] Library Books keep coming

Jun 30, 2015
Prison Architect - Chris
Alpha 34 released!

= Gangs
Some prisoners will now have gang allegiences upon entering your prison.
This can make those prisoners much harder to deal with, as they will work to defend each other during trouble.

This is an optional feature, enabled by ticking the new "Gangs" tickbox in the New Map screen.
(Nb. You can also hack gangs into an existing prison by adding 'EnabledGangs true' to the top of the .prison file)

More dangerous / higher security prisoners are more likely to be gang members.

- Gang members can be identified visually by their full body tattoos
- Gang members will always come to the aid of their fellow gang member when fights break out.
This includes coming to the aid of a fellow gang member involved in a fight with guards.

- Gang members more likely to try to steal weapons, and more likely to carry them rather than stash them
- Gang members will not participate in any voluntary reform programs
- Gang members will not work for the prison

- New view : Intelligence => Gangs. Highlights all known gang members and shows the total number of members of each gang.

Nb. This is part 1 of a larger feature.

= New room: Shop
- Requires shelves and a shop front. The shop front should go on a wall such that prisoners can acces the shop front from a corridoor.

- Shop goods will be brought into the prison in the usual way, and taken to the shop.
- Prisoners can work in the shop, and will unpack the boxes of goods onto the shelves.
- Prisoners can buy items from the shop to help with their needs:
- Soap, shampoo etc for Hygene
- Towels, blankets etc for Comfort
- Magazines for entertainment
- Snacks for Hunger

- All prisoners are now paid a fixed wage of 50 cents per hour when working for the prison
- Items in the shop cost $5 each
- Prisoner wages and shop takings are now shown in the daily cashflow report (updated at midnight)

- Prisoners are more inclined to participate in voluntary training programs, and will concentrate harder,
when there is a shop on site. (They want to earn that wage to buy things for themselves).

- The shop is a potential source of smuggled contraband

= Asian language support
The game now supports asian character sets, paving the way for translations into

- Mail room (continued)
- Fixed: Mail satchels would be endlessly delivered in certain circumstances
- You can now dump mail satchels if you end up with too many

- Escape tunnels (continued):
- Each member of a dig team now brings diminishing returns to the overall speed of digging.
This represents the fact that (say) 10 prisoners just couldn't dig all at once in one square.
Previously 4 prisoners would dig four times faster than just 1 prisoner.
it will now take 4 prisoners to dig twice as fast as just 1 prisoner
It will take 11 prisoners to dig three times as fast as just 1 prisoner

- Searching a toilet manually will now reveal any escape tunnels.
Nb this requires you specifically search the toilet itself, and does not apply if the toilet is searched
as part of a "search cell" or "search cell block" order

- Conventional fences no longer slow diggers down

- The research screen now flashes a warning if you are attempting to research an item,
but are missing the neccesary Administrator, or he does not have an office

- Emergency services personel no longer need to rest in a staff room

- More prisoner faces added to the sprite bank, for greater variety

- 0003270: [Control & User Interface] Flashing Yellow area in deployment screen not explained
- 0004990: [Gameplay] Basic Detention Center fails to recognize completed rooms if other rooms are incomplete
- 0003318: [AI & Behaviour] Delivery Trucks fail to stop and unload (when delivery zone at bottom of the map)
- 0006493: [AI & Behaviour] prisoners use the same seat/phone/shower etc
- 0007248: [Mod System] Special Characters prevent mods from work
- 0008666: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners reading books will stop following regime and freeze up unable to fulfill needs.
- 0008916: [AI & Behaviour] Mail Room keeps ordering more Mail Satchels
- 0007670: [Control & User Interface] Spelling of bureaucratic in Chapel Description
- 0003271: [Gameplay] Clone Tool + Water
- 0007630: [AI & Behaviour] Gardeners and other AI vibrate when in 3x speed mode
- 0006067: [Gameplay] Prisoners are tunneling too fast (through perimeter wall)
- 0001166: [Gameplay] Guards wont take prisoners to Solitary Confinement, prisoner stuck in limbo
- 0008714: [AI & Behaviour] Some dump jobs are never done
- 0008766: [AI & Behaviour] Empty Parole Program slots not being filled despite long queue of eligible prisoners
- 0005953: [Graphics] Uniform's are sometimes under the bed
- 0006142: [Graphics] Render issues when stacking drains with other items
- 0008750: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners do not leave Transport Bus if reception is full of laundry
- 0005453: [Gameplay] Power Switch + Cctv Monitor = UNLIMITED VISIBIlITY!
- 0008996: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoner released during shower leaves naked
- 0000665: [Gameplay] pausing stops the limit-check for daily spending
- 0008034: [AI & Behaviour] Chefs Don't Cook
- 0008129: [Graphics] Death Row font too dark
- 0006952: [AI & Behaviour] In large prisons suboptimal transport job causes death of overdosing prisoners during transportation to infirmary
- 0005830: [Gameplay] Bureaucracy research never finishes if started during pause after firing warden
- 0002935: [Gameplay] Guard dogs kill prisoners
- 0007920: [AI & Behaviour] Unconscious dog and dead handler
- 0006228: [AI & Behaviour] Dog handlers can't get tazers anymore, but research says they can
- 0009032: [AI & Behaviour] Dead guards in hearse still have flashlight on
- 0003311: [AI & Behaviour] Guards escorting prisoners to from their cell to the same cell over and over
- 0008135: [AI & Behaviour] Dirty trays are being stacked outside canteen (in a remote solitary cell, for example)
- 0007151: [Gameplay] Truck drivers can be sacked
- 0006966: [AI & Behaviour] 0 demand for meals in the second hour of Eat
- 0003132: [Gameplay] Sometimes contraband is listed as "None"
- 0007437: [AI & Behaviour] Cooks Not Cooking
- 0007933: [Other] cooks wont cook (Cellblock assigned to non-canteen in logistics)
- 0008904: [AI & Behaviour] Laundry without door breaks near-by rooms
- 0008624: [AI & Behaviour] Riot Police get tired
- 0007675: [Graphics] Altar not displaying properly against a wall
- 0008988: [Save & Load] Last Game Save causes a Crash to Steam Client
- 0008946: [Gameplay] Library Books keep coming

May 28, 2015
Prison Architect - sPray
Alpha 33 has been released! Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

= Cell Grading
All prison cells are now graded on quality/luxury, on a scale 0 - 10
Factors that can affect the cell grading:
- Room Size
- Outside facing window
- Desk & Chair
- Tv & Radio
- Bookshelf
- Shower

- Entitlement
Prisoners are entitled to better quality cells (if they exist) as they build up time for 'good behaviour'.
You can see a prisoner's good behaviour time in their tooltip.
One day good behaviour is worth one point of cell quality
As soon as they misbehave, they will lose their nicer cell and go back to quality 0.
Your guards will automatically swap prisoner room assignments from time to time, to try to match everyone to the right cell
New incoming prisoners are entitled to an 'Average' cell when they arrive

New view : Logistics -> Room Quality
Shows the current grading of all cells in your prison.
The colour coding gives a rough guide - green means excellent quality, red means por quality

Shows two numbers over each cell, in the form X / Y
- Y is the current grading of the cell
- X is the grade that the current occupant is entitled to

- Behavioural changes
Prisoner's chance to misbehave is now affected by the quality of their cell AS COMPARED TO AVERAGE
Eg a prisoner in a below-average cell is now more likely to misbehave than before
Prisoners staying in above-average cells are less likely to misbehave, because they want to keep their room

= Misbehaviour / Temperature changes
- Prisoner 'boiling point' now factors in punishment/reform/health/security
This means prisoners become less likely to misbehave over time, if you successfully punish/reform them, and take care of their health and security

- Prisoner tooltip now shows time since last misconduct (good behaviour time)

- Prisoners with long sentences ahead of them are now more likely to cause trouble than before

- A prisoners re-offending chance is now recorded when they first visit the prison.
This value is visible in their Rap Sheet, under 'Grading', in the tooltip for Re-offending rate.

= New room : Mail Room
Allows your prison to receive mail from the outside world - ie letters from inmates families
Bags of unsorted mail will arrive every day at 6am, and be taken to the mail room
Prisoners work within the mail room to sort the mail into satchels, ready for delivery
Prisoners or Guards then take those satchels around the prison and deliver the mail.
Prisoners experience gains in Family, Recreation and Comfort when reading mail
The incoming unsorted mail is a new source of smuggled contraband

- New item : Radio
An additional luxury item you can place in a cell to improve it
Prisoners can listen to a radio for recreation (very similar to the way Tv works)

- Deliveries, Garbage, and Exports must now be at least 1x3 (previously would have been ignored if less than 3 high)

- Fire (continued)
- Fire now destroys utilities like pipes and electrical cables
- Fire trucks will now leave dead and unconcious firemen behind
- Firemen now take 75% less damage from fire than other entities
- Entities now react better to fire - avoiding it where possible
- Fire-engine siren sound now shuts off correctly

= Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Sometimes loading a prisoner based on a Name-in-the-game resulted in corrupted body and head sprites
- Fixed: Movement commands from the player didn't show up unless the entity was itself on screen
- Fixed: Typing '%' into input fields causes the game to crash.

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May 28, 2015
Prison Architect - Chris
Alpha 33 has been released! Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

= Cell Grading
All prison cells are now graded on quality/luxury, on a scale 0 - 10
Factors that can affect the cell grading:
- Room Size
- Outside facing window
- Desk & Chair
- Tv & Radio
- Bookshelf
- Shower

- Entitlement
Prisoners are entitled to better quality cells (if they exist) as they build up time for 'good behaviour'.
You can see a prisoner's good behaviour time in their tooltip.
One day good behaviour is worth one point of cell quality
As soon as they misbehave, they will lose their nicer cell and go back to quality 0.
Your guards will automatically swap prisoner room assignments from time to time, to try to match everyone to the right cell
New incoming prisoners are entitled to an 'Average' cell when they arrive

New view : Logistics -> Room Quality
Shows the current grading of all cells in your prison.
The colour coding gives a rough guide - green means excellent quality, red means por quality

Shows two numbers over each cell, in the form X / Y
- Y is the current grading of the cell
- X is the grade that the current occupant is entitled to

- Behavioural changes
Prisoner's chance to misbehave is now affected by the quality of their cell AS COMPARED TO AVERAGE
Eg a prisoner in a below-average cell is now more likely to misbehave than before
Prisoners staying in above-average cells are less likely to misbehave, because they want to keep their room

= Misbehaviour / Temperature changes
- Prisoner 'boiling point' now factors in punishment/reform/health/security
This means prisoners become less likely to misbehave over time, if you successfully punish/reform them, and take care of their health and security

- Prisoner tooltip now shows time since last misconduct (good behaviour time)

- Prisoners with long sentences ahead of them are now more likely to cause trouble than before

- A prisoners re-offending chance is now recorded when they first visit the prison.
This value is visible in their Rap Sheet, under 'Grading', in the tooltip for Re-offending rate.

= New room : Mail Room
Allows your prison to receive mail from the outside world - ie letters from inmates families
Bags of unsorted mail will arrive every day at 6am, and be taken to the mail room
Prisoners work within the mail room to sort the mail into satchels, ready for delivery
Prisoners or Guards then take those satchels around the prison and deliver the mail.
Prisoners experience gains in Family, Recreation and Comfort when reading mail
The incoming unsorted mail is a new source of smuggled contraband

- New item : Radio
An additional luxury item you can place in a cell to improve it
Prisoners can listen to a radio for recreation (very similar to the way Tv works)

- Deliveries, Garbage, and Exports must now be at least 1x3 (previously would have been ignored if less than 3 high)

- Fire (continued)
- Fire now destroys utilities like pipes and electrical cables
- Fire trucks will now leave dead and unconcious firemen behind
- Firemen now take 75% less damage from fire than other entities
- Entities now react better to fire - avoiding it where possible
- Fire-engine siren sound now shuts off correctly

= Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Sometimes loading a prisoner based on a Name-in-the-game resulted in corrupted body and head sprites
- Fixed: Movement commands from the player didn't show up unless the entity was itself on screen
- Fixed: Typing '%' into input fields causes the game to crash.

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Apr 30, 2015
Prison Architect - sPray
A couple of months ago we announced that we are going to finish Prison Architect in 2015. We've been working hard to fulfil that promise and as a result of April's bug bash we're happy to pin that down further and confirm that Prison Architect will be released in quarter four (Oct / Nov / Dec) 2015!

The team have smashed the previous bug fix record and submitted over 130 fixes and whilst that means that we don't have a content update for you this month, we hope you appreciate the stability, speed and simulation quality of the new build. Normal service will resume next month and please continue to log any issues that you may discover.

In other news we are trying to build our facebook engagement so if you have a moment, please head over and like our page.

Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

Death Row continued:
- A new item in the TODO list shows you the current status of your Death Row prisoners (chance of clemency)
- New game over event : Criminal Miscarriage of Justice. Occurs if you execute an inmate who is later exonerated of the crime (Nb. Will not happen if you have reduced his chance of clemency below the legal threshold)

- The lawyer can now provide a last line of legal defense.
If you are on warning (Eg too many deaths in one day), and you fear you will not be able to meet the requirements to avoid being fired, you can use your Lawyer to avert the Game Over event.
Nb. Can only be used once.


The full list of bug fixes can be found here:
Apr 30, 2015
Prison Architect - Chris
A couple of months ago we announced that we are going to finish Prison Architect in 2015. We've been working hard to fulfil that promise and as a result of April's bug bash we're happy to pin that down further and confirm that Prison Architect will be released in quarter four (Oct / Nov / Dec) 2015!

The team have smashed the previous bug fix record and submitted over 130 fixes and whilst that means that we don't have a content update for you this month, we hope you appreciate the stability, speed and simulation quality of the new build. Normal service will resume next month and please continue to log any issues that you may discover.

In other news we are trying to build our facebook engagement so if you have a moment, please head over and like our page.

Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

Death Row continued:
- A new item in the TODO list shows you the current status of your Death Row prisoners (chance of clemency)
- New game over event : Criminal Miscarriage of Justice. Occurs if you execute an inmate who is later exonerated of the crime (Nb. Will not happen if you have reduced his chance of clemency below the legal threshold)

- The lawyer can now provide a last line of legal defense.
If you are on warning (Eg too many deaths in one day), and you fear you will not be able to meet the requirements to avoid being fired, you can use your Lawyer to avert the Game Over event.
Nb. Can only be used once.


The full list of bug fixes can be found here:

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