Pool Panic - rekim
Pool Panic is the world's least realistic Pool Simulator. To earn it the respect it deserves, we need to give it the world's worst eSports challenge! To this end we are excited to invite you to the inaugural Pool Panic UK Championship event at Server, Shepherds Bush on November 8th.

No prior experience necessary. Enjoy a night of nonsensical multiplayer madness from Pool Panic's Party Mode! Which random trials will you face? Survive the longest in a zombie ball outbreak, harvest the most crops, keep the king hat the longest and many more.

Come to meet the devs, spectate or get involved! Beautiful balls and peculiar prizes to be won in the comfort of a fine drinking establishment!

It is a free event, but ticketed, so head here and sign up to watch or participate.

Be there, or be round!
Pool Panic - Raidhyn

After a few weeks of testing and fantastic feedback from all of you, we're excited to push Patch 3 of Pool Panic live to the main game!

This patch includes a number of improvements to the game's camera, a few behind the scene bug fixes, and adjustments to some of the more bombastic balls in the game.

We hope you enjoy! Below are the notes.

Camera Improvements
  • Newly reworked camera from the ground up.
  • Increased camera focus on where you are walking.
  • Increased camera focus on what you are aiming at.
  • Improved focus on key moments like pots remain in the camera shot.

Community Requests
  • Aim lines are also now visible behind obstructions, allowing you to better keep track of shots, especially on more chaotic levels.
  • Reactive balls (you know, those skittish ones) now increase the time they are floored after being hit.
  • VS Mode points now fly in quicker.

Bug Fixes
  • Several minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Pool Panic - Raidhyn
Hello there you handsome devils.

Patch 3 is nearly ready and we’ve got a beta for you to try before we push
it to live.

The patch features a newly reworked camera, with more focus on where you are walking and what you are aiming at. All this while focusing that key moments like pots remain in shot.

Aim lines are also now visible behind obstructions, allowing you to better keep track of shots, especially on more chaotic levels.

Please check it out, and let us know what you think! There's still time to incorporate your feedback before we move from the beta branch, to the full game.


- Rekim & Adult Swim Games

Pool Panic - rekim
Pool Panic ‘Patch 2’ is now live in the main branch so you can get your hands on improved Mouse controls, extra menu options and other fixes!

To go with it the Discord is now live so pop in for a chat!

What's in Patch 2?

We now have Trading cards!

Most Requested - Improved mouse controls:

  • Previously the mouse was emulating a gamepad stick and staying in position while lock-on moved. The mouse now tracks the aim line so movement is more intuitive (You can revert back to the stick mode in the control settings menu).
  • Shot power has been adjusted and will now always be either a hard or soft shot, depending which button you press, regardless of mouse distance.
  • Returning to centre to cancel aim is easier.
  • Cancel aim using "C".
  • We now have an overlay showing where the mouse cursor is when aiming (You can disable it from the control settings menu).
  • Mouse sensitivity has been added in to the control settings menu.
  • When you are locked-on to a ball, mouse sensitivity will be reduced based on the new "Focus Sensitivity" option in the control settings. This makes it easier to fine tune your aim.

Lock-on changes:

  • A new “manual lock-on” option has been added to let you handle lock-on yourself. Selecting it disables auto lock-on and lets you hold Left-Trigger (gamepad) or Left-Shift (keyboard) to lock-on.
  • Even if you're not set to "manual lock-on" you can still tap Left-Trigger (gamepad) or Left-Shift (keyboard) to immediately lock-on without the wait.
  • Cancelling lock-on is now easier! Hold Left-Bumper (gamepad) or the middle mouse button to break out of a lock-on. You can also do that to just disable lock-on temporarily at any point, for as long as you hold the button.

Updates & bug fixes:

  • Trophy data has been reworked with a bug fix to gold trophy counts and timer trophies. When you first load the game, any trophy-related achievements that had failed to pop will do so immediately.
  • To make it easier to track your progress, the map Pause menu shows ‘pray points’ left to send to the tower, levels left to complete and gold trophies collected so far.

  • While playing a level, you can now see which trophies you have previously won; they are shown as coloured coins on the base of the trophy display.
  • Windowed mode no longer causes issues if you have another window titled "PoolPanic" open.
  • Crazy golf and Aquarium house in the Suburbs now counts correctly towards level counts when reloading. (You may find an extra prayer point waiting for you if you've completed them before).

New and improved options menus:

  • Menus should all be controllable by mouse now.
  • The mouse cursor has been reduced in size to make it more accurate.
  • Settings menu now has

    • Audio Settings

      • SFX VOLUME
      • MUTE MUSIC
    • Control Settings

      • Invert Aim
      • Vibrate
      • Manual Lock-on (Holding LT or left shift will now lock-on manually, no auto lock-on)
      • Focus Sensitivity (change the amount the aim slows when locked-on)
      • Show Mouse Overlay [X] (hides the new mouse overlay)
      • Treat mouse as stick [X] (if you liked the mouse before this will change it back)
      • Mouse Sensitivity (change the mouse speed)
    • Graphics Settings

      • Resolution selection
      • Windowed

That's patch 2!

Hey, hey, what about the camera?:

While we're finishing this off, we are now getting to work on ‘Patch 3’ which will be focused on camera improvements to help you keep balls on screen. As with this patch, there will be a beta version for you to test out before it’s released. Patch 3 is currently the last planned patch.
Pool Panic - rekim
We've released a beta version of ‘Patch 2’ so you can get your hands on improved Mouse controls, extra menu options and other fixes as quickly as possible! For details of how to find it and what's packed into it, read the forum post here.

There is still time to give us feedback and get your changes into this update, so please give it a go this weekend and post your thoughts on the Patch 2 discussion thread!

Pool Panic - rekim
Patch 1 is a quick hotfix for some immediate issues while we work on Patch 2, which will include clearer keyboard & mouse controls and expanded audiovisual options. Thanks everyone for your feedback, and please continue to shoot your thoughts and ideas our way!

  • Dialog box to select resolution & toggle Windowed mode now opened at start by default. This is an interim fix while we add these options to the in-game menus.
  • A few achievements weren't popping, and these have been fixed. They will be unlocked retroactively when you next start the game. Finally you will receive the recognition you deserve for satisfying the chalk man!
  • Reduced the time taken by the "Hold your aim" section of the tutorial.
  • Added a new splash screen to promote gamepad use over keyboard and mouse.
Pool Panic - Raidhyn

If you're here, you know already - POOL PANIC LAUNCHES TODAY! (cue music and confetti)

To celebrate we are running an all day Pool Panic stream! Covering a wild variety of events you can take a look at below. We'll be streaming on Twitch, Mixer, and Steam all day. All Day.

We hope you join us to meet a bunch of the Adult Swim Games team, the developers behind Pool Panic, and have a grand old time while playing through the game together!

Thank you for playing Pool Panic! We hope you enjoy playing the game as much as we've enjoyed making it. See you in the stream!

Adult Swim Games on Twitch
Adult Swim Games on Mixer

Pool Panic - Raidhyn
The Pool Panic populace was recently complaining about being restricted to the game world, so we made cards! We feel these do an excellent job of bringing out their innate qualities.

We hope you enjoy! We'll be revealing a few more cards next week, so stay tuned!

Oh...this is probably about the time to talk about Comic-Con and launch day....hrmm...

If you'd like to see the new cards as they're revealed don't forget to follow us on Twitter at @PoolPanic and @adultswimgames!
Pool Panic - Raidhyn

We are happy to announce that Pool Panic will be releasing this Summer on July 19th!

We will be releasing simultaneously on PC and the Nintendo Switch. We can't wait to see how much fun everyone has exploring the world we've built and playing with our beloved balls.

I would write a bunch of things here about how excited you should be, but I'll just let the trailer speak for itself.

Watch it on YouTube! Watch it now! Or, on our Steam page - it's there now too!


For more up to date information on Pool Panic and to observe all the ridiculous things we're doing on social media follow us on Twitter @PoolPanic and @adultswimgames.
Pool Panic - Raidhyn
Hello fellow pool ethusiasts!

In case you missed the news, we recently released a new trailer highlighting many of the various locales in which we intend you to play pool when Pool Panic reaches your glorious PCs. It's a pretty great trailer. I've watched it at least 100 times.

We hope you enjoy, and look forward to providing you with more updates, info, news, boring technical details about pool physics, examples of pool ball skeleton rigging, jokes only the British will understand, apologies about keeping release dates secret, and saying SoonTM a lot as we barrel down the road towards finishing Pool Panic.


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