Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Colonel

PVKII Glacier Update is here! Keep the bloody good times going by celebrating with us and helping squash some bugs! Come out and play with us this DEC 29 at 1:30 EST / GMT-5. Refer to the Steam Community Hub Event for most accurate time for your area.

We'll be playing on these servers and more:
  • Spamgrounds Servers
  • [EU] 24/7 Glacier

*Server listings are subject to change.

We'd ask that you please adhere to all server rules for the game and on discord, and follow any rules enforced by server admins, developers, or testers throughout the event. Sounds easy, and we'll have fun!

Join the conversation on the official PVKII Discord! Interact with devs, testers, creators, and community!

See you in game!

Octoshark Studios
Dec 23, 2019
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Colonel

PVKII Glacer Update (Beta Changelog & Release Notes

Happy Holidays everyone!

Shiver me timbers! The Glacier Update is here! Server owners please update your servers!

To talk about the Glacier map we have to take a walk down memory lane. Sit back by the fire, i'll light my pipe, and let the old man tell you a story.

In early 2007, the PVKII Layout Competition was announced shortly after the first beta release of the game. This was the game’s very first community-driven contest where users from the official forums could submit map layouts to be judged by the PVKII team. The winner having their layout turned into a real map by the team! The winner of the competition was a fellow named “Parrot of War” and his layout was for a map called “Glacier”.

The layout saw many different developers and creators take a stab at it, including the original mapper MrAgent. Some made more progress than others and map development was progressing like glacial motion until Hurtcules came along a few years ago. In deciding what he should do as his applicant’s challenge, Hurtcules and the team agreed the game was lacking Viking/ snow themed maps, so Glacier was the perfect fit.

However, the initial draft based on the layout was simply too large and too ambitious. In order to make it more optimized for Source, look good, and of course be fun, many changes were required. The result was a more symmetrical and easier to learn layout, and a map that fit in perfectly among other official maps. But what would Glacier be without more artists joining in on the fun? PVKII Authorized Creator Roald, lead mapper for the tw_desertruin overhaul, added his own personality and detail pass to the map, helping to make it look like it does today.

Better late than never! Making maps is a huge undertaking, with the best ones taking years to put together. And even the best mappers know that the work isn’t done on release. Expect to see more updates on Glacier in the future. We look forward to your feedback!

We want to thank everyone who has ever been involved in the Glacier project, especially Hurtcules, for sticking to it and seeing it through to release.

  • New Map! Bt_glacier
  • Official PVKII Player Guide - Melee Combat Chapter
  • GrogBot Bug Fixes & Updates
  • Balance Changes
  • New Voice Lines
  • Code Fixes
  • Automated Holiday System - Treasure Chests are now Presents for a limited time!

View more screenshots here!

Stranded in a glacier in the North, the three teams struggle to fight for some hard-earned booty. Break open the ice to find the treasure. Take the high road or the low road. There are many ways to get to your objective. Watch out for the ice cold water, you’ll freeze to death!
Read more about Glacier’s history here.

Official PVKII Player Guide - Melee Combat Chapter
We’ll be updating, improving, and adding new chapters to this player guide over time, each focusing on different aspects, from basic gameplay info to class-specific advanced tips and tactics. The Player Guide is accessible through the main menu and available online here.

GrogBot Bug Fixes & Updates
  • GrogBot has been optimized to be more slick and performant in offline games, should be noticeably better with 24 max player limit, anything over that is unsupported
  • Added logic for chasing players, bots will now give up and reschedule if target is "unreachable" after a set amount of time
  • Fixed issues with skirm bots doing inhumane movements with cutlass special, and huscarls / gestirs dashing around in circles with their specials
  • Improved voice command sensing, added bot responses
  • Added automatic nav mesh generation, server will generate a nav mesh on bot creation if none exist, can be controlled with cvar “bot_auto_nav_generate”
  • GrogBot chatter tweaks
  • Fixed bots ignoring movement speed changes
  • Fixed bots not reacting to intruders

Map Changes
bt_island, tw_temple, and tw_frostbite nav mesh fixes

Balance Changes
Multiplier: 1.08 -> 1.03
Minor nerf to bring the power of the side attacks down somewhat so they no longer overshadow the forward or back attacks. Relying on them exclusively is no longer the most optimal strategy.

Heavy Knight
HP: 125 -> 130
Due to the way that HP and Armor play off of each other, the max damage HK could actually sustain was 312, a measly 12 points more than Huscarl. So despite all the other ways in which Huscarl was already better than him, HK was barely any tankier. This small change bumps that difference up to 25. In practice, this allows the HK to sustain one more ranged attack from Bondi or Sharpshooter, as well as allow him to survive attacks he otherwise wouldn’t have with a little HP to spare.

New Voice Lines
Added “taunt Bondi” lines to Captain, Man-at-Arms, Sharpshooter, and Skirmisher
Added “killed Bondi” lines to Captain, Sharpshooter, and Skirmisher
Added “see teammate die” lines to Man-at-Arms

Code Updates & Fixes
  • Fixed bot achievement progress not being stored in Steam
  • FMOD sound system has changes in precaching and loading samples
  • Automated holiday system similar to TF2 includes timed Christmas Present Chest models instead of treasure chests from Dec 17 to 31! Models by Links121995
  • Fixed invalid sample rate on player cut sounds
  • “Coin surface” prop + sounds, updated carpet sounds
  • Fixed Atlatl crosshair
  • Kill Feed redesign
  • Man-at-Arms drops his hat on death again
  • Alternative color scheme for HUD elements, helpful if you have anomalous vision (you can enable this in advanced options)
  • Added vertical scrollbars to scoreboard, when over 24 players
  • Added ruleset selection to bot game dialog
  • Fixed bot game dialog not listing downloaded maps
  • Misc. in-game font tweaks

Glacier Special Thanks
Parrot of War, Skjalg, Smilie, MrAgent, Banjo Boy, Colonel, Roald, and Hurtcules!

PVKII Glacier Update is here! Keep the bloody good times going by celebrating with us and helping squash some bugs! Come out and play with us this TONIGHT & Sunday DEC 29 at 1:30 EST / GMT-5. Refer to the Steam Community Hub Event for most accurate time for your area.

We'll be playing on these servers:
  • MrAgent's Official Server
  • Spamgrounds US Island
  • Spamgrounds US Official Maps
  • Spamgrounds EU
*Server listings are subject to change.

We'd ask that you please adhere to all server rules for the game and on discord, and follow any rules enforced by server admins, developers, or testers throughout the event. Sounds easy, and we'll have fun!

Join the conversation on the official PVKII Discord! Interact with devs, testers, creators, and community!

Follow us on Trello for the latest development buzz, and as always, follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates.

Enjoy the update!
Octoshark Studios
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Kern



Think you've got the perfect voice to match one of our classes? Come on by! You must have your own equipment with experience in voice acting and of course, examples of things you've 'said' in the past! You should be creative to help with ideas for voice lines, flexible to change, reliable, and willing to work your pipes to fit one or more class!

Most comfortable in shady alleys, gloomy dungeons and dark castle halls, the Assassin strongly prefers not to be seen. Really, don’t look at her. She hates it and she’ll cut you.
In service to the Earl of Bamburgh as spymaster, at court and abroad she schemes, plots, spies, blackmails, steals, embezzles and kills to further the noble goals of her good Lord’s house. Operating from out of sight, she knows precisely when to use her natural guile to remain unseen and when to brutally press the attack and eviscerate all who oppose her.
Intrigue, evasion, deceit and cunning are the core of her devious toolkit. She’s not above dirty tactics to trick and outmaneuver her opponents – some people might say that makes her dishonorable, but those idiots are as dull as rusted iron. To them, her methods make her a lying, cheating, sinful, poisonous, backstabbing no-good cowardly murderer. To her that’s just another day at work.
All in all shes a real royal, stuck up princess with a dark and deadly edge to her. Slightly schitzo, unstable, or mentally ill. Think a proper and royal Harley Quinn. Ideally English accent, but can be French, or any other typical European/medieval accent (scott, welsh, irish etc.) Addicted to killing. If she can’t have you; no one will. Remember, she also has a quiet side, whisper some lines where appropriate, as well as add in sudden surprises going from quiet to loud (i.e. sneak attack)

  • Unsanctioned privateers! Eliminate those pirates.
  • The pirates! Clap them in irons!
  • To the locks with those pirates.
  • Eliminate those viking raiders!
  • Attack the northmen!
  • Come hither!
  • We must seek the Holy Grail!
  • By order of the king, this land is mine!
  • Off we go. Quietly, now. (**whispering**)
  • I have the treasure!
  • You call yourself men! The Grail is gone!
  • Slow-witted fools, we’ve lost the objective
  • I bequeath thy end!
  • You fouled roustabout.
  • They ought to clap thee in darbies. My steel will have to do.
  • I am much obliged.
  • I’ll be collecting that bounty on you now, thank you.
  • I’ve orders for your immediate execution.
  • Breastplates, bludgeons, backswords and bows at the ready? Good.
  • Sweet dreams, now. (**whispering**) (Stealth Kill)

A pirate tank! Heavy and tough, but also a gentle giant and big teddy bear. He will be a big Jamaican fond of certain herbs and crushing bones. Loves to talk, sing, and enjoy the pirate life, but be careful he can get emotional. Should sound big, jolly, and upbeat. Full of energy! Effects may be needed to achieve the right tone. Here's an audio concept from many moons ago of what we're looking for.

  • I need da ‘ealer, mon!
  • Ya breaddren
  • They come for war!
  • Go Go Go!
  • Fight dem like the Wolves o’ da Sea we are!
  • Defend!
  • Aye mon, in we go, in we go, in we go
  • Attack the Kniiights
  • Get them rudeboi knightss
  • Attack the Vikiiings!
  • Get dem big ol’ bearded bloodclots
  • Chya need ta follow me mon
  • Lemme ‘ave a sip o dis, rep me boys
  • Ya Blawd A make tha grass grow greenah
  • We gwanta killyaa; and cutchya inta tiny pieces
  • Sixteen men on a deadman’s chest/ yo ho ho and a bottle of rum Rum RUUMRUUUM oh beautiful rum (sing)

We're an easy group of people to get along with and have fun doing what we do. This a great way to get your name and work out there, and fast. If you're interested in applying for the team, please send us an email at octosharkrecruitment[AT]gmail.com or post in the application forums.

As we expect quite a few entries, only successful applicants will be contacted.
Recording & Sending Instructions:
  • Save all files in 44100 hz mono mp3 format
  • Record all of a character's audition lines in one file with minimal pausing between lines, feel free to edit or apply effects if needed
  • Label as Yourname_Character.mp3
  • Put "(Project Name) Audition" in the subject line of the e-mail

Promotional images and character models by: Corvalho
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Colonel

PVKII GrogBot Update is here! Keep the bloody good times going by celebrating with us and helping squash some bugs! Come out and play with us this NOV 16 at 1:30 EST / GMT-5. Refer to the Steam Event for most accurate time for your area.

We'll be playing on these servers and more:

MrAgent's Official Server
smut's House of Pancakes

*Server listings are subject to change.

We'd ask that you please adhere to all server rules for the game and on discord, and follow any rules enforced by server admins, developers, or testers throughout the event. Sounds easy, and we'll have fun!

Join the conversation on the official PVKII Discord! Interact with devs, testers, creators, and community!

See you in game!


Octoshark Studios
Nov 10, 2019
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Colonel

PVKII Beta Update Changelog & Release Notes

Hello everyone!
After many years of development, many hands programming, and many hours of crafting nav meshes; we are happy to release PVKII GrogBots into the wild! Tremendous thank you to our coders over the years, developers and testers, and authorized creators who all contributed to our GrogBots.

What are GrogBots? Simply put, they’re computer controlled players like those found in other source engine games like CS:GO or TF2. Players can practice against them offline, and play against them online alongside other players. GrogBots are on by default, so bots will populate any server, even if no one is playing. GrogBots are kind and give their spots up for a real players when they join. Watch the game chat as they may wish to talk to you!

Easy to learn; difficult to master. PVKII has a deep and complex combat system. To help teach players, both old and new, we will be introducing a series of streamlined learning resources, starting with GrogBots. After GrogBots we will release an extensive Player Guide, and soon after that, Video Tutorials.

We’ve also made a significant change to the battlefield. The GrogBot Update removes auto parry, and with it, the distinction between auto and manual. The playing field has been made fair for all players. No one is at an advantage. There are no more guessing games. Attack and block using timing, wit, and skill. Rulesets have been adjusted to reflect this change.

  • Offline and Online Bots, aka GrogBots!
  • GrogBot Achievements
  • Removal of Auto Parry
  • Map Changes
  • New Mapping Entities
  • Various Code & Resource Updates


Please see below for a Changelog that details many of the changes in this release. Head over to our Bug/Support Forums, or Steam Discussion to report any issues.
Please note that only official PVKII maps have tailored nav_meshes, to create a basic nav mesh or for some helpful tips for creating a nav_mesh for your map, please see the following references.

GrogBot Achievements
  • Absolute Sentience (Ooops, that is kind of embarrassing)
  • John Connor (50 bot kills)
  • Rise of the Machines (Kill 250 bots)
  • Judgement Day (Kill 1000 bots)

GrogBot Commands
  • bot_difficulty [0|1|2] - Sets the bot difficulty level, easy (0), medium (1), hard (2).
  • bot_quota [0 - MAX_PLAYERS] - Set's the number of players/bots to maintain in the server. Will leave 1 slot open on the server at all times.
  • bot_require_humans [0|1] - Controls whether the server should require a human to be present before joining the bots.
  • bot_chatter [0|1] - Controls whether the bots will run their mouth
  • bot_cycle [0|1] - Controls whether the bots will cycle in and out of the server.
  • bot_min_desired_play_time - The minimum amount of playtime a bot will spend in the server (in seconds) before leaving.
  • bot_max_desired_play_time - The maximum amount of playtime a bot will spend in the server (in seconds) before leaving.
  • bot_kick_all - Kick all bots from the server and set bot_quota to 0.
  • addbot - Add bot to random team with random class.
  • addbot [team number] - Add bot to team with random class.
  • addbot [team number 2-4] [class number (starting from 0)] - Add bot to team with specified class.

Debug Commands (listen server only)
  • bot_debug - Enable/disable bot debug hud.
  • bot_select - Selects the bot the player is aiming at for debugging.
  • bot_select_next - Select the next bot on the server.
  • bot_select_prev - Select the previous bot on the server.
  • bot_givespecial - Give full special meter to bot.
  • bot_blockhere - Order the bot to stand and block using a shield.
  • bot_holdposhere - Order the bot to hold position at the location of the crosshair's intersection with the ground
  • bot_moveto - "Moves a bot to the position the issuing player is looking at.
  • bot_goforchest - Schedules the bot to go after the chest the player is pointing to.
  • bot_dropitem - Drop the item the bot is holding.

Removal of Auto Parry
  • Auto Parry has been removed from the game. Now everyone uses the same parrying system, which was called Manual Parry when Auto Parry still existed.
  • Rulesets have been adjusted to reflect this change.

Map Changes
  • Lts_cathedral Sudden Death changed to minimize bots getting stuck on pillars, pillars are now destructible by melee attacks but cannot be destroyed by range weapons.
  • Te_sandstorm removed pillar from food cache territory to assist bots.

New Mapping Entities
  • Info_target_attack, This entity is used to indicate to bots that an entity or brush is attackable. Set the parent of the info_target_attack entity to the object you want the bot to see as a possible target.
  • func_nav_blocker, This entity will block/unblock any touching nav_mesh. Use entity block and unblock inputs to block/unblock.
  • Info_map_cvar, This entity, when placed in a map, allows the map to modify the following CVARS on the server but only for the duration of the map. After map change the server's original settings are restored.


Code Fixes and Updates
  • Added boot screen
  • Bot game dialog, w/ additional options
  • Added BOT tags for death notices, objective notices, and scoreboard
  • Increased both legs dismember chance
  • Fixed character info ESC crash
  • Speculative fix for rare round start crash
  • Various fixes to MapHack system

Mac OSX Fixes
  • Fixed a crash which could prevent mac users from joining the game.
  • Fixed a bug where Bondi’s special would cause the screen to turn red.
  • Fixed a crash caused by an experimental shader engine.

  • Updated Explosion particle effects
  • Fixed feathers being used on Berserker head dismemberment

Thank You
This update is a result of many years of hard work. We’ve listed Developers and Contributors below we feel have put in substantial efforts over the years into making this release possible. Akz, Felis, Fuz, Popemaster, SauceMan527, Saunachum, Smutpirate, Spirrwell and Nive.

Special thanks to PVKII player community for providing Bot name suggestions:
Baldymanz, BlackDragon, Blazeris The Cat, Blue Oyster Cultist, carltonhanks, Colonel, Conscious Creature, CornKing, Djak, donan, Fotgof, Foxboi, fuz, GhostZeBear, Homer, Intelligence, "I shall not, sir.", jgh238, JimmyElPelado, Joshy, Jovana, Kaizuriku, latrox, lokkdokk, Luigi, Mr. Mjau, Mr. Rumdum, Mr.Tonguesoff, MSTVD, MysticEyes, Nex, Plank, Popemaster, Ricci, SaunaChum, Sir Mel Gibsman, Squeakers, TheRedWii, usobuki, Vladimir, WarHistoryGeek, [H] Hark Scrumpy, [ϺɌ] Visuv.

PVKII GrogBot Update is here! Keep the bloody good times going by celebrating with us and helping squash some bugs! Come out and play with us this Saturday Nov 16 at 1:30 EST / GMT-5. Once the event is scheduled on steam, refer to the Steam Community Hub Event for most accurate time for your area.

We'll be playing on the following servers:

MrAgent's Official Server
smut's House of Pancakes

*Server listings are subject to change.

We'd ask that you please adhere to all server rules for the game and on discord, and follow any rules enforced by server admins, developers, or testers throughout the event. Sounds easy, and we'll have fun!

Join the conversation on the official PVKII Discord! Interact with devs, testers, creators, and community!

Follow us on Trello for the latest development buzz, and as always, follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates.

See you in game!

Octoshark Studios

Oct 31, 2019
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Colonel

Come out and play the new tw_fort_dark and lts_gravedanger on Mr Agent's Official Server!

Download tw_fort_dark from the workshop here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1900710827

Enjoy some halloween maps while we eagerly await the GrogBot Update release!

For a sneak peak on what the update includes, click the image below!

Have a Happy Halloween!


Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Colonel

PVKII Beta Update Release Notes

Hello everyone!

Here’s a second helping of gore and balance updates for you all to chew on. We’ll be monitoring the balance changes and we’re prepared to consider additional changes and fixes depending on how they’re received. So, let us know what you think, and have fun blowing your enemies up into chunks! Server owners, please update your servers!

Gibs and Dismemberment

  • Added new explosive gibs for Berserker, Gestir, Bondi, Sharpshooter, Heavy Knight, and Man-at-arms
  • Added bloody textures for arm, head, and leg gibs
  • Added dismemberment sound

Balance Changes



Base Damage: 46 -> 45


Multiplier: 1.0 -> 1.13

Wind-up: 0.38 -> 0.54

Recovery: 0.65 -> 0.51


Multiplier: 1.1 -> 0.9

Wind-up: 0.48 -> 0.26

Recovery: 0.88 -> 0.56

Left & Right:

Wind-up: 0.25 -> 0.26

Recovery: 0.55 -> 0.56

Overall, the seax is now a touch weaker but its power has been spread across all four attacks. Before, the left & right attacks were much more effective than the forward & back attacks. The forward attack now takes longer to wind-up to account for the animation, which could previously be skipped. To make up for the increased wind-up, the forward attack now deals more damage. The back attack is now as fast as the left & right attacks but deals 90% damage, which brings it in line with the majority of other melee weapons.


Base Damage: 58 -> 53

In the previous update, the flatbow received tweaks to its damage and visual droop, as well as a buff to its fire rate. All three changes proved to be excessive, so the damage has been lowered to compensate. It has been otherwise unchanged.



Base damage: 45 -> 48


Multiplier: 1.25 -> 1.2

Wind-up: 0.46 -> 0.45

Recovery: 1.0 -> 0.9


Multiplier: 1.25 -> 1.1

Wind-up: 0.46 -> 0.45

Recovery: 1.0 -> 0.9

Left & Right:

Multiplier: 1.25 -> 1.08

Wind-up: 0.46 -> 0.35

Recovery: 1.0 -> 0.76

The Halberd is overall faster via shorter wind-up and recovery times, which should make it feel less sluggish and much more responsive. Previously, all four of the Halberd’s attacks were functionally identical. Similar to Gestir’s Spear, the left & right attacks are now faster than the forward & back attacks but deal less damage. The forward & back attacks share the same attack speed, but the back attack deals 90% of the forward attack’s damage.

Code Fixes and Updates
  • Fixed a bug regarding Skirmisher’s right arm dismemberment resulting in the complete vanishing of his corpse
  • Fixed an issue where Atlatl blind-fire was dealing 90% of its full damage instead of the correct 50%

Join the conversation on the official PVKII Discord! Interact with devs, testers and creators!

Follow us on Trello for the latest development buzz, and as always, follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates.

Enjoy the update!

Octoshark Studios
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Spirrwell

PVKII Beta 0.4.12 Update Release Notes

Hello everyone!

This is a general update that features gore updates, balance changes, and other general fixes/updates.

Important Highlights:

  • Bondi flatbow damage increased to 58 from 55
  • Flatbow charge time reduced, and arrow drop reduced.
  • Flatbow special now has an additional arrow
  • Flatbow special damage per arrow reduced to 65 from 75
  • Flatbow special now does stacking combo damage per consecutive arrow
  • Bondi seax total damage upped to 46 from 45
  • Bondi seax forward swing damage multiplier reduced to 1.0 from 1.2
  • Bondi seax back swing damage multiplier reduced to 1.1 from 1.3
  • Bondi seax left swing damage multiplier reduced to 1.0 from 1.2
  • Bondi seax right swing damage multiplier reduced to 1.0 from 1.2
  • Fixed unintentional Gestir javelin headshot nerf from 4.0
  • Heavy Knight two handed sword swings faster with PVKII 2.2 era values
  • New and updated gib/blood particles, as well as new underwater variants
  • Generic gibs added (heart/liver/brain/etc)
  • Can now dismember two legs at once based on random chance for specific two handed weapons
  • Auto-balance now prioritizes players that have been on that team for the least amount of time instead of by connection time
  • Increased the duration of auto-balance resistance to 10 minutes from 5
  • Added Steam rich presence

Operating System Support:

  • Windows XP/Vista no longer supported as Steam no longer supports these operating systems.
  • This is one of, if not the last version of PVKII to support MacOS due to it going 64-bit only.

Critical Fixes:

  • Fixed client being able to execute commands with MapHacks
  • Crash and crash exploit fixes
  • Changed weapon_chest physics spawn flag into a key value. This should fix maps like bt_pumpkinraid with the player being unable to touch the chest

General Fixes:

  • Really fixed Bondi t-pose bug
  • Man-at-Arms’ taunting achievement now properly accounts for all enemy classes
  • Fixed some VGUI frame transparency issues
  • Fixed some issues with trigger_jump not launching players properly
  • Fixed Bondi dismemberment clipping\floaty gib bits and textures inside the model
  • Fixed disabled team not working on listen servers
  • Fixed City Merchant achievement being given to spectators if Knights win
  • Fixed add-on manager dialog not requesting focus properly
  • Fixed incorrect scheme colors in add-on manager dialog
  • Fixed missing loading icon in add-on manager dialog
  • Fixed “Bad pstudiohdr in GetSequenceLinearMotion()!” spew
  • env_projectedtexture should now work properly
  • Next and previous weapon selection will no longer try to select longbow, flatbow, and blunderbuss when they’re out of ammo
  • Fixed whacky score count issue on booty if there are 0 chests in the map

For Level Creators/Mappers:

  • Hammer can now preview .mp3, .ogg, and various other sound formats. Useful for ambient_fmod
  • Ham health pickup has been brought back for mappers (item_food_med)
  • trigger_jump can now be made to respond to players only
  • Added “OnKeyTaken” output for item_key
  • Added “OnPlayerDeath” output to trigger_hurt
  • New trigger_chest entity that responds only to chests with unique outputs for touching while carrying or not carrying a chest
  • Two new entities info_chest_remover and info_chest_spawner that can be used to add/remove chests and update the chest count properly
  • Added OnPlayerThrow output for weapon_chest entity
  • New info_team_scoring_indicator entity that can be used to specify where a scoring indicator should be (for chest zones)
  • New info_map_cvar entity that can be used to set ConVars that will be properly reset when the map changes

Everything Else:

  • Can’t attack gibs or kick them by default, now behind option cl_gibs_attackable for performance reasons
  • Added support for Discord game invites
  • Rich presence now shows “Joining a server…” while players are connecting
  • Removed big heads server option
  • Players will now have a key icon above their head when carrying keys instead of glowing
  • Keys will now glow
  • Chests will now save their entity names when they’re picked up and will be restored when they’re dropped
  • Significant improvements to ambient_fmod performance and loading, this should fix issues that could cause an infinite lag loop
  • New startup option “-nofmod” to start the game without FMOD (used for main menu music, buttons, and other sound related things)
  • mat_fullbright will now be reset to 0 on level shutdown. So if you transition from a map with no lighting to a map with lighting it works properly.
  • PVKII-specific shaders have been updated to support flashlights (an effect that’s used by certain entities like env_projectedtexture)

Join the conversation on the official https://discord.gg/pvkii PVKII Discord! Interact with devs, testers and creators!

Follow us on Trello for the latest development buzz, and as always, follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates.

Enjoy the update!

Octoshark Studios
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Colonel

PVKII Bots are coming!

And many of them are nameless. While nothing strikes fear into the heart of an enemy like a nameless ghost army of mechanized soldiers, we're going for something more along the lines of the PVKII aesthetic and we want your help to name them!

From now until the bots are released we'll be taking name suggestions in the #pvkii channel on our discord server here: http://discord.gg/pvkii If your suggestions are chosen we'll use that or those names for the bots in the released product and credit you with the naming.

To suggest a bot name, include "#botname" in your chat message, when the time comes we'll search the channel for "#botname" and choose the winners, if "#botname" is not part of the message we won't see your suggestion.

If you would like to add a title to your name suggestion or a particular class for your name suggestion please include those in the message. If you don't include a title or a class we'll try to pick the most appropriate title/class. Please keep in mind we may have to override your class selection in cases where too many names were submitted for a class.

Example: #botname Name: Beefeater Title: the Bean Eater Class: Man At Arms

Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Colonel

Ahoy ther' PVKII fans! Fancy a time to spread some lub?

Hard to believe there is only one month left in 2018. And what a year it was! PVKII released many updates this year with significant features like gore, map upgrades, and a new playable class! Seeing over 1 million installs on Steam, we are so grateful for all the support from fans and everyone that has contributed to the game. Regardless of the result, we appriciate all your support! Octoshark Studios is delighted to have your vote for ModDB’s 2018 Mod of The Year for our free to play game Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II.

Free to play on Steam!
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Vote for Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II in the 2018 Mod of the Year Awards!

EDIT: December 12 2018
Unfortunately we did not crack the top 100 this year. Fortunately we had an outpouring of votes from our fan base. PVKII Team and Octoshark Studios would like to thank everyone for their support! We hope to show off and release updates in the near future: glacier, bots, and new classes! See you soon!

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