Metori - NoClutch
This update is primarily to improve the experience for both beginners and returning players. Additionally, I've added some accessibility and graphical changes, which should really improve how players feel about the game.

Here is the changes:
-Cut some UI for Level 1, to simplify the experience for new players
-AI control is now Fleet Control
-Added and fixed explosion sounds not playing in some circumstances
-There is now a sound effect when your ship gets hit.
-There is now screenshake when a ship blows up near you.
-There is now a sound effect when you slow down.
-Tuned the glitch effects to be more subtle, as they could make the game near unplayable at low health.
-When a ship is being controlled by the player, it now slowly regenerates health. I didn't time it precisely, but you heal about 0.1 health every 15 seconds.
-For accesibility, the campaign will now ask for confirmation before leaving a level.
-You can now time yourself on who beat a level the fastest.
-You can now also disable number rounding for the level timer, allowing for precise speedrun timing.
-Did a full style and narrative pass on all cutscenes, making minor changes.
-Cutscenes now have music.
Metori - NoClutch
This update was mostly fixes to things in the menus that were broken prior.

Big thing is the options menu now updates to its saved value, and overall there's better support across the board for UI, and the game now pauses when a menu is open.

Also glitch effects can now be turned off in real time.
Metori - enembygames
​I've finally been able to get to cutting down some wasted frame times to do with asteroids! Previously, an entry level gaming computer would get about 5-10fps when playing with 5000+ asteroids in a small area. Now you can expect between 100-200fps in that same area.

Better PCs can expect upwards of 400fps in Instant Action.


-Asteroids now only update every half second or so

-Asteroids now slow down if they're going too fast every update

-Harvesters now mine far more effectively, and don't panic with too many asteroids. (This could still be optimized more)

-An already mined asteroid now spawns mined asteroids when split! (It's now possible to mine the universe dry)

Go even further beyond, pilots!
Metori - NoClutch
Just a quick update to fix some minor issues:

-Bullets now properly make noise (this was actually added two updates ago)

-Stations can no longer spawn in 1v1 mode.

-Player1's UI cannot be drawn on Player 2's camera (this is just confusing)
Metori - NoClutch
Turns out I broke a few things with the last update! Better hurry up and fix it. Sorry about that. I blame steam for updating the tools with no guidance on changes or updating files. Oof. Here's the changes:

-Enemy Ships now inherit a portion of their speed to their bullets. They used to already do this, but I've made it better.

-Fixed a bug to do with the selected ship dying. This would soft lock the fighter squad.. so pretty important. I'm certain I accidentially introduced this with the local multiplayer update.

-Enemy ships can now shatter asteroids. This could cause a disadvantage with instant action if an asteroid blocked a ship's path.

-Readded loading indicator when loading a new level. Somehow this got lost..

-Text in cutscenes is now left-aligned, since it gave me a headache trying to read it as is. I think this was the intention all along but got left behind with I had to cut scope.

-The Glitch effects option in the menu now affects Cutscenes as well.

-Kamikaze ships can now ignore orders and hunt nearby ships.

-The glitch effect can now be turned off in game as well.

Until next time, pilots.
Metori - NoClutch
You can now 1 on 1 dogfight against your friends. this is a very early version and due some changes, but it works! I also had to re-add the option to turn down the glitch effects, which cause issues with some users. I'll probably come back and update this patch with more details.

-New 1v1 mode in Instant Action
-Better support for seizure-prone and epileptic players.

Drive safely, pilots.
Metori - NoClutch
I noticed the MOTD was broken, so I fixed that. After that I readded the epilepsy safe option on the menu, and I also added the ability to disable some graphics effects that should make the game run more on older PCs.

Sorry this update took so long.. with the pandemic I've had to work 40 hour work weeks at my primary job and it's just been hard to find the time for updating things again.

Metori - NoClutch
So.. like... I've made some changes, some that honestly probably should have made it for launch, but you know, they're there now, right?

-Added a sound effect for getting hurt.
-Added a sound effect for failing to purchase a ship.

-The game doesn't run super well if you buy a ton of miners/harvesters, so to sort of skirt the problem I've added a button you can hold for a couple of seconds to explode your current ship. This will help with lag until a more permanent fix is done.

-Added a random offset to ships spawn.
-You can now replay the tutorial.
-Fixed some text being cutoff in Step3.
-Made a change to Instant Action, so you no longer need to capture all stations to win. If the enemy is out of ships, that works too.

There's some other bugs/changes I want to make/fix, but that will have to wait until another update.

Thanks for playing,

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