Community Announcements - jables
Release Build 78071

Tank Commanders
-Turn In Place set to False

Unit Cannon
-Health increased to 9000 from 3000

-Surface and Air Radar range decreased to 400 from 600
-Orbital Radar removed
-Orbital Sight range increased to 500 from 300

Advanced Radar
-Metal Cost decreased to 2400 from 4800
-Energy Draw decreased to 4000 from 4500
-Surface and Air Radar range decreased to 800 from 1200
-Orbital Radar removed
-Orbital Sight range increased to 900 from 300

Orbital Deepspace Radar
-Orbital Sight range increased to 500 from 300

Radar Satellite (ARKYD)
-Energy Draw increased to 700 from 300
-Orbital Radar removed
-Orbital Sight range increased to 600 from 100

Advanced Radar Satellite
-Orbital Radar removed
-Orbital Sight range increased to 1200 from 600

Ion Defense (Umbrella)
-Surface and Air Sight range decreased to 100 from 260
-Underwater Sight range decreased to 100 from 260
-Orbital Sight range increased to 300 from 260
-Orbital Range increased to 300 from 280
-Orbital Rate of Fire increased to 2.5 from 2.0

Defense Satellite (Anchor)
-Terrestrial Laser Range decreased to 100 from 120
-Orbital Laser Rate of Fire decreased to 2.5 from 3.0

Orbital Laser (SXX)
-Laser is now a Beam weapon
-Ammo Capacity increased to 12000 from 6000
-Ammo Per Shot increased to 12000 from 6000
-Mines can now only be seen by Combat Fabricators and Advanced Combat

-Observable layer set to Mine from Surface and Air
-Ignore Sight set to False

Combat Fabricator
-Set Mine Sight range to 100

Advanced Combat Fabricator
-Set Mine Sight range to 100

Land Scout (Skitter)
- Added Mine Sight vision layer
- Mine Sight set to 200

Combat Fabricator
- Energy Draw set to 800
Advanced Combat Fabricator
- Energy Draw set to 2000

Bug fix/Polish
- Planet smash work
– Craters are now unpathable by naval or land (whether there is water in them or not)
– Units will no longer float above the crater as if it were not there
– Planets smashing into others will now kill units as they are intended to do
- UI: HUD: Added control groups, ability to sub-select within control groups
- UI: HUD: Added controls to select idle fabbers/factories
- UI: HUD: Added quick select buttons based on unit category (bot, land, air, etc.)
- UI: HUD: Updated unit selection display to show total units selected, and allow for sub-selection based on unit category
- Improvements to physics update performance
- Improvements to Navigation performance
- Performance work on voxels
- Improvements on log handling for underwater units
- Updated AI to handle building on islands smarter
- Unit groups of different movement types will now try to stay together
– Unit groups will be split based on Land, Water, and Air/Orbital movement.
- Fix for units getting stuck when pathed or pushed into invalid terrain.
- Fix for units failing to path when given a move order while bordering invalid terrain.
- Improvements on units spinning around when reaching goal
- More improvements on AI not heading to where it knows it will be destroyed
- Improvements on units avoiding running into walls
- Fix for a SimPlanet crash
- Minor update to Anchor ground laser effect
- Changing SXX attack to a beam
- Tweaks on server clean up
- Fix for an invalid replay loading issue
- Crash fixes
- Normal AI and Hard AI are now easier
- Adjustments to how landing zones are handled in the system editor
- You can now confirm live game popups using the enter key
- Mouse scrolling will now only work on the panel you are focused on
- Fixes for some Steam Achievement bugs
- Changed the default minimum radius from 100 to 250
– This only affects new planets created in the system editor
- AI won’t transport commanders in an orbital lander anymore
- Control group UI will now scale to number of units selected
- Art pass on Idle buttons
- Planet smashes no longer deal damage way outside of crater range
- Air units will no longer attempt to hover below the normal ground height
- Air units will no longer land on unpathable terrain
- Bug fix for editor lighting issue on high height range planets
- Selection UI will no longer show type filters if there is only one type
- Quick select “All” buttons will no longer select fabbers unless it’s the fabber button
- Fixed issues of select all advanced button selecting fabbers
- Idle fabber/factory button now selects all target units on screen with single click, and all target units on planet with double click
- You can now track a control group by double clicking
- Fix for game resetting to FFA when you select a planet
- Fix for game crashing on 11+ player games
- Factory’s given rally/move/patrol points will still be idle if idle
- Improvements on AI when making attack choices
- Fixed a few instances of Join Game button not working
Community Announcements - jables
Meet Ajax

For those that purchased Planetary Annihilation during the Steam Winter Sale of 2013, you have a new Commander in your Armory! And to all who had purchased the game prior to this sale, you have this commander as well!

If you purchased the game prior to Jan 2, 2014 and do not see Ajax in your Armory, please contact Support at

Ajax Showroom:
Community Announcements - jables
Hey all! We’ve been working hard to get a full balance pass in place over January. You’ll notice there have been a huge amount of changes based on feedback we’ve received from our players and replays. We’ve also added in 3 entirely new units to the game, including 2 new submarines and a T2 fighter that can travel between planets!

Take a look below for the full list of changes including the balance, bug fixes, polish, and performance improvements!

*new unit*
Advanced Interplanetary Fighter (Phoenix)
-Can move between planets
-Health set to 300
-Metal Cost set to 720
-System Velocity Multiplier set to 15.0
-Gravwell Velocity Multiplier set to 6.0
-Move Speed set to 80
-Turn Speed set to 270
-Surface/Air/Underwater Vision set to 150
-Damage set to 80
-Range set to 120
-Rate of Fire set to 3

*new unit*
Submarine (Barracuda)
-Health set to 550
-Metal Cost set to 500
-Spawns and moves on the Underwater layer
-Rate of Fire set to 0.6
-Damage set to 250
-Range set to 150
-Vision set to 150
-Acceleration set to 40
-Brake set to 120
-Move Speed set to 12
-Turn Rate set to 60

*new unit*
Stealth Submarine (Kraken)
-Health set to 2100
-Metal Cost set to 1800
-Spawns and moves on the Underwater layer
-Torpedo Rate of Fire set to 0.6
-Torpedo Damage set to 250
-Torpedo Range set to 150
-Missile Rate of Fire set to 5
-Missile Damage set to 200
-Missile Range set to 150
-Vision set to 200
-Acceleration set to 40
-Brake set to 120
-Move Speed set to 12
-Turn Rate set to 60
-Cannot be detected by radar

Destroyer (Orca)
-Removed torpedo weapon
-Rate of Fire increased from 0.5 to 0.6
-Range increased from 180 to 200

Gunboat (Piranha)
-Move Speed increased from 15 to 20
-Acceleration increased from 150 to 200
-Brake increased from 50 to 75

Frigate (Narwhal)
-Added torpedo weapon
-Torpedo Damage set to 250
-Torpedo Rate of Fire set to 0.4
-Torpedo Range set to 150
-Shell Rate of Fire reduced from 1.5 to 1.0

Advanced Torpedo Launcher
-Rate of Fire reduced from 3.0 to 2.5

Torpedo Launcher
-Health increased from 1500 to 2000
-Metal Cost decreased from 400 to 350
-Rate of Fire increased from 0.5 to 0.8

Missile Ship (Stingray)
-Missile model changed from missile_tactical to missile
-Health increased from 1000 to 3000
-Missile Rate of fire increased from .2 to .25
-Missile Range increased from 180 to 225
-Missile Damage increased from 500 to 1000
-May now target orbital units
-Deals 50% damage to AT_Orbital armor types
-Added anti-unit cannon drop pod weapon with range and rate of fire to match tactical missile

All torpedoes no longer deal AOE damage

All units with surface_or_air vision can now see underwater as well

t1 Energy Plant
-Health decreased from 3000 to 1000
-Metal cost decreased from 450 to 400

t2 Advanced Energy Plant
-Health decreased from 13500 to 5000

T1 Bot Fabber
-Energy Draw decreased from 1000 to 800

T1 Vehicle Fabber
-Energy Draw decreased from 1000 to 800

T1 Naval Fabber
-Energy Draw decreased from 1000 to 800

T1 Air Fabber
-Energy Draw decreased from 1100 to 900

T1 Artillery (Pelter)
-Health increased from 500 to 1000

T2 Artillery (Holkins)
-Health increased from 1500 to 5000
-Rate of Fire increased from 0.05 to 0.07

T2 Tactical Missile Launcher (Catapult)
-May now target orbital units
-Deals 50% damage to AT_Orbital armor types
-Added anti-unit cannon drop pod weapon with range and rate of fire to match tactical missile

Gunship (Kestrel)
-Health increased from 300 to 350
-Metal Cost decreased from 960 to 720

Tactical Bomber (Hornet)
-Spread Fire set to True

-Now has two anti-orbital guns and one anti-terrestrial
-Metal Cost reduced from 3600 to 1800
-Health increased from 2000 to 3000
-Surface/Air/Underwater Vision increased from 0 to 120
-Damage set to 65
-Orbital Rate of Fire set to 3.0
-Orbital Range set to 150
-Terrestrial Rate of Fire set to 2.0
-Terrestrial Range set to 120

-Explosion radius increased from 150 to 200
-Explosion damage deals 5% damage to AT_Oribtal armor type (AKA blows up structures, but not your fighters)

Orbital Fabricator
-Can no longer reclaim

Orbital Laser (SXX)
-UNITTYPE_Important removed
-Health increased from 1500 to 1600
-Metal cost decreased from 24,000 to 6,000
-Damage decreased from 2500 to 1250
-Full Damage Splash Radius increased from 2 to 3
-Range increased from 15 to 40
-Acceleration increased from 10 to 25
-Brake increased from 10 to 25
-Ammo Capacity reduced from 40,000 to 6,000
-Ammo Demand reduced from 20,000 to 3,000
-Ammo Per Shot reduced from 40,000 to 6,000

-Metal cost decreased from 600 to 400
-System Velocity Multiplier increased from 7.5 to 10.0
-Gravwell Velocity Multiplier increased from 3.0 to 5.0
-Vertical Speed increased from 100 to 200

All Orbital units
-Guard Radius increased from 50 to 100

Assault Bot (Dox)
-Vision Range increased from 100 to 105
-Projectile lifetime decreased from 2.0 to 1.0

Tactical Missile Bot (Bluehawk)
-Range decreased from 180 to 160
-May now target orbital units
-Deals 50% damage to AT_Orbital armor types
-Added anti-unit cannon drop pod weapon with range and rate of fire to match tactical missile

Combat Fabricator
-Cost decreased from 720 to 250

Advanced Combat Fabricator
-Cost decreased from 6000 to 2500

-Now buildable by T1 Air Factory
-Health decreased from 90 to 40
-Metal cost increased from 45 to 100
-Acceleration decreased from 45 to 30
-Break decreased from 45 to 20
-Move speed decreased from 90 to 70

-Metal Cost increased from 400 to 800

Unit Cannon
-Metal Draw decreased from 120 to 60
-Energy Draw decreased from 4050 to 3050
-Will now fire in a 30 meter spread around target

- Fix for random landing spot generation not creating valid landing spots
- Holkins art fixed
- Can now do multi-node jumps in Galactic War instead of having to move nodes 1 at a time
- Kickstarter credit updates
- SpiderofMean Commander name change to Xenosentry based on backer request
- Random fixes for non-English languages
- Additional logging added for crash tracking improvements
- Improvements to logging
- Fix for Galactic War cards overlapping and obstructing buttons in some localizations
- Adjusted AI nuke targeting logic
- Adjusted Order Bar sizing
- Added support for Command key on Macs
- Metal spots now added to ocean floor
- Fix for custom metal spots orientation
- Layout fix for multiple chat windows styling
- Fixed 1px shift on chat messages
- Fix for the "Team Games" achievement
- Remedy a very uncommon crash affecting some Mac OS X users running firewall software
- Fix for AI getting stuck sometimes on mixed terrain planets
- AI will now handle water maps better by not building in small lakes
- Sound and audio work
- AI performance improvements
- Moved air transports to bottom of build bar
- Fix for AI land and naval rally point selection
- Update for naval platoons to use the new AI rallypoint work
- AI should be less likely to transfer its commander to a planet under heavy enemy control
- Dox ammo is set to half the lifetime to stop overshooting
- Fix for nav related crash
- Fixed some effects bugs that were causing lag
- Fix for AI overbuilding fabbers
- Fix for torpedoes exploding on hitting water surface
- AI will look at anti-orbital thread when deciding on where to land on a planet
- Art pass on icon sizes for sea units and orbital
- Fixed bug where changing alliances would start multiple countdown timers
- AI will now build factories closer together
- Fix for crash from texture pool accessing non-existent textures in .papa files
- Fix for disconnection errors leading to no game over screen

New Commanders in Armory:
- AceAI
- Enzomatrix
Community Announcements - jables

Have you seen it yet?

If you pre-ordered Planetary Annihilation, all 108 beautiful pages of the Planetary Annihilation art book as well as a collection of wallpapers are featured in an exclusive digital download available right now on your Uber account!

Sign into the game via Steam, then go to to download your copy today!
Community Announcements - jables

Unit Cannon update is locked, loaded & live!

Our new update is live! Starting today you can push entirely new invasion strategies against your foes with the Unit Cannon! This powerful unit will allow you to launch up to 12 units at a time anywhere across the galaxy, pushing the ability to break defensive setups or set up forward offensive bases!

We have also put in a lot of changes for our newer players, including a player guide to teach the basics of gameplay. This is accessible through the “Player Guide” on the Main Menu, or in game by hitting F1 or escape and selecting it. You will also see updated information and top ranked replays on the brand new main menu to help get you up to speed and competing for the top spots on the leaderboard!

For you system designers out there, we have added CSG palette to make placing CSG from any biome much easier than before. This gives you the tools to more easily make the amazing planets we have seen our players create.

Other changes you will see are the addition of customizable secondary colors to allow people to make their army feel more like their own, a lot of balance changes (see the list below), major adjustments to our ranked planet Berg, as well as the addition of 3 new ranked planets to the rotation, and bug fixes across the board!

We hope you enjoy the new changes as much as we do!

If you would like more detailed change report, take a look at the extensive list below


[Unit Cannon and Umbrella Balance]

Unit Cannon
Metal Cost: 14,400
Health: 3,000
Buildable Units: Ant, Spinner, Dox, Grenadier, Combat Fabber, Slammer, Adv. Combat Fabber, t1 and t2 bot and vehicle fabbers
Metal Build Rate: 120
Energy Draw Rate: 4,050
Maximum Pod Capacity: 12
Rate of Fire: 3.0
Drop Pod Initial and Max Velocity: 150.0
Drop Pod System Velocity Multiplier: 20.0
Gravwell Velocity Multiplier: 10.0
Factory Cooldown: 3.0

Ion Cannon (Umbrella)
Added anti-entity weapon to intercept Unit Cannon drop pods
Anti-Pod Rate of Fire: 2.0
Anti-Pod Range: 180

[Naval Balance]

Naval Factory
Build Cooldown decreased to 3.5 from 8
Size decreased by 25%
Advanced Naval Factory
Build Cooldown decreased to 6 from 20
Size decreased by 25%

Destroyer (Orca)
Move Speed increased to 9 from 6
Acceleration decreased to 30 from 60
Brake increased to 90 from 60
Health increased to 1500 from 1000
Shell damage increased to 50 from 40
Torpedo velocity decreased to 50 from 60
Torpedo Splash Radius set to 10
Torpedo Full Damage Splash Radius set to 1
Size decreased by 25%

Gunboat (Piranha) -- Previously Sea Scout
Role name changed to Gunboat from Scout
Name changed to Piranha from Sunfish
Metal cost decreased to 150 from 300
Health increased to 175 from 100
Acceleration decreased to 50 from 200
Brake decreased to 150 from 200
Move Speed decreased to 15 from 20
Sight Radius increased to 150 from 100
Damage increased to 20 from 15
Ammo Initial and Max Velocity increased to 130 from 80
Range increased to 130 from 90

Frigate (Narwhal)
Move Speed increased to 9 from 7
Acceleration decreased to 30 from 70
Brake increased to 90 from 70
Shell Rate of Fire decreased to 1.25 from 2
Shell effects changed to match the destroyer shells.
Missile Rate of Fire increased to 3.0 from 1.5
Missile Range increased to 150 from 100
Missile Ammo turn rate increased to 720 from 360
Missile Ammo lifetime increased to 3.0 from 1.0
Enabled spread_fire on missiles
Size decreased by 25%

Battleship (Leviathan)
Move Speed increased to 8 from 6
Acceleration decreased to 30 from 60
Brake increased to 80 from 60
Health increased to 6000 from 4000
Rate of Fire increased to 0.2 from 0.1
Size decreased by 25%

Missile Ship (Stingray)
Move Speed increased to 8 from 6
Acceleration decreased to 30 from 60
Brake increased to 80 from 60
Size decreased by 25%

[Defense Cost Balance]

Single Barrel Laser Tower:
Health decreased to 500 from 750
Metal Cost decreased to 225 from 300

Laser Tower
Metal Cost decreased to 350 from 450

Flak Cannon
Metal Cost decreased to 900 from 1600
Health increased to 2000 from 1000

Torpedo Launcher
Metal Cost decreased to 400 from 600
Splash Radius set to 10
Full Damage Splash Radius set to 1

Advanced Torpedo Launcher
Metal Cost decreased to 1000 from 1800
Splash Radius set to 10
Full Damage Splash Radius set to 1

[Artillery Cost Balance]

Health increased to 500 from 450
Metal Cost decreased to 900 from 1500

Ammo Capacity and Ammo Per Shot reduced to 37,500 from 400,000
Ammo Demand reduced to 2,500 from 20,000

[Air and Anti-Air Balance]

Ammo turn rate increased to 720 from 360
Ammo lifetime increased to 3.0 from 1.0

Turn rate increased to 110 from 75
All ground based AA will now prioritize bombers and gunships

[Miscellaneous Balance]

Acceleration decreased to 50 from 200
Deceleration decreased to 50 from 200

[UI] Newly redesigned Main Menu

[UI] New backgrounds on some loading screens

[UI] Nukes now have orbital trajectory lines

[UI] New Player guide added

Accessed from main menu or using F1 key or escape in game.
[UI] Secondary colors are now selectable

[System Editor] Using the advanced controls now requires explicit activation with a dialog prompt.

[System Editor] You can no longer alter the blueprint for a custom planet. The controls are hidden if changing the blueprint could cause malformed planets.

The planet terrain must be as you want it before going into advanced edit for metal/start/csg edits as there will be no going back once you enter advanced edits.
[System Editor] You can no longer operate in multiple edit modes. Activating one mode will disable the other modes, and may wait for the mode to finish cleaning up. This should prevent certain cases of data loss.

[System Editor] The system editor will no longer forget to save custom csg/metal spots if you load a system and then save it without ever previewing the planet.

[System Editor] The system editor will indicate how much custom data is currently stored for a planet.

[System Editor] CSG palette now in place

[System Editor] CSG brushes now show up on cursor when selected

[System Editor] Custom start spots now available in System Editor

[General] Naval sound pass

[General] Added Cosmic Edition names to credits

[General] Gunboat (previously Scout Boat) has a new model

[Bug Fixes] Fixed “My Replays” view to now show your replays

[Bug Fixes] Holding down backspace will no longer exit to main menu

[Bug Fixes] AI and Subcommanders should now be working again

[Bug Fixes] Fix system editor issue: Load planet bug

[Bug Fixes] Crash fixes for server

[Bug Fixes] Fix for AI getting stuck due to a desire to go a particular factory first, but being unable to do so due to unit restrictions being placed on it.

Example being a sub commander in Galactic War that has a high desire for vehicles, but being unable to build a basic vehicle factory.
[Bug Fixes] Torpedos should now only fire while the commander is on the seafloor layer.

[Bug Fixes] Fixed crash for out of game match notifications on Linux

[Bug Fixes] Fixed disconnected icon in game

[Bug Fixes] Fix for Bombers being able to sit above targets and bomb

[Bug Fixes] Fixed Bombers clearing their focus target when attack order is cancelled

[Bug Fixes] Fix for units not being at max health when a fabber with high build rate assist
Community Announcements - jables
Hey all,

We’ve wrapped up the Fall sale over on Steam, and heading toward one of the biggest sales of the year on the Winter Steam Sale. During these two sales, we are getting quite a few new players in the game. With this in mind, we will be spending December concentrating on the new player experience!

This will be a first pass at updating tutorials and general menu flow to make it more intuitive for new players to get into the game as well as make it easier to get info from Uber to players.

What does this mean for you as a current player you ask? Well we’ll do a pass on overall bug fixes and polish throughout, as well as more balance tweaks! We have been listening and taken a look at overall map size for ranked maps. We like the response the current 3 have received, but are looking at some larger maps for the next round and will be adding 2 more Ranked 1v1 maps to the pool. We’ll look at adjustments based on feedback on the 3 current maps, as well as other smaller changes to help help push the metagame to a better level. Based on player requests, we’ll be re-adding the ability to select secondary color and custom landing spots. Oh and then there’s this little thing we’ve been working on…


We will get more information when we have a better idea on release date for the Unit Cannon, but it should be hitting PTE (public test environment) soon for balance testing.

We’re planning on getting the main update out by December 18th, though Unit Cannon may take a bit longer depending on balance tweaks needed (please keep in mind that we are Pacific Time Zone, so those in the rest of the world, may be getting this late in the night or on the 19th your time).

As usual, I will post more details to keep you updated as we move toward the 18th!
Community Announcements - jables

Build 75539 is live!

Leaderboards are live! Starting now you can see where you stack against the world. Work your way up, and take the number 1 Uber spot!

We’re happy to announce the release of the full 1v1 Competitive Update! We started working toward this with our 1v1 ranked games and matchmaking in our last update, and have moved it to the full experience by including the Leaderboards allowing you to see the top of each rank and where you land in the world of rankings, as well as bringing in 3 new symmetrical 1v1 maps custom made for our ranked play!

With this in mind, we have also reset the rankings to start the Leaderboards fresh. You’ll need to play your 5 provisional games to get your new rank.

Our System Designer now has the ability to make symmetrical planets, do CSG editing, and add custom metal placement for all you modders and planet creators out there! This is the first steps on this, and we plan on expanding the functionality of the designer even further in the future!

There’s been a ton of changes, tweaks, and bugfixes in this one, so keep reading for a more detailed list and head on over to the official forums for discussion!

[General] You are now able to chat after games, even in chronocam mode
[General] Added in backer names on more commanders in the Armory
[General] More backer names are now in for planets and Galactic War credits
[General] Nukes now have a specific effect if they happen in space
[General] Jigs have a new custom explosion effect

[Balance] Jigs now explode in a nuke sized explosion (drag select will space these to be safe, but you can hand place them closer if you feel lucky)
[Balance] Change to Dox vision from 150 to 100
[Balance] Commander torpedoes rate of fire reduced from 2.0 per second to 1.0 per second
[Balance] Commander torpedoes range reduced from 200 to 160
[Balance] Dox will now correctly fire on factories
[Balance] Nuke damage will now expand out to match the effect

[Ranked] Leaderboards are now online (found under Multiplayer off the main menu)
[Ranked] Players can watch the last replay of the top 10 of each rank in the Leaderboards
[Ranked] 3 new custom made 1v1 planets for Ranked play, to replace the old pool
[Ranked] You can no longer pause in ranked games
[Ranked] Disconnecting in a ranked game now pauses it and gives the disconnected player 180 seconds to reconnect before they forfeit
[Ranked] A player has 30 seconds to show up for a ranked lobby before the game is abandoned
[Ranked] A player disconnecting from a ranked lobby now immediately abandons the game (and applies a penalty to the abandoning player, like before)
[Ranked] Players are now notified when they have a match and are tabbed away (flashing icon and sound)
[Ranked] A new and louder sound now plays when you find a match.

[System Designer] We’ve implemented symmetrical planet creation
[System Designer] You can now edit CSGs (move, add, delete, copy, paste, rotate, raise, and lower them)
[System Designer] You can now place or remove metal spots
[System Designer] All System Editor hotkeys can be found under settings and changed if you like
[System Designer] Orbiting bodies are not allowed to be more massive than what they are orbiting (As a placeholder fix, the system designer will move the orbiting planet to orbit the sun if you increase mass higher than the planet it orbits)
[System Designer] Water flows into custom CSG

[UI] Lots of small changes to bring more continuity through the UI
[UI] When first entering game, we have a bar added to give new players an idea of the initial controls
[UI] Top 3 players from the Leaderboard are listed on main menu along with their last replay
[UI] The message telling you that your opponent abandoned the ranked lobby will no longer disappear after 5 seconds.

[AI] Now uses Gas Giants
[AI] Neural net tweaks
[AI] Will now build Annihilaser
[AI] Better handling of platoons
[AI] All known issues of AI getting stuck now fixed
[AI] Added a large set of new AI names
[AI] Now better performance in the late game due to smarter pathing choices

[Bug fixes] Changing economy after everyone has clicked ready will unready everyone
[Bug fixes] Your rank changes will now immediately update after a match
[Bug fixes] Replaced the messed up “5” in the font
[Bug fixes] Landing zone low resolution circles now removed
[Bug fixes] Straight line graphics bug when you look up through atmosphere into space is now fixed
[Bug fixes] Linux should now correctly load all translated locales
[Bug fixes] You should now be able to see the quit confirmation even if the game is paused
[Bug fixes] Nukes and commander explosion damage should now better match the visual effect
[Bug fixes] Fixed some of the instances of jerky movement
[Bug fixes] Orbital Fabbers will now correctly build on planets other than their current planet
[Bug fixes] Fixed detection that the planet you are orbiting was destroyed while attempting to move somewhere else
[Bug fixes] Commander AA now prioritizes air correctly
[Bug fixes] You should no longer be incorrectly prompted to reconnect to an old game
[Bug fixes] Attempting to requeue after playing matchmaking should no longer prompt you to reconnect to the game you just played
[Bug fixes] Connecting to a matchmaking game should be more reliable

[Armory] New Commander: Berlinetta
[Armory] New Commander: Banditks
Community Announcements - [Uber] Garat

Online? Offline? However you want to play Planetary Annihilation, it’s your choice. Starting now, you can take your battles completely offline.

We’re happy to announce the release of the offline server. Offline server allows you to take over the galaxy in Galactic War without connecting to the Internet. You can also battle against your frenemies or the AI over a LAN.

You'll also see your massive armies moving around much better now. After almost two months, and a team focused on improving pathing, you should see major improvements on unit pathing, reliability and performance across the board. And as always, each build includes a host of bug fixes, performance improvements, and ever more polish.

Notes for offline play:
- We have had a few reports of people unable to launch offline server mode. If this happens to you, please go to settings and turn off Local Server. We are exploring the issue internally, and will be getting out a fix ASAP. Thanks for your patience.
- Local Server Settings: Auto will determine the best mode to use based on your system specs and requested game mode. On will always try and use local server for any supported game modes. Off will force your client to still connect to our servers for all game modes.

You can always find more information and help in our FAQ, located here:

For more detailed build notes, please keep reading:

[Server] Turned off the idle timer for local games.
[Server] Turns off local server when use is not "recommended". Current threshold is 4+ cores & 8+GB memory. (Matches our Steam recommended spec.)
[Server] The server is 64-bit only. Due to memory restrictions and a number of other technical roadblocks, there is no 32-bit server version. (This only affects Windows, since Windows is the only platform that still supports a 32-bit client)
[Server] The spec that the server looks for to run locally is the same as our recommended spec - 8GB of RAM and quad core. You can override this by setting Local Server to "On", which means it will try and use a local server for everything - except online hosted games, which still go through Uber's online server management.

[System Editor] Planets now look exactly the same in game as they do in the system editor.
[System Editor] Metal spot placement now looks exactly the same in game as it does in the system editor.

[UI] Spectator UI upgrades
[UI] System editor UI polish

Detail Pathing Notes:

- Flow Field Integration has much improved CPU and Memory performance
Sectors are now independent from terrain meshes resulting in much smaller sectors.

- Better Path Planning
Smaller sectors make the higher level path graph more granular which results in more 'accurate' path planning. In the past units might go 'right' when they should have gone 'left' around a rock, this change fixes that.

- Dynamic Walls support
If you surround yourself using dynamic wall pieces the pathfinder behaves correctly.
We now rebuild the path graph and small / large pathable islands so 'pathability' queries are correct.

- Faster Nav startup time
Nav Voxels now use an inlining OctTree container which improves start up time as well as run time and memory usage.


- General nav bug fixes and improvements
(lots of little things here, hard to say unless I look over the last couple months of checkins)
Community Announcements - BradNicholson

Today, we busted out a new Kickstarter for a new strategy game called Human Resources. Built on the same engine that you helped us create for Planetary Annihilation, Human Resources expands on the scale and destruction you’ve come to love in exciting and different ways. We realize that some of you might take this news as concerning, so we wanted to come out and say this: work on Planetary Annihilation will not stop if Human Resources funds; both games will have a team dedicated to these separate projects.

In other words, things will stay the same. A Planetary Annihilation team will continue its amazing work on the game, and you’ll keep receiving new updates with new features, fixes, and mechanics. Meanwhile, a separate team will roll into pre-production on Human Resources.

What’s pre-production? It’s the first phase of game development. It’s the time where we sandbox and define features, game mechanics, and systems. Then, we begin to build any new technology that we need to support it. We’ll sketch out how we can accomplish our goals and when. It’s a pretty exciting phase where we create new worlds and possibilities.

Games are evolving. You don’t just “finish” them anymore. We see them as services, as active things that grow over a length of time. Planetary Annihilation’s vision has been achieved or else we wouldn’t have launched it, but that was just one journey. We embarked on a more adventurous one the second we updated it to 1.0.

This is a very, very exciting time for us. Words suck at expressing how much we love all you guys for your incredible passion and support. Planetary Annihilation wouldn’t exist without you — and we plan to keep it going. If you’d like to check out Human Resources and become one of humanity’s new overlords, please do so. We’d love your support.

Prepare to have your eyes melted by the attached trailer.


Uber Entertainment <3

PS: Sorry for the eye melting.

PPS: But it was worth, right?

[tl;dr: today, we announced a new Kickstarter for a strategy game called Human Resources. Plans for Planetary Annihilation’s development will be unaffected. Human Resources’ team is a separate team.]
Community Announcements - BradNicholson

Starting now, Planetary Annihilation will allow you to flash some fancy cheevos and trading cards if you exhibit the intensity and ability to earn them. Welcome to our latest update, the Steam Community Update, which adds new ways to impress your friends with your digital feats of strength, cunning, and obliteration.

That's right: Planetary Annihilation supports Steam trading cards, badges, and achievements. To check out the latter just visit the "achievements" tab in Steam. There are 19 total that can be unlocked by playing single-player or with your frenemies in multiplayer. Trading cards and badges can be unlocked by simply playing.

Go ahead -- give a couple a shot. We'll be watching, waiting to see who can grab them all.

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