Community Announcements - Advent RPG

One year before we started work on Mars 2030 work began on a giant open world game called Dwarfscape. We have since made it much bigger and put years of fantasy RPG love into it:

Biome 1 of 8: The Forest of Humanity

Biome 2 of 8: The Putrid Bogs

ːMars2030ː ːArmstrongː ːMarsMissionː
Community Announcements - Advent RPG

Read the Mars 2030 User Guide! [1.4]

The development plan for Mars 2030 extends to the amazing year 2030! We hope you jump in now and check back here for the latest dev notes.

Mars 2030 [1.4.1] | Dev Log
  • New! Simulated Cave Ice Mining
  • Updated Starbase Mars graphics
  • Rogue Asteroid impacts now cause massive damage, instead of certain doom
  • Asteroid randomization tweaked slightly
  • Fixed: bug that could cause a "ghost" sleeping Rat to remain after death
  • Fixed: rare glitch that could cause Moon Rover to vanish on some PCs
  • Reduced the spawn rate of navigation arrows
  • 5-Stasis Mines now awarded by default in Moonbase Down
  • Ice Miner Achievement added:

Mars 2030 [1.4.2] | Dev Log
  • Buffed Sim Rats durability to radiation
  • Added 1x help window to Starbase Mars & Moonbase Rover
  • Added help button: Lower right hand corner of the main window
  • Lab & App windows now auto-close if the mission fails
  • Close button on the Interior Map was made more visible
  • Touch screen GUI no longer functions unless selected in options

Mars 2030 [1.4] has arrived and it’s the most fun version of the game yet. Two new mini-games were released in 2018, making this year the largest content expansion since launch. We have also continued to smooth out overall game play based directly on player feedback.

We are excited about emulating Cave Ice Mining on Mars over months of in-game flight time. It's a rewarding progression between hazards and there is an element of chance to your results. Once an ice vein is depleted, the number of ice units collected is added to your mission score x100.

Get started mining by pressing the list icon on the ship status window:

In case you missed the release of Moonbase Down, arcade mode is included for free with Mars 2030! Support development and gain early access to Sandbox mode by purchasing it seperately:

If you encounter any problems or bugs whatsoever - please report it in comments below or discussions. We fix all reported issues as quickly as possible.

Thank you so much,
ːMars2030ː ːArmstrongː ːMarsMissionː
Community Announcements - Advent RPG

Two years ago near the end of the production cycle of Mars 2030 1.0 a cool idea for a mini-game popped up. After development started, it became clear it was more than a mini-game. A new Sci-Fi horror universe emerged...

About Moonbase Down
Enter a fearful Sci-Fi jaunt into a procedurally generated Moonbase. Rescue Jonesy the cat and avoid the woes of Alien impregnation.

Core Features
• Fight or Flight: 10-levels of Random Spooky Moonbase
• 7-Xenomorph Types
• Experience the Alien Life Cycle
• Force Field, Pulse Rifle, & Stasis Mines
• Rescue Jonesy the Cat

What is Moonbase Down?
A Rogue-like Sci-Fi survival horror adventure game. The standalone game will feature leaderboards, unlimited mode, and sandbox mode updates. Get it here:

Does Mars 2030 include Moonbase Down?
Yes, Moonbase Down arcade mode (only) is included with Mars 2030! Sandbox mode which is under development is sold separately. Wishlist and follow it, or buy Early Access to support development.

Mars 2030 - Update [1.3][MBD 1.0.95]:
• Added Space Dragons & Star Sponges
• Stasis Mines added
• Maps added
• Level Up to 25
• Jonesy Shield Regen Buff
• More Ammo
• End game artwork enhanced
• Content Update: 10 Mission Logs added to Moonbase Down
• Fix: entry area of MBD levels correctly randomized again
• Fix: a bug that could cause a Jonesy paradox and break progress
• (Mars 2030) Should fix a rare bug that could prevent the Ship Function window from closing
• Moonbase Down game added (Main Menu)
• Six Moonbase Down Achievements added:

Mars 2030 - Update [1.3.1]:
• Asteroid impacts now cause massive damage instead of instant death
• Asteroid randomization tweaked slightly
• 5-Stasis Mines now awarded by default in Moonbase Down

If you encounter any bugs, glitches, problems, or have recommendations please contact us in discussions or in the comments below. We try to resolve all show stopping bugs as quickly as possible.

Don't forget to turn down the lights...

Community Announcements - Advent RPG

Mars 2030 - Update [1.2.9]:
• Added 1x Pop-up Warning to Shoot (press K)
• Reduced the Chance of Launch Failures (Turn Off in Options)
• Added 1x USS Armstrong Pop-up Window (click ship)

Mars 2030 - Update [1.2.8]:
• Added a "Thrust" Warning Pop-up to Mars landing (tap W to thrust)
• Enhanced Mars Graphics
• Mars lander Smoke FX - added to indicate if the lander was damaged before orbit
• Hard Landing - Achievement added

It has been a productive year for Recently we released [3] Skyrim Special Edition mods for Windows, PS4, and XB1. Including Dark Isle: War & Mythos a survival horror sandbox.

Dark Isle: War & Mythos has been downloaded over 20,000x, so jump on in and be very afraid...

We have carefully listened to our players since Early Access 2-years ago. Dozens of upgrades have been made to Mars 2030 this year alone. Including graphical updates, FX, simulated moon exploration, planet views, and a pet rat. We call him Nimoy!

2017 Development Log:

Mars 2030 [1.2.0]
• Moonbase Rover: Moon sample delivery game featuring HD scan data of the Moon (press F2)
• Baby Lettuce Farming (press Tab)
• Pet Rat (press Tab)
• R.S.S. Rasputin, competitive space corp ship added
• Starbase Mars Mothership added (press F1)
• U.S.S. Armstrong graphic updated
• 25 Crew graphics updated
• Cockpit graphic updated
• Micrometeorite Storm graphics updated
• Asteroid Field graphics updated
• Added New Launch Failure
• Button added to fire Mass Drivers from Ship Status Window (press P)
• Button added to Overclock Shields from Ship Status Window (press P)
• GUI Close buttons added
• Help screen clarified and updated (press Esc)
• Reduced number of Solar Storms
• Reduced the chance of Space Crisis, to provide more media time
• Added 5 New Achievements:

Hotfix [1.2.3]:
• Should fix a bug that caused the progress indicator to vanish.
• Fixes a bug that could cause the Crew Crisis Selection Window to close too quickly leading to crew neglect.
• Fixes a bug that caused a sound FX loop in Moonbase Rover under certain conditions.
• Fixes a bug that could cause Space Gunner's shots to bypass certain Asteroids.
• Should fix a bug that could cause the "Pause" text to overlap the score.
• Slightly Boosted Moonbase Rover speed.
• Adds Lens FX to Rocket Take-Off sequence.

Hotfix [1.2.4]:
• Should really fix a bug that caused the progress indicator to vanish.
• Fixed a bug that could cause the Help screen to appear and not be able to be closed.

Update [1.2.5]:
• R.S.S. Rasputin song added.
• Starbase Mars Mothership added. (press F1)
• U.S.S. Armstrong controls are no longer floaty.
• Fixed a bug that could cause Starbase Mars stealth ships to not be correctly destroyed.
• Starbase Mars stealth ships will now spawn slightly more often.
• Slightly buffed Starbase Mars railgun drone hit points.
• Added keyboard tips to two crew interactions.

Mars 2030 - Update [1.2.6]:
• Jupiter Probe: Hera 1 added. Simulates a probe in orbit around Jupiter (press F3)
• Mars Telescopic view added (press F3)
• Ship Function Selector added (press P, click new list icon)
• Help screen updated
• Fixes minor unreported bugs
• New Achievement added

Mars 2030 [1.3] Coming Soon!:
Expect a Nimoy the rat update and we are extra excited to release the third Mars 2030 mini-game Moonbase Down:

Thank you for playing Mars 2030 and supporting our long term development efforts. We fix all reported game breaking bugs asap. If you encounter any, please let us known in comments or discussions.
Community Announcements - Advent RPG

Ever wonder what it would be like to survive a trip to Mars? Dr. Beth Healey survived a remote base in Antarctica, then she went for a serious challenge and tried to beat Mars 2030!

Check out the educational voyage on YouTube:
Happy Summer everyone! Mars 2030 [1.2.5] was released today!

Mars 2030 - Update [1.2.5]:
• R.S.S. Rasputin song added
• Starbase Mars Mothership added (press F1)
• U.S.S. Armstrong controls no longer drift or feel floaty
• Fixed a bug that could cause Starbase Mars stealth ships to not be correctly destroyed
• Starbase Mars stealth ships will now spawn slightly more often
• Slightly buffed Starbase Mars railgun drone hit points

Mars 2030 - Update [1.2.6]:
• Jupiter Probe: Hera 1 added. Simulates a probe in orbit around Jupiter (press F3)
• Mars Telescopic view added (press F3)
• Ship Function Selector added (press P, click new list icon)
• Help screen updated
• Fixes minor unreported bugs
• New Achievement added

Mars 2030 - Update [1.2.8]:
• Added a "Thrust" Warning Pop-up to Mars landing (tap W to thrust)
• Enhanced Mars Graphics
• Hard Landing - Achievement added
• Mars lander Smoke FX - added to indicate if the lander was damaged before orbit

Mars 2030 - Update [1.2.9]:
• Added 1x Pop-up Warning to Shoot (press K)
• Reduced the Chance of Launch Failures (Turn Off in Options)
• Added 1x USS Armstrong Pop-up Window (click ship)

We are close to the release of Mars 2030 [1.3] which will include a fancy new mini-game!
Community Announcements - Advent RPG

We are excited to release Mars 2030 1.2 for your spacefaring enjoyment. The following changes have been applied:

Mars 2030 [1.2]
• Moonbase Rover: Moon sample delivery game featuring HD scan data of the Moon (press F2)
• Baby Lettuce Farming (press Tab)
• Pet Rat (press Tab)
• R.S.S. Rasputin, competitive space corp ship added
• Starbase Mars Mothership added (press F1)
• U.S.S. Armstrong graphic updated
• 25 Crew graphics updated
• Cockpit graphic updated
• Micrometeorite Storm graphics updated
• Asteroid Field graphics updated
• Added New Launch Failure
• Button added to fire Mass Drivers from Ship Status Window (press P)
• Button added to Overclock Shields from Ship Status Window (press P)
• GUI Close buttons added
• Help screen clarified and updated (press Esc)
• Reduced number of Solar Storms
• Reduced the chance of Space Crisis, to provide more media time
• Added 5 New Achievements:

Moonbase Rover Mini-Game:

Asteriod Fields 1.2:

R.S.S. Rasputin:

Hotfix [1.2.3]:
• Should fix a bug that caused the progress indicator to vanish.
• Fixes a bug that could cause the Crew Crisis Selection Window to close too quickly leading to crew neglect.
• Fixes a bug that caused a sound FX loop in Moonbase Rover under certain conditions.
• Fixes a bug that could cause Space Gunner's shots to bypass certain Asteroids.
• Should fix a bug that could cause the "Pause" text to overlap the score.
• Slightly Boosted Moonbase Rover speed.
• Adds Lens FX to Rocket Take-Off sequence.

Hotfix [1.2.4]:
• Should really fix a bug that caused the progress indicator to vanish.
• Fixed a bug that could cause the Help screen to appear and not be able to be closed.

Update [1.2.5]:
• R.S.S. Rasputin song added.
• Starbase Mars Mothership added. (press F1)
• U.S.S. Armstrong controls are no longer floaty.
• Fixed a bug that could cause Starbase Mars stealth ships to not be correctly destroyed.
• Starbase Mars stealth ships will now spawn slightly more often.
• Slightly buffed Starbase Mars railgun drone hit points.
• Added keyboard tips to two crew interactions.

Mars 2030 - Update [1.2.6]:
• Jupiter Probe: Hera 1 added. Simulates a probe in orbit around Jupiter (press F3)
• Mars Telescopic view added (press F3)
• Ship Function Selector added (press P, click new list icon)
• Help screen updated
• Fixes minor unreported bugs
• New Achievement added

Please report any bugs in comments below or Steam discussions. We try to resolve all reported show-stopping issues as quickly as possible.

Thank you so much.
Community Announcements - Advent RPG

The long time coming soon Mars 2030 1.2 update, is now coming very soon! has maintained our plans to update Mars 2030 until the year 2030 and beyond. The 1.2 update we will add some new features and enhancements that round out the space travel experience. Giving you more mini-games to keep the epic trek to the red (green) planet lively.

Upcoming 1.2 Features:

• Baby Lettuce Farming
• Pet Rat
• Moonbase Rover (mini-game uses HD scan data of the moon)
• Reduced number of Solar Storms
• Graphical Enhancements
• More!
Community Announcements - Advent RPG

-Three new achievements added!

Screenshot of our next mini-game "Moonbase Down". Planned for the 1.2 release.

If you encounter any problems please let us know in discussions. We try to fix any reported game breaking bugs as quickly as possible. Expect more new features coming to Mars 2030 soon.


Hotfix 1.1f
-Fixed a bug that would auto-quit instead of loading the Hall of Fame.

Update 1.1g
-Adds Navigation points, which boost final score.

Hotfix 1.1h
-Fixed a bug that would cause a restored game to trigger an empty event window, and stall the game.

Hotfix 1.1i
-Minor performance boost.

Hotfix 1.1k
-Fixed a bug that could randomly cause the U.S.S. Armstrong to skip arriving at Mars.
Community Announcements - Advent RPG

We are excited to release Mars 2030 1.1 with new content, fixes, and adjustments that make the trip to Mars even more memorable. The following features were added or fixed in version 1.1:

-Achievements added.
-Ship Map added.
-Crew location indicators added.
-Crew Status browser added.
-Less thrust ("W" key) required to safely land on Mars.
-Quick Extra items button added.
-Crew Interactions added and diversified.
-Crew Mood more accurately reflected and accounted.
-Starbase Mars Railgun Drone controls no longer floaty.
-Starbase Mars Railgun Drone plasma torpedo added. Wave 4 and up.
-Railgun Drone graphic updated.
-Arrow cursor added.
-Help screen expanded.
-Close button added to Ship Status window.
-Slightly increased the recharge time of Overclock shields.
-Fixed music overlapping in the last half of the trip.
-Fixed a bug that sometimes caused irradiated crew to become immortal.

Hot Fix 1.1a
-Fixed music overlapping at the 12% marker.
-Fixed a bug that could cause the demise of a crew member due to radiation to irradiate (or zombify) additional crew.

Hot Fix 1.1b
-Fixed a bug that prevented power core viruses from correctly triggering a blinking alert light.

Hot Fix 1.1c
-Fixed a bug that could cause dead crew to come back to life irradiated.
-Fixed a display bug that caused certain irradiated crew to vanish from the ship map.
-Pressing "Esc" on the logo screen now skips right to the main menu.
-Loss of Oxygen or Coolant now causes a loss to morale.
-Reduced the chance of perma-failed Oxygen and Coolant System repairs by 50%.

Hot Fix 1.1d
-Fixed a bug where a badly damaged hull (and or a Navigation Virus) could cause the ship to become lost in space on orbit, instead of correctly ending the game.

This is the best build of Mars 2030 yet, but please report any bugs in comments or discussions. We will hot fix them asap. More achievements and content is still coming to Mars 2030. Relationships, new media, and experiments are next on the radar.

Community Announcements - Advent RPG

The following features were fixed or added for 1.0.

-Added top 3 Hall of Fame scores.
-Increased default Ammo to 300.
-Extra Ammo provides two rounds now instead of one.
-Added a half-way check point system to continue.
-Fixed a bug that caused character generation to hang up.
-Fixed a bug where crew with the name K.C. could cause events to hang up.
-Reduced the shield damage of Solar Storms.

Action mode is still under development. Updates and new features for Mars 2030 will continue indefinitely. Your feedback and bug reports have greatly helped during Early Access and we hope it will continue.


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