Paranormal - MattDementous
Patch #13- 11/19/2018

I'm sorry this has taken so long. Thank you so much for your patience.
Here is the latest build of the Paranormal Unreal Engine 4 remake alpha. The game is still a work-in-progress. Updates will be coming more frequently (seriously), adding more scares, story, and overall improvements to the experience. This patch has been focused on expanding the scares, adding more story elements, and overall experience.
Currently, this build is only available for the Windows version of the game. The Mac version of this build has had similar issues to the previous one. Once I've fixed those issues, I'll make it available alongside the Windows build.
The previous build SHOULD work with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Today's build is 64-bit only at the moment. Windows XP isn't technically supported, but there may be workarounds that I am unaware of.
(If this patch hasn't shown up for you yet, try reinstalling the game or waiting a bit and restarting Steam.)
Remember, the Unreal Engine 4 remake update will be free to everyone who owns the game.
These past months have been VERY busy for me. Between working hard on Paranormal, moving, having a baby, battling depression, and many other things---I've been swamped, but I'm confident this build of Paranormal is a big improvement. After reading so much commentary in the community about the frequency of updates, I've decided the most responsible and overall best thing I can do from now on is to release more frequent updates that are smaller in size. Many of you have been telling me that you'd rather have more frequent updates and I plan to deliver on that. I know my track record for update frequency is lacking, but I am working on improving this. You have all been so incredibly awesome and continue to be. Thank you so much for continuing to support Paranormal, me, and my family. I can't wait to scare you all more in future updates.
I'm serious. More updates. Smaller, more focused and frequent.
Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.18 for improved stability
Added additional cutscenes
Added death system (will expand in future)
Added more scares (more to come still)
Added rumble sound to more scares
Added ability for certain scares to injure Mattel
Added option in menu to disable voice recognition
Added loading screen
Added additional items around the property
Added possibility for camera to run out of battery
Added usable soccer/foot ball
Added various tooltips to settings menu
Balanced some scares
Improved certain scares
Improved coloration of foliage and landscape
Improved weather effects
Improved lighting
Improved Level of Detail system
Fixed issue with phone interaction failing to trigger
Fixed issue with invisible sleeping Mattel
Changed font on settings menu
Changed crosshair color
Changed night camera text
Many other changes I haven't listed due to forgetfulness.
What still needs to be done?
I have the story's plot and branches all planned out, but not implemented fully into the game yet. The game currently has a bit plot progression, but not as much as I intend there to be when it's done. This will be changed in the future.
More scares. Way more scares. And more randomization, both big and small.
More interaction with the environment.
And most importantly, whatever feedback all of you give me will help shape the game's future.
This patch is dedicated to you. Thank you for taking the time to play this game and for putting up with the long wait times. I owe you everything.
Stay spooky.
Paranormal - MattDementous
Patch #12 - 07/21/2017

Thank you so much for your patience. This build has taken a long time to arrive. Here is the latest build of the Paranormal Unreal Engine 4 remake alpha. The game is still a work-in-progress. Updates will be coming more frequently (seriously), adding more scares, story, and overall improvements to the experience. This patch has been focused on expanding the scares, adding more story elements, and overall experience.
Currently, this build is only available for the Windows version of the game. The Mac version of this build has had similar issues to the previous one. Once I've fixed those issues, I'll make it available alongside the Windows build.
The previous build SHOULD work with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Today's build is 64-bit only at the moment. Windows XP isn't technically supported, but there may be workarounds that I am unaware of.
(If this patch hasn't shown up for you yet, try reinstalling the game or waiting a bit and restarting Steam.)
Remember, the Unreal Engine 4 remake update will be free to everyone who owns the game.
These past months have been VERY busy for me. Between working hard on Paranormal, moving, having a baby, battling depression, and many other things---I've been swamped, but I'm confident this build of Paranormal is a big improvement. After reading so much commentary in the community about the frequency of updates, I've decided the most responsible and overall best thing I can do from now on is to release more frequent updates that are smaller in size. Many of you have been telling me that you'd rather have more frequent updates and I plan to deliver on that. I know my track record for update frequency is lacking, but I am working on improving this. You have all been so incredibly awesome and continue to be. Thank you so much for continuing to support Paranormal, me, and my family. I can't wait to scare you all more in future updates.
Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.16 for improved stability
Added several new scenes at the start of each day (more in future)
Added more lights around the house
Added several new scares
Added various shoes to wear
Added more words for the spirit to listen for
Fixed black screen issue
Added randomized player clothing
Added some wildlife (will add more in future)
Added bugs (the kind that fly)
Added first version of an ending (will be improved)
Added new icon
Added new splash screen
Fixed issue where mirror was green on lower graphics settings
Fixed physics and collision issues on several objects
Fixed sound issues in catacombs
Fixed television scare
Improved night cam scares
Improved camera shader and its scalability
Improved night sky and darkness at night
Improved street lights
Improved quality of voice recognition
Improved lighting performance
Improved foliage performance
Improved randomization of certain objects
Improved mirror performance and quality
Added the rumble sound back to certain scares
Added sound effects to certain scares that were missing them
Added some decor around the house
Many other changes I haven't listed due to forgetfulness.
What still needs to be done?
I have the story's plot and branches all planned out, but not implemented fully into the game yet. The game currently has a bit plot progression, but not as much as I intend there to be when it's done. This will be changed in the future.
More scares. Way more scares. And more randomization, both big and small.
More interaction with the environment.
And most importantly, whatever feedback all of you give me will help shape the game's future.
This patch is dedicated to the horror filmmaker 'George A. Romero'. Watch his films.
Stay spooky.
Paranormal - MattDementous
Patch #12 - 07/21/2017

Thank you so much for your patience. This build has taken a long time to arrive. Here is the latest build of the Paranormal Unreal Engine 4 remake alpha. The game is still a work-in-progress. Updates will be coming more frequently (seriously), adding more scares, story, and overall improvements to the experience. This patch has been focused on expanding the scares, adding more story elements, and overall experience.
Currently, this build is only available for the Windows version of the game. The Mac version of this build has had similar issues to the previous one. Once I've fixed those issues, I'll make it available alongside the Windows build.
The previous build SHOULD work with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Today's build is 64-bit only at the moment. Windows XP isn't technically supported, but there may be workarounds that I am unaware of.
(If this patch hasn't shown up for you yet, try reinstalling the game or waiting a bit and restarting Steam.)
Remember, the Unreal Engine 4 remake update will be free to everyone who owns the game.
These past months have been VERY busy for me. Between working hard on Paranormal, moving, having a baby, battling depression, and many other things---I've been swamped, but I'm confident this build of Paranormal is a big improvement. After reading so much commentary in the community about the frequency of updates, I've decided the most responsible and overall best thing I can do from now on is to release more frequent updates that are smaller in size. Many of you have been telling me that you'd rather have more frequent updates and I plan to deliver on that. I know my track record for update frequency is lacking, but I am working on improving this. You have all been so incredibly awesome and continue to be. Thank you so much for continuing to support Paranormal, me, and my family. I can't wait to scare you all more in future updates.
Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.16 for improved stability
Added several new scenes at the start of each day (more in future)
Added more lights around the house
Added several new scares
Added various shoes to wear
Added more words for the spirit to listen for
Fixed black screen issue
Added randomized player clothing
Added some wildlife (will add more in future)
Added bugs (the kind that fly)
Added first version of an ending (will be improved)
Added new icon
Added new splash screen
Fixed issue where mirror was green on lower graphics settings
Fixed physics and collision issues on several objects
Fixed sound issues in catacombs
Fixed television scare
Improved night cam scares
Improved camera shader and its scalability
Improved night sky and darkness at night
Improved street lights
Improved quality of voice recognition
Improved lighting performance
Improved foliage performance
Improved randomization of certain objects
Improved mirror performance and quality
Added the rumble sound back to certain scares
Added sound effects to certain scares that were missing them
Added some decor around the house
Many other changes I haven't listed due to forgetfulness.
What still needs to be done?
I have the story's plot and branches all planned out, but not implemented fully into the game yet. The game currently has a bit plot progression, but not as much as I intend there to be when it's done. This will be changed in the future.
More scares. Way more scares. And more randomization, both big and small.
More interaction with the environment.
And most importantly, whatever feedback all of you give me will help shape the game's future.
This patch is dedicated to the horror filmmaker 'George A. Romero'. Watch his films.
Stay spooky.
Paranormal - MattDementous
Patch #11 - 12/10/2016

This one has been a long time coming. Been working hard on this for a while now. Here is the latest build of the Paranormal Unreal Engine 4 remake alpha. The game is still a work-in-progress. Updates will be coming more frequently, adding more scares, story, and overall improvements to the experience. This patch has been focused on expanding the scares, improving the graphics and performance, and overall experience.
Currently, this build is only available for the Windows version of the game. The Mac version of this build has had similar issues to the previous one. Once I've fixed those issues, I'll make it available alongside the Windows build.
The previous build SHOULD work with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Today's build is 64-bit only at the moment. Windows XP isn't technically supported, but there may be workarounds that I am unaware of.
(If this patch hasn't shown up for you yet, try reinstalling the game or waiting a bit and restarting Steam.)
Remember, the Unreal Engine 4 remake update will be free to everyone who owns the game.
These past few months have been VERY busy for me. Between working hard on Paranormal, moving, having a baby, and many other things---I've been swamped, but I'm confident this build of Paranormal is a big improvement. After reading so much commentary in the community about the frequency of updates, I've decidedd the most responsible and overall best thing I can do from now on is to release more frequent updates that are smaller in size. Many of you have been telling me that you'd rather have more frequent updates and I plan to deliver on that. You have all been so incredibly awesome and continue to be. Thank you so much for continuing to support Paranormal, me, and my family. I can't wait to scare you all more in future updates.
Upgraded to Unreal Engine build 4.12
Completely remade the camera effect
Added a fully animated player model
Added more opportunities to talk with the presence
Added several mini-scares
Added ability to unpause game with pause button
Added ability to enable and disable subtitles
Added rain effect on several outdoor surfaces
Added scares to the catacombs
Added a friend to meet in the catacombs
Added numerous randomized audio elements
Added a trash panda
Improved audio design greatly
Optimized window frame graphics
Something is crawling on you
Remade fish tank model
Adopted a pet fish for you because it "encourages positivity"
Improved fireflies
Improved thunder effect
Improved ambiance of the vast catacombs
Became a father to a healthy baby girl
Fixed issue where light would show in the catacombs
Fixed issue where door sound would play when it shouldn't
Fixed issue where tons of noises played after level loaded
Fixed several physics-related issues
Improved skin texture for realism
Improved cabinet physics
Fixed the broken mirror in the bathroom
Improved the pond's appearance
Improved appearance of road & driveway
Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary
Added insects that fly around the outdoor lights at night
Added more foliage & improved existing foliage
Added settings slider for detail objects quanitity
Added more grass & bound it to detail objects slider
Added garbage can fun
Fixed some randomization issues
Fixed basement door jam
Fixed windchimes
Many other changes I haven't listed due to forgetfulness.
What still needs to be done?
I have the story's plot and branches all planned out, but not implemented fully into the game yet. The game currently has very little plot progression, aside from some backstory stuff and the intro scene. This will be changed in the future.
More scares. Way more scares. And more randomization, both big and small.
More interaction with the environment.
And most importantly, whatever feedback all of you give me will help shape the game's future.
This patch is dedicated to the found-footage horror book 'House of Leaves'. Read it.
Stay spooky.
Paranormal - MattDementous
Patch #11 - 12/10/2016

This one has been a long time coming. Been working hard on this for a while now. Here is the latest build of the Paranormal Unreal Engine 4 remake alpha. The game is still a work-in-progress. Updates will be coming more frequently, adding more scares, story, and overall improvements to the experience. This patch has been focused on expanding the scares, improving the graphics and performance, and overall experience.
Currently, this build is only available for the Windows version of the game. The Mac version of this build has had similar issues to the previous one. Once I've fixed those issues, I'll make it available alongside the Windows build.
The previous build SHOULD work with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Today's build is 64-bit only at the moment. Windows XP isn't technically supported, but there may be workarounds that I am unaware of.
(If this patch hasn't shown up for you yet, try reinstalling the game or waiting a bit and restarting Steam.)
Remember, the Unreal Engine 4 remake update will be free to everyone who owns the game.
These past few months have been VERY busy for me. Between working hard on Paranormal, moving, having a baby, and many other things---I've been swamped, but I'm confident this build of Paranormal is a big improvement. After reading so much commentary in the community about the frequency of updates, I've decidedd the most responsible and overall best thing I can do from now on is to release more frequent updates that are smaller in size. Many of you have been telling me that you'd rather have more frequent updates and I plan to deliver on that. You have all been so incredibly awesome and continue to be. Thank you so much for continuing to support Paranormal, me, and my family. I can't wait to scare you all more in future updates.
Upgraded to Unreal Engine build 4.12
Completely remade the camera effect
Added a fully animated player model
Added more opportunities to talk with the presence
Added several mini-scares
Added ability to unpause game with pause button
Added ability to enable and disable subtitles
Added rain effect on several outdoor surfaces
Added scares to the catacombs
Added a friend to meet in the catacombs
Added numerous randomized audio elements
Added a trash panda
Improved audio design greatly
Optimized window frame graphics
Something is crawling on you
Remade fish tank model
Adopted a pet fish for you because it "encourages positivity"
Improved fireflies
Improved thunder effect
Improved ambiance of the vast catacombs
Became a father to a healthy baby girl
Fixed issue where light would show in the catacombs
Fixed issue where door sound would play when it shouldn't
Fixed issue where tons of noises played after level loaded
Fixed several physics-related issues
Improved skin texture for realism
Improved cabinet physics
Fixed the broken mirror in the bathroom
Improved the pond's appearance
Improved appearance of road & driveway
Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary
Added insects that fly around the outdoor lights at night
Added more foliage & improved existing foliage
Added settings slider for detail objects quanitity
Added more grass & bound it to detail objects slider
Added garbage can fun
Fixed some randomization issues
Fixed basement door jam
Fixed windchimes
Many other changes I haven't listed due to forgetfulness.
What still needs to be done?
I have the story's plot and branches all planned out, but not implemented fully into the game yet. The game currently has very little plot progression, aside from some backstory stuff and the intro scene. This will be changed in the future.
More scares. Way more scares. And more randomization, both big and small.
More interaction with the environment.
And most importantly, whatever feedback all of you give me will help shape the game's future.
This patch is dedicated to the found-footage horror book 'House of Leaves'. Read it.
Stay spooky.
Paranormal - MattDementous
Patch #10 - 6/19/2016

Sorry about the wait. Been working hard on Paranormal. Big things are coming. Here is the latest build of the Paranormal Unreal Engine 4 remake alpha. The game is still a work-in-progress. Updates will be coming more frequently, adding more scares, story, and overall improvements to the experience. This patch has been focused on stabilizing the game on lower-end machines, as well as fixing glitches and adding scares (and other content).
Currently, this build is only available for the Windows version of the game. The Mac version of this build has had similar issues to the previous one. Once I've fixed those issues, I'll make it available alongside the Windows build.
The previous build SHOULD work with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Today's build is 64-bit only at the moment. Windows XP isn't technically supported, but there may be workarounds that I am unaware of.
(If this patch hasn't shown up for you yet, try reinstalling the game or waiting a bit and restarting Steam.)
Remember, the Unreal Engine 4 remake update will be free to everyone who owns the game.
Improved overall performance
Fixed several physics-related issues
Improved randomization of items and scares
Improved pacing in general (still more work to be done here)
Added several scares (more to come in future updates)
Optimized the lighting (still more work to be done here)
Tons of various other improvements
Improved sound design (volume, reverb, quality, etc.)
Optimized house layout models (still more to be done)
Stabilized framerate on most machines
Added a way for the player to talk to the presence with your mic
Improved physics sounds
Improved footstep system
Added fully functional motion-sensing nightlights
Improved foliage animations based on wind intensity
Added footsteps for climbing the ladder to the attic
Improved accuracy of certain interaction triggers
Added wind chimes
Added an automatic white-balance system to improve camcorder feel
Fixed that bed-time crash again
Optimized decals and stains
Added a friend in the woods
Optimized most of the 3D models
Improved LOD system
Refused to exorcise ghost chair
Added/Modified some night cam scares
Added like 10,000 fireflies
Added washing-machine
Added rain effect on glass doors
Fixed audio settings issue
Fixed TV remote not working
Added squeaky floorboard
Added several night-cam scares
Many other changes I haven't listed due to forgetfulness.
What still needs to be done?
I have the story's plot and branches all planned out, but not implemented fully into the game yet. The game currently has no plot progression, aside from some backstory stuff and the intro scene. This will be changed in the future.
More scares. Way more scares. And more randomization, both big and small.
More interaction with the environment.
And most importantly, whatever feedback all of you give me will help shape the game's future.
This patch is dedicated to the horror movie Willow Creek. Watch it.
Stay spooky.
Paranormal - MattDementous
Patch #10 - 6/19/2016

Sorry about the wait. Been working hard on Paranormal. Big things are coming. Here is the latest build of the Paranormal Unreal Engine 4 remake alpha. The game is still a work-in-progress. Updates will be coming more frequently, adding more scares, story, and overall improvements to the experience. This patch has been focused on stabilizing the game on lower-end machines, as well as fixing glitches and adding scares (and other content).
Currently, this build is only available for the Windows version of the game. The Mac version of this build has had similar issues to the previous one. Once I've fixed those issues, I'll make it available alongside the Windows build.
The previous build SHOULD work with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Today's build is 64-bit only at the moment. Windows XP isn't technically supported, but there may be workarounds that I am unaware of.
(If this patch hasn't shown up for you yet, try reinstalling the game or waiting a bit and restarting Steam.)
Remember, the Unreal Engine 4 remake update will be free to everyone who owns the game.
Improved overall performance
Fixed several physics-related issues
Improved randomization of items and scares
Improved pacing in general (still more work to be done here)
Added several scares (more to come in future updates)
Optimized the lighting (still more work to be done here)
Tons of various other improvements
Improved sound design (volume, reverb, quality, etc.)
Optimized house layout models (still more to be done)
Stabilized framerate on most machines
Added a way for the player to talk to the presence with your mic
Improved physics sounds
Improved footstep system
Added fully functional motion-sensing nightlights
Improved foliage animations based on wind intensity
Added footsteps for climbing the ladder to the attic
Improved accuracy of certain interaction triggers
Added wind chimes
Added an automatic white-balance system to improve camcorder feel
Fixed that bed-time crash again
Optimized decals and stains
Added a friend in the woods
Optimized most of the 3D models
Improved LOD system
Refused to exorcise ghost chair
Added/Modified some night cam scares
Added like 10,000 fireflies
Added washing-machine
Added rain effect on glass doors
Fixed audio settings issue
Fixed TV remote not working
Added squeaky floorboard
Added several night-cam scares
Many other changes I haven't listed due to forgetfulness.
What still needs to be done?
I have the story's plot and branches all planned out, but not implemented fully into the game yet. The game currently has no plot progression, aside from some backstory stuff and the intro scene. This will be changed in the future.
More scares. Way more scares. And more randomization, both big and small.
More interaction with the environment.
And most importantly, whatever feedback all of you give me will help shape the game's future.
This patch is dedicated to the horror movie Willow Creek. Watch it.
Stay spooky.
Paranormal - MattDementous
Patch #9 - 2/2/2016

Happy New Year! Sorry I'm late. Here is the latest build of the Paranormal Unreal Engine 4 remake alpha. The game is still a work-in-progress. Updates will be coming more frequently, adding more scares, story, and overall improvements to the experience. This patch has been focused on stabilizing the game, as well as fixing glitches and adding scares (and other content).
Currently, this build is only available for the Windows version of the game. The Mac version of this build has had similar issues to the previous one. Once I've fixed those issues, I'll make it available alongside the Windows build.
This build SHOULD now work with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Windows XP isn't technically supported, but there may be workarounds that I am unaware of.
(If this patch hasn't shown up for you yet, try reinstalling the game or waiting a bit and restarting Steam.)
Remember, the Unreal Engine 4 remake update will be free to everyone who owns the game.
Improved overall performance
Improved gamepad support
Added basic Steam Controller support
Fixed audio cutting out in the intro scene
Fixed several physics-related issues
Improved randomization of items and scares
Improved pacing in general (still more work to be done here)
Added several scares (more to come in future updates)
Redid the flashlight/camera light system, now casts shadows
Thunder and lightning will now occur without having to go outside first
Improved lightning flash shadows
Optimized the lighting (still more work to be done here)
Tons of various other improvements
Improved sound design (volume, reverb, quality, etc.)
Fixed on-screen effects
Improved foliage shading
Added a light to the inside of the refrigerator
Optimized house layout models (still more to be done)
Fixed cell phone ringing during calls
Haunted chair remains haunted.
Added a call end tone when phone calls end
Stabilized framerate on most machines
Fixed issue where rain followed the player around indoors
Fixed freeze/crash on security camera view
Added 32-bit Windows support (unless it doesn't work. Let me know.)
Many other changes I haven't listed due to forgetfulness.
What still needs to be done?
I have the story's plot and branches all planned out, but not implemented fully into the game yet. The game currently has no plot progression, aside from some backstory stuff and the intro scene. This will be changed in the future.
More scares. Way more scares. And more randomization, both big and small.
More interaction with the environment.
And most importantly, whatever feedback all of you give me will help shape the game's future.
This patch is dedicated to the horror movie Ghostwatch. Watch it.
Stay spooky.
Paranormal - MattDementous
Patch #9 - 2/2/2016

Happy New Year! Sorry I'm late. Here is the latest build of the Paranormal Unreal Engine 4 remake alpha. The game is still a work-in-progress. Updates will be coming more frequently, adding more scares, story, and overall improvements to the experience. This patch has been focused on stabilizing the game, as well as fixing glitches and adding scares (and other content).
Currently, this build is only available for the Windows version of the game. The Mac version of this build has had similar issues to the previous one. Once I've fixed those issues, I'll make it available alongside the Windows build.
This build SHOULD now work with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Windows XP isn't technically supported, but there may be workarounds that I am unaware of.
(If this patch hasn't shown up for you yet, try reinstalling the game or waiting a bit and restarting Steam.)
Remember, the Unreal Engine 4 remake update will be free to everyone who owns the game.
Improved overall performance
Improved gamepad support
Added basic Steam Controller support
Fixed audio cutting out in the intro scene
Fixed several physics-related issues
Improved randomization of items and scares
Improved pacing in general (still more work to be done here)
Added several scares (more to come in future updates)
Redid the flashlight/camera light system, now casts shadows
Thunder and lightning will now occur without having to go outside first
Improved lightning flash shadows
Optimized the lighting (still more work to be done here)
Tons of various other improvements
Improved sound design (volume, reverb, quality, etc.)
Fixed on-screen effects
Improved foliage shading
Added a light to the inside of the refrigerator
Optimized house layout models (still more to be done)
Fixed cell phone ringing during calls
Haunted chair remains haunted.
Added a call end tone when phone calls end
Stabilized framerate on most machines
Fixed issue where rain followed the player around indoors
Fixed freeze/crash on security camera view
Added 32-bit Windows support (unless it doesn't work. Let me know.)
Many other changes I haven't listed due to forgetfulness.
What still needs to be done?
I have the story's plot and branches all planned out, but not implemented fully into the game yet. The game currently has no plot progression, aside from some backstory stuff and the intro scene. This will be changed in the future.
More scares. Way more scares. And more randomization, both big and small.
More interaction with the environment.
And most importantly, whatever feedback all of you give me will help shape the game's future.
This patch is dedicated to the horror movie Ghostwatch. Watch it.
Stay spooky.
Paranormal - MattDementous
Patch #8 - 11/11/2015

It's taken longer than expected, but the next build of the Paranormal Unreal Engine 4 remake alpha is available. The game is still a work-in-progress. Updates will be coming more frequently, adding more scares, story, and overall improvements to the experience.
Currently, this build is only available for the Windows version of the game. The Mac version of this build has had similar issues to the previous one. Once I've fixed those issues, I'll make it available alongside the Windows build.
This build requires a 64-bit OS. Windows XP isn't technically supported, but there may be workarounds that I am unaware of.
Remember, the Unreal Engine 4 remake update will be free to everyone who owns the game.
Added more scares (way more in the future).
Added dynamic shadows for the foliage, including the forest.
Added very basic Steam Controller support.
Added camera shake level controls in the settings menu.
Added camera effect level controls in the settings menu.
Added detailed audio volume controls in the settings menu.
Added FOV options in the settings menu.
Improved the menus overall.
Improved persistence of settings values.
Improved and reworked several scares.
Improved pacing.
Improved performance greatly (at least 25% increase on my PC).
Improved on existing content.
The haunted chair is still haunted.
Fixed collision for the trees, ensuring nobody gets stuck.
Fixed tons and tons of bugs.
Many other changes I haven't listed due to forgetfulness.
What still needs to be done?
I have the story's plot and branches all planned out, but not implemented fully into the game yet. The game currently has no plot progression, aside from some backstory stuff and the intro scene. This will be changed in the future.
More scares. Way more scares. And more randomization, both big and small.
Performance optimizations.
Improved controller support.
More interaction with the environment.
And most importantly, whatever feedback all of you give me will help shape the game's future.
This patch is dedicated to the horror movie The Descent. Watch it.
I hope you had a frightening Halloween.
Stay spooky.

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