11 juin 2023
Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR - RainSoft Games
The little big update just dropped Friday night! This has been a monumental update on the technical side. We've refactored the architecture to reduce crashing and shrunk the game's footprint from 10 GB to 6 GB! This frees up a lot more memory for graphics.

This update is also a step towards handling different inputs. There are now optional feet and multiple tracker support. We're also really close to full gamepad + third person support. It's a huge game changer, enabling us to speed up our development.

We also tweaked the physics using player feedback to make the game more realistic. Unfortunately, that action unbalanced the courses, and now they need some redesign. You'll see that old courses will be occasionally updated with new features.

With this update, we're finally positioned to add multiplayer. It still needs some polish, so it wasn't included in this release but expect some test features to start appearing along with new and improved tracks in the next two weeks as we get into a regular release rhythm.
Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR - RainSoft Games
Hello Steam Sports Fest! We've been working tirelessly to clear the road(map) for THPVR like a mountain town buried by this year's winter storms. We wanted to ship this big-little update in time for Steam Sports Fest, but we're just a few bananas short of a bunch as of this writing.

First, I'd like to announce that Steam has nominated THPVR for Steam Sports Fest, and to show our appreciation; we're discounting the game 25% this entire week.

So what is this big-little update? It's a slow introduction of all the rad new features you all have asked for over the years. Better snow, better flow? Check. Better track design, more park features? Check. Vive tracker and/or foot controls? Check. LIV camera support? Multiplayer? Yup.

It's all coming this week. We will announce it in detail when it happens and spend the next couple of weeks dialing it all in. New and remixed tracks will be dropping every couple of weeks. Strap in. It may get a little bumpy before we land this, but we will pack, ship, and send it!
Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR - VYTEO
As the march toward the Midpoint Mega Update continues, we’re making refinements across the board.

Speaking of boards, when you’re boarding down the mountains in the upcoming release, the tiltmeter will turn with the player’s view. This way you won’t lose site of it while scoping out the best line to take.

It changes colors as well, depending on the mode that’s being executed. Will you go full tilt?

One requested feature is for the HUD to be resizable, and hidden if needed.

How would Terje ride down the mountain? With a HUD, or with his own internal HUD that few can match?

We’ll give you the accessories you need to get started, and the freedom to explore on your own.

Coming soon - sign up for our newsletter for the latest updates!
Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR - VYTEO

The upcoming Midpoint Mega Launch has one feature we’ve all been waiting for - more Powder!

Ever ride off the back of a slope through fresh powder? It’s an entirely different feel than neatly groomed tracks. You can sink in and really get a better connection with the mountain.

For the upcoming release we’re giving you a more powdery cushion to carve up on your descent down the slopes. Make full use of your board as it glides through the snow.

We also modified and recalibrated acceleration and the slide vs carve mechanics to feel more realistic. We take into account both the gear you’re using and your current speed. Be sure to customize your player to test it out.

One thing we removed were stability modes. They weren't intuitive enough and caused confusion.

Have suggestions on features you’d like us to include?

Tell us about them on our Steam Community Page and on our Discord!
Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR - VYTEO
Due to popular demand (and a few internal requests too), we've revamped the centering process. Before you start every level we place you in a cold, dark, black room- for orientation purposes only. There you can ponder the depths of the reality you find yourself in. First escaping from one into our breakthrough VR game, then finding yourself outside the game, but still in it, in a blank and mysterious void.

Its purpose is one: so you can know which way to face.

While we know not what you may encounter in such a stateless state, amid the sensory deprivation set before you you may find the very thing you were looking for all along: which is the front, and which is the back. Helps with leaning too.

While it's happened before where side games and subplots become that of fan fiction and outshine the main affair, we sincerely hope that no such fanfare amasses itself around the recentering room.

Darkness is where we came from, and is where all shall one day return. So will our recentering room soon be waiting for you, upon your completion of each new level. Is it a test that we all must face? Or just a passing VR adjustment while the technology catches up to its calling?

No word on whether there are requests for VR - Darkroom.

Not wanting to be outdone, the Powder VR helicopter crew fitted their bird with a few extras, including their favorite mini games, and handles to get some good air on your way out. The green light has stronger enforcement so you can time your launch down the next slope.

Stay tuned for all this and more in the upcoming mega midpoint release!
Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR - VYTEO

The drive to our next release has been a little longer than expected. Thanks for your patience while we continue on the trek to bring you the best virtual ski & snowboard slopes the VR world has to offer.

A few highlights we have planned for you are
  • Menu Translations for European languages
  • Critical bug fixes that caused the game not to work on some system configurations
  • Revised gameplay that makes the powder in Powder VR feel more like powder
  • More tricks that are easier to pull off
  • Updated Menu Interface that's easier to find what you need
  • LIV support for diehard Powder VR content creators. Show off your best runs!
It's totally awesome making Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR and seeing you make this virtual world your own.

After this upcoming release we have story mode planned, where the game's headliner Terje Haakonsen will be making his entrance as your team captain and guide.

Stay tuned for updates.

Wishlist THPVR Today!

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Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR - RainSoft Games
  • Added Winter Summit finals course
  • Adjusted gates in La Floria
Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR - RainSoft Games
  • Extended Winter Summit qualifier by a week
  • Fixed World Tour "next" button going to blank screen
Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR - VYTEO

Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR has been invited to participate in the VAL Winter Games! Show off your best tricks to win your share of the $500 prize pool.

Register Here today!
See Event Details here today!

Event Rules
Two slopestyle courses: VAL 2021 Qualifier and VAL 2021 Finals will replace the superpipe and doublepipe courses in the Kastle Ridge exploration mode. To reach the course, you must have earned at least 6 medals in the game and have Kastle Ridge unlocked.

Qualifying Round
02/27 - 03/12
  • Sign up at the Virtual Athletics League.
  • Start your recording at the Title Screen / Lodge to show your avatar and loadout.
  • To play the qualifying round, go to Explore > Kastle Ridge > VAL 2021 Qualifier.
  • Starting at the first whistle, you must time yourself as you will have 5 minutes to perform as many runs as you would like.
  • Scoring will stop at the end of 5 minutes and you will be judged on the point total of your single best run within that time.
  • Each qualifying run begins at the whistle and ends by crossing the finish, bailing, crashing, or reaching the time limit.
  • Upload your unedited footage to YouTube as an unlisted video.
  • Fill out the submission form between 2/27 and 3/12.
Final Round
03/13 - 03/20
  • The 12 top scoring Players from the qualifying round will be chosen to compete in the final round.
  • An invitation and a link to the finals submission form will be emailed to all 12 finalists on 3/13.
  • Those players will record another video to submit on the VAL 2021 Finals course.
  • Same 5 minute time limit and rules apply.
  • Final videos must be submitted by 3/20 at the latest.
Tournament Details
  • Any snowboard or skis are allowed. However, boostpacks and wingsuits are not allowed and subject to DQ.
  • Bugs and exploits will be judged on a case-by-case basis and may be cause for DQ.
  • One qualifying submission per player.
  • By entering, you agree to allow us to use any recordings of your runs and submitted info for promotional or other purposes.
  • For more information, please join our Discord.
28 févr. 2021
Terje Haakonsen's Powder VR - RainSoft Games
  • VAL VR WINTER SUMMIT ANNOUNCED - Register here! Qualifying Round, 02/27 - 03/05. Finals 03/06 - 03/13. $500 total prize money!
  • volumetric lighting
  • optimized performance on floria
  • changed equip mechanic to shoulder grab
  • redesigned options menu
  • added explainers for each option
  • added animation fx to title screen
  • reverted beginner gear to old acceleration
  • added toggle for arcade sound FX
  • added toggle for pilot commentary
  • added toggle for using grab button to trick
  • added optional checkpoint helper arrow

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