Mass Effect 2 (2010 Edition) - (Alec Meer)


Face still feeling tired after the whole Mass Effect: Andromeda debacle? Well, the earlier, better games haven’t stopped existing, y’know. Maybe revisiting them with a slightly more 2017 look will scratch your itch. For instance, with these mods that add over 3,000 replacement, higher-res, 4K-friendly textures to Mass Effect 2 & 3.


Mass Effect 2 (2010 Edition) - (Alec Meer)

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.>

I know you’re supposed> to say the first one’s best, but Mass Effect 2 is definitely my favourite in the series. … [visit site to read more]

Mass Effect 2 (2010 Edition) - (Alice O'Connor)

Mass Effect 2 [official site], the game I’d say mmmight be my favourite of BioWare’s fab sci-fi RPG series, is currently free through Origin. Grab it now and it’s yours for keepsies. If you’ve not played a Mass Effect before and are curious now that Mass Effect Andromeda is due in March, here you go! You’ll miss out from not having played the first game–I think a lot of ME2’s best points are built upon the first game or are interesting in juxtaposition–but I’m sure you’ll pick up what’s going on. I see that clever twinkle in your eye. … [visit site to read more]

Mass Effect 2 (2010 Edition) - (Richard Cobbett)

Spoiler alert, RPGs are kinda ridiculous. Most games are, of course. While the Mythbusters may have shown that carrying Doomguy’s loadout into battle isn’t as bad as it might sound, there’s a reason they’ve never done a follow-up about doing it after taking a few rockets to the face. Likewise, we can’t know the effect of glugging down fifty health potions a day, but it must mean a lot of pauses for the heroic knight to hurriedly get his armour off for a quick pee-break.

Like a lot of things, there’s a line here – on one side, things that are interesting to see a game justify, and on the other, things that are probably best handwaved. Where does that line lie?

… [visit site to read more]

Mass Effect (2007) - (Alec Meer)

I have no flupping idea what to expect from Mass Effect Not-4, aka Andromeda [official site], given all signs point to it being a clean break from the Shepard saga. But the reveal that combat will be similar to Mass Effect 3’s frantic shooty fare does start to make it a solid thing in my brain, rather than an entirely abstract concept with a few twinkly stars in it. … [visit site to read more]

Jul 10, 2015
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines - (RPS)

An entirely objective ranking of the 50 best PC RPGs ever released. Covering the entire history of computer role-playing games is a daunting task and attempting to place the best games in such a broad genre in any kind of order is even more daunting. Thankfully, we are equal to all tasks and below, you will find the best fifty PC RPGs of all time.

… [visit site to read more]

Mass Effect (2007) - (John Walker)

The many faces that aren't the faces of Jennifer Hale.

Every Sunday, we reach deep into Rock, Paper, Shotgun’s 141-year history to pull out one of the the best moments from the archive. This week, John’s interview with voice actress Jennifer Hale. This post was originally published July 27, 2011.>

Jennifer Hale has appeared in a great many more games than you probably realise. The person behind the voice of the female Shepard in all three Mass Effect games is also responsible for Metal Gear’s Naomi Hunter, SOCOM’s HQ, the spookily good British accent of KotOR’s Bastilla, and even the grunts and groans of Metroid Prime’s Samus, among literally hundreds of others in gaming, TV and film. We caught up with Jennifer as she drove through LA, to ask how she came to provide so many of gaming’s iconic voices, the combination of anonymity and fame, and which of the Commander Shepards she’s voting for to appear on Mass Effect’s cover.

… [visit site to read more]

Mass Effect 2 (2010 Edition) - (Alec Meer)


Just a snippet about something that was more or less a given, but I think it’s worth stating and knowing for the record that the next Mass Effect will entirely and definitely steer clear of Commander Shephard. The controversial outcomes of Mass Effect 3 do leave some room for ‘what happened next?’ investigations, but the three-game plot had tied itself in so many knots by that point that a totally clean break for the next set of Meffects is only sensible. (more…)

Mass Effect 2 (2010 Edition) - (Alec Meer)

Aw. I know not everyone was as charmed as I was by Mass Effect 2 and 3′s scarfaced, cockney mercenary Zaeed Massani, but I found his no-nonsense, surly, partially malevolent geezerishness made him an essential part of my ME2 squad. His voice actor did great things in terms of turning, essentially, Dirty Den into a hard-bitten space bruiser, so I’m sad to hear that the chap behind those beyond-gravelly tones, Robin Sachs, sadly passed away on the first of February this year. (more…)

Mass Effect 2 (2010 Edition) - (Alec Meer)

Shepherd's not been looking after himself

We’re still waiting for Call of Duty Black Ops 2 wot-I-think code here on RPS, but some punters who’ve already lain hands on the PC version of Activision’s latest Manshooter Titan have found themselves equally unable to play the thing. But why? Had it been tampered with by the fugitive head of an anti-virus company? Had wolves eaten it? Would it not install until Mason told them what the numbers meant? No, none of those. Something for more eerie. Some purchasers have discovered that the second disc of their brand new foreigner-killing game was a copy of Mass Effect 2, that 2010 guns’n'conversation title from Activision’s arch-rival EA. Conversation in the best-selling game of guns? Scandalous! (more…)


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