Osiris: New Dawn - FromFenixFire

*Third person melee combat is now fully functional
Creature AI

With the new AI pathfinding and behavior system, we revamped and revived many of the creatures. The AI system allows for more detailed stealth gameplay, which we’ve started in this version.

New Creatures
Minotaur and Elida have been added in this version. Be careful, they are not exactly friendly!

Hearing Radius
Each creature now has a hearing radius based on it’s species and its life cycle maturity. Depending on your actions, a certain amount of noise is created. The louder your actions are, the easier it will be for predators to hunt you down.

Line of Sight and Viewing Cone
A creature's amount of eyes and maturity has an influence on its sight. It’s sense of vision will allow the creature to hunt and attack, but can be obscured with obstacles, forcing the creature to depend on its other fierce senses.

List of Creatures Restored and Refactored
  • Crab Monster
  • Gnat
  • Colossus
  • Arachnoid
  • Snubs

*Snubs have been completely reanimated with improved ragdoll physics
Gameplay Improvements
  • 3rd Person Combat
  • Terrain Climbing
  • Dust Storm Evading, crouching
  • Multi Tool Usage
  • Plant Harvesting
  • Water Creation in Furnace
  • Timer for Save Beds
  • Party UI in Character Screens
  • Storage Icons on Items
  • Compass and Map Icons in Multiplayer
  • Interact System and Highlighter Improvements
  • Meteor System overhauled
  • Slope reading in UI
  • Weight reading in UI
  • Chat improvements and clean up to allow more chat in less space
  • Field Guild added

*Colossus has made his majestic appearance in the game

Crash Site Persistence

Crash Site is now persistent in single player with a first pass in multiplayer modes. This will enable you to continue harvesting your crashed pod over gameplay sessions, as opposed to forcing you to harvest on your first session.

Mineral Persistence

Minerals are now persistent in single player, with a first pass in multiplayer modes.

Plant Persistence

Trees now grow berries over time and will yield a certain amount per species of tree. Now having two gameplay states, plants will no longer disappear after harvesting. Instead, they will grow back their leaves.

*Geysers now sport an informative new interact system
Legacy Fixes

Legacy data fail safes and migrations

Some players with data from previous versions would get stuck during loading, due to data being stored in an incompatible directory for modern apps. Rather than asking players to delete, we wanted to find a way to migrate their data. To solve this, the game now automatically backs up data and replaces it with new data that can allow loading to continue, preventing the lockup from occurring.

Legacy multiplayer connection errors fixed

Some machines with different locales enabled would always report that the currently installed version is not the latest, prompting the user to attempt to download the latest version from steam. Our version checking system was incorrectly reading the localized decimal separator as an English comma in some locales that would switch the latest 4.064 version number to 4064, always coming back as larger than the local 4.064. Now the system uses properly invariant locales when reading data from the server, fixing these inconsistent cases, and allowing users from these specific areas to join multiplayer.

*Climbing dangerous slopes can be achieved by crouch walking
Bug Fixes
  • Vehicle Camera and UI has been updated to new optimized camera system
  • Vehicle Materials have been improved and optimized
  • Fixes to GAV, Hover, and Rover vehicles
  • Mecha Crab fixes
  • Custom Object materials improvements
  • Structure placement fixes
  • Melee weapons in first person
  • Durability balancing tweaked for some tools
  • UI fixes to external crates such as Depository and Space Debris Chest
  • Turret fixes
  • Faster melee attack in 3rd person to better match first person
  • Optimized meteor system
  • Improvements to creature looting death event
  • Fixes to confirm box cancel
  • Fixed pink skeliopod
  • Improved creature blood FX
  • First pass added creatures to dungeons
  • Increased quality of Mech textures

*Arachnoid has come back with a vengeance!

Thank you to those who have reached out on our platforms, sharing valuable feedback, and those who have emailed our support team, sharing all concerns, bugs, and personal experience of the game with us. We enjoy hearing from all of you and working closely together on how we can best improve the game and deliver the greatest version of Osiris: New Dawn that we possibly can.

Fenix Fire

*Field Guide Added

*Crab monster has been re-added and refactored with new AI system
Osiris: New Dawn - FromFenixFire
Here at Fenix Fire we believe 100% in our project and the community we’ve built over the years, and have therefore purchased the publishing rights at our expense.

While Fenix Fire and Reverb worked together closely prior to the successful Early Access launch of Osiris: New Dawn, we did not have a clear agreement of how to provide service to our players post launch in this ever changing market landscape. After much negotiation we have been unable to come to an agreement that mutually works for both parties, and therefore Fenix Fire has purchased the publishing rights in hopes that we can create a direct line of communication from developer to player. We sincerely wish Reverb the very best, and will always cherish the times we shared.

What this means is that Fenix Fire will now be fully owning and operating the game, and will be completely taking over these responsibilities for our players:

  1. Fenix Fire will have a full time community manager to facilitate a healthy, vibrant community on OND channels.
  2. Fenix Fire will create a fully redesigned and state of the art website for OND.
  3. Fenix Fire will be operating and engaging in all our social media channels, Facebook, Twitter, and Discord.
  4. Fenix Fire will be handling all the support email from our houston@fenixfire.com official support address. We sincerely want to solve your issue and make the game as stable and enjoyable as possible.
  5. Fenix Fire has established accounts with external testing firms to conduct professional quality assurance.
In addition to this, self publishing the game will enable Fenix Fire to provide you the best service possible while allowing us to finish strong. Therefore:

We will be delivering monthly updates until launch.

We will keep the “Behind the scenes Experience” side app, and rename it to “Experimental” and build weekly to it, as many have noticed that we have since November. Then, after conducting professional testing for quality assurance, we will release the update on the main branch monthly. We will continue this until 1.0 is achieved.

It's been an adventure of a lifetime, and I look forward to finishing this project that all of us who have contributed are so proud of. We fully thank you for your patience and for joining us on this wild ride, and sincerely hope you enjoy the game.

Yours humbly,
Osiris: New Dawn - FromFenixFire
In this build we focused on solving the legacy data migration issue, which is what has caused some players to see the loading stop at 17%. Also, many of the creatures have been added back in using our new AI systems, along with adding in Carbon and Geysers which free up any progression stoppers. Here's the full list for the week:
  • All loading errors should be fixed, any corruptions found in old data will be automatically backed up then replaced with fresh data to prevent the game getting stuck during load
  • Carbon deposits can now be found on the map and in some mines
  • All Geyser types are now on the map
  • Added Parasyte attack behavior
  • Added Crab Monster spawning and attack behavior
  • Added Gnat spawning at night and attack behavior
  • Added Arachnid spawning at night and attack behavior
  • Trees that provide Tree Bark are now on the map
  • Minerals everywhere should now provide their intended amount of resources
  • Harvested plants will no longer be destroyed and instead display as harvested visually, they will also replenish their resources over time
  • Minerals will not replenish their resources
  • Time interval has passed
  • Found crates will no longer reload their inventories after reloading the game, but will recharge after a set
If you are still having trouble loading or are experiencing any input problems, please email us at houston@fenixfire.com. We will work closely with you to solve your issue. "Houston, I have a problem!!"
Osiris: New Dawn - FromFenixFire
New update available now on our Experience Branch. We found there was a parsing issue on the version number system, since some languages use commas instead of periods to designate decimals. This update should solve that issue.

  • Fixed versioning locale issues preventing some players from entering multiplayer with an "Update to latest version" message
  • Party members can now access eachothers buildables
  • Fixed SimpleJSON's local parsing problems
  • Added in more safeguards to prevent the dust storm and sandworm from continuously spawning in sand dunes
  • Added in differentiation for Experimental build public servers and avatars
  • Reduced Film Grain
  • Improved creature based item icons
Nov 25, 2020
Osiris: New Dawn - FromFenixFire
  • Added Beta and Gamma Mines
  • Shovel is once again able to collect Sand
  • Creature spawning when performing actions has been reduced in frequency and they now screech when emerging from the ground
  • The Sandworm can no longer be disturbed by other creatures or corpses causing the worm to relentlessly hunt down the player
  • The Sandworm is now more territorial out in the sand dunes and will more aggressively chase down the player if they venture too deep
  • Trees have a limited amount of berries that can be collected before needing to regrow
  • Creatures will now properly walk around all player-built structures and utilities
  • Save data has been moved out of Documents and placed in the app's data folders, when starting the game the first time after this patch, your previous data will be copied to the new location and a text document will be left behind providing the new location
  • Highlighting now properly displays what the player is interacting with
  • Better side stepping / strafing in 1st and 3rd person modes
  • Pickups now have highlights consistently
Nov 20, 2020
Osiris: New Dawn - FromFenixFire
  • Solved URL errors causing multiplayer data to not save
  • Dust storm damage in multiplayer now only effects the local player
  • Sand worm sound now has distance falloff
Nov 20, 2020
Osiris: New Dawn - FromFenixFire
  • Fixed input errors when a gamepad or peripheral controller is detected
  • Added Key Binding support
  • Creatures can now hear, with a certain radius per species
  • Corrected heat from Forge
Nov 19, 2020
Osiris: New Dawn - FromFenixFire
As promised, please enjoy our new update! This update hosts vast improvements, optimizations, and numerous features.

Survival Gameplay

At its core, Osiris: New Dawn is a survival game and we focused on survival mechanics to reinforce this style of gameplay.
  • The environment is brutal. Dust storms can be devastating, frigid temperatures can kill you, and even climbing can be dangerous. It is critical that you pioneer through the treacherous uncharted territories and invent ways to survive.
  • Your resources run critically low and your tools will deteriorate with each use. Repairing or crafting tools is a must in order to survive.
  • Be sure to find food and water. Every action you take will impact your hunger and thirst.
  • Night is intensely dark and excruciatingly cold. Finding a warm place to take shelter is critical for survival.

Improved Graphics

Now being fully integrated into a modern version of Unity, Osiris: New Dawn is taking full advantage of its latest technology.
  • Texture resolution increased throughout, shaders remastered, and custom shadow rendering added.
  • All new User Interface throughout. The UI is now fully anchored to fit any screen size and resolution.
  • Remastered terrain rendering using the latest techniques in erosion simulation.
  • High definition range lighting and post processing use the latest technology and visual quality.
  • 4K, wide, and ultra wide screen support. **Note higher resolutions use considerably more processing power to maintain framerate.

Performance Optimizations

Every aspect of the experience has undergone drastic and extensive performance analysis to ensure the best possible frame rate and memory usage.
  • Each feature has been optimized while maintaining full functionality to ensure fast performance with no loss in gameplay.
  • Texture memory has been fully optimized, eliminating the need for texture streaming, which saved 10-20 fps.
  • Overhauled AI systems using advanced pathfinding allow for incredibly performant creature AI while eliminating artifacts like creatures passing through walls.

Multiplayer Improvements

Private and public universe servers have undergone numerous improvements and fixes.
  • Public Servers are now cycled every two weeks, meaning you will have two weeks to survive and build before the server resets to a fresh universe.
  • Private Servers are still managed by each player without any time constraints.
  • Multiplayer syncing has been improved for more accuracy in player movement.
  • Multiplayer data has been upgraded for more balance and stability.

Known Issues

As much as we would have liked, we did not get to migrate some content to the new systems just yet. The following items are known issues on our to do list:
  • Some creatures from previous versions will not spawn as they need to be configured to fit the new pathfinding system.
  • Maps Zer, Aziel, and Proteus 2 Site A are under construction.
  • Three of the dungeons have been disabled temporarily.
  • If you have a character saved on Zer, Aziel, or Proteus 2 Site A the data is still compatible but the map will not load until these maps are restored. In the meantime, please create and play a new character.

As always, thank you so much for playing. We hope you enjoy this update as much as we had creating it.

The Fenix Fire Team
Apr 24, 2020
Osiris: New Dawn - FromMars
Our two goals we've had since we first launched on Early Access has been to gather your valuable feedback, and to complete the game. After gathering your evaluations since our first Pax West, and all the way through to now, we are ecstatic to announce that the finish line is well within sight, and we cannot wait to share with you everything we've been working on! Thank you all for being as involved and supportive as you have been, as well as patient and understanding of our development process.

We'd also like to take a moment to answer some FAQ's from the community:

Question: Why did you post the countdown?
Answer: The countdown news posts were in regards to the internal features required to move into Internal and Closed Beta testing.

Why was the game delayed from the proposed 2019 Release Date?
Answer: Based on your feedback, we simply wanted to add more content and features and deliver you the best game possible. The delay has not been due to any unforseen development challenges or complications.

Question: I opted into the Closed Beta program but haven't been invited. When will I be invited?
Answer: Honestly, we were hoping for around 6-10 players to opt in as volunteers to playtest with us internally. We've been extremely shocked and humbled as literally hundreds of players opted in! While we truly appreciate this support, it goes way beyond what we have the capacity for, since we're a small boutique indie studio and can't possibly bring you all in for what the Closed Beta testing was designed for. That stated, we will be keeping the Closed Beta program open and will contact you should the need arise. Thank you again for opting in, it truly means a lot to us.

Question: Why have you been posting images and video and not putting them in the Main Branch?
Answer: As stated in our Experience video back in 2018, our primary goal has been finishing Osiris: New Dawn. While we performed many Main Branch updates in the first half of our Early Access adventure, we found these updates pushed back our finish date each time. Therefore we decided to publish Beta builds and Experience builds that have minimal impact on development velocity while simultaneously allowing you to see and play what we're working on. We realize this has not been an ideal workflow and may be different than how other studios have done things, but this is what has worked for us and this project.

As always, thank you for being such a vital and valued part of our EA journey! We thank you for allowing us to finish the game, and with your feedback has helped us make Osiris: New Dawn the best near future space survival game that it can possibly be.

Warm regards,
- The Fenix Fire Team
Osiris: New Dawn - FromMars


Mech Versus Crab battle on Proteus 2

Weapons Demo - Check out new weapons including Railguns and Grenades

Power System Demo - Explore how power now works to fully power and automate your base

Droid Demo - Remote command your droids to mine and deliver to a Depository

Vehicle Demo - Play all the land vehicles including the Perseus and Pathfinder, all with interiors

Crash Site Demo - Experience waking up from a devastating crash on Gemini.

Gemini Site B and Proteus 2 Site A Sandbox Levels - Build and craft what ever you want, everything is unlocked!

Lifting The NDA
Because this material is now released live world wide, we will no longer need the NDA embargo on content.

Closed Beta
We are still doing Closed Beta and will be for some time. We expect our selected testers will have access to a new round in the coming days.

We hope you enjoy these new additions to the game, as much as we have had working on them.

- The Fenix Fire Team

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