Mashinky - jan.zeleny
Hello respected community

Today, there is a new update available.

This time, it is all about road vehicles! I've choosed another 11 vehicles we need to have in the game (which makes the sum of 21 vehicles available). Those are mostly from 2nd and 3rd era and allows you to deliver more cargo types - iron ore, iron, crude oil and oil and most important - goods. There is also one new bus available.

While listening to the community, I know we need food trucks as well, but since these are in later eras, we have to add them next time ;)

To support new vehicles, I've added also new road type - asphalt. It is a bit more expensive, but support higher top speed and some of new vehicles will benefit from it. The new road type also have more road signs just to support the feeling of advanced eras.

There are also small improvements and bug fixes, for example now you can release all vehicles from depot by a single click, there is finally fixed shading (applying of normal map) of animated objects, fixed texture on porter's tender and so on.

Detailed changelog:
  • New Crude oil truck
  • New 2 Oil trucks
  • New 2 Iron trucks
  • New 2 Iron ore trucks
  • New Wood truck
  • New 2 Goods trucks
  • Fixed all Normal maps and tangent space shader logic (shading on surfaces)
  • Fixed shading on animated objects
  • New Bus
  • Removed signal arrows from realistic view
  • New road type - asphalt
  • Fixed missing "Wait on signal for too long" message
  • Fixed vanishing of forest when placing farm nearby
  • Small rebalance of road vehicles

Thats all for now, we are working on 6th era so stay tuned for next update ;)

Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year!

Best regards,
Mashinky - jan.zeleny
Hello respected community

I am excited to introduce you the next upcoming update. There will be:
  • 11 new road vehicles! These are mainly for 2nd and 3rd era, so you will be able to transport also iron ore, iron, crude oil, oil and goods, and there is also a new bus included.
  • new road type - asphalt - which finally allows some vehicles to reach their maximum speed.
  • some minor fixes as always

All will be added to your game on
December 22nd

Best regards,

Dec 6, 2019
Mashinky - jan.zeleny
Dear respected community,

While working on another content (several new vehicles and the next era), I want to improve the gameplay and tools as well to make your play sessions a bit more pleasant. Thats why I am introducing what I call Usability update for you.

Aside to huge optimizations (especially when running game with maximum speed), there are several new features, so let's go through them briefly:

Automatic terrain leveling while laying rails
This feature is a bit similar to what tunel tool or stamp tool are already doing: When you lay rails where the terrain is not suitable, the tool will offer you small terrain changes to satisfy needs for that track piece.

It uses only small terrain changes and only when there is no possible path available, so the challenge is still there. You can't just lay track over the mountains without thinking about terrain. At the same time, it saves a lot of time switching to terrain tools and back to rail while "trying" to find situations where it allows you to do what you want.

Thanks to this feature, I've added also new tab into setup window so you can turn off/on these features at any time while in game.

Automatic signal type
I've seen for so many times and in many youtube / twitch streams that using our signal types (block / chain, one way / two way) is not always that easy so I am still trying to make it more intuitive.

There are several great tutorials, like for example the one from Psojed, but this is unfortunatelly not enough.

The next step I wanted to try in regards to make using of our signals easier, is to detect situations where some specific signal type (block or chain) is needed and either show some warning or even better: help the player with choosing the proper signal type directly. So there is this Automatic signal type tool available.

I know this will kind of polarize our community the same way as it polarized me and Walking Wad (who helps me with the design and scripts). Originally he was strongly against it, but since he tried it, he now supports this idea a lot as I do.

As always, you may enable / disable any time while in game.

Signal block overlay
If you decide to not use the Automatic signal type, do not worry, there is one feature that may still helps you with signals. It is another overlay, this time it shows signal blocks (under the cursor) and it also detects if this block is either occupied or if it has some issue to solve (like there is no exit or entry to that block etc.)

You can activate this overlay by selecting any of signal type and hovering over the existing track. In the future, I would like to add special window controlling all overlays easily.

Industry type overlay
Another new overlay shows industry type as well as wagon cargo type. It works with any zoom level and easily highlights what you are looking for. It also highlights specific industry type name in bottom screen edge while hovering over the building.

I will keep improving overlays but let me know any related ideas so we can make it the most useful together.

Terrain height overlay
Another overlay is focused on terrain shape. While zooming and rotating terrain, you can easily lost sense of actualy terrain shape or you may wonder in what height is the town you are laying track to etc. For making this a bit more intuitive, there is a new overlay showing terrain altitude via colorization.

You may (as all other overlays) enable / disable this directly in toolbar.

Vehicle path overlay
Another improvement I wanted to do is to show where the train wants to go. AI path finding in my game is very dynamic, not binded to any sort of fixed routes, and each vehicle decide on each junction where it should go to reach destination as soon as possible based on actual situation, signals state etc. (while also checking it can continue to the next destination easily).

This caused a lot of confusing when train picks different path than player expected, so to help us understand the vehicle's "plan", the game will now show you the actual path of selected vehicle. This works also for implicit routelists (empty routelist so the train decide according to wagon types).
It is also animated and only destination stations are highlighted. It also shows the next destination path using a bit darker color.

When path cannot be found, it shows red path and the train / road vehicle automatically stops at the end of this red path.

Track or electrification ends
Last but not least is the new feature which visualize ends of rails or specific places where track electrification ends.

It helps to identify for example when you place junction, but the track end is misplaced so this junction is not connected. Originally you needed to zoom closer to find reason why train cannot find path.

Thats all main improvements, but overall list would include pile of fixed bugs - hope I haven't introduced many new ones :). Sorry for writing such a long text, but this update deserves it I guess.

Thanks a lot for supporting the game, enjoying it, spreading the word about our trains and trucks world and for helping me by bug reporting. I am so much enjoying working on this game for the best community ever!

All the best,

Mashinky - jan.zeleny
Dear respected community,

Today I have rather some bad news.

I've removed several MODs that violated licence of other authors and games, especially awesome game Transport Fever.

These beautiful 3D assets have been used to create Mashinky mods without permission given by original authors and more over in one case the 3D asset was taken directly from Transport fever vanila game.

Since I always wanted to be 100% fair and I respect someone's work and creativity, the only response to this violation was banning all of these mods.

I apologize for inconveniences to all players who are using these mods and especially to all original authors.

Your save files should be working and I've modified the game so it will not erase missing trains, only replace with Porter and send to the depot (keeping routelist, wagons content etc.)... Hope it helps.

Thank you for understanding and hopefully our workshop will stay free of such violations.

Best regards,

Mashinky - jan.zeleny
Hello respected community!

Road vehicles are finally included in Mashinky game!

Now you are able to extend your transport imperium with road vehicles. Buy and manage busses and trucks, build road infrastructure including bridges and tunnels, deliver first severa cargo types and decide where trucks or trains are needed.

When I was releasing Mashinky to Early Access exactly 2 years ago, I gave you some promises what will be included in the game before the full release. Today we are achieving another big one I am super excited to show you and let you in.

Road vehicles are optional to use, you may keep using only trains, but since this is a serious game changer I hope you will give it a try, send us feedback and love it as I do :)

Do not expect to have vehicles for all eras in the game. There are only first several vehicles available, mostly for early 3 eras, but we will deliver more soon ;) This first pack of vehicles are focused on passenger and lightweight cargo types that fit well for road transportation. In some of next updates, I plan to add vehicles for food and goods, because here road transportation makes the best sense.

Road vehicles
  • You may use existing town road network for public transportation or connect cities with your roads, while using also road bridges and tunnels.

  • You may take a ride in one of your road vehicles and enjoy realistic landscape from a different perspective.

  • There is a new physics for road vehicles, including bumps and inertia.

  • You may combine train stations with road stops and the inventory is shared.

  • Vehicles smartly occupy each road stop platform, you may lay these the same way as for train stations and design your own road stops. Do not forget to use stamps to keep your best bus stations and cargo platforms design ;)

  • Vehicles are able to overtake another one, when speed difference is big enough and there are free tiles ahead. It doesn't check these tiles when they are overtaking stopped vehicle.

  • Railroad crossings are secured by automatic barriers that will be triggered as train enters the block (so for high speed trains, placing railway signal too close to rail road crossing may cause some disasters :) I will address multiple railroad crossings in upcoming days to make it a bit more secure.

And last but not least, aside from many bugfixes, you can play one new map called Lake!

That's all for now, thansk a lot for staying with the game and your patience.
I am looking forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy it ;)

Mashinky - jan.zeleny
Hello respected community!

I am super excited to announce, that soon the game will include also road vehicles!

October 6th
- Road vehicles (first part)

We are working hard to deliver as much vehicles on October 6th, but first update will be focused on early eras and mainly to passenger and lightweight cargo types that fit well to road transportation.

Road vehicles
  • You will be able to extend your transport imperium with road vehicles: buy and manage busses and trucks.
  • You will unlock new and more powerful vehicles as you progress through eras, but some will be released later in the early access.
  • You may use existing town road network for public transportation or connect cities with your roads, while using also road bridges and tunnels.
  • You may take a ride in one of your road vehicles and enjoy realistic landscape.
  • There is a new physics for road vehicles, but it will improve trains realism as well
  • You may combine train stations with road stops and inventory is shared.
  • Vehicles smartly occupy each road stop platform, you may lay these the same way as for train stations and design your own road stops.
  • Rail road crossings will be secured by automatic barriers that will be triggered as train enters the block (so for highspeed trains, placing railway signal too close to rail road crossing may cause some disasters :)

To make it easier for you to wait (and give us time to finish and balance everything), today I've released support for Stamps!

  • The feature allows you to create stamps or blueprints and easily use these anywhere on your map.
  • You may also easily share them via text or steam workshop so you can inspire tons of people by your creativity or get latest ideas from community.
  • This way you will soon have perfect deck of junctions and station designs so you could build up your transport imperium even faster!

I am eager to see your junction designs!

... and now let's get back to work on Vehicles!

Mashinky - jan.zeleny

Hello respected community!

There is a new build available for Mashinky. This time, I've reworked pipeline for font pre-generating and I was finally able to add more languages.

We have a community-driven translation, so the new build includes also these languages, but you may still see some untranslated english words or maybe translation in not final quality, but I am super excited that these 4 languages made it to the game!

I've also focused on bugfixing and optimization of long track laying and map updating in general.

New languages:
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Vietnamese
  • Turkish

New cities lists:
  • World
  • Europe
  • Japan
  • China
  • Vietnam
  • Turkey

  • Added Fields transparency on/off option
  • Added Different altitudes of one building generates stairs between them
  • Starting the game for the first time chooses proper UI Scale when
  • Added localized Replacement window
  • Added adjustable texture quality for UI (setup.xml only)
  • Some buttons changed to fit longer texts (eg German)
  • Modified visualization of depot signal
  • White graphical glitch when selecting visible trees in construction mode
  • Trains stucked in the depot after depot modifications
  • Train waits on red signal for too long message
  • UI Scale computation clamp (solved invisible UI for AMD chipsets)
  • Splash window items enlarged a bit to fit text in it
  • Reloading translated texts runtime
  • Translated text in automatic replacement window
  • Transparency of forest
  • Reloading translated texts runtime
  • Cost showed on buttons is vertical or horizontal depending on where it appears (vehicles, upgrades etc.)
  • Translated text in automatic replacement window
  • Transparency of forest
  • Track waypoints could be only of specific type according to vehicle type (rails for trains atm)
  • Reset date after loading map in editor followed by loading game
  • Signals on bridge placement
  • Modified pathfinding to search double distance
  • Upgrading / removing tunnel or bridge
  • Crash (when wrong town owner occurs)

Now I am focused on blueprints and next step could be finally some other transportation type ;) lets see...

Mashinky - jan.zeleny

Hello respected community!

There is a new update online, so I would like to share some details with you.

There is for example UI Scale feature requested by the community (especially usefull on 4k), which forced me to re-do all icons and UI graphics in general, so I was doing kind of HD-Remaster to the game that has not been released yet :).

Also several players asked me to add some possibility to do restoration of their precious old or unique vehicles in the game, so now you may use auto replace tool for doing this (we will probably re-balance currently-fixed restoration price in one of next updates).

Main changes are:
  • UI Scaling (You may choose the user interface size, especially handy for 4k monitors)
  • Hi-res Icons (Reworked 400 icons)
  • Start in any era (once unlocked by playing)
  • 7 new Trees
  • Restoration of old vehicles

There are also several small improvements and tons of fixes as always :)

Detailed changelog:

UI Scale
  • New UI Scale feature
  • New 385 icons, 500+ letters
  • Added Tons of missing letters (aprox +200)
  • Automatically scale up icons that are in an old resolution (due to mods)
  • Modified icons of track modified to make them more distinguish
  • Added automatic restriction to UI Scale according to resolution / window size
Start new game from any era
  • Added possibility to start map in another era!
  • Added autodetection of max start era unlocked (you have to progress naturally to unlock more eras to start from)
  • 074 Bangle cost balanced to support start in later eras
  • Added script function GetStartEra
  • Restoration possibility (autoreplace by the same vehicle, even for unique ones. Fixed cost atm)
  • 7 new trees (+removed Acacia)

  • Fixed Town growing
  • Added image to YouWing oil quest
  • Automatic immediate reload of UI when language changed
  • Fixed Crash when stop window too narrow
  • Lowered farm fields size
  • Some fixes for 512_h_paths map
  • Fixed cursor position vs tool icon position
  • Fixed some script minor issues
  • Fixed visual glitch when using unknown cargo
  • Fixed position of number showing distance between automatic signal placemnt
  • Reload config runtime does not cause background main menu image to stretch
  • Dragging locomotive in depot window active area
  • Acccumulation of multiple "Train cannot find compatible track" message
  • Fixed building rules where only token is produced (no inputs)
  • Produced tokens agregated not per station nearby, but per token type (no more 0 tokens pruduct marker above the building)
  • Fixed Issues with the new trees trunk mapping
  • Fixed Device Reset when using assimp
  • Fixed Rendered texture alignments (except texts)
  • Fixed Consistency of leaves fade out on close model and far baked one
  • Modified Small raycasting optimization
  • Fixed Lodbaker supports also 32bits indices
  • Fixed Auto detection of max UI Scale minor bug
  • Fixed Crash when moded rail parts missing signal positions
  • Fixed UI Icons white outlines issue
  • Church quest do not build new town when any other existing
  • Fixed Tooltip for Start Era option
  • Fixed Changing Start Era cause change of difficulty selection
  • Fixed Spawning of posts and towns when save/load custom map
  • Fixed Era limitations (when start from specific era)
  • Fixed Spawning posts and shops in town on custom maps
  • Fixed Glassworks script
  • Fixed Longer script

Hope you will like it ;) Have a nice weekend and thanks again for keeping me updated on some of your ideas and wishes!

Mashinky - jan.zeleny
Hello respected community!

It is insane, but recently we've together reached more than 100 mods in Mashinky steam workshop :O This is something I would never expected, especially while still in Early Access and without any usable tutorial how to create one mod.

I feel a huge gratitude and respect to the authors, thanks a lot guys!

This is another proof of having the best community ever, full of talented people who are able to dig into our data and learn how to create almost any modification possible. So many beautiful crafted engines and wagons, awesome maps or even mods that changes the basic gameplay, adding more possibilities to station upgrades or buildings...

If anyone needs some help with mod creation, please don't hesitate to ask me. I plan to add some documentation to our wiki page one day and this may help me structure it properly and even raise the priority of creating it.

Thanks a lot! I love it and working on the game for all of you guys who like the game and support it is a great honor for me...


Mashinky - jan.zeleny

Hello respected community!

After 5th era release, I've fixed several bugs and meantime implemented (and fixed) also asset lists (of all vehicles, buildings, towns, depots, etc). Including sorting. I will be adding more sorting options, these are just basic atm.

There are also several visual improvements, mostly distant fields flickering and sea shape and foam in a distance.

There is also a text polishing made by our mighty translators and Wad made some script improvements as well and he made a beautiful new map for you!

Also all critical issues should be fixed now ;)

Thanks a lot for all your feedback and support! It helped me a LOT!

Full changelog is here:

  • Added New "512 Path" Scenario
  • Added Sortable lists of buildings, vehicles, stations, etc.
  • Kumulative messages (automatically switch to kumulative message instead of enumerating every instance)
  • Added cycling goto feature for kumulative messages when clicking on them
  • Added possibility to start / stop all vehicles at once
  • Showing red numbers in assets window when station storage full
  • Added filtering in replacement list only existing loco/wagon types in game
  • Added depot button for electrification (like using track upgrade tool manually)
  • Modified Number and size and the shape of fields
  • Modified Scripts and Texts
  • Modified Power plants ballancing

  • Smoke and sound of train waiting on signal
  • Train stucked on a platform (when clear routelist and turn around)
  • Red signal when removing track piece between two blocks where one is occupied
  • Better streaming of terrain (fixed also issue with 10s lag when switch to construction mode)
  • Waypoints
  • Goto buttons in buildings list
  • Issue with stucked train leaving the depot
  • Blue track overlay wrongly applied to trees and fields
  • Frustum culling of plants (sometimes invisible when close to screen border)
  • Frustum culling of vehicles (sometimes invisible cemara onboard)
  • Max weight when going on reverse
  • Landscape type names (was "showing unknown" text instead)
  • Asynchronous access crash and buidling list flickering
  • Track version statistics (used by some script functions)
  • Food shop name
  • Buying new vehicle or bridge / tunnel does not play sound when not enough tokens to finish the action
  • Signal type may be changed without removing old signal first
  • Icons in realistic mode not visible on horizon

  • Added SSAO diameter noise (supress shadow silhouettes)
  • Added humidity gradient over the map adding more visual variety
  • Modified sea params, colors, foam
  • Modified SSAO ranges when camera onboard
  • Map streaming improved
  • Fixed Sea and fields z-fighting
  • Fixed Sea foam jittering

Now lets start with the next era and even bigger & bold changes :)


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