Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Click the image for YouTube video:

Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
We play MN all October and have our Fridays gameplay in it.

First "Regular" FightNight:

And we had a SPECIAL - The Devs came a day after:

Oct 13, 2018
Mare Nostrum - DunkleUrax
Special shoutout to those that came and played a few rounds with us, and especially to BartBear and the community for hosting the server.

Reminder that the community is hosting Mare Nostrum all October, so check out thier Fight Nights if you want to get your game MN on with a few more people on the server so you can experience the maps are they were meant to be played. Normally they vote on which Red Orchestra mod to play, so if you wanted to play some Darkest Hour, Carpathian Crosses, Revenge of the Turul, or some other mod, check them out.

Mare Nostrum - DunkleUrax
So even as a Category 4 Hurricane looms about 200mi away from me right this instant (not in the path so i'll be fine) it's time to well-wish the many many people that worked on Mare Nostrum, those that helped us at Tripwire Interactive (and also for making the base game!), and of course the RO community at large.

There was some discussion about attempting a patch to fix a few major outstanding issues, however we no longer have the source code readily available, so unfortunately it would be extremely difficult to do so (plus while many of the former MN team still work in UnrealEngine, it's been a LOONNNG time since any of us were familar with the MN codebase - so we'd probably introduce more bugs then we fixed :/ )

Most of the legacy team I've been able to get ahold to try and get together on Saturday the 13th of October to play some rounds. Most of us are US based, so while we don't have a specific time, expect it to be based of that.

I myself have been in the Steam chat group for Mare Nostrum, as are a few others, so feel free to drop in and say hello.

Since the community has agreed to run MN server 24x7 (!), you can grab a few friends and play anytime you want all of October. If you're reading this, then you already know details for those events can be found in the Mare Nostrum community annoucements.

- Kenneth 'UncleDrax' Reising
Mare Nostrum development team

Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
5th of October 2018

We play Mare Nostrum WHOLE October

- click the image for YouTube video -

Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]

As UncleDrax has proposed we are celebrating 10th Anniversary of putting the Mod on Steam by PLAYING Mare Nostrum whole October.
RedOrchestraPoland provides the 24/7 server AND all October's Friday FightNight Events (starting 20:00CET) - so some crowd then.
You are welcome to make your own play-parties meanwhile as the server has 64 slots I think everyone will have a slot ;)

Mare Nostrum - DunkleUrax
So in October it'll be 10 years since we release Mare Nostrum on Steam. It was a very proud moment for us, and anyone that has release a mod or game of this (or bigger!) scale knows the amount of work and time it can be.

That said, I'm gonna see if we can wrangle up some old friends for October and play some Mare Nostrum, reminisce, tell some stories, and have a good olde time. Maybe even see if we can find our compatriots from the other mods of the day.

How about it?


P.S.: Some of you are crazy to keep playing this mod, and we love you for it.

Aug 11, 2018
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Click the image for YouTube video:

Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Click the image for YouTube video:


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