Natural Selection 2 - IronHorse
Due to recent Kharaa invasions, we are in need of reinforcements on the frontlines of testing!
Enlist HERE to join the Natural Selection 2 Playtest Team to ensure smooth battlefield updates can occur for the rest of your fellow brothers and sisters.

Keep in mind that we only need the most dedicated of enlistees to jump aboard this mission, with availabilities to strenuously test and provide thorough reports. If you think you can take up this honorable task, you’ll be awarded with a designated badge that demonstrates your commitment to the TSF.
Natural Selection 2 - IronHorse
Due to recent Kharaa invasions, we are in need of reinforcements on the frontlines of testing!
Enlist HERE to join the Natural Selection 2 Playtest Team to ensure smooth battlefield updates can occur for the rest of your fellow brothers and sisters.

Keep in mind that we only need the most dedicated of enlistees to jump aboard this mission, with availabilities to strenuously test and provide thorough reports. If you think you can take up this honorable task, you’ll be awarded with a designated badge that demonstrates your commitment to the TSF.
Natural Selection 2 - Ghoul

This is an short update for last month post about the Season 11.

The sign ups for the 11th Season of the ENSL will close today. So this is your last chance to sign up.
The season will start at the 22nd of March. It will take 2 to 3 months with around 1 match per week. Matches will be schedule by the teams through the match pages.

Each Team needs at least 6 players on their roster until the 17th March to participate in the 11th Season of the ENSL.
Also each player has to make sure they only signed up with one team for the season. Otherwise the admins will remove them from all teams except the highest seeded one.

The final teams seeding will get published on the 17-18th March via a forum post at .
Natural Selection 2 - Ghoul

This is an short update for last month post about the Season 11.

The sign ups for the 11th Season of the ENSL will close today. So this is your last chance to sign up.
The season will start at the 22nd of March. It will take 2 to 3 months with around 1 match per week. Matches will be schedule by the teams through the match pages.

Each Team needs at least 6 players on their roster until the 17th March to participate in the 11th Season of the ENSL.
Also each player has to make sure they only signed up with one team for the season. Otherwise the admins will remove them from all teams except the highest seeded one.

The final teams seeding will get published on the 17-18th March via a forum post at .
Natural Selection 2 - WasabiOne

Since the holidays we’ve seen an influx of both new and old players coming back to NS2. We continue to receive lot of positive feedback to many of the changes we’ve made over the last year. With this update we’re focused on some maintenance but also continuing to improve smaller features in the game to enhance the player experience.

Beyond update 314 we’re looking at ways to help players quickly find and play games. We’ve noticed more and more people at peak times around the globe are idling in the server browser, trying to join the populated servers. This long wait can cause them to quit; an improvement is clearly needed. To that end, we’ve been working on ideas on how to better seed servers with these idling players and have been making good progress on a potential match-making system. Keep your eyes peeled for more info on that soon!

Lastly, I am happy to announce that we will begin public testing of our 64-bit server sometime in the next week. Our amazing community of server operators seem to be very excited to get their hands on this BETA server and we are just as thrilled. We hope that the 64-bit client beta will be coming to you all soon as well. The move to 64-bit will open up a lot more opportunities to our development team, such as better utilization of more modern hardware and adding more content to the game. Sadly, we’ve reached the limits of what 32-bit allows the game to do. Many other games are facing the same transition; you may have noticed similar announcements from other studios recently on this topic as well.

We’re always looking for ways to build our community of players, modders, operators and playtesters. Without you, we wouldn’t be here. We have the excitement and desire to keep moving forward and hope that you will join us in the journey!

  • Improved Babblers (Contributed by twiliteblue!)
  • They are more likely to attack nearby enemies now.
  • They cloak and uncloak now properly.
  • Improved attack distance calculations which makes them more effective against stationary targets
  • Power surge now also surges powered structures, so you can cast it before the power goes off.
Tweaks / Improvements
  • Added the “All” tab back to the Server Browser and introduced a new server ranking system for the default sorting:=
    • The rating is trying to find the best server for you by player count, skill, latency, performance. It will also prefer your favorite servers and servers with steam friends playing on them. (Thanks moultano!)
    • Also made the game mode tabs visually noticeable.
  • Added a dedicated label for the number of players that are actively searching for a server to the server browser.
  • Improved Play Now:
    • Uses the new server rating as well for better search results
    • Validates servers now before joining them so it doesn’t pick full servers anymore
    • It will ignore servers you have or tried to connect to in the last 10 minutes.
    • Fixed some smaller bugs with querying the server list.
  • Re-wrote a large part of how clogs work, so there should no longer be any jittery movement or the dreaded "phantom" clogs.
  • Gorge tunnels will now "eat" clogs to prevent entrances from being blocked.
  • Local clients can now execute all admin (sv_*) commands at a listen servers without having to set up the serveradmin.json.
  • Added an option to add bots (will add 12 bots incl. commanders) to the “Create Server” interface. Bots still cause serious performance issues, especially on listen servers! Use them at your own risk! We will try to optimize them with the upcoming updates.
  • Improved the sleep behavior of the ns2 threads for Windows OS to resolve scheduling issues.
  • Optimized the TechTree class to minimize its functions execute times.
  • Added routine in Hive to retroactively update players levels to correct for XP update bugs (does not impact Skill)
  • Improved how weapon pickups work. The weapon you are looking at should now be the weapon you pick up, as well as the weapon that appears in the popup.
  • Added the March Mod Madness badges to the game.
  • The player’s badges are now displayed below the player’s hp bar in-game in pre-game only and will not be shown while a round is played. (Thanks Brute!)
  • Added tooltips with the badge names to the badge selection menu. (Contributed by Keats!)
  • Removed the Play Now button at the Training menu.
  • The game is no longer reset when switching between warmup and pregame state.
  • Fixed a minor rendering anomaly which caused specular-lights beneath a surface to still somehow appear to be reflected by that surface.
  • Fixed that the newcomer tournament badges did not unlock properly.
  • Fixed a bug that would make the build tool flicker on and off rapidly when building a new power node in most cases.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes clogs would not be able to be destroyed by the gorge who placed them, at least not until the gorge exited and re-entered relevancy range.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes a gorge would attempt to consume a hydra, but instead the hydra would continue to live, but would no longer be consumable.
  • Fixed a bug where the holographic marine being "printed" (respawned) in an infantry portal might not accurately reflect the actual spawn progress.
  • Fixed that Shifts could not echo themselves (was hotfixed via extension).
  • Fixed bug in Hive that prevented new players from earning new levels (no effect on Skill calculations)
  • Fixed bug in Hive that prevented players above level 100 from earning experience (no effect on Skill calculations)
  • Fixed bug where gorges could place gorge structures and bile bomb from inside a clog.
  • Fixed the final fade-out in tutorials 1 and 2 to not flicker off before disconnecting.
  • Fixed many bugs in the alien commander tutorial, including bots blocking structure placement, or the gorge getting stuck under the floor in crew quarters.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the "Hold E to Digest" popup from appearing with clogs.
  • Fixed that the level progression in the main menu didn’t update properly.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach very high speed with the Exosuit via “bunny hopping”
  • Fixed that the warmup structures spawned multiple times.
  • Fixed that Onos hallucination interrupted a marine from firing his weapon when using Gore. (Contributed by twiliteblue!)
  • Fixed a script error that occurred when dead players directly joined the spectators and a round ended afterwards (Contributed by Brute!)
  • Fixed that you could load/inject code via the game’s css files without being detected by the default consistency check.
  • Fixed some minor style issues of the server browser.

Refinery (Contributed by Samus!).
  • Fixed stuck spot in the vent of Heat Sink going into Containment
  • Fixed spot in Transit where some structures could be placed inside map geometry.
  • Fixed spot in Transit where geo/decal z-fighting occurred.
  • Fixed some seasonal geometry not being assigned to correct seasonal group as a result showed when not in Fall season setting
  • AddFieldWatcher can now be used in Predict VM.
    NOTE: This should be used very conservatively, and keep in mind it can fire more than once due to how prediction works. I recommend only using this for cases where a predict world network field update requires further action (e.g. an update to "modelIndex" should be accompanied by a physics update to ensure the model is actually changed). -- Beige
  • Fixed a bug (clog digest bug above) that would prevent an entity from being properly picked up by the GetEntitiesInRange function, or any of its variants.
  • Added a second “hidden” parameter to the map command. So “map hidden” will now start a hidden listen server that works offline. Perfect to test mods locally.
  • Commander.Logout now returns the new player entity (Contributed by Las!)
Natural Selection 2 - WasabiOne

Since the holidays we’ve seen an influx of both new and old players coming back to NS2. We continue to receive lot of positive feedback to many of the changes we’ve made over the last year. With this update we’re focused on some maintenance but also continuing to improve smaller features in the game to enhance the player experience.

Beyond update 314 we’re looking at ways to help players quickly find and play games. We’ve noticed more and more people at peak times around the globe are idling in the server browser, trying to join the populated servers. This long wait can cause them to quit; an improvement is clearly needed. To that end, we’ve been working on ideas on how to better seed servers with these idling players and have been making good progress on a potential match-making system. Keep your eyes peeled for more info on that soon!

Lastly, I am happy to announce that we will begin public testing of our 64-bit server sometime in the next week. Our amazing community of server operators seem to be very excited to get their hands on this BETA server and we are just as thrilled. We hope that the 64-bit client beta will be coming to you all soon as well. The move to 64-bit will open up a lot more opportunities to our development team, such as better utilization of more modern hardware and adding more content to the game. Sadly, we’ve reached the limits of what 32-bit allows the game to do. Many other games are facing the same transition; you may have noticed similar announcements from other studios recently on this topic as well.

We’re always looking for ways to build our community of players, modders, operators and playtesters. Without you, we wouldn’t be here. We have the excitement and desire to keep moving forward and hope that you will join us in the journey!

  • Improved Babblers (Contributed by twiliteblue!)
  • They are more likely to attack nearby enemies now.
  • They cloak and uncloak now properly.
  • Improved attack distance calculations which makes them more effective against stationary targets
  • Power surge now also surges powered structures, so you can cast it before the power goes off.
Tweaks / Improvements
  • Added the “All” tab back to the Server Browser and introduced a new server ranking system for the default sorting:=
    • The rating is trying to find the best server for you by player count, skill, latency, performance. It will also prefer your favorite servers and servers with steam friends playing on them. (Thanks moultano!)
    • Also made the game mode tabs visually noticeable.
  • Added a dedicated label for the number of players that are actively searching for a server to the server browser.
  • Improved Play Now:
    • Uses the new server rating as well for better search results
    • Validates servers now before joining them so it doesn’t pick full servers anymore
    • It will ignore servers you have or tried to connect to in the last 10 minutes.
    • Fixed some smaller bugs with querying the server list.
  • Re-wrote a large part of how clogs work, so there should no longer be any jittery movement or the dreaded "phantom" clogs.
  • Gorge tunnels will now "eat" clogs to prevent entrances from being blocked.
  • Local clients can now execute all admin (sv_*) commands at a listen servers without having to set up the serveradmin.json.
  • Added an option to add bots (will add 12 bots incl. commanders) to the “Create Server” interface. Bots still cause serious performance issues, especially on listen servers! Use them at your own risk! We will try to optimize them with the upcoming updates.
  • Improved the sleep behavior of the ns2 threads for Windows OS to resolve scheduling issues.
  • Optimized the TechTree class to minimize its functions execute times.
  • Added routine in Hive to retroactively update players levels to correct for XP update bugs (does not impact Skill)
  • Improved how weapon pickups work. The weapon you are looking at should now be the weapon you pick up, as well as the weapon that appears in the popup.
  • Added the March Mod Madness badges to the game.
  • The player’s badges are now displayed below the player’s hp bar in-game in pre-game only and will not be shown while a round is played. (Thanks Brute!)
  • Added tooltips with the badge names to the badge selection menu. (Contributed by Keats!)
  • Removed the Play Now button at the Training menu.
  • The game is no longer reset when switching between warmup and pregame state.
  • Fixed a minor rendering anomaly which caused specular-lights beneath a surface to still somehow appear to be reflected by that surface.
  • Fixed that the newcomer tournament badges did not unlock properly.
  • Fixed a bug that would make the build tool flicker on and off rapidly when building a new power node in most cases.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes clogs would not be able to be destroyed by the gorge who placed them, at least not until the gorge exited and re-entered relevancy range.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes a gorge would attempt to consume a hydra, but instead the hydra would continue to live, but would no longer be consumable.
  • Fixed a bug where the holographic marine being "printed" (respawned) in an infantry portal might not accurately reflect the actual spawn progress.
  • Fixed that Shifts could not echo themselves (was hotfixed via extension).
  • Fixed bug in Hive that prevented new players from earning new levels (no effect on Skill calculations)
  • Fixed bug in Hive that prevented players above level 100 from earning experience (no effect on Skill calculations)
  • Fixed bug where gorges could place gorge structures and bile bomb from inside a clog.
  • Fixed the final fade-out in tutorials 1 and 2 to not flicker off before disconnecting.
  • Fixed many bugs in the alien commander tutorial, including bots blocking structure placement, or the gorge getting stuck under the floor in crew quarters.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the "Hold E to Digest" popup from appearing with clogs.
  • Fixed that the level progression in the main menu didn’t update properly.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach very high speed with the Exosuit via “bunny hopping”
  • Fixed that the warmup structures spawned multiple times.
  • Fixed that Onos hallucination interrupted a marine from firing his weapon when using Gore. (Contributed by twiliteblue!)
  • Fixed a script error that occurred when dead players directly joined the spectators and a round ended afterwards (Contributed by Brute!)
  • Fixed that you could load/inject code via the game’s css files without being detected by the default consistency check.
  • Fixed some minor style issues of the server browser.

Refinery (Contributed by Samus!).
  • Fixed stuck spot in the vent of Heat Sink going into Containment
  • Fixed spot in Transit where some structures could be placed inside map geometry.
  • Fixed spot in Transit where geo/decal z-fighting occurred.
  • Fixed some seasonal geometry not being assigned to correct seasonal group as a result showed when not in Fall season setting
  • AddFieldWatcher can now be used in Predict VM.
    NOTE: This should be used very conservatively, and keep in mind it can fire more than once due to how prediction works. I recommend only using this for cases where a predict world network field update requires further action (e.g. an update to "modelIndex" should be accompanied by a physics update to ensure the model is actually changed). -- Beige
  • Fixed a bug (clog digest bug above) that would prevent an entity from being properly picked up by the GetEntitiesInRange function, or any of its variants.
  • Added a second “hidden” parameter to the map command. So “map hidden” will now start a hidden listen server that works offline. Perfect to test mods locally.
  • Commander.Logout now returns the new player entity (Contributed by Las!)
Natural Selection 2 - Ghoul

After the newcomer tournament and the upcoming season of the competitive league we are happy to announce the Mod Madness tournament! This tournament is dedicated to those who are looking for a little less competitive but fun evening event.

What is it and what can I win?
The Mod Madness tournament is a unique event for all players to try out the amazing custom game modes that have been created for Natural Selection 2. All game modes (except NS2:Combat) can be found in the NS2 Steam Workshop or under the Arcade tab in the server browser.

Every participant will get a brand new in-game badge! Furthermore the tournament winner will receive a gold version while the second and third will receive a silver one.

In addition anybody who has to play a Combat match will receive a free copy of it!

The tournament will take place at the 4 March 2017 from 19 CET / 13 EST till 23-24 CET /15-16 EST

Till when can I/we sign up?
Sign ups for the tournament will end on the 2 March 2017 on 22:00 CET

Who can sign up?
Everybody! You only need a copy of NS2 and good sense of humor. Most likely nobody has played every game mode of this tournament before! You can sign up as a team of 8 or as an individual.

Where do I sign up?
You can sign up at
Feel free to introduce yourself to the other players on the forum:

Do I need a team?
Nope! You will be assign to one before the tournament starts.

How will the tournament be structured?
First you will play a match of NS2Large (16 vs 16) where two teams group up for each side. Afterwards the winning teams will choose which tournament division (set of game modes) they want to play in. The losing teams will be randomly assigned in the remaining positions in the division.

The division matches will be run as double elimination:
When a team loses a match, they switch divisions. Losing another match eliminates them from the tournament. So each team will participate at least in the 16vs16 match and 2 more matches after that.
Each match will be a best of 3. Before each match a random team will select the map to play at, and the other team chooses which side they want to start with.
Natural Selection 2 - Ghoul

After the newcomer tournament and the upcoming season of the competitive league we are happy to announce the Mod Madness tournament! This tournament is dedicated to those who are looking for a little less competitive but fun evening event.

What is it and what can I win?
The Mod Madness tournament is a unique event for all players to try out the amazing custom game modes that have been created for Natural Selection 2. All game modes (except NS2:Combat) can be found in the NS2 Steam Workshop or under the Arcade tab in the server browser.

Every participant will get a brand new in-game badge! Furthermore the tournament winner will receive a gold version while the second and third will receive a silver one.

In addition anybody who has to play a Combat match will receive a free copy of it!

The tournament will take place at the 4 March 2017 from 19 CET / 13 EST till 23-24 CET /15-16 EST

Till when can I/we sign up?
Sign ups for the tournament will end on the 2 March 2017 on 22:00 CET

Who can sign up?
Everybody! You only need a copy of NS2 and good sense of humor. Most likely nobody has played every game mode of this tournament before! You can sign up as a team of 8 or as an individual.

Where do I sign up?
You can sign up at
Feel free to introduce yourself to the other players on the forum:

Do I need a team?
Nope! You will be assign to one before the tournament starts.

How will the tournament be structured?
First you will play a match of NS2Large (16 vs 16) where two teams group up for each side. Afterwards the winning teams will choose which tournament division (set of game modes) they want to play in. The losing teams will be randomly assigned in the remaining positions in the division.

The division matches will be run as double elimination:
When a team loses a match, they switch divisions. Losing another match eliminates them from the tournament. So each team will participate at least in the 16vs16 match and 2 more matches after that.
Each match will be a best of 3. Before each match a random team will select the map to play at, and the other team chooses which side they want to start with.
Feb 11, 2017
Natural Selection 2 - Ghoul

First of all we would like to thank everybody who took part at last week's Newcomer Tournament. We hope both participants and spectators enjoyed it as much as we did.

In addition a special thanks goes out to Ixian, Luchs and Hoeloe who casted this event and every referee and admin. Because without them this tournament would never have happened.

In case you participated your badge is now available in your steam inventory. You can enable it in-game via the Customize Player menu. Should somebody miss their badge please leave a comment below.

For all of those who are now fired up for some more competitive Natural Selection 2 action we have good news:

You can now sign up for Season 11!

To see which teams have signed up for Season 11:

How to create a team/join a contest:

How to find a Team:

Pros of signing up for Season 11:
  • Play NS2 together with your friends.
  • Play against similar skilled players/teams in each league's division.
  • Improve your in-game teamwork and enjoy NS2 at it's finest.
  • Improve your map awareness, decision making, time management and class/lifeforms play in competitive NS2.
  • Get another fancy in-game badge.
  • Earn your spot on the Hall of Fame of Competitive NS2:

So don’t be shy! Grab your team and sign up. The exact date of the seasons start will be announced at .
Feb 11, 2017
Natural Selection 2 - Ghoul

First of all we would like to thank everybody who took part at last week's Newcomer Tournament. We hope both participants and spectators enjoyed it as much as we did.

In addition a special thanks goes out to Ixian, Luchs and Hoeloe who casted this event and every referee and admin. Because without them this tournament would never have happened.

In case you participated your badge is now available in your steam inventory. You can enable it in-game via the Customize Player menu. Should somebody miss their badge please leave a comment below.

For all of those who are now fired up for some more competitive Natural Selection 2 action we have good news:

You can now sign up for Season 11!

To see which teams have signed up for Season 11:

How to create a team/join a contest:

How to find a Team:

Pros of signing up for Season 11:
  • Play NS2 together with your friends.
  • Play against similar skilled players/teams in each league's division.
  • Improve your in-game teamwork and enjoy NS2 at it's finest.
  • Improve your map awareness, decision making, time management and class/lifeforms play in competitive NS2.
  • Get another fancy in-game badge.
  • Earn your spot on the Hall of Fame of Competitive NS2:

So don’t be shy! Grab your team and sign up. The exact date of the seasons start will be announced at .

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