PixARK - SG_madi
Dear Explorers!

In honor of International Children’s Day and the spirit of play, we’re bringing back our Children’s Day In-Game Event! With new items and familiar favorites, we’re excited to see you play in our sandbox of a voxel block game!

New Items
  • Cupcake Staff
  • Children’s Day Exchange Coupon - can be obtained from balloon-shooting event.
  • Children’s Day gift box - can be exchanged at Children’s day goblin trading center with 25 exchange coupons. You will have a chance obtaining Cupcake Staff

Events Are Back!
  • Balloon shooting
  • Balloons will Spawn in Novice Grassland/Grassland/Dawn Island/Woodland.
  • Must be shot down by Bows with Candy Arrows.

  • Balloon Backpack (20% drop rate, lasts 30 minutes)
  • Children’s Day Hat Costume (10% drop rate)
  • 4-6 Game coins
  • 5 Children’s Day Exchange coupons

Your Favorite Items Are BACK as well!

Children's Day Costumes!

Paperbox Head
- can be exchanged at Children’s Day Goblin Trading Center with 400 game coins.

Little Yellow Duckling Head
- can be exchanged at Children’s Day Goblin Trading Center with 400 game coins.

Rain boots
- can be exchanged at Children’s Day Goblin Trading Center with 400 game coins.

Fun Swing
- Needs both Swing frame and Swing itself, which can be exchanged with 500 games coins each.

Pirate Ship
- Needs both Pirate Ship frame and Pirate Ship itself, which can be exchanged with 1200 game coins each.
- Allows up to 4 players to board at the same time.
- Electricity is required to power it up.

Building Dyes: Shamrock/Parakeet/Seafoam/Mint/Pistachio

Seafoam and Pistachio will need to be exchanged with 50 game coins at the Children’s Day Goblin Trading Center.

Children’s Day Goblin Trading Center
- Can be obtained by defeating Goblins or Goblin Kings.
- Can also be obtained through Holiday supply drops.
- Used to exchange for Children’s Day event items.

Children’s Day Costumes
- Hat: Can be obtained by hitting balloons during the event.
- Top, Leg, Boot, Gloves:Can be exchanged through Children’s Day Goblin Trading Center for 200 game coins each.

Children’s Day Pickaxe/Sickle/Axe
- Has the same harvest rate as an Iron tool.
- Can be crafted using resources and dyes in Tailor’s Workbench.

- Can be exchanged at the Children’s Daily Goblin trading center with 2000 game coins.
- A maximum of 4 players can ride together at a time.
- Needs electricity to function.

Paintball gun
- Equip dyes to create graffiti art on floors/structures (not including creatures).
- Can be exchanged at the Children’s Daily Goblin trading center with 500 game coins.
- Graffiti lasts 30 minutes.

Candy Bomb
- Throw different types of candy towards players to transform them into different characters.
- Can be obtained through Children’s Day Goblin Trading Center with 50 game coins.
- Transformation lasts 10 minutes.

Candy Arrow
- New level 15 recipe
- Used to shoot balloons.
- Crafting materials: Flint, Wood, and Tintoberry

Candy Supply Drops
- Supply Drops have a new look with Children’s Day items inside!
- Candy Bomb
- Children’s Day Goblin Trading Center

Enabling double harvest rates

We also wanted to acknowledge that we have been taking note of the bug reports and feedback that we have been receiving from the newly revamped PixARK Discord. Thank you for all your continued support. We are working towards something now and look forward to announcing more soon.

In the meantime please continue to use the Discord Server, Bug Report Form, and/or Customer Service links. By reporting to these resources directly we can better keep track of and log your concerns and technical issues.

Play on PixARKers, the world is yours to explore! And Happy Children’s Day, to the youthful spirit that resides in your heart.
-The PixARK Dev Team

Helpful Links

Run into issues? {LINK REMOVED}

Need assistance? https://pixark.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

Eager to share? https://discord.com/invite/DVMSyQH4M4
PixARK - SG Community

Congratulations Full Bloom Winners

Congratulations to this month's Community Event Winners! We loved seeing your bases in full bloom for the Summer Season.

Winner: Purple Rat

Winner: ikhoudvanjou

  • A feature on our next announcement post and a shout out on Social Media
  • One PixARK DLC key of their choice from the following: Jade Elegance, Every Little Thing You Do Is Magic, A Sweet Pack for the Sweetest, A Jingle-Jangle Christmas Pack.
Congratulations! Please note you have 30 days to respond to the sg_somi account to receive your keys!

As we're sure you've seen there have been some small changes being made in the Forums/on Discord as we prep something big! So bear with us as we collect your bug reports and feedback. Thank you for your patience as we navigate what continued development of the PixARK looks like. We're looking forward to engaging more with the community and sharing our plans for the future with very soon.

That being said, we are going to take more care to moderate the responses to our non-in-game Community Events like this one more diligently. Off topic requests, bug reports, or in-game related feedback will be deleted. We request that you post the aforementioned topics in the Discussions Forums or refer to our Bug Reports Form or Discord for those specific comments/requests. This is so we can better keep track of and properly log feedback/bug reports for our developers.

- The PixARK Community Team

Helpful Links

Bug Reports Form

Customer Support

PixARK - SG Community

April showers bring May Flowers, and finally everything is in full bloom!

Show us a screenshot of your in-game garden in PixARK, and if you don’t have one, plant one! We want to see your bases in full bloom for the Summer Season, so whether that’s flower decorations inside your happy tribe home or the garden you’ve cultivated to perfection, we want to see it!

Post a screenshot of the flowers around your home base in the Screenshots section of the Steam Forum. 3 randomly chosen winners will win one PixARK DLC key of their choice from the following: Jade Elegance, Every Little Thing You Do Is Magic, A Sweet Pack for the Sweetest, A Jingle-Jangle Christmas Pack. Use #PixARKFullBloom in your submission to be considered. 1 COMMUNITY VOTED WINNER will win all 4 keys to our DLC!

Submission Rules:
  • Submit a screenshot of flowers in and/or around your home base to the PixARK Screenshot section of the Community Hub
  • Must include the following tag in submission to be considered #PixARKFullBloom
  • Thumbs up to vote for your favorite submission
  • One entry per user
  • Once winners are announced they have 30 days to respond to the sg_somi account to receive their keys
Submission Details:
  • You can upload screenshots using the screenshot uploader tool. By default this button is bound to "F12", and can be edited within the Steam settings.
  • Open the Steam client and click on "View" and then "Screenshots" at the top to access the screenshot uploader.
If you need more assistance with how to upload a screenshot to Steam Community, please check here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=181142704

  • A feature on our next announcement post and a shout out on Social Media
  • 3 winners will receive one PixARK DLC key of their choice from the following: Jade Elegance, Every Little Thing You Do Is Magic, A Sweet Pack for the Sweetest, A Jingle-Jangle Christmas Pack.
  • 1 Community Voted Winner will win 1 key each to all 4 of our DLC packs

We will be closing submissions May 29th, so be sure to get all of your submissions and votes in before the deadline!

Again, if you have any suggestions for Community Events that we can host on the steam forum let us know! We want to make sure these community events are as engaging as possible for our player base. Hopefully we can announce some upcoming developments soon, but until then we hope you’ll appreciate these events we have curated with you in mind.

Join Our Discord!

We also wanted to share with you that we have revamped the Official PixARK Discord. This is where we will be chat about the game, directly collect feedback/bugs (besides the official bug reports form which you can find here), and more! Feel free to join us.

- The PixARK Community Team
PixARK - SG_madi
Close Event
  • 6th anniversary skins can no longer be crafted at Decoration Hut.
  • The bone essence no longer drops.
PixARK - SG Community

Happy Earth Day!

We hope you spend the day appreciating the world around you and taking a step out into nature if you can. Since our world of PixARK is so diverse in its ecosystems, we really enjoyed seeing the submissions of everyone's favorite landscape. So without further ado, here are our top submissions.

Congratulations to our winners!

Purple Rat



We couldn't choose our favorite biome if we tried! So thank you for sharing the love for this beautiful world we have created via your submissions.

We have also seen and heard your desires for more patches and updates that improve gameplay and overall user experience. Our team is working on finding solutions to the issues being presented and hope to give a more comprehensive update in the future. For now, we hope that those of you that actively play PixARK and love it as we do, enjoy your time and can come together for little community events like this that can all make our days a little brighter.

- The PixARK Community Team
PixARK - SG_madi
As we celebrate the incredible six-year journey of our game, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to you, our dedicated players. Your unwavering support, enthusiastic participation, and invaluable feedback have been the backbone of our community and the driving force behind our continuous improvement and expansion. We are immensely thankful for the memories we've created together and are excited to see what the future holds.

New Items:
New Skins:

6th anniversary torch skin:can be crafted at the Decoration Hut
Drag a skin onto a torch to change its appearance, and remove the skin by holding the Ctrl key while dragging with the LMB from the torch.

6th anniversary axe skin:can be crafted at the Decoration Hut
Drag a skin onto an axe to change its appearance, and remove the skin by holding the Ctrl key while dragging with the LMB from the axe.

6th anniversary pickaxe skin: can be crafted at the Decoration Hut
Drag a skin onto an pickaxe to change its appearance, and remove the skin by holding the Ctrl key while dragging with the LMB from the pickaxe.

All of the skins above will no longer be obtainable after the event.

Old Dino Skins ARE BACK:
You now have another opportunity to exchange the following bone creature skins at the Tailor’s Workbench:

Bone Rex: 70 Skeleton Essence
Bone Megarock Dragon: 70 Skeleton Essence
Bone Carnosaurus: 30 Skeleton Essence
Bone Trike: 30 Skeleton Essence
Bone Gryphon: 50 Skeleton Essence
Bone Ghost Dragon: 50 Skeleton Essence

Other changes:
White Day event will be closed.

Thank you for being an integral part of our game's story. Here's to many more adventures together!
PixARK - SG Community

Earth Day is right around the corner

The world of PixARK is very focused on your environment and we should be too! As we approach Earth Day, take a moment to appreciate the beautiful world we live in and show us a picture of your favorite landscape in PixARK!

If you can't go out into the real world and plant a tree, virtually works just as well! By uploading a screenshot of your favorite landscape in PixARK to the Screenshots section of the Steam Forum, you will be entered to win a chance to be featured on our next announcement post and on PixARK socials ~ be sure to use the hashtag #PixARKEarthDay in your submission to be considered.

We’ll pick the first 3 winners, but the 4th is up to you! Make sure you thumbs up to vote for your fellow community members' lovely submissions as well as submitting your own!

Submission Rules:
  • Submit a screenshot of your favorite landscape to the PixARK Screenshot section of the Community Hub
  • Must include the following tag in submission to be considered #PixARKEarthDay
  • Bonus points if the screenshot also includes the user planting a tree
  • One entry per user
Submission Details:
  • You can upload screenshots using the screenshot uploader tool. By default this button is bound to "F12", and can be edited within the Steam settings.
  • Open the Steam client and click on "View" and then "Screenshots" at the top to access the screenshot uploader.
If you need more assistance with how to upload a screenshot to Steam Community, please check here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=181142704

  • A feature on our next announcement post and a shout out on Social Media

We will cut off submissions and announce winners on March 22nd (Earth Day), so make sure to submit and vote before then!

We would also love to hear from you about fun Community Event suggestions, so let us know in the comments of this post specifically what Community Events you would like to see! From art competitions to scavenger hunts, no idea is too crazy. As far as in-game suggestions, please keep those to the Steam Discussions Forum so we can best keep track of your game feedback and bugs. We have some big things in discussions right now that we can't wait to share with you, so stay tuned for more updates!

Share the Love and Save the Earth!

- The PixARK Community Team

PixARK - SG_madi
Patch goes live tonight at midnight

Easter Bunny Challenge

Easter Bunny will show its presence at Novice Grassland, Grassland, Dawn Island and Woodland.

Looting the Easter Bunny will grant you 2-5 Silver Egg Tokens and maybe even a Gold Egg Token at a 10% chance.

These tokens can be exchanged for rewards at the Easter Goblin Trading Center.

Using a Carrot Club will deal additional damage to the Easter Bunny

Old Items Are BACK!
Carrot Club

Can be exchanged for at Easter Goblin Trading Center with 10 Carrots.
Deals additional damage to the Easter Bunny.
Parasaurus and Triceratops can harvest carrot seeds, which can be planted near the water to obtain carrots.

Bunny Ears
Can be exchanged at the Easter Goblin Trading center with 1 Gold Egg Token and 20 Silver Egg Tokens.
You can dye the Bunny Ear as well!

Easter Eggs

Can be exchanged for at the Easter Goblin Trading Center with 20 Silver Egg Tokens.
You can dye these Easter Eggs and change their patterns by hitting “Q” button upon placing them in your house.

Procoptodon Skin
Can be exchanged for at the Easter Goblin Trading Center with 3 Gold Egg Tokens and 100 Silver Egg Tokens.

Flower Green and Violet Purple color dyes can be exchanged at the Easter Goblin Trading Center with 10 Silver Egg Tokens.

Easter Goblin Trading Center
Can be obtained through looting goblins, the goblin king, or in supply drops.

Event Adjustments:
  • Pink Slimes will no longer spawn

BUG Fixes and Optimization
  • The game settings have added an option to limit frame rates.
  • In single-player or local network modes, activating spectator mode no longer causes players to lose their inventory.
  • The maximum number of buildings that can be placed with the Reindeer Christmas Platform Saddle has been adjusted from 50 to 20.

PixARK - SG Community

We hope you have been enjoying the White Day in game event. It's been exciting seeing all of your screenshots and videos. But more to the point, we have some Community Event winners to celebrate!


Purple Rat
- Romantic Slime Dining -

Chuck IE


  • A feature on our next announcement post and a shout out on Social Media
  • Winners will receive 2 Sweetheart for the Sweetest DLC keys!

Remember that winners have 30 days to respond to the sg_somi account to receive their keys! Congratulations to all of our winners!

- The PixARK Community Team

PixARK - SG_madi
Dear Explorers!

We've heard you loud and clear! The community's voice is incredibly important to us, and we're thrilled to announce that, due to popular demand, we're bringing the Valentine’s Day event back with a White Day twist! Your feedback, enthusiasm, and passion for the game have not gone unnoticed. We truly value your opinions and always look for ways to enhance your gaming experience. This is our way of saying thank you for your continued support and dedication. Stay tuned for more details, and get ready to dive back into the excitement. Let's create more unforgettable moments together!

We will be performing a scheduled maintenance on MAR 14, 2024 (UTC). Further details regarding the maintenance are listed below for your reference:

UTC (Universal Time Coordinated): MAR 14, 07:00 - 10:00
PST (Pacific Standard Time): MAR 14, 0:00 - 3:00
EST (Eastern Standard Time): MAR 14 3:00 -6:00

New Items:
The following White Day Style Decors can be obtained from:
- defeating pink slimes at the Novice Grassland and the Dawn Island vvv
- Supply Drops

White Day Style Structures

White Day Backpack
You can use this item to change into a more festive look.
- Consumable, stackable, permanent.
- Festive look will expire in 30 mins

Don’t forget your old pal!
Pink Slime - can be found at the Novice Grassland and the Dawn Island. They can also be picked up and carried on top of your head!

Defeating it will drop Valentine’s Day/White Day items.

Valentine’s Day avatars are BACK!
Pink slimes will appear at Novice Grassland and Dawn Island with a chance to drop Valentine’s Day avatars.

We hope you’re as excited as we are for this new in-game event. As we continue down this pixelated path, we wanted to thank you again for your continued support of our game. PixARK is beloved by all of us and we look forward to sharing with you our plans for the future! But for now, enjoy this mouth watering adventure.

Stay Sweet!
- The PixARK Team

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