Missile Cards - nathanmeunier
Hey, thanks again for checking out Missile Cards! This update fixes a few small bugs and adds some minor improvements and requested tidbits for the UI. If you're enjoying the game, don't forget to please take a moment to leave a Steam review! Thanks a bunch!

Release Notes:

-Fixed a base shield LV 1 unlock bug that wasn't letting you deploy when clicking on the base deploy arrows after charging and triggering the chip
-Fixed a bug with the save reset button in the Options menu
-Fixed some minor text bits and art wonky bits
-Updated "Save and Quit" in-match text to "Abandon Match" for clarity.
-Update both the card unlock menu and base XP menu UI to give you a Y/N confirmation prompt before spending debris to unlock a card
-Added a "Quick Restart" button to the in-match pause menu.
-Added a Screenshake toggle button in the Options Menu

Plus a few more minor, non critical fixes and tweaks behind-the-scenes.

Thanks again!

Oh and BTW - the upcoming iOS port of Missile Cards launches on the App Store on June 28th! :D
Missile Cards - nathanmeunier
Hey, thanks again for checking out Missile Cards! This update fixes a few small bugs and adds some minor improvements and requested tidbits for the UI. If you're enjoying the game, don't forget to please take a moment to leave a Steam review! Thanks a bunch!

Release Notes:

-Fixed a base shield LV 1 unlock bug that wasn't letting you deploy when clicking on the base deploy arrows after charging and triggering the chip
-Fixed a bug with the save reset button in the Options menu
-Fixed some minor text bits and art wonky bits
-Updated "Save and Quit" in-match text to "Abandon Match" for clarity.
-Update both the card unlock menu and base XP menu UI to give you a Y/N confirmation prompt before spending debris to unlock a card
-Added a "Quick Restart" button to the in-match pause menu.
-Added a Screenshake toggle button in the Options Menu

Plus a few more minor, non critical fixes and tweaks behind-the-scenes.

Thanks again!

Oh and BTW - the upcoming iOS port of Missile Cards launches on the App Store on June 28th! :D
Missile Cards - nathanmeunier
Have you been enjoying the game? Great! If so, please take a moment to leave a quick Steam review. That helps me out a ton! I'm really keen to get more user reviews on the board ASAP, so don't forget to take a sec to post one -- especially if you're having fun with Missile Cards!

Patch Updates

Meanwhile, I've fixed a few things and added screenshot capabilities with Patch 1.0.7! Here are the deets:

1) Added Screenshots in Steam

Finally! Hitting F12 to take a screenshot should now work! Seems odd that I had to hard-code that in, but it's all setup now, I tested it out, and should be working nicely.

2) That damn hack bug - STOMPED.

The very rare hacking bug on Base 4 has been driving me nuts. Occasionally, and seemingly at random, triggering a firewall card would not clear the hack card on the conveyor like it's supposed to.

I've gone over the code dozens of times and made 3-4 fixes that still didn't fix the issue, but I think I've found and locked down the problem.

Build 1.0.7 ditches a big chunk of code for the firewall card triggers that I think was borking things up. So NOW when you trigger a firewall, it'll clear ANY and ALL hack cards that are on the conveyor. It's rare that you'll have more than one on at a given time, but if you do wind up in that situation, using the firewall will knock them both out at once.

Previously, I had setup code to do some additional checks and only clear ONE out if there was more than one, and I think that's what was breaking it. Seems to work deliciously now, so hopefully that's that (FINALLY) for the hack bug.

3) New Device detect code

This technically shouldn't impact PC version users, but I wanted to let folks know just in case there are any problems. I've implemented a lot of new behind-the-scenes code for Missile Cards in prep for the mobile port that auto-detects the device and operating system, then adjusts some important code bits at the moment of launch.

This shouldn't impact the PC version at all, BUT if you notice anything funny with the current version that wasn't happening in the previous build, PLEASE let me know so I can adjust/fix if needed.

You'll notice that minimizing the game and toggling fullscreen off makes the game super tiny. But this also lets you drag the corner of the window and manually adjust/scale the view to whatever size you'd like to play at in windowed mode. NOTE: that this will cause some pixel crunching if you resize the window to anything outside of a 16:9 ratio, but you can always hop back into Full screen or restart if it gets funky.


I'm really heartened that players seem to be enjoying Missile Cards. Unfortunately, Steam sales on-the-whole have been super crummy. I haven't even come close to breaking even on development, financially, which is disappointing but a possibility I had prepared for.

So right now, aside from updating any future bugs that folks might run into, my core focus is on finalizing and launching the iOS port. How well that goes will have a big impact on whether I add any major core content to Missile Cards going forward (beyond bug fixes).

The good news, however, is that if the iOS version does really well and prompts me to create additional content in the future, I'll be rolling out that content across all versions of the game. So PC players on Steam will get any new gameplay updates, if they happen.

I can't promise anything right now -- pending a major turn of the tides sales-wise -- but I'll be sure to keep everyone posted.

In the meantime, thanks again for checking out my quirky strategy card game! I have other unique card game projects in the works, so if you'd like to see those come to Steam, definitely speak up and let me know.


Missile Cards - nathanmeunier
Have you been enjoying the game? Great! If so, please take a moment to leave a quick Steam review. That helps me out a ton! I'm really keen to get more user reviews on the board ASAP, so don't forget to take a sec to post one -- especially if you're having fun with Missile Cards!

Patch Updates

Meanwhile, I've fixed a few things and added screenshot capabilities with Patch 1.0.7! Here are the deets:

1) Added Screenshots in Steam

Finally! Hitting F12 to take a screenshot should now work! Seems odd that I had to hard-code that in, but it's all setup now, I tested it out, and should be working nicely.

2) That damn hack bug - STOMPED.

The very rare hacking bug on Base 4 has been driving me nuts. Occasionally, and seemingly at random, triggering a firewall card would not clear the hack card on the conveyor like it's supposed to.

I've gone over the code dozens of times and made 3-4 fixes that still didn't fix the issue, but I think I've found and locked down the problem.

Build 1.0.7 ditches a big chunk of code for the firewall card triggers that I think was borking things up. So NOW when you trigger a firewall, it'll clear ANY and ALL hack cards that are on the conveyor. It's rare that you'll have more than one on at a given time, but if you do wind up in that situation, using the firewall will knock them both out at once.

Previously, I had setup code to do some additional checks and only clear ONE out if there was more than one, and I think that's what was breaking it. Seems to work deliciously now, so hopefully that's that (FINALLY) for the hack bug.

3) New Device detect code

This technically shouldn't impact PC version users, but I wanted to let folks know just in case there are any problems. I've implemented a lot of new behind-the-scenes code for Missile Cards in prep for the mobile port that auto-detects the device and operating system, then adjusts some important code bits at the moment of launch.

This shouldn't impact the PC version at all, BUT if you notice anything funny with the current version that wasn't happening in the previous build, PLEASE let me know so I can adjust/fix if needed.

You'll notice that minimizing the game and toggling fullscreen off makes the game super tiny. But this also lets you drag the corner of the window and manually adjust/scale the view to whatever size you'd like to play at in windowed mode. NOTE: that this will cause some pixel crunching if you resize the window to anything outside of a 16:9 ratio, but you can always hop back into Full screen or restart if it gets funky.


I'm really heartened that players seem to be enjoying Missile Cards. Unfortunately, Steam sales on-the-whole have been super crummy. I haven't even come close to breaking even on development, financially, which is disappointing but a possibility I had prepared for.

So right now, aside from updating any future bugs that folks might run into, my core focus is on finalizing and launching the iOS port. How well that goes will have a big impact on whether I add any major core content to Missile Cards going forward (beyond bug fixes).

The good news, however, is that if the iOS version does really well and prompts me to create additional content in the future, I'll be rolling out that content across all versions of the game. So PC players on Steam will get any new gameplay updates, if they happen.

I can't promise anything right now -- pending a major turn of the tides sales-wise -- but I'll be sure to keep everyone posted.

In the meantime, thanks again for checking out my quirky strategy card game! I have other unique card game projects in the works, so if you'd like to see those come to Steam, definitely speak up and let me know.


May 3, 2017
Missile Cards - nathanmeunier
Hey folks, thanks again for keeping me posted on bug reports! Patch 1.0.6 fixes a few recent crashes and bugs reported by players in the later stages of the game.

The biggies:

1) Fixed a few sneaky bugs that were throwing crash errors during base 5 / the final boss level.

2) Re-fixed the firewall cards sometimes not clearing single hack cards on the conveyor in base 4.

Both of those were tough to sort, as they're fairly rare and were hard to replicate on my playthroughs. I was able to update the code, test it out a bunch, and we *should* be all set, but please do let me know if you run into any more issues with those two problems or any other bugs~

Side note: While it shouldn't impact things at all in this PC build, update 1.0.6 includes a handful of UI room positioning and behind-the-scenes tweaks for an upcoming iOS port -- these shouldn't impact gameplay at all on the PC version. BUT, that said, if you see anything weird or if pop-ups appear in unusual spots, please let me know, too! :)

Thanks again everyone! Really appreciate your support. If you're enjoying the game, don't forget to take a quick sec to leave a review! Appreciate it!


May 3, 2017
Missile Cards - nathanmeunier
Hey folks, thanks again for keeping me posted on bug reports! Patch 1.0.6 fixes a few recent crashes and bugs reported by players in the later stages of the game.

The biggies:

1) Fixed a few sneaky bugs that were throwing crash errors during base 5 / the final boss level.

2) Re-fixed the firewall cards sometimes not clearing single hack cards on the conveyor in base 4.

Both of those were tough to sort, as they're fairly rare and were hard to replicate on my playthroughs. I was able to update the code, test it out a bunch, and we *should* be all set, but please do let me know if you run into any more issues with those two problems or any other bugs~

Side note: While it shouldn't impact things at all in this PC build, update 1.0.6 includes a handful of UI room positioning and behind-the-scenes tweaks for an upcoming iOS port -- these shouldn't impact gameplay at all on the PC version. BUT, that said, if you see anything weird or if pop-ups appear in unusual spots, please let me know, too! :)

Thanks again everyone! Really appreciate your support. If you're enjoying the game, don't forget to take a quick sec to leave a review! Appreciate it!


Apr 25, 2017
Missile Cards - nathanmeunier
Nice surprise! PC Gamer just posted a really positive write-up of Missile Cards! An excerpt:

"You'll need to play lots of hands before you can become a Missile Cards powerhouse. But it's easy to play a lot of hands: each round only takes a few minutes, so it's perfect for short and mostly sweet gaming during your breaks, at lunchtime, or when you've got a few minutes to kill."

You can check the rest of what they had to say about Missile Cards right here!
Apr 25, 2017
Missile Cards - nathanmeunier
Nice surprise! PC Gamer just posted a really positive write-up of Missile Cards! An excerpt:

"You'll need to play lots of hands before you can become a Missile Cards powerhouse. But it's easy to play a lot of hands: each round only takes a few minutes, so it's perfect for short and mostly sweet gaming during your breaks, at lunchtime, or when you've got a few minutes to kill."

You can check the rest of what they had to say about Missile Cards right here!
Missile Cards - nathanmeunier
Whew. It's been an intense few days. Thanks so much to everyone who picked up the game during launch weekend! Feedback has been really positive and encouraging so far! I'm really psyched to hear people are having fun with it.

If you're enjoying Missile Cards, please don't forget to take a quick second to leave a Steam review! That's really important, and I super appreciate you taking the time to do that ASAP!

Patch update 1.0.3

Thanks a bunch to folks who've emailed or posted about issues! So far, the bug reports have been pretty minimal and minor, so I haven't been rolling out massive patches - just small quick fixes.

Version 1.0.3 just went live, which fixes an issue where there were more hack cards than firewall cards in LV 4. There are now 3 each, making it possible now to achieve the no-hack bonus mission on that base.

Also, since it's pretty tough to get a no-hack win unless you get at least one firewall pretty early on, I've set it so you only have to get one no-hack win vs 3.

That's all for now! I've got a busy week ahead, but definitely keep pinging me if any other bugs or issues arise. There are a few non-critical things I'm looking into, but we should be in pretty good shape.

Missile Cards - nathanmeunier
Whew. It's been an intense few days. Thanks so much to everyone who picked up the game during launch weekend! Feedback has been really positive and encouraging so far! I'm really psyched to hear people are having fun with it.

If you're enjoying Missile Cards, please don't forget to take a quick second to leave a Steam review! That's really important, and I super appreciate you taking the time to do that ASAP!

Patch update 1.0.3

Thanks a bunch to folks who've emailed or posted about issues! So far, the bug reports have been pretty minimal and minor, so I haven't been rolling out massive patches - just small quick fixes.

Version 1.0.3 just went live, which fixes an issue where there were more hack cards than firewall cards in LV 4. There are now 3 each, making it possible now to achieve the no-hack bonus mission on that base.

Also, since it's pretty tough to get a no-hack win unless you get at least one firewall pretty early on, I've set it so you only have to get one no-hack win vs 3.

That's all for now! I've got a busy week ahead, but definitely keep pinging me if any other bugs or issues arise. There are a few non-critical things I'm looking into, but we should be in pretty good shape.


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