Paint the Town Red - Eternic

It's time to step through the portal and emerge into version 1.1.0 where we've added Teleporters to the Level Editor for use in Workshop levels. With our teleporters we didn't just make them teleport players or enemies, we've allowed them to teleport bullets and weapons as well!

You can find the teleporter prop in under the "Other" category represented with the following icon:

Teleporters work much like Primitive props in how they can be scaled and have materials applied, and they can be grouped to a Primitive so they can move on waypoints. They are also logic props and can be enabled or disabled with different buttons or triggers.

Below are some basic examples of what Teleporters can do and further below are descriptions of the options available.

Player Teleporting

Enemy Pathfinding via Teleporters

Ragdoll Teleporting

Bullet Teleporting

Thrown Weapons Teleport

Moving Teleporters

A brief explanation of each of the options the Teleporters have in the Level Editor:

  • Active: Whether or not the Teleporter starts activated
  • Teleports Players: Whether or not it teleports players
  • Teleports Enemies: Whether or not it teleports enemies (including ragdolled enemies)
  • Teleports Weapons: Whether or not it teleports weapons
  • Teleports Bullets: Whether or not it teleports bullets
  • Move to Relative Offset: This determines whether a teleported object moves to a position on the destination teleporter that matches where it entered the source teleporter. Otherwise it will appear at the center of the destination teleporter.
  • Keep Relative Direction: This determines whether an object will exit the destination teleporter with a rotation that is based on the direction it was when it entered the source teleporter and the difference in rotation between the 2 teleporters. Otherwise the exit rotation will be entirely based on the rotation of the exit teleporter.
  • NPCS Try to Use: Whether or not NPC characters will try to use the teleporter when pathfinding as a shortcut.
  • Hide When Inactive: Sets whether when not Active the teleporter will be invisible.

Note that the direction of the entry and exit teleporters can be quite important for achieving the results you're after. We've added arrows on the teleporter props to indicate the different axis directions.

We're expecting there to be a lot of creative and ingenious uses of the teleporters in upcoming levels and are looking forward to seeing what the community can come up with.

In this update we've also added the missing female textures from the Biker Bar, Disco and Pirate Cove as appearance options on the Level Editor and added some new transparent material options.


Version 1.1.0
  • Level Editor: Added teleporters
  • Level Editor: Added Biker, Disco and Pirate female appearance options
  • Level Editor: Added some new transparent material options
Dec 26, 2021
Paint the Town Red - Eternic
This is a minor update to fix an issues with The End boss fight and some other related issues with enemy movement. A larger update with new features will be coming soon.

Version 1.0.9
  • Fixed a bug with the End boss and some other cases where they would fall into gaps
Paint the Town Red - GTB79

Get in the fight, Brawlers!

From now until January 5th, Paint the Town Red will be 40% off here on Steam.

Get the game now and start painting the town!

Come stop by the Discord server as well to team up with other fighters!
Dec 20, 2021
Paint the Town Red - Eternic
This is a minor update to fix some issues with the ammo count and Endless Arena countdown text after changes made in the last hotfix update. A larger update with new features will be coming soon.

Version 1.0.8
  • Fixed ammo count and Endless Arena timer text rendering issues
  • Fixed some collision issues in the VR room in the Beneath Facility
Dec 16, 2021
Paint the Town Red - South East Games
This is a minor update to fix some text rendering issues in some parts of the game in some languages. A larger update with new features will be coming soon.


Version 1.0.7
  • Fixed rendering of some outlined text in Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Korean and Japanese
Paint the Town Red - GTB79


On Friday 18:00 ET, the developers of Paint the Town Red will be on Discord for a live Q&A!

Joining will be Matthew who does programming, Jeff who creates the music and SFX, and Shane the artist.

Feel free to start leaving your questions in the #question-submission channel on the Discord server.

You can ask about anything you would like, such as current development plans, upcoming updates, events, or any other questions you may have.

Discord Invite Link:

Hope to see you there!
Paint the Town Red - GTB79

Hey Brawlers,

Many of you may be familiar with the community-run Discord server “Paint the Town Red Network.” We are pleased to announce that this Discord is now being made official!

What does this mean? This means that you will now be seeing the developers and the new Community Manager there much more frequently! There will also be new officially sponsored events on the horizon.

Join the Official Discord server using this link:

We would also like to thank the previous owner, 𝕁𝕠𝕜𝕖𝕣, for building the server to where it is now, but also for stepping down so that it can be made official. He is still on the Admin Team though thankfully!

This thank you also extends to the admin team who run the server daily, and built the community to where it is today

So thank you Adventuregamer, Dahcuesta, Fallout, GamingFlaming, Kersher, Supa Player, and 𝕁𝕠𝕜𝕖𝕣!

We hope to see you around Discord soon!

Paint the Town Red - South East Games
This is a minor update to address some issues with some of the changes made in the previous update.

We have a much larger update in the works which will add a huge amount of new functionality to the Level Editor and we'll be showing off some previews of that soon.


Version 1.0.6
  • Moved Primitives and Logics to new Level Editor prop subcategories
  • Stopped some new workshop level optimisations running on low memory machines to avoid crashes
  • Prevented negative scales from being set on primitives in the Level Editor to avoid various bugs
  • Fixed decal bug on some combined meshes in workshop levels
  • Fixed issues with negatively scaled primitives in groups in workshop levels
  • Fixed duplicate mesh data on some combined primitives in workshop levels
Paint the Town Red - Eternic
Large Level Performance Improvements

As levels continue becoming increasingly large and complicated on the Workshop, it's important that we work on improving how these levels are created and how they play. In 1.0.4 there is now a significant improvement to the editing workflow of large levels. Where before it might take several seconds to place or modify an item on massive levels, this should now be close to instant. Part of this is a new option to reduce the frequency that level undo states are saved.

In addition, both load times and framerates of large levels have been improved, particularly when those levels use a lot of "primitive" shape props. In testing large levels in this update we've seen load times improved by around 25% and framerates improve between 30% and 250% depending on the complexity of the level.

Animated Characters in Editor

One consistent difficulty with placing characters in levels in the editor has been getting them positioned just right to match the animation they will play. In this update you can now toggle animations on and off for human characters in the editor.

Lit 3D Text

After adding 3D Text props in the last update, many of you wanted to have these be able to be affected by lighting and shadows. We've added a 'Lit' toggle on 3D Text props that add this functionality.

New Primitive Pathing Options

We've added 4 new options on Primitive shape props to give greater control over how they follow paths.
Can Restart Path: Determines whether a non looping primitive, after reaching the end of a path, can be retriggered to begin it's path again.
Restart at Start Point: Determines whether a primitive that is restarted will begin at it's original starting point or the beginning of the path.
Reverse Direction at Path End: Determines whether the primitive will change its direction once it reaches the end of the path. This would be useful for an elevator that you want to be able to send in the opposite direction each time it's restarted.
Reverse Direction when Stopped: This is similar to the above option, but will change direction every time it is stopped and started again. This would allow you to make an elevator stop and change direction halfway for example.

There are many other changes listed in the full changelist below. We have a lot more Level Editor improvements and additions planned, and improvements and additions to other parts of the game.


Version 1.0.4
  • Level Editor performance improved when modifying large levels
  • Improved rendering performance of some large user created levels
  • Improved performance of user created levels featuring lots of 'primitive' shape props
  • Added Animate option to the Level Editor to show character animation
  • Added new transparent glass materials to the Level Editor
  • Added option for 3D text to be lit in the Level Editor
  • Added option for primitives to be able to restart their paths when re-triggered
  • Added a Delete button to the Level Editor level list
  • Added option to Enemy Trackers to set a number of enemies that need to be killed to trigger
  • Added a setting to the Level Editor to change how often Undo states are saved
  • Added option to always downward swing when jumping
  • Added text indicating that progress will be saved when quitting a Beneath run
  • Added Beneath Acolyte textures to the Level Editor
  • Added Saloon textures as Player Texture option in the Level Editor
  • Improved the rendering of most of the UI elements in the game
  • Fixed Acid Rain damage
  • Fixed selection errors in the Level Editor
  • Fixed selection of primitives being inaccurate after scaling in the Level Editor
  • Fixed prefab selection allowing multiple options highlighted in the Level Editor
  • Fixed some prop positions getting swapping in the Level Editor in some cases
  • Fixed the 3D text prop icon showing in the game if unedited
  • Fixed bug with grouped primitives on looping paths sometimes shifting relative position
  • Fixed not being able to select characters in the Level Editor sometimes
  • Fixed some bad props making navmesh generation impossible while editing a level
  • Fixed some loading errors of levels with bad prop data
  • Fixed shading on characters in the Level Editor
  • Fixed M1 Macs having rendering bug with severed enemy body parts with custom textures
Paint the Town Red - Eternic
Over the next several days Paint the Town Red will be 30% off so it's a great time to jump in if you've been waiting.

3D Text Props

Say goodbye to painstakingly arranging pool balls to make letters, because in this update we've added the ability to add 3D text props in the Level Editor so you can add custom text anywhere you need it.

Music Layers

Also for the Level Editor we've added some new options for music. Firstly you can now set a different music track to play when you've won a level. The bigger change though is that you can now set Music props to play music on up to 8 different layers. This will be great for levels with voices or sound effects as they'll now be able to play on a different layer and not interrupt the main music.

We've also added some of the Beneath music tracks to the Level Editor and the old main menu music.

Beneath Class Scenario Modifiers

You can now play all the Scenario levels as one of the classes from Beneath with the new modifiers: Brawler, Spectre, Warlock, Vanguard and Corrupted.


In this update we've made some tweaks to attacks to give you more control over when you swing a weapon downwards or uppercut. Instead of being based on looking up or jumping, or random in the case of the uppercut, you can now perform a downward swing or the uppercut by swinging while holding the block button.

Other Changes

Some of the other changes in this update include lighting and shadows from muzzle flares on guns, thrown weapons will now longer sometimes go through enemies, in the Biker Bar enemies can now jump down off the bar if they get stuck up there and some tweaks to the Beneath Facility to help new players know how to start their first run.

Oh, and that one guy that would get stuck at the bottom of the basement stairs in the Biker Bar should now figure out how to make that first step.

The full changelist is below.


Version 1.0.3
  • Level Editor now has custom 3D text props
  • Level Editor now has the option to set a different music track for victory
  • Level Editor Music Logic props now allow music/sounds to play on up to 8 different layers at once
  • Added new music to Level Editor: Construct, Sacrifice, Beneath, Transaction, The End, Neo Western
  • Added Scenario Modifiers: Brawler, Spectre, Warlock, Vanguard and Corrupted
  • Block+Swing now will do the overhead swing attack or uppercut when unarmed
  • Overhead swing no longer automatically happens when jumping or looking up
  • Uppercut no longer happens at random
  • Movement speed while blocking is slightly reduced
  • Controls Help shows how to swing a weapon during gameplay
  • Beneath blast doors start open to help new players understand where to go
  • Some gun muzzle flares now cast light when shooting
  • Added some basic translations on the Sandbox
  • Added the ability for enemies to jump down from the bar top and bar in the Biker Bar
  • Increased vertex limit of blood decals on tables in the Biker Bar
  • Improved accuracy of high velocity weapon collisions
  • Fixed enemies being able to get stuck inside the basement stairs in the Biker Bar
  • Fixed enemies getting stuck trying to run up the basement stairs in the Biker Bar
  • Fixed Modifiers button showing when the Sandbox level is selected
  • Fixed a bug causing buttons to not show for controls help in some cases
  • Fixed thrown weapons going through people sometimes

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